xt79s46h4228 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h4228/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 2010-04-23 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material  English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Thirty-Sixth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials" text Thirty-Sixth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials" 2010 2010-04-23 2017 true xt79s46h4228 section xt79s46h4228 .' I. ‘ M_b».‘ Mk.“ Pat: #2:”? M & , M . MM". i 1 fi‘?." Vii" '. Ms" 1‘. jag? M; 'pk . M... M $54.”, :th M , 2h. “xi-":1: n'i- ., i“ ”:3" .MMM, .M, . .’ -: VJ- . ..° -. T 1.1} x «‘-“'57','. . M ., M '. h . :3; MM." . J .. 'T .4 :i, M .55“) .7 iv: : “p.12,
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2010 PROGRAM M 35,5?" Thirty-Sixth Annual W , .7‘:
§ 5. Symposrum on jM,-1_,a>
8:00 am. Registration & Continental Breakfast, of elaborate reversibly actuated patterns, self—assembling g <3) 5 :5 - ' MIT, ff." 3:3;- _ 1
Keeneland Room, W.T. Young Library into previously unseen structures with uniform, periodic 5:30 a“, o- ; ' 3'. . _ 1,,
8:50 am. Welcome by Dr. Kumble R. Subbaswamy, features, and controlled handedness. The actuation is 5 8 — XMZ 3, ,,-. 3‘ : , Chemlstry " f, M17... i, ;:«“
Provost, University of Kentucky fast, reversible, reproducible, and robust. These recon- E n: g 8 E gym; ,3 J , r «“3‘
9:00 am. Dr. Daniel Morse, University of California figurable nanostructures may have exciting applications in 2 w, E? ‘5 $2,551“ ~,._»': j: ,2 & 1 _. :3 "115:?
"Bio-Inspired, Kinetically Controlled, Low- actuators, microfluidics, artificial muscles, release systems, “g D 5 ”- 7 37", ., ‘ 7" ‘ “i 2:591;
Temperature Nanofabrication of Semicon- and in “smart” materials with controlled pattern formation, 20 —I 21:12., 1,7. i, ', .~,
ductor and Ferroelectric Thin Films and reversible switching of the wetting behavior, and tunable 3.33“] , 3. MOIeCUIar 3‘ ‘7‘
Nanopanicles: Unique Advantages for photonic properties. "M? ‘ f j; i _ 1:. “(-91,
High-Performance Li-ion Batteries" i ' _ i _ :1
11:10 am. Poster Session, Gallery, Young Library f": ' ' BIOIOQy " ‘- j
Biological systems fabricate high-performance materials at 12:30 pm. Lunch ‘ if -. j j :M -.
low temperatures and near-neutral pH with a precision of 2:00 pm. Dr. Chad Mirkin, Northwestern University ' ‘ :j‘~"“rr.j"13: :_ £11153? :~":;i‘;~:i.~,
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 ' The Department of Chemistry, Umversrty of Kentucky
333.1,; presents the

. . Thirty-Sixth Annual Symposmm on 1
Chemistry & ‘
Molecular Biology

: .3 Established by M. Benton Naff in memory of Anna S. Naff
Friday, April 23, 2010 9:00 am.

Audltorlum, William T. Young Library 1

.- = 1 . Bio-Inspired Nanoma terlals .

o , 7 ~ .- .1 Daniel E. Morse, Director, Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies and Wilcox Professor of
p " 3’. j _ _ i Biotechnology, Biomolecular Science and Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara.

M ‘V ' ~ .. 333* at Daniel E. Morse received his BA. in Biochemistry from Harvard, his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from
(,5: ~. q. » Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and conducted postdoctoral research in molecular genetics at
i Stanford University. He was the Silas Arnold Houghton Associate Professor of Microbiology and Mo-
?:1:-;.. . ‘ - ‘ lecular Genetics at Harvard Medical School before joining the faculty at Santa Barbara. Known as the
1.; " j 1’- . ‘ developer of “silicon biotechnology,” Morse’s research is focused at the interface between biotechnol-

' " ' ogy and materials science, with innovations in low-temperature nanofabrication of semiconductors for
5'; ": improvements in solar energy, batteries, IR detectors, ferroelectrics, catalysts, and bio-inspired adap-

- - 7. ’ ' tive optical materials. He was honored by Scientific American as one of the top 50 technology innova—

: ' ‘ tors of 2006 for his development of bio-inspired, kinetically controlled routes to semiconductor thin films and nanoparti-
.1_‘:. .. f. ' cles. Morse was the 7th Kelly Lecturer in Materials and Chemistry at the University of Cambridge and a 3M Lecturer in
‘ , Chemistry and Materials at the University of Vancouver. Elected a Fellow of the AAAS and the Smithsonian Institution,

.. , he received a Career Development Award from the National Institutes of Health, a Faculty Research Award from the
_ » American Cancer Society, and recognition as Visiting Professor of Bio-Nano-Electronics in Japan, and as Visiting Pro-

, is,» , g fessor at the University of Paris and universities in Singapore and the UK.

