xt79s46h4162 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h4162/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1991 text GLSO News, August 1991 1991 1991-08 2019 true xt79s46h4162 section xt79s46h4162 AUGUST )
NEWS 1991 "
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year


A major portion of the "Names Quilt" will be displayed in Lexington
during the Labor Day weekend. The quilt is made up of thousands of
three by six foot panels, memorializing those who have died from AIDS in
the United states over the past ten years. More than 500 of these
panels will be displayed in Heritage Hall at the Lexington Civic Center
on Saturday, August 31 and Sunday, September 1.

Each panel honors one of those who died of AIDS and challenges the
living to work to achieve a cure
for the disease.

In the past on 12 to 45 panels MOST KENTUCKY CITIZENS SAY
have been in the state at one SEXUALITYISAPRIVATE MATTER
time. This is the largest display
of the guilt in Kentucky, said Most Kentuckians say that the
Kevin E kins spokesperson for government should not regulate
NAMES Project Kentuckcy. either heterosexual or homosexual

"This is a statewi e outreach to activity between consenting
educate people about AIDS. We adults. This was the finding of a
hope this major display will statewide poll conducted by the
attract many people," Elkins said. University of Kentucky Survey

Several organizations will have Research Center in April and May.
booths to educate people about A majority of 62.2 percent said
AIDS. Volunteers are needed to the state should not regulate
help set up and take down the private sexual activity between
display, and to serve as guides. consenting adults of the same sex.
Persons interested in volunteering A larger ma'ority of more than 75
can call Katie McCormick, 233-3855 percent said the state should not
or Dan Ezell, 254-9998. regulate private sexual activity

between consenting adults of the
opposite sex.

AIDS CASES UP 23 PERCENT The statewide telephone survey

of 646 randomly selected people is

AIDS is still an epidemic 10 a fairly accurate measure of the
years after the first cases were views of what people in Kentucky
diagnosed, but the demographics of are thinking, said Mark Berger,
those with the disease is acting director of the research
changing. The U.S. AIDS case center. The poll has an average
count stands at more than 179,000, margin of error plus or minus 3.8
with more than 113,000 dead, the percent.
national Center for Disease The Kentucky Supreme Court is
Control has reported. presently conSidering an appeal of

The number of AIDS cases a 1985 case in which a Fayette
reported in 1990 was up 23 percent District Court judge found the
over 1980. Cases transmitted state's sodomy law to be
among heterosexuals increased by unconstitutional. A ruling is
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 expected before year's end.

 P 841.6(8) Ne‘i'i471 Aword from the editor
a C ox
Lexington, KY 40575 Closets Are For Clothes
The GLSO News is publishied monthly by the By Chuck Smith
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc.
(Lexington Gay\Lesbian Service Organization). Ten years after the first AIDS
cases were reported in the United
- - States, the disease remains a
. Chuck Smith, editor major national health threat. An
Craig Clere, preSldent, GLSO board extimated one million Americans
Mailing: Bill are infected with the human
- ' . immunodeficienc virus that
Folding and stuffing. Lee, Steve, transmits and cauyses AIDS. The
Mark, Jim! John, and Jan AIDS death toll is ex ected to
reach 150,000 by then ens of 1991.
The Esmerelda Collective produces But a vaccine or cure for AIDS is
the Esmerelda Parlor a feature still years away, scientists say.
with news and View of interest to For gay men and lesbians AIDS is
Lesbians in the Bluegrass. more t an a medical issue; from
the beginning it's had political
—_'___—__ implications. AIDS has weakened
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are the gay! community in tWO ways. It
those of the authors and do not necessarily been t e rationale some have used ’
represent those of GLSO Board of Directors. to discriminate against gay
Submissions are welcome. All submissions become people, and the disease has killed
the property of GLSO and must indicate the full or debilitated many gay men. Even
name and address of the author. The editorial though lesbians as a group have a
staff reserves the right to alter submissions lower incidence Of HIV than the
(including ads) to meet publishing requirements, general population, AIDS has been
as well as the right to reject any submission it used a weapon against them.
deems offensive or discriminatory. Placement of We gay men should strengthen of
advertising in the GLSO News does not denote a fight against AIDS by stepping up
person's sexual orientation nor a business's ef orts to educate our community
customer preference. about safe sex practices. These
practices have slowed the spread
——-———--——_———_———-———-— of HIV among gays. However, a new
[ ]Please send me information on GLSO. study shows a increase in AIDS
among young gay and bi-sexual men
[ ]I'd like to become a voting member of in San FranCisco. This age group
GLSO, including home delivery of the GLSO needs to be educated.
NEWS and discounts at GLSO functions. We should also take political
Membership of $10/yr. individual, $15/yr. action outside our community. One
couple, is enclosed. might choose to write policymakers
to demand action, or become part
[ 11 don't wish to become a member but please of advocacy organizations such as
send me the GLSO NEWS each month. I enclose AVOL, Queer Nation, or ACT UP.
the 55 annual fee. AIDS is a volatile issue, any
stand one takes will involve views
on sex, drug used, privacy, and
NANE: public safety and will offend
someone. But it is important to
Address: become active in the fight, it is
a matter of life and death.
City, St, Zip: Attending and/or working for the
Names Quilt display provides an
----------------—------— opportunity to begin.
2 - GLSO/August

