xt79s46h426m_12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011.dao.xml Freemasons. Lexington Lodge, No. 1 (Lexington, Ky.) 18.2 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, 15 items archival material 2018ms011 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington Lodge no. 1 records Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes text Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011/Box_2018ms011_09/Folder_5/Multipage3316.pdf 1947 December-1949 1949 1947 December-1949 section false xt79s46h426m_12 xt79s46h426m  






















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____________ Riiiiqnuimum--- MEETING

W - E - ILQDQQILL .SI 2 _ _ i - Junior Deacon

Initiation Received

Lem Hendrick De Bell
103 Penmoken Park

Ishmael Earl Finnell‘
202 Hillcrest Ave.

Ellis Wilbur Goe
135 Park Avenue

Cleveland A. Marsee '
622 Sayre Avenue

Roy Mason Russell ’
lhh N. Hanover Ave.

Finnell Oldham Vealel
hlé Gibson Ave.

Membership Received
Brooks Juett f
1112 lst Nat. Bk. Bldg

Reinstatement Received
Roy Lee Shannon
508 W) Main Street


E.A. Elected
Henry E. Elam

Membership Elected
Elwood G. Gordon'v

Robert F. Sexton.

F.C. Conferred

Fred J. Rogers I
(Honolulu No. h09)

Elect M.M.
Fred 1'. Rogers



DATE -Psesmbsalilflz _________________


Senior Warden

______ H @ETIYDMLESJHQR,_____,_______,,


Clinton K. Hoffman

Junior Warden Senior Steward

______ q SinfiiH:_.S_}Fl_§___---__-___ Junior Steward

______ Q hasCCrump

Senior Deacon


Lodge opened in form on M.M. degree at 7:35 P.M. with bl
others present.

Minutes of meetings of October 28, November 3, November 1?,
and November 21, 19h7, were read and approved.

Tge following petitions were received and committees appointed:
orn—date Born at Occu ation
m msburg, Ky. WEBr—
Recommended by Edward E. Sutton and Clyde K. Nave.

Grant Knight, Eugene B. Shehan, Jr., Charles C. Crump.

3-3-1919 Athens, Ky. Service Station Manager.
Recommended by Gordon A. Ford and Harry A. King.

Elwood House, James C. Music, Arnett Vinson.

3-25—1900 Springfield, Ohio Musician & Salesman.
Recommended by Carl Hudgins and R. L. Saunders.

Willie B. Griffin, Russell C. Woodward, Vertner L. Slade.
2—1—1918 Danville, Ky. Jewelry Engraver.
Recommended by Russel C. Woodward and Jesse W. Clark.

Lee A. Pyman, Ben F. Buckley, Jr., James W. Mattingly.

9-5—1911 Corbin, Ky. Distr. Supt. J.J.Newberry Co
Recommended by James D. Long and Theo. L. Jones.

E. W. Essig, wm. H. McKinney, wm. N. Lipscomb.

6-2h—1909 Lexington, Ky. Jeweler

Recommended by Russell C. Woodward and Jesse W. Clark.

John D. Hart, Roy 0. Good, Gus Rozovich.
h-16-19OO Henry Co., Ky. Orthodontist Lex. No. l
- Recommended by Cecil Hardwick and H. M. Couch.
Carl H. 'lyler, William H. Courtney, Arthur A. Tuttle.

2-15-1903 Nicholas Co., Ky. Rep. - Vets Admin.
Recommended by A. L. Atcheson and C. K. Nave.
Guy W. Maupin, D. M. Lowe, Howard 5. Long.

Committees on the following petitions, having reported favor-
ably, they were discharged, ballot spread and elected as

Henry Edward Elam was elected to receive the E.A. degree

in this lodge.

Elwood George Gordon and Robert F. Sexton were elected as
members of this lodge by demit from sister lodges.

The Secretary read a post card from Robert G. Lowrey, who
was admitted to the 0.M.H. on November 22, 19h7, which stated
that he was happy and contented in his new surroundings.

