xt79p843rg5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843rg5s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1949-08-jul15-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-08-jul15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-08-jul15-ec. 1949 1949-08-jul15-ec. 2011 true xt79p843rg5s section xt79p843rg5s 



     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, July 15, 1949.

     The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the
President's Office at 10:30 a.m., Friday, July 15, 1949.   The fol-
lowing members were present: Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman; T. H. Cutler,
Harper Gatton, and R. P. Hobson.  Absent: J. C. Everett.  President
Donovan and Secretary Peterson met with the Committee.

     A. Minutes Approved as Published.

     The minutes of the Executive Committee of May 11, 1949, were ap-
proved as published.

     B. Comptroller's Report.

     The Comptroller read the following summary of the operating
statement as of May 31, 1949:

                                       July 1, 1949

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentticky
     Lexi ngton, Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

         I submit herewith a balance sheet of University funds
    as of May 31, 1949, together with supporting statements of
    fund and budget operations for the current period then end-

         The operating statements show that 100.1% of general
    income had been realized and that 82.025 of departmental
    appropriations had been spent or encumbered.   The per cent
    of the income budget realized is indicated in the following

         Division of Colleges               97.3%
         Agricultural Experiment Station   113.8
         Agricultural Extension Division   100.0




     The charges to Departmental Appropriations and the per
cent of the appropriations charged are Indicated in the fol-
lowing schedule:



Per Cent

Division of Colleges  $4,923,942.84
Agricultural Experi-
ment Station             975,835.48
Agricultural Extension
Division               1.465,496.64


$7. 365,274.96

     Restricted fund balances amounted to
uted as follows:

         Division of Colleges
         Agricultural Experiment Station
         Agricultural Extension Division


$3, 885, 374.85

   856, 656.13


$6,038. 594.02

78. 9


88. 5

82. 0O

Q1,397, 620.20 distrib-

$1, 223,066.82
    103, 221.10


Unexpended plant funds consisted of the following:

Reserves for construction contracts
    and other encumbrances            $2,212,465.87
 Unencumbered appropriation balances 1,163,277.14


$3, 363,277.01

Included in the Plant Appropriations were funds in the amount
of $1,084,000.o00 which were provided for the construction of the
Library and Service Building and the HIcLean Stadium additions.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                (Signed)   Frank D. Peterson

  The members of the Committee examined the report, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, same was ordered received and


     C. Agricultural Extension Budget Revised.

     President Donovan submitted Extension budget for the year 1949-
50, with the statement that the original budget was accepted as a
tentative one, subject to revision when definite commitments as to
Federal appropriation were received from the Federal Department of
Agriculture.   He stated that Dean Cooper had submitted an amended
budget for the Extension service with request that same be approved,
Pith the understanding that the increases recommended and carried in
the amended budget become effective June 1, 1949.   The budget for
all departments within the Agricultural Extension Division was avail-
able for inspection.

     After some discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, the amended budget was approved as submitted, and was ordered
filed with the Secretary of the Board.

    D. Purchases of Comptroller Approved.

    President Donovan read the following letter received from the
Comptroller and recommended that the request be approved.

                                        July 14, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Idly dear Dr. Donovan:

          I submit a list of state requisitions, advises of
     emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con-
     tracts and departmental purchase orders which have been
     made by the Comptroller's office from April 1, 1949 to
     June 30, 1949.   These purchases have not been approved
     by the Board of Trustees.   The listing below gives the
     numbers of the documents requesting the purchase or actual-
     ly issued as purchase orders, which documents are made a
     part of this record and are held in the Office of the
     Comptroller subject to inspection.   The purchases have
     been made on properly drawn documents at the request of
     the various departments and have been charged against
     available funds.   The list follows:



          State requisitions numbered  .....1364 - 1664
          Emergency purchase ordere numbered..2276 - 2602
          Library departmental orders ....... (1746 - 2000)
                                             ( 901 -  922)
          University departmental orders ..... 576 - 702
          Special purchase orders     .      . 7844 - 11,120.

