xt79p843tw0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843tw0h/data/mets.xml Arizona Historical Records Survey (U.S.) 1938 v, 81 p. 28 x 22 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 Am 3/2/no.3 books English Chicago, Historical records survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arizona Works Progress Administration Publications Early printed books -- Arizona -- Bibliography Arizona -- Imprints A Check List of Arizona Imprints, 1860-1890 text A Check List of Arizona Imprints, 1860-1890 1938 1938 2019 true xt79p843tw0h section xt79p843tw0h i] IlIllIIllIIlIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII : ¥
2 3933,5._,,E*.E‘,=iflf*£'.:.,I , I
I American Imprlnts Inventory
I , , The Historical Records Survey I
I I ' Division of Women’s and Professional Projects
' . . I. 7 Works Progress Administration
, ‘ . s No. 3. A Check List of ‘
I 7 § § ' ’ A ¥ , ' Arizona Imprints f
4‘ I - e “ _ ' 1860-1890 e .
If _' _- ’__ 7 I ‘ “:jSLEIEERHREWI’USLECATEQv I ' ‘
" I , IIVERSITmrriu i ' I ‘. '
-. a 7 _ I‘L'__The.His_tOriealReCOrdslSurvey _ I y , . - _


 .2 American Imprints Inventory "
F1 s The Historical Records Survey ,
I Division of Women’s and Professional Projects
Works Progress Administration
No. 3. A Check List of
I I . . '
‘ Arizona Imprints
I 1860-1890
I. i
I .
I g '
. lufiifii'IMENI' Puaneh‘ne I
I “MEI-353] 4:1? 1H WW
I} ; Chicago
I] ' , The Historical Records Survey ,
I ‘ 1938 :
I w
I ,

' Preface
j So far as origin is concerned, the present list of Arizona imprints
‘ is made up of two parts. The first section, comprising imprints of
. 1860u1876 inclusive, compiled by the undersigned, was first published
I in the Arizona Historical EEEEEE for October, 1932. This list was
: then revised and amplified and published in book form under the title .
: of Beginnings of Printing in Arizona (Chicago: Black Cat Press, 1937).
‘ The compilation of the list of imprints of 1877—1890 inclusive is
wholly the work of the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical
Records Survey. Most of the field work in finding and describing the
I imprints of this later period was done by Miss Estelle Lutrell, of the
I Arizona Historical Records Survey. During the course of her work, Miss
Lutrell also contributed two titles for the earlier period which were
previously unrecorded.
‘ The basic list so prepared was improved and rounded out by corres—
I pondence with a number of librarians. Arizona imprints in the New York
I [Public Library were checked and reported by the New York City office
I of the Historical Records Survey. Other titles came to light through
- I reports of the large scale inventory of imprints under way in various
I libraries throughout the country. Workers of the Pennsylvania state
I- office of the Historical Records Survey reported a number of titles
I from the Philadelphia Union Catalogue, and the W.P.A. imprints project
I in Massachusetts recorded Arizona titles in certain Boston libraries.
I The resulting titles were then cleared through the Union Catalog
I of the Library of Congress, a process which provided additional locations
for a number of imprints.

 . v.
The list of Arizona imprints in its present form has been edited by
I the undersigned, with the assistance of Joseph Conforti, of the Chicago
I office of the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical Records Survey.
I Notes of additional locations of the imprints here recorded, and of
1 titles of hnprints not appearing in the present list, are solicited from
I librarians who may be willing to have this list checked against their
I holdings. Such notes may be addressed to the undersigned at 950 Michigan
I Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.
I The mimeographing of the present list was done in the Chicago office
I of the Historical Records Survey, under the direction of Howard E. Colgan,
I State Directors The printing of title page and cover, and the binding of
I the volume were done by the Chicago School of Printing as a contribution
I to encourage the work of the American Imprints Inventory.
I we wish to acknowledge, with appreciation, the cooperation of
I numerous correspondents, among whom may be named Willard O. waters,
I I bibliographer of the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marine, Ca1., Miss
I Anna E. Hadley, librarian of the Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, Cal.,
I ,
I L. Nelson Nichols of the New York Public Library, Professor Eldon R. James,
I librarian of the Harvard Law School Library, Alfred Rigling, librarian of
I Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Miss Eleanor S. Wilby, librarian of the
I Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati, and Professor
I 'William N. Seaver, librarian of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
I Cambridge, Mass.
J Douglas C. McMurtrie
Consultant to the National Director
J I The Historical Records Survey
I Chicago, July 20, 1938.

