xt79s46h426m_25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011.dao.xml Freemasons. Lexington Lodge, No. 1 (Lexington, Ky.) 18.2 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, 15 items archival material 2018ms011 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington Lodge no. 1 records Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes text Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011/Box_2018ms011_11/Folder_1_5/Multipage7203.pdf 1990-1997 1997 1990-1997 section false xt79s46h426m_25 xt79s46h426m LEXlNSTON LOOSE NO. 1 E. & 8. M., LEXINGTON, KV.
Chartered i788

DQTE: January 1, 1990

Stated MEETING Roy H. Mays, P.M. Treasurer

Harvey D. Reynolds _ Master Manlus Burton, R.M. Secretary

Whitfield Tandy, P. . S. Warden William S. Hiles _ . Steward

Reed Harris . J. Warden Daniel H. Lail, .‘. _ _ Steward

u... ..... -.~— ~— ._.- _.. ~_. ~— _ a“ “a .—_.

Melvin Kennedy “waccwq._ S. Deacon George Gill

Walter S. Johnston _”_ ,_. Joe C. Hardman

OPENING: .:‘w R.M. Lodge opened in Form on the M.M. Degree with the
ab e Officers and 1 other present.

Acting Master, Harvey D. Reynolds thanked everyone for coming
out and announced that the Master, John D. Jacobs would be a
little late because of his work in Richmond.

MINUTES: Minutes of Dec. 87, 1989 were read and approved as read.

A note from the Old Masons” Home acknowledging the gift of
$ 85.00 each in memory of Leslie M. Grimes and George H.

The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid.

Ck.# 1809 Old Masons” Home — Memory of Dwight
Leman Measel $ 85.00
Ck.# 1810 Old Masons” Home — Memory of Alexander
Clay Stewart 85.00
Ck.# 1811 John S. Jacobs ~ Refreshment
(meeting 1/1/90)

THE ORDER: 8:00 R.M. Lodge called at ease so everyone could enjoy
refreshments prepared by Bro. John 8. Jacobs.

8:30 P.M. Lodge called to Order by w. M. John D. Jacobs.

Bro. Bill Hiles announced the election of Officers for
the M.T.A. would be next Wednesday (1/10/90).


 Len. Lodge # 1 minutes of Jan. I, 1990

continue from previous page.
Page 2

Bro. s.w., Harvey D. Reynolds went over the contents of the
up—coming newletter and asked for comments & suggestions.
After several comments, it was agreed on as to what the
general contents should be.

Bro. Walter S. Johnston made a motion and it was seconded

that the newletter be re~written and a committee be appointed

to review it, agree on it and mail it. Motion carried.

SICK AND Thomas Horine, P.M.

in good sprits at Central Baptist
DISTRESS: Hospital.

CLOSING: There being no work the Lodge Closed

in Form on the M.M.
Degree at 9:05 P.M..

Manlos Burton, . Secretary

,A’//on ‘wawé. AJL.

John D. Jacobs


Chartered 1788

DATE: January 15, I990
Stated MEETING Roy H. Mays, P. M. Treasurer

Harvey D. Reynolds _‘ M w. Master William G. Hiles


Whitfield Tandy, P.M. _ ‘ Warden George Pash

Reed Harris 7 w H ' Warden Tom Kelley ______________ J. Steward

Melvin Kennedy _ .. Deacon ‘ ' , ' Tiler

.a.._._....... .1.- .. _.~.—._..._..l_..___..-..——-..._.-_..~..._

"s McCollum, P.M. W. . Deacon . “mflm__ ‘" _Chaplain

OPENING: 7:30 P.M. Lodge opened with the usual ceremonies on the M.M.
Degree with the above Officers and 11 others present.

Acting Master wecomed everyone and announced that N.M. John
D. Jacobs was out of State on business.

MINUTES: Minutes of Jan. 1, 1990 were read and approved as read.

PETITIONS James Henry Anderson, Jr and John A. Dawson petitions’
RECEIVED: for initiation were received and a committee appointed.

