xt79s46h2405 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h2405/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-10-19  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1945 1945 1945-10-19 2013 true xt79s46h2405 section xt79s46h2405 The ECentucky Kernel

Hare Kentucklan Pies
Made Next Week

Russia's Policy
In The Balkans





ExArmy Colonel
By Hugh CelleU
A long military record of 36 years
nd many an Interesting experience
lie behind RaTph W. Wilson, retired
Army Colonel.
Colonel Wilson, who recently
moved to Lexington from Blacks-bur-g.
Virginia, is the newly appointed director of education of the
Bijma Chi foundation. He was born
in Missouri on July 24, 1884, and attended Hanover college where he
was initiated into Sigma Chi fraternity. Colonel Wilson is a thirty-secodegree Mason and a Shriner
lis well as a nuneber of Omicron
Delta Kappa and Sons of American
Army Service
A partial list of Colonel Wilson's
army services include: Philippine
Islands, 1912-1American Expeditionary forces and American Army
of Occupation, 1918-1of military science tactics at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.,
1936-3professor of military science and tactics. University of Pittscomburg, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1937-4manding officer, 7th Coast Artillery,
Fort Hancock, N. J, and post com1941-4mander. Fort Hancock, N.
professor of military science and
tactics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va.. 1942-4-

200 Houses Ready





Writing Colonel





Frat Authority
An authority on college fraternities. Colonel Wilson is a frequent

contributor to Banta's Greek Exchange, The Fraternity Month, and
The Magazine of Sigma Chi. An
article concerning U. S. presidents
who were members of fraternities
writen by Colonel Wilson will soon

SUB Committees
Jones, president of theBtudent Union Board, has
committee members of the
Student Union Service committees.
All committees will have their
first meetings some time within the
next week. Members will be notified
of the time and place either by
phone or mail. Some vacancies still
exist on a few of the committees;
anyone interested in signing up may
do so by seeing Mrs. Dorothy Evans
in room 121 of the Student Union
building. Plans for each committee will be announced at a later

Seniors Must Apply
For Degrees



Following is a list of the committee members:
Activities chairman. Nancy
Barbara Brown, Thelma
Mary Wallis Evans,

Maurlne Kaestner, Julie Landrum,
Charles E. Whaley, Marjorie Hawkins, Mary Jo Farmer, Mildred Jo
Cooper. Martha Muth, Doris Davis,
Jean Anderson, Mary Jones, Mary
Belle Calvert. Rosemary Dummit,
Jean Hardin. Luther Guier. Evelyn
Hammond, Sara Hall, Tom Parry,
Gene Page' Stuart. William Krueger!
Art chairman. Elizabeth Crap-ste- r;
Athena Yonkos, Varda Rice,
Wilford Mclnturff, Jane Price, Evelyn Greene.
Dance chairman. Jack Banahan;
Betty Workman. Gloria Manter,
Susan Nicholls, Jeanne Elliott, M.
A. Hening, Bette Doyle. Eloise Hel
ton, Betty Leece, Elise Hartman
Anne Phillips. Ell'en Ziglar,
Kiser, Robert L. Smith, Naomi Mon- dyke, Joy Hardin, Martha Schubert,
Jo Anne Sellards, Sylvia Ann Mayer,
6ovem Larkin, Arnold D. Baker,
Adele Denman, James F. Miller,
Ellen Wood. Richard J. Hundley,
Martha Myers. Virginia Cheshire,
Wayland Watkins, Charlotte

Ken-tuckl- an

Coleman Fellowship
Open To Members
Of Mortar Board


Announcement of the $500 Catherine Wills Coleman fellowship, open
to members of Mortar Board gradu
ating in 1946, was made this week
to the local Mortar Board chapter
by the national organization.
The fellowship, awarded for the
last five years, will go to one or
two applicants to be selected by a
committee of deans and a committee
of national Mortar Board officers.
The number of awards, to be $500
each, will depend on the number and
quality of applications.
Candidates must be unmarried,
less than 25 years of age at the time
of application, and able to qualify
as candidates for the matser's or
doctor's degree in an accepted
graduate school.

