xt79p843rh6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843rh6x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1931-05-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 26, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 26, 1931 1931 1931-05-26 2012 true xt79p843rh6x section xt79p843rh6x mQjm"mwpi






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Strollers Hold Election of
Officers at Dinner Meeting


R. 0. T.


TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1931



Husk O'Hare to Play for
Annual Senior Ball June 2


At a business meeting of Strollers t
Seventy Senior Cadet Officers
Relative Scholarships Reveal student dramatic organization lm
Dignified seniors will leave their Thursday, May 28, Is Set for
mediately before the annual Strol
acerbity at home on the night of Acquainting Lexingtonians
Women Have Higher
Will Receive Diplomas
ler banquet, at 6:30 o'clock Monday
June 3 and attempt to make the
or Certificates
Grades than Men
With University
night, the officers for the coming
most of the last dance of their
Kappa Kappa Gamma was
year were elected. They are: jock
scholastic career, In the university
founded in 18(70 at Monmouth
Robcy. president: business manager,
gymnasium to the music of Husk FORMAL OPENING TO
College, Dl
TOPS MARKING LIST Russell Stegner; and secretary,
O'Hare and his "Genial Gentlemen
Delta Delta Delta was founded
was elected by
Dorothy Jones, who
of the Air," fresh from their natioThe election of the in 1888 at Boston University.
Accord-anc- e acclamation.
success at the Blue Foun- Competent
Guide Will ConL. McVey and
Reports Compiled in
Pres. Frank
Alpha XI Delta was founded in
Droduction manager was postponed
tain room of the Hotel LaSalle, and
duct Visitors over
Deans of Colleges Will
With Method
1893 at Lombard College, Gales-bur- g,
retiring officers are: Rex
radio station WENR, Chicago.
Review Regiment
Adopted by Deans
Allison, president; Thomas L. Riley,
Husk's ability to make the toes
Chi Omega was founded in
director; Dorothy Jones, secretary;
'Uncle and arms ache for Gartners
1865 at the University of ArkanFinal plans for "Lexington Day"
Graduation exercises for 70 senior
Relative scholarship standings of and Earl Cella, business manager.
'Is well known to anyone who has mlilrVi will Vw tiplri nf. thn tinlvprslt.v
campus groups for the first semes
cadet officers of the R, O. T. C,
Strollers had its first revue type
Kappa Delta was founded in regiment, presentation of the stu
nsaciicu 10 lus ruujocuavmB irom Thursday, May 28, have been releater, 1930-3released from the of' of performance this year. It was
1897 at the Virginia State Norsee Chicago stat on. His own In- by the committees representing
flee of C. R. Melcher, dean of men, highly successful under the direction
dents eligible to enter the Advanced
imltable personality will make the 'the school and the Lexington Cham-danmal School, Farmvllle, Va.
place the all student average at of Thomas L. Riley. All persons
Course, awards for proficiency in
a fitting finale to the current ber 0f Commerce,
Zeta Tau Alpha was founded drill and classroom work, and
1.378. They also reveal a higher av
participated in the 1931 revue
social season.
in 1898 at the Virginia State
erage for women than for men, and but were not elected to Strollers
awarding of company prizes for
Xne pUrpose 0't -- Lexington Day"
Normal School, Farmvllle, Va.
Although he Is a native Kentuck-ji- s
to give the people of Lexington
indicate that students in the Col were placed on the eligibility list.
in drill and scholarship
Delta Zeta was founded in 1902 excellencewill be the order of the
lan, having been born In Maysvllle, 'and Fayette county an opportun- lege of Education achieve better
This year marks the inauguration
at Miami University, Oxford, O. day at the annual Feld Day exer
wm oe nis nrst return to his lty to visit the university, Inspect
any other
grades than students in
of the new point system in Strollers.
Alpha Gamma
Delta was cises on Thursday, May 28.
native heath since his childhood. His .its workshops and laboratories, and
In order to become a member, one founded In 1904 at Syracuse Unifamily moved to Chicago, where heto make a complete tour of Its
The scholarship report was com100 points.
Cadets to receive either commls
piled in accordance with the meth- must now have
received his education, later at- - i campus with a competent guide to
parts in Stroller proAlpha Delta Theta was found-i- d slons or certificates of graduation
tending Northwestern University. He show and explain the points of
od adopted by the 1925 conference taking minor is given a certain
are: Lawson Cornett, Charles O
in 1918 at Transylvania Colof men. This ductions one