 7 _ ' v,
by the undersigned, with the assistance of Joseph Conforti, of the
Chicago office of the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical
Records Survey.
Notes of additional locations of the imprints here recorded, and
of titles of imprints not appearing in the present list, are solicited
from librarians who may be willing to have this list checked against
their holdings. Such notes may be addressed to the undersigned at
950 Michigan Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.
The mimeographing of the present list was done in the Chicago
office of the Historical Records Survey, under the direction of Howard
E. Colgan, State Director. The printing of title page and cover, and
i the binding of the volume were done by the Chicago School of Printing
‘ as a contribution to encourage the work of the American Imprints Inventory.
We wish to acknowledge, with appreciation, the cooperation of
numerous correspondents, among whom may be named Willard 0. Waters, _
bibliographer of the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Ca1.,
IMiss Anna E. Hadley, librarian of the Southwest Museum, Los Angeles,
Cal., L. Nelson Nichols of the New York Public Library, Professor Eldon
R. James, librarian of the Harvard Law School Library, Alfred Rigling,
librarian of Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Miss Eleanor S. Wilby,
‘ librarian of the Historical anvahilosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati,
‘ and Professor William N. Seaver, librarian of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
Douglas C. McMurtrie
Consultant to the National Director
: . The Historical Records Survey
‘ Chicago, July 20, 1938 V

1 .
Key to Symbols of Location

Az Arizona State Library, Phoenix, Ariz.
AzPh Carnegie Public Library, Phoenix, Ariz.
Az—S Secretary of State Office, Phoenix, Ariz.
AzTeS State Teachers College, Tempo, Ariz.
AzTP Arizona Pioneers Historical Society, Tucson, Ariz.
AzU University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Ariz.
AteL University of Arizona Law Library, Tucson, Ariz.
CLSM Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, Calif.
CSmH Henry Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif.
CU—B Bancroft Library, UniverSity of California, Berkeley, Calif.
DE U. S. Office of Education Library, Washington, D. C.
DLC Library of Congress,‘Washington, D. C.

' DS Archives, Department of State, Washington, D. C.
ICLaW Library of the Chicago Law Institute, Chicago, Ill.
ICN NeWberry Library, Chicago, Ill.
IU University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Ill.
Ky Kentucky State Library, Frankfort, Ky.

' Ky-U University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.

‘ MB_ Boston Public Library, Boston, mass.

* NH Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass.
MHBL Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge, mass.

-~ MiU—L University of Michigan Law Library, Ann Arbor, Mich.

NcL North Carolina State Law Library, Raleigh, N. C.

I NN New York Public Library, New York, N. Y.

I NNEB Association of the Bar Library, New York City
PP Free Library, Philadelphia, Pa.

I PPFrankI Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.

1 PU University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

§ RPLaw Providence Law Library. Providence, R. I.

1860 n 1890
5 1860
Arizona (territory). Constitution.
The I Constitution and Schedule I ——of~— I the Provisional
j Government I -of-— I the Territory of Arizona, I and the Pro-
1 ceedings of the Convention I held at Tucson. I [Bule] I Tucson
I J. Howard'Wells, Publisher I Lshgrt rule] I 1866.
; 25 p. 13 x 19 cm. I l l
I On Verso of title-page: Published by order of the Consti—
‘ tutional Convention -assembled at Tucson, Arizona Territory,
; April 2, 1860.
? 1864
‘ -Arizona (territory). Governor (John N. Goodwin).
Message I of I His Excellency, I John N. Goodwin, I Governor
I of Arizona Territory. I [Rule] I To the First Legislative As—
, sembly of the Territory. I Igule] I Septenber, 1864. I [Rule]
I Prescott. I Office of the Arizona Miner. I 1864.
I 6 p. 14 x 22 cm. [ 2 ]
f Arizona (territory). Governor (John N. Goodwin).
; Proclamation, I by John N. Goodwin, Governor of Arizona I
3 Territory, defining judicial districts, and I assigning judges.
I [Fort Whipple: Arizona Miner Office. 1864.]
; Broadside. 17.5 x 19.5 cm. Text in 2 columns. I 3 ]
‘ At end: "Given under my hand, and Seal of the said terri—
tory, at Fort Whipple, this ninth day of April, A. D. I 1864,
, and of the Inde ondence of the United I States of America, the
‘ eightyheighth. I John N. Goodwin. I by the Governor: I Richard
C. McCormick, I Secretary of the Territory."
3 The only press in the territory at the date of this procla~
I nation was that of the Arizona Miner, then at Fort Whipple.
f DS.

