xt79s46h4317 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h4317/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1950 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1950 Vol.21 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, October 1950 Vol.21 No.12 1950 1950 2019 true xt79s46h4317 section xt79s46h4317 3: 5. ., .5 . ; __ . 4 , . 5 . 5 . ' ‘5 .. 5 .
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II I r e ’ these were the hrts of the show! :09...
I :.I 9 IIIIIII : _ ” 1. New Blue Streak Comet—fast. dual-purpose Linotype than we
99 . 9 .99 9 99 99 999 _ 9 9 9 99999 9
I I III I‘ III I g“ V The fastest Linotype ever built, the new Comet thrives on . I‘I‘Ia“ “
I IIII‘I’» I III I ' If last-minute rush jobs or steady hour-after-hour straight- flnmlill
II I III III III: T we“ ' matter production. Operated manually or by Teletypesetter, State U1
:9 III ]I ‘99:: e“ 19 ,w it can race through as much as 12 lines of single-column text 99919)” S(
II I. I II IIII'IIII‘ S} w’ per minute! With Teletypesetter and a speCIal L1notype The st
9 99 9 999 99 I9 2999:9199, .9 9%.st self-quadder, it quads right, left and centers in response . 990,, .999 999
‘ 9II IIIIII: III‘I‘: “fifet to tape perforations! Whether you need a manually 01' h "
I» 1 I II I. : 9:*§*9“w Teletypesetter-operated machine, you will want to check 9 We 56
9I I I If: I 9II»‘9I fi‘s; \H;~mj:"“” the many exclusive features of the Blue Streak Comet. 1n the st
9, 9 .9: 999 9‘9: " “:9. e‘ :lete the
III .It‘s‘I II III » 3;“ “w 2. New MLCo. (luadder—for your present machine and pmfi
II II‘II‘II I IIIIII‘I‘ I gait} Adaptable to most line-composing machines, the ML -' ”IIIIIIIC I
I: . III IIIII‘III I 2M Quadder enables you to gain new savings, new profits ’ “59‘ I“ 7
III 1‘ II :III I " from your composing-room equipment. Simple, sturdy, we re(
II ”I 13 II 93.:1I1 1!: o . reasonabl riced the new ML uadder quads right, inmm )le
9I9. : ‘ . yp , 9 _ 9
I 99: IEI'j f‘ 9'I‘9‘I9I : b . ’ left and centerS—but does not interfere w1th regular 999 Table:
I I99I1 : I: '5 9 » . o N, 9,, '~.'. Linotype operation. It is installed outside the casting The re
III: I I 1 ‘I I . -. a XIV area. Designed and built for easy operation, easy main- 9 _
I III I995: ? I .9999: II I . I if tenance and extra safety. P0P9u ”9““
‘ II; II .1 I w . 2 . '
I II: 1:» ;; I I : 3. The LINDFILM—a Linotype photo-composer 90%;”“1’
F: 1.1x e .. . , 9 f. nor
III I9:I9‘9 I99 9.:99I 9 V? ~99 * 9 ’ Operating on a modified Linotype pr1nc1ple, the
II: II ‘IhI: I 9:I f” 23:11 i»: LINOFILM can produce 8 lines of filmed copy per
9:: :I l I I :‘I v5” 9.2.225; gnu .»
III III I I 3939‘II {3:393:39 minute. It accommodates two 90-channe1 magazines;
I III. I .I I9I9-II {‘3 uses special 2-1etter matrices. Type sizes from 6 to Average 91
II IIIIIII II II:‘ » . ":9 36 points are obtained photographically from one groups: to
II III 9 I III ‘3 ' font of matrices. Shown only as an example of Lino-
‘9I I96 :3 ‘» 9I'1'I » type research in photo-composition, the LINO-
1999I 99999 9 999I =1» FILMis not oifered for sale. Average I9
If III" I. : I I I" Avera
:I.’ . 1":I »: 9 ' ge E
II II: 3: Whether or not you have seen these new :9 or In:
I9I999 9‘ I9 ‘99 9 9 Linotype developments, you will certainly Avgrifiehfi
I‘ III." III III" ' " v ‘ want to go over their many exclusive time-
I 9 III 9I 9999-9491 99 99.99, sav1ng and profit-building features w1th
:1‘9‘9 : I991 II III 9 ' your Linotype representative. Write or Average ci:
Isl 3 :I'MII 9: - s 5" " ' ' ' 40paperSi:
I II I 999999. , '99 . . . phone him today. Mergenthaler L1notype Population
II II1 ; 93:;9II9 IL 0 Company,Brooklyn 59New York. W game
I999 IIIII :29 II9 II I O . O . “95% Linotype Corona, Gothics No. 18 and 20 30%?) $2211
-‘I III» 1' v I I: 1' . . .a’yvemfit’m” Weemles f1
I": III I :1: 9 3'°°° I"
I9: 9999 99 9 999 99%;:fit ,ffi’IZ/Jéji‘: $0,000 pop.
