xt79p843v00p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843v00p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1988 1988 1988-02-02 2020 true xt79p843v00p section xt79p843v00p  





UK doubles team takes on the
professionals.SEE PAGE 6.





The influence of the Kinks is
seen in releases. SEE PAGE 3.



Today: Cloudy. rain likely
Tomorrow: Cloudy & cold. 305




Kentucky Kernel

v‘oi. xc1. No. 99

UK holding forum

to explain


Roselle wants to explain to faculty
University’s plight in face of crunch

Staff reports

As president of the University of
Kentucky. David Roselle is probably
used to getting his way. But his con-
trol over the University‘s destiny
was shaken last Wednesday when
Kentucky Gov. Wallace Wilkinson
tightened the purse strings.

Wilkinson unveiled his version of
the state‘s budget for the next two
years. and UK and higher education
in general didn‘t benefit.

So today Roselle has taken the ini-
tiative in a light to get more money
for the University.

He has invited faculty. staff and
students to a forum today at 3:30
pm. in the Concert Hall of the Sin-
glctary Center for the Arts to hear
him explain how the proposed state
budget will effect the University of

Roselle said his talk will focus on
the goals of the University as it par-
ticipates in the budget-making proc-
ess rather than the potential effects
of the budget on the school. since
that isn‘t completely clear yet.

"We don‘t fully understand that at
this point. but I want to talk to them
about the University's goals." he
said. “There's probably a lot of ru-
mors going around and . . . I thought
it would be better for me to explain”
where the University stands right

Wilkinson‘s budget includes a 0.5
increase in first-year funding for the
state's universities over what they
received in the 1987-88 fiscal year.
Second-year funding would give
them a 5-percent increase.

UK Vice President for Administra-
tion Ed Carter said the increase
would not come close to enabling the
University to maintain its programs
at present levels.

Roselle said the situation is partic-
ularly crucial because UK faces not
only massive setbacks in its plans
for growth. but also cuts in keeping
the status quo.

Roselle said UK lobbyists will con-
centrate on getting money for two
areas ~ a propOsed faculty and staff
salary increase and funding of pre-
ventive maintenance for campus
buildings and utilities.


Meese doesn’t recall
reading payoff memo


“The two things that I mentioned
are really just to protect the invest-
ment we‘ve made." Roselle said.
“We didn't include much in the mat~
ter of programmatic im-
provements. "

UK faculty are paid an average of
$3.700 less than faculty at compara-
ble institutions. Staff are paid about
the same percentage less than com-
parable employees in Lexington.
Roselle said.

He expressed hope for the Univer-
sity‘s bare-bones requests.

Roselle said no one knows yet how
the University would go about form-
ing its own budget if its requests for

See I-‘ORITM. Page 2

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Attorney Gener-
al Edwin Meese III said yesterday
that he did not recall reading the
portion of a memo on a $1 billion
Iraqi pipeline project that refered to
a payoff plan involving the Israeli
Labor Party of former Prime Min-
ister Shimon Peres.

The memo to Meese. from his
longtime friend. attorney H. Robert
Wallach. is the focus of a criminal
investigation of Meese's activities
by independent counsel James
McKay that began nearly nine
months ago.

After receiving Wallach's memo
in 1985. Meese took no action in re-
gard to the potential illegal activity
mentioned in the document. sources
familiar with McKay‘s investigation
have said.

Meese said that since Friday.
when the memo‘s existence was first
disclosed in the Los Angeles Times.
“there has been a cascade of misin»
formation. false headlines. hall'-
truths. innuendo and misunderstand-
ing of the law."


Meese responded with a l‘ive‘page
statement which he read to report
ers. He refused to answer any ques-
tions and walked out of the room as
a reporter asked him whether he
would remain as attorney general.

President Reagan. returning from
a speech he delivered to an audience
of religious broadcasters. was asked
about {\lcese's situation. “No conr
ment. I‘m not going to talk about
it." Reagan said.

"The language in Mr \t'allach's
memorandum that has given rise to
this speculation consists of 10 words
in one of two long documents he pro;
vided to me." Meese said in his

“I do not recall having read the
specific words that have now mush-
roomed into importance. but 1 cer-
tainly did not receive from the
memorandum any impression of ii-
legality whatsoever." the attorney
general said.