 P about feeling unappreciated. Well
_‘ it didn't take much thought to
,4" l , P figuie out I didn'g lilcie the tone
.‘ o t at argument ( esi es, I like
- / smere (la 5 81'10 I‘ myself and the women who give of
3‘ t eir time too much to slap us
Q1}; around like that) so I rephrased
5' these questions in (I hope) a less
,4“ negative, more direct fashion -—
‘ why do we contribute time and
energy to the community and why is
_ . . recognition/response so important
Train of Thought .Writing to us?
About Community The idea that there is another
By Teri Wood way to organize the world is on
Ah the plight of Esmerelda -- or I’ve liked for a long time, and
perhaps more progerly the plight community activities have seemed
of community buil ing. As one who like a way to give myself and
has been involved (albeit off and others a little bit of space, no
on) with Esmerelda and the cof- matter how imperfect, to experi—
feehouses "since the beginning," I ment with and fell what this dif—
empathize with the frustrations ferent world could be. In other
aired in the last two months via words, community work is as much
this column. It is truly dif- social change as socializing. For
’ ficult to give time and energy to (CONTINUED ON nag FIVE)
a project (pride week, At ena, ——-———-—-—-——-—
dances, etc.) which you hope will
add to the community only to see a a
low attendance, criticism, a ath CI f d Ad
or any other less than enthugiasX USS. '9 S
tic response.
’ Yet there is another side, or -—--—--—-——-—-———
angle, or aspect (can you see the RELATIONSHIP ORIENTED -- Attrac-
ambivalence just oozing through?) tive Professmnal HIV+ WM, 6' 170#,
to these events. Mk, own departure Healthy/Asymptomatic, health oriented,
from "community wor " was spurrred trim, in shape, non-smoker, honest,
by a couple of questions echoing responsible, dependable, financially and
in the back of my head (along with emotionally secure, affectionate and
a whole pile of laundry and "real caring-- seeks comlplatible similar same,
work") which I think come from the trim and healthy, IV+ man 30-55 for
"other side." I'd like to throw monogamous re ationship, sharing and
them out for others to hear and living together. Serious replies only,
think about. Maybe they make recent photo preferred, replies confiden-
sense only to me, but that cer- tlal. rite to John, O Box 3308,
tainly wouldn't be the first time Frankfort,KY40603.
I was off in the ozone by myself.
So here goes . . . question num- SERIOUS ABOUT COMMITMENT --
her one, could it be that what I Attractive healthy W/M 32 years old,
am offering is simply what I want, looking for someone who is as sick of
not what others want? Question the bars and cruising as I am._I'm 5:8",
number two, do I have to be green eyes, long light brown ha1r. WlSh
"patted on the back" for what I omeet serious, healthy man around my
do? own age. If you're into quiet evenings at
Needless to say this side of the home, and looking for somethmg mean-
arguement come off a little heavy ingful and long lasting, please send letter
handed, dare I say critical, and phone number to TJK, PO Box
toward those of us who complain 1705, Lexington,KY40592-1705.
GLSO/ August - 3

 The key to HIV
Prevention is
Spread Facts,
not HIV.