A letter of November 1, l9h7, from Mt. Zion Lodge No. 51,
Mt. Zion, Kentucky, requesting a waiver of jurisdiction on
Walter E. Lakes, 2hh Loudon Avenue, was also read. After an
explanation by the Secretary of his personal investigation
in this case, he made a motion, which was duly seconded and

carried, to refuse this request.

A letter of November 19, 19h7, from the Secretary of Honolulu
Lodge No..h09, Honolulu, T.H., informed us that Brother Fred
I. Rogers had been passed on November 18, l9h7, Upon re-
commendation of the Secretary, he was elected to receive the
M.M. degree in that lodge, subject to his proficiency in the

F.C. degree.




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Stated Meeting - 2 — December 1, 19h?

Demits Issued

Wilgus S. Broffitt
Kenneth P. Grouse
John L. Forcum

F.C. Examined
Frank Box

Luther Brumfield
Alexander H. Cory,Jr.
Charles G. Danos
Joseph H. Davidson
Luther Hundley
Wade Littrell
Shelt Manning

Earl Moberly
Horatio F. Rowan

A letter of November 1, 19h7, from the Old Masons Home of
Kentucky, reminding us that Christmas was near at hand, was
also read. Upon motion made by the Secretary and duly
seconded, it was voted to contribute the following as
Christmas donations:

Old Masons Home of Kentucky $ 10.00
Masonic Widows and Orphans

Home 10.00

Ed Robinson 5.00

The following bills were received and ordered paid:
11—21 Marvin S. Whitton, Food M.M. ll—2l—h7 $ 51.01
Howard S. Long, Lecturer Salary 200.00
Thomas D. McKeene, Asst. Lecturer 15.00
Masonic Temple Assn., 19h? Rental 360.00

Kentucky Utilities Co., Lodge Telephone

calls, etc. 2.73
10-30 Masonic Home Journal, Overprint dues receipts 3.8h
10-28 C. A. Baker, 100 chairs rented — 25-Yr. Member 6.50
Lowe Bros., Framing J.W.M. Life membership 1.15

11-1 Hurst Printing 00., Printing for 25-Yr. member
and Past Masters Night
Meetings 109-75

The Secretary announced that demits had been requested and
issued to Wilgus s. Broffitt on November 11;, 19147, and to
Kenneth P. Grouse and John L. Forcum on December 1, l9b7.

The Secretary reported on a visit to John G. Cramer on
November 30 and notified the craft of the illness of Henry
K. Stark. Charles A. Martin is confined with a strep throat.
George Wellinghurst and D. H. Lloyd were reported as being
on the job again and Albert Henderson, h09 Columbia Ave.,

a member of a sister lodge, is confined as the result of a
stroke. Brother Clarence Eads, recently deceased, was a
member of a Ludlow, Kentucky, lodge.

Herbert D. Estes announced practice for F.C. Clubs on
December 3, 191V].

The W.M. announced M.M. degree on December 9, l9h7, opening
at 2:30 P.M. on 11 candidates with food at 6 P.M.

The W.M. inquired as to whether any action had been taken by
the "Blood Donor" committee. Herbert D. Estes, being the
only one present, had nothing to report.

Lodge called from L-R and opened on F.C. degree.

Frank Box, Luther Brumfield, Alexander H. Cory, Jr., Charles
G. Danes, Joseph H. Davidson, Luther Hundley, Wade Littrell,
Shelt Manning, Earl Moberly, and Horatio F. Rowan, being in
waiting, they were introduced and examined on the F.C. degree
after which they were informed that the M.M. degree would

be conferred on December 9, l9h7.

Lodge called from R—L on M.M. degree.

Ten brothers who had been examined earlier in the evening
were declared proficient and elected to receive the M.M.


The W.M. announced M.M. degree on December 9, E.A. and
examination on December 15, and annual election on December 27.

The Secretary then read certain amendments to the Constitution
and Regulations as amended by the Grand Lodge. These relate
to (1) examination of candidates in all degrees (including
M.M.); (2) adjusted regulations regarding suspensions for non
payment; (3) additional assessment of 50¢ for M.W.& 0. Home

to be added to 19h8 dues;(h) uniform dues receipt; and (5)

remitting of dues.


