xt79p843tx75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843tx75/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1976 1976 1976-03-02 2020 true xt79p843tx75 section xt79p843tx75 Vol. LXVII No.124

Tuesday, March21976


Kernel Staff Writer

(Editor‘s note: This is the first of a four-part series
dealing with rape. Subsequent articles will deal with a
victim’s experiences. local treatment of rape victims and
rape prevention.)

No woman, regardless of her social or economic status,
her age (1' her race, is immune from America’s fastest-
growing crime—rape.

In 1974, according to Uniform Crime Reports of
Washington, there was a nine per cent nationwide in-
crease in the number of reported rapes, an increase of 165
per cent in 15 years.

Similar statistics are unavailable for the Lexington
area, but according to Detective Bill Allen of the Metro
Police Sex Crime Investigation Squad, numbers cannot
tell the whole story.

Student response low


an independent student neu

f' if
er 6] University of Kentucky

"Statistits are terribly inaccurate and therefore
unreliable," Allen said. He attributed this to the fact that
women are reluctant or unwilling to report rape.

“Women hesitate to report attacks for several reasons.
First of all, there may be serious repercussions if the
victim is married. The husband may be unable to cope
with the thought of rape, and this could put a great deal of
strain on the marriage,” he said.

Another reason for unreported rapes is the victim ’5 fear
of reporting an assault to the police. Although efforts are
being made to inform officers of a victim’s needs, the
woman is often subjected to insensitive questioning about
the attack.

“In the past, women were asked to repeat their story (of
the rape) over and over,” Allen said. “Rape in itself is

humiliating and traumatic enough without unnecessary

and irrelevant questioning."
The judicial process is another torturous and often
degrading experience which a woman may avoid by not

Lexington, Kentucky

Local officials are learning how to deal

with America's fastest-growing crime

repating an attack. A victim’s past sexual activity is
frequently explored by the defense in order to discredit
her. The Kentucky legislature, however, is presently
considering a measure which would prohibit the in-
troduction of such evidence unless the judge ruled it
germane to the case.

Statistits from 1975 have not been compiled, but 1974
figurs reveal 83 rapes were reported to Metro police,
although “the number of actual rapes is undoubtedly
higher,” Allen said.

University police spokesmen said that although no
rapes have been officially reported to them in the past
three years, that doesn‘t mean that they don’t occur.
Also, some incidents that occur adjacent to campus are
reported to Metro police, they said. _

According to Allen, of the 83 reported rapes in 1974, 21
were not presecuted because of insufficient evidence.
However, of the 36 men arrested, 35 were convicted.

(‘ontinued to page 12

SG sells class notes with professors' permission

notes and taking tests, that’s his

Kernel Staff Writer

Although Student Government (86) has
implemented its controversial project of
selling class notes this semester “without
much static,” student response has not
been very heavy, according to Beverly
White, coa'dinator of the project.

”During the past two weeks we have
been selling a few more notes than usual,”
White said. “I think it's taking quite some
time for the word to spread.”

The note~taking project became the

subject of a controversy during the fall.

1974 semester when one professor voiced
objections to the selling of his class notes.

“This semester we obtained written

permision from the professors to avoid
getting into any hassles,” White said.

86 note-takers are attending three
classes this semester: Biology 102;
Biology 110, sections 1 and 2; and History
109, sections 1 through 24.

Dr. Wayne Davis, ‘who teaches Biology
102 (Human Ecology). said he was ap-
proached last fall about thecopying of his
lecture notes for sale.

Asked if he objects to the opportunity
studerts now have to cut class and buy
note, Davis said. “1 consider it to be the
business of the student"

Dr. George Herring, who teaches
History 109, agreed to allow the 80 note-
takers in his classes “on an experimental

basis.” Herring said the project might be
a service to the student, but “in principle]
have reservations."

Herring said he has not been able to tell
if the project discourages class at-

Dr. Nicholas Pisacano, who teaches the
Biology 110 sectiom, said “attendance is
still maximum in my classes; people are
still sitting in the aisles.”