Note from Manlus Burton thanking everyone for the planter,
calls and visits.

Letter from Willard J. Tippy, member of Michael L. Finnell
Lodge No. 711, Fairborn, Ohio, reporting the death of Bro.
Hoyt Sanders on Jan. 4, 1990 and that Masonic Services were
conducted by Franklin County Memorial Lodge.

The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid.

Ck.# 1812 U.S.Postmaster — Mailing Newletter $ 148.00
Ck.# 1813 Old Masons’ Home ~ Memory of Eugene
Leigh Gribbin 25.00

Total $ 167.00

GOOD OF Masonic Temple stoc. minutes for Nov. 1989 were read to
Treasurer Roy Mays reported on the contents of the Lock Box
when turned over to him by the previous Treasurer. Copy attached.

Congratulations on Newletter by Chap. Joe Hardman. He brought to
the attention that Lexington Lodge No. 1 did not have an ad in
the directory of the Masonic Home Journal pertaining to meeting
dates and time.

Motion made and seconded to put ad in Journal.

Motion passed.


 Lex. Lodge # 1 minutes of Jan. 15, 1990 continue from previous page.
Page 3

VISITORS: There were two (2) visitors present.
Bub McGee, Mercer Lodge No. 777, Harrodsburg, Ky.

Adrian Scott, Robert M. Sirkle Lodge No. 954, Lex. Ky.

SICK AND Thomas Horine, R.M. at home.
DISTRESS: N. M. reported on Bro. Secretary Manlus Burton, R.M. at home.
Glen Matthews injured.

CLOSING: There being no work the Master read/reviewed from the Book
of Constitutions page 59.

— Section 121 ~ Malicious Balloting.
~ Section 113 - Balloting for membership.
~ Section 114 - Balloting for Degrees.

Discussion followed.
The Master reminded everyone about the up coming MASDNIC

All officers and anyone from Lodge was asked to attend.

Also, the Master asked all the appointed officers for
tonight to serve until permement appointees could be secured.

All agreed to serve.

After recognizing the Past Masters present the Lodge closed
' 4£_Enfim on the M.M. Degree at 8:50 P.M..
wala The. usaaz CkVt/hou/JJD

/%’é’ggg_éiil. ugf/

Nilliam G. Hiles, Acting Secretary


Harvey D. ReynOIds Acting Master

P.M. present five (5).





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Chartered 1788

DATE: February 5, 1990

Stated LMEETING Roy H. Mays, P. M. Treasurer

.—...._.......——__ _

w. Master William G.


Harvey D. Reynolds . Warden George Pash
Reed Harris _ Warden Tom Kelley
Deacon George Gill,

Deacon Joe C. Hardman ______________ Chaplain

OPENING: 7:88 P.M. Lodge opened in Form on the M.M. Degree with the
above Officers and 18 others present.

The Master welcomed everyone and the following distinguish
guests from the Grand Lodge of Ky were introduced:

Marvin S. Nhitton, P.G.M.

Dr. Robert Nilhite, P.G.M.

James Patrick, P.G.M.

Arnold E. Wyatt, Deputy Gr. Master
Floyd H. Booth, Grand Master

MINUTES: Minutes of Jan. 15, 1990 were read and approved as corrected.

PETITIONS There were no petitions to be received or acted on.

Note from the Old Masons’ Home acknowledging the gift of
$50.00 in memory of Dwight Leman Measel and Alexander Clay
Letter from Richardson Lodge No. 699, F.& A.M. announcing the
name of Douglas G. Adams to be placed in nomination for the
office of Grand Junior warden of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky

F.& A.M. at the 191st Annual Communication.
The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid.

1814 A.8. Dick ~ Labor & parts for copier $ 58.61

1815 Old Masons” Home — Memory of David
Logan Murphy 85.00

1816 Southland Florist — Planter for Burton 17.75
1817 Letter Shop - Newsletter & updates 801.98
1818 John S. Jacobs — Refreshments & supplies 60.84

. Total $ 363.68


BUSINESS: By-laws update. Reed Harris made motion and it was seconded
put add in the Newsletter instead of the Masonic Home Journal.

