xt79p843v14k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843v14k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-04-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 03, 2001 2001 2001-04-03 2020 true xt79p843v14k section xt79p843v14k Student life

UK student

The school year is



Duke wins
prevails in
tourney | 5


wrapping up and I
believe it is
important we not
forget our
responsibilities as
students here at
"America's Next
Great University." l
have for this reason
compiled the
following oath. (Note:
This oath must be
taken verbally in
order to be binding.)

So, repeat after me

I, (your name), being
aware of my
responsibilities as a
student, promise

To support the athletic
programs with great
spirit. no matter how
many games the
football team
manages to win or
how many games the
basketball team
happens to lose at
the beginning of the

To respect the campus
and accept the fact
that "America's Next
Great University"
must first be the
next great
construction mess.

To respect the squirrels
because they
outnumber the
student population.

To honor the yellow
curbs and respect
the tow trucks.

To honor Thursday night
as the ”true"
beginning of the

To be faithful to on-
campus food services
because diner
accounts are not
accepted anywhere

To help other students
who are randomly
attacked by the
fierce Classroom
Building doors.

To vote and deeply care
about SGA elections,
and not be swayed by
the thousands and
thousands of posters
and signs that are
duct taped

To accept caffeine as my
late night savior.

To use dead week in a
productive manner.

And to read the rail

For as long as the
semester may seem
to last.

So help me UK.

Having affirmed these
truths, we the UK
student population
can truly fulfill our


Vote narrows candidates do

By Ashley York
Isa—STE" NEWS moon

The results of the faculty‘s vote for a
Board of Trustee faculty member on Mon-
day narrowed the ballot from five candi-
dates to three.

Martha Birchf‘ield. Alan Kaplan and
Claire Pomeroy received the majority of
votes and will advance to the third and final
ballot. said Bill Fortune. chairman of the
University Senate.

This vote was the second of three for
faculty members. The first ballot advanced
the five individuals with the highest num-
ber of votes into the second phase. which ad-
vanced Birchfield. Kaplan and Poitieroy.

The faculty will vote again
April 27. specifying a first
and second choice. in order
to avoid a tie. for the two in-
dividuals they would like to
see assume the B()'l‘ faculty
member seat.

The elected faculty
member will replace Daniel
Reedy from the Department
of Spanish and Italian on
June 30.

Fortune said Monday's results eliminat-
ed Davy Jones. a nominee from the gradu-


ate school. and Gina Tonia. the director of

the Martin School. from the ballot. More
than 800 faculty members votwl.


For the


Frank Byron, the
vice president of
Students Actively
Volunteering for the
Environment. ties
down the mat for a
sapling on Saturday
at Masterson
Station Park. The
project was part of
Reforest the

oouo MORGAN !


Martha Birchfield. the
library director at Lexiiig
ton (‘omniunity College.
said she was grateful to ad
vance to the third ballot.
"I think I‘m a strong
candidate and have the
broadest background of (the
other two candidatesi."
Birchfield prides her
candidacy on her back»
ground. She said Kaplan
and I’oiiieroy. both of the (‘ollege of Merli-
c’mc. are limited in their involvement based
on a medical background.
Kaplan. who was out of town on busi-
ness on Monday. was unaware of his adv

wn to three

vaiiceinciit. l'pon hearing
the news from the Kernel
he said he was honored
that his colleagues Iiad
“that much faith in him"
by taking the Illlll' to vote

Ponieroy was also IITI'
pressed with the number of
faculty members who voted

"I'm honored by the
fact that so many voted.”
she said. “And its a respon
sibilitv that I plan to take seriously."

I'K's Bl )T is comprised of lil appointh
members Iiy the governor. three alumni.
two faculty members. one staff member and
one student rcpresentaiive.


Robinson campaign questioned

By Tracy Kershaw


Claims of overspending and illegal
campaigning could jeopardize Tim Robin
son and Caroline Harralson's victory in
last week's Student (‘xovernment election.

Pour claims were filed Monday with
election investigator Brian Hopper. a sec

(ind-year law student. The election board of

claims will hear the issue Wmlnesday night.
Robinson said the claims are untouiidixl.
(‘aroline and I are going ahead. we
think the student body has made a (TH‘ISIl in.”

Some of the claims will not be passed
onto the Election Board of (‘laiins. Hopper
said. because they do not amount to or al
lege constitutional violations.

- Election Board ofSupervision‘s claim
says the board has “found severe (iisci‘epe
ancies and inaccuracies from the Robinson
and Harralson campaign.” Ile listed five

The first violation concerns the cam-
paign's web site. http: www.uksga.com.
which cost $15.84. according to Robinson‘s
expenditure report. But the board mem~
bers claim the reported cost does not iii
clude development and maintenance of the
site as is required by the SGA constitution.

In the second violation. the board mein
bers claim Robinson should have reported
the cost of an advertisement in the Kernel.
Delta Delta Delta social sorority. of which


Speakers will offer diff
views on life in Middle

Learning: Perspectives on Holy Land

By Scott Sloa_n

Two speakers. each with a close tie to the Middle
East. will give two entirely different persiwctives on life

In the “HEIGHT 211138.

IIarralwn is president. paid for the ad. but
since several members of the sorority were
running for S(}A. the board members con
cluded that Harralson's sorority sisters
were acting as "agents of the campaign."

The other three violations also accuse
Robinson of not reporting or not correctly
reporting money spent on the campaign.

- Alyshia ()chse. who
ran against Robinson.
claims several of her cam-
paign signs were covered
up with posters of stu-
dents running for the Self
ate on Robinson and Har»
ralson's ticket.

“He preached about
equality when he actually
prevented me from run-
ning an equal race against
him." ()chse said.

- Nic Wilson. another presidential
candidate. claims that Robinson and liar
ralson exceeded the $600 limit According
to Robinson‘s expenditure form. he and
Harralson spent $399.89.

- .lason .Iohnson. an SGA Senator.
claims that campaign spending most likely
exceeded the $600 limit. He also alleges that
the use of“S(}A" in the web site name is if
legal and that cards. which had student
discounts printed on the back and the
Robinson Harralson logo on the front. are
unfair campaigning.


Martin School ranked high by

‘U.S. News & World Report'

The talk: School of Public Policy ranked fifth
in public finance and budgeting category



The UK Student (‘oalition for Peace in the Middle


The James W. Martin School of Public Policy and Adminis
tration at UK is listed as one ofthe best graduate schools to attend.
according to a report released by (ZS. News 8; World Report on


In the publication. ”Best Graduate Schools 2002."

the school is

ranked fifth between Harvard T'niversity and Carnegie Mellon
I'niversity in Pittsburgh. in the public finance and budgeting


purpose in this last
month. We shall
prosper, we shall not
give up.

- Jared Whalen


6.6 5.4

Hey, there may be
rain but at least it is
getting warmer.

VOL. #106 ISSUE 33129

News tips?

Call: 257-l915 or write:


East organized the event. which is the second of three
events designed to provide differing viewpoints of life in
the Holy Land.

"I would hope it would be an opportunity for the
UK community to leam more about the situation in the
Middle East." said Gary Brooks. one of the two

Brooks is the co-pastor of Hunter Presbyterian
(‘hurch in Lexington and a member of the (‘hristian
Peacemaker Team.

The (‘hristian Peacemaker Team is an organization
that has maintained a presence in the West Bank city of
Hebron since 1995. according to Brooks.

Brooks said the organization has an apartment in
the downtown market area in the center of the city.
Members of the team identify themselves with distinc-
tive hats and amibands.

"We look for situations that could bring about vio~
Ience and we by to diffuse it." Brooks said.

The team has Worked
with families on the out-
skirts of Hebron that have
been threatened by authori»
ties. Among the threats are
confiscation of their land.

The team does a num-
ber of other activities in»
cluding taking Intemationa]
Red (‘ross food to needy
families in the area.

Brooks serves as a re
servist for the team and
may travel to Hebron any
where from two to six


“Occupation and
Resistance: Life in the
West Bank and Gaza"
and "The Holiness of the
Holy Land can be
Beautifying or Demonic"
will take place at 7 pm.
Tuesday in 245 Student


Negotiations between the United States and the Middle East
continue as violence ravages the area.

weeks each year to give regular members time off.

Brooks hopes his presentation will enlighten UK
students about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

“Most Americans have veiy little idea what life is
like on the ground in Israel and Palestine what it‘s
like to live with an occupying army on your doorstep
for 30 years." Brooks said. “It‘s something I don‘t think
most people have any real frel for."