 Stated Meeting - 3 - December 1, 19h?

Brother Langford raised the question as to the
method to be used in conducting the lecture on
M.M. degree and as to whether any penalty could
be inflicted for non compliance. This question
was discussed openly by numerous brothers and
the Secretary endeavored to explain that it
hardly seemed possible that qualifying in M.M.
lecture could be made a "must" but that it was
his opinion that there were enough Master Masons
who would be interested in this educational
program to warrant us to take the necessary steps
at once to make this lecture available to those
who are interested but no action was taken at
this time.

J. W. Mattingly announced K.T. degree in Webb r
Commandery No. l, on Tuesday, December 2, l9h7,
preceded by a dinner in Fraternity Hall. There

being no further business to come before the

lodge, it was closed at 9th P.M.



Wbrshipful Master



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l“-r“_9§;}§g ____________________ 'MEETTNG DATE _ December 8: 19h?
___________ g ggilflg—qwjlgknu---”he W. Master _",_,____N___h___‘_____________fi_____~ Treasurer
U_H_,_l__1:'2__1\l:__L_§9_r}§_qu _________ Senior Warden ________ H_%III'X-M¢_QQQ9_1} _______________


____________________________________ Junior Warden __,____,___,__________________A___ Senior Steward

____________________________________ Senior Deacon .e___-___________--_____-,_________ Junior Steward

———————————————————————————————————— Junior Deacon Tiler

Lodge opened in form on M.M. degree at 9:55 A.M.

The Master announced that the purpose of this meeting was
' to pay our respects to and confer the last sad rights on
Brother George S. Wilson, a member of Newport Lodge No. 358,

F.& A.M., Newport, Kentucky, where funeral services were

All present went to Lexington Cemetery where Masonic burial
services were conducted by Brother Ray S. Stewart assisted
by H. M. Couch, S.W., L. N. Leonard, J.W., and Cecil Hard-
wick, Chaplain.

v42~é After this service, all returned to the lodge room where
— lodge was closed at 11:10 A.M.


Master ’ ‘\\

/}J&&tfl irYLtlfltc/L




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__,,__9_%ll,%§1 .................... MEETING DATE .,_,D?_Q¢m12§?,_?;--l215? ________________
7 , 7 93999:}- §§E§W£Qic ................ W. Master ________________________________________ Treasurer
A _,__,I..-_I\I=__Le9_r2sr_d ____________ Senior Warden ______ H arty__M:__99349h ________________ Secretary
, , ., , ngflg is“: AWRJJ’EQQ _______ Junior Warden ______ H §Rb§rjé _ _D.-_ _ E51325 ________ Senior Steward

Senior Deacon

___________________________________ Junior Steward

Burrell Bean

Junior Deacon _______________________________________


Raised - M.M.

Frank Box r /
Luther R. Brumfield V
Alexander J. Cory,Jr.
Charles J. Danos
Joseph H. Davidson/r
Luther Hundley”/
Wade Littrell
Shelt Manning'/
Earl Moberly ’” _
Horatio F. Rowan‘”
Aaron Taylor,“

of Lex. No. l,
Grover N. Jonesv/

Deming No.12, N.M.



.m ”gs-".4. 4.

Lodge opened in form on M.M. degree at 2zb0 P.M. with 16
others present.

The W.M. announced that the purpose of this meeting was to
confer the M.M. degree upon 11 F.C. members of this lodge
and one of a sister lodge.

Frank Box, Luther R. Brumfield, Alexander J. Cory, Jr.,
Charles J. Danos, Joseph H. Davidson, Luther Hundley, Wade
Littrell, Shelt Manning, Earl Moberly, Horatio F. Rowan, and
Aaron Taylor, of this lodge, and Grover N. Jones of Deming
Lodge No. 12, Deming, N.M., being in waiting, they were
prepared, introduced, and initiated as Master Masons.

