xt79s46h1q74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79s46h1q74/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-04-30  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1926 1926 1926-04-30 2012 true xt79s46h1q74 section xt79s46h1q74 l





onsERVE May


Elect President


Student Council Nominations


26-3- 1

o f Commissions
and Regimental Parade Aro
Features of Military
Field Day

Baccalaureate Address Will Be
.Delivered by D. C. Hull of
Wesleyan College
Details for Commencement Week,
from May 2(5 through May 31, are
according to
practically complete,
Dr. W. Lewis Roberts, chairman of
the committee in charge.
Wednesday, May 20, from 2:30 to
4 o'clock in the afternoon will be
Military Field Day. Features of the
program include the regimental parade, presentation of commissions
with the awarding of prizes and medals, and an address by Lieutenant-Governo- r
H. H. Denhardt to the students selected to take the advance
course. In the evening, the Lexington Chapter of the Reserve Officers Association of Central Kentucky
.will entertain with a banquet and
dance at 6 o'clock at the Lafayette
hotel in honor of the graduates of
the advance course.
Friday evening, May 28, at 0
o'clock the banquet of alumni and
students of the College of Law will
be held at the Phoenix hotel, with
W. S. Simpson as toastmaster.
9 o'clock the Senior ball will be held
In the university gymnasium.
Saturday, May 29, will be Alumni
Day. In the morning from 9 to
10:50 o'clock, the visiting alumni of



Four Prominent Artists From

Chicago and New York
Will Sing in "Elijah"


University's May Queen



One of the greatest musical events
ever attempted in central Kentucky
will be the presentation oi the Central Kentucky Choral society's May
Music Festival May 4 and 5. At this
time an opportunity will be given the
people of Lexington to hear two of

the finest concerts ever presented
The artists' concert will be
given May 4. Those comprising the
list of entertainers will be the soloists
of the oratorio "The Elijah" to be
given the following night: Louiso
Stallings, soprano; Ethel Jones, contralto; Dan Beddoe, tenor; and Edgar
Schofield, baritone. These artists have
been brought to Lexington at consid- -.
erable expense from Chicago and New
York and each is endowed with voice,



Nominations for president of
the Men's Student Council must
bc turned into the office of the
dean of men by 6 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, May 5, according
to an announcement made yesterday by W Emmet Milward,
of the organization. All
nominating petitions must be
signed by at least 25 male students
of the university.
The election for president and
of the Student Council will bc held Friday, May 14 and
all male students of the university
will be privileged to vote in the
The student getting the
largest number of votes will bo declared president and the second will
for the coming
year. The other members will be
elected by their respective classes
next fall.

One thousand copies of the spec-iissue of The Herald which will
be published by students of journalism of the university and of
Georgetown College on next Tuesday will be distributed free on the
campus Tuesday morning, according to Arthur II. Morris, editor'
of the student edition.
Five hundred copies of the paper
will be given away at Georgetown
Mr. Morris stated yesterday
that work is progressing smoothly
on the student issue and he expressed himself as optimistic over
the prospects for an edition as
successful as the one published
last year by the students of 'the






Hotel Conditions
Cause Postponement of
Tournament to
May 6, 7, 8

"Beggar on Horseback" To Be
Presented at Woodland Auditorium Under Direction of
Prof. W. R.. Sutherland


"The Beggar on "Horseback," which
is being produced by the Campus
Players, under the direction of Prof.
W. R. Sutherland, will be given at
the Woodland auditorium Thursday
and Friday, May 6 and 7.
The Campus Players, a student organization, is composed of members
of the class in dramatic production.
It resembles the well known Harvard
Workshop, formerly conducted by Professor George P. Baker, who is now
head of the dramatic department at
Yale University.
"The Beggar on Horseback" is one
of the most popular comedies
George Kaufman and Marc Connelly,
American dramatists.
The story follows a young composer
of classical music, Neil McRae,
through his struggle to hold to his
ideals and ambitions in spite of poverty and the temptation to obtain easy
money by writing jazz or popular




The annual High School week will
be held at the University of Kentucky
May 6, 7, and 8.
The date was
originally set for the first week in
May, but due to the overcrowded condition at the hotels during the races,
it was necessary to postpone the

Wellington Patrick, director of the
Extension Department of the university, nnnounced that the program
company sponsor of B company includes more events than ever before
Davis, Williams, Beckner,
and that between 500 and 000 high
and Brown Are AtMiss Davis, maid of honor, is a school students are expected to take
tendants for Festivities
member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, part. Representatives from all sec
To Be Held Saturday
secretary of the senior class, an out- tions of the state will enter the var
ious contests.
MISS UPHAM RULED OUT and was member of the English club,
The musical events are of partic-ila- r
maid of honor in the May
School bands from
Day celebration two years ago.
Miss Dorothy Chapman, of Union- Louisville Male, Wolf-pi- t,
Miss Williams is a member of Delta Georgetown,
town, Ky., a sophomore in the College
Ashland and Cynthiana have al
Zeta, and secretary of the Philosoph-ia- n
of Arts and Sciences, was elected May i
literary society. She is outstand- ready entered, also orchestras from
Queen in the annual election held by ing in
Frankfort and Louisville
scholastic endeavors.
men students of the university, on!
Male. A silver and. bronze cup has
Brown Is Popular
Monday, April 2G. She will preside t
Miss Brown is a member of Alpha been offered by the National Bureau
over the festivities of May Day, which
for the Advancement of Music, of
will be celebrated on Saturday, May 1. 3'i Delta, a member of The Kernel New York, to the wiriner of the band
staff, a Stroller eligible, and the winmusic.
by Miss Grace
She will be attended
The trophy is considered
contest this year. contest.
ner of the popular
It is 30 incehs high
A special symphony orchestra, a Davis, of Lexington, who will act as
Miss Beckner is a member of Delta very handsome.
by Misses Marie Delta Delta, vice president of the sen-t- and is valued at $100.
band, and a jazz orchestra will pro- maid of honor, and
- Beckner, of Winchester, Lurlene
vide the three types of music neIn addition to this there will be
class, battalion sponsor in the
of Lexington, Ann Williams, R. O. T.
C, and- was chosen by Flo
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) of Clinton and Katherine Brown, of Ziegfield as. one of the most beautiful (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
girls in the university.
Miss Chapman is a popular member
Miss Bronaugh is a member of
T. K. A.
Omega social sorority, sec
of Chi
retary of the sophomore class, and (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
Ferguson and Hanratty Become