P'sacano said “a certain percentage of
students cut classes every day and I don’t
think they’re cutting just because of the
availability of the notes.

“Unles I find out that the selling of
lecture notes hurts the student, I really
don’t care," Pisacano said. ”I just believe
if someone ‘3 educational goals are reading

problen. "

Jim Harralson, SG president, said the
basic problan this semester has been
finding people to take the notes. White
said some petple offered to do it and then
backed out.

White aid the SG note-takers are paid
employee. “The only requirements are
that they have a 8 average and take neat
nots.” she said.

Harralmn said White had expressed an
inteer h reinstituting the project last
semester, but “wewere too faralongin the
semester to befin. ” White said SG decided
to wait for the spring semester “so we
would be well-organized and able to do it









Ute-s mmmuwnummm.
Lemma-mam snow-tidal.“

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Wings
Ginny Edwards

Managing Editor



Hall overreacts
to press criticism

Coach Joe Hall’s reaction to a
local reporter’s negative remarks
about him was childish.

Lexington Herald sports
columnist Rick Bailey described
Hall as a man who “occasionally
had almost dared officials to call
technical fouls against him“ in 3
Feb. 24 column.

In response to the column, Bailey
says Hall ordered his players not to
talk to Bailey before the Saturday
Ole Miss game.

So Herald Executive Sports
Editor Steve Wilson decided not to
staff the UK-LSU game last night
because the Herald “believes
Bailey was acting totally within his
perogatives and responsibilities as
a columnist when he wrote the
column which angered Hall,“
Wilson stated in an article


Wilson’s article stated the
Herald would provide readers
information about the game
through news wire services, but
would not send a Herald reporter.
”The Herald-Leader has been the
only newspaper in Kentucky to
staff every U K game this season,"
the article continued.

One of a coach’s duties is dealing
with the press. And even though
coach Hall has the rig ht to refuse to
talk to reporters, he has no right t6
impose such a ban on his players.

The Lexington Herald-Leader
has rarely been critical of Hall’s
actions, even though he hasn’t
exactly had a glowing season. To
refuse players the right to talk to
Bailey only proves Bailey's con.
tention that Hall overreacts.





The young woman who ‘wrote the
letter to the editor entitled "Life“
(Kernel, Feb. 26) should certainlythink
again and should try to channel her
views on abortion toward a more
positive aspect with respect to her own

i ask you this, how can you be so
opposed to abortion when you being a
woman are directly involved?

I consider myself a "privileged soul"
to be able ’to consider the options if i
become pregnant. It I can't afford to
raisea child and give him or her proper
clothing, food, education and guidance I
sureas hell will get an abortion. This is
being unselfish and is showing care for
life itself. This is what I call giving that
tiny spark of life a chance.

i do not believe that having an'

abortion is murdering an innocent


You bet your life there would be less '

halfstarved children in this world if
women would think first of the life that
they will be responsible for. Abortion

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

John Winn Miller
Associate Editor


' Letters "

spells respmsibility!
Carole Lopat
Horticulture iunior


I would like to reply to Ron Mitchell’s
letter ("Good News," Kernel, Feb. 25)
concern ing the 'religious advertisement
pages of the Kernel.

In spite of what Mitchell believes.
there was indeed “good news" on that
page. Since he made it rather clear in
his letter that .he had no use for
anything on it, maybe it was not news to
him. Webster's Dictionary defines
"news” asanything that is of interest to
newspaper readers. Of the ap-
proximately 30,000 people on this
campus, I'm sure that not only was that
page news to some of them.

In these days when people don't want
to get involved with. others and iust live
in their ivory towers, the open doors of
these student-oriented churches could
mean very much to certain individuals.
Mitchell, in his pointless letter, ob-
viously did not consider that.

Cindy Cash
Education iunior







south Hill is a’ good, safe neighborhood


By Vcleri J. Berry

The letter to the editor ("lniustice,"
Kernel, Feb. 23) concerning the
Lexington Center Corporation (LCC) is
an outlandish understatement for South

Theoriginalplansfor the civiccenter
did not include any parking facilities at
all. Picture this, if you will: here
stands the great Lexington Center and
not a parking space allocated. This
surely was a gross oversight of the
LCC ano us architects, but a very
tactful maneuver. After all, who could
obiect to any parking plan once the
”White Elephant“ plans were under
construction. It you will refresh your
memory, parking did not become an
important issue until after the con-
truction of the civic center had begun
and reached a stage where there was no
turning bad.

I still fail to see what possible future
the civic center has. The main at-
traction is to be the UK‘s basketball
team, which has decided difficulty in
keeping its wins greater than its losses.
How can a main attraciton such as this
possibly attract the big business and
big money? Absurd! As far as
Lexington goes, it is still a sleepy small
city that is so backward it is em-
barrassing. What does Lexington have
ot offer, thatwill be of interest, once the
historic areas are destroyed and the
beautiful farms divided? The housing
shortage still increases with no hope of
enough hotels and motels to give roam
to those whomay come. Do people visit
a city to see it’s civic center, or do they
come to see the historic areas and
landmarks it has to offer? This is the
bicentennial era and all history has

As for those of us who rent in the
South Hill area, we are here for a
multitude of reasons. If you’ll check
our backgrounds you'll probably find
that we are below poverty level income


and are unable to obtain any financial
aid because we are not students; we
make too much money ($5.000 an-
nually); our parents cannot support us;
and we do have prideand happen to like
living here. I like living in South Hill
because it is a good area, my dog can
run with safety and i can afford to pay
rent and have a little left for food.
Astor the relocation funds referred to
in the "Injustice” letter, this is nothing
more than a mere farce. As of now the
relocation money is nothing more than
paper. In fact, the relocation


proposition has not been acted upon by
the Urban County Council. Relocation
is a word that is being tosssed around
lightly to appease South Hill and to
sound good to those who know little if
anything about the actual happenings
here in South Hill.

To the owners of property in South
Hill, I give my full sympathy. The
value of land that has only an asphalt
future isdecrea sing—once it becomes a
parking lot and part of the asphalt
jungle it has no other future. The
owners will have no bargaining power

4: fi‘l‘

- .

mg? per.

.-8 *5

vase maxi-.1 « diam.
, ’. "“" .\{"

If: Er—s‘w

: 3

because there is no option of whom to
sell to or how much to sell for. When the
deadline is here the property will be
sold at below property real value.

Needless to say, there is a lot of
animosity toward those who voted to let
this abomination proceed.

l have only one suggestion! Attend
the public civic center hearings and
formulate your own opinions. Until you '
have been an active participant and
know all your facts don’t sling the mud.


Valeri J. Berry is a UK employe.




M t: A“: S.

If? ‘3 2’



















Opinions from inside and outside the University.







\ \‘§Mf\§.m§. gayefm§~w§w . ‘ I



People create government for self-control


By Mark Hall

People are forever trying to design
better mousetraps and better govern-
ments. One is to help rid us of a
bothersome pest, the other is to rid us of
the responsibility for our own actions.
Government is, by its very nature,
created by people to maintain control
over themselves. The degree of control
is determined by the mechanisms
structured within the framework of a
particular government.

Still, after the establishment of an
acceptable agency of control is initiated
and the people have tacitly agreed to be
governed it is inevitable that the
agency will expand to an unnatural
growth of power. In other words, after
forming a viable structure for order the
people remove themselves from its
functionings and allow the
Frankenstein of their undoing to
grow. The act of human kind to always
maintain some form of government
should indicate a desire to give up the
right to govern. Allowing that gov-
ernment to inevitably expand beyond
its initial conception indicates further
that people will accept tyranny and
oppression before they take it upon
themselves—by the imposition of
revolution—to yet again form another
agency for control.

Whenever a chance in government
does occur, the people who create the
new agency of control do so by erecting
a structure that, in their minds, will
work in accordance with what they
perceive to be good for themselves.-
The idea of ”good control,” which is
prevelant and successful, will be for-
mulated into a mechanistic means for
its implementation. The assumed
needs and general welfare that for-
mulate the new government will then
be legitimate until circumstances make

them, at best, anachronistic.

