xt79s46h430n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h430n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1968 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1968 Vol.34 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 1968 Vol.34 No.9 1968 1968 2019 true xt79s46h430n section xt79s46h430n f . I?!” ~ . ,
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 PAGlE 2,THELKENTUCKYLPRESS,SEPTEMBERM1968 - j j V ~ ' ' _ : . . - - ‘3 y

r __, _—-—————~————.. ‘—""‘_ . My . » . , I, j ,. ., 3.3-}:1;

I, THE KENTUCKY PRESS l ‘ , -, ' . ‘ . ._ ,
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L ““3 ” 'ca '0” E v ‘ » I El -' , . . ’ J‘T?‘ 713 L
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. " t > 'L . . ° BY AJ' V'IEHMAN’ JR' leig““:jfl’,

' 2°3rwe-2nde3t- ‘ 3 -' ~ , . eat *

. : i! 5-» ,. n “shzrietg , -

Lexu_n3)tgn,;lgy~...40507 . 1 How many of you would be in- session that morning. The cost in- everything in the' L‘e?‘:5(a,:%;i:=tt .

Printed By 3 terested in attending an offset volved would cover whatever food column by three .gsfigwsgsf ‘ .

l Vg'?:fl°fit'MaEhevzgvzg‘7c- . workshop? 1 have checked with a would be necessary and whatever times being ati£qfifii§é€ ;

A Jiflliaghnigh J2“ Editor 1 : couple of the companies selling you had to spend in transportation pecting a publisher ‘nsfiiigé‘ ‘

FlorLidaLG a rriso r; ALsst Editor : offset equipment in this state and costs. If you’re interested, drop man to sit down ands wggfi’hjfit; ~
‘ Mamba, ' _ ; they seem very willing to help the the Central Office a line and let an hour for a little a-fgfjglisg‘ 1

Kentucky crumbs-o; commerce : Press Association sponsoraweek- us know. take five minutes to dl" 'cs‘i' Worf-“f 'LL_,L‘§Li5f ,