”I II ' II. 9:3"; ' .~ “‘7', Ff] from 3000
I I9 II I 1 II ‘ “(€19 wig I I ‘— Dailies 10,0:
3‘1: , 9 MCI ’W I ‘w”” DOD. and o‘
: II I I: I 9 i . M‘s: \ r— 1 nqqfie‘rfiicefi
I II III II 79' - 9 \c I. ' ‘ fl ' / 3:000 populz
: ' 2. 9I9 s '3‘ 99 T. 7’ . 9 I -¢ .0. reporting p:
9 : 9 . .9999,“ .. . ,9] ,,.._.:...~,/_/ 49.92;: ‘ . i 0) ,
:99! s ' ‘ 9 ' ’2 ‘94 ~ Local Dlspl
II II I: 9 :I ‘9 : (9 - :9 j e a National
:I :9 II :II _ ( r is »' . *fléa . r I \ Classified
I. III I II Legal
‘9'9191I‘9I II. II Total Ads
II: 'fI I 1 i Circulation
I. .II I I .1 Job Printinr
I ‘191II9.I 9 ‘12 9 Miscellaneor
I 9 ”III. 1:
:9IIIII91.” I99
9 9‘9 9: 99 9

 ~ October, 1950 The Kentucky Press Page One
. g .
l ':
' ' ' averare ex )ense alid averare net irofit for l
‘ W S P t I F t l’ ‘ i ‘ ‘
ma ee [65 OW r0 1 n our papers iii Groups I, II and III. '
3 Table No. 2 shows the average circulation .
1 II II . _
1‘ Annua Iowa ncome’ utgo urvey alid pier subscriber income, expense alid .
profit for weeklies in Group I, weeklies, semi-
, Iowa slnall town weeklies showed a greater Group III — two dailies from cities of weeklies and dailies in Group II, and dailies
.1 percentage 01‘ profit on the average last year 10.000 population and over. iii Group 111.
‘ than weeklies. selni weeklies alid dailies in For the 25 papers in Group I. the smallest Dailies in Group 111 cities (10,000 popula- '-
1‘ larger communities, according to the fourth lion, [ion and over) reported the highest per sub- -
annual income and expense survey of the Group 11—13 weeklies, semi-weeklies and scriber profit, $7.08. Their per subscriber
State University of Iowa's Bureau of News- dailies from cities of 3,000 to 10,000 popula- income was $36,711 and per subscriber ex-
paper Service. population group, profits represented an pense was $29.71.
‘ The study, made on 194-9 “income alid out— average of 24.4 percent of the average in» The lowest per subscriber profit was re-
} go” as reported by Iowa newspapers, says come. This compared with 14.7 percent for ported by weeklies iii Group 11 cities (3.000
\Ve sent questionnaires to all newspapers Group 11 papers and 19.1 percent for Group to 10,000 population). Their average per
‘ in the state and received ‘10 replies so com- 111 papers. subscriber profit was $2.62 with a $17.69 per
l ilete that we could total income, ex )ense Ex )enses of the 40 )a mm as a k'rou ) aver- subscriber income and $15.07 )er subscriber '
l l I I l I 8 I 1
I and profit and could calculate per subscriber aged 81.5 percent of average income in 1949. expense.