of deans and advisers
evincea great pleasure in Being able interest.
Fury. Louis S. Payton, Stanley H.
method designates the general uni- number of points, lower than he
to return to Kentucky and has
An all day program ihas been
The Lombard chapter of Big-m- a Robertson, Charles Whltaker, Cal
versity average, 1.378, by zero and When his total points Being 100,
promised to help make the "hop" planned by the committees which
loway C. Hoskins, R. C. Aldrich, R.
on the
Nu aided in the founding of
places the various organizations In is given membership.
Hask Cttttn, native Keatocklan a success.
were appointed to formulate the
H. Alsover. W. A. Callls, V. M.
Alpha XI Delta.
groups above and below the general eligibility list allows one 25 points,
with his "genial gentlemen of the
Bids for the dance will be nlncprf ! plans. The program for the day
Chandler, T. B. Christie, L. O,
Dr. Charles Richardson, Kapaverage according to their relative and appearance on amateur night
air" will famish the maslc for the in mail boxes of Juniors and seniors1111 be opened formally at 10 o'clock'
Cleveland, R. D. Cooke, B. G. Cros
pa Sigma, assisted In the organi25 more. Sometimes one
standings. Those in Group 1 plus, gives one
annual Sealer Ball Jane 2.
on- - or before June 1.
Each senior Thursday morning in Memorial hall
by, Jr., W.
of Chi
are those which have from 0 to .162 major part in a production will give zation Miami Omega. of Phi J. G. Dye, H. Cumliff, J.B.S. Farber,
will receive one date bid and one by Dr. Frank L. McVey. who will
A. W. Eyer,
points more than the average; those the eligible enough points to bestag bid; each Junior will receive give a short outline of the work of
J. H. Farris, L. G. Forquer, Jr., M.
Delta Theta aided in the foundin Group 2 plus, have from .162 to come a member of Strollers. adone date bid. Others desiring bids the university. At this time there
H. Harris, B. D. Harrison, A. W.
ing of Delta Zeta.
The following persons were
.324 points more than the average,
are advised to get in touch with will also be a program of orean
- Hayes, N. E.
E. D. Hodges, H.
and so on. Those in Group 1 minus mitted into Strollers last night: Noel :lety to Beta Kappa, the first so- L. Holtzclaw, Hill, R. Humber, Lynn
Al Stoffel, chairman of the dance music by Dr. Abner Kelley.
bear a Greek-letthave from 0 to .162 points less than Walton, Hugh Adcock, Bruce Lough-ridg- y,
The dance will be'sl,mllar Program will be held at 1
was founded in 1776 at William
Jeffries, J. L. Lecky, T. A. Lewis,
Earl Surgener, William
the average, and so on. The .162
iormai ana win continue until l o'clock that afternoon.
and Mary College.
K. D. Little, J. S. McDowell, O. R.
Denton, Ruth
Anne Thomas
points are obtained by subtracting
Starting at 10 o'clock and lastintr
McElroy, Alvln McGary.
Conflicts in Schedule Should a. m.
the general average 1.378 from Wehle. Leota Ford, Alice Jane
until 12:30 guides will leave Mem
W. L. McGlnnls, E. C. McGraw,
3.000, the highest possible average, Howes, Virginia Young, Gay Lough'
Be Reported Immediately
orial hall with inspection parties
J. D. Martin, L. V. Maschmeyer, E.
and dividing the remainder by ten, ridge, Wilden Thomas, John Mur
every fifteen minutes. Any visitors
to Registrar by Professor
O. Morgan, W. S. Morgan, P. A.
thus providing ten possible divisions phy, Harold Ritter, Joe Mills, k.
may join these parties for a dein Charge
Pemberton, W. G. Prince, H. S.
above zero.
J. Gibson, Burton Aldridge, Duke
tailed tour of the campus and buildRay, C. W. Schuermeyer, C. C.
Justine White, Hilda
The mark 3.00 signifies a grade Johnston,
ings. At noon the cafeteria at the
Second-semestexaminations will
Shipley, B. C. Stapleton, R. W.
of A; 2.00 signifies B, and 1.00 signi- Cooper, Parry Kraatz, Madelyn
university, the University Commons,
Sternberg, C. A. Spicer, H. F. Terry, begin Friday, May 29, and will end
fies C, the lowest passing average. Shively, Sag Kash, Eldon Evans,
wm be opened to visitors or the
The report follows:
Frank Stone, Bradley Stephenson, Daniel W. Goodman Chosen R. L. Trautman, W. D. Trott, C. L. Thursday, June 4. All class work
guests may spread their lunches on
Eugenia Beck, Clarence Yeager,
Waldron, W. L. Wolfe, R. G. Wood-al- l, closes after the' last class Thursday
President; Heggy
Captain Earl King Senff , Joe Kee. the campus.
1.378 Eugene Royce, Ralph Cornett, John
All students
R. L. Allison, J. C. Hearne, A. afternoon, May 28.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday class and Carey Spicer brought their At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the
1.608 Sallee, Bruce Hoblltzel, John Bus
All women
and Other W. Kalkhoff, E. W. Kirk, J. O. Pasannual field
areers as tennis players and ath department day of the Military