~ l Newspaper Association Managers : end workshop in one or more cen- : inarily. T0 the agencies, it was”. , L
.Inter-7°‘wréigfgzggrf:SP3?!“ Assn- ’ tral locations. Some of the other While we’re on the subject of :,pointed that newspapers couldfur— 1.4 "
Kemucky PM, Associaziogl hm ' states have done this with a great new ideas, how about an ad work- nish the vehicle for artistic ex—- v. .
Howard Ogles President . deal of success. The foremat us- shop. This certainly isn’t a new pression in advertising, that every. ,
I GeorgeM WiIson’Vice President ;; ually follows a pattern which en- idea, but the need for this type publisher wasn’t a“Joe Rube”w.ho
A.J. Viehrgan Jr 'Sec _ Mgr _Trs ._ ables you to arrive and begin work— of activity became apparent during hadn’t changed his method of doing’. _
ExecutiveLCLIOmr'nitteeL ' 1 ing on Saturday afternoon, into the our discussions with Carolyn business for the last fifty years. . y.
l James tNorris Jn Chairmanmimh Dist), early evening, and finish Sunday Beauchamp at the Western Ken— and that newspapers could right—' ' ‘
) WilliamLNelLson(First Dist.) L afternoon after Starting the second RICKY Press Association meeting- fully eXPeCt more than a handful ‘ua
i E.C.Ca|man (Second Dist.) L: . LThere seems to be a great deal Of PR releases if,the agenCyWant-L ‘L
i AlSchansbergnhird Dist.) ~ I . of misunderstanding on the parts ed to get a client s message over.
‘ Ben E. Boone,||l(Fourth Dist.) of agency and newspaper people 11 the th'n co 1 h i _
Clayton Rolandleifth Dist.) : ' alike. The best workshop that I’ve I???“ ’here italnlzeenttlciy ifl Souaaiaitt L. I -,
Thomas M. Buckner (Sixth Dist.) ' Wh [‘0'I had the good fortune to attend has - - - L ,
_ _ , it to. If it sounds l1ke a good
Warren R. Fisher (Seventh Dist.) . been the one that the Ohio News- idea holler _ guy: 3 v
- James Law/ford (Eighth Dist.) ) . paper Association sponsors each ’ ' fig .
R. Springer Hoskins (Tenth Dist.) L d year in Columbus. At this work- L +‘
Tommy Preston (At Large) j a vertlse shop, ad pros from the best ag- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' L a” :'
‘ Donald B.Towles.(At Large) ' L encies newspaper publishers and , - 1L '3
L ""“—’“‘"—‘——“J The People who 59” your retail ,advertisers get together to We re sure hearing a lot about :35; ' :
_ . . politics and politic1anslate1y. P“? ~ 3
GUEST EDITORIAL eqUIpment and supplles to you knock heads for two days. Boy, That’s just it. ' _ .we’re hearing j _
m should be advertising in the when I say khOCk heads, 1m hOt it. we are hecauge newspapers’fiL 1.
Kentucky Press. The next time gggdls‘fi’mfigt figgtlsni “15’ £0 gfii‘r‘: 'are about number three on the W) 1:
I . :6; her
A denlfll a vendor calls on you, why afraid to telgl someone his breath agency lists. _B111boards and T'V‘ tfi“ '
a - semns :35: t .
