xt79s46h426m_10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011.dao.xml Freemasons. Lexington Lodge, No. 1 (Lexington, Ky.) 18.2 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, 15 items archival material 2018ms011 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington Lodge no. 1 records Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes text Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011/Box_2018ms011_09/Folder_2_3/Multipage2764.pdf 1935-1945 1945 1935-1945 section false xt79s46h426m_10 xt79s46h426m Lexington Lodge Ho. 1, F'& A M, Monday
Evening, January 21, 1955. Stated

Ray E. Murphy, Easter John L. Bedding, S. D.
A. W. Johnson, S. W. Behham Simms, S. S.
W. O. mallory, J. W. W. T. Jordan, Tiler
Essie Bunton, J. D. Ray 8. Stewart, Sec'y.

Lexington Lodge No. 1 opened in due form at 7:45 P.M.
with eleven others present. The minutes of the pre-
vious meeting read, approved and ordered signed.

The petition of Mr. Emmett Earl Long for initiation

was received and referred to Bros. John L. Re ding,
Benham Simms and Vaughn; also the petition of

Mr. Stanley Dalton Cropper received for initiation
received and referred to Bros. Essie Bunton, J. W. Mat—
tingly and ChasL Cox.

The petition of Dr. Robert Caleb Riggs being due for
action, the committee were discharged, ballot spread
found fair and he was elected to receive the E. A. De-
gree of this Lodge.

The following petitions for affiliation-bein- viz:
Bros. Lyman Lee Hunt, W. H. McKinney, Alvin Foster
Garver and O. A. Betz, being due for action, the com—
mittee were discharged, ballot spread, found fair and
they declared elected members of Lexington Lodge No. l.

The petition of J. Milton Floyd for affiliation, was
received and referred to Bros. C. Frank Cramer,
W. A. Sutherland and J. W. McQuiston.

Letter from Anthony Lodge No. 455 read, which reported

that Bro. A. A. Kaplan passed a successful examination

in the Fellow Craft Degree, after which Bro. Kaplan was
elected to receive the masters Degree and the Secretary
ordered to notify Anthony Lodge.

The condition of Bro. William A. Metzger was reported as
much improved. There being no further business, Lodge
Was closed in due form at 8:10 P.M.


Sec etary master.




 Lexington Lodge No. 1, F & A M,
Monday evening, Feb. 4, 1955.

Stated Meeting.

W. E. Milward, Master. W. O. Mallory, S. D.

Ray E. Murphy, S. W. Essie Bunton, J. D.

A. W. Johnson, J. W. W. T. Jordan, Tiler.
Ray S. Stewart, Sec'y.

Lexington Lodge opened in form at 7: 50? M. with 17
others present. The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved. There were no petitions pre-
sented. The petition of Richard L. Jackson being due —
for action, the committee were discharged, ballot
spread, found fair and he was reinstated a member of
Lexington Lodge No. 1.The Master requested Brothers
Matt Corbin, Essie Bunton and C. B. Mathews to wait on
Brother Chas. Garnett from Wisconsin Lodge # 219 and
conduct an examination and after finding him proficient,
they introduced him to the officers and brethren of this

Lodge called from Labor to Refreshment and a Lodge of

E A opened. Dr. Robert C. Riggs being in waiting, was
prepared, introduced and initiated as an Entered Appren-
tice Mason, Brother A. W. Johnson presiding in a most
impressive manner. Lodge of E A closed.

Lodge of Master Masons called from refreshment to labor.

Brother C B Mathews reported that he had visited with ,

Brother Dalton, a Lieut. Col. and a member of Essex Lodge
in Boston Massachusetts, now confined at the U S Veterans
Hospital here. ’

Brother Bailey a visitor from Morehead Lodge complimented
Brother Johnson on his conferment of the E A Degree, and

gave an interesting talk on the Masonic Widows & Orphans

Home. .

There being no further business, Lodge closed at 9:30 P.M.


2. fm Ma


 Blank Page(s)




Lexington Lodge No. 1, F & A M, Lexington, Ky.,
Monday evening, February 18, 1935.

— Stated Meeting -

W. Emmet Milward, Master. W. O. Mallory, S. D.

Ray E. Murphy, S. W. John L. Redding, J. D.