          The above record of purchases is respectfully submit-
     ted with the request that they be approved by the Executive
     Committee or Board of Trustees whichever meets first,
     thereby ratifying the action of the Comptroller in making
     such purchases.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                               (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,

     The members of the Committee being thoroughly advised, upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following list of pur-
chases was authorized, ratified and approved:

          State requisitions numbered... .....e  e 1364 - 1664
          Emergency purchase orders numbered .... 2276 - 2602
          Library departmental orders .......... (1746 - 2000)
                                                ( 901 -  922)
          University departmental orders ........ 576 -  702
          Special purchase orders ...............7844 - 11,120.

     E. Easement to the Central Kentucky Natural Gas Compan' Granted.

     President Donovan stated that about two years ago we requested
the Central Kentucky Natural Gas Company to move its gas line from
the site of the Memorial Coliseum.   The Gas Company had theretofore
been granted an easement across this property by the City and owners
of the property.   The Company was good enough to move with haste
and did clear the site.   The President stated that the Gas Company
had requested a formal easement on the new gas line which runs down
Euclid Avenue, across the west end of the campus in front of Patter-
son and Boyd halls.   The easement was drawn by Frank Murray of the
College of Law, and was recommended by the Comptroller.   He submit-
ted the easement with recommendation that same be approved.



     THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this
day of               1949, by andbtween the BOARD OF
whose principal office is in Lexington, Kentucky, party
PANY, a Kentucky corporation whose principal office is
in Lexington, Kentucky, party of the second part.

     1. In consideration of an agreement between the
la-ties whereby the party of the second partt at its
own expense, and at the request of the party of the first
part, removed its pipe line from the vacated portion of
Adams Street in the City of Lexington, Kentucky: and, at
its own expense, relatd said pipe line as hereinafter
described, the party of the first part hereby grants unto
the party of the second part, its successors and assigns,
the right to lay, maintain, operate, and remove said pipe
line for the purpose of transportation of gas over, along,
and across the property of the party of the first part in
the City of Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, along
the line or course described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the property line along
    the west side of Rose Street 235 feet, more or
    less, north of the northwestern intersection of
    Rose Street and Euclid Avenue; thence in a westerly
    direction along what was formerly Adams Street a
    distance of 206 feet, more or less; thence in a
    southerly direction, approximately parallel to
    Rose Street and parallel to and 6 feet west of the
    DeBoor Laundry building, a distance of 234 feet,
    more or less, to a point approximately 1 foot
    north of the inside or northern edge of the side-
    walk along the northern side of Euclid Avenue;
    thence in a westerly direction, parallel to Euclid
    Avenue and approximately 1 foot north of the side-
    walk along the northern side of said avenue, a
    distance of 576 feet, more or less to the eastern
    side of Lexington Avenue; thence beginning again
    on the western side of Lexington Avenue and as a
    continuation of the same line a distance of 300
    feet, more or less to the eastern side of Harrison
    Avenue; thence beginning again on the western side
    of Harrison Avenue at a point between the curb
    and the sidewalk on the northern side of Euclid
    Avenue and extending westward between said curb
    and sidewalk a distance of 537 feet, more or less,
    to a point 13 feet east of the property line along
    the eastern side of South Limestone Street; thence
    in a northerly direction, parallel to South Limestone
    Street; a distance of 270 feet; thence in a westerly
    direction, parallel to Euclid Avenue, a distance



       of 13 feet, more or less, to the property line
       along the eastern side of South Limestone Street.

       2. Since the above described line is along public
 streets of the City of Lexington, binding closely or en-
 croaching on the same, it is mutually understood and agreed
 that the above grant is for a permissive use as far as the
 party of the first part is concerned and does not include
 or imply any representation or warranty that the property
 to be occupied by said pipe line is owned by the party of
 the first part or that there is any right to grant the use
 of the same,

      3. Second party shall have the right to go upon the
 lands of the first party for the purpose of laying, main-
 taining, repairing and removing such pipe line, but if
 any maintenance or repairs shall require any excavation
 then the Comptroller of the University of Kentucky shall be
 notified of the intention of second party to enter upon said
 land within a reasonable time before any excavations are

      4. Second party agrees to pay to first party any and
 all damages which first party may suffer by reason of the
 laying, maintaining, repairing, operation or removal of such
 pipe line, and to pay to first party any and all damages
 which first party might suffer by reason of any damages
 done to first party or to its property by second party or
 its employees who might be upon the lands of first party for
 the purposes set out in this agreement.