-._ . - Joanna Aizenberg, Amy Smith Berylson Professor of Materials Science; Professor of

5. _ Chemistry and Chemical Biology, and Radcliffe Professor at Harvard University, pursues a
' ,_ -? - broad range of research interests that include biomineralization, biomimetics, self—assembly, crystal ‘

' Ki? K ' 3% engineering, surface chemistry, nanofabrication, biomaterials, biomechanics, and biooptics. She ‘
5.; ' .. 51"35 . g received the BS. degree in Chemistry in 1981, the MS. degree in Physical Chemistry in 1984 from
{g}... I, ' 3 T .3... Moscow State University, and the Ph.D. degree in Structural Biology from the Weizmann Institute of
1';ij - £3. .- . Science in 1996. Prior to her appointment at Harvard, Dr. Aizenberg was at Bell Labs/Lucent Tech-

": ' i?" - nologies as a member of the Technical Staff. She made several pioneering contributions, including

‘ . 3., j 5 ' the development of new biomimetic approaches for the synthesis of ordered mineral films with highly -
'- ._ ’ --’*,.. controlled shapes and orientations; and the discovery of unique optical systems formed by organisms

. ‘ ~ “ (microlenses and optical fibers) that outshine their technological analogs. A few of Dr. Aizenberg’s awards include: .
x-‘ ‘7; Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Nanoscience, Materials Research Society (MRS) 2009; Van’t Hoff Award Lec-
.3;. 112;, tureship, Dutch Royal Academy, 2009; Ronald Breslow Award for the Achievement in Biomimetic Chemistry, ACS 2008;

- Q Industrial Innovation Award, ACS 2007; Lucent Chairman’s Award, 2005; New Investigator Award in Chemistry and Biol—

. I 1* ' : _ ogy of Mineralized Tissues, 2001; Arthur K. Doolittle Award of the American Chemical Society, 1999; Award of the Max- ,
, ., Planck Society in Biology and Materials Science, Germany 1995. Dr. Aizenberg is a AAAS Fellow; she has served at

_' .- the Board of Directors of the Materials Research Society and at the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National

Academies. She is serving on the Advisory Board of Langmuir and Chemistry of Materials and on the Board of Review-

" ', .. - g. I ing Editors of Science Magazine.
all”. '3 . - , ' .. j . Chad A. Mirkin, Director, International Institute for Nanotechnology, George B. Rathmann, Pro-

, ' 1 g, fessor of Chemistry, Professor of Medicine, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering,
f " I 1' -- {3* Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, North-
'.- 1'- ‘ W3 2 western University, Evanston, IL. Chad A. Mirkin received his BS. in Chemistry from Dickinson

5 i 22’ College, his Ph.D. In Inorganic and Organic Chemistry from the Pennsylvania State University, and

’ . - .-‘ ’ conducted postdoctoral research in chemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor
.- [f ' ' f2; Mirkin is a chemist and a world renowned nanoscience expert, who is known for his development of
i 1 E f . ,3. , . nanoparticIe-based biodetection schemes, the invention of Dip-Pen Nanolithography, and contributions
’ - - , ‘ws to supramolecular chemistry, nanoelectronics, and nanooptics. He is the author of over 400 manu-

' W V . "W ‘ scripts and over 360 patents and applications, and the founder of three companies, Nanosphere,
é; , Nanolink, and Aurasense, which are commercializing nanotechnology applications in the life science and semiconductor
., _= industries. Currently, he is listed as the most cited (based on total citations) chemist in the world with the second highest
5‘: 1" impact factor and the top most cited nanomedicine researcher in the world. Dr. Mirkin has been recognized for his ac-

’ -' ‘ i complishments with over 60 national and international awards, including the $500,000 Lemelson~MlT Prize, Havinga

ii, Medal, and the Department of Defense NSSEFF Award. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a
., , ‘T . sf Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Mirkin has served on the Editorial Advisor
F - ,j" Boards of over twenty scholarly journals. He is the founding editor of the journal Small, one of the premier international
3;] nanotechnology journals, and he has co—edited two bestselling books on nanobiotechnology. At present, he is a mem-
if -* 1' . 2 ber of President Obama’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology.

3:31;“. '-
1.5;" ‘ For additional information, contact Professor Marc Knecht, Department of Chemistry, marc.knecht@uky.edu.

.L .' , .. ,- 2010 Committee: Marc Knecht (Chair, Chemistry), Dibakar Bhattacharyya (Chemical Engineering),
, “ Vincent Cassone (Biology), John Selegue (Chemistry)

"‘3- Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund