xt79p843tt4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843tt4r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2003-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2003 text GLSO News, October 2003 2003 2003-10 2019 true xt79p843tt4r section xt79p843tt4r “—5; . :-,-‘ GAY and
r ..... 1e t. s o iua ws
Lexington, Kentucky OCtObeT 2003
A publication oi: the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 18 Number 10

Volunteer Awarbs Banquet Dina Out Io! life

The Twelfth Annual Volunteer Awards On Tuesday. October? Moveable Feast
Banquet will be held on Sunday, October Lexington (MFL) invites YOU to Dining OUt
12 at the Sheraton Four Points on for Life, their largest fundraiser of the year!
Newtown Pike at |-75_ Cocktail hour There are many excellent restaurants par-
begins at 5 with dinner at 6. Due to sched- ticipating, see page 15 or 90 t0
uling conflicts, Mayor Teresa Isaac will not www.lexfeast.org, For those of you who
be able to attend. Another speaker will be aren't familiar with Dining out for Life, this is
announced soon. SisterSound and Another the way it WOrkS: You choose one of the
Note will be providing entertainment. restaurants on our list Enjoy a wonderful

Reservations can be made by caning dinner. A percentage of that restaurant’s
the Pride Center office at 253-3233 sales for the night go to Moveable Feast!
between 10 am and 2 pm_ Cost is $25 per Moveable Feast is a nutritional support
person. We had compliments on the food program, serving people living With HiV in
last year so we are staying at the Sheraton the Lexington/Fayette County area. This
even though they raised the costa bit. month we are expanding our service to

Nominations for the Wasson and include clients of Hospice of the Bluegrass.
Rainbow Community Award should now be We have a continuing need for volunteers.
in to Thomas Collins. Each community Call 252-2867
group is invited to send up to three repre- 4 _
sentatives to the PrideICenter to vote on GLSO Car Wash
these awards. IThe Pride Center Will be Wal-Mart Nicholasville Rd
open for voting the week of Oct. 6
through 10. Hours are 10 am to 3 pm Sat, OCt 4 10 t0 3
daily and 5 pm to 7 pm on Mon. and Tu.
Oct 6 and 7.

All community organizations are invited Sponsor of the Month
to present their "Volunteer of the Year"
award to an individual who has done an .. 0
outstanding job as a volunteer working on LeXIngIon Lyons
GLBT issues. Each group is responsible for LYON 5
what they present to their volunteer. it «if ' }3 Leather /
Awards in the past have included gift cer— (t: ,4? I . ,
tificates, plaques, and tiaras. If your organ- (Es/t Le“ Club
ization plans on giving an award, please LN,
contact The Pride Center so that we can ‘ see P0965 3 3‘ 5
plan the program.

 us I er- I
.. , GAYand gag! ii HAZZARU T m” '3 00""
\. . . it2“,}.i}:~ii;,."i}_.‘i‘_3§§i: RASH SHOW .
L «a: ;. fl Ready for a fun evening?
«it; E“ “Divas of Hazzard: The Trailer Trash Show” starts at
"‘2'? WC]: 9:30 at Club 141 on Wed. Oct 8. Our drag country
WHOM cousins will share their talents and get you laughing. Five
Lexington, Kemucw dollar donation at the door. . .. . . . . ,
On Wed, Oct 29, the Court ,5. ' f k ' .
755,50 MEWS will provide a screaming good Dwa O Bat .9355
Volume 13 lssue10 time with their annual Halloween pageant "Diva of
_ Darkness”. Join us at club 141 at 9:30, five dollar dona-
published monthly by, tion at the door. If you are interested in competing, con-
The Lexington Ga? Lesbian tact Empress JD at empressZ2kyjd@aol.com.
Serwce Organization
389 Waller Ave. WAR” RESWU‘ED
Editors The Lexington Men’s Chorus Cabaret has been
rescheduled for Wed, Oct. 8th at the Bar Complex. A
Mary Crone . . . . .
J k' C b reception Will begin at 7 pm and showtime is at 8 pm.
Clact 'e Dobern individual members of the Chorus will demonstrate their
ay on 0 son talents in entertaining cabaret-style performances.
Tickets are $15 and included a chance to win a door
Board Members prize. There will also be a raffle so bring some extra
Thomas Collins, President cashCall (859)269-9739 AdmiSSion Will also be avail-
Joan Branon Vice-Pres able at the door until we are sold out. Parking available at
Clayton Dobson, Treasurer BankOne parking garage. We hope you Will iom us for an
Mary Crone, Editor evening of entertainment that only LMC can provrde.
Tom Collins The Chorus has begun its 14th Season With weekly
Sarah Martin Sunday rehearsals at St. Michael's Episcopal Church, 2025
Ginger Moore Bellefonte. Rehearsal time is 7 pm - 9:15pm. No audition
Ben Saylers is required. Ourfirst full concert is planned for Dec. 13th.
For information or directions contact Vtfillie at willi-
GLSO Annual Dues & ethomasboddie@msn.com or see Kenneth at the Bar.
Newsletter. , , ,
Je'em H 'ArtE « . tion
Individual - $15
Couple- $25 In October Abstracts by Jeffery Hale will be on
Exhibit at The Pride Center. An opening reception will
be held on Thursday October 23, starting at 7 pm.
Opinions expressed in the GLSO
News are those of the authors and '
do”, necessarily represent those of Bluegrass Fairness Chapter .............page 14
the GLSO Boards Submissions are ProgressiveSummit......................page 19
welcome and staff reserves the right ,
to edit submissions and advertise- Commitment & same-SEX Couples Reseamh" . . .page 19
ments as well as the right to reject .
Halloween/Samhaim. . . . . . . . . . . . page 18
Gay Spirituality, Rev Ken Weibel. . . . . . . . . . . page 16
GLSO Page 2