The second speaker is Rabbi [Triel Smith. who lived
in Israel from 1919 to 1956. Smith plans to share his ex-
periences and thoughts about life in the Holy Land.

The iiirxlerator of the second event is Firas El Mad-
hak. a UK Palestinian student.

The speakers will make two separate presentations
with two differing views of life in the Middle East. Fol
lowing the presentations will be a question and answer
session with the audience.

The event's organizer. Trevor Sanders. a history
and French senior. hopes the presentations will raise
the eyebrows of audience members,

“i hope that [it] challenges people‘s views and

. creates a dialogue about the conflict that will tackle
the hard issues." Sanders said.



The school was ranked 22nd in 1998. the last time the maga-
zine ranked graduate schools.

Syracuse University. Indiana I'niversity Blminiiigton and the
University of(kx)rgia were the top three schools in
the category.

Gina Toma. the director of the school attributes
the rise to the addition of an endowed chair in
public finance.

Toma also attributed the ranking to the faculty
members‘ successful participation as officers of
prominent national organizations. and the

achievements of Martin School graduates. many of
whom teach and perform research at some of the
nation‘s highestranked schools of public policy.

Among all institutions. the Martin School re

ceived a ranking of 31 among some 230 public and private schools
of public policy and finance. Harvard ranked first as the best grad-
uate school in public affairs. Among public institutions. the
Martin School ranks 18th overall.

Established by I'K over 20 years ago with the creation of the
School of Public Administration. The school currently has 26
primary and joint faculty. plus two adjunct faculty members.

The school offers a master‘s and doctorate in public adminis
tration. as well as a master‘s in health administration,

The MPA and MIIA are professional degrees designed for in-
dividuals who seek management careers in public and health ser-
vice agencies and organizations. The doctorate program is a re-
search-oriental degree that prepares persons for careers in uni-
versity teaching and research. and research in govemment agen
cies and private foundations.

The current enrollment in the school is about 150 students.
The small size of the program permits students to have one or
more faculty mentors and to develop custom programs that
meet individual needs and interests






2 IWY.APRIL3.2001 I mm


The Low-down

It is like
if I were
out of my
mind on
and saw

- Paul
48, still best
known as Pee-
wee Herman.
revealing to
Time maga-
zine the
reaction of

younger fans
who see him.

Milosevic proclaims his innocence

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia Police seized a
vast cache of weapons from the mansion that 810
bodan Milosevic transformed into a fortress before
authorities arrested the former president on cor-
ruption charges stemming from his 13~year rule.
Milosevic. in jail Sunday after surrendering before
dawn to end a 26hour standoff. maintained his in-
nocence. The judge ordered him held for at least 30
days while police continue investigations into alle
gations of criminal conspiracy and diverting mil-
lions of dollars of state funds. After Milosevic was
whisked away to Belgrade‘s Central Prison. police
entered his compound in the treelined Dedinje
district anti said they found a major arsenal. in-
cluding two armored personnel carriers, 30 auto-
matic weapons, three heavy machine guns. an
anti-tank grenade launcher. 23 pistols of varying
calibers, 30 rifle grenades. two cases of hand
grenades and several cases of machine-gun clips
LUld other ammunition.

Collision could complicate arms talks

TAIPEI. Taiwan The collision between US.
anti Chinese military planes came at a tense time
for Taiwan just weeks before Washington is to
decide what weapons to sell this island. The inci—
dent over the South China Sea could complicate
the annual arms negotiations. which Beijing has
been aggressively lobbying against. analysts said
Monday. China considers Taiwan to be a break-
away province. and Chinese leaders argue that
selling weapons to the island delays their goal of

Dalai Lama meets former activist
TAIPEI, Taiwan w The Dalai Lama‘s travel
plans on Monday included a chat with a former
Taiwan independence activist, a meeting the Ti-
betan spiritual leader‘s spokesman said was non-
politica]. China has been accusing the Dalai Lama
of trying to whip up anti-China sentiments during
his 10«day trip to Taiwan. which Beijing considers
to be a breakaway province that should eventually
unify with the mainland or face war. The Tibetan
religious leaders Monday meeting with Chen Tan
sun. the magistrate of southern Tainan County.
could feed Beijing's suspicions. Chen was once an
active campaigner for Taiwan independence and a
leader of the Formosan Association for Public Af-
fairs. winch supports independence for the island.