For more information, call your

local health department or the

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
4 - GLSO/ August

 HELLO KENTUCKY1 to Rep. Mazzoli, Natcher, or
' Perkins, House of Representative,
By Lisa Tolliver and Andrea Lonon Washington, D.C. 20515.
We urge you to do what you can
First we should introduce our— to promote the well—being of les—
selves. M3! name is Lisa, and the bian, gays, and bisexuals, in—
womyn stan ing over my shoulder is dividually and as a community! As
Andrea. We're looking forward to Pat Hussain, the parade's grand
joining Lexington’s lesbian, gay, marshall said, "We have kicked
bisexual community this August as down the closet door. For love,
graduate students at U.K. We hope for life, we're not going back."
you had a great gay pride week —— (Begining this issue the GLSO News will
we did —— SO much SO that we provide this viewpoint page for the readers to
wanted to tell you about the ex— express their ideas and cements. Send your com—
pereinces of two lesbians at the ments to Viewpoint, GLSO News, P.o. Box 11471,
first Knoxville, Tenn. Lexbian & Lexington, KY 40575.)
Gay Pride March.
We were filled with pride to be
among the approximately 350 other ESMERELDA'S PARLOR
marchers at this historic event, (Continued from page 3.
Saturday, June 29. As first me then (and perhaps only for me),
marches always involve a greater the frustration I feel when events
element of fear, it was heartening go unattended, effort unnoticed,
to have such a good turnout. my own visions criticized, has not
Marching down the parade route, we so much to do with wanting a pat
deid see about eight "homophoves" on the back, bu the fear that
with latex gloves, masks, and other actually like the world the
other paranOid paraphenalia car— way it is, that chang is a
ring signs stating thing like pipedream.
"Homosexuality is genoside" and "So were are you going with is
"Suck on this, queer" (accompanied, Teri, is there a point?" you might
by a picture of a man wielding a well be asking. Well here goes.
b oody sword). These few people All my ruminating about the Es—
did not affect us so much as the merelda dilemma and the problems
supporters who lined the streets of other groups led me from think—
shouting and smiling their ap- ing m own deep thoughts to read-
proval. It felt great to be out ing the deep thoughts of other les-
standing up for our rights, march— bians on this very subject (the
ing to clear the way for those who subject of community building in
will come out behind us. It felt case you're totally lost). In the
good to be a lesbian Southerner. process, I came across an in—
No longer can we sit idly by and credible piece of writing by
allow ourselves and our community Nicole Brossard which touched my
to be oppressed. We need to stand own vision of what Esmerelda could
up for ourselves and to be proud! be, as well as helping me to get a
One thing you can do to help better handle on the frustration
eliminate oppression is to urge felt by myself and I think ,
members of Congress to cosponsor others. So here is abit of what
the Lesbian/Gay Civil Rights Bill Nicole has to say in "Certain
S. 574 and H.R. 1430. Write to Words."
Senators Ford and McConnell, U.S. "Amid the worst possible misfor—
Senate, Washington D.C. 20510, and tunes (Continued on page 6)
GLSO/August — 5

By J. E.

The initial crisis period con— some of the negative aspect of
fronting the rape, victim is often reaction to the trauma.
followed by a period in which the There is a resolution: an in—
survivor has an outward satisfac— tegration and healing that often
tory adjustment to the crisis. He come during recovery. This is not
may even deny that the event has to say that everything becomes as
ta en place or temporarily forget it was before. The survivor has
that he has been raped. Sometimes experienced a life altering event,
this is a reaction to prolonged but that alteration is not neces—
trauma rather than a real sarily all negative. Many people
recovery. Some people, without in this phase show an absence or
help, never move beyond this out~ reduction in rape-related problems
ward adjustment. Reliving the and an increase in effective life—
rape event and working it through coping strategies. Many changes
may follow. During this time, sur— can occur for the surVivor that
vivors may experience flashbacks, can be beneficial. The work that
nightmares, anxiety, and depres— people do to integrate the ex—
sion as well as feeling of loss of periences into the fabric of their
control and loss of self—identity. ives often does have unforeseen,
One survivor likened this period and unpredictable, positive ef—
to being on an emotional roller fects. This again depends on the
coaster —— riding emotional highs person. The important thing is to
and low repeatedly during the day. seek the help of others during the

