xt79s46h426m_27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011.dao.xml Freemasons. Lexington Lodge, No. 1 (Lexington, Ky.) 18.2 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, 15 items archival material 2018ms011 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington Lodge no. 1 records Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes text Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011/Box_2018ms011_11/Folder_7/Multipage8001.pdf 1999 1999 1999 section false xt79s46h426m_27 xt79s46h426m LEXINGTON LODGE NO. 1 F. & A. M., LEXINGTON, KY.
Chartered 1788

January 18, 1999

_W__¢ “Statedw-____MEETING Treasurer
Gene Young _mmuh,__ Master Manlus Burton, P.M., _____ Secretary
Tandy Haggard Warden Bill Themann Steward
Thomas Stratton 7 Warden David Bradt, Steward
Reed Harris, P.M.9 Deacon John Jelley ___________________ Tiler
Aaron Little WW__. Deacon Bill Hiles ________________ Chaplain
OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above

Officers and 17 others present.

Master welcomed everyone annonuced that the E. A. Degree will be

conferred at our next meeting instead of tonight and that our Rabbit
fry will be the first meeting in March.

MINUTES: Minutes of Jan., 4 & 7, 1998qwere read and approved as read.

PETITIONS -The following petitions were reported on by committees and
ACTED ON: ballot spread:
-Bob Allen, for initiation
—David Scott Allen, for initiation
—Both petitions were rejected.

BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly orderred paid:

Ck.# 8605 B. Themann - Refreshments (01/18/99) 89.68
Ck.# 2606 Oleika Shrine — 1/4 page Circus ad 65.00
Ck.# 8607 Bob Allen — E.A. fee returned 100.00
Ck.# 2608 David Scott Allen — E. A. fee returned 100.00

Total $ 354.68


—Bobby Brown talked about the Oleika Shrine Circus Program and made
motion and it was seconded that the lodge buy 1/4 page ad for $65.00.
Motion passed.

-J. w. Tom Stratton talked about having a Bass fishing tournament at
Harrington Lake on May 88, 1999. Reed Harris made a motion and it was
seconded that the Master appoint a committee of five (5) to help Tom
Stratton as Chairman. Motion passed.

~Reed Harris talked about William Martin Cross who has been a F. C.
Mason since November 8, 1948 and referred to the statement that

. Grand Master Robert w. Davenport made when he was here on December
21, 1998 that being proficent on Degrees was up to the satisfaction
of the Lodge. Since Brother Cross has been a F. C. for over fifty (50)
years Reed made a motion and it was seconded that Brother Cross be
declared proficent. Motion passed.


 Lex. Lodge # 1 minutes of Jan. 18, 1999 continued from page 1. page a

-wgrshipful Master asked Howard McKenize to meet the Secretary West
of the alter where Brother McKenize was presented with his Master
Mason’s proficency certificate.

VISITURS: There were three (3) visitors present: One from Georgia and
two from Lexington, Ky.

SICK AND The following reports were made:
DISTRESS: ~Mayme Whitton had passed away.
-Bobby Brown was back in lodge.
-John D. Jacobs’ mother had surgery.
—Roy Mays” son doning well.
-The lodge was asked again to remember the Secretary’s mother in the

nursing home.

Master Gene Young installed Tandy Haggard in his station as Senior
Warden assisted by John D. Jacobs as Marshal.

—Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendances.

—8:48 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the
Master Mason Degree.

Manlus Burton, . Acténg Secretany

5&3; You;§’—— ?//: ——


 Stated Meeting

Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

February 1, 1999


Gene Young


Eddie Bruner



Tandy Haggard

S. Warden

Mason Campbell



Thomas Stratton

J. Warden

Bill Themann

S. Steward


Harvey Reynolds

S. Deacon

J. Steward


Aaron Little

J. Deacon

Bill Hiles









John Jelley, P.M. Tiler



OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 12
others present. Master welcomed everyone and announced that 3 candidates would be receiving the
EA degree that night.

MINUTES: Minutes of January 18, 1999 were read and approved as read.