I .
7 5
Arizona (territory). Laws, statuteS, etc.
1 Mining Law I of the I Territory of Arino'na [sic]. I [Rule]
‘ I Prescott: I Office of the Arizona Miner. I 1864.. .......
21 p. 14 x 22 cm. I 4 ]
CU—B. 22$?
7 Arizona Histbrical Society. '
Charter. I Constitution and By—Laws I of the I Arizona
1 Historical Society. I [Cut' I Incorporated and organized,
November, 1864. I [Filét]‘I Prescott: I Office of the Arizona
Miner. I 1864. “‘— '
16p.13x230m. [5]
‘ 552' CSmH. CU-B. EE!
I McCormick, Richard C. V
1 Independence and ProgreSS. I ‘Rule] I An Oration I Db-
livered at I Prescott, Arizona, I‘Tfii'Iy 4th, 1864, I by I '
Hon. Richard C. McCOrmick, I Secretary of the Territory. I
I [Rule] I Prescott: I Office of the Arizona Miner. I 1864..
i 15 p. 15 x 25 cm. Printed paper wrappers, with cover '
title in triple rule border. [ 6 ]
I 1865
I Arizona (territory). Acting governor (Richard C. McCormick).
I Message I of I Hon. Richard C.'McCormick, I Acting Governor
I of the I Territor’ of Arizona, I to the Second Legislative'
‘ I Assembly. I [Rule] I Prescott; I Office of the Arizona Miner,
r I Official Pa'p"er' of the Territory, I 1865.
13 p. 15 x 25 cm. [ 7 ]
I CU-B. _D_l_._g (2 copies).
1 Arizona (territory). LaWS, statutes, etc.
Acts, I Resolutions and Memorials' I adopted by the I
I First Legislative Assembly I of the I Territory of Arizona.
I I [Rule] I Session begun on the Twenty—sixth day of Septem—
‘ ber, I and'ended on the Tenth day of November, 1864, at '
I Prescott. I [Rule] I Prescott: I Office of the Arizona Miner,
« I Official Pa'per of the Territory. I 1865.
f 79 p. 14 x 21.5 cm. [ 8 ]
: Az. AzPh. 'AzTP. AzU. AzU—L. csmH.. CUFB.. DLC. Ky.
WI-Lo E. E: En RTEWO ' f. —.

 I 7
Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.

Compondio dc las Lcyes dc Arizona colocadas y traducidas
por'W. Claude Jones. Tucson: Impr. del "Arizonian," 1865.

61 P. 15 X 21.5 Gm. [ 9 1

Not seen. Title from a copy in private ownership in -

AzUhL. (Imperfect copy [22 pL] in poor condition.)

Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.

The Howell Code. I Adopted by the I First Legislative As-
sembly I of the I Territory of Arizona. I 'RuchI Session be—
gun on the Twenty-sixth day of September, I“Eni ended on the
Tenth day of November, 1864, at Prescott. [Rule] I Prescott:
Office of the Arizona Miner, I Official Paper of the Territory.

491 p. 14 x 22.5 cm. [ 10 ]
mtg. CU~B. mm. ICLaw. mg. Ari-L. mm.

I Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly.

Journals I of the I First Le islative Assembly I of the I
Territory of Arizona. I [Rule] I Session begun on the Twentyu
Sixth day of September, and I ended on the Tenth day of Novem~
ber, 1864, at Prescott. I [RuleI I Prescott: I Office of the
Arizona Miner, I Official Pmaper— of the Territory. I 1865.

250 p., xviii p. appendix. 14 x 22.5 cm. [ ll ]

AZ. AzPh. AzTCS. AzTP. AzU. AzUuL. CSmH. CUnB.

shin. ” _.._ _._ ______ _.___ “t
. 1866

~ Arizona (territory). Acting governor (Richard C. MbCormick).
' Message I of I Hon. Richard C. McCormick I Acting Governor
I of the I Territory of Arizona, I to the Second Legislative
I Assembly. I At Prescott, December 11th, 1865. I [Rule] I
Prescott: Office of the Arizona Miner, I Official Paper of
the Territory. I 1866.

22 p. 15 x 22.5 cm. [ 12 I

Differs from the 15~page issue printed in 1865.


Arizona (territory). Governor (Richard C. McCormick).

Message I of Governor NbCormick I to the I Third Legis—
lative Assembly of the I Territory of Arizona. I [Short
rule] I At Prescott, October 8th, 1866. I [Short rule] I
“Prescott: I Office of the Arizona inner, I _Ofwficiflal Paper
of the Territory. I 1866.

1 20 p. 14 x 25 cm. [ 15 I

Differs from.the 10~page issue which has the text in
two columns.