Bro-naug- h,



Members of Debating

Popular Music Is Sent by New
York Publishers






Mil-Ma- y,

"The Plastic Age," Epic

Opens Students' Eyes
Have Been


to Band


Tau Kappa Alpha, honorary orators'
and debaters' fraternity, held its anY. M. C. A.
nual initiation exercises Wednesday
night on the third floor of the Science
New Officers Will Be Installed
At that time Wm. Rudy
May 8; Will Serve ThroughFerguson and William Hanratty were
out Year
made members of the organization. Southern Federation of College
Following the initiation refreshments
Students To Convene Here in
Frank Melton, a junior in the Col
were served and election of officers
Fall; Milward and Cochran
lege of Agriculture, was elected pres
Attend Conference
Because of the congestion which will held.
ident of the university Y.M.C.A. in the
Tau Kappa Alpha is a national honresult from the number of floats in
B Y COUNCIL Miction which closed last Saturday.
the May Day parade, no parking of orary fraternity for orators and de- ARRANGED
i iiu nuw uuiceis win uu niauuiuu iiiuy
To be
private, automobiles will be allowed baters, having 68 chapters.
The annual meeting of the Southern fti. and will serve throughout the
on the university campus, tomorrow eligible for membership a student
ing year.
of College Students, in
from 12 o'clock until the conclusion of must have represented his university
The Suky circle, in an intercollegiate oratorical contest which 20 colleges throughout the? Other officers who were elected by
the festivities.
Members of the local South aro represented, will be held) the members of the association were,
which has charge of the arrangements or debate.
of the day, deemed this action neces- chapter are John Y. Brown, Kenneth at the University of Kentucky nextUohnR.
secretary; and G. Titus Fenn,
sary to allow spectators to enjoy the Tuggle, J. B. Johnson, J. W. Jones, April, according to W. Emmet
The students who were
G. S. Milam, and John R. Bullock.
ward and Eugene V. Cochran, who at-- 1 treasurer.
tended the meeting of the federation, elected to the Advisory Board were,
rowuer u. nius runn, u. r
held this year at Washington and Lee
University, Lexington, Virginia, April! Kells, Jnmes May, and Frank Melton
The faculty and city representatives
of the Advisory Board, who were
Discussed College Problems
to take the place of vacancies
Forty delegates, two from each col- elected
P. P.
at occurring this year were, Dean D. C.
lege, attended this convention,
Boyd, Dr. W. W. Jennings,
which many problems of college life
Cruze, secretary of the city associawere discussed. M. T. Whaloy, of the
Dodo bird, and the girls carried flasks University of Maryland, presided over tion, Frank L. McVey, and E. D.
President Henry L. Veach.
the meeting.
We sincerely hope none of you co- in their
The new president, Frank Melton,
in Smith, Dean Campbell and Dr. T. L.
The boys held
missed that epic of
eds and
has been associated with the Y.M.C.A.
the executive
the cinema called "The Plastic Age." rooms that resembled
EIGHT)' for some time and served as
Really, you've no idea what a jolly chambers of the Capitol, while the (CONTINUED ON PAGE
of the organization last
you girls entertained company in apartplace dear old "collltch" is until
lie is a member of Alpha Gam- ments like the bridal suite of the
see university life depicted by the
these palatial
realists of Hollywood.
eager hero of parlors to the dorms and frat houses By
Hugh, the bashful, but
the drama, went through four years of of your "own little university!
Is Tenth Fraternity To Purchase
Plays Great Game
academic education which consisted
Professor Horlacher Called to
Own 'Home on the
Hugh seemed to thrive on the licenprincipally of gin,
Washington for Conference
cars and voluptuous ladies. From all tious life of a libertine. He was in
appearances, ho 'never saw a class great condition for the football game
Sigma Chapter of Alpha Sigma
room. He was instructed in astron- that wound up his hectic career in a
Prof. L. J. Horlacher is in Washing
he learned ge- blaze of glory.
The time element Phi, national social fraternity at the ton this week where ho is attending a
omy by lisspme
ography from stydying road maps; seems a little confused here. The university, has just purchased for its conference called by Thomas P. Coop
and he acquired a knowledge of math- football game occurred the day be chapter house the ten room', brick er, Chief of the Bureau of Agricultural
Anyway, Hugh residence at 433 East Maxwell street, Economics of the Department of Ag'
ematics by memorizing telephone fore graduation!
raced 90 or G5 yards for u touchdown, according to an announcement made riculture.
the first of the w.eck by Cecil Charles,
then dashed into the shower-rooTho purpose of the conference Is to
No Night Rules
There were no 11 o'clock rules for and out again to grab hiB diploma and president of the chapter. Alpha Sim- establish standard grades for wool,
ula Phi is the tenth fraternity at the based on the English numbering sys
the girlies at Hugh's alma mater. The the girl.
"The Plastic Age" is a great pic- university to purchase a chapter tem. When this Is accomplished wool
sweet lasses drove right up in their
own automobiles, picked up a duto, ture.
It is a visualization of the house. The value of fraternity prop- grades ull over the world will be uni
and whisked him away to a naughty evangelistic conception of collegiate erties at the university now will total form. During the past five years
Professor Horlacher has been doing a
night club. And there was no need of infamy, and it affords the student, more than $300,000,
Mr. Charles said that the house was lurge amount of experimental work
a student being ashamed if he had harrassed by irate profs and 8 o
imbibed too freelv of Nate's elixir at clocks, a sophisticated satisfaction in purchased for an investment and tern with wool and it is because of this
work that he has been Invited to the
a dance. Chaperones were as extinct viewing the jolly life he is supposed to
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Washington conference.
at that Utopian institution as the lead.
23-2- 4.

What They

at the University

Alpha Sigma Phi's

road-house- s,

Give Heralds
Student Edition To Be
tributed on Campus

Due May 5



NO. 27










Attends Meeting

Procession Will Form on Campus
at 1 o'clock for Big Parade
Through Town; Two Prizes
To Be Given



All Classes Will Be Dismissed

at End of the Second

feature of the May Day
celebration this year will be the unique
manner of disposition of the freshman
A novel

caps. A bonfire will be made on Stoll
field, and the freshmen will advance in
single file to throw their caps into the
fire each receiving n receipt. These
receipts will be collected, and as no
freshman will be allowed to burn a
new cap, a check will bo made of those
who have worn their first year badges

