xt79p843sv84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843sv84/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1976 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides University of Kentucky Football Facts Book, 1976 image University of Kentucky Football Facts Book, 1976 1976 1976 2015 true xt79p843sv84 section xt79p843sv84    
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Sept. 11 Oregon State at Lexington ......................... 1:30 EDT  ` 1
Sept. 18 Kansas at Lawrence .............................. 1:30 CDT : =
Sept. 25 West Virginia at Lexington ........................ 1:30 EDT
Oct. 2 Penn State at Lexington .......................... 1:30 EDT
Oct. 9 Mississippi State at Jackson ........................ 1:30 CDT ·
Oct. 16 Louisiana State at Lexington ....................... 7:30 EDT '
Oct: 23 Georgia at Lexington ............................. 7:30 EDT ~
Oct. 30 Maryland at College Park .......................... 1:30 EDT
Nov. 6 Vanderbilt (HC) at Lexington ...................... 1:30 EST
Nov. 13 Florida at Lexington ............................. 1:30 EST
Nov. 20 Tennessee at Knoxville ........................... 1:30 EST
All Games: Won 2, Lost 8, Tied 1 SEC Only: Won 0, Lost 6
Sept. 13 Virginia Tech 27 8 `
Sept. 20 Kansas 10 14
Sept. 27 Maryland 10 10
Oct. 4 Penn State 3 10
Oct. 11 Auburn 9 15
Oct. 18 Louisiana State 14 17
Oct. 25 Georgia 13 21
Nov. 1 Tulane 23 10
Nov. 8 Vanderbilt 3 13 I
Nov. 15 Florida 7 48
Nov. 22 Tennessee 13 17 `
OREGON STATE 1-0-0 UK since 1968 LAST: 35-34 UK in 1968 I
KANSAS 1-0-0 KU since 1975 LAST: 14-10 KU in 1976 I
WEST VIRGINIA 9-6-1 UK since 1905 LAST: 16-3 WVA in 1974
PENN STATE 1-0-0 PS since 1975 LAST: 10-3 PS in 1975 ,
MISSISSIPPI STATE 8-5-0 MS since 1914 LAST: 42-14 UK in 1973 I
LSU 19-6-1 LSU since 1949 LAST: 17-14 LSU in 1975 I
GEORGIA 21-6-1 UG since 1939 LAST: 21-13 UG in 1975
MARYLAND 1-1-2 since 1931 LAST: 10-10 in 1975 I
VANDERBILT 27-17-4 VU since 1896 LAST: 13-3 VU in 1975 I
FLORIDA 13-13-0 since 1917 LAST: 48-7 UF in 1975  
TENNESSEE 43-19-9 UT since 1893 LAST: 17-13 UT in 1975
Kentucky's 1975 Home Attendance I
VPI (Sept. 13) ........................................... 57,149  
Kansas (Sept. 20) ......................................... 57,504 ·
Maryland (Sept. 27) ....................................... 55,292 ’
Auburn (Oct. 11) ......................................... 57,722 .
Tulane (Nov. 1) .......................................... 57,050  
Tennessee (Nov. 22) ....................................... 56,487
Season Total ............................................. 341,204
Per-Game Average ........................................ 56,867 f
I. .

 I RCTC-é.f€nc,5 gc/yy
`  l
I l976
University Archives
I N D E X Margaret I. King Library - North
University ot Kentucky
All-Americans, All-SEC .... 91-92 SchcIIaé·§m1¤g§)gReq(emucky .  
All-Star Games ........... 98-99 Shively Memorial ............ 77
Athletics at Kentucky ........ 77 Sports Info Staff ........... 100
Athletic Director Hagan .... 79-80 University of Kentucky .........
Athletics Staff ............... 3‘ General Information ......... 3
Award Winners (Annual) . . . 94-97 Dr. Singletary ............. 78
Commonwealth Stadium . . . 10-11 Varsity Football ...............