Cecil Hardwick presided in the East during the first section
of this degree and administered this obligation for the last
time during his administration as Master. Needless to say,
it was well done.

The various brothers who were raised in short form and those
who presided are as follows:

Charles G. Danos Cecil Hardwick

Wade Littrell

Luther R. Brumfield
Alexander J. Cory, Jr.
Shelt Manning

Joseph H. Davidson
Luther Hundley

Earl Moberly

Aaron Taylor

Grover N. Jones

Cecil Hardwick

H. M. Couch

Theo. R. Skidmore
Theo. R. Skidmore

V. R. Skidmore
Walden E. Lander, Sr.
Walden E. Lander, Sr.
L. N. Leonard

Horatio F. Rowan L. N. Leonard
During the course of this work, Brother Jesse Hugheby, a
visiting brother from Evanston Lodge No. 69S, Norwood, Ohio,
was introduced.

At this point, lodge was called at ease and all present
retired to the club room and library where a delicious
buffet supper, consisting of roast beef, snowflake potatoes,
fruit cake, and all appropriate side dishes, and drinks

had been prepared by our food committee.

Brother Frank Box was the candidate in "long" or dramatic
form. Harry M. Couch, P.M., portrayed the part of K.S.,
assisted by L. N. Leonard, G.S.W., LeRoy Tolberd, W.M.,
Burrell Bean, 5.0., and twelve fellowcraft. Worthy assistance
in the conference of this degree was rendered by Theo. R.
Skidmore, Victor Skidmore, P.M., Henry G. Woodruff, and
William Minor, of Devotion Lodge No. 160. Our F.C. team
again exemplified their portion of this section under the
new form and received many compliments. Ray S. Stewart,
assisted by Herbert D. Estes, exemplified the third section
partially but Brother Stewart could not finish it on account

of a very heavy cold.

Emblems were presented to Brother Littrell by Clyde Nave,

and to Brothers Manning and Cory by Cecil Hardwick, from
loved ones or friends. A friendly letter from Brother



 Called Meeting

‘ 2 - December 9, 19h?

Hoskins, an associate of Brother Cory who presented him
with the emblem, was read in open lodge.

Floyd E. Pogue,
The food committee,composed of Marvin Whitton,/John D. Harb,
Guy Kessler, James H. Sims, Clinton K. Hoffman, Herbert D.
Estes, and Gordon Bozarth, were congratulated by the W.M.
upon the quality and quantity of food of which we had par-
taken earlier in the evening. The F.C. team were also
thanked and congratulated upon their work.

Brother Jones, of Deming Lodge No. 12, N.M., and Frank Box,
of this lodge, thanked this lodge for the opportunities
presented to them in becoming Master Masons.

Vertner L. Slade invited our attention to one of our newly
made Masons, Charles J. Danos, and explained that due to

his more limited knowledge of the English language his
effort in attaining this degree had naturally been greater
than that of any other member of this class. It is notice—
able to note that all members of this class mastered the F.C.
lecture within a 30—day period.

Herbert D. Estes extended an invitation to the newly raised
brothers to affiliate with the F.C. Club. Brother Frank
Sparks is secretary of this group.

The W.M. announced E.A. degree and examination thereon
on December 15, 19h7, and election of officers on December 27,

An exemplification of the interest in this meeting is that
50 brothers, in addition to the officers, were present before


There being no further business to come before the lodge,
it was closed on M.M. degree at 9th P.M.

Kat/4W i
kw mom



. . V ~.Mm~m~mwwmmmaw-fimamid» yam «m ”.m- V» .m _ A «V. . .


