xt79s46h426m_15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011.dao.xml Freemasons. Lexington Lodge, No. 1 (Lexington, Ky.) 18.2 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, 15 items archival material 2018ms011 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington Lodge no. 1 records Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes text Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011/Box_2018ms011_09/Folder_12_14/Multipage4148.pdf 1955-1958 1958 1955-1958 section false xt79s46h426m_15 xt79s46h426m @w LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON, KY. .@



MEETING Treasurer

W. Master Secretary

Senior Warden ___________________________________ Senior Steward

___________________________________ Junior Steward

Gresham Sacra

Junior Warden
Senior Deacon

Junior Deacon


Pe ti tions received.

Mo Mo conferred. NO. 1

Jasper Eluood Cole

Lonzy E. Ellis

Sherley Weedeon Ferguson
Cecil Forest éiaines
Donald Eugene Gaines
Fred Walker Ki ser

Frank Lansdale, Jr.
Beverley Reed

Clarence Shirley Summers
Ralph Gordon Woreter


3800 P. M. Lodge opened in form on Master Masons Degree with
nine other present.

Minutes of July 18, 1955 were read and approved.

Secretary presented the following petition which was duly
ordered received and comittees appointed.

> Ernest Bernan Foley. Jr.

Master announced the purpose of this meeting was to confer
the Master Masons Degree upon 15 Fellow Crafts, 10 for
Lexington Lodge No. l and five for Winchester Lodge No. 20,
previously qualified and now in waiting.

me candidates were then prepared and admitted and the first
section was conferred by Master Sparks in the East.

After a brief at ease the lodge was called to order and
proceeded to raise in short form the new-1y obligated brothers
as follows:

Charles Woodrow Segress by Frank Sparks, Master

Charles Walter Kiracofe, Jr.

Lloyd Burms Castle by Clinton K. Hoffmann, P. N.

1102127 Es E1113 by we Es Lander, Sr. Po Mo

Jasp'er Elwood Cole by Brother Cor, P. M. of Beaver
Creek No. 335

Fred Walker Kiser by Gresham Sacra

Beverely Edward Reed by Dr. Charles L. Pyatt

Clarence Shirley Summers by Victor Howard

Ralph C. Worster by J. H. Sims, P. a“.

Cecil Forest Gaines 9'

Donald Eugene Gaines. " "

Raymond Barr Weigott by Cecil Hardwick, P. H.

Robert Allen Abney by Brother Snow, P. M of
Right Angle No. 233

Frank Lansdale, Jr. by Chester Meyer 5. W.

After a brief at ease the lodge was called to order, after
having a verynice dinner, served in relays, Master Sparks
recognizedBrother Claude E. Elkin, District Deputy Grand Master,


 Called Meeting August 1, 1955 Page 2
from District so. 2# and Grand Masonic Honors were given him.

Secretary read a letter from M. 3. Vaughn, Berea, Ky. stating
that August 12, 1955 had been set up for Masonic Night for the
play Wilderness Road, at Indian Fort mheatre. Any oneinterested
was to notify your Secretary or call direct for reservations.

The Grand Lodge report for 1955 was read to the lodge, showing
that we had a net gain of 50 members over 1954 and that we

now had a membership of 1,366 members, consisting of 1,260 Master
Masons, l6 Fellow Craft and 90 Entered Apprentices.

Secretary presented the following bills which were duly ordered
received for payment:

Harts Law 6019
Thompson Mimeograph Shop n.16
Michler Florist 8.00
Wilburn House 2.15
Wilson Bros. Grocery 1h.17
Ball and Co. 11.20
Peerless Laundry .85
Harts Laundry 15.19

Sick and Distressed:

Brother Victor Portman reported to have been hit by a car this
afternoon but not seriously hurt.

Brother Chester Meyers welcome back after being ill at home.

Brother Sims reported on the trip made to Ehe Old Masons Home
on Sunday July 31, 1955. Stated that we had had a very nice

meeting and again reported that if you had never been down to
the home and seen those old fellows then you have never seen

all of Masonery.

After a brief at east the lodge was called to order with
Brother Marvin Whitton in the East, the craft proceeded to
raise with the assistant of our degree team, Sherley Woodson
Ferguson with full cerlmonial.

