xt79s46h417n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h417n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2015-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, April 2015 text LinQ magazine, April 2015 2015 2015-04 2019 true xt79s46h417n section xt79s46h417n I { Connecting the Bluegrass GLBT community .. i
3 ' ' f
, . , . Q
l M mg M lSS 3f -
Sunday, April 26th - 8:00 P.M.
Bogart's Lounge - The Campbell House

5 - d April 2015, V01. 37 No.4
. A publication of the GLSO

Around The Library
GLSO Librarian Amy Jo Retucci reviews the book It Gets
Beirer, which contains a series of essays geared toward
youth that argue that life will get better and is worth living.
0 O
Aprll Showers Brlng... ,
Apiil is a favon'te month of Ranada’s, as she loves to tailgate
at Keeneland and stroll through the farmer’s market. In that
spiiit, she provides readers with a couple of springtime recipes.
I O O I O . V
Sprlnglng Toward Pride .
Lexington Pride Festival Chair Chad Hundley reports 7 .
V on the progress the Pride Flaming Committee has
made and announces this year ’s headlining performers.

 , O
lmO aaGLso
Editor-in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Christopher R. Bauer to educate, enhance, and empower the community about
Copy Editor GLBTQQIA issues.
Ann Malcolm
Photographer GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Brian Hawkins Christopher R. Bauer, President
Calendar Coordinator Theodore Meacham, Vice-President
Chad Hundley Paul Brown, Secretary
Circulation Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams Roberto L. Abreu, At Large
Amy Hatter, At Large
Donovan Jefferson, At Large
Tuesday G Meadows, At Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and Todd Ryser—Oatman, At Large
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions GLSO Staff
a community that accepts and celebrates each individual. Chad Hundley, Office Manager
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to GLSO Pride Center _ _
the editor (editor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100’ Lexmgton, KY 40504
859-253-3233, www.glso.org
(859—253-3233). All submissions may be edited for length.
Office hours are:
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO Tuesday-Friday 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

EThat’s What I’m * ‘
' 9 ,W w3";
Talkln About ..
I fi‘mfi
By Helena Handbasket

have heard people say, “Save the transformational power of that presented theatre of social
Ithe drama for your mama.” theater. They say, “To fulfill our relevance,” Michael recalled.
Well, I don’t know ifI’d go that vision, we will, with the curiosity “I struggled for a While trying
far, but you have heard ME say of Pandora herself, seek to: to make Pandora fit a broader
“Honey, keep the drama on the ~Entertain, engage, and inspire mission, that of social issues,
stage where it belongs and out our audience, our community and when really all she ever wanted
of my face.” Ijust get annoyed the greater human community to be was a GLBT—themed
when people create unnecessary by presenting bold, cutting edge, theatre.” Over the years she has
drama. Maybe that is just a and unique theatrical pieces had several homes. The company
symptom of me getting older, that speak to the Gay, Lesbian, moved to the Bunbury Theater
but Mamaw ain’t got no time for Bi-Sexual, Transgender, and for its 2007—2008 season, and
that! Questioning community. then had to move in 2010 to
Drama that I DO have time ~Reveal the commonality ofall Actors Theater. Two seasons
for—actually make time for— people while investigating the later Pandora happily returned to
are the shows that my other half diversity of human nature and the old Bunbury, which had been
and I have season subscriptions particularly the nature of sexual renamed the Henry Clay Theater.
to attend and have for several orientation through artistic They have five amazing shows
years now. I am talking about expression. planned for this year’s upcoming
the shows produced by Pandora -Examine our individual and season and you can purchase a
Productions in Louisville. If you collective accountability for our season subscription for $80 (for
are unfamiliar with what I am society and community, exposing those challenged with math, that
talking about, this article is for the beauty and dignity of all is only $16 per show), or you
you and just may change your people and finally can buy a single show ticket
life—or atthevery least, enhance °Ignite and celebrate the for $18 in advance or $20 on
it. unfailing hope and triumph of the day of the show. This year’s
Pandora states on their website the human spirit.” line-up will include Passion
that their vision is “Profound The theater company originated (music by Stephen Sondheim),
relatedness and belonging by from humble beginnings back in Casa Valentina (written by
and for our diverse human 1995. By 1999, Michael Drury Harvey Fierstein), Choir Boy,
community.” Their mission is stepped in. “I had dreamed The Children’s Hour, and then
one of inclusivity: believing in of having a theatre company Continuedon nextpage