 C ommunit M’WS
a? y
at . .
ry BAR Complex ANNIVERSARY Lexmgton Lyons Lew/Leather Club
’9 The Bar Com lex 224 E Main Street The Lexmgte" Lyens new have an
. . p . ’ ' . informative web site which you can access
. WI” be celebrating Its 23rd year servmg at: www.lexlyons.org. it will provide informa—
5 ijlrnggtgnzail'zzg nfggminety' lag/ft: tion about activities and contains an on—line
of yar-ta at The Barfor Halloween 2003 on Leather Manual where you can read refer-
a- p . y . ence materials on the leather lifestyle.
Friday, October 31st. Prizes awarded for .
n- 1st 2nd & 3rd place costumes The Lyons Club conducts busmess
’Can't make it out on Fr‘da '7 Put on meetings once a quarter, on the second
. . I y. Monday night of the month, at 8 pm at the
your sleaZIest outfit for Sleaze Ball the Lexington Pride Center Meeting will be
foltowmg night, Saturday, November 18t' announced in this newsletter as well as on
an Prizes awarded for Best Male Sleaze, . . 1.
Best Female Slea e and Best Dra our web Site. The next meeting Will be
A Z. 9 Monday, Nov. 10. For information call
n. Sleaze. The Bar Will have After Hours
- (dance the ni ht a a ‘n th J hnn Thomas at 272-0408'
air A | D' t'llg3‘30w ”b Ith lehto y We also get together for brunch socials
nge ISCO I ' am 0 nig 8' on the last Sunday of every month. We meet
er 30y;I 3y DECEPTION at Mia's on Upper at 1pm and share some
.ra . food, drinks and laughs. In October that will
tn- In the mood for something new? Boys be Sunday the 26th. Come join us!
at By Deception Wt” be performing at Club The Lex Lyons and other members of the
an 141 on Wed October 15th at 9:30 pm. The Ky Tribal council are presenting the Mr.
There _W'” be a $3 cover charge for and Ms. Kentucky Olympus Leather contest
1'3! aem'ss'e” to the 5h°w- Featured enter" held in conjunction with the Derby City
35 tame“ '“C'Udeg Kenneth _J' equ'rest Fetish Ball, on Sunday, Nov 8 in Louisville.
>n Heywood Jablomi, Sabrina Nicole, CaVier Tickets and contestant application available
h. Towers, Tova UraVItch and Franchesca by contacting ky_in_munch@hotmail.com
li— Sanchez.
On Wed, Oct 28th the Boys will be back
with their Halloween show "Sinister Studs 5W °F stat"
and Deadly Divas". The Boys' featured The Shower of Stoles project and
1 guest thatnight '5 V'V'ehhe Vaughn Rae. founder, Martha Juillerat, will be at Berea
ll Once. again the show begins at 9'30 and College the Weekbf-October 5. According
we w'” have a $3 cover charge. to Rev. Juillerat, a former Presbyterian min-
Thank you to those who came 0‘” and ister, "The Shower of Stoles is a project that
supported us 'h September. We had e gives voiceto gay-and lesbian ministerswho
great time. We hope to see you again have been denied ordination, been forced to
Any male or female impersonator inter— leave the church or serve in silence."
i ested 'h performing w'th us please con- When setting aside her ordination in the
, tact our show director .Mr. Heywood Presbyterian Church in 1995, Rev. Juillerat
' Jablomi trheywoodjablomi@hotmail.com asked other gay and lesbian clergy to send
for more information. her a stole. She ...CONT/NUED ON NEXT PAGE
' GLSO page 3