Motion passed.


 Lex. Lodge # 1 minutes of Feb. 5, 1990 continue from previous page.
Page 2

GOOD OF Master John D. Jacobs announced that while he was in Alma Mich.
THE ORDER: last week he visited the Masonic Home of Michigan and visited
Lodge there and extended greetings from Lex. Lodge No. l.

N.M. also, gave a talk on Two Saint Johns — why we chosed

VISITORS: There were two (8) visitors present.

SICK AND Thomas Horine, P.M. improving at home.

DISTRESS: Manlus Burton, P.M. doing better, may be at wext meeting.
Ellis McCollum P.M. with flu at home.
Kelly Slone collapsed lung, in hospital.

CLOSING: w.M. Jacobs recognized the Past Masters present.
A short talk given by Arnold E. Wyatt, Deputy Grand Master.
Also, a very inspiring talk by Floyd H. Booth, Grand Master.

Lodge closed in Form on the M.M. Degree at 8:50 P.M..

William S. Hiles, Acting Secretary

P.M. present four (4).

— Tandy

~ Spark

- Nhitton
- Mays


Chartered 1788

DATE: FEbruarv 7 51990

W_Ca11ed MEETING m 0‘ Treasurer

Marvin S. Nhitton,P.G.M._m_w.Master ____________________________ Secretary

”Senior Steward


Maynard R. McClain, P.M.WSr.Warden
Franklin H. Stewart, R.M._Jr.warden ______________________ Junior Steward

Rorbert 8. Horine

7:80 R.M. Lodge opened in ample form on the M.M. Degree at
Kerr Brothers Funeral Home, E. Main St. Lexington, Ky.

The Master announced the purpose of this called meeting
was to confer Masonic Rites upon a departed Brother.

The Master then proceeded to confer the last sad Rites
upon Charles Robert Tilton who was made a Mason on April

80, 1959.

8:15 P.M. Lodge closed in ample form on the Master
Mason Degree.

Marvin S. whitton, PG.M. Acting Master






Marvin S. _w.Master

R.M. Sr.Narden

Maynard R. McClain,

Franklin H. Stewart, P.M._Jr.warden



7:15 R.M. Lodge opened
Milward Funeral Home,


to confer

The Master then proceeded to confer

upon Grodon R.

No. 14, Bedford,

7:50 P.M. Lodge closed
Mason Degree.

Manlus Burton, P.M.

in ample form on the M.M.
Southland Dr.,

1 fl

& A. M.,


DATE: February 15, 1990



_____________________________ Secretary

_~Senior Steward

Junior Steward



Robert B. Horine ********* ___Chaplain

Degree at

Lexington, Ky.

announced the purpose of this called meeting
Masonic Rites upon a departed Brother.

the last sad Rites

Brooking as a courtesy to Bedford Lodge

ample form on the Master


Acting Master


Chartered 1788

DATE: February 19, 1990
MEETING Roy H. Mays, P. M. Treasurer

w. Master Manlus Burton, P.M. Secretary

Harvey D. Reynolds warden William M. Pinkston Steward

Peed Harris








Warden George Pash, Jr. Steward
Deacon George Gill,


7:30 P.M. Lodge opened in Form on the M.M. Degree with the
above Officers and 22 others present.

The Master welcomed everyone and asked to deviate from the
normal order of business. The Master then proceeded to
install the following appointed officers assisted by Bro.
P.M. Nhitfield Tandy, as Marshal.

John Summersett, as Senior Deacon
William M. Pinkston, as Junior Stewart
Joe C. Hardman, as Chaplian

Minutes of Feb. 5, 7, & 15, 1990 were read and approved as

John Daniel Jelley and Donald Rexford William petitions’
for initiation were received and a committee appointed.

The following petitions were reported on from the committees
and the ballot spread.