WORK: The Master asked if there were no objections he would like to deviate from the normal
order of business to confer the EA Degree on these three candidates. There being no objections lodge
was called from Labor on the MM Degree to refreshment preparatory to opening on the EA Degree
at 7:42 PM. 7:45 PM Lodge was opened on the EA Degree and was immediately called “at ease” so
that the various ritualists could assume their respective stations. 7:53 PM Lodge was called “to
labor” and Acting Master Tom Stratton proceeded to confer the 1St Section of the EA degree on
candidates James Alga Bates, Herbert Dean Evans and Kenneth James Terry Wilder. 8:40 PM the
Lodge was called “at ease” so that the newly obligated brothers could be welcomed and at 8:45 PM
the Lodge resumed its work with J. Warden Tom Stratton conferring the 2nd Section of the EA
Degree. Master Gene Young then introduced the ritualists to the newly obligated brothers and
compliments on the work were voiced by the Master and several of the body. The newly

Obligated brothers were then asked if they had any comments to make each mentioned that he was
very moved by the experience. 9:10 PM the Master Declared the Lodge closed on the EA Degree.

9:20 PM the Lodge was called from Refreshment to Labor on the MM Degree.

BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid:


Ck. # 2609 B. Themann — Refreshments (02/01/99)
Ck. # 2611 Grand Lodge of Kentucky — 2 copies of the Constitution











— Brother Stratton made a preliminary report of the startup requirements for a Lexington Lodge
. #1 sponsored Bass Tournament on May 22nd at the Chimney Rock Marina. Prices of brochures


 and a banner were discussed and Brother Stratton said 4 to 7 volunteers would be needed to
make the project work.

Brother Reed reminded the body that the original mission of the committee was to canvass the
requirements and that a project like this was exactly the kind of public exposure the Grand
Lodge had challenged Kentucky Masons to strive for.

Brother Coomer reported that several Boyle county fishermen had expressed interest in the

Brother Reynolds said he would volunteer to help since Brother Harris had volunteered.
Brothers Haggard, Carmen and Jelley also volunteered to help at which point the Master felt
that the lodge had least a minimum number of workers with which to proceed.

Brother Burton mentioned that it is a good policy to let the committee handle the proceeds of the
event until they are ready to be turned over to the secretary.

Brother Jelley mentioned to the craft that one of our MTA representatives would be taking
forward to the MTA, at its next meeting, an unsolicited bid of 1.15 million dollars for 12.6 acres
of lodge property.

The Master expressed an interest in reclaiming the Traveling Gavel.

Master installed Brother Bruner as Treasuer for the ensueing year. Brother Reynolds served as
Marshall for the installation.

VISTORS: There were four (4) visitors present: One from Georgia and three from Kentucky

- Bobby Brown was undergoing treatment
- Manlus Burton’s mother had passed away

CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance. 10:02 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace
and harmony on the Master Mason Degree.

Mason Campbell, P.M., ’ Secretary


W” <%O/’/M/g/

Cene Young, / fiaster



 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

February 15, 1999

Stated Meeting


Gene Young Master Eddie Bruner Treasurer
Tandy Haggard S. Warden Mason Campbell Secretary
Thomas Stratton J. Warden Bill Themann S. Steward
Steven Whitaker S. Deacon David Bradt, II J. Steward
Aaron Little J. Deacon Bill Hiles Chaplain
John Jelley, P.M. Tiler














OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 16
others present. District Deputy Grand Master, District 25, Gary D. Lykins, making his official visit,
was received and invited to the East.

MINUTES: Minutes of February 1, 1999 were read and approved as read.

PETITIONS: The following petitions were received and a committee appointed:
- Eric Christopher McAnallen, for initiation

- Letter from the Grand Secretary to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of

Georgia, F. & A.M. informing that Grand Lodge that Brother Cecil Ray
Woolums is now a dual member with Social Lodge No. 1, Augusta, Georgia, and
Lexington Lodge No. 1
Letter from Brother Tom F. Sneary to Lexington Lodge No.1 thanking the lodge
for remitted his 1999 lodge dues.
Letter from Gary Lykins D.D.G.M., District 25, informing the lodge that his
officials visit would be on February 15, 1999.

BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid:


Ck. # 2613 B. Themann — Refreshments (02/15/99)

Ck. # 2612 Hart Lodge No. 61 — Lexington Lodge No. 1 ‘s District Meeting expense
Ck. # 2615 Tom Stratton — flyers for Bass Tournament

Ck. # 2616 Masonic Home Journal Printing Company - Tiler’s Record Book













Brother Stratton reported that he needed some assistance from the brothers in distributing
brochures for the Bass Tournament.