of free Speed‘ assocuatlon publicatlon. belong there. , are there “if we have any monéylggggx
- left over or some more comes ‘- 5N.» "
_ _ ' The thing that I remember as in ” Well we’ve said itb fore nd’ CALI .‘
Reprint from Ashland Dailylndependent being the most constructive part we’re sa: in it _ ai ea 1:11 3 735%.) .
a n, , ', s -. 3,9; .3
One of the most depressing things 0f the program was the manner in as you giSve git awgy, you’ll neveg ‘L £5 i ,
about this presidential election WhiCh : through various slide and sell it. It looks like, on the state . e3) .L~L~L
campaign is the subjecting of Vice W other presentations, you were scene, that Cook is going to runfi) :.
President Humphrey to systematic - l made to see why a certain ad at least one state wide ad andi‘g
heckling as he moves about the . was effeCtiVe and pulled, and why thank goodness the Republicansare “if “
country. This is a conclusion that Friends We knO~W another ad was a bomb. Retail at least WOrking on a budget-whichN’:§?$i27:L:LL L L_-L~LL
, surely must be shared by all, re- merchants explained why they includes neWSpapers. No wordi‘eZ-‘Liiiggl.
gardless of partisan loyalties, Who Reprint from The Casey Co. News Chose certain markets! the types from the Demo'crats since they; -L
cherish America’s honored tra- 0f people theywere trying to reach, called and said that they, were:o
dition of open political debate. We have a friend in another and how they justified the1r ad- “considering” using new‘Spapers.{’r-‘“ ,;
b state whose son, an observant vei‘tising1 expehses in terms of 1 ,_ _: Li
Those who have een attempting - - . ’ sa es an circu ation. . On the nationa scene Nixon-2. {
. . , and br1111ant one, found some - ’ v .. Jean .
~ , hgpghi'lathges tggek‘ihéetgrselifigfhlr: amusement in the fa“ that a car All was not lost for Mr. Pub- L thishzbgslrl'gigffissgl’?‘tgllaemvrigt:11::”'L t.
7 '1 down and distract hisaudiences, 3:153: Ewe aTgreef, iiuttha twill— lisher, either. Some good licks use many in his ; campaign»;:_;Wé§tségn:v 3i“ '
spit on that tradition Though some e ' e ac a e were gotten in to the retail boys haven’t heard about Humphryir. x
of them ma be actin out of species of tree was identified fur— about crowding ads tryingtocram C ,» d ,P 7 ’ Lr‘ _’ ;,::;:’-
what they rengd as highafild ideal niShed the amusement. ' ' ontmue to 39? , '» L '_ *‘
istic motives, this does not ex— It so happens that We were aware . ’ ' L _L L » L
3353:2631: ”Eggs; {22y fir 6131:1382; of this particular tree at the Walls V i . - -. T; “
free sgeegh and that is ngt de— Oemetery having observed it many ‘ ' ' " >
fen ible o matter wh t th 'r m " times. It would be our guess that GUEST EDITORIAL -: _ . ,3 .'?Z~":’:-;.)t j
. S nb a e1 0' in the neighborhood of 5,000 peo- ‘ ' j v 1, ,1" j '
tives may e. ple were aware of this particu- . ~ . ’ " ' .’ -