 Continuedfrompreviouspage We have never walked away already low regular price of $80
closing the season with Psycho disappointed after attending a per subscription down to $75 for
Beach Party, by Charles Busch. Pandora show. So... hope to see a regular subscription, $65 for a
(Mamaw can’t wait... just you there! senior/student early bird price,
sayin’!) You can get more information and for each new subscription
Pandora’s next production will about Pandora Productions by (use coupon code: DIVA2), you
run from May 14 through May going to www.pandoraprods.org. will receive a ticket to YANK!
24, and is called YANKf—it’s Andwhenyoucallforreservations That’s quite a deal. But only if
an old-fashioned musical that is or a season subscription... tell you tell them you are a friend of
a love song to Hollywood’s “it them HelenaHandbasket sentyou Helena’s! (Discount codes active
takes one of every kind” platoon and get DIVA pricing! Pandora only for the month of April).
flicks and to 1940's Broadway. is happy to extend a special Hope to see ya there!
Take my advice... attend at least price on tickets for YANK! (use Untilnext month... love ya’ll!!!
one of these shows. Or better coupon code: DIVAI) so you
yet, buy a season subscription, can see what you are getting Iwould love any comments or
because these shows are some of before you buy a subscription. suggestions you might have.
the most professionally produced But if you are a new subscriber, Please send to:
productions and always feature never having subscribed with HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com
an outstanding variety of actors. them before, they will reduce the V
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, 6 .
7 Imperial
on. :5
hr.22, ourt I :
By Christina Puse
_ ' _ vuulm VODKA VODKIL '“
Greetmgs,everyone. Between our different. Every year the ICK has held " “SW 2 v
, . , " . «53.5 ll". ,Ansowr
last big snow, March Madness, 1ts voting at the annual Coronatlon Ball; “ . “if g, VODKA '
. «WI-U” . 3’ .2 ...
and the ICK’s fabulous events, it has except this year, voting took place at the 'iiéb‘iiji g A“ . ‘ ,, rm“: 4‘:
been a crazy month! If you missed out FalsieAwards.Manyofourcommunity’s {3 - [V ,I- \, ' {fr "Sag!
5..) : ' r . X
on some of the Opp0rtunities to join the individuals were nominated for awards WA“ v1.“ } I ' . 3,75% Avg-3
Imperial Court of Kentucky, here’s a such as Best Bartender, Emperor and E “ 33% . Wins!
‘- “ , ,2 r“ .5 , "’t‘ 2°
look back at what we’ve been up to. Empress Awards, and many more. 3 3&5“? _; cg§qiré;%
. . . . 3751::‘3‘ ' " ezjz"- 'fi,‘ "‘2 “0.21:3?" '
On March 1, Kali Dupree hosted Congratulatlons to allof the reCIplents of p * 14%??? ”Maggi-‘1; a
1' z": 2:: is." V?“ Pa;w?%’a g3).
. 1 P, ‘ ~°_ :3 aria—@331, if
her Candrdacy show for her run as the these awards. Before that event began, ”T .T fig,” 3%“3936392 ,9 g m
next Empress for the Imperial Court of the community was able to cast their Wednesday, March 25, Countess to
Kentucky. With the show being entitled, votes for Reign 34’s Board of Directors Reign 33, Diva Lilo, hosted her event
“Our Past, Present, and Future,” this and for the next Empress of Kentucky. for the ICK entitled, “50 Shades of Gay:
was an event for the record books! So On behalf of the Imperial Court of Sex Edition,” at Crossings Lexington.
many familiar faces and new faces Kentucky, we’d like to congratulate Joining the ICK that evening was
joined us and the community came Kali Dupree, your new Imperial AVOL. As Diva Lilo and Empress 33,
together to show their support for such Crown Princess and Monarch Elect for Christina Puse, asked a panel of drag
an amazing individual. Thank you to Empress 34! From here, Kali will then entertainers questions about sexual
everyone who came out to show their step up to be crowned as Empress 34 situations and sex in general, AVOL
love and support! at the annual Coronation Ball which was there to educate the community on
On Sunday, March 8, the ICK held will be held on June 7. Please watch for the importance of practicing safe sex
its annual Falsie Awards at Bogart’s more information to be released on this and the risks of HIV/AIDS. Thank you
Lounge, although this year was a little event. to all who attended that fabulous night!
The ICK has more events coming up
bl ‘4 ‘ - -
U‘. ' ' ,- and ouw111notwanttomissoutonallthe
_ , - g». , _ m great opportumtles to help support and
. ~ ,3! r. :a, . _
a _ ’ t} ’ I V' ’ 1“ s ' give back to our wonderfirl community!
5 5 1,, {3“ ' " i . ‘ . l i" . it If you haven’t already, please join
‘ 2% 1:3.” ,4 "x,“ l ‘ 1. e .
ll‘fié fill: 32“?” g/ 25,. .1} I .2" , {‘3‘ the ICK on Facebook and please our
if}; gggzgée ‘ if 3 7"? . ' i ‘ website at wwwimperialcourtkentucky.
:‘;: 9; ’ u. . 5‘3 ' a??? 3‘ : ' , C org to stay updated on future events and
9 -l‘ .V ‘1. I "6“" A ~. '§’|‘ 3.1 ‘2 :~ ‘ 7‘: '.. . ‘2'“
' lt’ili'fE-sk Qty ; aft-:g'féfii ‘ -‘ (a La} dates. v