- James Henry Anderson, Jr. for initiation
— John A. Dawson, for initiation
~ George Franklin Oliver, for initiation

All petitions were accepted.

Motion made and seconded that Lexington Lodge No. 1’s share
of money left over from the MTA’s budget for 1989 be used for
improvements on the house. Motion carried.

After some discussion on the insurance we have on the office
contents a motion was made and seconded that after a review
is made and if it is determined that we have duplicate
insurance not to renew policy No. 3765121. Motion carried.

Discussion on our 800th Anniv. coin. A committee will be
looking at the best ways to sell the remaining coins.


 Lex. Lodge # 1 minutes of Feb. 19, 1990 continue from previous page.
Page 8

Note from the Old Masons’ Home acknowledging the gift of

$50.00 in memory of Eugene Leigh Sribbin and David Logsn

The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid.

Ck.# 1819 Old Masons’ Home - Memory of Charles

Robert Tilton 85.00
Ck.# 1880 Postmaster - Box 8187 semi-annual rent 19.50
Ck.# 1881 John 8. Jacobs ~ Refreshments (8/19/90) 81.96
Ck.# 1888 Postmaster - one roll of stamps 85.00

Total $ 91.46
BUSINESS: Resolution adopted that Mattie N. Kendall, widow of Raymond
Smedley Kendall who died on April 1, 1979, to be worthy and
eligible for consideration for admission to the Masonic
Widows & Orphans’ Home and Infirmary of Kentucky.

GOOD OF It was announced that Nebb Commandery No.1 has named its

THE ORDER: eighteen annual Country Ham & Egg Breakfast to be held on
March 17, 1990 at Oleika Shrine Mosque in honor of one of our
own Bro. Senior Warden, Harvey D. Reynolds for his dedicated

VISITORS: There were five (5) visitors present. One from Indiana, One
from Pennsylvania and three from Kentucky Lodges.

SICK AND Thomas Horine, P.M. improving at home.
DISTRESS: Reported that Howard McKenize’s son had passed away and Bro.
Charles Robert Tilton had died on Feb. 5, 1990.

CLOSING: w.M. Jacobs recognized the Past Masters present.

Lodge closed in Form on the M.M. Degree at 8:40 P.M..

Manlus Burton, P.M.

P.M. present five (5).



Chartered 1788

DATE: March 5, 1990

Stated MEETING Roy H. Mays, P. Treasurer

John D. Jacobs _ Master Manlus Burton, P.M. ______ Secretary

Harvey D.

Reed Harris







Reynolds Warden Tom Kelley ______________ S. Steward

Warden William M. Pinkston Steward
Deacon George Gill, Jr

Deacon Joe C. Hardman ____________ Chaplain

7:80 P.M. Lodge opened in Form on the M.M. Degree with the
above Officers and 18 others present.

The Master welcomed everyone and the following distinguished
guests from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky were introduced:

Arnold E. Wyatt, Deputy Gr. Master
Carl H. Anderson, District Deputy Gr Master,
District 85. Making his offical visit.

Minutes of Feb. 19, 1990 were read and approved as read.

Thomas Rowland Korb petition for initiation was received
and a committee appointed.

The Master announced the following Bro.’s to serve on a
By—Laws committee:

Whitfield Tandy, P.M. Chairman

Roy H. Mays, P.M.

John Summersett, S.D.

Melvin Kennedy, J.D.

Tom Kelley, S.S.

William Pinkston, J.S.

Senior Warden Harvey Reynolds announced the Newsletter was
written and should be in the mail shortly.

Master announced that the E.A. Degree will be conferred by
Past Masters’ unit from Oleika Temple on April 8, 1990.

Also, the Brethren from William McKinley Lodge No. 431,
Canton, Ohio will visit our Lodge to observe the Legend of the
Temple on May 19, 1990 at 1:00 P.M.