He added that the memorandum.
which is classified and which he re—
fused to outline in detail. “contains
no reference to bribes or payoffs. "

The attorney general said that "1
do not believe" that the memo
“fairly implies that a violation of

Tuesday. February 2. 1988

law was committed or conlcin
plated" in regard to thc plpt'llllt'

Wallach was representing Ri‘ucc
Rappaport. a wealthy Swiss l)tl.\l
iiessnian aligned with l’eres Rappa
port was a principal in the [ilpé‘llllt‘

Wallach was in the habit of go
ing the lengthy memoraiida on
many subjects." said Mei-si- "I rar
ely had time to read them thorough
ly. particularly when they dealt
these two did with stiliii-cls out
side my responsibilities as attorney
general ”

Wallach. now under illtllt'lllit'lll tor
racketeering in the “mitt-ch scali
dal. has been a closc trit-nti ot
Mcese's for three decades

Regarding the proposed Tittiiniit-
long pipeline project. which never
was built. Meese said his
this matter was extremely limited

lic confirmed that he had two con
tacts in the fall of 198.3 with .‘in [..
raeli government official.

The offictal was l‘crcs. \iiltl the
sources familiar with the 111\t‘.\llL’.tt'
tion of Meese. speaking on condition
of anonymity In one instance l’crt-s
wrote Meese expressing Israeli sup-
port for construction of the pipeline


'l'ttlt‘ Ill




The Boys Choir of Harlem performs last night before an overflow
crowd at Memorial Hall on the UK campus. The choir stopped at


UK as part of its US. tour. The choir has also performed world-


Boys Choir of Harlem
delights UK audience

By LISA ”I“ )W.\
Staff Writer

“How is it that you sold more
tickets than there are seats."
questioned one lady last night
after she was told there weren't
any more seats in Memorial Hall
to hear the Harlem Boys (‘hoir of
Harlem. NY .sing.

The problem the woman en-
countered was not an uncommon
one last night.

Evidently. more tickets were
sold for the event than there were
seats available for the concert.

It was about the only thing.
however. that went wrong last

The fact that many people
wanted to hear the choir sing
lends credibility to the their abili~
ty. The repertoire of the choir iii-
cludes classical music as well as
contemporary and gospel.

The choir sung old spirituals
such as "Amaznig Grace” that
left the audience captivated.
There were many times people in
the audience echoed “Sing! ”

Once. when one of the younger
choir members performed a solo.
the audience kept applauding
long after he was finished sing-

The Harlem Boys t‘hoir was
founded by Walter J. Turnbull. of
Greenvrlle. Miss. who has high

expectations for thc 1.30 members
of his choir

“Each day. the boys arc re
(wired to attend a tutoring ses
sion. then they must attend choir
rehearsals." said Turntitlll

Such discipline for the HIV”!
bcrs may be attributed to lllt'
"B" average the young men
maintain academically

liver the past l1\(' years Elli
percent of our 111t‘ltllicl‘s l1;1\t' not
only completed high school but
have went on to go to college.
Turnbull said

The choir has trtiyi-icd t'\tt'ti\‘.
vcly around the world as well as
around the hat ion

Many of the members hayi-
traveled throughout Europe a:
least four times by the lllllt‘ they
reached the age of l.‘» said 'l‘urn

The choir has appeared on \t'\
cral networks and was ttlicc tll‘.
NISt"s"'l‘l1ct‘osby Show "

In 1980. the choir was tlic focal
point of an Emmy award winning
documentary entitled. “From
Ilarlcm to Harlcni- the Story ol .i
(‘hoirboy '

All of the members of ”It“ choir
are trom New York t‘ity. and
most of them are natiies oi t'eii
tral llarlem






Legislation would pit students against problem of illiteracy

(‘ontributing Writer

About 400.000 adults in Kentucky
are functionally illiterate. according
to the Kentucky Literacy Commis-

But legislation currently in Con-
gress would make college students a
major part of the solution to the
United States‘ illiteracy problem.

Senate Bill 406. introduced by Sen.
Edward Kennedy. D-Mass.. calls for
$20 million dollars to launch “Litera-
cy Corps" throughout the nation‘s
colleges and universities.

The Literacy Corps. started in
1909 at the University of Miami by a
student, Norman Manasa. involves
students tutoring at schools. adult
education programs. jails and other
institutiom for college credit.

S. 406 provides for 825.000 start-up
grants. mainly for faculty salaries.
to be given to colleges wishing to de
velop a Literacy Corps.

Students would enroll in a class in-
structing them on them-tea of aca-
demic discipline and would then be
required to complete 00 hours of tu-
toring dwingthemtcr.

Rather than wait for Congress to
take action on S. 406. the Washing-
ton Education Project. headed by
Manasa. has been raising private
funds to provide the 325.000 start-up

A year ago. St. John's University.
Queens campus. started a Literacy
Corps. and three other Northeastern
schools agreed to start the program
last fall.

