xt79p843rf09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843rf09/data/mets.xml Green, James Albert. 1886.  books b92-104-27766246 English J.C.F. Mullen, : Cincinnati : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Southern States Description and travel. Dream of "Ellen N"  : an illustrated descriptive and historical narrative of southern travels ; issued under the auspices of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, Passenger department, Louisville, Ky. / James Albert Green. text Dream of "Ellen N"  : an illustrated descriptive and historical narrative of southern travels ; issued under the auspices of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, Passenger department, Louisville, Ky. / James Albert Green. 1886 1886. 2002 true xt79p843rf09 section xt79p843rf09 



                    AN ILLUSTRATED


                        OF -




                LOUISVILLE, KY.

                    PUBLISHED BY
              JOHN F. C. MULLEN,
                  CINCINNATI, U. S A.



                 JOHN F. C. MULLEN,


                   AlU Rights R-s-ved.


                                    IPUBLSIHER'S          NO'TlICE.

          I   presenting this book to the public the publisher desires to say a few words. He
             wishes to call attention to its many excellencies, and the original ideas in its style,
             "get-up" and contents.  As can be seen, the publication of a volume as complete
         as 'Tun R)ucgAM O1F EE:N N.'" involves an immense amount of labor. Yet labor, pains
         or expense have not been spared to make it a success, and the publisher believes that
         it will be accorded without question the first place among railroad books of its kind.
         Well-knowu and skillful artists have been employed to make the illustrations, and the
         work in this respect is as fine as anything that has ever been seen in the country. No
         finer or more artistic engravings wvill be found in the "Century" or the "Harper's,"
         which are famous the world over for the beauty and truthfulness of their illustrations.
         The names of the artists, which are given elsewhere. wvill be recognized at once, while
         of course their pictures speak for them. And not only have the artists been men of rare
         abilitv, but thev have been seconded in their work by the engravers, better than whom
         there are none in America.
               The literary features of the volume are not to be forgotten. It is no nrere guide-
         book, hut a most readable history of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad and its many
         branches.  The traveler who reads it has presented to him   a truthful picture of the
         ground lie is passing over, of the cities he visits, and of the people and their various
         pursuits. And on the line of the I.  N. are many famous and historic places, which
         -re fully described, and the tourist is told in an interesting way of what is to be seen
         and the way to see it. Special attention has been paid to schools, colleges and educa-
         tional institutions, which are situated in great numbers along the line of the road, and
         the many watering places and "resorts" are mentioned at length.
               But "THEt I)sRgENI OF ELL.FN N." speaks for itself. It is like good wine, in that
         it needs no bush, and words of introduction are unnecessary.  In conclusion, however,
         the publisher would like to call the attention of railroad corporations to the benefits
         resulting to themselves from such publications, and to state that he has special facilities
         for publishing hooks of this kind. IHe is ready to do the work on short notice, and
         is at all times prepared to furnish estimates and designs.  He has an organized corps
         of artists and engravers, whose experience in this particular line is most valuable,
         while his mechanical facilities for making a handsome volume typographically can not
         be excelled.
              Railroads thinking of issuing such a publication are respectfully asked to comn-
         nmnuicate with
                                                        JOHN F. C. MULLEN, 1URUISHFR.

    JuHN F. C. MULLEN',
Louisville  Nashville Ticket Office,
      C.iscisNTi, OiIO


                           LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.

              SUBAECT.                          ARTISTS.                 ENGRAVERS.
lIouisville  Nashville Passenger Station.    ROBERT McFEE.    . . . . . . M-Fee dv Co.
Along the Short Line.... . . . . . . . . . T. C. LINDSAY.  . . . . . . .     elkre - Co.
Bellewood Seminary.. . . . . . . . . .         L. PAUL JONES.... . . . . ..J1fi/Ie  Co.
Crab Orchard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAUL JONES.    . . . . . . . .1-Fee  Co.
Hamilton Female College.. . . . . . . . . . ALBERT E. EVANS.  . .         F.. e. Fee ' cO.
Agricultural and Mechanical College. . . . . . . ALBERT E. EVANS. . . . . . . Fee  Co.
Home School for Young Ladies... . . . . . . V                        .NOWO.            ...-e  6 ;
Bethel College... . . . . . . . . . . . . ALBERT E. EVANS. . . . . . .It P. Ha/i.
Dunbar Cave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PL. JONES. . . . . . . . ..lfrliee  (0C.
Evergreen Lodge.. . . . . . . . . . . . . PAUL JONES.    . . . . . . . .IkFee  (o.
Clarksville Tobacco Exchange..... . . . . . M. B. HAI.L.. . . . . . .   .1I. Hall
l.ouisville Hotel.... . . . . . . . . . . ALBERT E. EVANS. . . . .      Alefiie  C ;
The Home of "Ellen N.".   . . . . . . . . . PAUL JONES.                       ...  .   . ..Jfcj- e Cv.
Mammoth Cave.. . . . . . . . . .      . . . PAUL JONES.  . . . . . . . . 1Fel't 
Mellbrough's Hill... . . . . . . . . . . . T. C. LINDSAY.. . . . . . .. M-f.,Pe  C,.
Ogden College.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al-BERT E. EVANS. . . . . . .J1/11t IS2 (0.
Southern Normal School and Business College.  ALBERT E. EVANS.   . . .    .  .i-Fee C ( ;.