I 9
I Arizona (territory). Governor (Richard C. McCormick).
‘ Message I of I Governor Richard C. McCormick I to the I
‘ Third Legislative Assembly I of the I Territory of Arizona.
I [Short rule] I At Prescott, October 8, 1866. I [Short rule]
‘ I Prescott: Office of the Arizona Miner, Official~Paper of r
I the Territory. I 1866.
11 p. 14 x 21.5 cm. Text in 2 columns. [ l4 ]
AZ: £3313. 311:3. ppg. pa. Office 9.1: State Historian.
Arizona (territory). Governor (Richard C. McCormick).
Proclamation. I [11393: Egg-{thin rule] I To the people
, of Arizona. I Having been appointed by the President . . . .
I I [Prescott: Arizona Miner Office. 1866.]
I Broadside. 50 x 50.5 cm. [ 15 ]
I The concluding lines read: Given under my hand & the seal
of the said Territory, at Prescott, this ninth day of July,
I, A. D. 1866 I and of the Independence of the United States of
‘ America the ninetyufirst. I Richard C. McCormick. I By the
: Governor, I Henry W. Fleury, I Assistant Secretary of the
‘ Territory.
No imprint, but probably printed at the Arizona Minor Of-
' fice, Prescott.
‘ Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.
I Acts, I Resolutions and Memorials, I adopted by the I
Second Legislative Assenbly I of the I Territory of Arizona.
‘ ‘ Session begun on the Sixth day and ended on the Thirtieth
I.day of December, A. D. 1865, at Prescott. I [Rule] I Pros—
} cott: I Office of the Arizona Miner, I Official Paper of the
I Territory. I 1866.
i 98 p. 14 x 21.5 cm. [ 16 ]
£15. AzPh.‘ AzTP. A332. AzU~L. CSmH. CU~B. DEC. p.35.
1 Lfi‘lflL- NC"L 0 fl- ;flliu RPLaW.
I Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly.
I Journals I of the I Second Legislative Assembly I of the I
3 Territory of Arizona. I [Rule] I Session begun on the Sixth
day and ended on the ThirtiEth day of December, A. D. 1865,
at Prescott. I [Rule] I Proscott: I Office of the Arizona
3 Minor, I OfficialuPaper of the Territory. I 1866.
3 258 p., [1] p. proclamation. 14 x 22.5 cm. [ l7 ]
Ag. AzPh. AzTeS. A5313. Az_U. AzU-L. CSmI-I. CU-B.

 I 11
I Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly.
I Rules and Orders, I and I Joint Rules, I of the I Council
} and House of Re resontativos I of the Territory of Arizona.
; I [Short rule] I 1866. I [Short rule] I Prescott: I Office of
I theffirizefiamfliner, Officidl‘PEEdf‘E? the Territory. I 1866.
I 12, [4] p. 15 x 22 cm. [ 18 ]
3 Arizona Pioneer Society.
. Constitution and ByuLaWS I of the I Arizona Pioneer Society.
; I UNoed cut] I Organized January, 1866. I [Short rule] I Pros-
I cot—'t‘T: office of the Arizona Miner. I 18687“ M"
I 4 p. 14.5 x 22.5 cm. I 19 l
2 3311.

NhCormick, Richard C.
I The American Pioneer. I [Rule] I An Oration I delivered at
I Prescott, Arizona, July 4, 1866, I before the Arizona Pioneer
3 Society, I DNoodcut] I By Governor McCormick. [Rule] I Pres—
cott: I Offimhe Arizona Miner. I 1866.
i [ii], 8 p. 14 x 22 cm. Text printed in 2 columns. I 29 ]
I Cover title only; no separate title page. -
AzTP. CSmH. 31:9. _D_s_.
I McCormick, Richard C.
E The American Pioneer. I [FiletI I An Oration I delivered at
I I Prescott, Arizona I before the Arizona Pioneer Society, I
I by Governor McCormick. I DNavy rule] I Prescott, 1866.
I 13 p., 1 blank leaf. 14 x 22.5 cm. [ 21 ]
A different edition of the preceding title. .
0811111. 939.
I 1867
I Arizona (territory). Governor (Richard C. McCormick).
I Nbssage I of Governor McCormick I to the Fourth Legislative
I Assembly I of the I Territory of Arizona. I [Rule] I At Pres—
, cott, September 9th, 1867. I [Rule] I Prescott: I Office of the

Arizona Miner, I Official Paper—3f the Territory. I 1867. .
; 16 p. 14.5 x 22.5 cm. Printed paper wrappers. [ 22 ]
‘ CU~B.



I 13

I Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.

I Acts, I Resolutions and Memorials I adopted by the I Third

I Legislative Assembly I of the I Territory of Arizona. Ses~

I sion begun on the Third day of October, and ended on the

; Sixth day of November, A. D. 1866, I at Prescott: Office of

I the Arizona Miner, I Official Paper of the Territory. I 1867.

' 72 p. 13 x 21.5 cm. [ 25 ]

I 5&3} AzPh. AzTP. 5&2. .AzUFL. CUFB. 2E9. Ex.

I hmeL. NN. pug. RPLaw.

I Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly.

I Journals I of the I Third Le islative Assembly I of the I

I Territory of Arizona. I [Rule] ] Session begun on the Third

I day of October, and ended EH- the Sixth day of November, A.