 Lex. Lodge # 1 minutes of Mar 5, 1990 continue from previous page.
Page 3
Note from the Old Masons” Home acknowledging the gift of
$35.00 in memory of Charles Robert Tilton.
Note from C. Fred Harris requesting any brochures we had on
our 300th Anniv.
Letter from Bro. Harmon E. Witt letting us know that he was
looking for work and if anyone could make a contact on his
behalf would be greatly appreciated.

The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid.

Ck.# 1833 Postmaster - Postage for mailing 3nd
Newsletter $ 140.00
Ck.# 1334 John S. Jacobs — Refreshment (3/5/90) 31.39
Ck.# 1335 Mount Vermon Lodge No. 14 - Our share of
dinner for District meeting on 5/31/90 130.00
Total $ 391.39

GOOD OF Bill Hiles, President of the MTA, reported that the MTA hoped
THE ORDER: to do most of the work that needed to be done on the house.

The Master announced the appointment of Bro. Tom Kelley to
the station of Senior Steward and then proceeded to install
Bro. Kelley to that office assisted by Bro. Whitfield Tandy,

P.M. as Marshal.
The Master then presented Bro. Kelley with his M.M. proficiency

VISITORS: There were four (4) visitors present. One from West V., and
three from Kentucky Lodges.

SICK AND Thomas Horine, P.M. improving at home.
DISTRESS: Announced that Bro. John Melvin Flannery had died on Mar. 4,

CLOSING: W.M. Jacobs recognized Bro. Arnold E. Wyatt, Deputy Gr. Master
and Bro. Carl Anderson, District Deputy Gr. Master, District 35.

Bro. Wyatt gave a short talk on how pleased he was to see the
Peace and Harmony that prevailed in our Lodge.

Bro. Anderson explained several of the programs that covers
our Homes and announced that our District meeting will be on
June 31, 1990 at Georgetown College. Dinner will start at
6:00 P.M. Bro. Anderson asked that Lodges in District 35
donate $130 each to go toward the cost of the dinner.

Motion made and seconded that Lex. Lodge No.1 donate $130.
to be used toward this dinner. Motion passed.

Lodge closed in Form on the M.M. Degree at 3:45 P.M.

WWW ______

Manlus Burton, . Secretary I

John D. Jaco s, Master



M.'.W.'.FLOYD H. BOOTH, Grand Master

. [3, i;
‘ District No. 364 “r
(3 M a}: ' “5‘ A}, #4:} I: {’5’ ’* :3 13.!"
Mk?!‘ 35- [L21 'iri‘r («agimfié
DEputy’s name (Please print)



, ~ . a», ./ "y w“: ”‘3:va
I visited .‘ " ~ _: ' ‘ Lodge No. _._Z__, Town ofi. £3}?!ij j“ 0 flu County of 15H?” tjyf’ ‘2’
,, f?’ '5

on 3432’s} :1? {3 fir, .4” $3“ 1990 and submit the following report: Total membership to date? " _____

Lodge meeting t1me (hour) ”7 f if? :3“. A1.

‘35:? i”

,f‘ ' , ’ 5,. ,7"): ' * a, -' "A? M ~ f} 2.. M "I: a! 5'” I“ 4" ,w- A.
Total Members and visitors present? "“V‘éflttflj I Mi?“ fir 4’? ‘34”! 3:)" £9» ’9‘! v s‘m’Agji 0/3, Wis/.53?! #51592;



. . .. ,, 3,. ”3 t _. , {mans-x... [I . ' : ..,r r” al'“"-1-.«,-.fi {I‘m-.0... .: .. 7;”vflmw‘ :r"“" a”; I." a If” . r5.,»'
Regular Officers Present (C1rcle);;W.Mg,g§§Z\fi,gfiJ :YSZ'ngTre as; ,;. Secy}, kgkfip‘aézg’ J -D-&i§;§‘:§£ ;__S,.!;.,;l;1~l§£r.

‘asznai—J: m‘uvi'L"

(State): The lodge whose Master has all eleven (11) officers, as set by Section 72 of the Constitution, plus
five (5) members present at the District Meeting will receive an award. Make up will be allowed.