, Football Staff ................. Background Briefs ....... 15-52
Coach Curci ............ 82-83 Bowl Record .............. 90
T Wildcat Coaching Staff . . . 84-87 Captains ................ 101
I Coaches Through Years ....... 88 Records—Team,
I Lettermen Through Individual .......... 102-106
Ii Years ............... 107-113 Rosters—Alphabetical ...... 6-7
  Press-Radio-TV Info ......... 2, 4 Schedule ........... Inside Front
'  Opponents Information ......... Schedules--Advance ........... 5
: Record vs. All Statistics (1974) ........ 12-13-14
: Opponents ......... 114-124 Team Travel Plans ............ 5
Q 1976 Scouting Reports . . . 53-76 1,000 Yard Performers ........ 99
i TELEPHONE: /-\.C. 606-257-3838; 257-3839
} Editor: Russell Rice, Director of Sports Information
Jack Perry, Assistant SID
Ann Easterling, Secretary
2 I

Here is your copy of the 1976 Kentucky Wildcats' Football Facts Book
which we sincerely hope will aid you in the process of covering U. of K. football
during the forthcoming season. lf you desire additional information or have any
questions not answered herein, please feel free to contact the Sports information
Office, (606) 257-3838.
WORKING TICKETS—Address requests to Sports information Office as far in ‘
advance as possible. After Tuesday preceding the game, tickets will not be
mailed. Pick up at the information Window in Memorial Coliseum, except on
game days, when they will be moved to the ticket window at Commonwealth
COMPS—No individual game allotment.  
TELECOPlERS—A Telecopier station equipped with dorm—type telephones
which take only collect or credit card calls, is provided in the press box for use
of out-of-town writers. A fee of $15 will be assessed for use of a telephone. A
telephone, telecopier and operator will be provided for a fee of $25. Telephone {
jacks are available along press row for persons wishing to order their own I
telephone installation; however, it is less expensive to use the aforementioned I
telephones. Please notify Sports information in advance of your needs. K
PRESS BOX—Limited to working personnel. Kentucky Sports Information will  
service play-by-play quarterly, half-time and final statistics, scoring summary,  
lineups and coaches’ comments. Food is available in Commonwealth Stadium (
Press Box upon presentation of meal ticket.  
RADlO—Broadcasting rights to UK games are assigned exclusively to the UK  
Network. One free reciprocal outlet is guaranteed opponent schools visiting 1
Lexington. Any additional stations must clear through the UK Director of  
Broadcasting, Mr. Pete Manchikes (257-2655). Working passes will be supplied =
approved stations by Sports information Office. l
TELEVISION AND MOTION PlCTURES—Live television coverage prohibited
except under NCAA auspices. Accredited TV stations or newsreel agencies ”
permitted to make motion pictures of game action for delayed showing provided ,
that no more than 200 feet of highlights of any game are used. An agreement to
this effect must be executed before permission will be granted. Application
should be made to the UK Director of Broadcasting and forms may be signed for
the entire season. On request, the University Film Lab will provide TV stations
with a 100 to 200-foot newsclip of game highlights (processed 16 mm color
film) at actual cost. Film can be shipped on Sunday following game.

General Information
LOCATION-Lexington, Ky. EST. ENROLLMENT—31,500
FOUNDED——1865 (On Campus——20,000)
PRESlDENT—Dr. Otis A. Singletary (At 13 Centers—11,500)
(UK's faculty representative to the Southeastern Conference)
, ATHLETIC CONFERENCE—Southeastern (member since founding in 1933)
I NICKNAME OF TEAMS—Wildcats COLORS—Blue and White
` FIGHT SONG—"On, On U. of K." BAND—Wildcat Marching Band
STADlUM—Commonwealth Stadium (Capacity 58,000)
GYMNASlUM—Rupparena (capacity 23,000)
  Athletics Staff
I Assistant to Director—Mrs. Louise Gilchrist
.j Assistant to Director for Academic Affairs—Dr. Frank M. Downing
I Assistant Director of Athletics—Frank Ham
( Administrative Assistant—Mrs. Darla Howe
ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COACHES—CharIie Bailey, John Cooper, Dan Cough-
I lin, Jon Mirilovich, Billy Mitchell, Perry Moss, Dave Wells.
