xt79p843r94f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79p843r94f/data/mets.xml Republican Party (Ky.). State Central Committee. [1905]  books b98-46-42334292 English Gazette Publishing, : Mt. Sterling, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Republican Party (Ky.) Rules and practice. Rules of the Republican Organization of Kentucky, 1905 . text Rules of the Republican Organization of Kentucky, 1905 . 1905 [1905] 2002 true xt79p843r94f section xt79p843r94f 






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Gazette Publishing Co.,
Mt. Sterling, Ky.

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Party of Kentucky.



          Of KIENTUCKY,

-MAY 27, 1905.-


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State Central Committee,


              Covington, Ky.
               Danville, Ky.
              Louisville, Ky.
              Louisville, Ky.
State-at-Large-David W. Fairleigh, Louisville.
State-at-Large-George W. Welsh, Danville.
First District-Wm. J. Deboe, Marion.
Second District-Will P. Scott, Dawson Springs.
Third District-J. F. Taylor, Glasgow.
Fourth District-M. L. Heavrin, Hartford.
Fifth District-George DuRelle, Louisville.
Sixth District-Richard P. Ernst, Covington.
Seventh District-R. J. McMichael, Lexington.
Eighth District-Thos. J. Ballard, Lawrenceburg.
Ninth District-J. B. Bennett, Greenup.
Tenth District-Robt. H. Winn, Mt. Sterling.
Eleventh District-W. W. Byrley, Barboursville.

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    . .ORGANIZATION                   . .
    By virtue of the power and authority conferred
by the Republican Party of Kentucky in State
Convention assembled, the Republican State Cen-
tral Committee of Kentucky, in regular session,
does hereby enact the following rules for its gov-
ernment and the government of all other commit-
tees subordinate thereto. But said rules shall not
apply to the County of Jefferson and the districts
embraced therein, except the rules applicable to
appeals and contests, proxies, conventions and pri-
mary elections, and such rules as are specifically
made applicable thereto. In other respects said
territory shall be governed by the rules heretofore
established and amended by the State Central Com-
mittee with respect thereto.


    Republican precinct chairmen in the State of
Kentucky shall be selected under the following
                  RULVE ONE.
   The basis of the county organization shall be
the election precincts as established under the
State law. Each precinct in each county shall have
a precinct chairman who shall always be a resident
of said precinct, and may associate other Republi-
cans with him in the work of the party.

                  RULIE TWO.
   The selection of precinct chairmen shall be



made at 2 o'clock p. m., standard time, on the first
Saturday in March of each Presidential election
year, at the place of holding the last previous elec-
tion in said precinct, unless the county committee
shall fix another place, and unless the State Cen-
tral Committee shall fix another date. Provided,
however, that in lieu of such precinct meeting the
county committee may call a county mass conven-
tion at said hour on said date to elect precinct
chairmen for the entire county, and in such event
shall fix rules of procedure for such county con-
vention, and shall fix a place for holding the same
in the county seat of such county, except in the
counties of Boyd, Campbell and Kenton, in which
counties such meetings shall be held in the cities of
Ashland, Newport and Covington, respectively.
    The term of office of such precinct chairmen
shall begin when the State convention is held to
elect delegates to the National Republican Conven-
tion to nominate a candidate for President and
they shall hold their offices for a term of four years
and until their successors are elected and qualified.
    On the day fixed for such precinct meetings or
county mass conventions or when a re-organization
of the county executive committees and precinct
chairmen is ordered by the State Central Commit-
tee as hereinafter provided, the Republicans of each
precinct or county shall assemble at the designated
voting place in such precinct or county and then
and there in mass convention, at which either the
viz'a voce or the ballot form of voting may be used,
select a precinct chairman for each precinct of the
county. Due notice of such precinct mass meet-
ings or county mass conventions and of the time
and places of holding the same shall be given by
the chairman of the county executive committee.
    At such meetings all Republican voters who
will be qualified to vote at the next regular elec-




tion shall be entitled to vote. In cities where reg-
istration is required such voters shall be permitted
to participate as are registered or shall have be-
come entitled to register since the last election.
                 RULE THREE.
   The State Central Committee at any time, after
charges filed against the precinct chairmen or the
county committee of any county and a hearing on
said charges, may order a re-organization of the
precinct chairmen and county committee of such
county; in which event on the day and at the place
or places fixed by said State Central Committee, an
election of precinct chairman shall be held therein
and the same procedure shall be had as is provided
for the regular election of such precinct chairmen;
provided, that the chairman of the State Central
Committee may designate a person to call such
precinct or county mass meetings or may direct the
district chairman to do so.