By Tuesday G Meadows
“Well, that’s an unusual name for a woman!”
“Like the pine trees lining the winding roads I’ve got a name, I’ve got a name...movin’ ahead so life don’t pass me by”
I got a Name by Jim Croce
1most everyone knows me changed by legal name from the of my up and downs throughout
Aas Tuesday. As I began one my parents’ gave me (hint: life made me the person that I am
to come out as transgender to it’s a boy’s name). Although I had today. I worked hard and tried to
my friends and family, it was no troubles with any of the above, be fair and honest with people and
important to me that people know as I was traveling, a businesslike they associated those attributes
and recognize the name that fits TSA agent glanced at my picture with my name. Would changing
me best. I spent many years (and ID and made an offliand comment, my name erase all of my history,
several false starts) picking the “Well, that’s an unusual name would people think that I was not
name that matched not only my for a woman.” At that time, I all of the good things that I had
gender but also my personality. At just smiled and said, “I think my stood for in my life. I was never
the time I came out, I spent a lot parents were hoping for a boy.” an unhappy person so I thought
of thought about the best way to But, that offliand comment started “why should I change my name
explain my name and gender, butI me thinking about a legal name anyway?” I knew that I had to
did not spend a lot of time thinking change. be true to myself, and that meant
about all the places that my name The legal process of changing my changing my name.
would need to change. name was fairly straightforward. I still have a lot of work to do with
Last fall, I took several trips I printed a form from Court of mylegalname change.There are so
by air which caused me no small Justice website, took it to the many documents, identifications,
amount of anxiety thinking about Circuit Court clerk, and then I accounts, and there may be some
everything that could go wrong. got a court date. Emotionally, things thatIhave not even thought
The airplane could crash, we changing my name had some about, and I am in the process of
could have bad weather, I could different effects on me that I had taking care of all of that now.
miss my connection, and the not considered. Ihad always been You may write me at
security agent could select me for proud to carry my family name tmeadows828@gmail.com or
“extra screening” because of my and the name my parents gave me. follow me on twitter Tuesday G
identifications. My picture looks Changing my name was not meant Meadows. Now Tuesday is gone
like me, but at the time I had not to disrespect my mom and dad. All with the wind. 0

' I


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Knnwyur Statungét Te sted'
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LexingtnnaFayetteéé‘Bu'unt'y ‘FI'EaIIHIDengMEfigg 3594;313:243;

' _ IIIWEabLE Feast" asazzszgzam ,

ll! ,_* .' La q, z " a: ‘ I

Around The Library
It Gets Better, edited by Dan Savage and Terry Miller
Reviewed By Amy Jo Retucci
T he message ofthis book families are all addressed by
is a simple one: it gets the essay’s authors and give NEW YORK “MES ”SHELL”

_ better. Geared towards youth, teens something to identify ’ "

“if: the book’s series of essays with. More importantly IT G ETS
1* show that llfe W111 get better though, they show authors
5 l and become something worth who have adjusted and BETTER

l living. These are powerful created a life they are happy
:71 and often much needed words with. They show it really has
_ _ f_II_':l"/ll:'\?ij on I.