A. W. Johnson, J. W. W. T. Jordan, Tiler.
Ray 8. Stewart, Secretary.

Lodge of Master Masons Opened in due form at 7:30 P.M. with fifty
three other members present. The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved.

The petition of Bro. Fred W. Augsberg for affiliation was received
and referred to Bros. Ray 8. Stewart, a. M. Yent and E. J. Teed.

The petition of Stanley Dalton Cropper for initiation being due
for action, the committee were discharged, ballot spread, found fair
and he was elected to receive the E A Degree in this Lodge.

The petition of Jas. Milton Floyd also due for affiliation also
due for action, committee were discharge, ballot spread, found fair
and he was elected a member of this Lodge.

A letter read from Bro. Paul Scrimsher, requesting us to notify
Knoxville Lodge in regard to him receiving the Master Masons Degree
which he was now ready to receive.

This eveing had been Set aside by the Master as John G. Cramer
Evening, the observance of which, paid partial tribute to this grand
old man of Lexington Lodge No. 1, who incidentally, is the second
oldest Past Master, having served this Lodge as its Master in 1900.
Some of the members of Lexington Lodge No. 1, purchased an oil por-
trait of Bro. Cramer and the Master appointed Bro. W. E. Nichols to
make the presentation. This was done in a most inepiring manner.
Bro. Nichols point ed out the various activities of Masonry which
John G. Cramer had headed and said that he had probably done more thm
any other one man in Lexington toward the Shriners Crippled Chil-
drens Hospital, for whom he had Served as Chairmn of the Board of
Trustees since its erection. The portrait presented to Brother
Cramer, will hang in The Hall of Fame in the Temple's Club room where
it may be Seen with other such notables as Henry Clay, Chas. J. Nor-
eood, W. C. P. Breckinridge, J. Soule Smith and many others who have
made Masonic History in Lexington.

Brother Cramsr wearing an apron that was formerly worn by Patrick
Henry when he was Governor of Virginia, was visibly touched, but in his
self styled manner and capable way, always equal to any occasion,
related many interesting evens that had tranSpired since becoming a
Jason. He concluded by saying that Lexington Lodge did not owe him
anything; he said he rather felt that he owed Lexington Lodge No. 1
many thingswhor‘the many high compliments she had paid him. Bro.
JoflnhLogan‘REes also paid a high tribute to Bro. Cramer's esteem in

the hearts of Masons in Lexington and Kentucky.

Balloting upon the worthiness of Bro. Paul G. Scrimsher, he was
elected to receive the Master Masons Degree.

There being no further business, Lodge was closed at 9:33 P.M.

‘\ ;>\ qzé} Sg;:;{i§vpbflg 527. éggh/wnx.h\/Zfi’bzgfirvaW(z

segzetary Easter.


 Lexington Lodge No. 1, F & A M, March 4, 1955

Stated Meeting.

W. E. Milward, Master Essie Bunton, S. D.

A. W. Johnsdn, S. W. A. E. Kappa, J. D.

W. 0. Mallory, J. W. W. T. Jordan, Tiler.
Ray 3. Stewart, Sec'y.

Lodge of Master Masons Opened in due form at 7:50 P.M.
with twenty five other members present.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap-
proved. The petition of Bro. William H. Meadors for
affiliation was received and referred to Bros.

J. W. Mattingly, S. M. Moore and R. E. Murphy. The
petition of W. Frank Atchison Lor affiliation, accompa-
nied by demit from Devotion Lodge # 160 received and
referred to Bros. E. J. Teed, W. M. Yent and C. B. Hen—
dren. v ~ ,

The petition of Mr. Emmet Earl Long being due for action,
the committee were dscharged, ballot spread, found fair
and he was elected to receive the E A Degree in this Lodge.

Brother 0. R. Tichenor reported critically ill and his
recovery doubtful. The members were advised that no
visitations could be made but were urged to call by 'phone.
Brother W. C. Heaoox also reported seriously ill with
heart trouble. His condition does not permit visitors but
members were requested to call his residence.

Lodge of M M called from Labor to Refreshment preparatory
to opening a Lodge of E A's. Lodge of E A's opened.
Stanley Dalton Cropper being in waiting, was prepared, in-
troduced and initiated as an Entered Apprentice Mason,

the Master W. E. Milward conferring the first and Bro.