1.283 ky. Herbert
All men
Schoepflin, Norman
co, N. Schwartzman, C. L. Arnold, es will be examined in the morning;
Officers Named
will begin with a parade
1.338 Hainsey, Walter Yoder, Eldon Du
Fraternity men
J. B. Davis, M. Farber, A. M. Hen- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday class- letes of the university to a close lea py tne 100 piece university band
es in the afternoon:
and classes Saturday afternoon when they de1.269 rand. Charles Spauldlng, and G. L.
derson, I. B. Irvine, K. M. Kerr, E.
which will (march to Stoll Held
Sigma Delta Chi, national profes1.492 Crutcher.
Sorority women
Riley, C. A. Rose, and K. a. meeting four or more times a week feated the netmen of Hanover Col where the cadets will hold their
sional journalistic
for T.
will also be examined in the morn- lege in the last tennis engagement
Independent women
exercises. More than 1100 students
men, elected officers for the ensuing Howe.
ing. Morning examinations will beClasses
the season,
The ceremonies will begin at 1:50 gin at 8:30 o'clock and afternoon of Senff won by the largest margin of military science will take part
year and initiated five new members
All freshmen
at the regular monthly meeting held o'clock with the first call. At 2:10 examinations at 2 o'clock. This ap- or tne day, winning over Shelby, in this exhibition. At this time the
at 7 o'clock Thursday night in the the march 'from the formation to plies to all colleges except the Col- no. 5 player of Hanover, in straight graduation exercises for the advanc
All Juniors
journalism department.
The new Stoll field will begin. Company C. lege of Law.
sets, 1,
All seniors
In the last set the ed students In the R. O. T. O. will
officers are: president, Daniel W. has been designated, as color
The schedule follows:
All freshmen women
Wildcat captain allowed his oppo be held. drill will and group comHeggy
also be held. An
Friday, May 29, examinations of nent only seven paints, and the petitive
All freshmen men
Pres. F. Jj. Aleve); ana me uoans first hour classes.
exhibition by Pershing Rifles will
Dent; secretary Keith Hemphill;
All sophomore women
winner of the contest was not doubt- be given. About ten
Kampus Kat Editor, William A. of the colleges will review the regi
awards and
Saturday, May 30, examinations ful at any point.
All sophomore men
cups will be given to outstanding
Sharer, and Quill correspondent, ment as senior officers command it of second hour classes.
All Junior women
When he slammed the last ball
Installation of the Woman's Ath- William Luther.
for their last time. Then competi
1.640 letic association officers
All Junior women
Monday, June 1, examinations of over the net in the last doubles students and there will be special
and coundesignation of the honor graduates.
Those who were initiated into the tive drill between one company of third hour classes.
All Junior men
match, Carey Spicer closed his
cil for 1931-3- 2 took place at 4 o'clock
At 7:15 Thursday night in the
the first battalion and one of the
1.984 Monday
All senior women
afternoon in the W. A. A. organization are: Laurence Herron, second will be held for the drill cup Tuesday, June 2, examinations of 'colorful career as a Wildcat athlete. Memorial amphitheatre
1.612 room
the final
All senior men
Halfback and quarterback on the twilight concert by
in Patterson hall. Frances John Watts, Edgar A. Turley, Wil- and streamer. Following the com- - fourth hour classes.
"cuiicouuy, uuuc o, CAtuiuuuuima m greatest Wildcat football team In a band will be given. the university
Barker, retiring president of the liam Luther, and Keith
1.437 organization, presided at
A complete
Arts and Sciences College
all sophomores in the College of Sa,n7 ,?rlli'
SSLS fX A"T,hlirRriflV Wth hour classes,
a half, forward on the program for the concert follows:
the cere, vom)nnt,ne decade and team, captain
Agricultural College
monies, and installed Margaret Arts and Sciences.
and "all- - March
Daniel Goodman, Lexington, is a me Dcaoouru tuu owuc uV.
nf ,t1 nnri
(Continued oa Page Tour)
Scoggan, incoming president.
Southern" forward this year, no. 3 Overture-Merr- y 140th Wives
drill, while the regiment
of Windsor,.
Conflicts with this schedule should man on the Wildcat tennis team
Other officers installed were Myra junior in the College of Arts and Is After the stands, those students
Nicolai; Kol Nidre, Traditional;
be reported immediately
to the for three years. A sterling record
Dee Rice, who succeeds Pauline Sciences and is managing editor of
Clara Mar The Kernel. Heggy Dent, also a eugioie
Back as
c": the Advanced registrar by the professor, who indeed, thus closes the career of Friml and from "Rose MarleV"