A, spectacular parade of floats, representing the various organizations
m the campus will start from the unio'clock, and will pass
versity at
hrough the downtown district. Prist's will be awarded to the most beauti
ful and the most comical floats by the
Suky circle, and the crowning of the
May Queen will take place immediate
ly following the arrival of the May
procession on the campus.
The program of senior class exer
cises which is in charge of the Suky
circle, will include the planting of a
tree by the senior class, a short talk
by William Simpson, class orator;
reading of the class history, by Ava
Cay wood, historian; and the class
prophecy by Wallace Saunders, class




Arts and Sciences Freshman
Will Appear in Principal
Role in Stroller Play

Addison Yeaman, freshman in the
College of Arts and Sciences, will take
the leading part in the Stroller play
Icebound" instead of Alvm Hammel
as was previously announced, ncord- ing to Al Wieman, director of the

This change
dramatic organization.
was necessitated when Mr. Hammel
was unable to continue his part because of the pressure of other work.
Has Appeared at Romany
Although tliis is his first year at
the university, Mr. Yeaman has al
ready given evidence of marked dramatic ability. He played in two Romany plays this season, taking the part
of the poet in "Candida" and of the
ieutenant in "Mrs. Gorringe s Neck
lace." He will also appear in the
English department production "The
Beggar on Horseback. Mr. Yeaman
is from Henderson, Ky., and is a mem
ber of Phi Delta Theta fraternity.
Rehearsals for "Icebound" are be- -

Eight new popular numbers were
received by the university R.O.T.C.
band early this week from publishing houses in New York City and will
concert work.
be used in spring
These selections were given by the
Publishing Company
Irving Berlin
and Shapiro, Bernstein and Company
were sent free of charge.
Sgt. J. J. Kennedy, director of the (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
band, had written to these houses reNOTICE, SENIORS!
questing price lists and ordering cerShapiro, Berntain lute numbers.
stein and Company sent five selections, "Good Night," "I Love My
Baby," "The Prisoner's Song," "Behind the Clouds," "Cross My Heart,
You;" and Berlin
Mother, I Lo-Publishing Company sent, "Always,"
"Then I'll Be Happy," and "In the
Middle of the Night."

Seniors who have ordered invitations may get them in tho main hall
of tho Administration building Monday, May 3, after the third hour.
Kindly get your invitations at this
Joe Walters,
Chairman of Committee.

Kernel Feature Writer Attends "Elijah"
Rehe:ludls; Offers Odds on Altos But
Loses When Sopranos Win by a Foul

This here snrine weather ain't af
fected Morris and me much for the
better. As we was amblin' over toward the French class the other day,
he starts the conversation oft' cheerful
bv observin that it looked like a hard
winter. I says that he was gettin'
a bit previous about it, but l Knew
how he felt seem' as I hadn't transthe teacher had
lated the purley-votold us to read, cither.
We had just finished wadin' through
the story of the three bears, and was
about ready for a complicated yarn
like little Red Riding Hood, but the
instructor had u lot of surplus ambivoltion and handed us a
ume concernin' Quntre Vents, which
means "four winds" in the classic frog
lingo we are learnin' to speak. I figured that the four winds was the four
principal characters, but we come to
find out that Quatre Vents was tho
name of the town they lived in.
Music Mogul Corners Smith
Well, me and Morris wasn't looking'
forward none to a hot air session conducted in a foreign language, and was
aimln' to stop in to the dispensary to

see if we wasn't sick when I seen
Professor Lampert steerin' kver my
way. He explained that he was the
mogul of music in the university, and
.vas pullin' a big noise out to the
Woodland Auditorium pretty soon,
and wanted me to make a big racket
n the paper about it. I says to Morris that it was a case of business before pleasure so he better tell Miss
Horscfield that I was unavoidably detained. I trust he done so but I don't
think so because he give me a dirty
look like Benedict Arnold preparin'
to sink the Lusitania, and went off
rubbin' his chin like u villain in the

Gets in Confab
Me and Professor Lumpert went up
to where he holds forth in White Hall,
and staged a confab about the celebration out to Woodland.
The name of
it is "Elijah," and It's an oratorio,
which is neither hero nor there.
You've got to hear one before yon
know exactly what it is, and then
you're not sure about It. However,
once bavin' heard one, you'll recog- -