I D. 1866, at Prescott. I [Rule] I Prescott: I Office of the

I Arizona Miner I Official TQEEr Of the Territory. I 1867.

I 267 p., [2] p. of proclamations. l4’x 22.5 cm. [ 24 ]

I AZ. AzPh. AzTeS. AZTP. AzU. AzUuL. CSmH. CUFB. -

I @Tfl‘fl" “" — “v r“ “v“

I MbKee, James C.

I [Narrative of the Surrender of a Command of U. S. Forces

I at Fort Fillmore, N. M., in July, 1861, at the breaking out ‘

I of the Civil War, by James C. McKee, Prescott, A. T., march,

I 1867.] - [ 25 ]

: Not seen. Title from.Anderson Catalogue 2315 (1929), '

I _ 1868


I Arizona (territory). Governor (Richard C. McCormick).

I Message I of I Governor McCormick I to the I Fifth Leg-

I islative Assembly I of the Territory of Arizona. I [Rule] I

I At Tucson, November 16, 1868. I [Seal] I Tucson: I Office

‘ of the Arizonian, I Official Paper“6f the Territory. I 1868.

I 15 p. 15 x 25 cm. Printed paper wrappers. [ 26 ]

; cues. 2&9. Iggy.

I Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.

; Acts, I Resolutions and Memorials I adopted by the I

I Fourth Legislative Assembly I of the Territory of Arizona.

I I Session begun on the Fourth day of September, and ended I

; on the Seventh day of October, A. D. 1867, I at Prescott.

I [Rule] I Prescott: I Office of the Arizona Miner, I Official

‘ Paper of the Territory. I 1868.

I 74 p. 13.5 x 21.5 cm. [ 27 J

I Ag. AzPh. AzTP. gig. AzU—L. CU—B. gag. gy.

I n§:g. NN. EEE- RPLaw.4



 I 15
I Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly.
I Journals I of the I Fourth Legislative Assembly I of the I
2 Territory of Arizona. I Session begun on the Fourth day of
I September, and ended I on the Seventh day of October, A. D.
I 1867. I At Prescott. I [Rule] | Prescott: I Office of the
I Arizona Miner, I Official Paper of the Territory. I 1868.
I 261 p., [2] p. of proclamations. 14 x 22 cm. [ 28 ]
I A5. AzTP. Ag. AzU—L. CSmH. CU-B. Egg. 323g. _N_l\_T.
I so
I Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.
I Acts, | Resolutions and Memorials I adopted by the I Fifth
I Legislative Assenbly I of the I Territory of Arizona. Ses-
‘ = sion begun on the Tenth day of November and ended I on the
I Sixteenth day of December, A. D. 1868, I at Tucson. I [Rule]
I I Tucson: I Tucson Publishing Company, 1869. . ..
I 71 p. 15.5 x 21.5 cnn [ 29 ]
I A3. AzTP. AzU~L. CU-B. pic. 51. l/TI—L. This. RPLaw.
I .
I Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly.
; Journals I of the I Fifth Legislative Assembly I of the I
I Territory of Arizona. I Session begun on the Tenth day of
I November, and ended I on the Sixteenth day of December, A. D.
g 1868, I at Tucson. I [Rule] I Tucson: I Tucson Publishing
I Company. I 1869.
I 268 p., [5] p. of proclamatiOns. 14 x 22.5 cm. [ 50 ]
; A5. AzTP. AZE- AzU—L. CU~B. 33.3. All“: .
I ' 1870
I .
I Marion, John H.
I Notes of Travel I through the I Territory of Arizona; I
I being I an account of the trip I made by I General Georg.
I Stoneman and Others I in the Autumn of 1870. I [Filet] I
By J. H. Marion. I [Filet] I Prescott: I Office or the
I Arizona Miner. I 1877)."—
I 16 p. [Text in 2 columns.] 15.5 x 25 cm. I 31 J
I Cover title only; no separate titlenpage. According to
I the introduction, this was first published in weekly install—
I ments in the Arizona Miner, of which Marion was the editor.
3 CSmH.