garet Fort, secretary, who succeeds junior in the College of Arts and course wm uc jjiwcmcu. a company, should at the same time recommend one of the most brilliant
Sciences, is a member of Phi Sigma form on the field as
a satisfactory data Chaeges
Mvra Dee Rice: and Mary Ada
athletes in the athletic annals of
Cortege du Sardar from Cauwith Cadet J. P. Price as provis- reasons otf.ier than conflicts will the university.
j Honey,
who succeeds Gladys Gar-ne- tt Kappa fraternity.
The not be considered unless signed by
casian Sketches, Ippolitow Iwanow;
William A. Shafer , Falmouth, ional company commander.
as treasurer.
Spicer defeated Karnell, Han- - Deep River,
will be G. T.
Traditional; Medley-Vi- ctor
me dean, au grades win be rued
The members of the council, who who was elected editor of the Kat First Platoon leader
Chap- will manage the various activities Is a Junior in the College of Arts Skinner, while H. Miner will com- wnn tne registrar by the afternoon over no. 3 man, 1easily, 2,
University Is Granted
Kentucky nlnvor. Finale Herbert's Favorites, Herbert;
Joe Kee. no.
Collegiate Dixie, Sulzer.
Coif, sponsored by the association next and Sciences, a member of Alpha mand the second platoon. will be of June 6.
ter of Order of the
retrained his form and defeated his Second-semestplatoon
Organization Similar to Phi year, were installed as follows:Mary Tauthe K fraternity, 1931-3- 2.is editor guide of the second Mattingly will The following rules governing oDDonent Walter Reed. Hanovpr star begin Friday, May examinations end
H. Emmerich. S. E.
no. 1 Dlaver. In an UDhill battle. Thursday, June 4. 29, and will
College Griffith, archery; Helen Fry, bas- ofThe local chapterfor Sigma Delta act as left guide of the first platoon examinations are now in lorce:
Beta Kappa in Arts
All class work
Graduate Students are required Kee's serves and returns were snme- (Continued on Page Four)
ket ball; Georgia Bird, rifle; Vir- Chi was installed at the university and Wl R. Meredith as left guide of to take examinations under the !what wild in the first set. mhjph he
The university Law College has ginia Kearns, baSeoall; Maxine in 1926, with Nell Plummer, present the second platoon.
same rules as those
un- - won,
and coasted in the second
a chapter of the Order Caines, volley ball; Thelma Jones, instructor in the journalism depart
basic dergraduate students. governing
Pershing Rifles, national
been granted
'get wlnnine 3. set and match.
of the Coif, honorary organization tennis; Pauline Back, tumbling; ment, and the late Frank K. Hoover, course honorary military fraternity,
A student who
Bruce Farquhar, no. 2 Kentucky
similar to Phi Beta Kappa in Arts Margaret McHatton, hieing, and of the Herald, as charter members. commanded by William Saunders, from more than has been of
and Sciences. The announcement camping; Helen Glover and Velma Admission into the fraternity Is will give Its Intricate drill move- total number of class exercises the player, went the route to defeat
in Malsbury in straight sets by 3,
is expected to be well received at Arnold, social; Louise Thompson, based upon scholastc standing and ments and manual of arms, follow any course is barred from
the final 2.
Farquhar won every game in
the university since there are more historian. The tribal leaders, who journalistic ability.
ing which the regiment will form for examination In that course. (Stu
which he served.
Retiring officers of the organiza the awarding of the. various prizes.
than 70 law schools members of the are elected by the members of their
Roger Klein defeated Smythe, the William Hubble, John Noonan
Law respective tribes, will be announced tion are: president, L. W. McMur-(Contlnu- The names of the recipients of the dents entering late are included.)
of American
no. 4 man by 1,
in a rather
Schools, and only about 27 have later.
Chosen President and
awards will not be made Known
on Page Four)
easy manner.
previously been granted the privThursday Kernel
until Thursday afternoon, In the
In the no. 1 doubles match, Kee
ilege of a chapter of the Coif.
programs which will be distributed.
then-gameOther Officers Postponed
The Order of the Coif is of EngThe last edition of The Kernel and Spicer were both much off
The graduation ceremony ana me
but conquered Reed and
origin, and is very ancient. Its
administration of the oath of office
for the present Semester will
membership in early times was
Election of officers and initiation
appear on Thursday, instead of Karnell.
will then be held, after which the
made up of a legal group known as
graduates and other reserve officers
Friday and will be edited by easily Farquhar and Ed Kee won ceremonies were held by Lamp and
Serjeants-at-laThe rank of Serfrom Smythe and Malms-bur- y, Cross, honorary senior fraternity,