Alumni Are




Mrs. Ollino C. Wilson, Class
Writes to Class
of 1911

Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne

Class secretaries nre busy getting
with the members
of their classes urging that they
be present for the alumni reunion this
yenr. If you hnve not written to
the members of your class get busy.
There Is n list of them elsewhere on
this page.
The following very enthusiastic letter has been sent to the members of
the class of 1911 by their secretary
Mrs. R. C. Wilson, formerly Miss
Olllnc P. Crulckshank.
"Class of 1911,
"University of Kentucky
"Dear Classmates:
"Another year has passed since we
left 'old State' and now we have
renched our 15th anniversary. Quite
old, are we not? Don't you wnnt to



(First Saturday


Regular) luncheon

nt 1:15, Elk's


Philadelphia, May
(First Saturday Regular)
at 1:15,
Engineers Club, 1317 Spruce street.
Buffalo, May 8 (Second Saturday
Regular) luncheon at 1:16, Chamber
of Commerce, corner of Main and
Seneca streets.
Chicago, May 17 (Third Monday-Reg- ular)
luncheon at 12:15 Marshall
Field Men's Store. (Grill Room).
Lexington, Mny 29

The following is n list of the members of the classes which will hold
reunions this yenr and their addresses. Drop a line to your old classmates
and tell them thut you will be at the University for alumni reunion this
yenr, remind them that just so many years ago you left the University
"torether. and tell them you would like to see them here.

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.

Prof. Merry L. Pence

Ti,r,.,u tt


Pnlnmhin Ilnivorsitv. New York City.
Bushong Building, Fort Worth, Texas.



Marzclla-Greenu- p


Mrs. Josepn
olulu, T. H.

n. ftasue

iaiue a. nmuui;




Smith E. Alford 5 Locust Street, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y.
James W. Carnahnn, 221 Sast 20th Street, Chicago, Illinois.
Daniel M. Case Lawrcnceburg, Ky.
Dr. Harry A. Davidson 660 Francis Building, Louisville, Ky.
Thomas R. Dean P. O. Box 547, Miami, Oklahoma.
Alice Duck 173 North Broadway, Lexington, Ky.
Joel I. Lvle 750 Frelinehuysen Avenue, Newark, New Jersey.
Edward C. McDowell Southern Engine and Boiler Works, Jackson,
John H. Trigg Georgetown, Ky.
John W. Woods 111 2 North Winchester Avenue, Ashland, Ky.


Harry P. Bassett 739 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Penn.
Henry Bewlay Imperial Electric Company, Akron, Ohio.
Charlotte M. Bliss 1141 First Street, Louisville, Ky.
Charles W. Bradley Gas & Electric Supply Co., Norfolk, Va.
Mrs. S. R. Buchanan (Nannie Etta Butler) 139 LaFayette Avenue,
Lexington, Ky.
William J. Craig Nashville Blvd., Bowling Green, Ky.
Frank G. Cutler 2651 Pike Avenue, Ensley Alabama.
Major Albert S. Dabney Care of Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans
Frank Daugherty 1324 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa
Dr. Nicholas H. Ellis, Williamstown, Ky.
Dr. John W. Gilbert, Lawrenceburg, Ky.
Mary L. Gordon, Alabama School for the Deaf, Talledega, Ala.
George H. Hailey 108 Lyric Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Robert B. Hunt Florida East Coast Ry., St. Augustine, Florida.
William P. Johnson Bagdad, Ky.
Mrs. T. L. Richmond (Leila E. Jones) Box 411, Arlington, Calif
Philip L. Kaufman Straus Bascule Bridge Company, Chicago, Illinois.
Garnett R. Klein 632 Florence Avenue, Avalon, Penn.
Mrs. W. S. Webb (Alleen P. Lary) Cherokee Park, Nicholasville Pike,
Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Drew W. Luten 519 University Club Building, St. Louis, Mo.
Albert R. Marshall 300 Trust Company Building, Lexington, Ky.
Frank W. Milbourn The Coe Mfg. Co., Painesvlle, Ohio.
Mrs. George M. Ewell (Jamie M. Offutt) Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
William Lee Pennington Y.M.C.A., Louisville, Ky.
Wade II. Perkins 732 E. Colfax Street, Denver, Colorado.
Mrs. Robert M. Tuttle Box 230, R. R. 2, San Leandro, California.
Guy W. Rice 309 E. Gamarack Ave., Inglewood, Calif.
Box 411, Arlington, California.
Thomas L. Richmond
Oliver M. SHedd Kentucky "Agricultural Experiment Station, Lex
ington, Ky.
Frank T. Siebert 414 Post Office Building, Philadelphia, Penn.
Charles Treas Aberdeen Lumber Company, Aberdeen Mississippi.
Prof. Wm. S. Webb Cherokee Park, Nicholasville Pike, Lexington, Ky,
Perry West 13 Central Avenue, Newark, New Jersey.
Ella C. Williams Senior High School, Lexington, Ky.