 I 17
l 1871
j Arizona (territory).' Governor (A. P. K. Safford).
- Message I of the I Governor of Arizona, I delivered
January 14, 1871, I before the Si’xth Legislative Assembly,
1 I in joint convention. I [Filet] I Printed at the "Citizen"
i Office; Tucson, January, 187TT— .
3 1 leaf, 13 p. Text in 2 columns. 14.5 x 21 cm. [ 32 ]
; AEH. CSmH.
5 Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes,'etc. ‘
. Acts, I Resolutions and Memorials'I adopted by the I
I Sixth Legislative Assembly I of the I Territory of Arizona.
3 I Session begun on the Eleventh da of January, and I ended
' } en the Twentieth da‘ of February, I A. D. 1871, at Tucson.
? I [Rule] I Tucson: I Office of the Arizona Citizen. I 1871. ‘
I 144 p. 14 x 21.5 cm. [ 33 ]
I 'R’PLaw. "_ — _
Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly. ' ‘
Journals I of the I'Sixth Legislative Assembly I of the I
i Territory of Arizona. I Session begun on the Eleventh Day of
‘ January, and I ended on the Twentieth day of February, I A. D.
I 1871, at Tucson. I [Rule] I Tucson: I Office of the Arizona
Citizen. I 1871. ""
396 p. 14 x 22.5 cm. [ 34 ]
I A_z_. AzTP. £52. AzU-L. CU—B. 2L2. _N_1_\I_._N_1\T§.
I Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc. ‘
~ Acts, I Resolutions and Memorials I'adopted by the I
, Seventh Legislative Assembly I of the I Territory of Arizona.
I Session begun on the Sixth day of January, and I ended On
I the Fourteenth as of February, I A. D. 1873, at Tucson} I
‘ [Rule] I TucSon: I Office of the Arizona Citizen. I 1873.
"177 p. 14 x 21.5 cm. [ 55 ]
Az. AzTP. AzU. AzU-L. CU—B. DLC. 5.3:. MH-L. 313.
“segment?“ v“ ”v “"- “'—
Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly. ' I
Journals I of the I Seventh Legislative Assembly I of the I
; Territory bf Arizona. I Session begun on the Sixth da' of Jan—
‘ uary, and I ended'on the Fourteenth day of February,.I A. D.
1873, at Tucson. I [Rule] I Tucson: I Office of the Arizona Cit—
‘ izen. I 1875. ' ‘
I 366 p. 14 x 22.5 cm. [ 56 ]
1 .43: AzPh. AzTP. EH“ AzU—L. CU—B. pic. 1111.

‘ " 19
I 1874
Arizona (territory). Courts. District Court. 1st Judicial
‘1 District. ’ ' '
I Rules I of the I District Court I of the First Judicial '
I District of the Territory of Arizona, I In and For The I
I County' of Fina. I Adopted . . . . October‘ 5, 1874. I [Short
1 rule] I Tucson: Arizona Citizen Print. I 1874. __.._.....
20 p. 15x22 cm. [37]
F Arizona (territo ‘ ). Legislative Assembly. '
' The Te’rritOran of Ariz‘ona; I A 'Brief History and Summary
; I of the I Territory‘s Acquisition Organization, and I‘Min-
j eral, Agricultural and Grazing Re-I sources; Embracing a Re-‘
I View of its I Indian T'ribes —- Their DepredationsI and Sub—
‘ jugation; and Showing I in Brief the Present Condi tion and
" Prospects of I the Territory. I [Filet] I By Authority of the
‘ Legislature. [Filet] I Tucson: 'I—Pr—irnted at the Citizen Of-
; fice, I 1874. ' ~
" 38 p. 15 x 22.5 cm. [ 38 ]
A312. CSmH. CU-B. 21:9.
Arizona (territory). Governor '(A. P. K. Safford).
1 ‘ Third Biennial Message I of I Governor A. P. K. Saf'ford,
1 I to’ the I Legislative Assambly of Arizona“ Territory, I at
the I Session Commencing January 4, 1875. I [Rule] I Tucson:
; I Arizona Citizen Print. I 1875. _._._
‘ ' 12 p. 14.5 x 21.75 cm. [ 39 I
I Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.
' Acts, I Resolutions and Memorials I adopted by the I
3 Eighth Legislative Assembly I of the Territory of Arizona.
I I Session begun on the Fourth’ day of January, and I ended on
the Twelfth day of February, I A. D. 1875, at Tucs‘on. I d
3 [Rule] I TucSon: I Office of the Arizona Citizen. I 1875.
; “2‘58 p. 14 x 22.5 cm. [40 ]
' AZ. AzTP. AZU. AzU-L. CU—B. DLC. MH—L. _N_1_\I_.
, “ENE. RPLaWT. #—
Arizona (territory). ' Legislative Assembly. -
Journals I of the I Eighth Legislative Assembly I of the I
I Territory of Arizona. I Session begun on the Fourth 'day of
January and I ended on the' Twelfth day of February, I A. D.
1875, at Tucson. I [Rule] I Tucson: I Office of the Arizona
Citizen. I 1875. ,_-_-
, 341 p. 14 x 22.5 cm. I 41 1 ,
£2... AzTP. AzU-L. CU-B. PE. MH-L.