Joanne Marsh, Suzanne
Futch. Robert Hume. Sherry A.
Cohen, Anne Creech, Walter Ferguson, Eddie Brandon, Tom R.
Smith, Buddy Gwlllim. Violet M.
Jones, John A. Miller. Sara Edith
Edwards, Carl Schwab. Charlotte
Romberg, Dean Myers, Robert
Glenna Piersall, Rebecca
tVoble. Paul Sands, Opal Hall, O. L.
Information and application
Hudson, Kent Floyd.
blanks may be obtained from Miss
chairman, Gwen Pace; Katherlne E. Kuhlman, Mortar
Edwina Abraham, Maxine Kid well. Board National Council, 40 Wisteria
Patsy Allen. Betty Grote, Betsy Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio, before Jan.
Moore. Mary Jane Williamson. Sue 15. 1946.
Ann Bradford, Iris Shannon, Mary
Winner of the 1945 award was
Damon Helvenston, Floye Mulli-nauUniversity of
Imogene Combs, Millie John- Ruth Charlotte Pierle,
now doing graduate
ston, Marjorie Hall, Betty Jo
Jean Robinson, Virginia Jack- work in organic chemistry at the
son, Zoe Ann Beasley, Lorraine Bail, University of Illinois.
Barbara McKenzie, M. E. Hendricks,
Donald Copley, Judy Murfin, Elea- BSU To Give
nor Bennett, Bettye Rhea Goff, Ann
Koffee Klub
chairman. Mary
The Baptist students will enterLou Witherspoon; Mary Belle
Betty B. Luther. Wesley tain with a nautical party tonight
Pritchard, Dorothy Yancey, Betty at 7 o'clock in the Card room of the
Broaddus, Eleanor Vaughn, Bobbie Student Union building. All deLou Foil, Ann Talbott Clayton, nominations will be welcome, and
Elizabeth Walters. Barkiey J. Stur-gil- l, the new Baptist students are espeElise Meyer. Helen Hardy, Joyce cially urged to attend.
Joyce Gilbert and Jimmie WilLawton, Lee Wickliffe, Ann Carter
Harrison, Marjean Wenstrup, Mar- liams are In charge of the entergaret McCorkle. Lib Street, Betty tainment. Almlra Parks Is chairman
Yager, Mary Fox Clarke, Nelda of the publicity committee and
Edyth Routt is chairman of the reKapler, Phyllis Watkins.
Poster chairman, Elizabeth freshment committee.



Party Tonight



Plans Announced
By Yearbook Editor

First Sweater Swing

To Be Held Tonight

The first sweater swing of the
year will be held tonight from 6
until 7:30 in the Bluegrass room of
the Union building, Gwen Pace,
chairman of the House committee
of the Student Union board, announced today.
The ballroom will be decorated
with fall foliage. All students and
soldiers on the campus may attend.
Girls may come stag, Miss Pace said.
Virginia Stephens is in charge of
the hostess committee. Floye
is in charge of the decorations committee, and Gwen Pace is
in charge of over-a- ll
Several housemothers will chaperon.
Mul-lina- ux

at the Juilliard Graduate


The first combined meeting of the
YWCA and the YMCA was held
Tuesday night in the Union building. Speakers at the upperclass-man- 's
meeting were Ed Bary, president of the YMCA. Betty Lee Fleishman, president of the YWCA, Joe
Ward, and Joann Scatt.

Chi Delta Phi Asks

For Manuscripts

Chi Delta Phi, literary honorary, will be glad to receive any
manuscripts of short stories,
poetry, essays, or other forms
of creative writing from freshmen who have been at the University at least two quarters or
transfer students who have
been here at least one quarter.
Students must have a standing
of 1 A or higher to participate.
Manuscripts should be given
to Miss Jane Haselden, faculty
adviser, or to Libby McNeal,


Chosen as Miss A.S.T, Lyde Gooding was Queen of the Military
Ball on Friday night. Her attendants were left, Barbara Ann Smith
and Mary Nell White, right.

By Jim Wood
Civilian tux intermingled
Army khaki at Friday's "Night
last formal social function of the Army Specialized Training Program on the University campus, attended by approximately 350
Men In civilian dress foretold
facts of the future when Army uniforms will be at the minimum and
civilian suits at the maximum at all
campus social affairs.
Decorations All Army
Yet ballroom decorations were all
Army, including the feet sticking
realistically from under the pup tent
near the orchestra platform, andl
more than one person was seen to
kick them to discredit their au-