Soldier killed, shop blown up

JERUSALEM An Israeli reserve soldier
was killed in a firefight and three Palestinian
shops were badly damaged in a gas balloon explo—
sion apparently set off by Jewish settlers. the Is-
raeli police and army said Monday. The soldier
was killed Sunday night near the West Bank town
of Nablus when Palestinians opened fire on an

MERE: Calling
President Bush
a "destructive
man," singing
legend Barbra
Streisand on
Monday fired off
a blistering
memo to top
Democrats in
Washington call-
ing for a
"strong, strate-
gic, targeted
offense against
the Republican
"This is not the
time to be
weak," Streis-
and writes in
the memo titled
"Mice Guys
Finish Last"
sent last week
to several dozen
top Democratic
legislators and
released to
media outlets
Monday through
her publicist.

McCartney, tired
of staying in
hotels, has
bought a $4 mil-
lion, 4,700-
house in the
Hollywood Hills.
The former
Beatle pur-
chased the
French Country-
style house from
Courtney Love.

army post. Israeli troops returned fire, apparently
causing no injuries. In a leaflet distributed in the
West Bank, a Palestinian group calling itself the
"Return Brigade" said it attacked the army post to
avenge the deaths of five Palestinians from the
Nablus anea killed last week in clashes with Israeli
soldiers. In the divided West Bank town of Hebron,
home to 130,000 Palestinians and 450 Jewish set-
tlers, an explosion went off Sunday night in a gm
cery, hours after Jewish settlers buried a 10
monthold baby girl who had been killed by Pales-
tinian fire a week earlier. The grocery was de-
stroyed and two adjacent shops, a bakery and a
fast food restaurant, were badly damaged.


Gendered violence
affects every person

Not just women: Conference discussed
date rape, sexual abuse and racial profiling


Teachers in Hawaii threaten strikes

HONOLULU W, Nearly 13,000 public school
teachers and 3,100 University of Hawaii faculty
members are threatening to strike Thursday un-
less the state meets their pay demands. A strike
would affect 182,328 public school students and
41,933 university students. Parents and schools
have been scrambling to find alternatives for their
children. Hawaii‘s teachers earn between $29,000
and $58,000 annually.

By Kendra Livingston

Gendered violence, like any other type of violence, oc-
curs in many forms. Sexual abuse of children, date rape, vio-
lence against women and men, and racial profiling were just
a few of those mentioned at the third annual Women‘s Stud-
ies Graduate Student Conference this
past weekend.

Phillis Rambsy, director of the King
Cultural Center, said many people don‘t
know the definition of gendered violence. " “
She defined it as violence occurring when we muSt
a specific group of individuals is the tar- not
get of violence from a specific group of



“Gendered violence can and does oc-
cur among students," Rambsy said. “The the
problem is that it is not widely reported." . .

Chenica Brown. a social work junior, VlCtlm
added to the list one of the most common . f
types of gendered violence on college hSt O
campuses w date rape, an act Brown said
is an underlying form of gendered gendered
violence. '

Date rape is a form of gendered vio- VIOIence
lence because of the high numbers of solely to
women being raped by men.

According to the Bluegrass Rape Cri. women.
sis Center, women ranging from ages 15-

24 are the primary victims of date rape. ' Phillis Rm.
While the center revealed that young director 0f the
women are the victims of date rape, the King Cultural
Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual As- Center

sault, said one in 12 college-age men ad-

mit to having fulfilled the prevailing definition of rape or
attempted rape.

WCASA, a membership organization of sexual assault
centers working to end sexual violence. also reported from a
sample of sorority women that 24 percent had experienced
an attempted rape encounter and 17 percent were victims of
a completed rape.

Although the conference focused on women as the target
of gendered violence. Rambsy says men cannot be left out.

“We must not narrow the victim list of gendered vio-
lence solely to women,“ Rambsy said.

Rambsy added that men, minorities and children are
also targets of gendered violence.

