xt79p843s738 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843s738/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1985-11-01 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 1, 1985, no. 467 text The Green Bean, November 1, 1985, no. 467 1985 1985-11-01 2014 true xt79p843s738 section xt79p843s738 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES NEWSLETTER A
. 11-1-85 No. 467
’i· November 1 Gallery Series: "Lunch with
Amadeus." Presented by the Music
A and German Departments.
November 1 Dedication of the Adelle G. Dailey
· Music Library. 3:00 p.m., Room
116 Fine Arts Building.
November 1 Special Library Association,
I Kentucky Chapter. Meeting: "Now·
that I'm in Charge, what do I do?"
· A 2:00 p.m., Room 228 Student Center
‘ Addition.
November 1 National Author Day, to commemorate C
‘ the contribution of American
4 November 6 M. I. King Library Fire Alarm Test.
November 7 Dedication of the Frontier Nursing
Service Collection, 2:00 p.m.
Memorial Hall.
November 8 _ 1 Gallery Series: "words without
Songs." Gordon Cole, flute; Peter
_ Simpson, bassoon; Ron Monsen,
A November 8 Birth date of Edmund Halley, 1656-
November 11-17 National Children's Book week.
I . November 17 ` Dedication of the W. Hugh Peal
. Next Green Bean issue: Friday, November 15, 1985. .
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, November 8, 1985.
Production Staff: Editor, Kerry Kresse; Typist,
Stephanie Smith; Printer, Cecil Madison.


On Friday, November 1 the Music Library will officially
become the Adelle G. Dailey Music Library. Adelle Dailey was
U.K.'s first music librarian, and she served in that position
from 1967-1981. The ceremony will begin at 3:00 p.m. in Room 116
Fine Arts Building. A reception will follow. The public is
invited to attend. For more information, please call Cathy Hunt
at 257-2800.
On Thursday, November 7 the Special Collections Department
of M. I. King Library will dedicate the Frontier Nursing Service
Collection. The program begins at 2:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall.
The featured speakers are:
1) Mrs. Jefferson Patterson, Honorary Chairman of the
Frontier Nursing Service. She will discuss the founding of the
Service in light of its 60th anniversary.
2) Kitty Ernst, Director of the National Association of Child
Bearing Centers. She will discuss midwifery.
3) Jo Eleanor Elliot, Director of the Division of Nursing,
U.S. Public Health Service. She will address family health care.
An exhibit and reception follows in the Special Collections
Department, M. I. King North.
On Sunday, November 17 the W. Hugh Peal Gallery, M. I. King
_ Library North, will be dedicated in a ceremony that begins at
3:00 p.m. in the Gallery. Mrs. Peal will be here for the
dedication, and a portrait and plaque will be presented. The
public is invited to attend.
LS2000 is "live" in King Circulation and three public access
terminals for online catalog searching are operational in the
King Reference Dept. The Cataloging Dept. is actively adding
records daily to the online catalog. The Agriculture, Law and
Medical Libraries are also adding their cataloging into the
online database. 7
we are well into the process of adding the gap tapes to the
online database. These tapes contain the bibliographic records

created between June 1984 and June 1985--after the cutoff date
L for the initial database and until the date on which cataloging
I began going directly into the LS2000 database. A considerable
@ number of retrospective conversion records are also included on
4 the gap tapes. We have about 30,000 of the total 90,000 gap
2 records loaded, bringing our overall database to a size of some
345,000 records.
The acceptance testing of the system continues. we are
carefully examining all functions of the LS2000 for accuracy and
reliability and also testing the system response time according
to standards set out in our contract. This process will go on
until all functions have passed our stringent standards and we
are satisfied that the system as a whole is stable. In the
meantime, staff input on any system problem is essential. Please
report any unusual response in using LS2000 to either Mike Lach,
Gail Kennedy, Tari Keller, or Bernie Baldini in the Medical
- Center Library.
For those staff who have not yet experienced using LS2000, _
we encourage you to try it! The public terminals in the
Reference Dept. are equipped with guides for using the system.
We are finding that library patrons are, for the most part,
picking up the basics with little or no staff intervention. The
Planning Committee will be working on more formal staff training
programs, but everyone should be able to gain basic familiarity
with LS2000 via the self-instruction guides.
We appreciate the spirit and effort of teamwork which has
already gone into the LS2000 implementation. (Contributed by
Gail Kennedy.)
The libraries have acquired, on a trial basis, the InfoTrac
and LegalTrac automated reference systems from Information Access
Comppany. InfoTrac is roughly equivalent in coverage to IAC's
Magazine Index and Business Index, which have been available in
King Library for several years now on ROM microfilm readers;
LegalTrac, which offers the same coverage as IAC's Legal Resource
Index and Current Law Index, is available in the Law Library.
The new systems offer access to the respective IAC databases,
stored on videodisc, via IBM-pc's designed to require no special
training or staff assistance. Labeled function keys and help
screens allow users to search and retrieve by LC subject headings
and to move instantaneously from one part of the index to
. another. (Cross-references are included; a special "Subject
Guide" feature provides an on-demand display of all subject
headings used.) Each station is equipped with an inkjet printer