will review the unit in a retreat
members of the senior class In
the no. 2 Hanover doubles preceding a banquet at the Lafayjeant had both professional and
azaleas flourish with wild orchids ceremony and review.
the department of Journalism.
ette hotel Thursday night. William
pair, by the count of
social significance. From this group
It would be safe to say that al- and ferns. There are groups of At the Lafayette hotel Thursday
Hubble, Phi Delta Theta, Junior in
exclusively the judges of the King's most half the students at the uni(Continued on Page Four)
evergreen and of vari- evening, the Reserve Officers Asso
Pleas were versity have never visited its ous flowering shrubs. Many good
the College of Arts and Sciences,
Bench and the Common
ciation of Central Kentucky wm
was elected president of the organiselected. As a result" of the Judicagarden. Doubtless most trees and quite a number of Ken- be host to the graduating class durBotannlcal
prezation, and John Noonan, Sigma
ture Act of 1873, in which the
everyone has heard of it, but has tucky wild flowers were already esAmong
a dinner and
Nu, senior in the College of Engirogatives of the Serjeants were either thought it not significant tablished on the grounds when the ing speakers will bedance. F. Paul
neering, was chosen
abolished, the Order ceased to exist. enough for his attention or has not work was undertaken.
Intra-Sorori- ty
Anderson, Major O. R. Meredith, W.
J. Davis Buckner, professor in the
society, based upon this his- taken the time to look around or
Kentucky nurserymen and many
College of Agriculture and former
torical foundation, was established perchance some felt too unintel-lectu- al from other states have been gener- A. Jones,Eldon S. General of State
president of the university Alumni
Saturday afternoon on Stoll field first; Rogers, Kappa Kappa Gamin 1902 at Northwestern
to appreciate its worth. ous In contributing plants and trees Commander of the American Legion,
association, addressed the members
for the purpose of encouraging Whatever the answer to such negli- to start the enterprise.
Acknow- and Cadet Colont! Sen G. Crosby, the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority ma, second; Chapman, Alpha Delta
scholarship in the law.
won the first annual lntra-sororiTheta, third; Hilden, Alpha Gamma of the organization at the banquet.
gence may be, the reply is do not ledgement of these gifts is made on Jr.
A. J. Hillenmeyer,. Prof. J. R, JohnKentucky is the first law school leave the campus without seeing it.
meet ever held at the uni- Delta, fourth.
a bulletin board in a rustic frame
versity which was sponsored by
that has been admitted to memberNeedle Race Miss Davis and son, College of Engineering, L. G.
In the fall of 1027 about seven standing
entrance to the
ship during the last three years. acres of sloping land lying between garden. near the
the Intramural Department of the Wieman, Delta Zeta, first; Miss Forquer, and Stanley Milward, devote of White hall, the stadium and Rose
Election is by three-fourtuniversity.
Seven sororities had Smith and Gatewood, Kappa Kappa livered short talks.
Each year a special Garden Day
The election followed the initiaall the chapters. The considerarepresentatives in the meet and Gamma, second; Miss Crowe and
street were set aside to be developed
tions upon which election is based into a botanic garden and wild is celebrated when visitors are inthe winning group scored 26 points. Jones, Zeta Tau Alpha, third; Miss tion ceremonies Thursday night. It
vited to come from all parts of Kenare, the extent and character of the flower reserve. The Garden club of
Young men aarf' vv.J.wn. winners
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority Poague and Engle, Kappa Delta, was decided to delay the election of
tucky. It would be impossible to of
a secretary and a treasurer until
library and its growth and ftro Lexington
th lottl ooitiets la 11 counties, finished second with 19 points and third.
with the unispects; the housing of the school; versity in starting the project and give here a complete list of the compytwi lm mgi
tii the fifth the other participating
Dash Cassidy, Kappa the first meeting of the organizaplants in the garden. In addition to
training and scholarship
the ability,
annual Atv;alcifcj)t rcdlo audi- finished in the following order: Kappa Gamma, first; Howard, Zeta tion next fall.
has contributed to the support of
Lamp and Cross was founded at
of its faculty, and their teaching it, as have also seven other Garden most of the common native trees tion ctpatarr in ?45oxUl lalL The Delta Zeta, 15 points; Zeta Tau Tau Alpha, second; Bllncoe, Alpha