One huge "Sad Sack" brandishing
slide-ru- le
as a rifle, along
with lesser Sad Sacks, creations of
19 ASTs, decorated the walls of the
Bluegrass room, and tables, rare
things at a campus dance,, substi

a pointed

Veterans club . , . will meet at 7 p.m.
Monday in the Card room of the
Student Union building.
Phi Ipsilon Omicron . . . will meet
at 4 p.m. Monday in the Home
Economics building.
Sweater Swing . . . will be held from
6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Blue Grass room
of the Student Union. There will be
no admission charges and girls may
come without dates. All new students are urged to attend.
The University social committee . . .
will meet at 4 p.m. Monday In Room
204 of the Union building. All or
planning to reserve
social dates are requested to give
their petitions to- - Mrs. Dorothy
Evans before Monday.
Social committee . . . will meet at 1
p.m. Monday In Room 204 of the
Union building.
Cosmopolitan club . . . meets at 7
p.m. tonight in the Y lounge. All
foreign born and other interested
students are invited.
Pat haU . . . will entertain from 9
to 12 p.m. tomorrow in the Union
with a dance.
Cwens . . . will meet at 5 p.m. Friday in the Union.
SuKy . . . will meet at 4 p.m. Wed
nesday in the Union.
Tau Sigma . . . will hold tryouts at
7 p.m. tonight in the Women's gym
All women interested in modern
dance are invited.
Dutch lunch . . . club will meet at
noon next Friday In room 127. Union
building. Prospective members must
sign in the YWCA office before
Thursday for their lunches.
Mortar Board . . . will meet at t
p.m. Friday in room 204, Union
will hold first
meeting of the year at 7:30 pa.
luesaay. October 23 in room 313,
Union building. Prof. R. 8. Allen
will speak.
Student Union Board
will meet
at 4:30 pjn. Monday in the Union.
Secretarial ciUD . . . WU1 meet at 4
pjn. Monday In room 303, White




tuted for chairs
the walls.

Metropolitan Winner
She joined
the Metropolitan
Opera as
winner of the Metropolitan Auditions of the Air, and
was chosen to sing Mary Rutledge,
the feminine lead in Walter
opera "Man Without a
Country." Since then she has sung
many roles with the company, in
New York and on the road tours,
notakle among them being her appearance as Elsa in "Lohengrin"
in Boston. Other opera affiliations
for Miss Stellman Include the Montreal Opera Festival, the Chautauqua Opera, and Charles L. Wagner's
Opera, with which she was recently
engaged to sing Marguerite
"Faust" on a nationwide tour.
In concert she has been soloist
with the Worcester Festival twice,
the Hartford Oratorio Society, the
Syracuse University Chorus, and
other prominent organizations. Recital tours have taken her to many

AST's Last Formal Event
Attended By 350 Couples
w,hich usually line

Beer bottles (san brew) served as
holders for candles which lighted
the tables, and also as cigarette
lighters. Jitter of the evening: Bottle rocking back and forth on a table
surrounded by girls in fluffy formals.
A sight unseen since
days was the line of automobiles
surrounding the Union building, the
number of older civilian men who
boosted in years the ranks of the
civilian attendees, and the large
number of married students.
Preceding the dance a banquet
was held In the cafeteria for AST's
and their dates, with only one gatecrasher, "Banana." the 1548th Service Unit's mascot.
The tragedy: Paper ash, trays
used on some of the tables burned
through and the Army had to pay
for damages to table coths.
The good: Girls were given special
permission during the dance to re
main until 1:30.


Miss Stellman, assisted by Paul
Meyer at the piano, will present
following program:
Dido's Lament, from "Dido and
Aeneas," Purcell; I Attempt from
Love's Sickness to Fly, Purcell:
Aria Dove sono, from "Nozze di
Figaro," Mozart: Miss Stellman.
Mein Schoner Stern, Volkelied-che- n,
Du bist wie eine Blume, and
Widmung, all by Schumann; Miss
The aria Tacea la notte. from "II
Trovatore," Verdi; Miss Stellman.
Etude in A flat and Waltz In G
flat by Chopin; Mr. Meyer.
Aria Pleurez, mes yeux, from "Le
the Cid," Massenet; Reve d'amour. and
made Fleur jetee, by Faure; Miss Stell
direc man.
The Lass from the Low Countree,
were John Jacob Niles; The Old Maid's
Song, Howard Brockway; A Memory, Rudolph Ganz; At the Well,
Richard Hageman; Miss Stellman.