A. W. Johnson the second sections respectively. Lodge of
E A Masons closed and called from Refreshment to Labor on
the Masters Degree.

There being no further business, Lodge closed in due form
at 9:20 P.M.


Lexington Lodge Mo. 1, F & A M,
Lexington, Ky., Mar. 7, 1955.

Called Meeting

Ray S. Stewart, Master Jordan, Tiler
Stanley M. Moore, S. W. , ' Brown, S. D.
Natt Corbin, J. W. , - ,


 The Master stated that this meeting had been called
for the purpose of conferring the last tribute of
respect to our friend and Brother; 0. R. Tiohenor;
who departed from this life Tuesday, March 5th.

The Brethren went in a body to the Lexington Cemetery
where Bro. Tiehenor was buried with G M F H's.

After the ceremony, the brethren returned to the
Lodge room and closed at 5:44 P. M.

27. 5W WC



 mxdhgian Lodge No. 1, F 6: A M, Lexington, Ky., Monday evening,
March 18, 1935. . Stated meeting.

0 f f i c e r s

W. Emmet Milward,Master , John Redding, Jun Deacpn
Ray E. Murphy, Sen, Warden W. T. Jordan, Tiler.

A. W. Johnson, Jun. Warden Essie Bunton, Jun. Steward
W. O. Mallory, S. D. Ray 5. Stewart, Secretary

Lodge Opened in due form at 7:30 P.M. with fourteen others present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The petition of Edgar LeGrande Steele presented and referred to
Brothers Essie Bunton, A. W. Johnson and Benham Simms.

.The petitions of Louis Lee Haggin and F. W. Augsberg, both by
demit, being-in—waiting due for action, the committees were dis-
ehrged, ballot Spread, found fair and both elected members of this

The condition of W. C. Geacox much improved and he was reported
sitting up two hours each day.

Brother Natt Corbin commented upon the small crowd usually present
at masonic funerals, and urged the Brethren to be more considerate
in the future and have a better attendance.

Lodge of Master Masons called from Labor to Refreshment, prepara-
tory to opening on the E A Degree. Lodge of E A Opened.

Mr. Emmet Earl Long being in waiting, was prepared, introduced,
and initiated as an E A Mason, Brother Johnson occupying the East.
Lodge of E A closed_and a Lodge of Master Masons called from
Refreshment to Labor..

The Master Brother Milward made an announcement that Dean Christopher

P. Sparling, a Brother Mason, would be the speaker at the next

regular meeting to be held Monday, April lst. He added that due

publicity would be given in the two Lexington papers the Sunday pre-
ceding the meeting.

There being no further business, Lodge we closed at 9:15 P.M.

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Lama.” /

CfiSeeretary Master.

/, _



 Lexington Lodge # t, F & A M,
Monday Evening, April 1, 1935.

Stated Meeting.

W. Emmet Milward, Master. Essie Bunton, J. D.

Ray E. Murphy, 5. W. ' W. T. Jordan, Tiler.

A. W. Johnson, J. W. Ray S. Stewart, Secretary.
Benham Simms, S. D. ‘

Lodge Opened in due form at 7:30 P.M. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approved.

There were no petitions presented or acted upon. Brother C. Frank
Cramer offered a motion which was properly seconded and unanimously
carried to send a 1935 dues card to Brother Phelps.

The condition of Brother W, C. Heacox reported to be much improved.
The Master made the announcement that the first meeting night in
May would be devoted to the Fellow Craft Degree, Brother Natt Corbin

prsiding and urged the brethren to give this Occasion as much pub-
licity as possible. ‘

The Master introduced the Speaker of the evening, Brother Christopher
P. Sparling, a member of Concordia Lodge # 13, Baltimore, Md., who
delivered one of the most forceful, beautiful and instructive talks
ever heard by members of Lexington Lodge No. l. '

At the conclusion of his address, Brother Milward recognized

Brother G; Allison Holland, Past Grand Master of Easons in Kentucky,
and brother Holland paid a high tribute of praise to Dean Sparling's

There being no further business, Lodge was closed in form at 9:10 P.

ffJWx/Z fl fwmw


ecretary Master.