“Violence exists in many forms and in an array of social
contexts.“ she said. “Racial profiling is gendered violence to-
ward black and Latino males from police officials. Sexual

abuse of children by adults is another form of gendered



At least 14 dead in Kenya bus crash

NAIROBI, Kenya A» At least 14 people were
killed and 22 injured when two buses collided on a
bridge along Kenya‘s Indian Ocean coast, police
said Monday. Dozens of people were missing. The
buses were traveling in opposite directions on a
bridge north of the tourist town of Malindi at
nightfall Sunday when they crashed head-on and
flipped off the bridge and into the Sabaki River, 60
miles north of Mombasa. local media reported.

Police question 20 in stadium blasts

COLOMBO. Sri Lanka — Police questioned 20
suspects in connection with twin bombings at a
weekend concert that killed 11 people and wound-
ed at least 150 others. police said Monday. The sus-
pects from two rival gangs were picked up during
an all night raid in Kurunegala, about 60 miles
northeast of Colombo, a senior police officer said
on condition of anonymity. Police blamed the
bombings on criminal gang warfare. At least
100,000 spectators were packed in the stadium in
Kurunegala when the bombs exploded early Sun-
day. A police officer at the site said he heard two
blasts in quick succession.

Police await toxicology report

PIKEVILLE, Ky. W A man charged with mur-
der in a two-car crash that killed a pregnant
woman faces additional charges, Kentucky State
Police said. Charles Christopher Morris, 28. of Ze
bulon, was charged Monday with first-degree as-
sault for the crash. which also injured the
woman's husband, police said. Morris allegedly
ran a red light March 25 on US. 119 near Buckley
Creek and crashed into a car driven by Troy
Thornsbury. 28. of Kimper. police said. The crash
killed his wife. Veronica Thornsbury. 22, and their
unborn child. State police were awaiting toxicolo-
gy reports on Morris. Trooper Scott Hopkins said.


Compiled from wire reports.





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A Chin


a 00111
ing to

its pal
sort. "1

The 5:
had bi




animal-Ii. I WYJFIILM la



President Bush demands
‘prompt and safe return'


Layoffs possible
for Kentucky

Plunging: Wall Street's downturn could
mean a rise in unemployment rates in Ky.


LEXINGTON. Ky. , Kentucky could see a flood of lay-
offs this year in the wake of Wall Street's recent downturn,


- g.» y . ff: Chinese warplane. meanwhile. were missing.
. ' - ‘ It wasn‘t clear whether Chinese experts had tried to examine the
EP-3’s sophisticated surveillance equipment. US. officials said the
plane shouldn‘t be boarded without permission.
An US. official, speaking on condition of anonymity. said stan-

ht... 12“ 2'

L W. -' "Wu?" .vfifi; o

Staaaiag gears

(lard procedure Would call for the EP-3
crew to destroy as much of the plane‘s
sensitive surveillance equipment as


In London. a military expert said
China could sell any information it
obtained to the Russians, giving them
access to "one of the most sophisticat-
ed intelligencegathering airplanes in

the world."




Hainan. The ships were on

home from the Persian Gulf and had

visited Hong Kong.

After discussing the incident with his national security team.
Bush said he was dismayed that diplomats had not been given access
to the crew. Three US. diplomats flew to Hainan island and were

assocurto PRESS
making their way to the base.

"It‘s catastrophic for the US. if
the Chinese have managed to gain ac-
cess to the aircrafl and if they've man-
aged to obtain access to the computers
and the hard disks.“ said Paul Beaver
of Jane‘s information Group. publish
er of the respected Jane‘s Defense

On Monday. armed guards de-
tained at least six reporters near the
base on Haitian (pronounced HEYE-
nahn). including one who climbed a

hill to get a glimpse of the aircraft. ~ A
US. Ambassador Joseph Prueher. £31

I f’

speaking in Beijing. said American of-
ficials were being denied contact with
the crew. and President Bush de-
manded their "prompt and safe re-

In Washington. US. officials said
the United States was keeping three
Navy destroyers in the vicinity of


American EP- 3

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an economic forecasters said.

The US. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the state
had nine large layoffs in January alone. affecting 1,100

Nationwide. companies announced more than 377,000
planned job cuts from December to February. more than
double the number announced in the same period a year
ago. according to Challenger. Gray 8!. Christmas. an inter
national outplacement firm in New York that tracks job-cut

Paul Bauer. an economist with the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland. said Kentucky stands to take a bigger
economic hit than other states because of the dispropor<
tionate number of manufacturing jobs here. especially in
the auto industry.