g to teens Who are questlonlng. gotten better, thus creating
. _ filli'liiiCLli'.‘ ”3.21.3 BU LL‘I'l?‘-.’-'.3, .i"-.*x"-lLll

i, The teenage years are never a trail of breadcrumbs for

i , . ‘ZZREJ‘ITII‘HJ-S Ii LFE "."JIf2-33Tl—i L "V“‘l-sJIj

’3‘» easy. Add questlons about teens who want to follow 1n

sexuality or gender to the their footsteps. Copies of this trim;«rarer-tum:Iv-r
E _ . . sum mom. :5, Bar-d Sad-I 2:. Tim Gunn.
‘, m1x and life can seemlngly book can be found under the Mil‘dllle'IQF-Mdndmanymwt
:; become hell. Issues like call letters YA, SELF, IDEN
; bullying, religion, culture, or SELF, IDEN in the adult andTERRY MILLER
. . .. Ioundm u m n am Emu vrnjm
; and generally unsupportlve collectlon. V
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‘ LinQ

Ap r11 Showers Brlng. . . __ r j _
. or , ..
9 . g , 3/ { t .
Keeneland, Farmers Market V »
And Plenty Of Spring Fling! rim 5::
By Ranada West—Riley
pril has always been one of should’ve just stuck to the tailgating. - 3 tablespoons olive oil
Amy favorite months. It’s like It was always so much more fun! - 1/3 cup chopped fresh basil
crawling out of a dark hole into the Tailgating on “the hill” is a fantastic - 1 (8-02.) tub fresh small mozzarella
beautiful colors and sounds that scream experience. Food tmcks, music, and cheese balls .
freedom! In Lexington, April means fun. - 4 cups halved fresh strawberries
Keeneland and all the fun that goes As I’ve grown a little older... I find - Thinly sliced fresh basil for garnish
alongwith it. Ifyouhave nevertailgated myself at the Farmers’ Markets more. - Combine all ingredients and serve by
at Keeneland, well, you’re missing out Weekends seem to be spent working itself or with on toast points
on a vital part of Lexington’s heritage. at the diner or working at home. ~22
Keeneland means a day to feel like Luckily, the Farmers’ Market is just Classic Mint Julep a”
the uber rich, a day to bring out spiffy right down the street from our diner — Leaves from 4-5 mint sprigs _ .—
clothes and hats and feel damn good and is filled with farmers and produce - 2 sugar cubes or 1/2 ounce simple ‘v:
while spending money and feeling like and all things fim and good. Nothing syrup ‘,
a handicapper (this is a person who pleases me more and (shows my age!) — 2 1/2 ounces bourbon whiskey '
“plays the ponies” and knows what the than strolling through the market and - Mint sprig for garnish 7/;
hell is going on). finding the day’s fresh produce for - Place the mint leaves and simple ‘
For me, I used to go to Keeneland all new specials. This is what I proudly syrup or sugar into a julep cup or b
the time, especially after I won quite a find fun these days... Yes, mom, I’m Collins glass. : i '
bit of money once. Once. Icertainly growing up, I guess. - Muddle well to dissolve the sugar
lost a whole lot more than I ever won, I’ve included a couple fresh and fun and to release the oil and aroma of the
over time. But, I was bitten by the bug springtime recipes, whether you’re mint.
and felt like I had a kindred connection tailgating or just looking for something I
with the horses (always the gray one) fiin to make with fresh produce from ‘ 42 . ., , .
and the jockeys (none of whom I even our local Farmers’ Market. " '
know anymore), and had my favorite
bartender and mutuel teller. Usually, Strawberry Caprese Salad
about the sixth race I realized I had - 3 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar _;;
spent my budget and could bet on one - 1 tablespoon light brown sugar H
more race, or buy one more drink. - 1/4 teaspoon salt I ‘ M ‘
The latter would always win out. I - 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 0 i v,
LinQ .

r“ W“ * r4 - ‘ ~ ~ "—4
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w/ J .J .4 W .z “j J J .a f “a .J ....._......./
F o
Y?.1I n d Cy
__ _ April l7th, 2015
zoom} 79mg 7 Ci m - 3 pm
124 N. Upper St., Lexington, KY 40507
9;, 1153?:- _ 2,3“ {fax ., ;, j! ._ . 1‘1 . figfi‘?:€fl \
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-~° ti. 1 ‘ ' ,1 ...  a. .- ‘ . w»
1,: MM, ,3 l‘ > L i l1”: ‘ r“. I «a in)??? ,ga "
15% of proceeds on LEXINGTON
Friday, April l7th will
be donated to the ‘
20 i 5 Lexington Pride Festival 2015
The Lexington Pride Festival is on Saturday, June 27th, 2015
held in Downtown Lexington

 s ' ' T w d '
.. _ __ prlnglng O 31'
‘ .‘ A}! ’ . , //
By Chad Hundley 2 O I 5
2015 Lexington Pride Festival Chair
pring has sprung, and the lookout for more information about