 expected to get a dozen, but got 80. The People for Unity and Fairness
collection has grown to nearly 1,000
stoles, representing those who have been People for Unity and Fairness is a new
denied the opportunity to openly serve their group to serve the needs 0f gay and les-
church. bians in rural Central Kentucky. Our mis-
Rev. Jumerat will speak at 8 pm. sion is community building; we will work to
Thursday, Oct 9, in Phelps-Stokes Chapel unite gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgen-
at Berea College. This program is free der people.
and open to the public. The Stoles will be We welcome the support and member-
on display in the Alumni Building's Baird ship 0f any indivuals. We meet weekly for
Lounge on October 8, 9, 10_ business and discussion. For information,
TO check on the exact location, days contact Adam TUbbS at (859) 803-1130 or
and times for the display email Berea email CUFCKY@30L00m-
PFLAG co-founder, Ed, at fcc@mis.net or
call Berera PFLAG b859.200-9512. Men Of All Colors Together
AIDS Memorial QMflt KY Men of all Colors Together (MACT)
is a local chapter of a national gay multira-
Matthew Hallock, Professor 0f Drama at cial organization which fosters a supportive
Centre College, has received approval environment where friendships and part-
from the Names PTOJeCt *0 display 12 pan- nerships can be celebrated free of racial
els of the Memorial AIDS quilt at the col- and cultural barriers.
Iege next February. For information, call 859-351-4453
Hallock writes, “We have been granted (Jon) or email macetky@ao|.com. Web
the opportunity to give our community a site: www.mactky.com
great gift; A gift that teaches, challenges,
moves, and creates.” Sistahs in The Life
He is looking for volunteer to help make
to a successful event. He can be reached Sistahs in the Life is a support group for
at hallock@centre.edu. Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. Join
us for provocative discussmns about our
lives and experiences. We meet at 7 pm
SisterSound Begins “0V $0350“ every first Tuesday and the Pride Center.
SisterSound is a non-audition chorus For information contact Joan at 859 539-
_ 2657 or email Jweslie@aol.com.
and welcomes any woman who enjoys
music and singing. Our rehearsals are on ...more neWS 0’7 pages 6, 8, and 10
Sundays at 6 pm at the Landsdowne €3,333? “Keep the love you find,
Cumberland Presbyterian Church. If you afiejfiyfi“ Get the love you want”
are interested, come join us any sunday. 01%;} '
For those whose talents are not vocal, ””je‘sgi’camgonifigéfLCSW
helping with our auxiliary could be the per-
fect way to showcase your talents! For Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
more information contact Patti at 806-0243 . - - -
or Toine at 276-0753, email us at sister— couples, family, mdwldua'
sound@hotmail.com. or check out our web imagoconnection.com 859—552-6533
site at www.geocities.com/sistersound.
GLSO page 4

 s ,
3“” Mr. and Ms. Kentucky
3:: Olympus Leather Contest
er_ The Kentucky Tribal Council is proud to announce '
:zr Mr. and Ms. Kentucky Olympus Leather contest.
or held in conjunction with the Derby City Fetish ball,
Saturday, November 8 in Louisville, Kentucky.
3T) Contest Tickets - $ 10 each.
'ra- Tickets For tull-day event~ $20 each until October 8,
art— $2.5 afier.
Tickets and contestant applications available by contacting
,2: ky_in_munch@hotmail.com or
MrLouDrummerfi-‘aolcom or call (859) 272-0408 For details.
The winner will go to Mr. and Ms. Olympus contest
:2: sponsored by The Leather Journal
)ur Chicago, Illinois ~ February, 200+
:2 www.TheLeatherJoumal.com/pantheon.htm
l9- H L a
z E w E ,y
i X ' Ix '
f N in T
' (T): '_ 10'" ’é H -
- 0 if ‘3 .E ?
Ad provided by Lexington l yons: I eather/Levi Club Inc.
; Glso s - onsor UP the Month
_ ——_——-——_—-GLSOPage5