      In the event the parties hereto cannot agree upon the
amount of such damages, then this matter shall be submitted
to arbitration. Each party shall select one arbitrator
and upon their failure to agree upon the amount of damages,
such two arbitrators shall select a third arbitrator, and
in the event they cannot agree upon a third arbitrator the
Judge uf the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of KentucKy shall select such third arbitrator and
the decision of a majority of the arbitrators shall be
binding upon the parties hereto.

     5. This agreement shall continue for a period of twenty-
five (25) years. It shall continue in effect thereafter
from year to year until either party shall notify the other
party of its intention to cancel this agreement, given at
least six months prior to October lot in any year, and upon
the giving of such notice by either party this agreement
shall terminate. A notice given by one party or the other
mailed to it at Lexington, Kentuckya and sent by registered
mail shall be a sufficient notice under this agreement.


      6. At the termination of this agreement second party
 may remove the pipe line as herein provided but it shall
 restore the land from which the pipe is taken in good
 condition and shall fill all trenches in which the pipe
 was laid so that the top thereof shall be level with the
 remainder of the land adjacent thereto.

      7. The words "second party" and "Central Kentucky
Natural Gas Company" shall be cons trued to mean Central
Kentucky Natural Gas Company and its employees, agents,
or servants.

     IN YIITNESS MEREHDOF the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky has hereunto set its hand by Guy
Huguelet, Chairman of its Executive Committee and has
caused his act to be attested and its corporate seal af-
fixed by Frank D. Peterson, its Secretary, and Central
Kentucky Natural C-as Company has hereunto set its hand
by T. J. Tonkin, Jr., its Vice President, and has caused
his act to be attested and its seal affixed by R. K.
Talbott, Jr., its assistant Secretary, at Lexington,
Kentucky, the day and year first above mentioned.

                         BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY
                                   OF KENTUCKY

                              CHAIRELAN OF ITS EXECUTIVE



                                     VICE PRESIDENT





     I, __, a Notary Public in and for
Fayette County, Kentucky, do hereby certify that the
foregoing agreement between the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky and Central Kentucky Natural Gas
Company was produced to me in my office in said County
and State, and was acknowledged by Guy Huguelet, Chairman
of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky, to be the act and deed of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and his
voluntary act and deed as such officer, and, in my
presence, his act was attested by Frank D. Peterson,
Secr.etary of said Board, and the corporate seal of the
University of Kentucky affixed hereto.

     Given under my hand and seal this        day of

     My commission expires

                          NOTARY PUBLIC, FAYETTE CO.,KY.


     I, __, a Notary Public in and
for Fayette County, Kentucky, do hereby certify that the
foregoing agreement between the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky and the Central Kentucky Natural
Gas Company was produced to me in my office in said County
and State, and was acknowledged by T. J. Tonkin, Jr.,
Vice President of Central Kentucky Natural Gas Company, to
be the act of said company and to be his act as such officer
in executing the same, and his act was attested by R. K.
Talbott, Jr., Assistant Secretary, in my presence and the
corporate seal of the Central Kentucky Natural Gas Company
affixed thereto.

     Given under my hand and seal this              day
of _      _, 1949.

     Is.y commission expires




       After some discussion of the provisions contained in the Ease-
  ment, motion was made, seconded and carried that the Easement be
  granted, and that same be executed by the Chairman of the Executive
  Committee and attested to by the Secretary.

       F. Construction of Roadways on Experiment Station Farm Author-

      President Donovan read a letter from the Comptroller concerning
 plans and specifications, and a requisition for materials, labor and
 equipment for the construction of roads serving the Experiment Sta-
 tion farm.

                                            July 14, 1949

      Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky

      Dear President Donovan:

           This office has received from the Experiment Station
      a requisition to furnish all materials, labor and equip-
      ment for the construction of roads serving the Experiment
      Station farm, in accordance with the plans and specifica-
      tions furnished your office, at an estimated cost of seventy
      thousand dollars,

           Vean Cooper recommends that sixty thousand dollars
      of this amount be taken from the income from the sale of
      fertilizer tags and ten thousand dollars from the income
      from the Experiment Station farm.