David H. Allen Allen National Bank, Edna, Texas
William J. Baxter Nicholasville, Ky.
Frank Bogard 507 S. Trenton Street, Ruston, La.
Llewellyn C. Brown Care of Evening Independent, St. Petersburg. Fla
Coleman C. Cartwright
Buechul, Ky.
Henry B. Darling P.O. Box 1128, Atlanta, Ga.
William F. Downing, Jr., South Riverside Avenue, St. Cluir, Michigan.
Robert h. Dragoo Kussellville, Indiana.
Rankin P. DuValle Maxwelton Court, Lexington, Ky.
George P. Edmonds
7780 Dante Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
Thomas W. Freeman 305 Capitol Apartment, Raleigh, North Caro
Mrs. L. J. Parrigin (Besse E. Goggin)
Paintsville, Ky.
Dean Achilles C. Gough Idaho Tech. Inst., Pocatello, Idaho.
lumy j. uicgory loti aomn nuru oireei, ijOUisvilie, Ky.
James C. Hamilton 121 W. Third Street, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Joseph N. Harper 789 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Prof. Charles C. Hedges A. and M. College of Texas, College Station,

Roy C Hopgood


Thorton Way, Golders Green, N. W. 11, London,

Mrs. Robert B. Hamilton (Katherine T. Hopson)
107 South Fullerton,
Montclair, New Jersey.
Mrs. Robert Graham (Lucy K. Hutchcraft)
1010 South Burey, Urbana,

Sadocie C. Jones 903 South Limestone, Lexington, Ky.
Edward P. Kelly Hawesvillc, Ky.
William P. Kemper Care of Highway Department, Austin, Texas.
Charles P. Lancaster Box 186, Harrison, Ohio.
John W. Lancaster Georgetown, Ky.
Alexander T. Lewis 1502 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Penn.
Byron McClelland
Richmond Road, Lexington, Ky.
Mrs. Abberh Krieger (Eugenia S. McCulloch)
2304 Alta Avenue,


Omar McDowell Euclid, 40th Street, Market Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio.
James S. McIIargue Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.
Lexington, Ky.
Charles J. McPherson
1998 Upland Way, Philadelphia, Penn.
Wallace II. Magee 534 Powell Place, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Fred C. Mahan Highsplint, Ky.
. vi. vj. ii miHiiia yiuHijmck
dlU b, 1rUWIUrU,

U. of





Under the nblc leadership of Miss
Held Last
Mnrgueret McLaughlin '03, president,

the Lexington Alumni club has accomplished much for which Its members should feel proud,
It was the
president who conceived the idea of
giving dances in the basketball building as a form of entcrtinmcnt for locnl alumni and students nnd nt the
snme time charge n nominal ndmislon.
Four of these (lances have been given
during the pnst two years nnd have
been the means of bringing into the
trensury of the Lexington Alumni
club more than $1,200.00.
Miss McLaughlin began to plan a




St., Covington, Ky.
Henry S. Berry 18 N.
Victor C. Muncy No. 104 West Ninth, Flat No. 15, Cincinnati,
Marks, Mississippi.
William R. Wallis

On last Saturday evening, April 24,
n dnnce wns held in the basketball
building under the nuspices of the
of the general association. The Kentucky Kernels furnished the music.
About three hundred couples were
present and as usual seemed to enjoy
themselves very much. This wns the
fourth of n series of dances which
has been given under the direction of
the locnl club. Those most active in
Its arrangements
were Mnrguerite
'03, Nancy Innls '17,
Mnrie Mnrklcy '20, J. White Guyn ex-'0- 4,
Howell D. Spears '07, Viley
nnd Reed Wilson. '10.