                  RULE FOUR.
    The County Executive Committee of each
county shall act as the committee of each magis.
terial district of said county.


                  RULE FIVE.
    The County Executive Committee shall be
composed of the precinct chairmen of said county,
and the chairman of said committee. The officers
of the County Executive Committee shall be a




chairman, a secretary, and a treasurer.  The of-
ficers shall be selected from within or out the mem-
bership. If selected from without the member-
ship the officers shall have no vote except the
chairman, who shall be entitled to vote in case of a
tie vote. If the chairman is elected from the mem-
bership, he shall vacate his office of precinct chair-
man and the vacancy so created shall be filled by
the committee.
                   RULIE SIX.
    As soon after their election as practicable, and
within fifteen (lays after their election, the mem-
bers of the new county executive committees shall
be called together for organization, but no member
of the old committee shall take part in the organi-
zation unless he is re-elected thereto. The meeting
shall be called by the secretary of the old or pre-
ce(ling committee, by written notice mailed to the
P. 0. address of each member elected not less than
five days before the day of meeting. When the
new committee meets pursuant to the notice afore-
said, the Secretary of the old committee shall call
for the election of a temporary chairman and a tem-
porary secretary. The temporary officers chosen
shall then call for nominations for permanent
chairman and the permanent chairman, when elect-
ed, shall call for nominations for permanent secre-
tary and a permanent treasurer; the committee
shall elect in addition to the permanent chairman,
a permanent secretary and a permanent treasurer,
and said permanent officers of the new committee
shall each serve during the term of the committee
unless removed by death, resignation, removal
from the county or for cause.
    Any officer of the County Executive Commit-
tee, or any member thereof, may be removed by
the State Central Committee for malfeasance, or




misfeasance in office, after five days notice has been
given him in writing stating the charges and time
and place of hearing thereon, and after he has had
an opportunity to be heard.
    When the Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer,
or any other officers of, or any member of, a county
executive committee shall be ome a candidate for
nomination for any county, municipal, or district
office, to be filled at any regular or special election,
he shall immediately resign his office as member of
such committee, and the vacancy caused thereby
shall be filled as provided for by the party rules;
and on his failure to so resign, the said committee
(he not being allowed to vote thereon) shall there-
upon declare his office or membership vacant and
shall fill the vacancy agreeably to the party rules.
    Vacancies occurring by death, resignation or
removal from the precinct shall be filled by the re-
maining members of the county committee. Va-
cancies caused by the action of the State Central
Committee shall be filled as said Committee niay


                 RULE SEAVEN.
    As'soon as the County Executive Committee
shall have organized the full names, occupations,
and post-office and telegraph addresses of its mem-
bers, together with the designation of the precinct
district of which each has charge, shall be reported
directly to the Secretary of the State Central Com-
    The County Executive Committee, by itself or
through the County Campaign Committee, shall
have entire control of the County and Magisterial
District Campaigns; provide ways and means for




conducting the canvass; distribute all supplies re-
ceived from the State Central Committee in accord-
ance with instructions; forward committee lists of
the precinct chairmen and precinct committeemen
to the Secretary of the State Central Committee;
report the result of the poll of the county as soon as
completed, to the Secretary of the State Central
Committee; nieet with the committeemen in every
precinct and see that they are instructed as to their
duties; supervise the polling and other campaign
work therein and arrange the times and places of
all political meetings in the county. The County
Executive Committee shall hold regular meetings
for the transaction of any business that may come
before the body, and to enable members to ex-
change ideas about party affairs, and it shall be the
duty of the chairman to call a meeting of the Com-
mittee at any time upon the request of one-third of
the members of the Committee.  On request of
one-third of the members of the Committee the
Chairman of the Committee shall call a meeting of
the Committee, but in the event of his death, resig-
nation, or refusal, the secretary may issue the call.
All meetings, regular or called, of the County Ex-
ecutive Committee shall be held at the county seat,
except in the counties of Boyd, Campbell and Ken-
toil, in which such meetings shall be held in the
cities of Ashland, Newport and Covington, respect-
ively. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the
members of the Committee except in the counties
containing cities of the first, second or third classes,
in which counties the committee may by rule pro-
vide what number shall constitute a quorum. It
shall be the duty of each member of this committee
to attend all regular and special meetings when
possible to do so, and to heartily support all nomi-
nees of the regular Republican Party. For non-
attendance at three consecutive meetings without




excuse which is accepted as sufficient by the Com-
mittee, or for refusal or neglect to comply with the
laws of the Committee, the membership of any
member of said Committee, may, in the discretion
of the Committee, cease after notice and hearing as
provided in Rule Six.