and wild flowers, It already boasts winners of this oo Susw mill repreability and capacity for research: clubs in the state.
Alpha, 13; Alpha Delta Theta, 8; Gamma Delta, third; Hand, Kappa the university in 1S02, is one of the
of an interesting assortment of Al- sent thia tilatriub
oldest honorary organizations on
character of the students and
via fit ate conKappa Delta, 6; and Chi Omega, 0. Delta, fourth.
growing in
The plan
the campus. Annually, ten of the
nature of their training as shown this one spot isalltoof have native Ken- pine' and rock plants, and many test, the winaers p fblch will rep
Those who represented the differthe
varieties of evergreens.
Wheelbarrow Race Miss Brown
by their accomplishments.
resent the fctatf
tse regional ent sororities were picked from the and Barber, Alpha Gamma Delta, most outstanding Junior men are
tucky trees, shrubs, and wild flowAn observant visitor, taking week- contests.
pledged near tho end of the year.
are other considerations of a less ers, each
the sororities.
labeled with both ly walks through the garden would Each contestant sang uuJ- - song male student body by however, only first; Miss Little and Hughes, Zeta To date the fraternity has 290 memtangible nature which bear upon
In the shuttle relay,
names for be rewarded by finding a constant
Tau Alpha, second; Miss Eaton and bers. Pledging exercises this year
the spirit of the school, which are common and scientific
the instruction of visitors; and also succession of ever changing bloom of his or her own. chyctlrjudgwl girls took part while In the wheel EUerlch, Kappa Delta, third; Miss wtre held at the Junior p'om.
set easily enumerated.
were screenul oft from the
barrow and needle races, the teams Huddleston and Thomas, Alpha Delsymbol of membership is a to include any beautiful and inter- from the early spring's dainty blos- during inoa- - pmcsmaiiee.
Toe. were made up of one boy and one ta Theta, fourth.
William Hubble. Phi Delta Theta;
key, on the (ace of which Is the esting to thrive In species which are soms, which ordinarily one must names of !lw Jodeee wc-- r not an girl each.
this locality.
search for in distant woods or rawearlikeness of an early serJeant
(Low Hurdles Martin, John Noonan, Sigma Nu: John
Members of the varsity and
An attractive entrance has been vines, through the summer's show nounced
Sims Kelly, Sigma Alpha Epellon;
ing his coif. The coif was a close-ittln- g
Kappa Kappa Gamma, first; Swiss-helDorotiiy CwNften, aefbotaore in freshman track teams were barred
cap of white lawn or silk, made at the top of the bin back of of biasing beauty to the lingering
Alpha Delta Theta, second; Robert Reynolds, Delta Chi; Chesof late au- the OoWfete of Arts and Sciences. from participation in the meet and Ooffman, Delta Zeta, third; Gutter-mut- b, ter Jolly. Phi Kappa Tau; Robert
White hall, and radiating paths lead asters and golden-ro- d
worn as Indicated by Serjeants-at-la- w
eia, PHkin club, each man was allowed to particimember of Deft
as a distinguishing mark of down the slope to two pools at the tumn. lovely
Alpha Gamma Delta, fourth. Porter, Kappa Sigma; Robert Tuckand Y. pate in one event only.
garden Is well worth oiec ewe,
bottom. A little stream Issues from
their profession.
Mile Relay Won by Alpha Gam- er, Sigma Chi, Benjamin LeRoy,
wwman repre
Results In the events are as felMembership In any one chapter a rooky cave and makes its way into any time spent there, and one w,
ma Delta team composed of Hays, Triangle, and Jumes Weiman, Alpha
eounty; Rich- - lows:
pools, bordered by native ferns should not let the fear of scientific seroaure oi
Sigma Phi.
is UmMtd to the 10 per cent of the these
Longacre, Alpha Bllncoe, Martin and Longacre.
tte county's
wild mowers. A names frigates Mm away. Cer- rJd Allison
graewsttug class who nave atUmed and meeture-levia- g
An extensive program is planned
The other Gamma Delta, first; Nicholson,
Shuttle Relay Won by Kappa by the organization for the coming
Honorary reek tardea has sees developed on tainly U (Ms beautiful little para- oemue irx
the highest grades.
ere Meatgom- - Kappa Delta, aeeesd; Karris, Kappa Kappa Gamma team composed of school year, and it is the hope ef
may he elected from a part U the area. The sell m an- dise held sue an sttraeUea for
Bath Bour- - Kappa Oamma, third; Leagmuir, Shropshire, Hamilton, Teats, BWett, the newly initiated members that
other lecattoft has see mrtally the bwUermes, bees, and the most star,
Itsnttrl fretw ef these who have
4aaau latslMft mmds ef lelanttsU,
Zeta Tau Alpha, fourth.
WUltf, MOtt im
piaas outlined by their predetessors
stmMsr metlaetiea peter to tracts it fcm mMMmUBftAmWi
Dash-B- all,
where rwrnmnrmu, aaa we may aipriitm K.
Deia Zet
the ejtahMsfeme&t ef the ehapter .