Ihe new made Brothers were then asked to approach the East,
where they were presented with their aprons, dues cards,
BybLaws and a HistorVof Lexington Lodge so. 1. Master Sparks
then explained the iylers Oath and their charge was given by
Brother Whitton.

They were then seated in the Nbrth and asked if they wished to
say anything. He. responce.

Several of the new-1y made brothers were asked to approach the
Alter and were presented with a gift or token from a friend of

Master Sparks then expressed his thanks to all the officers,
Degree Team and the craft for their help in conferring this

Brother Hebert McClanahan was reported ill at home, 225 Castlewood


 Called Meeting August 1, 1955 . Page 3

Brother Reneker, on be-half of Winchester Lodge No. 20 expressed
his thanks for conferring the work on their five Brothers and
extended an invisitation to come and visit with them.

All visitors were asked to stand and introduce themselves.
Sixteen present. «
No. 24

Brother Elkin, D. D. G. M. then made a very fine talk to the
I 306580

Master Sparks announced that we would meet early, 7:00 P. M.
on Monday, August 15, 1955 for an examination on the Entered
Apprentice before the conference of the Fellow Graft Degree.

Brother Whitton announced that we had ‘been asked to come over
to Owinsville on August 16, 1955 and confer the Master Masons
Degree. |fillet we would leave here at about 5:90 P. M. and
that also we would give the third section too and asked all
that had not seen it to come and go over.

Enother Sims announced that the band from Oleika Temple would have
a hand concert in Winchester on August 12, 1955 and asked all
to come down and hear it.

Secretary reported forthe committees on the foiziowing, ballots
were spread with the following results:

Elected all degrees Elected for all three degrees:

. Donald Thomas Bozarth
. Lawrence Brewer McDaniel
Wade McDaniel
John Hamilton Tomplins
Porter J. White

Rejected Rejected:
Smitty Isadore Morris
Secretary reported the following deaths:
Henry Harrison Wagoner July 7. 1955
Albert Milton Morehead July 12, 1955
Fred Horton May 12. 1955
Cards were read from the families of Henry Wagoner and Albert
Milton Morehead expressing their thanks‘for the kindness shown
them during their troubles.

the financial report for the month of July, 1955 was read and
said report was made a part of the minutes.

10:25 P. M. lodge closed in form.

Wilburn House, Secretary Frank Sparks, Merger





___________9_%}_1_°_‘_1 __________________ MEETING Treasurer
__________ giggliflLkgilsgfluuuu W. Master Secretary
_____ .__-___C_h.§_s.t;93‘.-¥§¥§?__-_____ Senior Warden __-___¥EE?EY__H_§£Q§R§§?5§__H_ Senior Steward
__________ EWIEEE‘E-Elnuu Junior Warden ___________--_________-____________ Junior Steward
__________ gg‘1}l_g£a_y_u____-___n_ Senior Deacon

1“ Stewart Junior Deacon Chaplain


7:00 P. M. Lodge opened in form on Master Masons Degree with
12 others present.

Master Sparks announced the purpose of calling this meeting
early was to examine sixteen Entered Apprentice on that degree.

7:15 P. M. Called from labor to refreshment preparatory to
opening on Entered Apprentice Degree. Opened in form on

Entered Apprentice Degree. Sixteen Entered Apprentice were found
in waiting, were admitted and examined by Brother fliompson ‘
E. A. Examine on this degree. ‘Iiiose found proficient were as follows:

. Hershel Eugene Dillon

Stuart Lee Duster

Levis Algin Farmer, Jr.

Lacy Eldon Frantz, Jr.

Arthur 6. Gears

Samuel Spurgeon Long, Jr.

A. Graydon McGannahan, Jr.

Charles Dallas Mellilliams

Malcolm Mason, Jr.

James Glemis Murphy

Jesse Ray Muse

Lawrence Edward Potts

James Stephens Srosper, Jr.