But a few local staffing and headhunting firms say com-
panies are expecting to bounce back later this spring. even
though some are reporting an increase in the number of
laid-off workers enlisting their services for job searches.

"Everybody‘s eyeing what‘s going on with the stock
market. and they're being overly cautious right now and
cutting back to prepare for the worse.“ said Guy Huguelet,
president of Adecco of Central Kentucky, a regional staffing
firm with offices in Lexington. “But what‘s happening on
Wall Street isn‘t necessarily what‘s happening on Main
Street, and we‘ve got a lot of companies that are doing well
despite the gloomy picture the stock market and the media
are painting."

The outlook for Kentucky is also brightened by an an-
ticipated increase in service jobs and new manufacturing
jobs. as well as by relatively low unemployment rates.

The University of Kentucky Center for Business and
Economic Research says cuts in manufacturing jobs will be
balanced by increases in construction. business services,
health care. retail and government jobs.

However, UK economist Mark Berger said. service jobs
overall pay less than manufacturing jobs. which could drag
down average income.

Over the past decade. this "churning." or replacing lost


Chinese leaders appeared to be trying to decide on a response —
not an unusual tactic for a government that takes its time in making
major decisions. Beijing issued no new information after a statement
Sunday blaming the collision on the US. plane.

in Paris. Chinese Foreign Minister Tang J iaxuan said he hopes
the dispute doesn't strain [TS-Chinese relations.

jobs with new ones, has resulted in a net increase in jobs.
said Janet Hoover. spokeswoman for the Kentucky Work-
force Development Cabinet.

Labor market analysts who keep score on how quickly
laid-off employees get back in the game say Kentucky’s la-
borers are quick on the rebound.

“on.“ Guasmmf While the state Workforce Development Cabinet does
.g' CHINA ‘ not directly track how quickly workers find new jobs. it
‘- does calculate the average time workers receive unemploy-
J? .---’ ment insurance benefits. Workers received the benefits an

average of 11.7 weeks in the past three years.
. l
r ”f K v
«L (f g’mi.‘.'.ui.tc/)
xx“ ;

A Chinese military policeman stands guard outside the 0.5. Embassy in
Beijing on Monday, a day after a 0.5. Navy surveillance plane made an
emergency landing in Hainan, China. lollowing the mid-air collision with a
Chinese jet fighter over the South China Sea.


. T
t'\,ru m"

LlNGSHU]. CHINA Twenty-four Americans and their spy I a. WETMM \

plane were confined to a military base on a tropical Chinese island Hanoi "
under a blanket of secrecy ’T‘uesday. still out of contact two days after 0

a collision with a Chinese warplane. American diplomats were head-
ing to the site.

Reporters who visited the base where the PIP-it made an emer-
gency landing Sunday found a complex of new. white-tiled buildings.
lts palmlined driveway looked like the entrance to a tropical golf re-
sort. The island of Haitian 2.700 miles south of Beijing , is a fa- go \
vorite of sun-loving tourists. "’ l ‘0“\\ \ . , . _

The US. plane was standing empty on a runway. according to a " ' 1‘ times because YOU 1‘9 already working with the smallest.
Chinese sailor reached by telephone at an adjacent naval facility. ‘ ”'~\\, most effluent staff possmle _.- or a bad thing. because they
The sailor. who refused to give his name. said the 24 crew members Hutu AND \I am“ ““59 the. 5km standards and take in only people at the tOD
had been moved to a military guest house. The Chinese pilot and the > y f 0f the skills ladder.



getting new jobs by seeking training and educational oppor~

“Manufacturers are making their work forces much
leaner than before." said Vince Senior. vice president of
Associated Industries of Kentucky. “That can be a good
thing. because it means there‘s less fat to trim in hard

US plane made an
emergency landing
after collidtng with
a Chinese lighter
southeast m Haitian

Still. workers are advised to improve their chances of
”EM 3

Vientiane f‘
' -/








Campus Calendar

April 2 - April 8, 2001
~-.- The (ompus (olendor is produced by the Office of Student Activities. Registered Student Or . and UK Depts. can submit information for FIE! online ONE WEE t
- PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at: http:/ www.clyndo/(npos (dead.
(all 257-8867 for more information.