Such is the case today in the United
States. The concept of ”good control"
implemented by the 18th-century
genius of Americans has become an
anachronism. Our government was
created in an age when wilderness was
plentiful and everyone could,
idealistically, have some of that
wilderness. This present system of
controlwas designed in a time when the
differential character of men was
commonplace. It was the creation of a
people who felt few limitations being
imposed upon them by their own minds
or their own environment. That was a
world now annihilated by time.

Our measurement for what is ”good"
today has to be wholly re-evaluated
when applied to governmental control.
Formerly, this value for the people's
welfare was weighed in terms of either
their god, their class or their idea of the
human potential. All three are vague,
almost inexplicable abstractions;
concepts that vary today at unquan-
tifiable rates. Such proliferation of
ideas is impossible to be represented in
any modern government. Con-
temporary history has destroyed any
genera lfeeling of concensus for "good”
that may have existed 200 years ago.

This being the case, government
becomes a tool for those who claim
affinity to those ideas bequeathed to us
by our ”founding fathers." Those who
manipulate the mechanism of govern-
ment espouse an 18th-century ideology
whose premises certainly are un-
workable in a world such as ours. It is
beyond a doubt that government works
for those who benefit from it, but no
longer is it the basic structure that has
at its design the ”good" of the people.
Simply, the welfare of Americans can
no longer be measured by a people who
did not know the future. Nor should it

be controlled by those who only look to
the past.

Whenthis nation was given substance
through government, people conceived
themselves to be the highest of natural
creation, made distinct by their diety.
This may or may not be the case—l am
not arguing the human position in any
god's eye—but the premise of excluding
ourselves from the natural world,
workable in the 1800's is absurd in
contemporary society. Human beings
for their own good must design
governments that are based upon the
relationship, the basic physical con-
nection, between themselves and the
world in whichthey live. Governments.
indeed the people, can no longer afford
the luxury of their existence by looking
to the past. “Good control,” it it is to
exist today, must be based upon an
environmental concern for the future.

Efforts at reforming our attitudes
and acitons toward our planet are
feeble because of the fear of tampering
too heavily with the fundamental
structure of government. Committees,
commissions and reports abound
foretelling bleak futures for this
country if (or even despite) govern-
mentalaction isnot taken to correct the
present unneeded abuses of our world.
Yet, despite the public recognition of
the danger, government is becoming
more benign to those who continue to
systematically destroy our en-
vironment. We are told conservation
must be curtailed for the future, but the
future here is one measured by a long
dead past.

The welfare of the people is the duty
of any govern ment. The present
govemment cannot serve this function
any longer because time, has whatever
we may hope, changed our needs. The
”good" of the people can no longer be
iudged by acquisition of property and

exploitation of the natural world. We
must take our mind—and with it our
government~from the relative Ar-
cadia of the 1800’s to the cruel reality of
our own age.

It is time to make a revolutionary
change in the fundamental structure of
government. The people must create a
new ”control" over themselves that has
premises designed to meet the
requirements of both the human being
and the planet on which it lives. We
cannot afford to merely tack on
watered-down alterations which
eventually become consumed by the
whole structure of government. 4t is
our responsibility to create, as best we
can, a radically new government which
serves the good of the environment as
well' as the good of ourselves.

To do this, I believe, the formation of
a radical environmental political party
must be established. The two major
political parties of this nation may
assume platforms with the en-
viron ment as an ”issue." But this is not
nearly enough, for these two bodies are
too steeped in the tradition of
acquisition and exploitation. Their
basic support comes from those whose
privileges emanate from such an an-
tiquated ideology. Change for the good
of the peopleand their environment will
only come from an organization whose
tundamentalstructure is based upon an
understanding of the relation between
the people and this earth.