income, expense and profit, These 40 were A survey of 51 Iowa weeklies. senii-weeklies Semi-weeklies in Group 11 cities were
' , used iii Tables 1 and 2. and dailies taken by the Bureau last year second highest iii per subscriber profit, $5.38. ‘
We received an additional 25 replies with showed 1948 expenses averaged 81.9 percent They reported an average per subscriber iii-
? incomplete data. All 65 returns were used of income. A previous study Of 41 papers come of $2500 and expense of $19.62,
ill Tables 3 through 8. showed 1947 expenses averaged 82.5 percent The per subscriber profit of dailies in
The returns were broken down into three of income. Group 11 cities was $4.71, with income of
population groups. The returns [or which The three studies did not cover the same $34.70 and expense of $29.99.
we had totals are: panel of newspapers, however, so no scientific \Veeklics in Group 1 towns (under 3,000
‘ Group 1—25 weeklies from towns under comparisons may be made. population) reported $3.94 as average per
3.000 population. Table No. 1 shows the average income. subscriber profit, with income of $16.15 and
Table One Table Four 1
, , _ _ INCOME
Average income, expense and profit for 40 papers 111 three population Sources of income as reported by weeklies, semi-Weeklies and dailies .
groups: towns under 3.000 from 3.000 to 10.000. and 10.000 and oven in Group 11 cities, 3,000 to 10,000 population; average income and per-
Gmul" I Gmup.“ Group In cent of total income for the reporting papers. ‘
25 papers 13 papers 2 papers S
' under 3000 3000 to 10,000 and Qurce Of No- Of Average 7”.“ 10ml
1 ‘ 10,0‘00 pop. over pop. income papers income income '
Average Income $26,364.27 $129,127.96 $647,704.50 L00?“ Display 2 $28,402-54 54~9
Average Expense $19,931.80 $110,188.84 $523,775.00 Name?” 2 31691-38 7.1
% of Income 75.6 85.3 80.9 Classmed 2 4,042.06 18 ;
Average Profit $ 6,432.47 $ 18,939.12 $123,929.50 Legal 2 ‘ 2,965-10 5-7 r1
% of Income 244 14.7 19.1 Total Ads 6 32,533.46 69.1 ;
' , Circulation 6 5,614.75 11.9
Ta le Two Job Printing 6 6,732.84 14.3
b Miscellaneous 5 2,376.92 4.4 .
‘ ‘ "be '11 e, e nse and rofit for Semi—weeklies 1
Average circulation and per subscrl r 1 com xpe p Local Display 3 $48,537.10 48.2 .
40 papers in three population groups. . ,
Population Average Income per Expense per Profit per Natlonal 3 8,752.11 8.7 ‘
group circulation subscriber subscriber subscriber Classified 3 6,612.60 6.6 l
Weeklies under Legal 1 3,258.82 3.4
3,000 pop. 1632 $16.15 012.21 $3.94 Total Ads 3 65,666.63 64.3
Weeklies from Circulation 3 14,531.68 14.4 '
3,000 to Job Printing 3 16,602.64 16.5
10,000 pop. 3170 $17.69 $15.07 $2.62 Miscellaneous 3 10,392.50 10.3 ,
Semi—weeklies Dailies
from 3,000 to Local Display 8 $75,179.47 46.1 i
10.990 pep. 4127 $25.00 $19.62 $5.38 National 8 13,777.14 8.5
Dailies from Classified 8 16,259.43 10.0 i
3.000 to Legal 7 3,439.99 2.1 1
10,000 pop. 4698 $34.70 $29.99 $4.71 Total Ads 8 108,295.87 66.4 '
Dailies 10,000 Circulation 8 38,213.77 23.4
DOD. and over 17,629 $36.74 $29.71 $7.03 Job Printing 5 20,980.46 125
Miscellaneous 7 3,864.69 2.4
Table Three
Table Five
Sources of income as reported by weeklies in Group I towns, under Sources of income as reported by dailies in Group III cities, 10,000 ‘
3.000 population; average income and percent of total income for the population and over; average income and percent of total income for ‘
reporting papers. the papers reporting. !
Source of No. of A'verage '78 of total Source of No. of Average % of total
income papers income income - income papers income income
Local Display 6 $14,367.07 47.4 Local Display 2 $317,330.00 49.0
National 7 2,195.47 7.6 National 2 69,197.50 10.7
Classified 9 1,603.72 5.0 Classified 2 83,346.00 12.9
Legal 15 1,489.08 5.2 Legal 2 4,896.00 .7 7
Total Ads 39 15,062.79 60.4 Total Ads 2 474,759.50 73.3
Circulation ‘ 38 3,359.80 13.3 Circulation 2 168,816.50 26.1
Job Printing 38 5,997.63 23.6 Job Printing —— — _ ‘
’ Miscellaneous 27 1,155.41 4.3 Miscellaneous 2 5,129.00 .6 z

 I 1 1 11 1
1 .1 1 11 1 11 ,
1 1 5 1 ‘11 1
1. {1 111 ; 1' Page Two The Kentucky Press October, 1950
1 i1 , 1
1 ‘ 1 1 11 :1 1
1111 11111 11111111111 ,1 expense of $12.21. eacll item varied gremly, average Income from each source and per- '
1 111111 1 1 Tables N0, 3 through 8 show the sources By checking the various tables, you can centage of total income for dailies in Group 1
1111 111 1101 income and expense for all papers report- compare your paper's financial operation 111 cities (10,000 population and over), .1
1 111 11 . ing, broken down into the three population with the average paper in your population Table No. 6 shows the sources of expense,
1 11 11; 1 groups. group. average expense from each source and the
1 1 11 ‘ 1 , . . ‘ _
I 1' 1. 1 4 .' Tables No. 3 throu 11 8 also Show the 1able No. 3 shows the sources 01 income, )ercenta e of total ex )ense for weeklies in
1 1 1 1 1g 1 g I 01
111 1 3 11 . number of papers reporting in each category average income from each source and per- Group 1 towns (under 3,000 population), 1
111 1 1E 11 because some papers did not report on cer— centage of total income for weeklies in Table No. 7 shows the sources of expense, 1
1 111 1 1. min items listed in the uestionnaire. Other Grou) I towns under 3,000 ioiulation . avera 'c ex )ense from each source and er v“
, 111 .1 1: q 1 I l 8 l P 1
1 '1 1 1 11 )a rers lum )ed several items to ether and it Table No. 4 shows the sources of income, centa e of total ex )ense for weeklies, semi-
‘1 i was im )ossible to include their answers in avera e income from each source and )er- weeklies and dailies in Grou) 11 Cities 3,000
1 11 1 , 1 g l _ l
1 1 1;} 1 1 | the sub-totals. centage of total income for weeklies. semi< to 10,000 population).
11 11 1 The “ )ercenta e of total income and ex- weeklies and dailies in Grou ) 11 cities from Table No. 8 shows the sources of ex )ense,
, 1 1 1 1 . l g 1 l
11 1 1 1 1 1 pense" columns do not add up to 100 percent 3,000 to 10,000 population). average expense from each source and per- '
11 1 11 11 111 because the number of papers reporting for Table No. 5 shows the sources of income, (Please Tum To Page Six) ’—
1 1 11' 1 ‘ 3 1
1 1 l1 1 1111 Table Six News Feature, Wire Service Ice La
1 1 111 1111 and Supplements 1 443.00 1.0 D011 11
i 1 11 1 ;;1 EXPENSE Bad Accounts 1 735.00 1.8 g ‘
1‘ 1 1 11 ‘1' 11‘“ Sources of expense as reported by weeklies in Group I towns, under Interest and Insurance 5 1,079.86 2.3
1 1 i {1 1 1 111 3,000 population; average expense and percent of total expense for the Contributions, Miscellaneous Victor
| 11 .11 1111 reporting papers. A f t 1 1 Expense 5 1,353.93 2.8 1
1 1 , 1 11 111 Source of No. of verage '; o o a Semi-weeklies
11 111 11 VVex‘EenseS 1 rie papers expense expense Wages, Salaries, 1 .