_ , , lar tree andaleast 3,000 of these L O h H j , F ' ’ ‘ , , , é -
p352;di2titzunhzzrsnozfi; that mm : , , U r C 0 e nge : * z n -
has been manifested before. Sec- . . . ' ~ 3 ‘L ,L * " L rfegs ‘ L
retary of State Rusk, former Sec— “'22: igatiigeggjgtsy 31:; a; 3222 L Reprint from The Maysville Public Ledger :84 Daily Independentr} - N?) fL _
retary of Defense McNamara , . ~ ‘ ‘ 3 -’ L ~. ‘ v
Draft Director Hershey and other aware 0f by species, shape, and One Of the most rewarding ex- v bacco—grOWing’ areasof 'thLeLLlentir‘eL—iLQE‘Léés3.
prominent government , figures location. This does not include ap- periences in moving from one state world. There aremany, many more’) ‘

n have from time to time been L Pf‘ltfefgdagzafig 339:6“)? playnwtlhtiL'L to another, from one city to an- - advantagesfiétonumeroustomeneL-Li‘Lf-LL-rffégL3; ,- .
heckled and interfered with. Os— , a y rs 1 S Other, is making new friends and L tion, in this'short. Space, includihgifiié-‘LI:sl‘ » ‘
. tensibly this has been done as EfiintK/IatfiifaScalgtoioLgiitggcgifig becoming part of a new commun- L Lthe-new power plantf ,i - ,
a form of protest against admin—p ' . ' .. - ity. ' » L _ - : ,As. for ourselves ,- The.,LedLgeLfoig}.-,g§§%3;:L_, '
istration policies with regard to probaby 5“ down any evening and N This we hope to do, realizing ' and The‘lndependenLt are N'planningliéifiiii}
Vietnam and the military draft wr1te down 500 individual trees. ' full well the challenge that pre-‘ , modern-izations and expansionsi‘ns‘L'i‘ILLiL‘i-W'Lii”- -
L L . Trees are only'a small part Of sents itself because of the in- volving‘ expenditures in exCessLofLiL§3L5§§"L ' -
Protest a ainst the admin' Us the plants we know as ind1v1duals. tegrity of the founders of your $150 OOO‘LL One of these imL rove-LL j
.' g. 15 " There are a dozen mayapple beds V ’ " ' a . P '- i .
tion and against Humphrey as its . neWSpapers and those who have ments will be offset printing. " .» l
a 010 ist also seems to underlie we can remember since childhood, been at their helm down through The political leanings of the Led"- : - '
‘1 p hg f th h kl' d . there is a cucumber tree we have the years We know the task will ' ' . . ' s9 L} .
1m uc L0 eh' hch 12g at? 1nteg- been shooting squirrels out Of not be an. easy one yet this fam- ger and The Independent vhavebeen, ‘ » L
1-3:??? Th: €§rmeofa§r£§§t 53a; m at least 48 years, and ““66 11y of Alabamians your pub— hip‘t'iléiai‘sa‘rfogtemé’é’fiifiiafirriS“*3?77*- ~
deplorable enough when directed patches Of mountain tea we have 11511913 his wife and children " member Party affIiLIiaItion will no
against men in high office ad- pulled sprigs from for 50 years. hope to find new friends here "' lon er be considered when can "5L7?”
dressi n ublic rou s in the Under a waterfall there is apatch just lots of them) d'dgt f bli ' ff' '1 If?) '
course gof their (mugs. I}: is in- of talking fern and the only one And, in the same way, The Daily (lags: bgr tggse cngw s1;:p:::.en: _,L LfL
' tolerable in a presidential camp— we now of_1n the county. We Independent and The Public Ledger each man will be considered on - L
aign, when the electorate has a regularly V18“ three patches .Of hope to make new friends '"' keep— his own merits . l K
L solemn Obligation to listen to the ginseng that nobody seems to find ing the old. We will continue to publish morn— 537*)". L ‘“ L
candidates and make judgments on year after year. We ‘T‘akea special The 130110195 Of these newspapers ing and evening editions Monday-L.LL;LL-L“’LL! ‘ LL
the basis of what they say. If a trip or two each spring-to a Pet“ Will be continued as in the past, thru Friday with only one editiLon:-afL§-TE L L
candidate is constantly inter— of ladyslipperf. Therehts anl 1nch projects that are deemed best for on Saturday. The morning edition»)
rupted the democratic process is 0 exposure 0 pure, w rte C 33(1)“ the welfare of the community and on Saturday will combine all of..-3§;;».u
frustrated three creek beds that is as fine area W111 be sponsored and pushed the features of both a er and L5“ )L
:_ ' as the finest talcum. There is a and it shall be the aim of these w'll be c iv d b hp p.bs f” ‘
~ Those thus engaged may smugly chestnut snag we can pound on With newspapers to keep progress and thle evehfnge Lidggrsals 35:11 :Lsfsttfe L
feel that they are accom lishin an axe or rock, that nearly always Prosperity always in the fore- mornir‘ subscribers L L -
their purpose —— the purrpose ogf brings om fourorflveflymg Sqmr— front For Ltghe first time since 1907 Li?“ Lv
publicizing dissent against admin— rels. The potential for 311 this is here Maysville does not have competing -‘ ;‘
istration policies and the man who ahTef=1d}’-_ _ . _ _ newspapers. We at the combined %
must in large measure defend the For those with eyes and ears There 15 divergification 0f_ 1n— Public Ledger and the Daily In- ~
administration record. Were they there are ' friends everywhere. dustries, there are water, railand dependent feel this presents us h“;
more intelligent, and more per— There are many of us, but to get highway facilit1es, there_are 31- the opportunity to give you the kind, j
ceptive about the role of free dis- ' the Clifton Lesters to talk about most unlimlted Opportunities. of newspaper that has not been ec- 3;;
cussion in this country’s develop— them is something else again. Per- ' _ onomically possible before. :43
ment, they would not feel triump— haps it takes a blabberemouthed We new the banks of the ever— We at The Independent and Thegisg.) .
hant but thoroughly ashamed of newspaperman to bring upthe sub— flowing Ohio River; We are in the Ledger intend to do the most to: -'
themselves. V ject. _ N midst of one of the greatest to- serve you best. , ,, , ; ;L-‘ s j ‘