 3% LEX'NGTON LODGE NO- 1. F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON. KY. y@( i;


ceCil HardWigK ______________ w Master

________ I} _-__D_-__Lar3g_f_qrd_________
_______ aide K ravens---” . ,

_______ ‘ i’alelaa_E-,_P_sr_lael:i_§r_-__

Initiation Received

David Bagis Harb /
hl9 E. Third Street

George Ernest Umsteadd

h07 Pyke Road

Membership Received
Carl wendell Haggardv
215 Ridgeway Road

John Moore Johnston
106 Dantzler Court

E.A. Elected

Elbert D. Adams
Wayne Lemley

James Roger Jones
James Jesse Newman
Hoyt Sanders

E.Ag Rejected
William Lowenthal'

Membership Elected
David P. Perry “/ /
Alfred M. Phillips“
Dwight Tenney/ /
Orin C. Walker ’

Marya—WM firm M... -_——-—~r»me—~————'-—‘———-——F

__________________ MEETING



DATE ,Deasmher,154_12hi ________________


_________________________________________ Secretary

Junior Warden _____________________________________ Senior Steward

. Semor Deacon ____________________________________ Junior Steward

Junior Deacon ______ Q llal'lfii _C_ 1 _ 9.1311912 __________________ Tiler


Lodge opened in form on M.M. degree at 7:h5 with 50 others

Minutes of December 1, December 8, and December 9, l9h7, were
read and approved.

The following petitions were received and committees appointed:

Born-date Born at ‘ Occupation
5-1—1923 Ramallah, Palestine Grocer.

Recommended by John D. Harb and Lee Pyman.

G. G. Grall, Walter Faulkner, and Guss Johnson.
11—18—1901 Lexington, Ky. Sign Painter.
Recommended by William M. Morris and Guy W. Maupin.
Sam B. Meade, Elwood George Gordon, 0. S. McCaw.

Born—dgtg Born at Occupation Lodge
8—17-1896 Bethebridge, Ky. Sales Rep'ive. Mountain No. 187

Recommended by H. M. Couch and H. K. Stark.

A. Mayo Travis, Harry W. Carloss, L. N. Leonard.

2-22-1890 West Bend, Ky. Freight Agent Hazard No. 676.
E. J. Teed, Clifford J. Tate, Bee Osborne.

Committees on the following petitions having reported favorably,
they were discharged, ballot spread, and elected as follows:
Elbert D. Adams, Wayne Lemley, James Roger Jones, James
Jesse Newman, and Hoyt Sanders were elected to receive the
E.A. degree in this lodge. The petition of William
Lowenthal for initiation was rejected.

David Penn Perry, Alfred M. Phillips, Dwight Tenney, and
Orin Coomes walker were elected as members of this lodge

by demit from sister lodges except Brother Tenney who is a
dual member of Independent Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, New York.

The Secretary called attention to a fraternal Christmas
greeting from Grand Lodge officers containing each personal
signature reproduced. A letter of December 11, l9h7, from
Newport Lodge No. 358,expressed their gratitude and thanks
for conducting a funeral service in their behalf for Brother
George Scott Wilson on December 8, l9h7. A letter of
December 3, l9h7, from Winchester Lodge No. 20, requested

a waiver of jurisdiction on Carlton S. Gaunce, who has
resided in their jurisdiction about two months. Upon motion
by the Secretary which was duly seconded, this request was
granted. A letter of September 29, l9h7, from Greenville
Lodge, requesting a waiver of jurisdiction for Lewis
Richard Watson, employed by the Lexington Herald Leader,

was read. A motion made to deny this request was regularly
seconded, but after some discussion of this case on the
floor, the W.M. suggested that a committee be appointed to
investigate this case and report back at our next communi-
cation. Upon request of the W.M. the motion and second
were withdrawn and A. D. Langford, Jewell W. Mann, and
James H. Sims were appointed on this committee. The Secretary
called attention to a letter of December 1, 19h7, from the
Grand Secretary containing a digest of rules concerning
election of officers, none of which was read. ,





 Stated Meeting

Frank C. Foxworth ;”

Demit Issued
H. Ray Hollifield V

E.A. Examined

James C. Adams
Emmett L. Chiles,Jr.
Gayle S. DeCamp
Finley H. Davis
Harvey H. Embry
Herman D. Harris
Emmett Johnstone
Wilson B. MOore

Elbert D. Adams\r
James D. Barnes‘/
Levi Brown v
Henry E. Elam“

Royaisie Fulkerson“/

December 15, 19h?