S shorts and t—shirts are starting those! We are pleased to welcome \ a
to be spotted all around town. You SoundBar and Kettle One back as ' , . ‘ 7?
know what this means, right? The sponsors this year. Without our ll if f; i
Pride Planning Committee members sponsors this festival would not be N ‘ ,5 I ti ,1? 7 (:5, .l
are finalizing all the plans for the possible, so please be sure to support , ”v .1 ,
upcoming Pride Festival to be held those who support us! if,“ 'i V Y ‘ w
on Saturday, June 27, 2015! Our Entertainment committee, under *3?“ a} L ‘ , i“

This month we will be preselling the new direction of Mark Johnson, 4;, 2 ii 9' 9
our 2015 Pride packs online. The has been working hard finalizing A ("V 9.5": V
Pride packs will include: an official contracts for our performers. We e, ‘9 A, .

Pride t-shirt, 3 selected Pride buttons, are pleased to announce a couple of i ~, 7““ 5* iii AI‘
Pride koozie, Pride poster, and them now to you all! Our afternoon taking the stage at 8 p .m., Will be the
wristband all placed in an official headliner will be the amazing soul/ all-female band Sick Of Sarah. Sick
Lexington Pride Festival polyester jazz/reggae musician Nhojj. A native Of Sarah is a rock band based out Of
drawstring backpack for the low price from the country of Guyana, Nhojj Minneapolis and has been featured in

I of $25. So please be sure to place returns to Lexington after performing the popular local lesbian web series
your order during the month of April at our 2010 Lexington Pride Festival Girl/ Girl Scene. Now in their tenth
for this special Pride deal at www. and is excited to be back! He was the year, Sick Of Sarah has an extremely I
lexpridefestorg. Our limited edition first queer indie artist to reach #1 on busy tour in 2015’ and we are so glad I
Pride coffee mugs will also be on the MTV Hive chart with his same that they are making the Lexington ’1
sale at the Pride events, GLSO Pride gender loving video, Love, receiving Pride Festival one Of those stops!
center, and Third Street Stuff. There a feature on Advocate.com. In late You can see and hear more ofAbisha
will be a limited amount, so these are 2009, Nhojj opened doors when he and the rest 0f the girls at WWW'
guaranteed to sell out as well. became the first black male to win sickofsarah.com.

We are pleased to announce an OUTMusic Award: The LGBT We have a couple Of exciting
SoundBar and Kettle One Vodka as Academy of Recording Arts voted fundraisers coming up during the
Rainbow sponsors for this year’s Love R&B/Soul Song of the Year. To month 0f April for Pride, and would
festival. SoundBar will also be hear and see more about Nhojj, visit love to see everyone out for these
hosting a couple of fundraisers for the his website at www.mhojj.com. events. Lexington Diner (one Of our
Pride committee in May, so be on the Our main headliner this year, Continued on next page