1 11 1111 11 002112135133) :5 1:0 nuses Commissions and Bonuses Chflffm
1 3 13“ 11 Administrative, Executive 22 8 3,266.54 13.6 AdmmFStratlvev E’Fecutlve 3 3 9555-00 122 bYV‘He
11 1 1111 1 ‘t . 1 Ad 't' , Editorial, Advertising, sen er,
11 1 11'? 1' 1 1 Edl “.18" vel 1s1ng, Business and Clerical 3 14,962.49 18.9 Peri C
11 1 1' , 131 Business and Clerical 30 3,473.79 16.5 Mechanical Departments 3 2601388 329
- 1 ‘1 '1 111.; Mechanical Departments 28 6,699.90 32.1 TOTAL WAGES 3 50’909'71 64-5 Dalton,
,1, 3 1 :111 TOTAL WAGES 34 12,046.90 56.7 ’ ~ ' Fourth,
1 1 1 11111 Payroll Taxes 3 890.38 1.1 1
1 '11 1 , 1| 1] Payroll Taxes 22 118.16 .6 B . T 3 84211 1 1 town; 1
1 11 1 11 111 Business Taxes 29 366.40 1.7 usmess . axes ‘ ' News
; ‘ 1. 1 « 111 i N 'nt 23 1 403 69 6 0 Newsprint 3 4,753.33 6.0 ,
1 1 1 1 ‘1 ' I1 Ifgs’figvertismg ’ ' ' Inks, Advertising Meslser;1
. 1 11 11 M211 Services 22 423.22 18 Mat services 2 870.00 1.1 Dai y
1 1 1 1'1 '1 5 Engraving, Photos, etc. 23 388.47 1.7 gyfggénggapgmglgg 3 1549-26 2‘0 Adm“?
~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Job Shop Paper, Rollers and ' p . p ’ . DYChe>
1 11 ,1 E 1 . . and Office Supplies 2 6,825.00 8.4 W'll'
1 1 1 1 1 1 Office Supplies 18 3,279.44 13.3 Power Light Heat 1 13m
1 1 1 1.1 1 1 Power'nght’Heat' Gas and Water 3 1,644.52 2.1 Pa“ P’
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gas, and Water 30 529.02 2.5 Freight Postage Brandei
I 1, 111 i 1 Freight, Postage, ..’ . 1 1 1
1 1 1 11 11 2:11 Mailing Delivery 30 531,02 2.6 Malllng, Delivery 3 1,504.34 1.9
I 7 11.1 J ,
1 1, {1 11 Telephone’ Telegraph Telephone Telegraph
‘ 11 1 11 E 1 1! 1 nd 11131161 29 476 20 2 2 Travel 3 609.99 .8 .
1 11 . 1 11 1 1 Rgnt and Repairs 30 572.95 27 Rent at,“ Repairs 3 1343-33 2-3 E
1 1 1 : 1 Depreciation 31 892.60 4.1 Deprematlon . , 3 31101-00 3-9 j
1 j ; 1 ~. . - News Feature, Wire Serv1ces
11 1 , 1 , News Feature, Wile SeiVices d S l t 2 46000 6 _ u
1 1 1 z '1 and Supplements 12 410.28 1.5 an 11139 men 5 1 - 1
1. 1 1 :1 1 1 Bad Accounts 7 126.68 .5 Bad Accounts 2 175.00 .2 .,_-.-
I1 1 i 11 1 1 Interest and Insurance 3 1,139.49 1.4
1 - 1 11 Interest and Insurance 30 732.76 3.3 _ . . —
: 1 - . - Contributions, Miscellaneous
1 ; 11 Contributions, Miscellaneous E 3 1 559 61 2 0
1 1 1 1 111 Expense 28 621.95 2.8 xpense Dailies ’ ' ' Inch
1 1 1‘1 1 1 11 1 Table Seven Wages, Salaries,d B into IN
1 ‘ 1 :1 1 Commissions an onuses make it
‘ 3 1 1 EXPENSE. . . . . Administrative, Executive 8 $23,585.63 16.7 . . .