The following bills were received and ordered paid:

12-9-h7 Marvin s. Whitton, Food, drinks, etc. $ h8.85
ll—l7-h7 Charles A. Baker, Chair rental 7.00
12—1—h7 Charles Michler, Flowers Cramer & Foxworth 10.00
11-17—h7 Hurst Printing 00., Printing P.M. meeting 19.75
ll-l7-h7 Phoenix Hotel, P.M. dinner for 190 515.00
12-1-h7 Oleika Temple - Shrine, Name in football

program 5.00
12—5-h7 Addressograph Multigraph Corp., 100 frames 2.61
12-15-h7 Lucile Carleton, Typing for Master of Lodge 35.00

It was announced that Harvey Poor was improving and had
attended a meeting of the 39 Club on December 12, 19h7.

The Secretary announced that Frank C. Foxworth, a member of
this lodge, died on December 12, l9h7.

A demit was issued to H. Ray Hollifield as of this date.

The W.M. called attention to the fact that empty bottles,
which had contained spirituous liquor, were found in the
building toilets after recent meetings, and asked the
support of the Craft in preventing a recurrence of this
offense. Brother J. W. Mattingly amplified these remarks
by calling attention to the fact that such behavior repre—
sents unmasonic conduct and may be punishable by expulsion.

Lodge called from L—R and opened on E.A. degree.

James C. Adams, Emmett L. Chiles, Jr., Gayle S. DeCamp,
Finley H. Davis, Harvey H. Embry, Herman D. Harris,
Emmett Johnstone, and Wilson B. Moore, being in waiting,
they were introduced and examined on the E.A. degree.

Elbert D. Adams James D. Barnes, Levi Brown, Henry E.
Elam, and Roy V7 Fflkerson, being in waiting, they were
prepared,introduced, and initiated as E.A. Masons. A. D.
Langford presided in the East in the first section and

J. W. Mattingly conferred the second section and delivered
the charge to these newly made brothers.

Lodge closed on E.A. degree and called from R—L on M.M.

The eight brothers examined earlier in the evening on E.A.
degree were declared proficient and upon ballot were
elected to receive the F.C. degree.

The W.M. announced annual election of officers on St. John's
night, December 27, 19h?.

There being no further business to come before the lodge,

it was closed at 11:05 P.M.

’ Master










Again the Great Architect of the Universe has been kind by permitting us to
participate in another year of Masonic life and assist in the further expansion
of this venerable lodge, which now ranks as the second largest in the State of

During the year, hh meetings were held of which 13 were called meetings for
work and 7 were to conduct funerals. During this period 69 were initiated,
69 passed, and 75 raised. Our membership changed as follows during l9h7:

Members December 27, l9h6 801
" initiated 69
" admitted hS
" reinstated 12

Died 11, Demitted lO,
Suspended 2 23
Members December 27, 19h? 90h

One of the chief problems confronting our W.M. when he assumed his duties was
the large number of E.A. and F.C. who had not made satisfactory progress. At
December 27, 19h6, there were 50 E.A. and F.C. At July 31, l9h7, there were
8b and at present there are 72. Of 6 F.C. at present, h are considered as slow,
and of 66 E.A. about 50 have made no progress since July 31, 19h7. Numerous
letters have been dispatched by your W.M. to these brothers endeavoring to en-
courage them to proceed with their work and offering them personal assistance.
The results obtained have not been in keeping with the effort involved and it
is hoped that the incoming Master and his staff can carry on this important
function to a more satisfactory conclusion.

Numerous meetings during the year were outstanding. On April lb, 19h7, the E.A.
degree was conferred on two candidates in the Chapel of the Old Masons' Home.