 Continued from previous page «i» 1 \ , »
proud sponsors) will be hosting a 'A .1 %\ x 13‘ (”a .11 5;: ‘1‘
Dine to Donate fundraiser on Friday, 1 fi 9 "1 ‘9: "I,” 1 1 1 i“ ' 1 I / {1 i3} / 1 1
April 17, from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. 4;. 1 V‘ 1 .1 ng 1‘ 1 1 111 1} 1% ,2)!"
The address IS 124 N. Upper Street In ‘-\.- R: g : 1 1) 11 ~: 1% 1“
downtown Lexington, and the food 7 ’1 1 2:11 ‘ a) :‘wkk 1' 1 E r"
' 'I ' 5v: 1 11’ 1 ' ‘
is absolutely yummy. Ranada West- / /‘ 1 ‘93, I 1, '61 1 1
‘ 3“ = “r? 1 ‘ '\
Riley, the owner/chef, is also a writer 11’," g -.~ 1 _._' 1 . J 11%: 1 ‘i
- . 1 \ 15‘“qu , 1‘ / l;
for L1nQ. Please make sure you sw1ng ’ 1 ‘1, ‘ f ‘ \‘ ‘ 1 [3,1 ’
by to dine in or carry out on that day. 1‘ _ 1 a, 1 ‘ Minx ..
121" ,1! . 1 'u g 1‘... , ,
We also have our annual Mr. and . 19/1’ ‘2 ‘I ”k "1 1f» ‘\" ,.
t: 1 1 , 1
1 Miss Lexington Pride Pageant being 4" ’5 "J 1 1'27, , 1
1 held at Bogart’s Lounge in The pridepageant@lexpridefest.org for you to come out and help us by
Campbell House on South Broadway. the complete application. The doors signing up to volunteer for the day
Our current royalty, Mya St. James will open at 7 p.m. and the pageant of and even before at the events we
and Colton Bacall, will be crowning will start at 8 p.m. The audience will host. Remember, if you haven’t liked
new representatives that evening, have a part in the pageant, as they get up on Facebook and aren’t following
with some amazing entertainment to decide Mr. and Miss Congeniality. us on Twitter and Instagram, make
planned. If you are interested in So as you can see,we are nearing the sure you do so to keep up with the
entering the competition, please email grand celebration day and encourage latest news! V
" '2‘;- 5‘“ J
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\- * w "20151111110511 11 KL M
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 PFLAG Central Kentucky
P FLAG Central Kentucky meetings are held from you could have with your family members/friends/
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday others in the community?
of the month at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church (2025 We welcome LGBTQ individuals, their families,
Bellefonte Drive in Lexington). Typically, we have a friends, and allies to our confidential group meetings.
program the first half, followed by our support group. All are respected and welcome, wherever you are in
Our April meeting is Tuesday, April 14 from 6:30 p.m. your journery.
to 8:30 p,m,, and is an open forum. Share questions, For more information, check our website or Facebook
answers, perspectives, frustrations, and follow up last page.(www.pflagcentralkentucky.com)
month’s discussion: What conversation do you wish V
m 'v
i; ‘1' " ,1 A‘ " ' 23:12 . .7 l =
i V m— -. YANKEE CANDLE l ‘l *
ii.’.-:,u»'%rffi " 3’ 3 . g 4.,,, ,9, ., § AnzerzcasBesl Loved Candle . N 1‘ ,
,1}... »~ ' \ ”Nurse *ifi , Sup ort the GLSO to Continue to Provide Serviees to. , Alf ' .
, .. r as . ., P , 3 ,
an. .. - , iv . ‘ ,t- ' ‘ ~ _» ". zCommuniy While Freshening Up Your Home Fo , y w;
T’— I ‘ ‘1 m i , 1' i y, .5 ii» & " , < i. l": .1 Ami}? mg":
L, ' _,, ' . it: .23.- mi, -L_ma-_M ,, . 334$: ("Wes- fig 3*.
' The GLSO is selling Yankee Candle products, and will receive 40% of the profits
« .~- / 1 from all sales. Stop in or see a GLSO/Pride Officer to place an order now!
\.,, v ’ \ . /;_, 22.; ;,,;;:. o 2.1::
Members ofthe Seasoned Independent People social p ““’t . 7 7 ., _
group enjoying a meal at the March Senior’s Bistro. is: 9,3913 2%" 2911.71773 1; 131., ; ILL; ‘L‘ {;.I.:.A-7;E,1g 21.11,; 31': I): Dr,” .- lC‘!
TUESDAY/IAPRIL I4 TakeBacktheNIghtLex.wordpress.com
Take Back the Night is an annual event to raise a
unified community voice in solidarity with survivors ,
of violence and illuminate Lexington. "
Our efforts culminate in a physical demonstration
of reclaiming the darkness and insecurity of the night
with a march and rally on April 14th.
7:00 p.m. marches begin from
Patterson Office Tower or Gratz Park TBTN
7:30 p.m. rally at Courthouse Plaza
in downtown Lexington
Visit TakeBacktheNightLex.wordpress.com
for more information!

 erngSS /
Sunday, April 26 at 8pm
Bogart's Lounge Mm
at the Campbell House (ZZyx/Wm
I375 South Broadway, Lexingtcn
affir— - Ages |8+ event
. Categories are:
Pride Presentation, Talent, Evening
Wear & On Stage Question A
For Applications contact: B Furflkiioralser
pridepageant@|expridefest.org LEXINGTONene ' Ing

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