Oliver Boss Williamson

Leslie Odell Young

Horace Ohanders Prevatt, as a courtesy to St.
Albanys Lodge No. 111+,
Lumberton, N. Carolina

7345 P. M. Closed in form on Entered Apprentice Degree. Called
from refreshment to labor on Master Masons Degree.

A motion was made, duly seconded that these sixteen Entered
Apprentice be declared proficient in this lodge. Motion

Minutes of August 1, 1955 were read and approved.

Secretary presented the following petitions, which were duly
ordered received and semi ttees appointed:




Pe ti tion rece ived.

I. C. Confer

Galled Moe ting Angus t 1 5 1955

Leslie Stedman Cairel
Norman Jason Godbey
homes William Karine ,
Lyman Lee Hunt, Jr.
Reuben Karts

Fountain Dabney Melanin
Cecil L. Show

Claude F. Snyder

Report of Committees:
Standing Committee - None
Select Committee - None
Sick and Distressed:

Herbert G. McClannahan reported in Good Samaritan Hospital
William H. Skinner reported as being able to come home from
hospital but still very ill. .

A. E. Kappa reported in hospital.
Leonard Ishmael reported in hospital.

8:00 P. M. Called from labor to refreshments preparatory to
Opening on Fellow Craft Degree. Opened in form on Fellow Craft
Degree. With Chester Meyer in the East the craft proceeded to
confer the Fellow Craft Degree upon 16 Entered Apprentice,
previously qualified and found in waiting: as follows:

Hershel Eugene Dillon

Stuart Lee Buster

Lewis Algin Farmer, Jr.

Lacy Eldon Frantz, Jr.

Arthur C. Geers

Samuel Spurgeon Long, Jr.

A. Graydon McGannahan, Jr.

Charles Dallas McWilliams

Malcolm Mason, Jr.

James Clemis Murphy

Jesse Ray Muse

Lawrence Edward Potts

James Stephens ‘I‘rOSper, Jr.

Oliver Boss Williamson

Leslie Odell Young

Horace Ghanders Prevatt, as a courtesy to Albany
Lodge No. 114, Lumberton, N. Carolina

The Second Section was then given by Robert 'l‘urley and the new-1y
obligated brothers were asked to approach the East, where they were
instructed on the letter G by J. H. Sims and were then asked to be
seated in the North.

Brother Whitton announced that we would be visitors over at
Bath Lodge No. 55, Owingsville, Ky. on August 16, 1955 and stated
that we would would leave the temple at 5:30 P. M.

9:30 P. M. Closed in form on Fellow Craft Degree. Called from


 Called. Meeting August 15, 1955 Page 3
refreshments to labor on Master Masons Degree.

Brother Sims asked if any of the craft had a copy of the Masonic
Home Journal, dated February 15. 1955.

Master Sparks asked. all visi tors to stand. and introduce them-
selves. Two present.

9845 P. M. Lodge closed. in form.

/‘. 7 J ,j /' 4

Wilburn House, Secretary Frank Sparks, Master






DATE__§‘§$E§ 15.35-3255 _____

Called Treasurer

_________________________________________ Secretary

___________________________________ Senior Steward

____________________________________ Senior Deacon

____________________________________ Junior Deacon


3:10 P. M. Lodge opened on form on Master Masons Degree.at
Lexington Cemetery.

Master announced the purpose of this called meeting was to
confer the last sad rites upon one of our brothers.

‘lhe craft then proceeded to confer the last sad rites upon
William Coleman Brown, a member of Lexington Lodge No. 1,
who was raised as a Master Mason on April 29. 1930, as only
our Brother Whitton can do.

3:45 P. M. Lodge closed in form.

Wilburn House, Secretary Marvin Whitton, Acting





Dues: '
195# zu.oo
Duns received on reinstatemenx nCombest 2#.00
Fbea: 810.00
Supplies sold 2.25
Refund on table for hall:

Oleika Temple 8. 3

thb Gommandry 8.23 16.u6
Return check collectefin .35192. 1,051.36

Bank balance August 1, 1955 ‘ ~ 8,143.19
_ 9,19#.h6


August 1 Check Nb. 17#9 Hurts Laundry 6.19
1750 Ihompson Mimeograph #.16
1751 Michler Florist 8.00
1752 Wilburn House 2.15
1753 Wilson Bros. Groe. 14.17
1754 Ball and Co. 11.20
1755 Peerless Laundry .85
1756 Harts Laundry 15.19
1757 Charles L. Simpson 170.07
1758 S. I Morris 35.00
' 1759 Grand Lodge 6,803.00