           So far as I know, this work has not been authorized,
      or an appropriation made.   Will you please advise?

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                  (Signed) FrankD. Peterson$
                                           Comptroll er.

     It was further explained that the plans and specifications had
been made by the Division of Maintenance and Operations, approved by
Mr. Tom Cutler, member of the Executive Committee,and by Dean Cooper,
Director of the Experiment Station.

     After some discussion, on motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the construction of the roads was authorized, and plans and specifica-
tions submitted were approved,   Sixty thousand dollars of the amount
necessary was authorized taken from the income fromthe sale of ferti-
lizer tags, and lOOO.Q0O from the income of the Experiment Station
Farm,   The Comptroller was further directed to request bide for award-
ing the work as rapidly as possible.


      G. Agreement between the Kentucky Geological Survfy and the Unit-
 ed States Geological Sury  Approved,

      It was explained that,during the years 1943-44 to 1947-48, there
 had been a cooperative agreement for investigation of water resources
 between the Kentucky Department of Mines and Minerals (including the
 Kentucky Geological Survey) and the United States Geological Survey,
 that during this period the two geological survey units had jointly
 purchased property, and that it now seemed best to close the coopera-
 tive agreement and divide the property owned.   An agreement to effect
 the division of the property and close the agreement was submitted and
 executed on behalf of the United States Geological Survey.   It was
 stated that the settlement now recommended had received the attention
 of Frank Murray of the College of Law, A. C. McFarlan, head of the
 Department of Geology, Drniel J. Jones, State Geologist, and Frank D.
 Peterson, Comptroller.

     It was further explained to the Committee that representatives of
the United States Geological Survey and the Kentucky Geological Survey
had evaluated the property and allocated to the United States Geolog-
ical Survey property valued at 1110.30, and to the Kentucky Geolog-
ical Survey, a Pontiac car valued at a like sum.

     There was, however, involved in the allocation of property to the
United States Geological Survey State money, amounting to @148.46, not
heretofore matched by the Federal Government.

     The Comptroller submitted three sealed bids for purchase of the
4-door Pontiac sedan, the high bid being $1,275.00, which is $164.61
in excess of the State money on deposit with the U.S.G.S., not hereto-
fore matched.   The settlement was recommended and it was also recom-
mended that the $148.46 of the $164.61 realized out of sale of the
car be accepted in lieu of return of State money not matched by Fed-
eral funds.

     The complete file was before the Committee and, the members being
thoroughly advised, motion was made, seconded and carried to approve
the settlement recommended, and the Chairman of the Executive Commit-
tee was authorized to sign same on behalf of the University.

     H. Adoption of Form of Contract that May Be Made between the
University of Kentucky Press annd the Author Whose Book It Publishes.

     President Donovan submitted Form of Publisherst Contract recom-
mended by the University of Kentucky Press Committee, to be executed
by the author of a publication accepted by the University of Kentucky
Press.   He stated that Dr. Frank '. MoVey was chairman of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Press Committee, and he had written a recommenda-
tion approving the form and requesting that same be submitted to the
Committee for formal ratification.   President Donovan stated that he
and Professor Mlurray of the College of Law had carefully read the pro-
posed Publisherst Contract form, and he recommended its approval.



                   PUBL ISHERS' CONTPACT

      A contract is hereby entered into by and between the
 Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, acting
 herein by and through                     of the University
 of Kentucky Press, thereunto duly authorized and empowered
 to execute this contract for and in behalf of said Board
 of Trustees under a resolution thereof duly passed on
                 , hereinafter referred to as the PUBLISHERS,
 and                   , hereinafter referred to as the AUTHOR,
 for the publication of a manuscript of a work provisionally
 entitled                                    , according to
 the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth:

      1. The AUTHOR grants to the PUBLISHERS, their success-
 ors, and assigns, the exclusive right, subject to the prow
 visions of this agreement, to print and publish and sell
 said work.