HEAD COACHES OF OTHER SPORTS—Baseb_aIl: "Tuffy" Horne; Basketball:
Joe B. Hall; Golf: Dan Leal; Rifle: Capt. Mike Fairhead; Swimming: Wynn
Paul; Track and Cross Country: Ken Olson; Wrestling: Fletcher Carr.
FOOTBALL EQUIP. MGR.—CIarence (Buckshot) Underwood
GROUNDS SUPT.—CIaude (Buck) Bruner

Lexington: Associated Press Bob Watkins E t
_ 525 West Broadway Elizabethtown News n erprise
'gf§;'%%Qe*:°ra'° L°a°°' Louisville, Ky. 40201 Elizabethtown, Ky. 42701 .
E? G' Fltzmaunce The Enterprise Sports
mk Bailey UPI Spmts Central Street
227 West Short Street l>_0. Box 537 Harlan K 40831
Lexington. Ky. 40507 Louisville, Ky. 40201 · V·
Kentucky New Era Sports
WVLK Radio WAVE & WAVE-TV Sports Chip Hutcneson
Ralph Hacker Ed Kallay, Director 123 West ytn Street t
John Henderson Joe Knight Hopkinsvme, Ky, 42240
P. O. Box 1559 725 South Floyd Street .
Lexington, Ky. 40501 Louisville, Ky. 40203 The Messenger
Sports Department ‘
wLAp s orts WLKY—TV Sports 221 South Main Street 3
Phil Foster Dave C¤¤ta¤ Madisonville, Ky. 42431 , 
Russell Cave Pike P-O·_B?X 6218 j
Lexington, Ky, 40501 Louisville, Ky. 40216 Messenger Sports
206 West Broadway
WBLG Radio Sports WINN Radio Sports Mayfield, Ky. 42066
130 Barr Street Third and Broadway
Lexington, Ky. 40507 Louisville, Ky. 40202 Ledger·lndependent
Sports Department
WLEX—TV wAi< Paris, ky. 40361 .
421_Madison Avenue
Louisville: covmgtom Ky' 41011 Ken Green
Louisville Courier-Journal Register Sports
Dave Kindred Advocate-Messenger South Second Street
George Rorrer Sports Department Richmond, Ky. 40475
535 West Broadway Danville, Ky. 40422
Louisville, Ky. 40202 Jim Kurk
Earl_C0x, EK. $·E. State·Journal Sports Commonwealth-Journal
Louisville Times Sports Paul Weddle 102 North Maple Street ?
Dick Fenlon 321 West Main Street Somerset, Ky. 42501
Jim Ternune Frankfort, Ky. 40601 r
Paul §°rd€" The Winchester Sun ,
  Gael Fred Ganter Neal Bryant l
L . ?f‘ '°°‘Q"’aV The Times Sports Sports Department .
°u'5V' 'e· KY· 0202 301 South Green street Wall and Cleveland Streets _
Glasgow, Ky, 42141 Winchester, Ky. 40391
Cawood Ledford Gleaner-Journal Sports Cats Pause
P.O. Box 1084 216 North Elm P.O. Box 7297
Louisville, Ky. 40201 Henderson, Ky. 42420 Lexington, Ky. 40502
A i‘ {
ry ·$

KANSAS at LAWRENCE, KANSAS on Sept. 18 at 1:30 p.m. CDT. HQ Holiday
Inn of Lawrence. Southern Airways Charter—Leave Lexington Sept. 17,
7:00 p.m. EDT. Arrive Kansas City at 7:30 p.m. CDT (International
Note: Bus to Lawrence — approximately one hour. Bus to Kansas City after
Return—Leave Kansas City Sept. 17 at 6:30 p.m. CDT. Arrive Lexington at
9:00 p.m. EDT.
_ MISSISSIPPI STATE at JACKSON, MISS. on Oct. 9 at 1:30 p.m. CDT. HQ The
A Jacksonian Inn. Southern Airways Charter—Leave Lexington Oct. 8, 8:00
_ p.m. EDT. Arrive Jackson at 8:25 p.m. CDT.