Again, it is the responsibility of the
people to affect this change. The
present government will not. It's
premises for control make it incapable
to iudge what is the good of the people
as this secmd millenium comes to a


Mark Hall rs a history graduate





 4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. March 2. 1916



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Anti-ERA resolution still
blocked in committee

l-‘RANKFORT (APi—Sen Richard Weisenberger (D-Mayfield)
said Monday his efforts to remove an anti-Equal Rights Amend-
ment resolution from a Kentucky Senate committee have been
futile thus far. '

But the freshman senator said he is not giving up. Weisenberger
is trying to get the house-passed resolution out of the senate
committee at Elections and Constitutional Amendments.

That committee decided last week to hold two more public
hearings on the resolution to rescind Kentucky’s ratification of
ERA. Weisenberger said then it was a delaying move by a com-
mittee stacked 6-1 against rescission.

The second hearing is scheduled for March 10. If the committee
votes then to send the measure to the senate floor, there would only
be 10 days left in thesession forit to be acted on.

Weisenberger, who said he believes the committee will kill the
resolution, said he wants to get it out of committee for a floor vote
before then.

Penicillin shortage affects
several state hospitals

LOUISVILLE (APi—Many American hospitals have been short
of injectable penicillin for at least a month and estimates vary
widely on how long theshortage will continue, govememnt and
industry officials said Monday.

A spokesman for the Federal Drug Administration in Washington
said the shortage already was nearly over. But several large
Kentucky hospitals and the, major drug maker that apparently
caused the shortage disagreed. ,

The Squib's Corp. and the FDA both refused to release figures
that might indicate how severe the shortage has been, saying they
were “trade secrets."

The problem was caused when Squibb decided to shift its
penicillin manufacturing division from New Jersey to Baltimore.
according to a company spokesman.

A halt in production of penicillin during the move caused a drop
in the penicillin supply. officials said. Other major drug companies
did not increase production in time to compensate, and hospitals
began to run short of the drug.

Ford announces education grant
with control at state level

WASHINGTON (Am—President Ford sent Congress plans
Monday for a $3.3 billion education grant for the states, mainly to
aid poor and handicapped youngsters.

The program for fiscal year 1977 would replace 24 separate
education funds now in effect and the President emphasized that no
state would get less money than it did before.

The aim is to end the heavy burden of regulations and red tape
that states now have to cope with and to give them more control
over education funds, Ford said.

The main focus would be “on improved education opportunities
for those with very special needs—the handicapped and the
educationally deprived.” Ford said, “with a minimum of federal
regulations and a maximum of local control."

Ford's program would give the states $3.3 billion to aid
elementary and secondary schools and education for the han-
dicapped, adult education and vocational education.

Senate committee denies report

an assassination of Kennedy

\\ ASIIINGTON (AP) A Spokesman for the Senate intelligence
committee today refused to confirm or deny a report that Cuban
Prime Minister Fidel Castro instigated the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy in retaliation for five attempts on
Castro‘s life.

In a copyrighted story by publisher Hank Greenspun. the Las
Vegas Sun said yesterday that Castro instigated the presidential
asasination and “very probably" that of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy
because Castno believed President Kennedy ordered the attempts
ayinst him.

The Sun said information for the story came from a confidential
source and was documented by a secret report in the hands of the
senate committee, headed by Se. Frank Church (Doldahol.


‘ erne


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 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. March 2. 1916—5


Newspapers would feel bite

of postal rate hikes, cutbacks

Kernel Staff \\ riter

A L'S. Postal Service proposal
to cut back mail delivery to three
days per week. if enacted. would
have a serious impact upon rural
newspaper circulation in Ken-
tucky. according to newspaper
officials in Lexington and

But the two Kentucky
newspaper circulation mangers
and postal officials believe such a
drastic cutback will not occur as
the Postal Service attempts to
tighten its belt in the face of in-
creasing deficits.

The Postal Service announced
late last week that a three-day
cutback indelivery was oneof the
options under consideration to
hold down spiraling costs.
Another option is an end to
Saturday delivery. which the
postal service says would save
$350 million per year.