On July 6, 19h7, divine services were conducted at O.M.H. of Ky., on which
occasion this lodge presented a check for $225 to furnish a room in the new
addition. A check of the same amount for this purpose was also given by two
brothers of this lodge, Lee Pyman and Guss Johnson. On August 12, 19h7, all
Master Masons present were reobligated by Bro. James W. Mattingly, and a school
of instruction was conducted by Marvin S. Whitton and others. On September 2,
19h7, Devotion Lodge No. 160 observed its 100th anniversary with a banquet at
the Phoenix Hotel which was well attended by members of this lodge. On October 28,
l9h7, we paid our respects to 106 members of this lodge by presenting them with
25—year emblems to designate that term of service to the Fraternity. Forty of
these were present or received their emblems on this occasion. On November 17,
l9h7, Past Masters’ Night was observed with a banquet at the Phoenix Hotel
attended by about 185 brothers of this and sister lodges. On this occasion we
were honored by the presence of Edwin E. Freshney, G.J.W., Leer Buckley, D.D.G.M.,
and four P.G.M.'s of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. There were 15 P.M.'s of this
lodge present and the M.M. degree was exemplified by them, with J. W. Mattingly
conferring the first section and Ray Stewart the second and third sections. On
this occasion Brother J. W} Mattingly was presented with a Life Membership in
this lodge and a sterling silver engraved dues receipt. Your Worshipful Master
and Secretary attended the Grand Lodge communication on October 21, 22, and 23,
and your Senior warden was present on one day.

Financially this lodge is in good condition. A summary of its cash transactions
for the period is shown below:

Balance December 27, l9h6 $ 2 379.h7

Cash received 12 27h.60
Total 3 1h 65h.07
Cash disbursements 11 857.63

Balance December 27, 19h? §__2 796.hb

Collections for the year have been satisfactory but there are now 15 M.M. who
have not paid their dues for this year, and at this time there are 296 brothers



Report to the Craft - 2 — December 27, 19h?

who have paid their l9h8 dues. Disbursements include $3,700 paid for U.S.
Government securities with a maturity value of $5,000 and $1,250 contributed
to the Masonic Temple Association for their rehabilitation program. Our Grand
Lodge assessment this year was $2,660.

During this year your Secretary has established a Masonic history for our
present membership. It is not complete as yet but degrees conferred currently
are being recorded promptly. This work requires much correspondence in cases
of members admitted as our records in such cases are incomplete. It is hoped
that another year will see this record in ample form.

On October 12, l9h7, this lodge had a ward, Ann LOuise Justice, admitted to the
M.W.& 0. Home and the petition of a widow, Mrs. Mary G. Williams, has also been
approved and she will be admitted on December 27, l9h7. On November 22, l9h7,
Brother Robert G. Lowrey, who was 88 years of age on October 22, l9h7, was
admitted to the 0.M.H. of Ky. He was presented with a 50 year emblem on
October 6, 19h? by your Secretary.

When your Worshipful Master assumed his duties as Master of this lodge he stated
that he had no aspirations to break any records of increases in membership and
he hoped that his administration would be so conducted that the craft would say,
"well, he was a good master." By consulting our records we can see that our

net increase this year has been 103, which compares with a net increase of 106
in l9h6, which was the largest increase heretofore in recent years. As to the
latter aspiration, no one can deny that he has been a good master. He has under—
taken his duties with enthusiasm and labored dilligently to accomplish the tasks
that confront each master of the lodge. Several conferences were held with the
officers and he has given personal assistance to various candidates on their
lectures. One need say no more than this to assure the Craft that those follow-
ing "Cecil" have had a definite pattern set for them to emulate.

No Master or group of officers can bring to a conclusion all of the problems
which confront them. During this year there were numerous things started or
questions raised which were not satisfied or brought to a conclusion, so we
desire to pass them on to the next group of officers with our recommendation that
consideration be given to these problems as soon as possible:

(1) Require stewards or some other officer or member to memorize and give
both lectures in E.A. and F.C. degrees, respectively, thereby making
the conference of these degrees in complete form.

(2) Institute a program whereby additional members become proficient in
conferring the second and third sections of the M.M. degree as well
as the Masonic funeral service.

(3) Officers giving the charges in each degree should commit them to
memory instead of reading them.