Return—Leave Jackson Oct. 9 at 5:00 p.m. CDT. Arrive Lexington at 7:30
p.m. EDT.
MARYLAND at COLLEGE PARK, Md. on Oct. 30 at 1:30 p.m. EST. HQ
A Sheraton Inn-Washington Northeast, 8500 Annapolis Road, New Carrollton,
I  Maryland. Southern Airways Charter—Leave Lexington Oct. 29 at 6:30 p.m.
; EST. Arrive Washington at 7:40 p.m. EST (Dulles Airport).
I Return—Leave Washington Oct. 30 at 6:00 p.m. EST. Arrive Lexington at
7:10 p.m. EST.
' TENNESSEE at KNOXVILLE, TENN. on Nov. 20 at 1:30 p.m. EST. HQ FOR
TEAM ONLY: Holiday Inn, Cove Lake at Caryville, Tenn. HQ for officials
and others not on Team Buses: Howard Johnson, West Town, 7723 Kings-
town Pike. Transportation as folIows——Leave Sports Center by Greyhound
(3-38 passenger) Nov. 19 at 5:00 p.m. Arrive Caryville, Tennessee approxi-
I mately at 7:45 p.m.
» Leave Caryville, Tennessee Nov. 20 by bus at 11:00 a.m. Arrive U.T.
Stadium at 12:01 p.m.
After game, buses to Knoxville Airport (approximately 45 min. to one hour).
, Return—Leave Knoxille Nov. 20 at 5:30 p.m. by Southern Airways Charter.
V Arrive Lexington at 6:00 p.m.
1977 1978
Sept. 10 North Carolina at Lexington Sept. 16 South Carolina at Columbia
Sept. 17 Baylor at Waco Sept. 23 Baylor at Lexington
Sept. 24- West Virginia at Lexington Sept. 30 Maryland at College Park
=; Oct. 1 Penn St. at University Park Oct. 7 Penn State at Lexington
Oct. 8 Mississippi St. at Lexington Oct. 14 Ole Miss at Oxford
Oct. 15 Louisiana St. at Baton Rouge Oct. 21 Louisiana St. at Lexington
) Oct. 22 Georgia at Athens Oct. 28 Georgia at Lexington
I Oct. 29 Virginia Tech at Lexington Nov. 4 Virginia Tech at Blacksburg
I Nov. 5 Vanderbilt at Nashville Nov. 11 Vanderbilt at Lexington
’ Nov. 12 Florida at Gainesville Nov. 18 Florida at Lexington
  Nov. 19 Tennessee at Lexington Nov. 25 Tennessee at Knoxville

Name Pos. Class Ht. Wt. Age Exp. Hometown
Bishop, Fred WR Jr. 6-2 188 21 2L Pineville, Ky. · 
Blanton, Jerry NG Jr. 6-1 230 20 2L Toledo, Ohio _
Boyd, Lester LB So. 6-21/4 232 19 1L Franklin, Ky. —
Brown, Joe DT Fr. 6-3 220 21 — Toledo, Ohio ` 
Bryant, Joe K So. 6-1 205 21 — Tompkinsville, Ky.  5
Bryant, Warren OT Sr. 6-51/2 249 21 3L Miami, Fla. ·,V
Buban, Jerry DB Jr. 5-11 183 21 Fr. Monroeville, Pa.  
Burke, Randy SE Sr. 6-11/2 189 21 2L Miami, Fla. , 
Carpenter, Bruce OT Jr. 6-2 239 22 Sq. Corbin, Ky. /
Carr, Ray DB Sr. 5-10 187 23 3L Louisville, Ky. C 
Carter, Pat FB So. 6-0 208 20 — Hull, Ga. ,
Cason, Ron DB Jr. 5-111/2 185 20 2L Coral Gables, Fla. i 
Chaney, Robb LB So. 6-11/2 215 19 Fr. Catlettsburg, Ky. V 
Crea, Dave DT Jr. 6-2 258 21 Fr. Grosse Point, Mi. 1-
Dickerson, Charlie SE Sr. 6-11/2 201 23 JC Bastrop, La.