Master mentioned that he thought that this is a good work and asked the lodge to pitch in and
help Brother Stratton by taking a few flyers with them.

Brothers Haggard mentioned that we should go to Wilmore Lodge Thursday night to reclaim
the Traveling Gavel, those going should meet at the lodge at 6:30 pm.


 Tiler announced that the Rabbit Fry would be moved to March 15th due to the unavailability of
the Head Chef.

Tiler also mentioned that the MTA voted, at their February meeting, to reject the latest bid for
the MTA property on Harrardsburg Road.

Brother O’Neal reported that in spite of being able to meet with all 3 EA’s only once since their
initiation, they might be ready to return their obligation by the night of the 15‘“.

Brother Brandt reported that he might not be able to perform his part of the FC ritual because
his wife was due to deliver a child on the 15‘h whereupon he was challenged by several members
of the body to broker some sort of arrangement with his wife and or her doctor to avoid the
potential for a scheduling conflict but Brother Brandt was dubious that they would be in a mood
to cooperate

The Master of Devotion Lodge 160, who was in attendance, reported on their Fund Raiser for
God’s Pantry and mentioned that the D.D.G.M. would be conducting his official visit to
Devotion Lodge at their next meeting at which time they would have a MM reobligation for
their work.

WORK: No work.

VISTORS: There were six (6) visitors present: One from Georgia and five from Kentucky Lodges.

- J. Warden Tom Stratton reported that he would be going to the doctor Thursday and would
soon undergo surgery to remove several tumors from his neck. Early indications were that
the surgery would be followed by treatments for Thyroid Cancer.

CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance and called upon Gary D. Lykins, District
Deputy Grand Master, District 25. Brother Lykins brought greetings from Grand Lodge, talked
about the Grand Lodge Programs and reminded everyone of the District Meeting on Friday, May 7,
1999 at Oleika Shrine Temple opening at 6:00 pm. with dinner at 6:30 and noted that the cost of the
meal would be $150.00 per lodge. He also noted that Hart Lodge No. 61 would be acting as host
lodge and that each lodge should bring aprons for their members. On another subject he said he
would recommend the job of D.D.G.M. to any qualified MM. District Deputy Grand Master’s
official visit report attached to minutes.

9:58 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree.

7%,.4 /{///

Mason Campbell, P.M.; Secretary


/ J

Gene Young,



 @ranh Strange of ikentutky, if 8% am QBffr’u’aI Digit 3mm

. 0n_57;/;'./9_,; lvisited , - ‘ I 5, LODGE NUMBER
located in , ’ 1’ " » * .Meetingtime:_;;_P.M.


Attendance: Members _ Visitors + Total
Members present (do NOT count VISITORS)
By years of service: 60 , 5O , 40 , 25 , , 2 or less L Past Masters:
Installed Officers Present:
WM_, SW”, JW_, TR_, SEC__;_, CHAP_, SD__, JD_, SS_i_, J8}; . TILER__

Was the Lodge represented at last years District meeting?:'_

Was the attendance award received? __ _ _

Does the Master know that he must attend this years District meetin97L (Sec. 89(7))
Was Lodge represented at last years Grand Lodge communication?;;;

Will Lodge be represented at this years Grand Lodge communication? .1._ (Sec. 89(6))


12/31/9___12/31/9 ‘ I GainiLoss) ' Date of last initiation ‘
Last year, how many were initiated? ,Passed? 15- ,Raised? I M
Are any taking an active part? If so, which parts &/or offices ..,
Are all sections of the Degree‘s conferred? '
EA 1st 2nd 3rd ' "
. FC tst _Staircase/Letter G __
MM tst ‘ ' Legend in Full Form
What is the Lodge doing for Masonic Renewal? ,
Does the WM, SW, JW confer the Degrees? ____If no who confers the EA __ FC ___MM _?
How many 1 year or longer as an EA , FC '1'
Does Lodge have an active committee for contacting EA’s and FC’s who have not advanced?


~' , in:

Number suspended last year

Does the Lodge have an active delinquent member committee?