 PNDG (MA/18R News
$ 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 fl
This month we'll get into the spirit of We now have a regular meeting time,
Halloween by examining lesbians and the second Sunday of each month at the
vampires. Join us Friday, October 10 at Pride Center at 2 pm. We have decided to
7:00 pm. for a vampire double feature. become an over 40’s group so '°°k for ”5
First, we'll view the "Girls Just Wanna under that heading in the future. All lesbian
Have Fun" episode from season two of and bi-sexual women over 40 are invited to
Xena: Warrior Princess in which Xena and attend. Bring a snack and join ”5 on O“ 12
Gabrielle take on the beautiful, blood- to discuss upcoming events. For info call
thirsty bacchae. Ginger at 276-0673 or email ggclr@hot—
Then, we'll watch an ageless vampire mail.com.
played by Catherine Deneuve, seduce MEN'S SOC/Al. CLUB
Susan Sarandon in the 1983 film "The Men's Movie night is now on the third
Hunger. Feel free t9 bring copies Of your Thursday of the month. In October that will
favorite lesbian vampire stories, books and be the 16th at 7 pm at the Pride Center We
movies, so you can share the titles and tor- will have a pot luck supper and watch'The
ture us With excerpts and your opinions. Rocky Horror Picture Show Costumes are
We'll have a horrifically fun time. Don't for— welcomed but not required.
get to bring some snacks to nibble on. There are other events. that may be of
GAYMU NIGHT interest to men trying to meet new people
. such as Gaymes Night and the Wed. Night
_ Play and b? counted 9““?! Gaymes Discussion Group. Please make plans to
Mgr” at the Pride Center m October and attend Dining Out for Life on Oct 7. For more
November by taking the "Million Minute info call lggie at 492_9904_
Family Challenge." This annual event
sponsored by game makers Patch lflli. DPESS flllfl Gflflflfll‘ Mllancfl
Products, Sylvan Learning Center, KOA http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA
Kampgrounds, Hilton Vacation Station and LexDGA is a peer discussion group for
Home schooling Parent seeks ’0 encour- anyone who transcends gender norms and
age interaction and communication among who wishes to socialize with other like
family and friends through playing games. minded people or discuss issues we face.
After families or gr CUPS play a game for We welcome people who identify as trans-
at least 20 minutes, they can log their min- gender, drag king, drag queen, crossdreSS,
utes at www.millionminutes.com. SO, join butch, femmel effeminate men, masculine
US Friday, OCtObef 24 at 7 P-m. at the Pride women, transman, transwoman, transsexu-
Center, 50 we can be counted in this al, androgynous, intersexed, gender queer,
national event. We'll have tally sheets for or are simply questioning their gender iden-
YOU to keep track 0f your minutes, and tity. We meet the first Saturday of each
Certificates of Participation will be given to month. Family members and supportive
game players. Bring snacks to share, and allies are also welcomed. For info email
remember everyone is invited. kellindel@hotmail.com, or call 859 273-0785.
GLSO Page 6

.1 ‘ {3.3; H’— 3
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a“ . empreEfiZZkfiJfilaeLcw-i ,_.‘ _ _ _, .
— GLSO Page?