Diehl, Bud DE So. 6-21/4 213 22 — Louisville, Ky. 21
Dipre, Joe RB Jr. 6-1 212 21 2L Erie, Pa.  
Dornbrook, Tom DE Jr. 6-2 218 21 2L Pittsburgh, Pa. Q
Duke, David LB Jr. 5-101/2 220 21 Fr. Prospect, Ky.  
Fadrowski, Dave LB So. 6-2 215 20 Fr. Elkridge, Md.  
Faiella, Tom OG So. 6-11/4 237 19 — Manchester, Ohio q
Foushee, Gil SE Jr. 5-81/4 161 21 Sq. Lexington, Ky.  
Fowler, Dan OG Jr. 6-41/2 246 20 2L Euclid, Ohio  
Gay, Washington NG Sr. 6-01/2 230 23 Fr. Miami, Fla. I
Gemmill, Pete SE-P Sr. 5-91/2 176 21 2L Atlanta, Ga.  
Hawkins, Robert HB So. 6-01/4 195 19 Fr. Mt. Sterling, Ky.
Hayden, Rick S So. 6-3 193 19 Fr. Louisville, Ky.
Hess, Jeff DT Jr. 6-11/2 232 20 1L Mentor, Ohio
Hill, Chris TB So. 5-91/2 177 19 Fr. Montgomery, Ala.
Hite, Cliff QB Sr. 6-21/2 212 21 1L Findlay, Ohio
Hopewell, Dave OT So. 6-4 240 19 Fr. Talladega, Ala.
Hyde, Rick RB So. 5-11 185 19 Fr. Fairfield, Ohio
Jardine, Richard OT Jr. 6-61/4 248 20 1L Beverly Hills, Ca.
Jones, David DB So. 6-1 196 21 -— LaGrange, Ky.
Karish, Ken TE Jr. 6-0 199 21 Sq. Monroeville, Pa.
Keelin, Terry RB So. 5-111/4 201 19 Fr. Catlettsburg, Ky.
Keene, Mark OG So. 6-7 239 20 Fr. Louisville, Ky.
Kirchbaum, Kelly LB So. 6-21/4 236 19 1L Radcliffe, Ky.
Klinect, Randy OG Jr. 6-2 248 21 Sq. Elyria, Ohio
Kovach, Jim LB Jr. 6-21/2 216 20 2L Parma Heights, Ohio
Lightcap, Jeff TE So. 6-4 238 20 1L Centerville, Ohio
Martin, Mike LB Jr. 6-11/4 212 21 1L Melbourne, Fla.
Mobley, Phil DB So. 5-11 175 21 — Plant City, Fla.
6 .

 { Name Pos. Class Ht. Wt. Age Exp. Hometown
i Moore, Jonathon RB So. 5-10 210 19 Fr. Canton, Ohio
K Murray, Robert DE Jr. 6-11/4 195 21 1L Cincinnati, Ohio
.  Nochta, John C Sr. 6-31/4 231 22 2L Brownsville, Pa.
' Nord, Greg C Jr. 6-1 217 20 1L Louisville, Ky.
n Northington, Ken DB So. 6-2 170 20 -— Louisville, Ky.
; O'TooIe, Tim C Jr. 6-0 230 21 Fr. Crestview Hills, Ky.
i  Owens, Dallas DB Jr. 6-0 194 20 2L Lexington, Ky.
Q Petkovsek, Larry OT So. 6-5 245 20 Fr. Seven Hills, Ohio
, Peurach, Ted OT So. 6-5 245 20 Fr. Southfield, Mich.
1 Pierce, John PK-OG Sr. 5-0 231 21 2L Cynthiana, Ky.
  Postel, Chuck DE So. 6-21/z 217 20 Fr. Miami, Fla.
 . Ramey, James DT So. 6-4 234 19 1L Stone, Ky.
.  Ramsey, Derrick QB Jr. 6-41/z 222 20 1L Camden, N. J.
—  Renfroe, Mark OT Jr. 6-5 244 21 Fr. Catlettsburg, Ky.
’ Reyes, Kent TE Jr. 6-4 237 21 1L New London, Conn.