     2. The PUBLISHERS promise to cause to be printed and
to publish said work, within a reasonable time after the
date of the receipt by the PUBLISHERS of a completed copy
thereof ready for the printers, in such book or other form,
in such style and manner, in such edition or editions, in
such number of copies, and at such a price, as the PUBLISH-
ERS deem best suited for the successful marketing thereof,
and to keep said work in print as long as demand therefor,
in the opinion of the PUBLISHERS, shall justify; provided,
however, that the PUBLISHERS shall not be liable for any
loss or damage to the AUTHOR from delays in printing, pubw
lication, or distribution resulting from circumstances or
occurrences not within the reasonable control of the PUB-

     3, If said work be subject to copyright, the PUBLISHERS
promise to secure, in the name of the           _-, a copy-
right thereon in the United States, together with copyrights
in such foreign countries as they deem necessary to protect
all rights in said work, and to secure such renewal or re-
newals of any such copyright or copyrights as they deem
necessary as long as any edition of said work shall remain
in print.

     4. The PUBLISHERS further promise, upon the publication
of said work:

       a) to supply the AUTHOR with       copies of each
edition of said work, which the AUTHOR agrees not to sell
or to offer for sale so long as such edition shall remain
in print;



         b) to furnish without cost copies of said work for
 review, publicity, or other business purposes, to such per-
 son or persons as the PUBLISHERS may elect;

         c) to pay to the AUTHOR a royalty of

 the said royalty shall be computed on the PUBLISHERS' gross
 receipts per copy, and no royalty shall be paid on copies
 given away or sold at less than cost of manufacture;

         d) to submit to the AUTHOR, on or before July 15 of
 each year, so long as said work shall remain in print, a
 statement of account of the sales of said work for the twelve
 months ending on June 30 next preceding, and remit, on or be-
 fore August 1 of such year, any royalties that may be due for
 such twelve-months period as revealed in such statement of

         e) to permit the AUTHOR, upon written request, to
examine, by a certified public accountant, the books of
account of the PUBLISHERS in so far as they relate to said
work, which examination shall be at the expense of the
AUTHOR unless errors of accounting amounting to 15 per cent
of the total sums theretofore paid to the AUTHOR shall be
found to the disadvantage of said AUTHOR; and

        I) to use reasonable care and diligence in the pro-
tection of any property belonging to the AUTHOR placed in
their hands by the AUTHOR under the terms of this contract,
and further to use the same degree of care in the protection
of such property as they exercise in the protection of prop-
erty of a similar character belonging to the PUBLISHERS.
The PUBLISHERS shall be reaponsible for the protection of
such property against damage by fire or water, or for its
loss, only to the amount that the AUTHOR shall request the
PUBLISHERS in writing to insure said property at its own

     5. The PUBLISHERS may sell, over their own imprint or
over another's imprint, copies or editions of said work for
foreign publication or under state contract, or otherwise,
and in any such event royalties shall be payable to the
AUTHOR as provided in paragraph 4 c) hereof.   The PUBLISH-
MS may arrange for English, Canadian, or other foreign or
domestic editions from duplicate plates or from independent
type-setting, or for domestic or foreign mechanical repro-
duction, over their own imprint or over another's imprint,
or for translation into a foreign language, and in any such
event they shall pay the AUTHOR, in lieu of royalty, one
half of their profits from such transactions.   The PUB-
LISHERS shall have the sole right to give permission for



the publication of extracts from said work, and for the pub-
lication for value of extracts from said work, the PUBLISH-
ERS shall pay the AUTHOR one half of their receipts.

     6. The PUBLISHERS shall have the sole and exclusive
right, as principal and not merely as agent, to enter into
any contract or agreement, with any book club, reprint house,
or other agency of publication or distribution, upon such
terms and conditions as to the PUBLISHERS shall seem proper
and desirable, relating to the sale, distribution, printing,
reprinting, or republication of said, work, and in any such
event they shall pay the AUTHOR, in lieu of royalty, one
half of their profits from such transactions.