Henderson Bridge.. . . .  . . . . . .  .  . V. .. . . .          . . . .MFee C- C.
W. E. Ward's Seminary for Young l.adies..    . N.OWOTNV.  . . . . .    .n         o C
Nashville.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALBshT E. EVANS. . . . . .lMFee  ( .
Nashville by Moonlight... . . . . . . . . ... LBERT E. EVANS. . . . .   1frfie  Cv.
Vanderbilt University... . . . . . . . . . ROBERT MCFEE .   . . . . . .l      e (iv.
Sand Mountain.. .C. INDSAY. . .l . . . . .. 1feie -'' C.
First National Bank of Birmingham.... . . . ROBERT McFEE.                .1fi Fee  0.,.
The Sunny South. . . . . . . . . . . . .     . C. LINDSAY.  .           M-Fee  0,.
Pensacola Bay.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'r. C. LINDSAV.  .           .   1. Fo/ger.

The Home of Jefferson l)avis.... . . . . . . C. A. FRIES.. . . . . . . .. 1ArFee  6o.
Lagoons by Moonlight.. . . . . . . . .   .  T. C. LINDSAV.    . . ..    1XrFee  (D.
New Orleans. . . . . . .  . . . . . .  . . . C. A. FRIES... . . . .  . ..Ik;iJed (;J.
Cover.. . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    H. L. BRIDWELL..      . . . M11  Hall
Cover..   .  . .  .  . .  . . . . . . . .   PAL JONEs .  . . . . . . . cU: B. Ha/i.


                                                 -'Well, brother mine."
                                                 X We've started."

                                      x   0 a I spoke the Pullman gently glided forward and we had
                                                on our trip to the "sunny southland."  I am one
                                           of those Americans who believe that this country is the
                                           greatest and grandest that the sun shines upon, and it is
                               a part of my religion to see it and know it before going abroad. I
                             believe that there are just as many tours, as they call them, in America
                             as there ate in Europe, and that they are vastly more profitable to the
                             tourist, for here lie is in the land of the living and not wandering among
                             the dusty relics of departed greatness and the mummies of long dead and
                           buried enterprise as on the other side of the water. And so when the
                           opportunity came during the Christmas holidays to take a trip, my sister
                           and nmself packed up our traps and started for a ramble over the South
                           on the L.  N., or " Ellen N," as we affectionately called the road from the
                           verylxginning of our travels. Of course there was a great deal of prelim-
                           inry planning and much studying of maps before our arrangements were
                           complete. In order to make the way easier for other travelers I have jotted
                         down our experiences in this book.  Cincinnati was our starting point, and
                         in a moment or two we were rumbling over the massive iron bridge that spans
                       the Ohio, and the city, with its teeming thousands, and miles and miles of
                     noble buildings, was left behind. Cincinnatians see this bridge so much that
they seldoni stop to think what a wonderful struflure it is, yet it is built to defy time. Its mighty stone
piers and iron trusses not only bear the traffic of a great railroad, but over its double carriage and