1 1 1 1 1 Sources of expense as reported by weeklies, semi-weeklies and dailies Editorial Advertising (11t1()ndl
1 1 1 , 1 1 ‘ in Group II cities, 3,000fto t110,000 population;raverage expense and Business, and Clerical 8 25,479.88 18.1 are abS(
1 11’ 1 percent of total expense or e repor mg pape 5‘ ,, Mechanical Departments 8 35,886.99 25.5
1 1 ‘1 1 Source of No. of Average ,5 of total it (101
. 1 1 111 1 expense papers expense expense TOTAL WAGES 8 84,952.50 60.3 1
1 1 '1 E 1 1 Wages, Salaries, Payroll Taxes 7 2,029.81 1.4 you thd
11 ;1 1| Commissions and Bonuses Business Taxes 7 1,140.67 .8 that bu
1. 1 11 111 1 Administrative, Executive 4 9 5,686.00 11.9 Newsprint, 7 10,906.34 8.5 51 1 1 (
1 1 1 1 1 Editorial, Advertising, Inks. Advertising jg ‘ '
1 1 ‘ 1 1 ,1 1 Business and Clerical 3 4,836.50 11.1 Mat Services 7 724.29 .5 line so 1
1 “ 1, 11 1 Mechanical Departments 3 13,340.50 30.5 Engravings, P1101305, etc. 7 11783-41 1'3 some a(
1 1 1! 11 1 TOTAL WAGES 5 26,326.13 55.1 Engravings, Photos, etc. 7 1,783.41 1.3
1 ‘1 1 1 Payroll Taxes 6 432.90 .9 Job Shop Paper, Rollers 1 down V
1 I1 111‘ 1 ‘1 Business Taxes 6 536.63 1.1 and Office Supplies 7 6,998.91 5.4 quantity
/ 1 1 1 11 1 1111 Newsprint 5 2,936.42 5.9 Ptgzer, Lighgklieat, 7 2 109 70 1 5 munitv
‘ 11 ! 7 11 Inks, Advertising as an a er , . . 1 ~ .
11 1 1'1 1, Mat Services 4 408.41 .8 Freight, Postage, 1 higher 1
11; 111 1 1 1 Engravings, Photos, etc. 4 971.32 2-0 Mailing, Delivery _ 8 41007-19 2'8 psvcholo
111 11 1 11 11‘ 1 Job Shop Paper, Rollers Telephone, Telegraph , '
11 11"11 ‘1 1 and Office Supplies 2 5,102.43 7.9 and Travel 7 1,717.08 1.2 Later
1' 1 ‘ 11" =1 1 Power, Light, Heat, Rent and Repairs 8 2,690.75 1.9 along w
:1 g 1 1i 1 Gas and Water 5 805.72 1.7 Depreciation 8 3,476.37 2.5 ‘ 1 . 1 l .
1 1 1 1 ' Freight, Postage, News Feature, Wire Services )0 d ) e t
11 11 1f 1‘ Mailing, Delivery 4 566.50 1.2 and Supplements 8 5,070.60 3.6 price C01
11 1? 1.1: 1 Telephone, Telegraph Bad Accounts 5 755.51 .6 look at
l 11 E 1.1 ,1 1 and Travel 4 813.89 1.7 Interest and Insurance 8 1,449.24 1.0
1 1 1 1 .
11 1 1 i 1 1 Rent and Repairs 4 1,378.69 2.9 Contributions, Miscellaneous (ause 11‘
11‘ 1,1 111 11 Depreciation 4 2,459.61 5.2 Expense 8 9,129.56 6.5 Prices 1,,
“ 11"! I
‘ 5‘ 1'1111'1
1.1 111‘ 11
‘1 11 11111
. '1‘ *1 11,1111 T. T , 7 ...,.

50 The Kentucky Press October, l950 If
and per- ' ‘ '3
in Group THE Kentucky Press Association recognizes the fundamental importance it.
rvcr). - of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public
l expellsc, information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the pre- 1
3 and the sentation of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. It advocates 1‘
'Iceklles 1n Official nggggtgoggagfi): Kentucky strict ethical standards in its advertising column. It opposes the publica-
E1332“: K fi tion of propaganda under the guise of news. It affirms the obligation of a If
and PCP Victor 1:. Portmann, Editor-Publisher newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expressions. It respects ; ‘
lies, semi- ‘ -————- equality of opinion and the right of every individual to participation in '
ties (3,000 Printed On The Kemd Press, Lexington the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes in the
_*_. newspaper as a vital medium for civic, economic, social, and cultural com- ,"
[ expense, Volume 2] I Number 12 munity development and progress. l
and per- ‘ I,
gage Six) RR 1
Kentucky Press Association Now this all calls for some common sense a fair profit, and still not price yourself out “ .
Joe LaCore, President, Sun-Democrat, Paducah and not just an indiscriminate wave of price of the market. A recent Editor and l’ub- “" ’
3 Douglas Cornette, Vice-President . . increases on advertising. Figure out what lisher survey shows that many daily papers it
1.3 Courier-Journal, Louisvrlle you need to keep making a fair and legiti- have raised their rates from 3']; to 100’, 1‘
. Victor R' Portmlann,’Secretary—Manager . L mate profit, then raise your