15 1760 Ft. Wbrth Masonis
Bureau 11.71
1761 Clark.Hardware 5h.50
1762 Chester R. Meyer 45.29

22 Return check-
68311 Le Snow 35.99 79216°#8

August 31 Bank Balance 2,.660’39‘
Less checks outstanding:

1160 .50

1617 35000

1618 35.00‘

1660 11.2; ____§2121..11222££1

QM aw

Wilburn Hbuse, Secretary


 fix LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON, KY. «@g

DATE__S_e_B£e.IP.P.e_I_'_ _5_.__1:?_5_5____


_____________________________________ MEETING J' H’ Sims Treasurer
Chester Meyer

Senior Steward

Junior Steward

____§§£¥Y.Ei§§!§ __________________________ Tiler

Elmer Evans Chaplain


7:30 P. M. Lodge opened in form on Master Masons Degree with
thirtybtwo others present.

Minutes of August 15, 1955 and.August 27, 1955 were read and

Secretary presented the following petitions which were duly
ordered received and committees appointed, subject to holding
’Ihoodore R. McDaniel and Badman John Snyder until the

Petition received. required time had passed and they would be in our Jurisdiction.

Initiation Initiation:

. Lindsay Abnee
Charles Hasslden Barr
T. J. Compton

Harry Welch Fothergill
Mark Goddard

William H. Green
Thomas J. Littleton
Theodore R. McDaniel

?Rodman.John Snyder
Affiliation Affiliation:

Stedman Bagby

Secretary reported for the committees on the following, ballots
were spread with the following results:

Elected all degrees Elected for all three degrees:

John Thomas Dix

Harry Dean Dodson, Jr.
Cecil Bustill Janis
Sidney Eugene Mitchell
John Charles Smith
William Edward Wilson

Past Master Sims announce the death of William Coleman Brown
on August 26, 1955 and that a Masonic Funeral had been
conducted on.August 27, 1955.

He also announced that letters, addressed to all the Master
of the lodges in Kentucky, would be sent out the first of

September, regarding the nomination of Past Master Whitton
for Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.



 .5eptember 5, 1955 Stated Meeting ' Page 2

Brother Sims also asked Brother Frank Smith to stand and
commented on the help that Brother Smith had given to the lodge
when ever they needed music.

8315 P. M. Called from labor to refreshmentspreparatory to
Opening on Fellow Craft Degree. Opened in form on Fellow Craft
Degree. Fifteen Fellow Crafts were found in waiting, were
admitted and examined on this degree. Those found proficient
~ were as follows:
F. C. Examination

Hershel Eugene Dillon

Stuart Lee Buster

Lewis Algin Farmer, Jr.

Lacy Eldon Frantz, Jr.

Arthur C. Geers

Samuel Spurgeon Long, Jr.

A. Graydon McGannahan, Jr.

Charles Dallas McWilliams

Malcolm Mason, Jr.

Jesse Ray Muse

Lawrence Edward Potts

James Stephens Trosper, Jr.

Oliver Ross Williamson

Leslie Odell Young

Horace Chanders Prevatt as a courteet to St. Alban's

Lodge No. 11#, Lumberton, N. C.

8255 P. M. Closed in form on Fellow Craft Degree. Called from
refreshment to labor on Master Masons Degree.

Report of Committees:
Select Committee - None
Standing Committee - None
Sick and Distressed:

Herbert McClanahan reported home from hospital. was better and
could have company at home 225 Castlewood Dr.

Brother Wimliam Skinner reported out and about.
Brother Kappa reported still in hospital. very Ill.
'Ilie financifal report for the montLof August was read and said
report was made a part of the minutes.
Evarts, Ky.
A letter was read from Yocum Lodge No. 897 requesting that
we lecture Fred J. Brooks on the Entered Apprentice Degree
as a courtesy to them.

Secretary reported that we had received the demit for Harold
Garland Arnett.