foot-ways there flow two unceasing streams of vehicles and people between Cincinnati and its fair young
sister city. Newport. But we are fairly across the Ohio and in the South, and not only in the South but
in Kentucky, that blissful region of fair maidens and gallant men. And 'Newport has more than its propor-
tion of beautiful girls and brave men, and it is noted for its blue blooded families and generous hospitality
as much as the other Newport is famous for its summer cottages and gorgeous display. Newport. however, is
very familiar, for every Cincinnatian visits there, and Bea simply remarks on the extreme quiet of the place in
contrast to the bustle across the river.
       L Iook." she cried, ",we're running right in the middle of the street, just as though we were in a
carriage." And this is true, for the 1..  N. goes directly through the town in a masterful kind of way. not
skirting it and stealing through the slums and back yards as is often the case in railroad approaches.
      There is only a moment's stop at Newport, and then the train starts on its picturesque run to Louisville
over the "Short-line." Six miles out is "Latonia" station, and the track and great airy buildings of the latonia
Race Course are within a stone's throw. Here it is that the famous Kentucky thoroughbred ' Leonatus " made
such a wonderful record, while nearly all of the great horses of the country have shown their paces as they
sped round and round the course. The races are great events and they are not only attended by the wealth
and beauty of the three cities of Cincinnati, Covington and Newport, but half of Kentucky gathers to see
them: and the grand stand is a brilliant sight on a field-day. Talk about beautiful women! They are there
by the hundreds, and they are not only fair of face, they are well built, graceful, and as the Kentuckian horse
fancier said, bestowing praise with the most expressive smile of which he was capable, " they are more
symmetrical than a thoroughbred."
      The track at Latonia has a most excellent reputation among sportsmen and it is considered one of the
finest in the country. The first race meeting took place in June, i885, and there u-as a larger continuous attend-
ance, heavier purses given away, and a greater number of thoroughbreds gathered together than was ever
before known in the South or West, and this auspicious beginning has been of a piece with its succeeding
history. Truthfully and beautifully has it been written:
                                   "Latonia-sweet sounding in name,
                                   i'araldise of horseiaen."
      Latonia has done a great deal, and is doing a great deal, to encourage the breeding of fine horses. It
offers that practical encouragement in the shape of financial rewards to the horseman ewho succeeds ill
developing the fleetest-footed steeds, and it might be remarked that Kentucky has ever been noted for its
horseflesh. The early Virginians, who settled the State, were lovers of racing, and they brought their horses
with them. In course of time the breed was improved by the importation of animals from P'ennsylvania, and
the settlers began to discover that the water and soil of Kentucky brought out the best points of horses,
and that in two or three generations of horses the swift became swifter and the clean-footed, long-necked,
slim-built, became cleaner footed, longer necked and slimmer built. In fact they awoke to the faft that
"blue grass" and lime water were making such horses as the world has never seen.
      And Kentucky is one of the great horse growing and horse using States of the Union. When the war
broke out the most daring bands of horsemen came from there. It was there that Morgan organized his
company of wild rangers, and it was Kentucky horses that tirelessly carried them over field and flood on
their desperate expeditions. His men w-ere Kentuckians trained to the saddle from youth, and their free and
easy style of performing cavalry evolutions would have astonished a prime German or English officer. But
they knew how to manage their horses andi they did more execution in a shorter space of time during the
war than did any other body of men of the same size. At one tiiie their mere approach threw the whole
of the great city of Cincinnati into turmoil, while by one fierce rally they spread terror and dismay through-
out Southern Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.
     But I am not writing war reminiscences. That must be left to the Century Magazine. I simply
started to say something about Kentucky horses and strayed a little from the subject. The rank and file of
these horses still, however, have occasionally a chance to distinguish themselves in military services, for the
English government buys hundreds of them annually for the army. At the time of the Arabi Bey rebellion
in Egypt, the English also bought all the Kentucky mules in the Cincinnati market for use in the war.
So it can be seen that the breeding of horses has been turned to great practical account. Thousands of
dollars are invested in some of the blue grass stock farms and they are managed with the same percision
and system as a mercantile business.
     While we are thus entering and passing through the 'dark and bloody ground," as it was called in
the old Imdian days. a glance at its varied history may be interesting. A hundred years ago and more, all
this region was known as Transylvania, and it was free from settlers of any kind. The red men had no
permanent villages here but simply roamed through the country on hunting expeditions. Occasionally
white hunters came here, too, and they brought back reports of the beauty and fertility of the region.
Among these early comers was Dr. Thomas Walker, a Virginian, who in I 750 journeyed as far as where Lexing-
ton now stands, and his diary still exists. As Shaler, in his history of Kentuck-, says: " He seems to have
been a remarkably intelligent explorer, for lie noticed the easternmost out-crop of the Appalachian coal field,
which so far is probably the first mention of any fact of geological nature concerning any part of the
Virginian mountains." These early wanderers were all enthusiastic, and in 1774-June lo is the exact date-
the first deliberate attempt w'as made to form a permanent settlement. James Harrod, with forty companions


