xt79p843tx9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843tx9b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1979 1979 1979-09-21 2020 true xt79p843tx9b section xt79p843tx9b Vol. Lxxn. No. 26 Ker e] l’rilvmlti of Kentucky
Friday. September 2|. l979 an Independent student newspaper .exington. Kentucky
# _
Cut in funds threatens » .. it student voters
Pharmac accreditation ' ' ‘* “1"“ regis or no wee
. W W M WWWW, W W- _ «f WWWWWWWW... . - W
, W . . . at campus locations
.. '~‘\. - p ~25?
By CINDY MCGEE UK would have to sell to finance the ~» ’ -. . a _ _
and PAUL MANN construction. The debt service is the . g '. .~ ' " W By NANCY GWINN ‘
COPY Editors interest paid to those who purchasethe ' ‘ j W...W.A ‘ -, WW Staff reponer ‘
bonds. .- . ' -.."* " is i.
The dean of UK‘s College of The subcommittee did approve % i \ W .3! ' 3a: When it comes to politics it seems that everyone has an W
Pharmacy confirmed yesterday that other financing: $55 million dollars . it W‘WW; W W opinion. especially if the politicians don‘t live up to
the college is in danger 0f losing its worth of bonds for construction at the ,jt : ' § campaign promises. But a group of UK political science
accreditation if it doesn‘t get a new University of Louisville and $2.6 has. a --W .»‘ / ’ ’ professors estimate only 67 percent of alleligble voters are
home. million worth for construction at -& - " W_,. ' - y registered;and as few as 50 percent of those registered vote
UK Vice President for Administra- Northern Kentucky University. ' " in public elections.
tion Donald Clapp said Wednesday Funding for these two universities '1 , s‘WW Younger voters. ages l8 to 24. participate in the
that accreditation was threatened by was given because the building W; 5 _ .i . ' electorial process in even lower percentages. About half of
the refusal of a state Council on projects were already under . .e" . W . . s . a W the population in this age group register to vote. This
Higher Education subcommittee ‘0 construction. W “ muffles the voice of the young in expressing political
approve financing or three UK The buildings at UK are not yet , .. ~ opinions in the voting democracy.
building projects. including the under contruction. but according to . s - W .. “if” g ‘ * .s Monday begins the first day of a week-long campus-
proposed new pharmacy building. Vice President for Business Affairs .s , ~ ' ‘. > ’ ~ i‘ f . ' ' wide voters‘registration drive sponsored byUK‘s Student
The Council also proposed the jack Blanton.an architect has already 9 7 ~° s" WWW;- ' Government. About 400 students registered in last year's
elimination Of a 512 million been hired to draw plans for the ".fifii,’ 3%,; . i ‘ ~ effort.
‘. continuing-education center and a proposed pharmacy building. 7 . g3 ‘ “We are expecting quite a few more (students will
56-6 million architecture facility. The CHE finance committee and 1 ‘ fi 3 W; s register) this year since it is not an off year (one in which
Joseph Swintosky, the pharmacy the full Wcouncil must a“ ,0" the " I . is ' .. * W i ‘J _, there are few "W“ elections).“said WLynne Crutcher. 5&5
d ea n. a g re ed the c o l l e ge ‘s subcommitee‘s recommendations. In a; . W . \ WWW”; . W WW as . WWWfWWW “a Junior and chairman ofthe SG political affairs committee.
accreditation is threatened. W5!"te othhe subcommittee‘s °Pl"'°"' ‘1 I? i ' . ' . I‘ I " Both the .COHCSC Republicans and UK. Young
He explained that a group from the ‘5 9055”)“: the money for the UK it i H 1% g ‘ Democrats WI” be working wnh 50 m the registration
American Council of pharmaceutical protects could be approved. .. ,. I; “5’” protect. One representative from each organization Will Sit ,
Education visited his college last year Clapp Wsai d he (Wild not see the . {‘2' W W-WWWW'W.W W» . I at each of the nine registration posts scattered around
and found it was deficient in several subcommittee‘s dec‘S'on as a final i ' ' campus. . . . .
areas. The AC PE accredits schools of ““0“ and said he hoped the CHE : . . “\ iii. g“ t: ' I . Sludm? wishing to “8‘5"" w'“ "OI need to declare a
pharmacy. would approve the money UK had WWW . . ~, . . __ party affiliation. but Will be able to do so if they want.