               CITY COMMITTEES.

                 RULE EIGHT.
    Each city of the first, second, third and fourth
class shall have a City Committee which shall be
composed of the precinct chairmen residing within
and representing the precincts of the city. Said
committee shall elect a Secretary and Treasurer
from within or without its own membership. The
City Committee shall have jurisdiction only in
matters relating to the nomination of a ticket for
the city offices, such as Mayor, Alderman, Coun-
cilmen, and all other city officers. The County
Executive Committee shall have charge of the city
campaign, together with that of the other officers
to he voted for within the city and county. The
County Chairman shall be ex-officio chairman of
said City Committee and shall have a vote, but
shall not vote a second time in case of a tie.


                  RULE NINE.
    Each Legislative District shall have a Legisla-
tive District Committee which shall be composed of
the members of the County Executive Committees
residing within such legislative district. In coun-




ties having more than one legislative district the
chairman of the precinct embraced within said leg-
islative district which cast the largest vote for the
Republican candidate at the last preceding presi-
dential election will be the chairman of said legis-
lative district. In counties forming a single legis-
lative district the chairman of the County Execu-
tive Committee shall be chairman of the Legislative
District Committee. Where a legislative district is
formed of two or more counties the chairman of
that county which cast the largest Republican vote
at the last preceding presidential election shall be
chairman of the Legislative District Committee.
Such committee shall elect a Secretary and Treas-
urer from within or without the membership, but
such officers shall have no vote unless they are
members of the committee.


                  RULE TEN.
    Each Senatorial District shall have a Senatorial
District Conimittee which, in districts comprising
more than one county, shall be composed of all the
County Executive Chairmen in said district; where
the district is composed of two or more counties the
chairman of that county which cast the largest
Republican vote at the last preceding presidential
election shall be chairman of the said Senatorial
District Committee. In districts which are co-ex-
tensive with a county the County Executive Coni-
mittee shall be the Senatorial District Committee.
    Where the district is less than a county the
precinct committeemen residing in such district
shall constitute the committee, and the chairman
of that precinct which cast the largest Republican




vote at the last preceding presidential election shall
be the chairman thereof. Such committee shall
elect a Secretary and Treasurer from within or
without the membership, but such officers shall
have no vote unless they are members of the com-


                RULE EILEVEN.
   Each Circuit Court District shall have a Circuit
Court District Committee, which, in districts com-
prising more than one county, shall be composed
of the chairmen and County Executive Committees
embraced within said Circuit Court District; the
chairman of each of said Circuit Court Districts
shall be the chairman of that county which cast
the largest Republican vote at the last preceding
presidential election, except in any district which
is co-extensive with a county, when the County
Executive Committee of such county shall be the
Circuit Court District Committee.


                RUL:E TWELVE.
   Each Congressional District shall have a Con-
gressional District Committee which shall be com-
posed of the member of the State Central Committee
from the Congressional District, and the chairman
of the County Executive Committees of the coun-
ties in said district. The member of the State
Central Committee shall serve as chairman of the
Congressional District from which he was chosen.





               RULE THIRTEEN.

    Each member of the State Central Committee
shall have supervision in the county or counties
composing his district, and shall see that every
county in his district is thoroughly organized in
accordance with the plan of county and precinct
organization herein set forth. Said district chair-
men are hereby specially charged with the duty of
organizing the several counties in their several
districts at an early date preceding each State and
Congressional campaign, and of visiting each coun-
ty when necessary during the canvass for the pur-
pose of encouraging greater efficiency and activity
in political work. The said district committee
shall be called together at some convenient and
central point in the district as often as may be
necessary for the general welfare of the party and
the success of the Republican ticket; and shall aid,
by counsel, and in every other proper way, the
legislative candidates. Detailed reports of these
visits and meetings must be promptly transmitted
by the district chairman when requested to the
Secretary of the State Central Committee for the
general information of the State and National party
organization. The said district committee is also
charged with the proper conduct of each Congres-
sional campaign; it shall select its own officers ex-
cept chairmen, and may, under the supervision of
the State Central Committee, provide a campaign
and other subordinate committees.




              RULE FOURTEEN.