Was Lodge represented at the last District Meeting? __ “:8 £7.24, L Was attendance award received? _fi:¢:’
Number of stated meetings during the calendar year 1989' .31}. .7}-

j? 7. 16:85?”

Was Charter displayed in the lodge room or ante room? 4: yes no. Date of Charter


. . 'mu—ukuc

Condition of Charter? (Circle One) Very Goodflgood, Eaiff; Poor, Very Poor.

fw’Va- \szr ...-r


Does the lodge have regular assigned lecturers? 4%. If no, why not?


Does the lodge have a committee for contacting the Entered Apprentices and the Fellow Crafts who have not
advanced? Wfie' If not, suggest to the Master that these Brothers should be encouraged to advance.
Does the lodge have an up-to-date Book of Constitutions in the lodge room? 1‘3 ‘3.
.f not urge them to do so. Suggest that the Master, Wardens and Secretary should have a copy.
Does the Secretary, upon receipt of the constitutional changes, read the changes to the lodge, and are they

discussed so that all present understand the changes? _: 3 '3' . .

Which officers hold anuGhrand Lodge proficiency certificate? (Circle) Ali/D ~W W gig? ”Eachchap’sléfi
J 1L§SDQ§3 @315) (Proficiency is necessary before being electeW- as 1% asterilS‘éc. . ”1%.”ng ”MAJ

When does the Secretary mail dues notices? ___I£LCLZ" . When does the lodge suspend delinquent
members? _Mfifi__. Does Secretary use the suspension summons and notice forms? W$§__.
(See sample, Cons tution, p. 169). g

The summons must be mailed by certified mail or delivered in person at least 28 days before the Stated Com-
munication the Lodge will vote on the suspensions. SUSPENSIONS CAN BE MADE ONLY AT A STATED

Does the lodge have a committee on suspensions? ngi_. If so, do they make personal contact where possible



for the elimination. of Non-payment of Dues? _ =~ - »
Non-payment of Dues? M 1’3 __

(State): (Master and Secretary, are you aware that the annual return must be mailed as soon as possible
after its reception? Also, the remittance for Grand Lodge dues and assessments must be in the
Grand Secretary’s office on or before September lst to avoid penalty of $1.00 per day for each
delinquency.) (Sec. 139).

_. Do they contact those who have been suspended for

Master, are you aware that you must attend the District Meeting & Educational Conference for

your District? :2; :3:‘~1; . (Sec. 83 (7).


Does the Secretary and/or Treasurer give a regular financial report to the lodge? 44:43—-

ec. 137 to Lodge).
Does the Lodge know the proper procedure for admitting members to the Homes? Wm;—

‘s a complete Annual audit given and made a part of the minutes? Wrw. (Sec. 137) (District Deputy read

Does the Lodge have recommendations on subjects and methods for conducting District Meetings? __A[_Q~_.

(Encourage them to comment and list suggestions on back of this report.)
For the District Deputy:

1—Note: The general appearance of the Lodge facilities and officers. 1"? {'2 :2» sf

‘5”! f“ _ if

, 2—Was Degree Work conferred during your visit? WWW;
3—Note the quality of Degree Work conferred and/ or opening and closingceremonies.
Does peace and harmony reign within the Lodge? ng.
Does the lodge have any suggestions or recommendations to make to the Grand Lodge for the good of the order?
If yes, use back of this report form. '

(District Deputy encourage comments.)

~ odge’s Copy


Chartered 1788

DATE: March 19, 1990
MEETING Roy H. Mays, P. Treasurer

John D. Jacobs . Master Manlus Burton, P.M. ______ Secretary

Harvey D. Reynolds ______ S. Warden Tom Kelley ______________ S. Steward

Reed Harris Warden George Pash, Jr. . Steward
Deacon George Gill, Jr


OPENING: 7:30 P.M. Lodge opened in Form on the M.M. Degree with the
above Officers and 14 others present.