Do they contact members prior to SUSpe”S'°n? , After suspension? _£__
When does the Secretary send dues notices? ” ~

When are delinquent members suspended? ,! _
Does the Lodge understand that suspensions can be done only at a Stated Meeting? ..

r“. W;


Community What is Lodge doing to create a positive public perception of Masonry? 3' fl ‘
Outreach *



What is the condition of the building? Outside:

Is there a sign in good condition identifying the Lodge and its meeting times? 3 '


Youth Support: Does the Lodge sponsor a Youth Organization? _;.____ If so, which?
DeMolay Order of Builders Job’s Daughters Rainbow for Girls

DISTRIBUTION: Grand Master White, Areas Officer Canary, Lodge Pink, DDGM Golden Rod


 LODGE NUMBER 2‘ DISTRICT_ VISIT _'__./____ /9__.


Financial: What Is the Financial condition of the Lodge? Good Break-even Poor

. What are the Lodge FEES? L DUES? __.._____ (including Grand Lodge assessments)
Does the Lodge have an active budget/finance committee? ' -
How many have not paid the CURRENT year’s dues?
How many owe for two years? + How many OVER two years?
Does the Lodge have a Life Membership plan? __ If so, what is the cost?
Is there written proof of liability insurance coverage from all using their property? .1..—
ls there written proof of fire insurance on the building and contents?

Administration: Officers holding a Grand Lodge proficiency certificate:
WM _, SW.._, JW_, TR_, SEC__, CHAP_, SD44, JD_5_"';, SSL’, JS_ , TILER_‘___..
Did Lodge receive the Excellence Award last year? “
Are they working toward it this year? f
Were the By-Laws present, up-to-date, and approved by the Grand Lodge? ._’i_____
Was a copy of the Constitution present and up-to-date? __
Are constitutional changes read to the Lodge and discussed when received? ff. f3
Was the Minutes Book present and up-to-date? .
Was the Cash Book present and up-to—date? —

Were the Treasurer’s records present and up- --to date?

Were the Secretary’ 3 and Treasurer’ s reports audited and made part of the minutes? -‘__.____
. Did the Secretary have a complete set of monthly reports for inspection? 3’ é.

Does the Master and the Secretary understand that Grand Lodge assessments are delinquent September
1 and that the penalty Is $1 0.0 per day until paId7LL__ (Sec. 161)

is the Lodge listing in the directory complete and correct? f“ (l


Endowment Does the Lodge have an active committee for the Grand Lodge endowment fund?
Fund: Did the Lodge contribute at least $1/member to the G. L. endowment fund last year? ”r

Our Homes: Does the Lodge know the proper procedure for admission to the Homes? if
Does the Lodge have an active committee for the Masonic Homes of KY?

Suggestions: By the Lodge for the betterment of Masonry, our Grand Lodge or this District: 7-?


Comments: By Lodge: ’ "


By you:



Enclosed with the Area officer’s copy of this report:
.Iture Leaders: Members recommended for Grand Lodge appointment

DlSTRIBUTlON: Grand Master White, Areas Officer Canary, Lodge Pink, DDGM Golden Rod


 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

February 22, 1999
Called Meeting


Doyle Rambo A. Master Treasurer
Clyde Faneuff S. Warden Secretary
Bob Elsea J. Warden S. Steward
S. Deacon J. Steward
J. Deacon Roger Joiner Chaplain














OPENING: 6:50 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree at W.R. Milward Mortuary, 159
North Broadway, Lexington, Kentucky.

The Master announced the purpose of this called meeting was to confer Masonic Rites upon a
departed Brother.

The Master then proceeded to confer the last sad Rites, upon Brother Harold Hicks Bennett, who
was made a Mason on June 13, 1946 and departed this life on February 22, 1999.

7:20 PM Lodge closed in form on the Master Mason Degree.

;,/ 7 /,.

Mason Campbell, P.M.,’ Secretary


Doyle G. Rambo, P.M. A. Master


 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

Date: February 25, 1999
Called Meeting


Tom McKnight A. Master Treasurer
Ray Estes S. Warden Secretary
Richard Sydney J. Warden S. Steward
S. Deacon J. Steward
J. Deacon Harold Dadisman Chaplain














OPENING: 7:10 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree at W.R. Milward Mortuary, 391
Southland Drive, Lexington, Kentucky.

The Master announced the purpose of this called meeting was to confer Masonic Rites upon a
departed Brother.