Women's Dorms Elect
Dance Committee

women's residence halls were
Tuesday by Miss Irma Poole,
tor of the halls.
The following officers
Patterson hall: Ann Bates,
dent: Winifred Fissell,
and Hilda Gumm, social
chairman. Boyd hall: May Belle
Gregory, secretary, and Elizabeth
Walters and Annis Huttman,
At the first house presidents'
council meeting Monday, the following plans were made:
There will be an annual room
judging contest during the fall
quarter. A ribbon will be given to
occupants of each of the best rooms
In the residence
halls, sorority
houses, and additional housing units.
A grand prize will be given to the
best of the three selected.
The Elmside housing unit at
Walnut and Fourth streets will extend its closing time from 10:00 to
10:30 p.m.
Boyd hall will initiate the honor
system by awarding extra library
nights each week.
The first standard examination
on the dormitory rule book was held
at 7:45 p.m., Thursday, October 18,
in the Pat hall lounge. It was proc-torby the Inter-Dorcouncil
of residence halls.
The seven hundred girls of all
the residence halls will give a formal "Annual Thanksgiving Ball" in
the Bluegrass room of the Union
building November 16. As yet, no orchestra has been announced.
The dance committee consists of
Margaret Courtney, Joan Bellany,
Louise Jewett, Amy Wlnje, and Til-lGumm.






Sweater swing . . . will be given
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. today in the
Bluegrass room of the Union.
SuKy . . . will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Union,
tpperclass Y
will meet at 7
p.m. Tuesday in the Union.
Freshman club . . . will meet at 6:30
pjn. Tuesday.





The main hope of the Kentuckian stall la to have the annual out by March, and they expect it to be larger than last
year's edition because some
sororities, fraternities, and other

Vets Name
Dance Group

have ariced for
more pages than last year. The
staff is trying to revive certain
features of former years, one of
which Is election of queen of the
agriculture festival.
The staff this year Includes:
Mary Lillian Davis, arts and
sciences senior from ShelbyvUle.
as editor; Mildred Sparks, education senior from Lexington,
managing editor. Lillian Baker,
education senior from Lexington,
and Tommy Gish. arts and
sciences junior from Seco, associate editor; Jean Crabb. arts
and sciences senior from
business manager, and Dick
Lowe, arts and sciences sophomore from Covington, sports edi-

At a special meeting of the Veterans' club Monday night, the report of the committee on speakers
was heard and approved, and two
members of a three-ma- n
committee for the November 17
dance were appointed.
Prof. B. H. Wall, the club's adult
counselor, gave the report of the
speakers committee. The following
were included on a tentative list of
speakers which the club hopes to
bring to the University campus:
Governor Ellis Amall, of Georgia:
Senator Joseph Ball, of Minnesota;
Lord Halifax, British ambassador
to the United States, and Sumner
Welles, former
state. The program of the speakers
committee was approved after being
Two club members. Jim Brock and
Elbert McCluny. were appointed to
serve on a committee to make prep
arations for the dance being sponsored by the club November 17. Another member of the dance com
mittee will be appointed at a later




fee of $1.25 will be charged for


first picture with additional prints
at 23 cents each. Students who
wish to use a picture from last year
will be charged 90 cents.
Following is the schedule for taking pictures:
Monday, October 22,
day. October S3.
Wednes- ay. October 24.
October 25, M-Friday. OctoMonday. October-2ber 2. Q-I'-Taesday, October 30,
MisceuaiM.aa; Wednesday, October 31, Miscellaneous.



At the next meeting, an executive
committee for the club is to be
elected, and also an Armistice Day
program will be discussed at that
Graham Davidson, past commander of the Man o' War Post of the
American Legion, was a visitor at
the meeting.






Portmann At Meet
Prof. Victor R. Portmann. secje- of the Kentucky
Press Association, left this morning
to attend the annual convention of
the Illinois Press Association at
Springfield. He will make an address on "Newspaper Business" tnd
is one of the three judges In 'he
newspaper contests. From Springfield, he will go to Chicago to attend annual sessions of the Newspaper Managers Association, the
Audit Bureau of Circulations, and
the National Editorial Association
Advisory Council.

Compulsory Meeting
For Kernel Cubs


Compulsory Kernel reportor-l- al
staff meeting Monday at
4:15 in the Kernel news room.
The meeting is the first of a
series of meetings to be held
every two weeks. All reporters
who have signed and others interested in becoming reporters
are asked to attend.