sailed down the Ohio to a point near Louisville, and then striking inland they penetrated to Central Ken-
tucky, where they founded what is now the flourishing and historic town of Harrodsburg. Then came Boone
and the brave pioneers who followed where he led. In 1775 a frontier congress was held at Boone's Station
anl the following laws were passed: an act to establish courts of judicature and establish practice therein;
an act for regulating the militia; an act for the punishment of criminals; an act to prevent profane
swearing and Sabbath breaking; an act for writs of attachment; an act for       ascertaining clerks'
and sheriffs' fees; an act for to preserve the range (that is, the right of public  pasture); an act for
preserving the breed of horses, and a game act.
   The reader can see that even in that
remote day the horse was dear to the
Kentucky heart. But the faft that this
woodland congress was held, and that  
these laws were passed, is all important
ini showing the charaafer
of the men who had
thus ventured into
the wilderness to
miiake homes for
themsel ves andl to
carve out a State.


     It would be useless to repeat the story of the trials and adventures of these bold settlers. It is a bloody
narrative, full of border heroism, of midnight attack and murderous reprisal, of snake-like cunning watched
liv unceasing watchfulness and brave endurance, of savage torture and death, and of final triumph for the
whites. After the Revolutionary war the Indians were driven westward and northward and the pioneers were
left praclically undisturbed. However, at the very beginning of the Revolutionary struggle, in 1 776, the name
of Transylvania was dropped and Kentucky County was officially separated from Fincastle County, Virginia,
Harrodsburg being named as the seat of government. The growth of the territory was rapid, and in 1792
it was admitted into the Union. Says Shaler: " From the settlement of Harrodshurg in 1774, to the admis-
sion of Kentucky into the Union, wvas seventeen -ears. In these crowded years, full of incessant battle with