The Master then proceeded to confer the last sad Rites, upon Brother Art Collins Winn, who was
made a Mason on September 16, 1950 and departed this life on February 22, 1999.

7:20 PM Lodge closed in form on the Master Mason Degree.

Mason Campbell, P.M., Secretary


Thomas McKnight, P.M. A. Master


 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

Date: February 28, 1999
Called Meeting


Tom McKnight A. Master

Ray Estes S. Warden
Richard Sydney J. Warden

S. Steward
S. Deacon J. Steward
J. Deacon Harold Dadisman Chaplain















OPENING: 7:25 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree at Kerr Brothers Funeral Home,
463 East Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky.

The Master announced the purpose of this called meeting was to confer Masonic Rites upon a
departed Brother.

The Master then proceeded to confer the last sad Rites, upon Brother Gary Patrick Clark, who was
made a Mason on March 2, 1970 and departed this life on February 26, 1999.

7:45 PM Lodge closed in form on the Master Mason Degree.

Mason Campbell, P.M.,y Secretary


Thomas McKnight, P.M. A. Master


 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

Date: March 2, 1999

Called Meeting


Doyle Rambo A. Master Treasurer
Eddie Bruner S. Warden Secretary
Bil] Themann J. Warden S. Steward
S. Deacon J. Steward
J. Deacon Burl McPeek Chaplain














OPENING: 7:05 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree at Kerr Brothers Funeral Home,
463 East Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky.

The Master announced the purpose of this called meeting was to confer Masonic Rites upon a
departed Brother.

The Master then proceeded to confer the last sad Rites, upon Brother Okie Nelson, who was made a
Mason on April 21, 1952 and departed this life on February 28, 1999.

7:20 PM Lodge closed in form on the Master Mason Degree.

Mason Campbell, P.M., ' Secretary



Doyle Rambo, P.M. A. Master


 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

Date: March 1, 1999

Stated Meeting


Gene Young Master Eddie Bruner Treasurer
Tandy Haggard S. Warden Mason Campbell Secretary
Thomas Stratton J. Warden Bill T hemann S. Steward
Doug Maultsby S. Deacon David Bradt, II J. Steward
Aaron Little J. Deacon Bill Hiles Chaplain
Cecil Woolums Tiler














OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 14
others present. Master welcomed everyone and commented that it was good to see such a large
turnout for a lodge and that there would be no work that evening.

MINUTES: Minutes of February 15, 1999 were read and approved as read.
Minutes for Called Meetings on February 22, 25 and 28 were all read and approved as read.


COMMITTEES: Committee for the Bass Tournament reported that the tournament plans are
moving along well and thanks to Brother Wayne Coomer applications are starting to come in. Some
donations have also been received.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from the E. W. Turner Lodge No. 548, F. & A.M. announcing the
nomination of Curtis L. Johnston for the office of Grand Junior Warder at the 200th Annual
Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky Free and Accepted Masons.

BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid:


Ck. # 2617 T. Stratton — Refreshments (03/01/99)


Ck. # 2618 Mason Campbell — Office Supplies


Ck. # 2619 Bluegrass Chapter of DeMolay — 1 page ad in the Conclave









Senior Warden Haggard presented the Master with the District 25 Traveling Gavel.

Brother Burton made a motion to purchase a 1 page ad 1n the State DeMolay Conclave Program
at a cost of $100. Motion was seconded and motion passed.

Brother O’Neal read an article that highlighted the contributions to society of many famous
Masons. Brother Haggard and Brother Gahafer added to the conversation their observation on
famous Masons that at the Alamo or in the Texas Rebellion including the Mexican General
Santa Anna.



 Brother Stratton spoke briefly about the effect his Masonic Presentation Bible had had on his
life and how it had proved to be a valuable resource of Masonic Information and Education. He
lamented the Lodge’s decision to stop presenting the Bibles to newly raised Masons, where upon
a motion was made and seconded to resume the practice of presenting, in the future, a small
Masonic Bible to the newly raised Masons of Lexington Lodge No.1.

WORK: No work.

VISTORS: There were three (3) visitors present: One from Georgia and two from Kentucky Lodges.