Ky. Educational Assn. LEXINGTON ALUMNI
Meeting Well Attended

Hundreds of teacherH from nil parts
of Kentucky nttended the meeting of
the Kentucky Educational Association
last week in Louisville.
One of the most enjoyable parts
of the program was the University of
Kentucky banquet which was held in
the Brown hotel, Thursday, April 22,
at 6 p.m. Several thoroughly enjoyed
numbers were given by the university
glee club nnd quartette nnd the remainder of the program consisted of
program with her ndvlsory committee
the following highly appreciated
If so, let me know immediately! Our
and it wns decided to entertain the
reunion dinner will probnbly be on
"The University of Kentucky a De- - various teams as soon as the Special
Monday afternoon. Make reservations
cade Ago" Joseph Roemer '04, Pro for each sport had closed.
have been held at the La- fessor of Education nt University of I luncheonsnotel
"Third: Only eleven out of 76 Plnj .
for tno teams nnd have
(living) members have paid dues for
been well nttended by those who are
"The University of Today" John most interested in athletics and other
1925-2What is the mntter? Has
All the class of 1911 gone bankrupt? Re- Y. Brown, student in the College of phases of university life. The Suky
go bnck home to Commencement?
hands up, please!
deem yourselves nnd send In that three Law and grndunte of Centre College. circle has also been remembered. It
"The University of the Future"
has become the policy of the club to
"Now three things hnve prompted dollars today!
Now for n pnrting word, we wnnt Dr. Frank L. McVey, President of the have nil the members of the circle,
this letter nnd hero they are in
numbering about fifty, and at their
a Round Robin for our reunion. To University of Kentucky.
order of their appearance:
to present new
"First: Calendar for Commence- make this it is necessary that every CollegeJ. C. T. Noe, professor in the luncheonhave been purchased sweaters
by the
Education, University which
member of our class send in his or her
history since 1911. Make it snappy of Kentucky, whs the tonstmaster.
"Annual Alumni Business Meeting and illustrate with snapshots. To
The university nnd Alumni associa- these luncheons local alumni nnd the
Saturday morning, Mny 29,
have it bound it Is necessary that the tion
headquarters in the Brown members of the teams and of the Suky
"Class Day Exercises Saturday sheets be of bond paper and the same hotel. had
Among those who registered circle are brought into close contact
and a better understanding and appreinches). Mail
size (8 inches by 10
"Trip to Dix River Dam Saturday your letter flat to me as soon as pos- there nre the following:
ciation is had of the efforts of these
young men and women and the alumni.
The Robin will be mailed to
J. C. Gordan, Walton, Ky.
"Alumni Banquet at Shakertown Inn
The work of the local club does not
all members of the Class of 1911 after
'01 Saturday night.
stop with these things but, realizing'
it is bound. Thus you will see how
W. L. Pennington, 1923 Second the hard financial battles that the
Sunday everybody looks today. Do It now! !
"Baccalaureate Sermon
street, Louisville.
afternoon May 30.
general Alumni association has been
"Hoping that everyone of you will
Mon"Commencement exercises
having, it has donated $200.00 to the
arrive in Lexington on May 29 and
day, May 31.
general association and has promised
Nancy Belle Buford, Newcastle.
expecting your letter very, very soon
This is our reunion and
further support. Our task would be
we want every member to be present T dm, as ever,
Ina Kuy Smith, East Maxwell street, much easier and results far better if
you come ?
for Kentucky.
with all his family. Can't
other clubs would follow the LexingLexington.
W. S. Hamilton," 903 Realty Build ton club's lead.
ing, Louisville.
We congratulate Miss McLaughlin
Street, Paris, Illinois.
for the accomplishments of her club
Henry Ray Moore Western Electric Company, Hawthorne Station
and wish to thank her and her club
Miss Inez Luten, Hickman.
Chicago, 111.
for its assistance.
P. H. Neblett, Hazard.
James C. Newman 621 Maryland Avenue, Norfolk, Va.
Hubert C. Carpenter ex-- , The Court
James C. Nisbet Madisonville, Ky. "Please Forward."
land, 'Louisville.
G. M.
French W, Rankin The James Seffel Co., Springfield, Ohio.
Owensboro Club
Henry E. Read 711 Realty Building, Louisville, Ky.
Frank Bruner, Whitesville.
Philip M. Riefkin 816 Union Trust Building, Washington, D. C.
J. O. Lewis, 520 Locust' street,
Rotarians Elect U. K. Graduate
Herman C. Robinson R.F.D. 3. Lexington, Ky.
of 1916 President of Their
H. A. Babbs, Mt. Sterling.
James Dell Rogers 122 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
O. E. Baird, Barlow.
Henry S. Scott 6422 Kenwood avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
Mrs. Percival Fansler (Mary E. Scott) Norton Heights, Connecticut