Although UK has shown no inter-
est in the Literacy Corps. it has pro-
vided similar help to the Lexington

Last fall. 30 UK students from the
National Education Association stu-
dent group volunteered to tutor stu-
dents at Lexington Junior High who
had fallen behind. said Edgar
Sagan. dean of the College of Educa-

“(Assistant Principal) Richard
Green said they (the children chosen
for the program) would go home to
an environment where they couldn't
study." said Stephanie McIntyre. an
education junior who was one of the
volunteer tutors.

In groups of five. tutors met week-
ly with 20 children for an hour after
school to give them a chance to

study and ask questions. McIntyre
said. Since the program ended. the
50 children from it have been
watched to see if their progress con-

Although Sagan had not heard of
S. 406 or the Literacy Corps. he said
that if such a program came to UK.
the College of Education would par~

The tutorial experience of the Lit-
eracy Corps could be used toward a
students‘ practicum experience re-
quired for teacher certification.
Sagan said. and with five reading
specialists on its faculty. the college
is well equipped for such a program.

S. 406 calls for college students to
help with local literacy programs
that already exist.

In Lexington. this would mean
programs such as Operation Read.
which helps Fayette County resi~
dents and workers 16 years and
older. and Sentenced to Read. a pro
gram that began in Morehead that
teaches convicted criminals between
the ages 14 and 21. said Virginia Mc-
Henry-Hepner of the wington Pub-
lic Library.

Sen. Wendell Ford. D-Ky.. voted to
put the bill in caifercnce. according

to his Lexington office. and is in
favor of the plan. Sen. Mitch McCon-
nell. R-Ky.. is still studying the bill.
his press secretary. Mary Jane
Finglang. said.

In a New York Times column by
Kennedy and Warren Burger. for.
mer Supreme Court Chief Justice
and chairman of the Constitutional
Bicentennial Commission. wrote

that one in every six people older
than 18 years old are functionally il»
literate. a total of 29 million adults.

But Alan DeYoung. who special-
izes at [K in educational sociology.
said that such numbers can be mis-

“Historically speaking. there are
more people finishing school than
ever before.“ he said.

For example. he said \‘t'llllt‘ you
might have lit percent iiol finishing
the eighth grade today. :io or «lo
years ago 50 percent were not get
ling beyond that point

Kennedy and Burger point out that
the current literacy program spent
$106 million in 1986. but reached only
about 4 percent of those w ho needed


Associated Press

ANABTA, Occupied West Bank
—- Israelis killed two Arabs and
wounded three others yesterday
when they opened fire on a crowd
of stone-throwing Palestinians
who had trapped a convoy of sol-
diers and civilians. the army

Soldiers wounded four Arabs in
two other clashes. a military spo-
kesman said. The Arab-owned
Palatine Press Service put the
number of Arabs wounded by
gunfire at 22 and provided a list


2 Arabs killed, 3 wounded in clash

Troops battled Palestinians in
protests throughout the West
Bank and Gaza Strip. leaving
more than a dozen Arabs hospi-
talized with heating injuries and
three soldiers injured by stones.

The renewed violence caused
the first deaths from gunfire
since Jan. 15 and brought to 41
the confirmed Arab death toll in
the rioting that began Dec. 8. It
came as the United States was
exploring ways to revive the
stalled Middle East peace proc-

Defense Minister Yitzhak
Rabin said he hoped the new US.

initiative would lead to political
negotiations. but he warned that
Israel would use force and collec-
tive punishment to quell protests

"I just want to make it clear to
Palestinian residents of the tem-
tories that we are ready . even
if it demands lenghty action . to
act with force." be said on Israel
TVs Arabic-language program

In response to the upsurge of
violence. the army clamped cur-
fews on seven refugee camps and
two towns.

See CLASH. Page 5




 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. February 2. 1000

Reagan: contra aid will force Sandinistas to obey peace plan

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Rea-
gan argued yesterday that Nicara-
gua‘s leftist leaders would not com-
ply with a regional peace plan
mthout a "threat hanging over
them“ and that his $36.2 million con-
tra aid package would do the trick.

Meanwhile. the White House
scrambled to make the aid package
palatable to doubtful House mem-
bers as the outcome of tomorrow’s

OForum held on budget

Continued from Page 1

additional funding were rejected.
However. he did say the ”-peo
ple" section of the budget would
pay the price.
"A substantial amount of our

high-stakes vote remained in the
hands of some zofence-sitters.