J. Warden Tom Stratton’s upcoming surgery
Brother Bill Theman’s mother-in-law recently passed away
Brother Bobby Brown was under going treatment
Brother Reed Harris reported that Howard Chisms’ father had passed away
Brother Harris also reported that Bob Horine’s wife Emma passed away, and to remember
Frank Horine, her brother and 2; member of our lodge, in prayer
‘ l‘ 'V ~ nw

CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance.

8:25 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree.

Mason Campbell, P.M., Secretary

Gene Young,


 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

Date: March 15, 1999

Stated Meeting


Gene Young Master Eddie Bruner Treasurer
Tandy Haggard S. Warden Mason Campbell Secretary
Thomas Stratton J. Warden Bill Themann S. Steward
Steven Whitaker S. Deacon David Bradt, II J. Steward
Aaron Little J. Deacon Bill Hiles Chaplain
John Jelley, P.M. Tiler














OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 19
others present. Master welcomed everyone and commented that there was no work for the evening.

MINUTES: Minutes of March 1, 1999 were read and approved as read.
Minutes for a Called Meeting on March 2, 1999 were read and approved as read.

PETITIONS: Petition for Initiation — Eric Christopher McAnallen was rejected by ballot.
COMIVIITTEES: Committee for the Bass Tournament reported that the tournament plans are
moving along well and the Most Worshipful Grand Master had publicly voiced his approval of this


BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid:


Ck. # 2626 T. Stratton — Refreshments (03/01/99)


Ck. # 2622 J. Lewis -— Refreshments (03/15/99)


Ck. # 2625 B. Themann — Refreshments (03/15/99)


CK #2627 S. Whitaker — Refreshments (12/07/98)


CK #2624 J. Jelley — Rabbits (03/15/99)








Worshipful Master presented the Master of Sirkle Lodge #954 with the District 25 Traveling

Worshipful Master thanked Brother Jim Lewis, Brother John Jelley, Bother Bill Themann and
Brother David Bradt for all their hard work in making the Rabbit Fry Dinner a success.
Brother Reed Harris made an appeal for Masonic Men to volunteer help and to consider joining
the membership of Lexington 110 and/or Henry Clay 398 Order of the Eastern Star. He also
pointed out that it helps if our wives and daughters have the opportunity to be involved Masonic

It was announced that there would be a Scottish Rite Reunion on March 20th with breakfast at 6
am. and that lunch & dinner would be provided.



 WORK: No work.

VISTORS: There were thirteen (13) visitors present: All from Kentucky Lodges.
- J. Warden Tom Stratton thanked everyone for their calls, visits and prayers
- Brother Jim McGinnely has had surgery recently
- Brother Ralph Carter recently lost a sister
CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance.

8:27 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree.


Mason Campbell, P.M., I Secretary

A/ /A/

_Gene Young, ‘ / Maste


 CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Hiram Lodge No. 4 F. & A. M. outlining the plans for the
District 25 Outdoor Raising.

A reading of the letter that Master Gene Young had mailed to all of the
Lodge Secretaries informing them of the “first ever” Masonic Charities

Bass Tournament.

BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid:


Ck. # 2631 S. Whitaker — Refreshments (04/05/99)
Ck. # 2629 National City Bank — Safe Deposit Box
Ck. # 2630 Macoy Publishing Company — Presentation Bibles
CK # 2621 J .P. Luther Co. —— setting Maul
CK # 2632 T. Stratton — Tournament Banner
CK # 2633 Hiram Lodge No. 4 F. & A. M.













Brother Reynolds mentioned that Brother Lewis though he might have the 3 FC ready for the
MM degree by the 1St meeting in May. Brother Reynolds then volunteered to make himself
available on Sunday afternoons from 2-3 PM if anyone on the Degree Team wanted help in
preparing for their parts.

Brother Bradt is the proud father of a baby girl, Jorden Elizabeth, born on the 25th of March,
mother and daughter are well and doing fine, father is recovering.

Brother Harris observed that the candidates clothing needed a good wash and after some
thought Brother Bradt said he could do them at home with the rest of his housework.

There was much discussion on the floor of the lodge about how the expenses for the District
Outdoor Raising were being assessed. It was decided that Lexington Lodge No. 1 should pay
their rightful share and trust that their Masonic brothers would do the same in good faith.
Motion was made to pay $100 to Hiram Lodge No. 4 for our share of the Outdoor Raising
expenses. Motion passed.

VISTORS: There were two (2) visitors present: Both from Kentucky Lodges.