 3 ' tibiae WWW;
,, . a ,, , The church is named for the Rev.
INII‘A’RH‘ Mychal Judge, an openly gay priest and a
Integrity, a group for GLBT chaplain forthe New York Fire Department
Episcopalians and friends, invites you to who was killed while trying to rescue vic-
join us on Sunday, October 12 from 4-5:30 tims of the Sept. 11 attack on the World
pm at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church at Trade Center. The Orthodox Catholic
2025 Bellefonte St. For additional informa- Church made Judge a saint last year.
tion call Rev. Sandy Stone at 277-7511 or
email stmlntegrity@yahoooom Unitarian Universalist Church
St Mycfial‘q'fie Martyr The Unitarian Universalist Church wel-
. comes visitors any time. Services are at
fl Wew Cfiurc/ifor Lexington! 9:15 and 11 every Sunday. The Women's
St Mychal the Martyr has joined the Spirituality Group will meet on Friday
Orthodox Catholic Church of America, a evening, Oct 17 at the home of mary
national denomination that is gay friendly, Cl’Ol’lC- Since it is Close to Samhaim, W9
supportive of gays in the ministry, and per- will honor our female ancestors. Bring a
forms a blessing Of gay unions. The OCCA picture or a symbol Of a woman ancestor
also ordains women to the orders of YOU WOUId like to tell US about.
Deacon, Priest, and Bishop. Interweave, GLBT people and our
The Rev. Kenneth Waibel is a priest in straight allies, will go out to lunch after the
the Orthodox Catholic Church of America service 0“ Sunday, OCt 19-
and will be performing mass every Sunday There are many QFOUPS that are open
at 1030 am, at 1350 Eastland Dr. The to non church members. For example. a
Church is open to married, divorced and BUddhlSt Meditation Group meets every
single individuals, welcoming all persons Wed. night at 7330- For more information
regardless of the blessings or problems of about Unitarian Universalism see
their lives. www.uucl.org.
., - . St. M ycha/
, ' - - - ~- _ the Martyr
* -— g' . - - Welcoming all people equally: Gay 69" Straight;
_ - Men 89’ Women,
' - _ Married Divorced £9“ Single
1350 Eastland Dr, Lexington, Ky
~ ‘ (859) 389-9418
' Sunday Mass 10:30 AM
0hr: Outlwdaae @atlwlie @humh oi dmen'ea
“A Church for the New Millenium”
GLSO Page 8 WW

 . ‘ -. ...i , t - : WH‘”
" W ' . -- , 859-338-8483 , - , . strike:
V , l~ : 8594942055 009 _ ,
e . ' i - .W . . O ' ' . viiwi‘l'tl‘ ”'7' 1' ' I . ~
dv " the ’5 Email: 9‘6 -.*,“-7't first "
a ' ' .4. f 7 -. . '8 . s "-l' . ..-
;. . " $0 . j ‘ Sacker4224@aol.com W ”Warm?” T717777”;
- - , , seasoneamm
,d fl , 1 _ nareas: 23,4,6 PARIS 499,000
”'0 , .- a - Historic brick 2 story on approx 3 acres. 5
bedrooms, 4.5 baths. Elegantly
SCOtt ACKerman decorated,many updates. Huge outdoor
pavillion. Call Scott 338-8483
”1 Ste
’8" p Into
‘ at ei.~;_i'l;.;-r.:.; -
ns t. a ’ h
lay , Homeowners 1p
- '~ ..
we fl 7‘H'rr 1‘9.}:“‘i}1~'r5353:‘:.tfi£3l . 1'" .,,.
‘ {with a S‘s“ ~ ’7 it: till. '
itOl‘ ~ site: 4.3} . . eke” ‘g "‘
“timelmttl , . $xm§%”‘r E. . My, 7
Jur LIBERTY HEIGHTS $89,900 as” t ‘ ..
lh WowlSeemgisbelievinngeaulifully decorated ‘ ' ' - W“
6 <9; renovated ranch. One-of—a-kind yard w/ ' ”are?“ '
privacy fence, huge water garden, landscaping, ' - . dmflfi '~‘
screened rear porch. Call Scott 338—8483 PATCEEN $209,9(I)
’en Stately brick townhouse with 2 car garage,3
8 bedroom/3 baths; FR. in bsmt. Private patio w/brick
‘ wall. Kitchen vii/breakfast area First floor bedroom
ery and full bath! Two master suites on 2nd floor.
ion Step Call Scott 368-8483
.% , hno
3:- _ )J . . 341 ' .
L first -' - n I'ru‘ifif‘ggjwfnk"i-gri'S‘e‘jf“gl”“i4,“;
it at v , . it s
:53 ,'- . ,. Pit" a :2 —;« 1H,:
yeti t- {We . aft-W ..: ,
, 1“? ‘ :1 j . 1 W '7'; :f‘rjé ‘_
EAST HILLS $167,9(I) rl’éfi l r‘“ a >_ d
All the space you could ever need! Rambling 4 ‘2‘” ’ ” q ' eighth". ‘ ~ I;
31212.5 BA split foyer, master BR with sitting _ (w {a 413.; . , Till};
room, FR & rec room in basement, tons of closet .g, - gawk—21%. trait, .fifej-v-t;-=‘.;'j_""1’f';
& storage space. Call Scott 338-8483 "”8?“ it: .wjo.
HENRY CLAY $149,5(X)
A true must seel 38R, 3 BA brick 1 1/2 story w!
bsmt, Master suite w/sit'ttng area dining room, lots
of hdwd floors, garage, incredible yard w/water
Scott Ackerman garden &topiaries. can Scott 338-8483
GLSO Page 9