It is often ver helpful for the healing process. It does not have
victim to share Xiis pain, fear, to be done alone.
anger, and frustration with
another person. with whom should
these feeling be shared? Sig— ESMERELDA'SPARLOR
nificant others react out of their CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5
own life experiences, beliefs, the most daring nights of adora—
resources, and ideas concerning tion, tragic death, and the
rape. The services of a trained softest skin, . . . and clothed in
professional are useful in helping a utopian body and ecstasies, we
the survivor choose the people to proceed along the relief of words
tell and make a deCision on . . . Dressed in a woman's body,
whether or not to report the rape patiently we mark time at the edge
to the police. of the page; we are waiting a

Such rofessional assistance is feminine presence. With wet
availabfe at the Lexington Rape fingers, we turn the pages. We
Crisis Center (253—2511). There are waiting for the truth to break
the victim can receive immediate through.
help and referral to other ap— From one reading to another,
propriate professionals. Services words relay back and forth as
are free at LRCC immediately after though to test our endurance
rape; longer term therapy is avail— around an idea, around the few
able on a sliding scale. Early self—images we have, images which
intervention in the recovery apply only to us in the fictive
process by people who are ex— space of our particular version of
perienced with rape cases is vi- reality . . . In our reading,
tally important. This interven— there are mauves, some indigo, ter-
tion acts to facilitate the rible looks, women adorned in
recovery process and to allow the jewels and silence. Bodies,
survivor to be a participant in sorely tried. Stirring visions.
his own recovery, thereby checking CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
6 - GISO/August


Safe Sex a suite of three plays to be presented in mid-August will
inform the public of the dangers of unprotected sex and raise funds for
AVOL (AIDS Volunteers of Lexington. The plays are scheduled for 8:00
p.m. on August 16, 17, 23, and 24 at the Carrick Theater, Transylvania

The plays were written by Harvey Fierstein, who wrote wrote Torch
Song Trilogy and the book for the broadway musical LaCage aux Folles.
The plays are performed and
directed by people active in the
Actor's Guild of Lexington and JUMPIN'JAMMIN‘JAMBOREE
Lexington Musical Theatre. It's gonna be a hot time in the

The production is a theatrical, old barn every night during the
educational fundraiser for AVOL to Cincinnati Stompers third annual
assist their goals of community Jamboree and Midwest Gay Dance
education and outreach, referrals, Competition, August 9, 10, and 11.
counseling, and assisting persons Participants are invited to
with AIDS and their families. compete for more than $1000 cash

Tickets are $10, phone 254-AVOL; in the Two Step, Line Dance, and
mastercard and Visa accepted. Open Dance categories.

Ticket at the door will be $12. A The Jamboree will begin Friday

limited number of free tickets for with a reception and dance. 0n

the HIV challenge are available Saturday an afternoon cookout will

through the AVOL office, 254-2865. be fol owed by the Midwest Gay
Dance Competition. Sunday will
feature a brunch, show, T—shirt
auction, and dance.

AIDS CASES UP 23 PERCENT Further information: Cincinnati

Stampers, P.o. Box 2948,
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. Phone:
41 percent, while cases among drug (513) 541-6102.
abusing heterosexual men and women
were up 24 percent. The number of
reported gay male cases 0f AIDS DENVERGAYRIGHTS ORDINANCE
increased by 19 percent. Cases of SURVIVES REPEAL CHALLENGE
AIDS increased y 30 percent in
the Smith, compared With a gain 0f Denver's a and lesbian civil
27 percent 11} the Northeast, 17 rights law stilrivived a challenge at
percent in.Midwestern states and the ballot box. Voters in a
13 percent in the WESt- recent city—wide election decided

The. need to step PP AIDS by a large majority to retain
education for young men 15 shown Civil rights protection for gays
in a StUdY bY the_San FranCisco and lesbians in the city's human
Department of Public Health. It rights ordinance.
reports an increase in the number The ordinance was passed by the
0f cases reported among young gay Denver City Council in October,
and bisexual men. A "second wave" 1990. Religious and olitical
0f AIDS may be spreading among conservatives calleciD for a
men who were. only l.n grade 5011001 referendum, hoping that the voters
when the VlFus flrSt began to would reverse the council's
deCimate America's gay community. action.