- Brother Eddie Bruner is home recovering from surgery
- Brothers Bob Capp and John Wall will be undergoing surgery in the near future

CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance.

10:50 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree.


 Mason Campbell, RM: Secretary


Gene Young, Master


 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

Date: April 5, 1999

Stated Meeting


Gene Young Master Bobby Brown Treasurer
Tandy Haggard S. Warden Mason Campbell Secretary
Thomas Stratton J. Warden S. Steward
Steven Whitaker S. Deacon David Bradt, II J. Steward
Reed Harris J. Deacon Bill Hiles Chaplain
John J elley, P.M. Tiler














OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 7
others present. Master welcomed everyone and announced that 3 brothers would be demonstrating
proficiency in the EA Degree and receiving the FC Degree that night.

WORK: The Master asked if there were no objections he would like to deviate from the normal
order of business to begin the EA Degree Proficiency. There being no objections, at 7:41 PM lodge
was called from Labor on the MM Degree to refreshment preparatory to opening on the EA Degree.
7:48 PM Lodge was opened on the EA Degree. Brother Ray O’Neal then proceeded to examine
James Alga Bates, Herbert Dean Evans and Kenneth James Terry Wilder on the EA Degree.
Following their presentation a motion was made and seconded that these three brothers be found
proficient on the EA Degree. Motion passed. The Master then recognized Brother O’Neal for his
excellent work as the EA Lecturer and then asked Brothers Bates, Evans and Wilder if they had any
comments to make. Each brother expressed his thanks to Brother O’Neal and said they were
anxious to continue on to the next degree. 8:13 PM the lodge closed in form on the EA Degree.

8:35 PM lodge opened in form on the FC Degree and was immediately called “at ease” so that the
various ritualists could assume their respective stations. 8:40 PM Lodge was called “to labor” and
Acting Master Tom Stratton proceeded to confer the 1St Section of the FC degree on candidates
James Alga Bates, Herbert Dean Evans and Kenneth James Terry Wilder. 9:14 PM the Lodge was
called “at ease” so that the lodge room could be prepared for the Staircase Lecture and at 9:25 PM
the Lodge resumed its work with Brother Harvey Reynolds presenting the Staircase Lecture followed
by Brother David Bradt presenting the Letter G Lecture. Master Gene Young then introduced the
ritualists to the newly passed brothers and compliments on the work were voiced by the Master and
several of the body. The new FC were then asked if they had any comments to make and each
expressed thanks to the lodge for their FC experience. 10:00 PM the lodge was closed in form on the
FC Degree.

10:05 PM the Lodge was called from Refreshment to Labor on the MM Degree.

MINUTES: The reading of the minutes of March 15, 1999 was postponed until our next regularly
stated communication.

PETITIONS: Petition for Reinstatement — John Theodore Weissinger was received and a
committee appointed.

COMMITTEES: No reports.


 Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky.
Chartered 1788

Date: April 19,1999

Stated Meeting


Gene Young Master Eddie Bruner Treasurer
Tandy Haggard S. Warden Mason Campbell Secretary
Thomas Stratton J. Warden Bill Themann S. Steward
Steven Whitaker S. Deacon J. Steward
Aaron Little J. Deacon Bill Hiles Chaplain
John Jelley, P.M. Tiler














OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 14
others present. Master welcomed everyone to lodge.

MINUTES: The reading of the minutes of March 15, 1999 were read and approved as read. The
minutes of April 5, 1999 were then read and approved as read.

PETITIONS: No petitions were received or acted upon.
COMMITTEES: No reports.

CORRESPONDENCE: Brother Cecil Woolum’s Masonic Record arrived from The Grand Lodge
of Georgia

BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid:


Ck. # 2631 B. Themann — Refreshments (04/19/99)










Brother Stratton reported that National City has pledged a $100 donation to the Masonic Bass
Tournament. Other donations include food for the Tournament workers from King Foods, a
case of oil from Stokley’s Marine, $25 from Winchester Bait and Tackle and $25 from Brother
Reed Harris in memory of his father.

Brother John Jelley reported that The Gallery Print Shop has donated a Fishing Print as a Raffle
Prize for the Bass Tournament.

Brother Reynolds made a motion to replace the Lodge Funeral Regalia. Motion was seconded
and motion pass