   Each Appellate Court District shall have an
Appellate Court District Committee. Except in the
Fourth Appellate Court District the Appellate Court
District Committee shall be composed of the chair-
men of the County Executive Committees embraced
within each Appellate Court District. The chair-
man of this committee shall be the member of the
State Central Committee from that Congressional
District which has the largest number of counties
within such Appellate Court District; provided,
however, that in case of an equal Lumber of coun-
ties from different Congressional Districts in an
Appellate District, the chairman shall be that
member of the State Central Committee whose said
equal number of counties cast the largest Republi-
can vote at the last preceding presidential election.
The Congressional District Committee of the Fifth
Congressional District shall be the Appellate Court
District Committee for the Fourth Appellate Court


                RULE FIFTEEN.

    Each Railroad Commissioner's District shall
have a District Committee which shall be composed
of the chairmen of the County Executive Commit-
tees embraced therein. The chairman of said Dis-
trict Committee shall be the member of the State
Central Committee from that Congressional District
which has the largest number of counties within
such Railroad Commissioner's District; provided,




whoever, that in case of an equal number of coun-
ties from different Congressional Districts in a
Railroad Commissioner's District, the chairman
shall be that member of the State Central Commit-
tee whose said equal number of counties cast the
largest Republican vote at the last preceding pres-
idential election.


                RULE SIXTEEN.
    Subject to the Republican Party of Kentucky
in convention assembled the Republican State Cen-
tral Committee shall be the supreme party power
in the State.
    The Republican State Central Committee is
hereby declared to be a permanent political body.
Its members and officers shall be chosen quadren-
nially. The State Central Committee shall consist
of two members from the State-at-Large and of one
member from each Congressional District, and its
regularly chosen chairman. Each member shall be
a Republican, in good party standing. The mem-
bers of the State Central Committee from the sev-
eral districts shall be the chairmen of their respecL-
ive Congressional District Committees.

               RULE SEVENTEEN.
    The two members from the State-at-Large shall
be appointed every four years by the permanent
chairman of the State Convention held to select
delegates from the State-at-Large to the Republican
National Convention. Eiach district member shall
be a citizen and resident of the district he repre-
sents and shall be elected every four years by the
majority of votes of the district convention of such
district held to elect district delegates to the Re-



publican National Convention.  The committee
shall organize as soon as practicable after the ad-
journment of said State Convention; and the terms
of its members shall date from the committee's said
organization and continue for four years or until
their successors are elected and qualified.

               RULE EIGHTEEN.
    In case of a contest for membership on the
State Central Committee, that person shall be enti-
tled, prinma facie, to have his name placed upon the
roll of membership who presents to the Secretary a
certificate purporting to be duly signed by the
Chairman and Secretary of the Congressional Dis-
trict Convention of such district held to select del-
egates to the Republican National Convention.
                RULE NINETEEN.
    The State Central Committee is authorized to
hear and determine such contests, and contestant
for membership shall not be admitted to any of the
committee meetings while his contest is pending.
Neither the contestant nor the contestee shall take
any part in the official proceedings of the commit-
tee in reference to said contest, but each may be
present at hearings both in person and by attorney.
                 RULE TWENTY.
    If any member fails to attend four successive
meetings of the State Central Committee, or fails
to give proper attention to party matters in 'his
district, the committee may, after ten days notice,
in writing, to said member, and after fair opportu-
nity has been given him to be heard before said
committee, declare his seat vacant by a majority
vote of all the members-elect of said acting conm-
mittee and such vacancy shall be filled in the man-
ner provided in Rule Twenty-one.
               RULEg TWENTY-ONE.
    In case of a vacancy in any district, the chair,




man of the State Central Committee shall immedi-
ately call a meeting of the Congressional Commit-
tee of such district, and such Congressional Com-
mittee shall elect some qualified Republican to fill
such vacancy. Said election shall thereupon be
certified to the State Central Committee by the
Temporary Chairman and Secretary of the District
Committee, and the person so elected shall there-
upon be enrolled as a member of the State Central
Committee. A vacancy in the membership from
the State-at-Large shall be filled by election by the
State Central Comnmittee.
              RULE TWENtY-TWO.
    The State Central Committee shall have imme-
diate charge and full control of the political affairs
and subordinate organizations of the Republican
party in the State; the management of its cam-
paigns, the collections and disbursements of funds;
shall adopt such measures as may best promote the
success of the Republican party and the election of
its nominees; shall cause the several Congressional
Districts, counties, magisterial districts and pre-
ciucts in the State to be thoroughly organized for
political purposes by proper campaign committees
which it shall constitute for all elections general to
the State, and which shall at all times be subordi-
nate to and under the control of the State Central