'Moctu Your Tm Nudist-op “supra 20! From Hail Tms 3 1m; Meeting, 30"", 23] Stud. (g,

mamas 'Oinner in the Dorms, Hillel/lavish Stud. Org. 6'ISpm.

'I it i M"! 7 30pm, hi6! stud um (mot Slater (pun Yard, Private Dining Room

'Formnst thorn Mtg 630-7 30pm, l06 Stod (Tl 'Tobfe Francoise, Frendi (om/motion Group, Hipm. Blow italt Private Dining Room
‘Gmt Iii-«m Gum In Emit-m 0n “to 505w ‘9 M Mir 'Muslim Stud. Assoc. Mtg, orisom, 2H Stud. (h

“WW Um”! 59'" m 5"“ 0' ‘Entounter, (on for (Twist, 7pm, 730 Stud. (tr

'M'ilMMIfl-SM 730pm ll3Slud [tr 'GIM" Tbunib m 7.30 Pm, TOGSMOY

'OrgonmmminArIaWOoonw SOSpmAgMiobbv . . . .. . .
'AIptaPIiOrri-galtg,730pm.35t5tud(tr (Wt/13mm nyerps,Uplinit(ampmMinrstrm635prn.(ofrwylwtrstOvdt

'mmwww‘fm‘ 35”“ (" 'DinnerondWonbip Servxe uninitm Mm ' ' sanctum (MWOIMII

. - ‘Unitorian um: rim-Io. Luntb n 30m Stud in not (part (ornar no.
. g -. Tier a 0mm (n

'8 s ,.' .. m '(ologe libertarian Mtg. B'30prn, TT3Stud. (n
if .. '"l mu PM“ ”9'“ 0" SW“ 5'“ ‘Eguestrian Team Mtg. 8pm, Ag. North Kai A}
.. ... 1' Km D° (M Pm“ "w” 630 59'“ ”M“ 5"“ “’5 'Dressoge Tm Mtg, SASpm, Garrigusll .2nd floor (oriforerite lm.
" gym“ mm 'Gofden Key lnl’l. Nonor Surety Mtg. 7 30pm, 705 Stud (tr

- 'Tw Speakers Orrapotion and leastonte Life In the West look and Gaza It The ltoIirI-is of tho
or returning m
8 II m m B l' ?
Personal attention

.-:. lermhlmfifyingorWSGA 7pm 7453M (it Wow 5-6309"! AlumniGymLoft
Numerous study abroad opportunities

KET telccourscs 'aklng

‘Man's,VIorr-n'sl(olx SoftboIlostlDoodina 4pm HSSeaton (tr. ..
'titumrmrmuuoudn 4pm usmo ‘Crootive Writing Group. ”momma: Young library
Fall semester classes start August 20 srorts
classe ‘UKIUGIVPrortited-flprn,0idiSportsFioid

pendulum-tram 4pm ”smut
'Ul ' ' ,6:30l:30pm, UK WI Gym loft
'Mon’s, Women's I. (plot W Representatives Mtg 7:30pm, 207 Seuton
at N N U!

‘Modiovol and luminance European Deming, 7 9pm. 363 Old Stud. (tr

Undergraduate courses available ill

lntcrsession: May 14 - June 1

First Five Weeks Session: June 4 - Jilly 5
Eight Weeks Session: JllllO 4 - July 27

Six Weeks Session: June 11 - JIIIV 20

Second Five Weeks Session: July 9 - August 10
Full Session: M3! 14 - ROBUST 10


'Arnnesty International. 8pm, in Stud. (a
Small classes unurts

’Fresbmon Fonts, 7pm, W. Stud. Union quni
‘ oftntornofogymowln', , SoutrCtrNortIiAI
'Devotions-n-lmrb, 121I5pm, m. Stud Union Multipurposeiioorn 0"" M f“ '
' '(ornpus (made for Christ, 7:30pm, Stud. (tr. Worsbom Theatre
Student F S B (St ”I d 'Gofdon Kay Int’l Honor Society MidrSoutb legiond (onfarante Module TI
'(bnstion" Mp" .(omero oodmdon
m N“ "" immune

'Utt lambda Mtg, 7:30pm, 23I Stud. (it

‘Gmn Pony Mtg, 9pm. loo Stud. (tr
“The Robert (. May Pbotogrinby inure Series loom frocnfiold, 4pm,