MINUTES: Minutes of Mar. 5, 1990 were read and approved as read.

PETITIONS The following petition was reoported on from the committee
ACTED ON: and the ballot spread.

- William Harold Dalzell for initiation. Petition accepted.

Letter from Hugh Harris Lodge No. 938 F.& A.M., Corbin, Ky
announcing that they were going to place the name of P.M.
John A. Keith, in nomination for the office of Grand Junior
Warden of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky at the 191st Annual

The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid.

Ck.# 1886 Commerce National Bank - Rent on safe
deposit box # 3161. $ 40.00
Ck.# 1887 John S. Jacobs — Refreshment (3/19/90) 53.00
Ck.# 1888 Smitty’s Steakhouse * 90.10 Lbs of Ham
for meeting on may 19, 1990. 136.95
Ck.# 1889 Bluegrass Chapter of Demolay — one page
advertisement in 1990 program. 150.00

Total $ 379.95

UNFINISHED After some discussion on the new proposed By—Laws change
BUSINESS: a motion was made to table the change permanently. The motion
died for the lack of a second. The Master then appointed Joe
C. Hardman, Melvin Kennedy and John Summersett as Tellers.
. The By-Laws change was defeated.


 Lex. Lodge # 1 minutes of Mar 19, 1990 continue from previous page.

Page 2




Discussion on Lexington Lodge No. 1 buying a plague for the
wall in Dleika Temple. A motion was made and seconded that
we buy a Marble Plaque for $850.00 to hang on the wall.
Motion carred.

Ed Russell-Tutty reported on the local Chapter of Demolay

and made a motion that Lexington Lodge No. 1 purchase its
customary one page advertisement in the Bluegrass Chapter

of Demolay’s 1990 conclave program. Motion was seconded and

Secretary announced that Donald Edward Morton, 17585 E. Hwy 40
Silver Springs, Fl. had been restored to membership with
payment of arears.

Melvin Kennedy (Rep. to MTA) reported on the status of the
property on R/R in regards to the gas line easement which has
been on the property since 1913.

Also, a special thanks was extended to Ted Walter for all the
hard work he has done for the MTA at no charge.

M.M. John D. Jacobs gave a talk on Masonic Education.

O’dell Cobb with terminal Cancer.
Thomas Horine, R.M. is getting out of the house some now.

w.M. Jacobs recognized the P.M.’s present.

Lodge closed in Form on the M.M. Degree at 8:45 P.M.

Manlus Burton,

present four (4)






Dear Brothers:

There is one item of business left over from the previous year that we need to take care of
as soon as possible, therefore the date of March 19, 1990, we hope to present the following
for your consideration:

Our BY-LAWS (Article Two, Section 1) now reads as follows:

The officers shall consist of the Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary,
Tiler, seven Representatives to Masonic Temple Association, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon,
Chaplain, Lecturers, two Trustees and two Stewards. The elective officers are the Master,

the Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, Tiler and seven Representatives to Masonic Temple Associatio
Three Representatives to be elected annually for a_twofiyear term. The Junior Past Master to
serve a oneeyear term Ex-Officio.


Your attention should be drawn to the last two lines which have been under lined, because
there has been a change submitted so these lines (if adopted) would read:

Four Representatives to be elected for a two-year term. The following year three Representa-—
-tives to be elected for a two-year term.

This change does two things: First it expands the term of that Representative from a one
year rotation to a two year rotation and, Second, it causes that office to be balloted on
rather than being filled automatically by the next Junior Past Master.

.Another change was submitted concerning the same subject which (if adopted) reads:

Three Representatives shall be elected for a period of two years and the following year
three Representatives shall be elected for a two year term. The present Master will
automatically be elected by virtue of his office.

This change repeats part of the by-laws as they now read but changes the Representative to
be the current Master instead of the Junior Past Master.