the wilderness and its tenants, a struggle in which thousands of brave men fell, a State had been created.
For nearly one-half the time during which this great work was a-doing, the parent colony of Virginia was
engaged in a war that drained her energies to utter exhaustion.
       ,-There is no similar specttacle in history that is so curious as this swarming of men into the wilder-
 ness during the tim.z when their mother country was engaged in a life and death struggle. We can only
 explain it through the intense land-hunger which marks the Saxon people. The thirst for land which
 we find so strongly developed in the Elizabethian English, seems to have been transmitted to Virginia in
 an intenser form. Knowing that free lands were to be won by giving life for it, the Virginia and North
 Carolina people were driven to desert their comfortable dwelling places in the colonies for the battle in the
 Vest. There is no other case where this land-winning motive is so clearly seen is here.  All our other
 western immigration his been fostered by the protection of the government. These people could look to no
 protection but what they gave themselves."
      The historv of Kentucky until the Civil War is a narrative of uninterrupted prosperity and steady
growth.  It was marked by the brilliant episode of the Mexican war, in which Kentucky soldiers particu-
larlv distinguished themselves. Gen. Zachary Taylor was a Kentuckian, and the glorious victory at Bluena
V'ista was won almost entirely by the regiments from his native State. Of course the history of the Coam-
monwealth in the late " unpleasantness" is well known. At first Kentucky resolved to remain neutral and
keep invaders fromt her soil. But this could not be and the policy of neutrality was abandoned. The State
.stuck by the Union. yet more than 40,ooo of her bra-e sons marched away to fight for the Confederacy.
A still greater number fought under the old flag, but in '65 their battles were over and they returned to
their homies to live together in the delights of Testored peace, confidence and well being. There was no
fighting of the war over again wshen the Northern and Southern veterans came home. Neighbors again
became brothers and joined in the common cause of making the land blossom as the rose, and restoring the
prosperity which reigned before the war.
      All passenger trains on the "Short-line " make splendid time, and the rapid flight across a corner of Keti-
tucky is hugely enjoyable. For four or five miles the road runs near the banks of the yellow and turbulent
Licking, that fierce little river which occasionally rises in its might and pours its swollen waters against the
craft lying at the Cincinnati levee, working untold damage and destruction. But just now its inuddy current
looks peaceful enough, and as we rattle across it and plunge into the Kentucky hills we look back and catch our
last glimpse of the great smoke cloud-that banner of industry-which forever hangs above the " Queen City.
      "That is the last of Cincinnati for many a long day," I obser-e, and then a sudden turn hides the
smokv cloud.
      The "Short-line" cuts direatly across the State, making the shortest possible route between Cincinnati
and Louisville. Much of the scenery along the road is very fine. Now the train is curving around a hill whose
sides are covered with long rows of tobacco plants, while a noble stretch of vallev, rich with woodland and
meadow, is to be seen from the car window; then it is rumbling over some high embankment or whizzing
through a tunnel. Many are the glimpses of beautiful scenery along the road, and the traveler who passes over
it in the spring time finds it a veritable path of flowers. All the hillsides are radiant with bloom while the
trees are dressed in colors that might make the gorgeous bird of Paradise rffle his feathers in envy. It
was at this season that our artist sketched the beautiful and restful scene, " Along the Short-line." which is one
of the handsomest engravings ever made in America. There are some very pretty towns along the line which
are centers of local trade and depots of agricultural products.
      But the ride is of truth " short" and almost before we were aware, we were approaching I.ouisville
After leaving La Grange, which is only twenty-seven miles from Louisville, and which is a flourishing place,
suburban houses began to make their appearance. All this stretch of countnr is destined to grow, and eventu-
ally it will be one long, continuous suburb from Louisville. As the city becomes more and more a utanufactur-
ing center, the desirability of living beyond the noise and smoke will increase, and as the suburbs follow the
railroads it is highly probable that soon this region wvill be well built up. All the indications point that way,
and year by year the number of suburban residents grows greater. It is very likely that some day this country
along the "Short-line" will be as popular as that along the roads running out of Cincinnati. In that great and
unexpressibly dirty city the people have found it necessary to seek the countn- with its freshness and purity. and
as a consequence the suburbs of Cincinnati are larger than any others in America. And people in Louisville are
gradually moving out into the "'open" in the same wvay. This region offers great advantages to the city
resident. In the first place it is easily accessible, and then it is high and free front malarial influences. In
summer it is always cooler than in the city, as the breeze has a chance to make itself felt. Of course it is a
wonderfully good place to bring up a family of boys, uniting, as it does, all the wholesome associations of country
life with the advantages of the city, while at the same tinie being beyond its harmful tendencies. Pewee Valley
is one of the prettiest of the suburbs, and it is the home of many Louisville business men. Kentucky College
is located here, and as a college town it has additional interest in the eyes of the tourist; then comes Anchor-
age, which is known everywhere through the State, as the Insane Asylum is situated here. The institution can
be seen from the car windows, and Bea and I hardly knew which to admire most. the tasteful building or the
beautifully kept grounds.
     Anchorage is a suburb of Louisville and it is one of the loveliest and best known in the South. Originally
it was called by the unromantic and prosaic name of Hobb's Station, being called for a former President


of the Louisville  Lexington R. R. Co. Its picturesque and attractive surroundings
       give it a peculiarly home-like appearance; and some years since a member of
            'M r.     IIobbs' family suggestedc a change of name, and that it be called
                       Anchorage, as in description of its restful and peaceful surround-
                  ,:  ings. The idea was approved, and the station became known
                            under its present name. MIany elegant, handsome homes
                            have been erected here, and it has been for man- years a
                                         great educational center. I)r. IL. . McCoun,
                                         a distinguished scholar, founded Forest Home
                                                  Academy, a mile east of the station,
                                                  and in twenty years since lDr. lill
                                                  located Bellewood Semuinary near the
                                                  station. Anchorage is also the home
                                                     of Bellewood Femtale Seminar-,
                                                     one of the best known educa-
                                                          tional centers in the South
                                                          aiid WVest. It is -splendlidlv