The following deaths were reported:

William Coleman Brown on August 26, 1955


 Stated meeting September 5, 1955 Page 3

Secretary reported that Charles Clifton Combest had paid up all his
dues in full and had been automatically reinstated as of

Augus t 25 , 19550

Secretary presented the following hills which were duly ordered
received and payment made.

Michler Florist 30.00
VPeerless Laundry 2.17
The Art Press 37.50
Wilburn House .62
Harts Laundry 6.00
Clark Hardware- Desk su.5o
Chester Meyer - Fan 45.29
Charles L. Simpson M. M. night 170.07

An announcement was made that we would go to St. Helena to confer
the Master Masons Degree on.£bp¢enber 10, 1955. Would leave the

temple about 3:30 P. M.

Brother Sims made a very nice talk on the trip over to
Owingsville and what a nice time wh had had. The moste
inspiring thing was meeting Mrs. Whitton, the mother of our
Brother Marvin Whitton and all came away knowing why we think
so much of Brother Whitton, after meeting his mother.

All visitors were asked to stand and introduce then selves.
Tho present.

Brother Whitton expressed his thanks to the Craft Team for their
help and the wonderful work they did on the trip to
Owingstille, Ky.

9315 P. M. Lodge closed in form.


Wilburn House, Secretary Chester Meyer, Acting“)



DATE _ EEPEEIRQ F. .1294 _ $9.55. _

J- He Sims Treasurer
_____ .___c_2}9_s_§§.1:_!4_9¥§_1:__________ Senior Warden ________-___--_-___________________ Senior Steward

____-___P_§'p-_]:__G_I:§'X ______ , _________ Junior Warden ___________________________________ Junior Steward
0 tho Ward. Senior Deacon

________ t]; 392%?..P3-.¥9§§9§9_un_ Junior Deacon _ ____~____D?_-_-p_h@?_l§_5__;'_-_.EXQ-Et---" Chaplain


7:30 P. M. Lodge opened in form on Master Masons Degree with
fortybtwo others present.

Minutes of September 5, 1955 were read and approved.

Secretary'presented the following petitions which were duly
Petitions received ordered received and committees appointed:

Orville B. Bogie
Robert Rule Tallent
James Robert Watkins

Secretary reported fer the committee on the following, ballots
were spread with the following results:

Elected all degrees Elected for all three degrees:

Lyman Lee Hunt, Jr.
Fountain Dabney Maupin

A motion was made, duly seconded that the fifteen Fellow Crafts,
examined on September 5, 1955 be declared proficient in this
lodge. Motion carried.

Brother Robert Thrley then reported to the lodge that he,

Sam Warren and L. E. Lander, Sr. had been requested to make

an investigation on Mrs. filmyra Woodruff regarding her request
for admission in the Masonic Widows and Orphan Home. He
stated that they had made this investigation and presented

an application all filled in and ready to be approved by the
lodge and to be mailed to the home: That in their opinion

she was eligible to go even though she was now confined or

was under observation at The Eastern State Hospital as her
daughter had four children of her own and was unable to take
care of her mother. Doctor Sam Warren had made an examination
upon Mrs. Woodruff and thoughtthat she was eligible to go.
Brother Turley then read the following resolution to the lodge.

Copy of Resolution adopted by Lexington Lodge No. 1, F. &.A. M.

Whereas: Brother Thomas B. Woodruff who died on the 22 day of
August, 1932, was at the time of his death and had been for a




 Stated Meeting September 19. 1955 Page 2

period of 10 years and 11 Months, a Master Mason in good standing
in Lexington Lodge No. 1, F. &.A. M. of Lexington, Kentucky and
whereas, he left surviving him Almyra Wiard Woodruff, a widow
who is now 81 years of age, and whereas the lodge has through a
committee composed of Brother A. Sam Warren, W. E. Lander, Sr.
and R. J. Turley, members of said lodge, made a careful invest-
igation of the case and finds that the said widow in in destitute
circumstances, that she has no one able and willing to support
or care for her, except as herein stated; and that she is worthy
and eligible under the flange byblaws, rules and gegulations to
admission to said Home.