; Riddle, Ches S Sr. 5-111/z 181 22 2L Madisonville, Ky.
1 Roberts, Craig DE So. 6-3 205 23 ~ Camp Hill, Pa.
g Serini, Mike DT So. 6-21/z 256 21 —- New York, N.Y.
{ Servino, Chuck RB Jr. 5-91/z 204 21 Fr. Louisville, Ky.
li Shadowen, Leon OT So. 6-4 239 19 Fr. Louisville, Ky.
E Shutt, Mike QB So. 6-4 191 19 Fr. Louisville, Ky.
  Siganos, Mike RB Jr. 5-9 185 21 2L Norwalk, Conn.
l Skur, Rollie DT So. 6-21/z 237 19 Fr. Euclid, Ohio
  Slates, Steve Ot Sr. 6-0 251 21 1L Carrollton, Ohio
  Smolder, Ed C Sr. 6-1 232 21 2L Charleston, W. Va.
  Stephens, David DE So. 6-41/4 211 19 1L Camden, N. J.
  Stewart, Rod HB So. 6-11/4 197 19 1L Lancaster, Ohio
1 Still, Art DE Jr. 6-71/z 237 21 2L Camden, N. J.
Thomas, Ron DT So. 6-11/4 227 19 Fr. Kent, Ohio
Tolston, Bill QB So. 6-2 183 19 1L Chicago, Ill.
Trosper, Dave TE Jr. 6-3 205 20 1L Fairdale, Ky.
Williams, Billy QB So. 6-01/z 190 20 Fr. Charleston, W. Va.
Williams, Freddie DB Jr. 6-01/4 188 20 2L Miami, Fla.
Winkel, Bob DT Jr. 6-4 226 20 2L Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Woods, Greg RB Sr. 5-101/2 189 21 3L Middletown, Conn.
Zemo, Joe NG So. 5-91/4 217 19 Fr. New Canaan, Conn.
` 7

· .
¥ 2
Name Ht. Wt. Pos. Hometown   ,
Adams, Chuck 6-5 200 T Morehead  
Bow, John 5-10 170 DB Miami, Fla. l
Boyd, Richard 6-4 205 QB-DB Huntington, W. Va.  
Boyle, Mike 6-2 215 DE Cleveland, Ohio  
Brooks, Randy 5-10 185 OB Louisville  
Chinn, Greg 6-3 250 DT Portsmouth, Ohio *
Cole, Tom 6-3 190 End Bloomfield Hills, Mich. . .  
Curry, Terry 6-3 245 T Campbellsville l
Deaton, Mike 6-1 170 QB-S Greensburg
Gooch, Tim 6-2 208 OT-NG Hawesville
Gosselin, Chris 6-1 220 T Miami, Fla. ~
Greer, James 6-3 220 End Paducah
Grubb, John 5-8 175 QB Athens, Tenn.
Jaffe, Richard 6-O 215 OG-MG South Miami, Fla.
Jones, Casey 6-3 220 OT Ashland
Jones, Chuck 6-3 200 LB Glasgow
Kearns, Tom 6-4 240 T Lexington
Lokesak, James 5-11 183 HB-S Covington
Lopez, Louis 6-2 226 DE Miami, Fla.
Marrillia, Carl 5-11 190 LB Louisville
Peterson, Scott 6-4 201 TE Columbus, Ohio
Roark, Charles 6-2 215 C-NG Middlesboro
Serdenes, Chris 6-1 230 T Baltimore, Md.
Tancora, Vin 6-3 212 TE Yonkers, N. Y.
Toler, David 6-0 216 LB Charleston, W. Va.
Wilson, Felix 5-11 175 WR Jersey City, N. J.
Zupanic, Stan 6-0 170 RB Euclid, Ohio
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Gene Meeks presents l<-Men’s Scholastic award to Jim Kovach. Bill Spivey and
Bill Ring are in the background.
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· E
  The big change in Wildcat football this fall is in the offense as Coach Fran
f Curci switches from three years of veer formation to a version of the wishbone
  that basically lines the fullback up behind the quarterback and the two other
{ running backs a yard deeper.