 Lexington Lodge No. 1, F & A M.;
Lexington, Ky., Monday evening,
April 15, 1955.

Stated Meeting.

W. Emmet Milward, Master. Benham Simms, S. D.

A. W. Johnson, S. W. S. W. Moore, J. D.-

W. 0. Mallory, J. W. W. T. Jordan, Tiler.
Ray S. Stewart, Sec.

Lodge opened in due form at 7:45 P.M. with 15
other members present. The minutes of the pre-
vious meeting read and approved. Letters from
Georgetown Lodge read. Mt. Vernon # 14.

Condition of Brother J. P. Reece reported crit-
ical. - - , . - -

The master stated that he had been requested by
Mrs/ C. Annie Otto, permission to give a lecture
of Jewish history, and in connectd with her lec-
ture, he stated that she illustrated her talks
with a reproduction of The Jewish Tabernacle. Her
charge he said, was $ 10.00 for the lecture.

The brethren not appearing too enthuastic over
the proposition, it was decided not to consider
her offer. -

The master presented his plan of a Saint's Johns

Day celebration to be given at One of the hotels
to be selected by a committee to be appointed
later, but said that he would not consider it un-
less sanctioned by the Lodge. It was moved, sec-
onded and unanimously carried to have this
meeting, which would include a dinner to be paid
*for by the members and the entertainment arranged
by the committee. ’

Announcement made of the Knights Templar's Easter
Service, April 21st, and The Super Excellent Haas-
ters Degree April 18th. Announcement also made
that the Fellow Craft Degree would be conferred
May 6th by Past Easter Natt Corbin.

There being no further business, Lodge was closed
at 8:15 E.M5\\


,Secretary Master.


Lexington Lodge No. 1, F & A m,
April 25, 1935. Called meeting.

‘Chester D. Adams, taster A. Baolitz, S. W.
Eatt Corbin, J. E. W. T. Jordan, Chap.
Isadore Silver, Tiler.

Lodge opened in form at 5:50 P.M. The master
stated that this meeting had been callus for the
purpose of conferring the last tribute of respect
to our departed brother, J. P. Reece who died
April 25rd. The procession moved to the Lex-
ington Cemetery, where Bro. Reese: was buried with

G . a.
rand Xasonic Funeral n-nors.


 The brethren returned to the Lodge Room and
closed at 4255 .E.


_ A/nggr‘ /
-.__ “7 ‘1» WWW

Secretary Hester.


Lexington Lodge No. 1, F d A M,
Lexington, Ky., Monday evening,
May 6, 1935. Stated Meeting.

0 f f i c e r s

W. Emmet Milward, Master Essie Bunton, J. D.

A. W. Johnson, 5. W. H. J. Schofield, Tiler.
John L. Redding, J. W. Ray S. Stewart, Sec'y.
Benham Simms, S. D.

Lodge opened in form at 7:45 P.M. The minutes of the pre-
vious meeting read and approved.

The petition of of Robert Tomlinson for reinstatement was
received and referred to Bros. C. W. Crum, Natt Corbin and
A. E. Kappa. Also the petition of Wilbur D. Hamilton for
affiliation, and referred to Bros. A. W. Johnson, Essie Bun-
ton and Victor Bogaert Jr.

A telegram announcing the death of Bro. A. H. Fullington
was read and the Secretary was instructed to write a letter
of condolence to Mrs. Fullington. Another letter from

the secretary of Winchester Lodge # 20 urging all members
of Lexington to come to Winchester Tuesday evening, May 7th,
at which time they would confer the Mastr Masons Degree,

Lodge 0 Master Masons called from labor to refreshment and
a Lodge of Entered Apprenticed opened. Bros. Stanley
Cropper, Dr. Robert Riggs and E. E. Long Wereexamined in
Open Lodge and passed an excellent examination. Lodge of

E. A. closed and a Lodge of F C Opened, Past Master Natt
Corbin presiding. In a most impressive manner, Bro. Corbin
conferred the Fellow Craft Degree, acting both as Master

and Senior Deacon in the part more commonly known as " the
staircase lecture." The candidates who were passed to the
Degree of Fellow Crafts, were Dr. Riggs, Stanley Cropper and
Emmet Earl Long. Lodge of Fellow Crafts closed and called
.to labor on the Masters Degree. There being no further bus-
iness, Lodge was closed at 9:45 P.M.