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that Lexington Lodge No. 1
hereby applies for the admission of said widow to the Masonic
Widows and Orphansu Home and Infirmary and agree as follows:

1 If admitted the widow shall be subject to said byhlaws, rules
and regulations and to the conditions and agreements therein

2. Th receive back said widow at any time upon the request of the
Board of Directors of said Home.

3. In the event of the death of said widow before being discharged
from said Home to defray the funeral expenses.

h. To mail to the Superintendent of the Home annyally between the
1st. and 15th. of July on forms to be furnished for that purpose,
a statement showing the financial condition of the widow.

we, the undersigned Master and Secretary respective of Lexington
Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M., hereby certify that the foregoing is a
true, correct and accurate copy of a eesnlution adapted by said
lodge at a stated meeting of same held on the 19th. day of
September, 1955 and that said resolution has been spread upon the
minutes of said lodge at page of the minute book.

_Erank M. Sparks


Master Sparks then appointed the following committee to make
and complete this investigation:

Robert J. Turley, Chairman
A. Sam Warren
L. E. Lander, Sr.

A motion was then made and duly seconded that this committee
be approved by the lodge. Motion carried.

A motion was then made by Brother Truly, seconded by A. D.
Langford that the resolution Just read be approved by the
lodge and adopted. Motion carried.

Sick and distressed:

Brother Johnny Perkinson was reported in St. Josephs Hospital


 E. A. Conferred

Stated Meeting September 19, 1955 Page 3

with an operation. Getting along fine.

8:10 P. M. Called from labor to refreshments preparatory to
Opening on Entered Apprentice Degree. Opened in form on
Entered Apprentice Degree. With Robert Turley in the East the
Craft then.proceeded to confer the Entered Apprentice Degree
upon fourteen candidates, previously qualified and found in w

Donald Thomas Bozarth
Jack Elkins Congleton
John Thomas Dix

Harry Dean Dodson, Jr.
Lyman Lee tht, Jr.
Cecil Bustill Janis
Lawrence Brower McDaniel
wade McDaniel

Fountain Dabney Maupin
Sidney Eugene Mitchell
John Charles Smith
John Hamilton Tbmpkins
Porter J. White
William Edward Wilson

Master Sparks then returned to the East and the second section
was given by Paul Gray.

The newly obligated brothers were then welcomed by the lodge
and were seated in the north.

Lexington Lodge No. 1 had seen something done that if not the first
time was something very unusually Four of the new brothers had
had their fathers to act as Stewarts for them to-night.

Donald Thomas Bozarth by Gordon Bozarth
Jack Elkins Congleton by Vernon Congleton
Lyman Lee Hunt, Jr. by Lyman Hunt

John Charles Smith by Frank Smith

9:55 P. M. Closed in from on Entered Apprentice Degree. Called
from refreshments to labor on Master Masons Degree.

Brother Sims that stated to the lodge that he had had the pleasure
on Sunday to see Brother Luther Emerson orda d s a Deacon

at Central Baptist Church. That Dr. Mayo a solo at the
service and he though this very unusual as only some months back
Brother Emerson had had an operation and was so very close to
death's door. He congratulated Brother Emerson on this step

he had taken.

Brother were reported that Lexington Chapter would confer the Mark
Master Degree on Thursday, September 22, 1955.

Master Sparks announced that we would not have the called meeting
on September 30, 1955 as planned but hold it at some later date.
All would be notified.

12::E/f. M. Lodge c peed in form.


 September 25, 1955

Masonic Widows and OrphanHome
Louisville. Kentucky


Enclosed please find an npplication of Mrs. Almyrn W. Woodruff for
admission to the Masonic hone. Mrs. Woodrnff is the widow of our deceased
member Thomas B. Woodruff. ‘

For your consideration here are the pertinent facts regarding this onset:
In October, 195’4 Mrs. Mary W. Cantrell, daughter of Mrs. Woodrufi’ asked Lexington
Lodge No. 1 to seek admission to the home for her mother. A oomittee composed
of Brother Sam Warren, Physician. Robert ‘i‘urley, Attorney and w. E. Lander, Past
Master was appointed to make the necessary investigation. When the question of
Mrs. Woodrni’f's financial condition was raised and as to the ownership of the
house at 322 Sheridan Drive. Mrs. Cantrell decided not to proceed with the
request for admission to the home.

he tollowing is a list of property transactions recorded on the deed books
in the Fayette County courthouse!