* From this "fuII house" backfield, the Wildcat offense will key on the
  fullback, who, according to Curci, must gain upward of 100 yards a game to
l make the formation a success.
° That responsibility will fall on Rod Stewart, a 6-foot-1, 197 Ib. native of
Lancaster, Ohio, who saw action in nine varsity games as a freshman last season,
gaining 162 yards in 59 attempts.
Stewart's backfield partners in the spring were running backs Chris Hill and
Greg Woods and either Derrick Ramsey or Bill Tolston at quarterback.
Ramsey is a big (6-4, 222 Ib.) rambling athlete whose forte is running (100
carried for 375 yards and two touchdowns in 1975). He saw action at quarter-
back early last season, was switched to tight end after four games and then ba`ck
to quarterback for the last game of the season against Tennessee.
Tolston saw action as a freshman in six variety games last season, gaining
168 yards in 59 carried.
One of the key moves Curci made in the spring was the switching of Greg
Woods from defensive back to offense and of Dallas Owens from wide receiver
to defensive back. Woods was an offensive back as a freshman and saw action in
that capacity before switching to defense. He was a starter in the secondary the
past two years. Owens was a two-year starter on offense. Hill played in five
varsity games last season, gaining 39 yards in 11 carries. He had an excellent
The key defensive move was shifting Jerry Blanton from tackle to nose-
guard. Blanton sat out much of spring practice with an·ankle injury and was
spelled by Tony Gay. Other returning defensive regulars include linebacker Jim
Kovach, tackles James Ramey and Bob Winkel, end Art Still and backs Mike
Siganos and Ray Carr. Newcomers to watch are DE Craig Roberts, who played
his freshman year at UK before going into the Army, and safety Rick Hayden,
who was held out of competition last season.
The defensive line will be anchored again by Warren Bryant, a two-time
All-SEC choice at tackle. Other veteran offensive linemen are guard Ed Smolder,
tackles Steve Slates and Richard Jardine, center Greg Nord and guardcenter Dan
Fowler. .
Randy Burke, who caught 10 passes for 149 yards to rank second to Vin
Hoover last year, should be the prime target of UK quarterbacks after his spring
game performance of nine catches for 97 yards for the Blues. He is backed up by
Fred Bishop and Gil Foushee. Charlie Dickerson, Dave Trosper, Kent Reyes and
Jeff Lightcap are candidates for the tight end position.
The Wildcats return both punter Pete Gemmill (37.3 yds/punt) and place-
kicker John Pierce (10 of 27 FG’s, 12 of 14 PAT’s). Newcomer Joe Bryant will
probably kick off for the Wildcats.
_ 9
5 .
i T

Commonwealth Stadium, the University of Kentucky’s football facility, is §
located on an 86-acre tract on the Kentucky Experimental Station Farm grounds  
south of the main campus and east of Nicholasville Road. Completed in 1973,  
the concrete and steel cantilevered structure replaced Stoll Field, where Wildcat  
football teams had played since their beginning.  
Constructed by Huber, Hunt & Nichols, Inc., the facility has a capacity of l
50,000 sideline seats, with end zone bleachers swelling the total to 58,000. The Q
lower stands are so constructed that the seating can be increased to 68,000 later ?
when needed. ,
Bids for the stadium were opened in mid-July 1972 and construction began Q
a short while later.
The pressbox, located between the two levels on the south side of the j
playing field, is serviced by two elevators and contains a main working area, V
radio booths, food service areas, private booths and a camera deck extending i
along the entire front of the box.
Thirty·four concession areas and 30 restrooms are located conveniently l
throughout the facility. Four first aid stations with emergency health equipment  
also are provided. There are four major pedestrian ramps at each corner of the l
stadium and 40 ramp exits to seats. °
The area immediately surrounding the stadium contains 5,000 parking
spaces, with half of those paved and the other half in grass with gravel driveways. .
Another 8,500 parking spaces are located within a mile, all north, of the
Five exits, all leading to four-lane highways, serve the facility.
The playing surface was sodded in Kentucky bluegrass in July 1973 and this
was replaced with bermuda in 1974. A fairly new scoreboard was moved from
Stoll Field and installed with a similar scoreboard at the new stadium.