GLSOl/August - 7

 ESMERELDA'S PARLOR each other. To find out if my op-
CONTINUED non neg 7 timism is justified, we are gOing
We open and close our eyes on them to do stand still for a bit,
in the hope of a sonorous se— (figuratively speaking), perhaps
quence, or a vital discussion hop up and down and wave our hands
perhaps. Our fervor sweeps into to draw attention to where we are,
the text in order that from the in the hopes that some of you will
discussion truth might break see us and wonder back this way.
through. of course to be fair, we are also
What animates us in a sentence willing to look for your heads and
or an expression is a decision to hands bobbing and waving to say
be it. Inclined to become one with "no, you come this direction." (In
the text in order to seize the fact, it's already working in the
fire of the action . . . . We ad- form of two women moving up here
vance toward a subtle and complex from Tennessee.)
woman who reflects the process of While we're standing here, we'll
our thinking and its forms of be looking for some mail. Please
development . . . . When we turn drop us a line or two about what
the pages with our wet fingers, you would like to see in
going rom terror to ecstasy, we "Esmerelda." Political writing? ‘
confront eternity; we are Poetry? Comic relief? Recaps of
believers and disbelieving before dyke news? Gossip? Book reviews?
the sum total of bodies, craniums, Something I haven't thought of
orgasms; we confront the beyond yet, ‘cause there's sure lots of
of the whole and become desire’s it? Importantly, full schedules
precision in the unrecountable and "real lives" aside, would you
space of the brain . . . All read- like to be involved in the produc—
ing, is a desire for image, and tion of "Esmerelda?" And while
intention to re/present which you are at it, what other ac-
gives us hope. tivities would you like to see
For myself, "Esmerelda," the cof- (actually I mean come to) and how
feehouses, pride week, Athena, the would we (that includes you) go
passion group, is about taking the about organizing such events?
few sel -images we have in the so, what do you think? Let us
"fictive space" of our own ver- know! (or we will just inundate
sions of reality and hoping that you with what we think). Our ad-
by putting those images into ac- dress is Esmerelda's Parlor, P.0.
tion they cease to be fictive, Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575.
that they become a part of our We'll be looking for those bobbing
lives which we can count on, can heads and waving hands. And one
draw strength from. And for those final note, we could have given
of us who wish for, and work for you a boring questionnaire to fill
an alternative version of reality, out about "what I want in the les-
it is scary to think we may e bian community" but instead we're
more alone than we had imagined. giving you the "fictive space" of
This, gentle readers, is where your own reality. Isn't this fun
you come in. I'm willing to bet already.
that I (and Laura, Debbie, Linda,
and, well, you get the point) are
not so alone as it seems. I'm AIDS INFORMATION
willing to bet that there are lots How is AIDS transmitted? of the
of women (and dykes and lesbians, 174,893 cases reported through
take your pick) out there who April 1991:
aren't to keen on the way the Gay males made up 59%; gay Iv drug
world works and would be Willing users, 7%; heterosexuals, 6%; non—
to stir things up a bit. Perhaps gay IV drug users, 22%; person
we're just having trouble finding receiving blood, 2%; others, 5%
8 - GISO/August