(b) Institute a plan at once to make available to the newly raised M.M.
and others a lecture and examination on that degree.

(5) Amend the by-laws to include therein an increase in dues to at least
$7.50 per year and amend any other items that may be deemed unsuitable

to the lodge at present.

(6) Rewrite the by—laws to include any amendments heretofore made or to be
made and bring up to date the history of the lodge as shown in the
present by—laws which were issued in 1923.

(7) Take necessary steps to more fully organize a "Blood Bank" as proposed
in l9h7.

A summary of this years work would not be complete without giving recognition
to certain committees and individuals who have so willingly given their time
and effort to this lodge. The refreshment committee under the direction of



 Report to the Craft - 3 ~ December 27, 19h?

Marvin Whitton operated most efficiently (and often) and Hardes A. Smith,;
as chairman of the audit committee, did a very complete job Without assisn
Our fellowcraft team has spent many hours in practicing their routines and
deserve a great deal of credit for their accomplishments. Baird P. Brown,
Harold Y. Barker, Herbert Estes, Douglas Hurt, Marvin Whitton, and others

have given valuable assistance in lecturing candidates without compensatim

The Wershipful Master and Secretary are most grateful to the officers and
members of this lodge for their assistance and support throughout the

year and wish to express our thanks to them for their loyalty and devotion
Our duties could not have been fulfilled and the flattering results obtaim
without your assistance.

To the officers elect for the ensuing year, we extend our best Wishes and
submit our pledge to assist them to the best of our ability.




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DECEMBER 27, 19b?

#1. That our by—laws be rewritten and brought up to date. Our present by—laws
were written and released January 15, 1923. As your Master for l9h7, I have
found that they are inadequate as to proper and complete instructions to a
Master of this lodge.

#2. That the date we have at the Old Masons' Home for our religious services
be changed so as not to be before or immediately after July hth. The date we
now have being near this holiday prevents a larger attendance being present
for this service.

#3. That our Secretary be instructed to discontinue collecting a $3.00
assessment on a newly affiliated member. I believe this is unconstitutional.

#b. If a Mason petitions our lodge for membership within two years from the
time he is made a M.M., we should charge the difference between our initiation
fee and what the brother has paid in his lodge.

#5. That the present system of authorization to Brother Long for lecture
instructions be continued. I'm sure Brother Long will agree on this recom-
mendation. This would give the lecture a permanent record of our lst, 2nd,
and 3rd Degree Masons. When necessary, the Master can confer with the
lecturer as to the progress of these brothers.

#6. That we continue our present schedule of conferring and examining on
regular meetings, the M.M. Degrees on called meetings until conditions
warrant a change. This system definitely has proven to be successful and we
all have a definite understanding as to our work schedule.

#7. A regular examining committee has definitely proven itself and should be
continued. By doing so, it will eliminate the possibility of embarrassment to
us and the visiting brothers.

#8. That the Master be allowed to assist a worthy brother in distress as he
sees fit. The amount not to exceed $25.00 and the money to be furnished by
this lodge and not the Master.

#9. Some program should be continued to encourage the E.A. and F.C. Masons
who for one reason or another have failed to advance in masonry.

#10. That in l9h8, Brother Howard Long be given some recognition for his 25
years of service to Lexington Lodge #1.

#11. That we conduct our Masonic funerals on the evening before the burial.
This service either to be at the funeral home or at the deceased brother's

home, unless some arrangement can be made to have a good representative group
to attend the service at the grave.

Fraternally yours,

Cecil Hardwick.


 ,& LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON. KY. fig 5


__________ $iete.d___--_---___,_,-,_ MEETING DATE 7_..D:e.qenber__2_Z.__l_9b1______________
, 4 fl 7, __ , _ _ 9‘? 921.1 , EQZQWj-Elf ............. W. Master _______________________________________ Treasurer
fi7___,_‘;_’_iN_'_ _I—I_e_9_1'1@§‘_d_ _________ Senior Warden ....... Hg- _M:__