i 1876
‘ Pima County, Arizona (territory).
3 ' Names of Electors of Pima County on the Great Register
3 I of said Co'unty,"September 25, A. D. 1876.
‘ 4 p. 40.5 x 33 cm. [ 42 ]
3 Caption title; no imprint. Dated at end: 29th day of
I September, A. D. 1876.
‘ Signed: Sidney'W. Carpenter, Recorder.
I 1877
Arizona (territory). ”Board of Education
Education in Arizona. I [Short rule] I Annual Reports
: for 1875-76. I By I Gov. A. TN—EZ'Safford, I President
Territorial Board of Education. I [Short rule] I Tucson:
I I Arizona Citizen Print. I 1877. ""
j 15 p. 13 x 21.5 cm. [ 43 ]
: Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes,’etc. '
Acts, I Resolutions and Memorials I of the I Ninth Leg-
islative Assembly I of the I Territory'of Arizona. I Ses-
sion begun on the First‘day of January, and I ended on the
Ninth day or February, I A. D. 1877, at Tucson. I [Rule]
I Tucson: I Office of the Arizona Citizen. I 1877. “‘
‘ xiii, [2], 132 p. 15.5 x 23.5 cm. [ 44 I
‘ fig. AzU-L. _N.1\l. RPLaw. -
Arizona (territory). 'Legislative Assembly. '
; Journals I of the I Ninth Legislative Assembly I of
; the I Territory of Arizona. I Session Begun on the First'
1 Day of January, and I Ended on the Nintthay of February,
I I A. D. 1877, at Tucson. I [Short rule] I Tucson: I Of-
fice of the Arizona Citizen. I 1877.
» 404 p. 15 x 23.5 cm. [ 45 I
Az. AzTeS. AzTP. A32. AzU—L. RN.
. 1878
3 Arizona (territory). Governor (A. P. K. Saffcrd). ’
' Second Biennial Message I of I Gov. A. P. K. Saffcrd,
I to the I Legislative Assembly of Arizona Territory, I
at the I Session commencing January 6, 1873. I [Short
rule] I Tucson: I Arizona Citizen Print. I 1878.
“12 p. [last p. blank.] 13.5 x 21.75 cm. [ 46 ]
' NN.

I _ 25
I Pima County, Arizona (territory).
I Names of Electors of Pima County on the Great Register
I of said County, October 8, A. D. 1878.
I 6 p. 43 x 27 cm, [ 47 ]
I Caption title; no imprint.
i Affi-
; 1879
: AriZona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.
‘ Acts and Resolutions I of the I Tenth Legislative As~
‘ senbly, I of the I Territory of Arizona. [Short rule] I
' Session Begun on the Sixth Day of January and Ended I an
- the Fourteenth Day of February, I A. D. 1879, at Prescott.
. I [Short rule] I Prescott: I Office of the Arizona Miner. .
: I 1879.
1 A};- 4.2.113: £517- AEEL'E- 181321-111- TEETH-
Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.
Arizona I School Law. I 1879. ,
15 p. 15 x 24 cm. [ 49 ]
No imprint. [Phoenix?, 1879?]
Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly.
: ‘ Journals I of the I Tenth Legislative Assembly I of
the I Territory of Arizona. I Session Begun on the Sixth
Day of January, and I Ended on the Fourteenth Day of Feb—I
ruary, A. D. 1879, at Prescott. I [Short rule] I Prescott:
; I Office of the Arizona Miner. I 1879.
442 p. 15 x 22 cm. I 50 l
‘ Ag. AzTP. AzUhL.
; 1880
[Salpointe, Jean Baptiste]
A Brief Sketch Of the I Mission I of I San Xavier
‘ Del Bae, I with a description of its church. I [Short
rule] I Tucson, A. T. I Printed at the Arizona Star Job
1 Printing Office. I 1880.
1, [5]~22 p. 22 cm. I 51 1
I Authority for Salpointe’s authorship is his "Soldiers
j of the Cross," Banning, Calif., 1898, p. 188. -