La France Eternelle
By Blaine W. Schick

By Lucy Thomas
What coarses do you
think should be added to the cur
Oscar Huff, A AS, junior:
speech courses.
Peggy Gabbard, Law, freshman:
American Philosophy.
Rex M. Turley, AAS, junior: A
medical school and veterinary train
ing would improve things a lot.
Betty Lee Fleishman, A AS. senior:
More courses in commercial advertising.
Bob Smith, A&S, freshman: Flight
Joan Scott, Agriculture, junior:
More astronomy less supervision.
Arnett Mann, Law, freshman: Add
a course to the curriculum requiring
no books in order to take care of
students that the book store can't
provide books for.
Martha Jacobs, Education, junior:
By all means, more physical education courses for everyone.
James B. Jackson, Agriculture,
freshman: More project courses in
Reba Smith. Agriculture, senior:
More courses dealing with humanity.
John Renfro, A AS, senior: Why
not a course in bridge
Jane Allen Wolf, Education,
junior: For some of these dumb
people not taking Home Economics,
how's about a course in marriage
Kyle Hunter, Agriculture, sophomore: We have too many courses


Kentucklan pictures are being
taken between the hours of S a m.
and S p.m. Monday through Friday
of next week and Monday through
Wednesday of the following week.
Mary Lillian Davis, editor, has
stated that students must have their
pictures taken according to schedule
this year. Each senior will be asked
to sign when his picture is taken
in order to avoid mistakes.
Although pictures will be taken
until 5 p.m. each day. students must
be at Memorial hall by 4:45 p.m. A

First Sunday Soloist





Maxine Stellman. soprano of the
Metropolitan Opera Association, will
present the first of the Sunday
afternoon concert series at 4 p.m.
October 21, in Memorial hall.
Miss Stellman, born in Vermont, is
a descendant of Miles Standish of
the historic Plymouth colony. She
studied at the Institute of Musical
Art in New York, and after winning
the Breen Memorial Prize and the
Morris Loeb Prize, she went on to
study with the late Marcella Sem-bri-



Y's Combine Meeting

Mary Lillian Davis

Maxine Stellman
First Fall Guest
Of Sunday Series


be released in The Fraternity Month,
publication, and
this article is said to be the longest
ever published by this magazine.
Since bis retirement. Colonel Wilson has been placed in charge of the
scholarship commission of Sigma
Chi fraternity, and has made
numerous visitations to colleges and
universities throughout the nation
in that capacity.
Costs Undetermined
His daughter, Louise Ann Wilson,
Is one of the four colonizers of the
Rental costs have not yet been
local chapter of the Kappa Alpha determined by University authorities, but total cost of transporting
the houses to Lexington, their erec
tion, cost of installing sewage and
water and electrical facilities, and
cost of maintenance will be pro
rated in rentals.
The only difference in the two
(Continued from Page Three)
Crapster; Eva
Nichols, Cecile
Mary Hillary
Anne Birdwell. Shirley Stolz, Cary
Lawson, Joy Marsh.
All seniors and graduate students
Public Relations chairman, Doris
Smith; Charlee Spaulding. Fern expecting to complete graduation
Jacobs, Betty Frances Hensley..
requirements at the close of the Fall,
Finnic, Mary Montague, Bob Winter, Spring or Summer quarter
Ingram. Don Towles, Marilyn should make application for degrees
Mitchell Virginia Brady, Jean Hem-lep- p, Monday or Tuesday, October 22 and
Hazel 23, in Room 16 of the Administra
tion building. Registrar Leo M.
Tournament chairman, Reginald Chamberlain, announced.
Bo wen; George Yankey, Donald
Graduation fees are not payable
Combs, Joel Ungerleider, Janet Sul-ze- r. later than the fourth day preceding
S. T. Wright, Jr, the commencement .Dean ChamberBill Cason.
Ethel Norwood, Tom Phillips, Ar- lain stated.
nold D. Baker, Roberta Anderson,
Candidates for the bachelor's deJohn C. Everett, Alice Halt
gree will be charged a graduation
War Effort chairman, Nancy El- fee of $9.00, which will cover the
len Taylor; Sue Wade, Carolyn
rental of cap and gown, diploma fee,
Palmer, Mary Smith, Edyth Routt,
Kentucklan and senior dues.
Barbara Futrell, Eue Flynn. Mary the
Candidates for advanced' degrees
Nichols, Ann Lair, Virginia Babb,
Evelyn Harrison, Jo Ann Finnie, will be charged a feepf $15.00, which
J. W. Pritchard. Marlon Slater, gree,cover the same as bachelor's dewith the exception of the
Doris Hall, Judy M. Johnson, Fran- and the cost of the hood to
be presented the candidate.
lists are made
from the application cards and it
is very Important to file for degrees
at this time .Dean Chamberlain said.
inter-fraternt- iy