Our monthly XenaFeSt at the Pride
Center will feature the trilogy of Hercules 'f its October it must be Coming 0‘“
episodes that first introduced us to the Month. Coming out...the one experience all
Warrior Princess. That’s right, we will see GLBT people have in common. The Pride
Xena in all her evil glory. In the original Center Library is full of coming out stories.
script “Bad” Xena was going to be killed off Some Wi” make you cry, some Wi” make
in the third episode but luckily for us you laugh, and maybe one Wi“ make you
Xenamaniacs, Lucy Lawless made such a remember your story.
splash that our favorite Hercules spin Off Alma Mater by Rita Mae Brown (F BrowR A445)
was born (and it outlasted Hercules tool!) .

Join us at the Pride Center on Blackbird by Larry Duplechan (F Dupl 8628)
Saturday, October 18th from 1-4 and see Boys Like Us: Gay Writers Tell Their
how it all began. Bring a friend and some Coming Out Stories edited by Patrick Merla
snacks to Share. For more information or (HQ 75-7-369 M564)
to be added to an email reminder list, call Coming Out: An Act of Love by Rob
the Pride Center at 859-253-3233 or con- Eichberg (HQ 757.543 0733)
tact Jane at ladyjaneky@yahoo.com. Coming Out: An Anthology of international

, . Gay and Lesbian Writings edited by
D'SCUSS'On GrOUp Stephan Likosky (HQ 76.25.C66 L728)

The diSCUSSiO” group meets every Family Outing by Chastity Bono (HQ 76.3.U5 BB5)
Wednesday night at the Pride Center, 389
Waller, from 7 to 9. it is an open group, Growing Up Gay: From Left Out to Coming
everyone is invited. Our discussions range 0‘” by Jaffe Cohen (HQ 76'2'U5 F86)
over a large variety of topics and we are Resource Guide to Coming Out by the
always open to new people and new Human Rights Campaign (HQ 76.2.U5 R434)
ideas. When Someone You Know is Gay by Susan

For information call 253-3233, or email Cohen (HQ 76.26.W567 C678)

Jane ladyjaneky@yahoo.com. , , _
Woman Like That: Lesbian and Bisexual
Writers Tell Their Coming Out Stories edited
by Joan Larkln (PS 153.L46 W66)
SOUIPOI‘CQ These and other books, videos, audiotapes
Soulforce Lexington has biweekly meet- and CD3 can be checked out at the Pride
ings on the second and fourth Sundays of Center Library, 389 Waller Avenue,
each month at 7:30 at the home of Jamie Monday - Saturday from 1010 3-
McDanlel, 859 230-5625.

Soulforce follows the principles of non- Andrew's Club
violence practiced and taught by Gandhi Andrew’s Club. a SOCial support group
and Martin Luther King, Jr_ to confront “spir- for GLBT folks in their twenties, will meet
itual violence” against GLBT people. For on the 20d and 4th Saturday each month at
information or directions, call Jamie at 859- the Pride Center at 7 PM TO participate in
230-5625 and check out our web page at this group we ask you to be at least 18 for
www.SoulforceLexington.org. legal reasons. if you are older than 29 you

might fit in just fine.