. requested. “The subcommitte decided *ath *5 . . “ Kentucky students from other counties are eligble to
“As I recall there were particular not to approve the debt service until W ‘W' \ " - register in Fayette County. but their registrations in their '
references ‘0 W inadequate space. the state‘s revenue estimates and ' ' 3 '5 ' home counties will be cancelled automatically. Out-of-
CSPCClallY the We 0f the classrooms state‘s approach to capital i§WW\\\W .3 \ state students can also vote in Kentucky elections. but if
and laboratories.” Swmtosky 53ld~ construction were clarified." he said. , _ \\ \ ' _ ' W4 they do they will forfeit their voting rights in their home
Also. we have a problem “’“h the Clapp also said he urged the CHE \ . »' " i .4“ state.
pharmacy students and faculty being subcommittee to consider the ' ’ , ““9 Political science junior Ann Coffey. director of SC
fragmented in five buildings on “program consequences" which would ' 3" GAR" laANDERS/l‘srm'm" political affairs, says UK students should consider the
campus.W W W . W . robablv be the loss of the harmac . i benefits of transferrin their re istrations “so we can et
_H° “m1 the 1"“th facilities have School's-accreditation. p y Str'ng'ng a song people in office who will work for the University and tghe
hindered the recrUitment 0f faculty The council said increased faculty student residential area surrounding it."
members. salaries may have priorities over Susan Priestly, an applied cello major. other members of the l'K Symphony Orchestra Coffey added that 56 will be better able to gain .
Clapp said the University hoped the capital COHStrUCllOH MOI-CNS. ht? concentrates on her music during a two-hour performed under the direction of Phillip cooperation from city and county politicians if a large
problem COUId be SOlVCd by the added. ' concert last night in Memorial Hall. She and Miller. I professor in the School Of Music. Continued on page 3
construction of the new pharmacy Blanton said UK could sell bondsto ~
building, But Wednesday. the CHE build the proposed projects. butthatif
°subcommittee refused to finance the they did. money for such things as '
sale of bonds needed to construct the salaries. research laboratories and ' l I .
new building and additionstothe AB, library materials would not be 0 Wlt en. or splces Stu ent 8 summer
Chandler Medical Center. The available. ;
additions would include a medical The University of Louisville sold ’ .
research building and a primary care bonds in June. even though they had By SAIT TARH AN Russellville officrals to write letters of Ford‘s aide. She said she often stayed presidential contender Morris Udall.
center: not received money from the state for Staff Writer recommendation and began sending to hear the senators question Witnesses When She wasn‘t working. there .
' “I am certainly not pleased with the the construction. Ford‘s Officf information about after the hearings because sometimes were “always many concerts, plays and ..
prospect that we might not receive the The proposed UK pharmacy Cheryl H uffines. agronomy herself "every month or so. bugging they would reveal additional dances." She called the Capitol‘s .'. ‘
money. There is a very deep need for building was to have been built next to sophomore. spent the summer the heck out of them.“ she said. Last information. Continued on page 3 i ’
it," he said. “There is a very distinct the Health Sciences Building on Rose chatting with celebrities and attending April she received word that she had One week she worked for the ., - .
W possibility we might lose our Street. The primary care center and President Carter‘s church while gotten the internship. senator‘s Consumer Affairs “is “7““ a! .3; '
accreditation.” the medical research building would working for Kentucky‘s junior The senator's office sent Huffines Subcommittee "trying to subdue the ‘2. ' .‘
Actually. the CHE subcommittee . have been located between Limestone senator. Wendell Ford. in brochures about college dorms and press and help keep things under 'y'i'
refused to recommend that the state and Rose streets behind the Sanders- Washington. DC apartments in the Washington. DC. control" while the committee was WW ‘ “ ’W -
pay the debt service of the bonds that Brown Research Building. Huffines. a Russellville. Ky native. area. After driving to Washington compiling information on a Federal w “‘5. - . '
called her job “a fascinating and during the last week of May. she Trade Commission bill. She said she . '. -'
invaluable experience." The only UK moved into The Woodner, an found that week “very demanding and T '9» . W ,7.
student awarded a summer internship apartment complex for student exciting." EM ,5 I"
in Ford‘s Washington office, she interns. She also worked With a Library of _ ,-
Tickets for the Sept. 29 UK- presenting the two IDs and activities reported on the agricultural Huffines worked five days a week. Congress computer system called ., . " . .'
Maryland football game will be cards at the windows. committee hearings for one of his nine hours a day. Working at the SCO R PlO to retrieve past .: 7 I
. distributed Monday from 8 a.m. to l0 Tickets for sections 208 and 210 (in aides. Dirkson Senate Office Building. she information on certain bills needed by ._ :- -
pm. at Memorial Coliseum. the upper deck near the 50-yard line) Huffines‘ “experience“ was the would attend each day‘s agricultural Staff members. ‘A " ’
Students should present their will be issued Monday from 6 pm. to result of an effort that began l8 hearings. “Sometimes one hearing During the summer. Huffines i‘ _
validated ID and activities card at the IQ pm. at the two ticket windows at months ago after she read a Kernel would run all dayand sometimes there attended Intern Association lectures We; . ’i »
ticket window to receive one ticket. If the left front of the Coliseum. article about various student would be several." she said. held at the Library of Congress. >
they wish to sit with another Student, No guest tickets will ,be sold internships. From her notes. she wrote general Among the featured speakers were m ;
they can receive two tickets by Monday. She wrote a resume. got several summaries of the proceedings for Admiral Stansfield Turner and I976 CHERYL HUFFINES '_
oday————————~——~——————————-————-—————————— = ~
Property Valuation Administrator Steve Banahan Jr.. who The bill failed 203-l92. much as $4 a nishl- . ,
oversaw the recent county-wide property reassessment. said Voting against it were Congressmen Carroll Hubbard. In Frankfurt and Milan. the dollar hit its lowest levels since
.‘ Iocal about 6.200 assessment appeals were filed. William Natcher. Carl Perkins. all Democrats. and Larry last Oct. 30. a day before President Caner announced an .