Myra W. Roadruff to Marietta E. Shannon 35h 8. Upper St. March 31. 1951}.
Deed Book No. 555, Page No. 293. Staflpe $5.50

W. H. and Georgia. Yeary to Myra Woodrnff, Southland Sadr. Lot No. 6,
March 31, 1951+. Deed book No. 555. Page No. 295. Stamps $3.85
Assumed mortgage. Franklin Title Go. Orginal amount of $12.l&00.00

Myra W. Woodruff to H. B. and Ollie Mae Fitzgerald - Southland Sudv.
April 27. 1955. Deed book No. 577. Page No. 28L». Stamps $1.10

John 0. Sparks to Mary W. Cantrell. Meadow Sudv. June 21. 1955. Deed book
NO. 5810 Fag. KOe 11”. Stamp! $3.85.

Now Mrs. Gantrell has again asked for admission of her mother to the home.
Mrs. Woodrufi’ is now in the Eastern State Hospital on a temporary admission.
Mrs. Cantrell says that she can no longer keep her mother. Although the Judge
has not had Mrs. Woodruff examined or committed. She appears to be no more than
some what senile.


 ' She recording of the last two deed: shows that the house in lire.
Woodruff‘e name “an sold and another purchased in hrs. Gnntrell's name.

Hrs Cantrell stated on September 21. 1955 that unless she can get her
mother admitted. to the home. it will be necessary to have her committed
to the Eastern State Hospital.

Althoufi the property transfers and the termination of the original
Wrequesti’or admission to the Me is obviously Wegular. the fact remains
' the widow of our brother is the victim of circumstances. either beyond
her control or created by others.

An early consideration of this case by the Home Board will be greatly

Internally thine.

Lexington Lodge Ho. 1. F. 8:11. M.

bank )4. Sparks, Master

Wilburn House, Secretary



 @g LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON, KY. 9©¢


Called Treasurer

_________________________________________ Secretary

___________________________________ Senior Steward

Junior Warden ___________________________________ Junior Steward
____________________________________ Senior Deacon

_____________________________________ Junior Deacon


3:15 P. M. Lodge opened in form at Lexington Cemetary.

Master announced the purpose of this called meeting was to
confer the last sad rites upon one of our brothers.

The craft then.proceeded to confer the last sad rites upon
Nathan Marshall Corbin, a member of Lexington Lodge No. 1,
who Was raised as a Master Mason on July 6, 1910, as only
our Brother Whitton can do.

4:00 P. M. Lodge closed in ample form.

Lung min

Wilburn House, Secretary Marvin Whitton, Acting






Refund on ksys from Post Office on box

Bank balance September 1, 1955


September 1 State tax on bank balance 2.06
5 Check No. 1763 Michl er Florist
5 1764 Peerless Laundry
5 1765 me Art Press
5 1766 Wilburn House
5 1767 Harts Laundry

September 30 Bank balance

Less checks outstanding:
1160 .50
161? 35.00

1618 35.00
Cash on hand.

493 . 1411'




20.50 2,267.63

Wilburn House, Secretary


 y@§ LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON, KY.‘ @



Senior Steward

___________________________________ Junior Steward



M. M. Confer
Hershel Eugene Dillon
Stuart Lee Euster
Lewis Algin Farmer, Jr.
Lacy Eldon Frantz, Jr.
Arthur C. Geers
Samuel Spurgeon Long, J
A. Graydon McGrannahan,
Charles Dallas MoWilliw
Malcolm Mason, Jr.
Jesse Ray Muse
Lawrence Edward Potts
James Stephens Trosper,
Oliver Ross Williamson
Leslie Odell Young
Horace Chanders Prevatt


3:10 P. M. Lodge opened in form on Master Masons Degree with
fourteen others present.

Master announced the purpose of this meeting being called
early was to confer the Master Masons Degree upon fifteen
F‘IlowgCrafts, previously qualified and now in waiting.