The new stadium does avvay with the seeming duplication of titIes—Stoll
Field and McLean Stadium—that caused much confusion among the general
public and s’ports-writing fraternity.
By action of the University Board of Trustrees, the general area encompass~
ing the old Wildcat playing field, located first on what is now an intramural field,
was dedicated Oct. 14, 1916, as Stoll Field in honor of the late Judge Richard C. i
Stoll, prominent alumnus, trustee and benefactor of the University. Soon after-
the first sections of the concrete stadium on Euclid Avenue were completed
Sept. 4, 1924, the new field site and stadium were likewise officially known as
Stoll Field.
The first attraction to be held on the new Stoll Field was a football game
with the University of Louisville Oct. 4, 1924. A gridiron clash between
Kentucky and the then-powerful Centre College team was the first game played
in the fully-completed stadium Nov. 1, 1924.

2 {
} _? _ k`
2 Q
I OPENING GAME—Sept. 15, 1973 vs. Virginia Tech (UK 31, VPI 26).
; LOW BID-—APPROXIMATELY $12 million by Huber, Hunt & Nichols, Inc.
ENTIRE STADIUM AREA—86 acres on Kentucky Experimental Station Farm
grounds south of the main campus and east of Nicholasville Road.
Y IMMEDIATE AREA AROUND STADIUM—72O square feet occupied by struc-
ture, field, end zones, immediate area and its walkways.
STADIUM LENGTH—36O feet at low point; fans out 40 feet. Upper deck stops
I at end zone line.
2 STADIUM l—lEIGHT—19O feet front to back on slope.
Q CAPAClTY—Approximately 50,000 sideline, 8,000 end zone bleachers.
I NUMBER OF ROWS—l.ower level 50; upper level 39.
I SEATS—All-aluminum bench; some individual chair seats; some bench-back
E seats; 30 per cent of seating with some type of back.
l DESlGN—Concrete and steel with two cantilevered decks along each sideline.
  INTERESTING FEATURE—Lower section all pre-cast concrete; upper part all
I structural steel columns, beams, risers, etc. Each section independent of
I other. No connection between the two.
  PARKlNG—6,000 places in four lots, with two lots blacktop, other two grass
I and gravel.
I PRESS BOX—From 30 to 30·yard-line. Serviced by two elevators. Two VIP
  booths on each end; six booths for radio, scoreboard, timekeeper, coaches
  to field setup; two food-serving lounges; regular working space with approx-
f imately 105 seats; two Telecopier service areas; camera deck across entire
. front of box.
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(Varsity — 11 Games — Final)
G Att. Yds. Ave. Ave. TD LG
Collins ....... 11 248 1150 4.6 104.6 5 55(LSU)
Campassi ..... 11 172 673 3.9 61.2 3 39(VAN)
Ramsey ...... 9 100 375 3.8 41.7 2 37(TN)
Tolston ...... 6 59 168 2.9 28.0 0 18(VAN)
Stewart ...... 9 37 162 4.4 18.0 1 22(TN)
Ba rtos ....... 11 14 48 3.4 4.4 0 6(TU L)
Hill ......... 5 11 39 3.6 7.8 O 9(VPI)
Trosper ...... 10 1 19 19.0 1.9 O 19(VPl)
Shutt . . . . . . . 3 5 14 2.8 4.7 0 6(FLA)
Gemmill ...... 11 1 6 6.0 0.6 0 6(TN)
Hite ........ 11 74 6 .08 0.6 1 11(VPI)
Hoover ...... 11 2 1 0.5 0.1 O 3(VPI)
11 724 2661 3.7 241.9 12 55(LSU)
G Att. Cmp. Cmp. Int. Pct. Yds. TD LG
Hite ........ 11 101 35 3.2 3 34.7 430 2 29(AUB)
Ramsey ...... 9 14 5 0.6 2 35.7 102 1 77(TN)
Tolston ...... 6 11 4 0.7 3 36.4 24 0 14(TUL)
11 126 44 4.0 8 34.9 556 3 77(TN)