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Colleen Springer, daughter of Hickey-Mitchell representative, Ed Springer, brought her 4 1 "
9’0”!) down from Ohio to entertain the crowd- :5
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W ' '
t N e WSPGPGTS’ May SVIHB . . .
- ‘5: =2;- . .. --;:.«:- ILe=é$§=255=€zéziaisieéésiaéaisiéisiziaiaésiaésizii:---'.'i-,.a?2E2:225235252:5§2§2§eieéziziiéégési zE32113:53;§5§2‘:5§iizi;.:':=is»
y I f d Id ‘ a
g ’ - a .
r A new corporation, With plans Maysville’s tWO daily news- , ' I rag '
a for two, or more central printing papers, having a combined. age - ,_ " reggae;
4-, plants turning out over a dozen of 137 years, have been sold to Winfiifi
:1 Kentucky weekly newspapers, has the Gadsden Times Publishing , ' . E5 :34; .
3 been formed with central offices at Corporation, Gadsden, Alabama. » ’ ' 31 .
h a Shelbyville. The new owners will take over _ , . - ' :.;__ 4,f;=.'_3§f:’}f.,_;_55;;p
:1 William E. Matthews,President of the Maysville Independent and the ' ’ ' ‘ 5 "
y . , Newspapers, Inc., said the new Maysville Public Ledger on Oct-' . . 8'” h ber of
a company was formed by the eight ober 1 and have announced plans l\:|‘rs.CCorbanJ Goble| and Clyde Harlow receive promotion awards from I C am 5
. ‘ Ii publishers included in an earlier to convert to offset reproduction t e ourIer- ourna.
‘ ' corporation, Greater Kentucky by December.
n ,i Publishers, and a ninth publisher, James M. Striplin, formerly bus-
s _ Leonard Bean, of the Elizabeth— iness manager of the Gadsden . ~ 4
of, ' ‘ .2; _ town News. Times, is president of the newly . i
e}; 4 .‘. Bean and the following were list- chartered Maysville Publishing 4 .
., 4 . - ed among directors 'of Newspapers, Corporation which will publish the . at appens i
Inc.; Lewis M. Conn, Jefferson two Mason County dailies. I
. ‘ Reporter Fairdale Citizen and Under the new ownership the .
.‘ ,
. Suburban Shopper, Louisville; Public Ledger, which had been is- W en a Store ps
James Edelen, Springfield Sun; sued twice daily, morning and o ‘ _
. Elliott Garrison, Anderson News, afternoon, will be issued as an t t P ‘
_ ‘ Lawrenceburg; James Goranflo, afternoon daily. The morning paper ra m S am S i
’ ‘ Oldham Era, LaGrange; Jack, will have the names of both the - ’
Perry, News-Democrat, Carroll- Public Ledger and the Maysville ReadYthlS news release from
ton; Frank L. Stanley, Louisville Independent on the masthead. New ork UnlverSity *
' . Defender; George Totter, Lebanon The Public Led ‘
. ger was sold by. _ lease: met
1 . Enterprise, Lebanon, and Mat— William B. Mathews who became For Immediate R8 d prices when a “mi-mien
. . _ thews, who publishers the Shelby owner . of the paper in 1958 on ‘” wn at happens toqfnges a stamp drop augu
Sentinel. the death of his father, Clarence drops trading stamps. . York _4
j Garrison will serve as vice pres- Mathews. Mathews, and his Wife, for the consumer- . fall issue or New tores
e '4; ident 0f the firm, Thomas F- Mary Mathews, Public Ledger ed- may published m twining" finds that sods
e 'Manby Sr., LaGrange, secretary, it h d h _ A s. . "Journal °f Re - ity neighb9rh°
. . or, ave announce t ey are re . 64.51“, s 4 two large c tionS
_ 4 - and Virgil Gray, Lebanon, tiring from neWSpaper activity. ‘31:: dropped stamps finally, but the reduc
g ‘* treasurer. The Independent, a daily since - o t Prices
. . n 1-65 °“ . ~ . - ‘ '5
-_ , Matthews announced the firmw1ll 1910, was acquired from eight in— :et‘e not maintained 1‘ Pennsylvania Univ“???
CI." continue use of its present print- corporators headed by publisher Pr‘bf- F. E. Brown 0 and commerce based h
g _ ing plant at Shelbyv1lle and ex- George B. Purdon, son of the co- « ton School of Financehecks of 80 items eac .
_-'- perts to have an additional plant founder, James Purdon, Whaziusions on 39 Price 6 or Brown discovered»
)f' ugggrway at Elizabethtown in early Purchase price of the papers was can I both study areas. iiifiisthe general 913:;