GLSO page 10

e0”; W Gm «WWW 252-3014
2 a
”ride A Charity Organization
you 2003 Pride Manta Sponsors
445) Scott Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
)8) For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
he” TheBarCompIex ......................._...255-1551
lerla 224 East Main Street
Rob Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
Promoting equality for all people
onal .
by Prlde Patron
865) Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club. . . . . . . . . . 272-0408
the , GLSO News Sponsors 2002
4) SisterSound..................................243-0243
san Diverse music for all women ' .
Richardson Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
ftuez' 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
Teresa Wagoner...............................494-1831
pes Russ Dunn Real Estate
ride ‘ Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
ue’ Seeking a Diverse Congregation
Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244 -
- 1513 Nicholasville Road
)8”; WindyKnolIFarm .............................299-7410
rat Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
Efci: Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1974
W Rehearsal every Sunday
_ GLSO page 11

 4" . w HAPPY
- -.-.- .. -
Call num ber In _ e? '1. "fi‘
DI rectory for Location. HALLOWEEN ! l ! !
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 3 4
. . 7 pm Discussion Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open
Meeting at the Pride Center Pride Center (Call for place) 10 -3pm
ma be abbreviated to “PC” .
y 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8 pm LDGA meeting
. (Call for place)
Call for Place may be
abbreviated to Call
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
9:15 & 11 am UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Sistahs in The "1: a) ;. : Vote iu )0 am e :3 pm "Vote Tu: loam ~ pm Vote 53' Pride Center Open
Worship Services 8 pm AA Step Study Life _ Pride Center wards . 3* :ie Cs p355“, and Rainbow Wesson and Rainbow»: 10-3pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 1”“, at Pride Genie innards at Pride Center
the Martyr ,, ' )0 a, ‘3 pm 5 5 7* pm 7 Pm Lex Men’s Chorus . . 7pm Andrew’s Club-
6 SisterSound Rehearsal :0 am " 3 pm 8‘ 5 ‘ ’1 53”" Vote for \Nasson :md cabamt’ The Bar I)?” I ““11”!” ”“7"“ Pride Center
7 pm Dignity Call for place Vote for W355“ and _ gamma», Awards 3;- Page 8.Pm Gay/Lesbian AA Night. Prim-1:» I mm ,
Rainbow Awards. at: Pride ,e 5 9.30 Divas of Hazzard, '
7 pm LMC Rehearsal. St. (”ante _ «ante: Club 141 7 30 G /L b' AA
. . . .s, -1 : m a es ian
Michaels Episcopal Church . p (Cale/for place) .
12 13 14 15 16 . 17 5 18 .
9:15 a 11 am uu Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Men’s Movie Night 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9 am Fairness Walk
1030 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (Call for place) Pride Center Rocky Honor Picture . (Call for place) Richmond, see page 14 ‘
2 pm 50+ Pride Center 8 Pm Gay/Lesbian AA Show
5 pm Awards Banquet (Call for place) Pride Center Open 10-3pm
6 SisterSound Rehearsal, . ‘
Landsdown Presby Church 1-4pm m - P c
6 pm Imperial Court PC
7 pm LMC Rehearsal.
1 9 20 * 21 - 22 23 24 25
9515 & 11 am UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group JEFF HALE 17pm Gaymes Nighb Pride Center Open
worsmp services and Meeting, Pride Center ' Pride cent.” Exhibit of Abstracts Pride Centei 10'3pm
12:15 lnterweave out to Rec t' n 7 m
. - _ J
lunch after servrce 8 pm AA Step Study 8 pm Gag/Lnefsbiarli AA ep '0 P- 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7pm Andrew s Club-
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. (Call for place) ( a or to ace) (Can for place) Pride Center
Mychal the Martyr
6 Sister Sound Rehearsal - '
7 pm LMC Rehearsal
26 27 28 29 . 31
chirihig SgrviLcLerChurCh 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Fairness, Pride 7 pm Discussion Group Halloween &
5 Center Pride Center .
1030 Sunday Mass! 8pm AA Step Study Anmversay
St. Mychal the Martyr .
(Call for place) 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA P t _
2pm Folding at Pride Center (Call for place) ar y .
6 pm imperial Court PC
6 pm Sister Sound Rehearsal 9:30 pm Diva of Darkness The Bar
7 pm LMC Rehearsal Club 141
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 - Thanks to Charlotte Wood, Barbara
Bluegrass Fairness Chépter Scherer, Sue Strong and many, many oth-
R|chmond Falrness Ordmance ers for coming out and helping with this
. . . ‘ t
m 0 son projec'
by] Ida” A special thanks needs to be extended
Exciting things are happening in to the Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
Richmond Kentucky these days In the (KFTC) who have been actively helping in
' ' . the voter id survey, which includes a ques-
past few months, a new Kentucky Fairness _ ,
Chapter the Gray Dove Chapter has been tion to determine the level of support for a
formed in Richmond and Madison county progress income tax reform in Kentucky. If
The newly elected co-chairs are Scotty nothing else, this project is demonstrating
Saltsman and Angela Aaron who are hard in a very real way the positive benefits of
at work with Richmond volunteers and . “networking” with supportive organizations
supporters in proposing a fairness ordi- , The long term 99"” '8 for Gray Dove to
nance for the City of Richmond identify 3,000 Fairness supporters, so
7 B next ear we ho e Richmond will there is still a lot of work to do. The last
join )L/ouisvill: _ defierso: Co Lexington walk for this year is scheduled for October
and Covington in having an ordinance that lgnind Ivkle air: mining to tfimvzm 7: at”:
will ban discrimination in employment, t 9W8 ers; if: [le etven ‘ Ue.W' 8ft
housing and public accommodation on the aCh :m :09 es iniarign nivegsiaist
basis of a person’s sexual orientation or _ urc ’ - ain eorge ree
ender identification Richmond, KY. You can get there by taking
9 Staff members in Kentucky Fairness the second Richmond Exit (Exit _87), turn
Alliance, particularly Matt Nicholson, and left, go the the 4th l'ght’ turn left and go
members of the Bluegrass Steering about a block and half (the church is on -
. . . the right).
Committee, have been actively working , , _ ,
with the Gray Dove Chapter in conducting If you are interested in helping out With
avoter identification survey to identify sup- the voter ID proiecti please contact the
porters in Richmond for the ordinance. new chapter co-chairs, Scotty Saltsman
This project entails going to door to door agd fingela Aaron, f0: more iszémaIion‘
and asking registered voters whether they a fou 3W y: can 9: litnvo ve ' h 02:;
would support such an ordinance. So far :8zgma "3200 22:9, a srriifn, ( ) d I.
over 250 supporters have been identified, h' ’ (C) A ' | ,Aor ssaiism:2r13@8a73e4-
and several have expressed interest in p ia.com | 7ngeai aron ( ) h ’
donating time and money. aaronangea @ao .com _ ,
Everyone came away from the walk KFA organizer Matt Nicholson is also
feeling energized and excited about the working mm the new chapter. He can be
prospects of passing an ordinance in reached at (w) 502-897-1973, (c) 502-599-
Richmond. On the rare occasion when 7661, mnichoIson@kentuckyfairness.org
there was a negative reaction from a per— Bl J'm Diikinson, cairdinator Of the
son being surveyed, the conversation was ugrass airness apter, can e
always pleasant and sometimes even reached at (cell) 859-576-7937 or e-mail
funny, which only shows that a lot of the :LDSOAL:@th'net'tV;Ie “fwd Iovhe to
opposition toafairness ordinance is based ave a lg urnou or t e marc on
more on ignorance than bigotry. October 18. Hope to see you there.
GLSO page 14 '-