Husk O'Hare

Brethren! Sistern!





Varsity Netmen
Defeat Hanover
In Final Contest


W.A.A. Installs


For EnsuingYear







Kentucky Botanical Garden Offers
Opportunity to Study Plant Life

Kappa Kappa Gamma Is Victor
In Annual









� ,1








Tuesday, May 26,


Benefits Gained from English Comto bo the real function which a university is
created to perform. Schools and school systems
Frank Stone and Duke Johnston
have a function to express and a work to do;
are the retiring president and secretary-is the only real Justification
of the organization.
in that function
Just how far will scientists extend the know for their being. They are founded by the social
The English club of the university The English club of the university
ledge of man? Tho knowledgo he already has group to develop creative brains so that those elected Andrew Hoover president is composed of students majoring in
seems incredible. Tho powers of electricity have brains may lighten the burdens that life seems and Mary Moore Nash secretary- - English and those interested In the
National College Preas Association
work of the English department
Lexington Board of Commerce
been harnessed nto an Infinite number of mactreasurer for the ensuing year, at
to Impose upon man.
devices to serve as many purposs.
a meeting held at the home of Pres
"Papa," wrote Gloria H., "I have
Institutions must give to mankind a type of
OfTlelal Newspaper of the Students of the University
L. McVey. become infatuated with calisthenMan's engineering ability has enabled him to man, who,
of Kentucky, Lexington
in the words of an English poet, is ident and Mrs. Frank
build skyscrapers hundreds of feet Into the air
Durine the meeting. Dr. Robinson ics." "Well, daughter," wrote her
obicrlDtlon 13.00 a rear. Entered at Lexlniton,
a man whose religion Is, "to seek, to find, and
president of Lin father, "If your heart's set upon
and sink shafts as many hundreds of feet into
Poitofflce at second claw mall matter
not to yield." We need men In our social life Shlnherd. former
coin Memorial university, addressed him, I haven't a word to say; but I
the earth.
today who arc willing to strive toward the at tho members. RDeaklnc on "The always did hope you'd marry an
Enoueh research and new discoveries are talnment of something beyond the accomplish
Benefits of the New Library and the American."
being made to supply several monthly period
VIROINIA DOUGHERTY . . . . Editor cals with all their material. Each month re ments of former men and generations. The
scholar Is ever seeking and sooner or later he
Ass't. Mgn. Editor veals something "wlldcattlsh" or Impossible
goal If he keeps his true art as a
THOMAS L. RILEY . . . Dramatic Editor to the readers. But they onl