     7. The AUTHOR promises:

        a) to verify all important statements, quotations
and citations appearing in said manuscript, and to make
an index if in the opinion of the PUBLISHERS an index is

        b) within thirty days following receipt by the
AUTHOR of an itemized statement from the PUBLISHERS, to
remit funds sufficient to cover any costs or expense on the
part of the PUBLISHERS arising from any changes, other than
corrections of typographical errors, made by the AUTHOR in
the manuscript or proofs of said work; and

        c) to pay as a grant in aid of publication to the
PUBLISHERS          _         upon signing this contract.

     8. The AUTHOR hereby warrants that:

        a) the manuscript of said work is complete and
ready for publication;

        b) he is the exclusive owner and sole author of
said manuscript and all rights therein and has full power
to enter into this contract and make this grant;

        c) said manuscript is free from any libelous or
otherwise unlawful or objectionable matter; and

        d) he will indemnify and hold harmless the PUB-
LISHERS against any suit, action, claim or recovery based
upon any proprietary right, copyright, or libelous or
other unlawful matter as regards said work, and will, at
his own expense, defend against any such suit, action, claim
or recovery in his own behalf and in behalf of the PUBLISHERS;
but the PUBLISHERS shall have the option of defending or
controlling the defense and the selection of counsel if the
PUBLISHERS are named as defendants or consider their ovwn
interests to be involved in any important respect.



     9. It is further mutually promised and agreed between
the parties hereto that:

        a) the title of said manuscript, as set out above,
shall be changed only by mutual consent of such parties in

        b) such changes may be madcin the text of said manu-
script as may be required to conform to the MIanual of Style
of the PUBLISHERS, or one designated by them, and otherwise
conform to the PUBLISHERS' prerequisites for publication;

        c) notice of copyright or copyrights, if said work
is copyrightable, shall be imprinted in all copies of said
wrork sold or distributed;

        d) if after three years from date of publication,
fewer than twenty-five copies of any edition of said wtork
shall have been sold in any one year, the PUBLISHERS may
offer at a remainder price to the AUTHOR the remaining part
of the edition, and in the event the AUTHOR does not elect tc
purchase said remaining part, it may be destroyed by the
PUBLISHERS or disposed of as waste paper, without payment of
any royalty to the AUTHOR on the part thus destroyed or
disposed of; and in any such event, such edition of said wiork
shall thereupon be deemed to be no longer in print, for pur-
poses of paragraphs 3, eta) and 4d) of this contract;

        e) in the event the AUTHOR shall bring any suit or
action or assert any claim under this contract, or based
upon the PUBLISHEF.S1 acts, omissions, or undertakings in
connection with the publication of said work, the signatoriee
and agents of the University of Kentucky and the State of
Kentucky whose signatures are affixed hereto and the members
of the Board of Trustees of the Uhiversity of Kentucky in
their individual capacities shall in no manner be liable,
Jointly or severally, for damages or otherwise, and that
any suit, action, or claim shall be filed against the Board
of Trustees in its corporate capacity, or against the Cor.m-
monwealth of Kentucky, as duly provided by the laws of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky; and

        f) this contract and all the provisions hereof shall
be binding upon, and shall inure to the benefit of, the
AUTHOR, his heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, and
the PUBLISHERS, their representatives, successors, and assigns.



          In witness whereof, the undersigned have hereunto af-
     fixed their signatures.
                                   UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY PRESS




     The form was read, ordered inserted in the minutes, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, adopted as the form of con-
tract to be entered into between the University of Kentucky Press and
the author whose book it publishes.

     I. Sale of Bliss Hydraulic Press.

     President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller:

                                             June 18, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Mfy dear President Donovan:

          The University owns a 75-ton Bliss Hydraulic Press
     which is unsuitable for use by the University.  The ma-
     chine is now covered with tarpaulin in the quadrangle of
     the College of Engineering.  This press is practically uee-
     less unless another war is declared, in which event the
     wrorth would multiply tenfold or more.  Xle should either
     dispose of the press or store it in a buildings.  If we do
     put it in a building, we would have to wait until a war came
     along to realize more money.

          I have sought competitive bids for the press, and have
     received only one bid, from the Indianapolis M~achinery & Sup-
     ply Company, in the amount of Q750.00.

         Please advise