 wie A?”
Tuesday W7, -
Din-e GT one all These fine restaurant-11:3 end a
' periien of flie- proceeds will benefil l‘rflfl’v'flble
* Alfalfa-s .. High on Ruse
1' Annehel‘le's °'= Jenathan's at Grant: Park .
1* Asian Wind '3' Le Beauvillie ,
_ * Belle Matte Malone“s
- * Buddy’s ‘—“-' Mia‘s 3
i' ‘Metmpal
“k The Cafe at Joesph. lath
* cafe Jennifer 1* Natasha‘s Cafe
* Ciheapeide Bar and Grill * Oscars ,
* Deli at Slum"5 Signature Market in Lansdown _
* Defiha's Para-tolling
** Ed 8'. Fred's Desert Mean * Sal's
‘ * Famous Dave‘s BBQ : _
* Furlengs ‘
., Faerquar lflfamaflm mam cement , , . ‘
New Mullins at; Phone: 359v2§3v£fifif ,
l _ Ema" faasflaxflfeasflexargflh

 . ir

Couples Union g

Counseling Ceremonies p


0 . d

Rev. Kenneth Walbel d

Professional Spiritual Direction 2

Ecumenical * Holistic * Inclusive f,


216 Young Dr. kypadre@aOI-C0m 0

Le), 40505 (859) 338—1195 p


Gag Spirituality: Icons 2 him