"One question must be answered.
Sandinista promises of the past imve
been broken. Can we believe them
now?" Reagan said in a speech to
the National Religious Broadcasters.

The president argued that the
Sandinista government has reneged
on a string of pledges to democra-
tize, and that unless aid to the con-
tras is continued, it will do the same
thing again.

said. ”What we'll try to do is
leave as many positions vacant

"That really does hurt the Uni~
versity because the University is

“The Sandinistas haven‘t made
one concession on their own without
a threat hanging over them,” he

“It’s just this simple — the way to
democracy and peace in Nicaragua
is to keep the pressure on the Sandi-
nistas, taking irreversible steps to
comply with the regional peace
plan. and giving aid to the freedom
fighters now," Reagan said to his
enthusiastic audience at a Washing-
ton hotel.

The president’s plea was part of a
lastditch lobbying drive that will
culminate today in a televised ad-
dress from the Oval Office.

But as Reagan spoke, the anticon»
tra lobbying intensified on Capitol
Hill and Democratic leaders exuded
confidence they are headed for vic-
tory in tomorrow’s vote in the

The is fighting for a
package that includes $3.6 million
for ammunition and anti-aircraft
missiles, which would be placed in
escrow and released after March 31
if he alone decides that the regional
peace process has not succeeded.

The remaining $32 million in non-
lethal aid covers everything from
food, clothing. medical supplies, ve-
hicles and spare parts for vehicles
to money to lease aircraft and buy
communications gear for troops in
the field.

Critics of the package contend it
would hamper the Central American
peace process at a critical juncture,
while the administration argues the
contra rebels will wither away if the
four-month aid plan isn’t approved.

House Majority Leader Thomas
Foley, D-Wash., expressed his “firm
belief" that the House will defeat
the measure. But he said lawmakers

wordd have an opportrmity soon to
vote on an alternative aid package
that will contain only strictly de-
fined humanitarian aid such as food,
clothing and medical supplies.

Foley predicted that Reagan’s
today night speech will have rela~
tively little impact on Congress be-
cause on the contra aid issue, “the
president is not speaking for the
American pe0ple . . . I think the
president’s influence is not going to
be critical here.”

if the House approves the pack-
age, the Senate will take it up on

White House spokesman Marlin
Fitzwater said administration offi-
cials were searching for a way to
widen the congressional role in the
decision-making process on releas-
ing the $3.6 million in military aid to

in the-past, Reagan has pledged to
engage in a “most careful and thor-
ough consultation" with Congress
and the leaders of Costa Rica, Gua-
tamala, El Salvador and Honduras
before releasing the funds.



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budget is spent on people." he madeupofpeople."



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.3 _ The Kentucky Kernel will be cater-
""iiflgit0 the literary aspects of journal-
~~iSm with the publication of “Still Life,”
a literary supplement that will pit the
aesthetic aspects of fiction, poetry,
iiicritiCism and artwork against the in-
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WOrk, which will be published inthe
'fgsecond annual edition of “Still Life.”



p The deadline for submissions is
March 12, the day before spring
”break. Selections will be made by the
‘fStill Life” editorial staff, consisting of
Kernel editors, members of the Eng-
¥-li§h~department, and professors from
the", English Department’s writing
iptvbgram. Photocopies are acceptable.
riManuscripts will not be returned. '

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 Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, February 2, 1980 — 3





The Kinks, Scruffy The Cat drag in new songs on albums




Staff Critic

Scruffy The Cat
Relativity Records

The Kinks

MCA Records



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For those who didn’t hear Scruffy
The Cat scratching at their doors
last year when Tiny Days made a
dent in the college charts, the live
portion of Boom Boom Boom Bingo
should serve as an adequate intro-
duction. The two new studio cuts
that comprise Side 1 of the EP
sound like throwaways that merely
serve as filler here.

The boys then serve up a version
of Del Shannon’s “Runaway” that
comes complete with a cheesy organ
solo. The distinctive “wah-wah-wah-
wah-wonder" chorus is somewhat
de-emphasized, but it's not the
band's fault that the crowd was
probably too drunk to know that
they were supposed to sing along.

The band closes its set with “Hap
piness To Go" a carefree little ditty



from their 1986 debut EP, High
Octane Revival.

It‘s a testament to Ray Davies,
the bandleader of The Kinks, that
his band has survived for more than
20 years. Because of the impact of
his contemporaries. Ray Davies. the




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cut of The Road.“ At six minutes
long, it stretches its point a little too
far and threatens to become just an-
other tale of life on the road.