 { *3-
= so that patrons can quickly produce a copy of a single citation
. or a full bibliography. Coverage of both systems begins in 1982,
with monthly videodisc updates. InfoTrac includes current
citations to the New York Times and the wall Street Journal.
._ Two InfoTrac stations are in King Library Reference, and two
‘ LegalTrac stations are located in the Law Library. Both have
proved to be very popular with students and faculty. Library
staff are encouraged to have a look, and to direct any comments
to reference librarians or to fill out one of the questionnaires
near the access stations. (Contributed by Brad Grissom.)
Rob Aken, Reference Department, has been named as the Library
system representative to the New UK Health Plan (UKHP) Advisory
Board. The Board's function is to report feedback from a broad _
cross-section of UKHP users from the Lexington Campus. Each
representative carries complaints, suggestions, marketing
planning and implementation, future benefits, etc. to the Board.
They will also become familiar with policies and procedures in »
order to direct inquiries to the proper individuals within the
UKHP system. For more information, contact Rob Aken at 257-8397
i or 257-1631.
As of January 1, 1986, the U.K. Blue Cross/Blue Shield
coverage will be expanded to include a dental plan. However, to
be covered by the dental plan you must be enrolled in Blue
Cross/Blue Shield. An open enrollment period is scheduled from
November 1-29, 1985. In an effort to assist employees in
understanding the changes that will occur, the following meetings
will be held:
Open Meetings
Tuesday,_Nov. 5: Worsham Theater, Student ·
Center Addition, 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., Old Student
Center Theater, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 6: HA6ll Medical Center, 10:00 a.m.,
2:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m.
Friday, Nov.8: Seay Auditorium, Ag. Science
_ Center North, 11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.

 la: I
, -4- q
7. Meetings with Company Representatives
Q = Tuesday Nov.12 231 Student Center, 9:00 a.m.-4:00
1 p•m•
1 Wednesday Nov. 13: 231 Student Center, 9:00 a.m.—
  4:00 p.m.
1 Thursday, Nov. 14: 501 C & D of the Health Science
1 Learning Center, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
i Friday Nov. 15 E-126 Warren wright Medical Plaza,
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
For more information please contact the Employee Benefits Office
I at 257-3331.
(Almost) everything you wanted to know about gifts &
exchanges is contained in SPEC Kit #117, dated September 1985.
Some of the topics included arecmangesin gifts and exchange T
programs with Third World countries, implications of the Tax »
Reform Act of 1984, and current trends. The SPEC Kits are kept 1
on file in the Reference Department. ·- ;
Student Services and Procedures November 6, 1985. 8:00 E
a.m.-noon, Memorial Hall. This seminar is designed for faculty, 5
staff, etc., who frequently work with students. The half day 1
seminar is quite valuable, and answers many popular questions. §
For more information, contact Human Resource Development at §
l 257-1851. g
The Future of Work November 13, 1985, 9:00 a.m.-noon, Room §
15 Memorial Hall. How we define work, view work, and consider g
its value is changing as we enter the postindustrial society. i
Recent and anticipated futures in technology, communications, and g
computerization will affect what we do, how we do it, and even g
where we work. Dr- Stanley Brunn of the Geography Department §
will present this intriguing seminar. For more information g
contact Human Resource Development at 257-1851. g
Personnel Procedures November 12, 1985. 10:00 a.m.—noon. Q
Rm. 15 Memorial Hall. Basic information on how to fill out Q
personnel forms, e.g. personnel requisition, affirmative action, :
end of probation performance review, etc. For more information §
contact Human Resource Development at 257-1851. {

3 X Jos Nowzczs
5 Assistant University Librarian for Central Public Services.
9 University of Arizona at Tucson. Salary: $41,000 per year ·
· minimum. Deadline: February 1, 1986.
$ Sciences and Engineering Cataloger. University of California at
Santa Barbara. Salary: $22,224 —- $39,108. Available
Collection Development/Reference Librarian. University of
California at Los Angeles. Salary: $22,224 -- $39,108.
Deadline: January 22, 1986. `
Y Documents and Maps Librarian. University of Delaware at Newark. A
. Salary: $19,400 minimum. Deadline: November 30, 1985.
§ Assistant or Senior Assistant Librarian, Systems Dept.
3 University of Delaware at Newark. Salary: $19,400 minimum.
L Deadline: November 30, 1985.
Affiliate, Assistant, or Associate Librarian, Cataloger. Indiana
University at Bloomington. Salary: $16,000 minimum. Deadline:
November 30, 1985. ·
Director, Office of Library Systems. University of Louisville. E
Salary: $26,000-$30,000. Deadline: November 14, 1985. [
Cataloguer, Romance Languages Cataloguing Team, Librarian I or I
II. Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Salary: [
Dependent upon qualifications and experience. Deadline: I
November 15, 1985. I
Cataloger —- Serials. New York University at New York. Salary: i
$23,000 minimum. Deadline: November 30, 1985. {

 R Y
- 6 - _ i
p ouxo
Q i Acquisitions Librarian. Kent State University at Kent. Salary:
p $19,600 minimum. Deadline: December 15, 1985.
Q Serial Cataloger. Ohio State University at Columbus. Salary:
1 $19,080-$23,400. Deadline: November 30, 1985.
` Head, Copy Cataloging, Automated Processing Department. Ohio
State University at Columbus. Salary: $20,400-$25,080.
Deadline: November 30, 1985.
I Reference Librarian. University of wisconsin at Milwaukee.
Salary: Dependent upon qualifications and experience. Deadline:
‘ January 6, 1986.