_ 1 . ' “ tamp 6 - _ b er” '
_ In recent weeks Newspapers, not disclosed. ‘ “the eifgCEiZEpggier within a nine “0::5 Pm
- Inc., has announced the purchase In a front page 'Memorandum To .. level a .4 tores reacted to thedcprices more
an. of five additional weekly neWS- Our Readers" the Public Ledger Competlng 550mg actuaiiy reducetamps. competitors
.. a ers- the Estill Herald Irvine' commented on the sale: ifi‘et‘en'c wayS- elimimte?1 S - ence to ’
is P P ' I ’ , d - the store that . t rice dlffer
2- the Irvine Times; the Hart County Simultaneous sale of the city s than didt allow a significan P ,
to Herald, Horse Cave; the Cave City two separately owned neWSpapers would no Brown round- d period in 1966.
l- - Progress, and the Hart Co. NeWS, not only marks an epoch in Mays- 0P9“ “p’ ’ d or the 12-month sttlshén in all the
I- '- ' Munfordville. ville journalism which dates back a, By the ?“ tw'o areas had Y1 max. price
' ' ices 1“ the as the C°nsu 'ch
, The Irvine papers havebeencom— to 1797, but may be wholly un- . food pr res about as much 'mila!‘ city for why. _
m bined into the weeklyIrvine Times- paralleled in state and nation. Not Study it: food in the most 2:0,,“ discovered.
‘ , Herald. Editing the Times-Herald infrequently in a two-neWSpaper In“: were data, Professor .1 “g situations.
1_ .. is Robert Barker who formerly Community one paper absorbs the W that luded that. in staep'dgzgg volume .
Ly published the Irvine Times. Mr. other or the two merge, but out- fiecwgy the drapper W 1:5: squeeze, restoration
in ' ' and Mrs. Al Hovermale, former right sale of both at the same time _ . “I.“ailléfiiuy will bring a Prgycle with different -
)n publishers of the Estill Herald, is a rarity. Sigmfier prices, and a new
3f ' ' will remain in the employ of the "Only about 85 cities in the of mg. 5 u for the
- promotion - . t that. data _
1d . Times-Herald. country, Maysville among them, or polnted 0“ ricmg
. . The profeSS -site shelf P bor
of Publisher Aubrey C, Wilson, in have as many as two 01 more news- ,9 obtained by _°“ b the Bureau of La} 'ts :
1e announcing the sale of the Cave ' papers with different ownerships. Study Kid by women trained“: in connection with 1 ,
' City, Horse Cave and Munfordville There are 14 states without a sin- Fatigues to do similar. w
)7 papers to Newspapers, Inc., stated gle competitive newspaper. 2225“,... Price Index. . _ 4, '5 published by
1g he would no longer be active in Eighteen states have only one city “Journal of Retail“? if Retail Management.
=d the newspaper field-Hiswife'Mrs- With two or more newspapers sep— T“: University-s mm a 2
1- Dorothy Wilson, will continue with arately owned. Consider Chicago, New Y°r 4.' J ‘*
IS the Papers under the 'new owner— second largest city in the nation. ~ 71?
id ship. . Where once there were eight or W . . 33.5%:
;_ Garrison, co-publisher of the An- ten different neWSpapers, there The Sperry £9” Hutchmson Company Smce 18% m
derson News, Lawrenceburg, an- new are only two ownerships."
1e . nounced his sister, Miss Frances Mrs. Martha Comer, editor of '
to Garrison, will continue to serve the Maysville Independent, will edit
5‘ as publisher of the Anderson News. both papers as of October 1.


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:'i‘friiiiiissiiféiis;22‘iiiééiii;%:§'éé;2f V4 ,4. 42523-52. Jim Norris of the Ashland Daily Independent participated on the program. 'TIE

Jerr Adkins turns over the avel to Bill Blackwell, new chairman. Pictured left to ri ht 344,,“
Y 9 9
are Clyde Harlow, Glasgow, Ben Tureman, Richmond, Adkins, Blackwell, and Corban gig:
Goble, Berea. fig
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an’xwfl’ - ’“ Past KPA President, S.C. Van Curon, 3,:

chats with Glasgow CM, Clyde Harlow. 2 2 _ 3:,
A little "socializing" never hurt any meeting. . '23:, 4
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