Faced with feeling insecure in so-
ciety and being trapped in mundane
routines. the people in “Apeman”
and "Cliches of the World IB
Movie)" escape through the power
of their personal fantasies. “It's
such a dull routine/Somebody cut
this scene." Davies sings while
knowing that the solution is just not
that simple.

songwriter has often been over- On the final three songs, Davies

preaches about how corporate

Davies thus tries to cram a career America has corrupted the Ameri-
retrospecfive into the W title can dream Davies picks a lonely


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Erik Reece
Arts Editor


housewife as one of the easy targets
of aggressive ad campaigns on “It "
In an ominous voice. Davies prom-
ises her that anything she wants will
be hers as long as she uses his prod-
uct. it's an America where. accord-
ing to Davies, you can sell the public
anything as long as it‘s endorsed by
a movie star.

“Around The Dial" takes on new
relevance due to the current popu—
Iarity of Top 40 stations as Davies
attacks trend-following program-
mers who don‘t give new bands a
chance. Instead. as Davies states in
the last song, they're only prepared
to give the people what they want.
This time. however. the people may


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Anthony Howard


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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuaaday, February 2, 1988



Roselle, officials
making right move
with budget forum

When Gov. Wallace Wilkinson unveiled his state budget
last Wednesday. no one would have blamed UK President
David Roselle and his administration if they had crawled

into a hole to wait out the storm.
higher education officials across the state

After all.

must feel like state universities had been handed the short
end of the financial stick in Wilkinson‘s budget.

Instead of opting to strengthen Kentucky‘s economy by
hiking the revenues of our universities. the governor con-
centrated much of the state's money in economic and sec-

ondary education development.

Consequently. higher education was the big loser in the
budget. At UK. this means that an already bad situation -—
with low faculty salaries and small revenues for construc-

tion — is just going to get worse.

Iiut Roselle and the UK administration have decided to
hit the budget situation head-on. rather than backing off.

Today at 3:30 pm. in the Concert Hall of the Singletary
t‘enter for the Arts, Roselle is holding a President‘s Forum

on the Budget Proposal.

During the forum. Roselle will explain to faculty. staff

and students what Wilkinson's budget.

it passed by the

state legislature, would mean to the University.
It is a gutsy move by Roselle and his staff to face what
has to be some deeply disappointed faculty members of

this institution.

Already close to $4,000 in salary behind faculty at com-
parable institutions. faculty at UK could not have been
pleased with the governor‘s budget proposal.

From the outset of his presidency Roselle has stressed
the importance of retaining quality faculty at this institu-


In light of the state budget proposal, the outlook for any

faculty salary increases is dim.

There are going to be some rightfully bitter faculty
members at the forum today, and they're sure to throw ev-
erything at the president and his staff.

And while Roselle’s forum won‘t hold any sure—fire solu—
tions to the budget problem, it is definitely a positive step

in the right direction.


wanted to give.

pressing issue.

page Thursday. Feb. 11.




The Soapbox
No Class

If Gov. Wallace Wilkinson has his way and gets his proposed budget
for the next biennium passed by the General Assembly. UK will re-
ceive only about 3900.000 more next fiscal year than it this year.

According to UK Vice President for Administration Ed Carter. UK
needs at least $18 million, just to stay even.

So if Wilkinson’s proposal is approved. UK‘s faculty and staff will
most likely not receive the 5-percent raise President David Roselle

The Kernel wants to know how UK faculty and staff feel about this

What do you think the Univeristy and/or the state should do? Will
you be willing to teach or work at a univeristy when you could do the
same thing out of state for more money? Or will you be willing to stay
on and hope for better things in the next biennium?

Submissions to “The Soapbox" will be printed on the Viewpoint

People submitting material should address their comments to “The
“ Kentucky Kernel. 035 Journalism Building. Lexington. Ky.

Writers must include their name, address, telephone number and
major classification or connection with UK on all submitted material.

If letters and opinions have been sent by mail. telephone numbers
must be included so that verification of the writer may be obtained. No
material will be published without verification. All entries are subject



CA. Duane Bonliar
Editorial Editor ‘

Dan Haaaart
Editor in chief

Jay Stanton
Executive Editor

Thomaa J. Sullivan
News Editor

Michael Brennan
Editorial Cartoonist

Karon Phllllpa
Design Editor









Who’s smiling now

Wilkinson’s budget has no one in higher education happy

As Gov. Wallace Wilkinson walked
up the aisle in the chambers of the
state House of Representatives last
Wednesday night amidst the stand-
ing. clapping legislators, I noticed
Rep. John Harper.

There h