Concert Hour
To Present
Ope ra Star




Week After,



The engineering survey has been
completed and preliminary work of
removing fences and weeding prospective driveways has already been
begun on the University's housing
project on the Experiment Station
farm where 200
houses, obtained from the Government, will be erected before the
opening of the winter quarter for
The site, adjoining the campus
of the University at the north boun
dary of the Experiment Station
farm, will accommodate 72 houses.
and the other, at the north entrance
to Clifton avenue, will take care of
the remaining 128 houses.
Near The Campus
The closest houses will be less
of a mile from the
main campus and the farthest not
more than
of a mile.
There will be a space of 20 feet between houses, and parking accommodations for automobiles are included in the survey.
There will be one hundred one- bedroom units erected, and one
units. These
houses will be available for married
veterans only, and reservations are
now being made through the office
of the dean of men. A 810 deposit
is required for each reservation.


Kentuckian Pictures To Be Taken
Next Week Monday! Through Friday,

For Married Vets




By January





Military Queen and Court

Work Begins
On Veteran
Housing Site

Writes For Qreeiis



In late August of 1938. I was
standing in the newly finished maritime station In Cherbourg. France,
waiting for the Europa to bring me
back from an absence of a year. A
middle aged German and his fifteen
year old son were standing beside
me. The boy looked at the harbor
and exclaimed. "It's so beautiful,
it's frightening!" The father smilde
bitterly but didn't reply. It is difficult to start life anew in a strange

There was a stir among the hundreds of people. The Europa was
sailing majestically into the harbor.
The ship's band, standing on the
port side, was playing "The Sambre
and the Meuse," in compliment to
France. A few Frenchmen sang the
words. "It is we who guard the
access to French soil." As the ship
drew nearer the band drowned the
feeble voices of the singers just as
a few years later their panzers and
mechanized forces overwhelmed the
spirit of a country which had been
great for a thousand years.
I often think of that last look at
the coast line as the ship sailed for
home. Oh, well, I would see it in '39!
I now have hopes of seeing it in '46.
People ask me what I expect to find
on my twentieth trip to Prance.
Many friends, returning servicemen,
tell me what I'll find. No two agree.
I expect many disappointments
and heart aches. I will look and
fail to find many friends In the
villages, the cafes and the universities. Among them will be many
people who were visitors in France
like myself. But among the French
I expect to find the same kind of
people I learned to know and ad






the Argonne Forest. St. Michel and
Last Time I Saw Paris
I have often told about the last
time I was in Paris. I took the Subway to go to the station. My eye
caught a gummed label still sticking on the back of a seal "Remember that the numbered seats are
for the mutilated of the war."
Before the scars of one war ars
healed another one more fierce and
bloody is fought on the same soil!
I have often been asked a3 to what
was the most pleasant experience in
Prance. I believe it was In 1333. Thst
year I represented the University of
Kentucky at the ywh anniversary
of the founding of tin- University

Poitiers. A reception was held at
which all delegates presented greetings from their respective universities. Practically every university in
the world was represented.
greetings were presented in order;
and many greetings were presented
between the University of Bologna,
Italy and the University of Ken
tucky. To the historically minded,
the reception was held in the sarr.e
room in which the learned doctors
of Poitiers tried Joan of Arc for
witchcraft more than sixty years before Columbus discovered America.
What a force for peace the combined efforts of all those universities could have been throughout tha
I have known France at war. at
work, at play and fn her desire for
peace which cost her the most
humiliating bondage in modern history.
(Continued on Page Three


� The Kernel Editorial Page


Ent-r- -d

tcond clasi


tha Port



at Lfxinfton, Kmtqrty.


under th

Act of March S.