A resolution was introduced by Bro. A. W. Johnson, chang-
ing Section 7 of the local by—laws to read as follows:

" Stated communications shall be held on the first and
third Mondays of each month, except during the months of
June, July and August, when stated communications will be
held on the first Monday of each month. All meetings are
scheduled to begin at 7:30 P.M.

(Signed) A. w. Johnson. A


)A / 41...“; 2%. fwmm

Secretary Master



 Lexington Lodge No. 1, F & A M, Lexington, Ky.,
Monday evening, May 20, 1955. Stated Meeting»


0 f f i c e r s

‘W. Emmet Milward, Master. J. L. Bedding, J. D.
Ray E. Murphy, S. W. , Essie Bunton, S. 8.!
A. W. Johnson, J. Ww Benham Simms, J. S.
Wa Or mallory, 3. DJ Ray S. Stewart, Sec'y.


Lodge opened in due form at 7:45 P.M. with twelve
others present. The minutes of the previous
meeting read and approved. There were no petitions
presented or acted upon.

A letter from the Secretary of Winchester Lodge

# 20, was read, urging all members of Lexington

Lodge # 1 to be present in Winchester for the confer-
ence of the Master Masons Degree to be held in Win-
chester, Tuesday evening, June 4th, at which time,
Bro. Malcolm D. Royce‘s son will receive this degree.

Annoncement was made by the Master, that on Konday
eVening, June 5rd, Lexington Lodge # 1, would pay
tribute to its oldest living Past Master, Bro.

Harry K. Mo Adams, who served this Lodge as its Mas-
ter in 1896. He said that this night would be desig-
nated as " Harry Mc Adams Evening. A fitiing memento
will be presented this fine old Hason for his long
and faithful service. '

Further announcement was made of the conference of
work in Lexington Chapter, Tuesday, June 4th and again
on Friday evening, June 7th at which time the Royal
Arch Degree will be conferred on a class of three
candidates. '

There being no further business, Lhdgeewas closed
at 8:00 P.M. '

,// __ ”A. /
‘Secrgtary' "2 Master.



 Lexington Lodge No. 1, F & A M, Monday evening, June 3, 1935.
Stated Meeting


W. Emmet Milward, Master John L. Bedding, J. D.

Ray E Murphy, 8. W. Essie Bunton, S. S.

A. W. Johnson, J. W. E. T. Jordan, Tiler

W. 0. Mallory, S. D. Ray 8. Stewart, Secretary.

Lodge of Master Masons opened in due form at 7:45 P.M. with fifty
eight Brethren present. The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved. There were no petitions presented. The petition
of Wilbur D. Hamilton for affiliation, being due for action, the
committee were discharged, ballot spread, found fair, and was elected
a member of this Lodge.

This night had been previously designated by the Master as “ Harry Mc-
Adams Evening,” who stated that it was his opinion that a fitting
tribute be paid the oldest living Past Master of Lexington Lodge # 1.
Brother Mc Ada ms was formally presented by Bro. Milward, and he was
presented the gavel and told to select his time for the remarks he
desired to make. In one of the most interesting talks heard by the
Craft in a long time, Bro. M c Adams recounted many interesting things
he experienced during his year as Master and the subsequent years

that followed. He Spoke of incidents that occurred during the Spanish
American War, and concluded his talk by saying, " that if Masonry had
done nothing more for him than bring he and his partner, Bro.

Joe Morford together in a lasting friendship and partnership, that he
felt that he had been more than repaid for the many things Masonry
had done for him. Brother Mo Adams, was presented with a beautiful gavel
by Fast Grand Master, G. Allison Holland.

The Master, W. E. Milward announced that St. John’s Day would be cel-
ebrated by this Lodge with a banquet given at the Phoenix Hotel,

June 24th and announced that he would endeavor to secure the services
of Maurice Thatcher of Louisville, Ky. as the principal speaker.

A motion was made, seconded and carried to diSpense with the regular
meeting June 17th.

Others who Spoke were Past Grand Master, Wm. Carson Black, John G.
Cramer, Guy T. Johnson and David P. Eastin.