                        located in a grove of magnificent shade trees and all its environments are unsurpassed
               for natural beauty and healthfulness. It is several hundred feet above the level of I ouisville
and malaria is nnknow-n. In the immediate vicinity are niany fine residences, the homes of wealthy people doing
business in the city, and who come here to escape its tuipnoil and restlessness in the pure air and quietude of the
country. And the purely educational features of the institution are all that could be wished. The course of
stutdy is thorough and complete, while the young ladies are also taught what are known as the "acconiplish-
nients," that is music, drawing, and the polite arts. Prof. R. C. Morrison is the Principal, Miss Pauline Breck
is the lady Principal, Rev. Ii. W. iBedinger is Chaplain, and Col. Bennet A. Yoting, of Louisville, is Regent.
      After leaving Anchorage came another and lesser suburb, and a few minutes more than four hours after
starting, we rolled past the houses and faftories which indicated a great city, and the porter, gathering up the
ladies' wraps, cried out " Louisville." Bea and I had left Cincinnati at 7:55 A. st. and we were in Louisville at
12:20 P. M. Had we been going directly through we would have taken the Pullman, but as we intended to stop
over at Louisville we rode in the chair car. seats in which are furnished the patrons of the road without extra
charge. Tourists who are going through direct, however, can take a Pullman Buffet Sleeper at Cincinnati and
go without change to New Orleans; or, they can take it at Louisville and go without change to Pensacola and
Jacksonville in Florida.



                                    NpoXvi I le       f I e i

      Seldoim it is that one finds a prettier or more varied stretch of road than the Knoxville branch of tile
Ellen N. It runs from Lebanon Junction, on the main line, through somie of the most picturesqjue parts of
Kentucky, and passes through some of the wildest and most beautiful scenery in Tennessee, to that enter-
prising and ever-increasing city, Knoxville. The distance from Louisville to Knoxville is two hundred and
sixty-one miles, not at all an insignificant jaunt. In England a road of this extent would le called a great
through trunk line; but here, in spite of its miles and miles of gleaming steel, it is only a branch.
      The first large town on the road, after leaving the junction, is Lebanon, with about three thousand
inhabitants. It is a flourishing placW, well supplied with churches, schools and manufac-tories: and, being
in the center of a rich fanning country, it boasts anl extensive trade.
    Beyond Lebanon the traveler notices those peculiarly sharp, conical hills called "knobs" by the natives.
Their summits against the horizon look like the teeth of some gigantic saw, or like the waves of the
ocean in a choppy sea.
      At Danville Junction, four miles south of );anville, the track is crossed by the Cincinnati Southern
Railroad.  There is but little need to speak of I)anville, that ancient place of great renown, from who-e
schools have gone so many of the distinguished nmen of the State, and among whose residents are the fore-
most families of Kentucky. It is a town where wealth, education, culture and trade have long centered
and it is a lovely place beside. Near Danville June-tion are the fatuous Aluin Springs of Kentucky, whosQ
curative powers have long been well known.  Annually they art: visited by hundreds, who either seek
bodily relief, or, in the peace and quiet of the place, recruit their wasted strength.
      Stanford, one hundred and four miles front Louisville, is a town which is steadily growing, and is
now of considerable importance. All around lies one of the finest grazing countries in the world-a pe-rfect
sea of emerald fields-whose possibilities have as vet hardly been attempted.
      And now the road begins to enter the mountainous region of Southeastern Kentucky. and the track
winds around steep hills and through rocky cuts, like a vast metallic serpent.  At Richmond Junctiom
passengers change cars for Richmond, which lies but thirty-four miles to the north.

                                     . grals OrGhaireIJD

     What Saratoga is to New York, the White Sulphur Springs to Virginia, that is what Crab Orchard
is to Kentucky. And not to Kentucky alone; for the fame of the Crab Orchard Springs, and the beauty
and attractiveness of their surroundings, every year brings hundreds of visitors froni the neighboring States.
Nowhere in the Union is there a more charmingly lovely spot than here; while the soft and lazy summer
climate is a balm to the weary body and tired mind.  The springs are about a mile distant from the
little town on the railroad. in a valley which is so extensive, that, were it not for the spurs and foot-hills
running into it, it might be taken for a plain. Far away can be seen the blue hills, misty by reason o,
distance: and all around is a country which is a living liarnuony in color.
     Here it is that, regularly as the summer comes, that tIhe beauty and bravery of the country gather.
Amid the merry-makings that absorb old and young, the moonlight rambles, the long daylight walks, the
pleasant drives, the joyous pic-nics. the gay dances, the innocent love-making-who call describe them
You that have had the exquisite pleasure of spending a season at Crab Orchard know of its delights: andl
know that it would be vain for me to attempt to tell of its numberless pleasures and attra6tions. Those
that come here, brain-worn and wearied by the busy and pressing world, find the very atmosphere of the
place contagious: and they give themselves up wholly and unreservedly to the enjoyment of the passing
hour. As the poet says. they "leav