The brothers were then prepared and admitted and the first
section was conferred by Master Sparks in the East.

After a brief at ease the lodge was called to order and
proceed to raise in short form the newbly obligated
brothers as follows:

Hershel Eugene Dillon by Frank Sparks, Master

Stuart Lee Buster by Dr. Charles L. Pyatt, Chaplain

Lacy Eldon Frantz, Jr. by George Stewart

Arther C. Geers by Gresham Sacra, asSisted by

Brothers Geecs father in the West.

A. Graydon McGrannahan, Jr. by J. H. Sims. P. M.

Samuel Spurgeon Long, Jr. by Pat Lloyd, P. M.

Charles Dallas McWilliams by Victor Howard

Oliver Ross Williamson by H. M. Couch, P" M.

Lawrence Edward Potts by

Jesse Ray Muse by Chester Meyer, S. W.

Leslie Odell Young by Cecil Hardwick, P. M.

Lewis A. Farmer, Jr. by J. H. S ims, P. M.

James Stephens Trosper, Jr. by " With brother

Trosper father in the West.

Horace Chanders Prevatt by J. H. Sims, P. M. as a
courtesy to St. Alban"s Lodge No. 114,
Lumberton, N. C.

After a brief at ease the lodge was called to order, after
having a very niCe dinner, served in relays.

~t District No. 25
Brother Henry E. Toadvine, D. D. G. M. was admitted, and Grand
Masonic Honors were given him.

Minutes of September 19, 1955 and September 22, 1955 were read
and approved.

Secretary presented the following petitions which were duly
ordered received and committees appointed:


 Petitions presented


Elected all degrees

Called Meeting October 3, 1955
Initiation Richard Franklin Cowden
John Tnomas Dennis
Oscar Lee Hisel
Alvin Thomas Morton
Minor Dawson Northcutt
Cecil Burnette Sparks

Lester 0. Wells
Sick and Distressed:

Master Sparks announced that Brother Jim Garrisons wife Was in
the hospital and needed four pints of bhood. Asked all that
could to contact Brother Thompson or Brother Gregory.

Brother W. C. Heacock reported in hospital but was out now.
Brother Elmer Cowgill reported in hospital had an operation.

Master Sparks announced that we would have to elect an Alternate
Representative to represent Lexington Lodge No. l to the Grand
Lodge if our Master or Wardens could not get there. On motion,
duly second, Victor Howard was nominated to go. Motion carried.

again after a brief at east the lodge was called to order with
Marvin Whitton in the East. The craft then proceeded to raise
with the assistant of our degree team, Malcolm Mason, Jr. with
full Ceremonial.

The newhly obligated brothers were then asked to approach the
East, where they were presented with their dues cards, by—Laws
and HistoryOf Lexington Lodge No. 1 and the tylsrs oath was
explained by Master Sparks.

They were then seated in the North and were given their charge hy
Brother Whitton.

Several were asked to approach the Alter and were presented
some gift or token from a friend or Brother.

Master Sparks thanked the food committee, all officers and the
degree team for their help in conferring this degree.

All visitors were asked to stand and introduce themselves.
Twenty present.

rother Tbadvine, D. D. G. M. from District No. 25 made a very
nice talk on Masonery.

P. M. Sims extended an invitiation to all to come and attend
Grand Lodge at Louisville. He stated that we needed all the
help we could get as we were presenting P. M. Whitton for
Grand Junior Warden.

Secretary reported for the committess on the following, ballots
were spread with the following results:

Elected for all three degrees:



Called Meeting October 3, 1955

Leslie Stedman Cairel
T. J. Compton

White Elmore Fain
Norman Jason Godbey
William Henry Green
Thomas William Horine
Reuben Kurtn

Cecil L. Snow

Claude Freeman Snyder


Charles Haselden Barr
Mark Goddard


The financial report for the month of September was read and
was made a part of the minutes.

Cards were read from the families of Marshall Corbin and William
C. Brown expressing their appreciations for the kindness shown
them during their troubles.

John E. Carter was reported as having died on September 15, 1955.
A fifty year member.

Secretary reported th