 I a
I ' 25
I Tucson, Ariz. Handbook.
I Handbook I of I Tucson and Surroundings I Embracing
I Statistics of the I Mineral Fields of Southern Arizona,
I I [Short rule] I With Accurate Map, Tables of Distance,
; Rail:—§taég_and Postal Routes; I District, County and
I City Official Guide and Directory. I IShort rule] I T.
I R. Sorin, Publisher. I [Short rule] I CitizeHTPFint,
I Tucson, A. T., April, 1880. ——_—
I i—xii, 1—44 p., fold. map. 15.5 x 19 cm. [ 52 ]
I AzTP. CSmH. ‘
‘ 1881
i Arizona (territory). Board of Education.
I Course of Study I for the I Public Schools I of the
3 I Territory of Arizona. I [wavy rule] I Prepared, Under
I the Direction of the Territorial‘fioard of Education, by
_ M. H. Sherman, I Territorial Superintendent of Public
Schools. I [wavy rule] I Prescott. 1881.
I 27 p. léfiiE'ETEn. [58 ]
I AzTP. Azg.
‘ Arizona (territory). Courts. District Court. 1st
Judicial District. I
District Court I of the I First Judicial District I
‘ of the I Territory of Arizona, I for I Cochise County.
. I [Filet] I Calendar, I November Term, 1881. I [Filet]
1 Han; w; H. Stilwell, Presiding Judge. | . . . 1"r“
: [Filet] I Tombstone, Arizona: I Printed at the Office
I chEEE Daily-Epitaph. I 1881.
: 42 p. 16.5 x 24.5 cm. [ 54 ]
I iii?-
) Arizona (territory). Courts. District Court. lst t t
‘ Judicial District.
I District Court I of the I First Judicial District I
j of the I Territory of Arizona, I for I Pima County. I
I Filet] I Calendar, I March term . . . . 1881. I [Filet]
I I Hon. C. G. W} French, C. J. and Presiding Judge. I
I [Filet] I . . . . Tucson, A. T. I Arizona Journal Job
, Printing Office. I 1881.
I 72 p. 11.5 X 20 cm. [ 55 I
. Arizona (territory). Courts. District Court. lst
‘ Judicial District.
I District Court I of the I First Judicial District, I
of the I Territory of Arizona, I for I Pima County. I
» [Filet] I Hon. W} H. Stilwell, District Judge. I . . . . I
, [Pilot] Tucson, Arizona: I Daily Citizen Steam Printing
i EEtEBTishment. I 1881.
I 58 p. 16 x 25 cm. I 56 ]
- I AzTP.

I .
I 27
Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.
I Acts and Resolutions I of the I Eleventh I Legislative
I Assembly, I of the I Territory of Arizona. I [Short rule]
I I Session Begun on the Third Day of January anduTuEndeafon
‘ the Twelfth Day of March, I A. D. 1881, at Prescott. I
I [Short rule] I Prescott: I Office of the Arizona Miner. I
‘ 1881’.“ “”"
xvi p., 209 p. 14: x 22 cm. I: 57 ]
I AzTP. AER. AzU~L. 191-3. my. RPLaw.
: Arizona (territory). Laws, statutes, etc.
Leyes Relatives a los I Jueces de Paz I y I Jueces de
Pruebas, I Para 81 I Territorio de Arizona. I Traducidas
: per Autoridad de Una Acta de la 11 Legis—Ilatura, Aproba
e1 Dia 11 de Marzo do 1881. I [Short rule] I Carlos H.
I Tully, Traductor. I [Short rule]"T—Tu3§55, Arizona. I
I Compania Publicista dEfKriz555_Imprenta a Vapor. I 1881.
i 214 p., indice iv p. 14.5 :x 22.5 cm. I 58 ]
Arizona (territory). Legislative Assembly.
: Journals I of the I Eleventh Legislative Assembly I
‘ of the I Territory of Arizona. I Session Begun on the
‘ Third Day of January, and I Ended on the Twelfth Day of
3 March, I 1881, at Prescott. I [Short rule] I Prescott:
: I Territory of Arizona. I 1881." "‘" "'
; 1053 p. 14 x 22 cm. I 59 1
Ag. AzTeS. AzTP. AZE- AzU-L. 1111.
' ‘ Hamilton, Patrick
I The I Resources of Arizona: I Its I Mineral, Farming,
and Grazing Lands, Towns, and Mining Camps; Its Rivers, I
' Mountains, Plains, and Moses; I With a Brief Summary of
Its Indian Tribes, I Early History, Ancient Ruins, I Cli-
mate, etc., etc. I [Short rule] I A Manual of Reliable In—
: formation ConccrninngHSflTerritery. I [Short rule] I Coma
I piled by I Patrick Hamilton, I Under Authority of the Leg—
‘ islature. I [Short rule] I Prescott, Arizona. I 1881.
120 p. 13—55722 cm. [ 60 J
AEE. CSmH. 32E. .ifl'
: Hine, Charles F., et al., Appellants.
' In the Supreme Court I of the I Territory of Arizona.
I [Filet] Charles F. Hine et al., I Appellants, I vs.
No. . . . Sidne R. DeLon et al.I Respondents. Egg-
pellants’ Brief] I [Filct] ] AL A. Smith, Attorney for
““‘JIppell'I'an'th' ”Epitaph—”Printing and Publishing Company. I
‘ 1881 .
5 p. 20 x 26 cm. Title in thickuthin rule border. [ 61 ]
Cover title only; no separate title-page.

 I .
I 29
I Hopkins, R. C.
I Malinche: I An I Opera of Mexico. I [Ornament] I
I Tucson, A. T.: I Printed at the Office of the Arizona
I Star. I [Short rule] I 1881.
I 2