Dora Lee Robertson




Marilyn Mitchell
PEGGY Watkins




One Quarter



One Year

The Free Lance


A New Constitution
For A New Kentucky




- counrty
now under supervision of ferably the northern area. There
after the Soviet Union is turning Com- - lies the whole point of the
loch, Bet kley,
A Ruaian.held Turkev would
a year's absence from the cam- a Russian passage through the
something Wronc
ob'vious fact ,eavM one won. Dardenelles and a warm water port
pus, will write a weekly analysis
of current world affairs. For- - derillg wnat
to be the main to be used twelve months a year, and
Prt that woulid place the Soviet
mer assistant managing editor, idea in back of the crafty Molotovs
suggestions concerning Turkey and
Miss McCulloch is a junior in
the Balkans. That those countries trading nations in -. the
.v u.c' ii
" Tr! TVh nM,H aio. ,n
the rieht from
No wonder Commissar Molotov
By Scotty McCnlloeh
admitted, but when aid
of aw
"suggests" a protectorate formatting
The conspicuous absence of any turns to force, a slight odor of
and Rumania.
States thing rotten comes to light.
of the Russo-Unitpor an explanation let's look at the wonder indeed that he has his eye
over Soviet demands to the
Near East in newspapers this past map. Russia's vast bulk is sprawled on tne crippled country Turkey,
The Balkans can be a stepping-ston- e
week, leaves one wondering what, if over the greater part of Europe
USSR. Turkey can in- any. is the Russian strategy on this from the Baltic Straits to the White to
question. Since the J day procla- - sea and still north through the sure grater world trade. And with
mation and cessation of hostilities Berents. The sea coast of Northern more nd more countries coniing
under the thumb of our gallant
in Europe, our Red ally has gone in Russia is vast. It is also
greater is
for a great campaign trying to sell nine months out of the year. The Russian ally, greater and
to our foreign office and the State amount of trade in the world market tne danger of a world dominated by
Department its demands for inde- - that can be handled by the UJS.S.R. Communism. Where will we stand
pendence for the Balkan countries, is very limited. No nation however when SUh a day comes?
Bulgaria and Rumania in particular, strong internally can live without
Tery recent- - and certainty
Commissar Molotov has also suggest- - participation in world commerce.
scrap over the
Russian The isolationists proved that. So the timely. Army-Nav- y
ed that a
controller, be used in the case of Russians eye the south and a warm bIand basea m tne
notter and notter m tne state IV"
Turkey, but up to this point has water port.
partment to Washington.
failed to gain an Inch there.
Black Sea Base Logical
principle used by the two agencies
All Minds
Balkans In
The logical location for such "a seems to be one of "dont let your
However, if the Turkish question base would be the Black Sea which right hand know what your left
seems to be shelved for the time is easily accessible. Unfortunately, hand is doing," which Is the same
being, the Balkans are still very the only passage from the Black Sea practice advocated by those two
much in the minds, if not the news runs through the Dardenelles which forces before the outbreak of th?
war at Pearl Harbor,
of America. Independence for all is part of the
-- the countries of Europe is one of area and the tariff on shipping
The main point of the argument
the great reasons for the war itself through this passage would be fan- - jjp, m the
that the. Navy wants
... i
alma tactic if t e T?iiecian riM:1rrf t f
n4 wn rtnm will mniyirt t Vl




some-menti- on





Proposed Honor System
Supported By Alumnus

t - imisn oihot tVlOV
or hear from
trained morally
tv, ofTiHpn
nf th mind
ihoH intoiwtnoiiTT it rirwi not
merely addlt multiplies.
fore,, for a student to cheat the
professor little or much he cheats
his own mind and everything he
usgs much more He forfeits
of the education he is paying for,
lulls himself into a mediocre self
by a success that weakens where a


read in

StarS And StripeS





failure would put lime in his back- Tn th last analvvis It Li a
, i.'
nuncic iu ... ,u,,ir,
Bculi" """5
system-t- he
more rigidly adhered to
the more of self augmented.
T 9 tKava le onw nhontinir Hnna lot
.vT professor
do .I when he marks
it 1"
He can ud wm, make
- fit, .ctimt. nf th ,hirienf
looming anrf oln nf th rhnmrter
;hat goes wlth tne Earning. He can
and he should put down some-oto de- that character as a set-o- ff
faults in learning against the day
they must
when tne tw0 wiu
blended in one career.
Very truly yours.
An "Old" Grad'

1 lUnil Xll T?n!n
Through rain and snow last year, the flag
before the Administration building stayed on
the pole. At one time it was left up overnight,
Alter a ',' weeks ot tne whipping wmtis, tne
Mag was in rags ana was still leit up.
On a battlefield a fla? in such condition is
not only to be excused but to be revered, but
r"""" '
the condition of our flag was due to pure neglect and irreverence.
The flag of the United States of America has
meant too