Banahan. noting that property values increased an average Hopkins and Gene Snyder. both Republicans. emergency SJO—billion support package.
A FAYETTE CIRCUIT COURT JURY was unable to of 47 percent. said most of the people who appealed their _
- reach a verdict yesterday in the case of a Lexington mother assessments would sign a rollback petition “rather readily “ nat|on HUNDREDS OF AFTERSHOC KS RUMBLE” UP and -
charged with reckless homicide in the death of her l0-year-old If they did. the petition would have nearly enough names to down central Italy yesterday, echoes of a sharp quake that
sort. force a referendum on the school tax. PRESIDENT CARTER RlISHED SECRET SERVICE killed five persons and left more than l.000 homeless as it
_ Circuit Judge N. Mitchell Meade declared a mistrial and AGENTS to the side of Sen. Edward M_ Kennedy yesterday shook the peninsula from Pisa‘s Leaning Tower to Naples”
continued the CIW- after receiving a report on his potential rival's safety. broad bay.
. ' The child. Eric Amburgey. was found dead June 4 in a State White House press secretary Jody Powell said Carter acted The Wednesday night earthquake leveled stone houses and
wooded area near the a artment com lex where he and his , ' “ '. “ ' b the Secret medievalchurches inthe Umbrian hills north of Rome,rattled
mother. Rebecca Hetticli’. lived. A plasiic bagcovered his face THE KEY .To SOLHNG THE NATION‘S ENERGY gzrtvlizeliasiiigf aonf :rotilz:i:at(itfsrli:cn:ifhy ‘thacfeznztor‘s staff palaces and basilicas in the capital. and sent thousands of
W' and a tube of plastic cement was found in his pocket. CRISIS may he beneath Kentucky‘s Bluegrass. ll" 5"“er members. terrified Italians pouring into the streets. Panicky circus
- Assistant State Medical Examiner Robert Alberhasky said of ,th state Department for Natural Resources and Powell refused to discuss the content of the Secret Service elephants smashed their way out of their pens in Perugia. near ., '
i he believed the boy used the glueto intoxieate himself. became EnVironmental Pmmm" “.‘d m Owensboro WW“- analysis or the staff conversations. although they apparently the center of the tremor. .
- confused and was unable to take the bag off his head and B"! C" Frank “W“? “'d finding the 50mm" hm‘“ on dealt with threats to the life of Kennedy.
.‘ suffocated. ”PM“ 3 “my to "n“ a balance between energy and the “I just really dont want to talk about that sort ofthing very CAMDOD“ IS "ZINC RAVAGED by “'1‘.“ch ‘
1“ Ms. Hettich. 32. I University of Kentucky English envrronment. much.“ Powell said. starvation. disease and death” said Tailand's Prime Minister
' instructor. testified Wednesday that she hadn‘t looked for her “Th: coal industry has fallen on some rather tough times Kriangsak Chomanan yesterday. and ill“ the international ‘
. i son when he didn‘t return by l0 p.m., assuming he would be lately. Harsher ““1 “l "W F°“"h Annual Governor‘s community would be committing “cold-blooded murder" if it
-; home [“ch Conference on the Enwronment. “There have been many world did not step up its aid efforts. ,
; ' W 5 Commonwealth‘s Attorney Larry Roberts argued that Ms. market "id dtm'm‘ Pmblemfl , , . .
W t Hettich. a divorcee. could have prevented the death by But while increased coal production is essential to the LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN US. ECONOMIC thef
.. , 1 looking for him or calling the police when he didn‘t return “"0"" future “we must "0' condone a destruction “9‘" POLICIES sent the dollar plummeting on world money wea ‘ '
-, W. W' rhome. land and envrronment for mere expediency sake. he said. markets yesterday and analysts warned that further losses THUNDERSTORMS TODAY AND TONIGHT. heavy W W W
- . might be on the way. Gold prices Jumped to fresh records. W W . .
~ ' . raver": counrv's rxx assasson said he thinks FIVE MEMBERS or itsNtcutvs concass- within sight ofthe storm ounce level. n ""1“- W‘ h'l’“ ”d" "‘ 'l“ “PP" 90’ F° '°” 7°"
' | there‘s a good chance that local residents will seek to roll back SIONAL DELEGATION voted with the majority yesterday The rush to selldollars costthe American currency 2.7cents Temperatures will dropto the 50itonight. Skies willbecloudy
it ii: ”7-9 school tax rate proposed by the Fayette Board °f 'h‘“ the "0““ rejected | Senate-approved congressional against the strong Swiss franc and abruptly pushed up the Saturday. with showers at times and highs will bein the upper W
. it Who“. compromise bill to carry out the Panama Canal treaties. hotel bills of American tourists in Europe in some cases by as 60s to 70'. i
l -——-———— t
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