Your current officers express no preference in the above and have used this means of giving

the Craft notice there to.
***************************** *************a* **************************

We are happy to announce the following Committees

Finance ..............Harvey D. Reynolds, Reed Harris, John Summersett, Roy H. Mays, Jr.
' Whitfield Tandy, Robert Horine, Ralph Carter, Daniel H. Lail
Wm. Michael Pinkston
Jurisprudence.........Reed Harris, Theodore B. Walter, Harvey D. Reynolds
Funeral...............E. B. Cochran, Marvin S. Whitton, Franklin H. Stewart, Doyle Rambo,
Walter S. Johnston, Maynard R. McClain, Robert B. Horine,
Harvey D. Reynolds
Distress..............Manlus Burton, Roy H. Mays, Jr., Robert B. Horine
Publicity.............Walter S. Johnston, Manlus Burton
Photography...........John S. Jacobs
Education.............Walter S. Johnston
Degree Team...........Ellis R. McCollum, Reed Harris, John Summersett

yRefreshment...........John S. Jacobs, Tom Kelley, wm. Michael Pinkston

(first name on each committee is chairman)
***************************** ***************** *************************
In keeping up with our ill and shut ins we still have Bro. E. B. Cochran at home; we

understand Brother Joe Holleran, Sr., is walking a lot and doing well; Bro. Tom Horine
had gone home, then back in the hospital but is home at the present time; Bro. Jesse W.
Hulett is at the VA Hospital on Leestown Rd; Brother Kelly Sloan was reported to be in the

~"r~~fw~h08pit3lwwith~agnollgpSEd lung;ޢBrg, Manlus Burton_ismback at work on a part time basis and

was present at our last meeting. Please keep us informed so we can up dateflofir*li§tqafidq””
check on these Brothers when you can.

************************** ********************* ***********************
I'm sure all will be glad to know that we intend to start an EA class on April 2, 1990 which
will be our first meeting that month. We are not certain how many will be in the class

but the potential can run from 2 to 6. On this one occasion only we are having the Past
Masters Unit confer the work.

************************* ********************** *******************
In the previous news letter we announced the results of the election on December 27, 1989,

We would like to announce appointments that have been made in addition to the committees
listed above: '

Senior Deacon ; John Summersett Trustees : Roy H. Mays, Jr.
Senior Steward : Tom Kelley Maynard R. McClain
Junior Steward : Wm. M. Pinkston Billy Ray Ogger
Chaplain : Joe C. Hardman

Lecturers: Ellis R. McCollum
James W. Lewis
Wm. M. Pinkston


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In recent years the Lodge has attempted to have events for the members to Join in on that
are outside the normal range of Lodge functions. We are interested in seeing if those
activities are still wanted? We would enjoy getting some feed back from the membership

if they wish to continue the golf tournament? Someone suggested that a fishing tournament
might have some interest? Perhaps the membership would like to see more family functions

like the annual fish fry (more than the one). These type of activities are more possible

when we have response and ideas. ,
************************** ********************* *******************

Lexington Lodge No. 1, Officers urge all of our Brothers to support your other Masonic

connected organizations, such as the Scottish Rite, York Rite, Shrine, Order of Eastern Star

and the Youth organizations. We in turn solicit all the support we can get from them.

We also want to thank Bro. George Pash, William hiles, Ellis McCollum and Melvin Kennedy-

Fraternally thine, -for being pro-tem officers during-
—these first meetings.

Harvey Reynolds
Senior Warden

Craftsmen: Lexington Lodge No. 1, has begun the new year with the future looking very
bright. The Lodge will confer the Entered Apprentice degree 2 April 1990 upon at least
three candidates. Brethren from William McKinley #hBl, Canton, Ohio will visit our Lodge
19 May 1990 to observe the Legend of the Temple presented "Kentucky Style".

Most Worshipful Grand Master Floyd H. Booth paid a welcome visit to Lexington Lodge No. l,
19 February 1990 along with Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Arnold E. wyatt, and
Past Grand Masters Patrick, Whitton and Wilhite. Brother Booth commented he was pleased.

to observe the Peace, Harmony, Frien