GLSO GayIine 231-0335
The Bar Complex, 224 East Main, 255-1551. GLSO Board caII Craig 266-8887
The restaurant, Cale Montparnasse, open from GLSO News caIIChucL, ........253-0661
6 - 11 pm, Saturday 6 pm - 3 am. Also GLSO Speakers Bureau..caIIBiII,.... 266-9175
Ieatures Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage GLSOP oneIine..caIITony,.............. 266-9175
Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge. GLSO Comin Out Group
AIterhours Saturday night from 1:30 - 3:30 am. call/flan, 253-2414
GLSO Rainbow Bowling League
Crossings, 117 North Limestone, 233-7266. caIITeri, 268—4789
Lexington’s mens' bar. Cowboy night Ist TSGRA (TriState Gay RodeoAssociation)
Saturday Leather night 3rd Saturday. Operates caIITer orMark,................ 233-7266
The RacL, a leather shop, open Friday and NAMES Proiect’fientucky
Saturday, 10 pm to 1 am. call Katie 223-3855
Lesbian Potluck
The Metro, 156 West Main, 254-9881. Shows callEsmerelda, 873-0254
every weekend. Atterhours Friday and Esmerelda’s Parlour
Saturday, 1:30 - 4 am. call Debbie, 255-3851
Front Runners (Gay/lesbian running club)
Joe's Cate & Bar at Ileur de Iys, 120 South caII Dan, 254-6850
Upper Street, 259-9973. 4 pm - 1 am, GLUE (UKSugportGroup)
Monday - Friday, 6 pm — 1, Saturday. caII teve, 231-8485
Gay/ Lesbian AA
-—————-_———— callDave, 277-9522
'AIRLINETICKETS °CRUISIES | Iiéfllliftbirlh BI 293-0516
N0 FEES OR SERVICE CHARGES mpizeriigire‘iil gall Tgrryuegmss 266-871 5
Dign' /Lexin ton
. - nt ri
PEGASUS e..g..chaIIKay, 277-4364
T R A v E L IN C. Interweave caII Craig, 266-8887
2040 Idle Hour Center . Richmond Road (Unitarian Universalist gays, lesbians and friends.)
Lexingtoanentucky40502 AVOL ........“a.”8...“..................... 254‘AVOL
"8004284337 ' “06'2“4337 K‘éli‘f’fiffi‘gié'n” e . .1??le 28 1 .51 51
__——— (AIDS education and referral)
callEdwin, 233-0444
(800) 767-4297 Lexingon-Fayette Co. Health Department
AI STestIng 288-AIDS
—_—_——— (For anonymous counseling and testing)
Madison County Health Department
. (For anonymous counseling and testin )
(800) 347-4283 Louisville Crisis Hotline (502) 454-6699
GLSO/August - 9

 Contact names and numbers for all events can be
found in the Directory on the previous page.
The Camp Care Center is located at 201 Mechanic
street in Lexington. S P E C I A L E V E N T S
' SUN 4 Tri—State Gay Rodeo
‘ -:---:~-‘~'~'r-:~:~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~:-:~:~:-:-:-:-:-:-:~:até-:aye-:4-:gza-z-z-LrJz-:-:~:~:-S:-:-:-:Jae:-:-:-:‘:-:~:-:-:-:-:~:~:-:-:-:-:~:-:-:-:-:-:v:-:-:;:o:‘:‘:o:-:-:-:':;:; AS 5 0C 1 at ion l 4 P ' m '
."YM'YW‘H'1.1§2.¢M TUE 6 Gayline Meeting, 5 :30
; SUN 11 Lesbian Potluck, 2 p.m.;
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVOL Meeting 5:30 p.m.
1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Camp care center
E 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TUE 12 AVOL's Bereavement Support
25 26 271,..12___0____ 31 Group, 7:30 p.m.
_.._ WED 13 NAMES Project Meeting,
‘ 7 p.m., Rosenthal Center,
W E E K L Y E V E N T S Transylvania University
THU 14 NAMES Project Panel Making
SUNDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 p.m., Workshop, 7 p.m., Quilters
Camp Care Center; Square, Regency Road
TUESDAY Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon, 7 MON 19 Pro-Choice Alliance,

p.m., Camp Care Center 7:30 p.m. Alfalfa's Cafe
WEDNESDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 p.m., TUE 27 AVOL's Bereavement Support
St. Joseph Hospita , CCI Group, 7:30 p.m.

Meeting Room
WED 28 GLSO Board Meeting, 7:30
Group; SAT 31 NAMES Project display of a
major portion of the NAMES
FRIDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 p.m. Quilt, Hertiage Hall,
Camp Care Center Civic Center, Lexington
SATURDAY Front Runners, 9 a.m.,
UK water tower at Alumni
Gayline information service,
231-0335 operates from 8 -
11 p.m. on Sunday, Wednesday, DATES MAYBE INCLUDED IN THE CALENDAR
Thursday, and Friday evenings. BY CALLING 253-0661 ORBYWRITING
10 - GLSO/August