Lexington Herald State Cir-
culation Manager Larry
“hitaker said. "I hate to hear
about it i'd possible three-day
cutback). I've been talking with
some postmasters and they say
they'll never cut back to just
three days iof delivery). But an
elimination of Saturday
delivery appears to be a more
realistic prospect.”

Whitaker said he believes a
Saturday cutback is inevitable
within the next six months.

He said an end to Saturday
deliveries would mean that some
13,000, or eight per cent, of
Herald subscribers would not
receive that day‘s newspaper
until the following Monday.

“W hen that happens. I feel that
we‘ll reduce our rates and go to a
five-day subscription, if mail
delivery is the only way to reach
some of our subscribers,“
Whitaker said.

And while a possible cutback in
mail service would only affect a
relatively small proportion of
Herald subscribers. such a move

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would create a more significant
problem for the Louisville
Courier-Journal‘s circulation

"I havenodoubtat all that it ta
mail cutback) would be a terrible
disservice for our rural sub
scribers.“ Mills Boone. the
Courier-Journal mail sub-
scription manager. said Monday.

The Courier-Journal
distributes 33.000 copies. or 45 per
cent. of its daily editions by mail.

Boone criticized the Postal
Service's cutback proposal.
"They «Postal Service officials)
have begun to think as a business
rather than a provider of a ser-

Boone said postal rate in-
creases over the past five or six
years have contributed to lower
circulation for the Courier-
Journal. He said that since July
of last year. second-class mail
rates have increased by 23 per
cent and he expects an additional
20 per cent increase by next July.

Boone was unable to say how a
projected 20 per cent rate in-
crease would affect the Fourier-
.)ournal‘s current $46.80 yearly
mail subscription rate.

Referring to the Postal Ser—
vices current financial dilemma.
Boone said. ”You can't give
people wages and benefits like
they have done and not pay the

But Lexington Postmaster
John D. Miller said inflation is
the factor that could lead to a
reduction of postal service.

“The actual problem we have
is the same that any other in—
stitution or business is facing.“
Miller said. “The inflation spiral
affects everyone."

However. Miller said later that
the reorganization of the Post
Office Department into a public
corporation. known as the Postal
Service since 1972. could have
added to the institution‘s
financial problems.

“The reorganization act

provided that the new postal
service would allow collective
bargaining so that employes
could seek wages comparable to
those that workers in the private
sector receive." he said.

Miller said although he has
received no official word on a
possible cutback in mail service.
he feels that any move in that
direction "would require some

"The Postal Service and the
public must decide what is
adequate delivery.“ Miller said.
adding. "The customer must
decide how much he will be
willing to pay for service."

Miller saida cutback in service
could have a detrimental affect
upon newspaper delivery. He
said the concept of the post office
as a deliverer of vital information
is as old as the postal service

Miller cited the lower second-
class postal rates. under which
newspaper. magazines and
periodicals are mailed. as
evidence of the post office's
commitment to that concept.

While a cutback in mail
delivery would obviously have a
greater impact upon t‘ourier-
Journal circulation to rural
parts of the state. circulation
workers at the Herald have been
working for some time to reduce
their dependence upon mail

“We‘ve already begun to

switch to home delivery near.

some of the neighboring towns.
our circulation." the Herald's
V\ hitaker said. Hecited one rural
route in Scott County in which
circulation increased from 144
daily subscribers to more than
300 when home delivery replaced
mail delivery.

Anticipating a curtailment of
Saturday mail service, Whitaker
said he was also prepared to
expand existing Sunday Herald
home carrier routes in order to
distribute Saturday papers.








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Cehferehee ehempehs . .

Kernel Staff Writer

The Wildcat wrestlers hung on to a narrow
lead and upset defending champion Florida 89-82
3/4 to win Kentucky’s first Southeastern Con-
ference wrestling championship. The Wildcats
placed all 10 wrestlers in the 10 weight classes.
grabbiig three first place finishes and two

Kentudty was led by top seeds Kurt Mock,
Tim Mousetis and Joe Carr.

Mock had two pins in the preliminary rounds
and easily won the championship 13-4 over Steve
Baney of Georgi