             RULE TWEN'tY-THREE.
    Within ten days after the appointment of the
two members of said State Central Committee from
the State-at-Large, the members of the State Cen-




tral Committee shall meet, at the call of the Secre-
tary of the preceding State Central Committee,
upon the written request of any three of the mem-
bers-elect and organize by the election, by secret
ballot, of a Chairman to serve during the term of
office of the committee, and by the election of a
vice-Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer, each
of whom shall serve during the pleasure of the
committee. The Chairman may be chosen from
the State Central Committee or from the State-at-
Large; the vice-Chairman shall be a member of said
committee; the Secretary and the Treasurer may or
may not be members of the committee. The Chair-
man shall be a member ex-officio of all sub-com-
mittees of the State Central Committee.


             RUILE TWENTy-FOUR.
    It shall be the duty of the Chairman to preside
at all meetings of the State Central Committee, and
iil case of a tie he shall, if not a member, have the
casting vote; but if a member, he shall cast only
one vote on any question. He shall carry into
effect the views and orders of the State Central
Committee, lie being hereby vested with such dis-
cretionary powers, in the absence of specific in-
structions, as may be necessary to the discharge of
his duties.  He shall personally attend at the
headquarters of the State Campaign Committee,
hereinafter provided for, during the political cam-
paigns occurring during his official term, and by
and with the advice of the said Campaign Commit-
tee shall have the supervision and management of
such campaigns.





             RULE TWENTY-FIVEC.
   The vice-Chairnman shall act as Chairman in
case a vacancy occurs in the chairmanship of said
State Central Committee, until said vacancy is
filled; and he shall also discharge the duties of that
office during the absence or disability of the Chair-
man, and in either case he shall have all the powers
of the Chairman and perform all the duties de-
volving upon that officer.


              RULIE TWENTY-SIX.
    The Secretary of the State Central Committee
shall make and keep proper records of the proceed-
ings of the said committee, and of all standing and
sub-committees, and of the organization of the
party throughout the State; he shall conduct or
supervise all necessary correspondence and perform
such other duties as pertain to his office or may be
assigned to him by the said State Central Commit-
tee or its chairman. He shall carefully preserve
such records, circulars, documents, and other
printed matter as may be useful for the guidance
of the State Central Committee in succeeding cam-
paigns, and he shall be held responsible for the
safe-keeping of said archives, furniture and other
effects belonging to the committee. The Secretary
shall receive such salary as shall be fixed by the
said committee, and shall be reimbursed for his
necessary expenses incurred under the direction of
either the State Central Committee or the State
Campaign Committee or the chairman of either of
such committees.





            RULE TWENTY-SEVEN.
   The Treasurer of the State Central Committee
shall he appointed by the committee, and shall
have charge and custody of all moneys belong-
ing to the committee.   He shall, if required,
execute bond with good security for the faithful
performance of his duties. He shall keep regular
books of account and shall at all times, when
required by the State Central Committee or its
chairman, make an exhibit of the condition
of the treasury in detail, showing all finan-
cial transactions, and shall submit his books
and vouchers f o r inspection whenever re-
quired to do so by the State Central or the Audit-
ing Committee or the chairman of either committee.
For all disbursements of money there shall be
vouchers filed with the Secretary which shall be
signed by the Chairman and attested by the Secre-
tary, and the Treasurer shall pay out no money
except upon such orders.


             RULE TWENTY-EIGHt.
   The headquarters of the committee shall be at
Louisville until otherwise ordered by the commit-
tee, and it shall be the duty of the Chairman of the
State Central Committee to provide and furnish
suitable rooms for the use of the State Central and
Campaign Committees, subject to the approval of
the State Central Committee.




             RULE TWENTY-NINE.
    All meetings of the State Central Commit-
tee shall be called by the Secretary, acting under
the instructions of the Chairman, and notice of
each meeting shall be issued, except in declared
emergencies, at least five days before the time of
such meeting; due publicity to be given same
through newspaper publication and by notices
mailed to members. Where less than five days
intervene between the call and the meeting, notices
to members shall be by telephone or telegraph. A
special meeting shall be called on a petition in
writing of three or more members, who shall state
in their request the object of such meeting. A
quorum shall consist of not less than seven mem-


                RUIVE THIRTY.
   The Order of Business shall be as follows:
   i. The Calling of the Roll.
   2. Reading Records of Previous Meetings.
   3. Unfinished Business.
   4. Reports of Committees.
   5. New Business, Motions, Orders, Resolu-
tions, Petitions, etc.
    The parliamentary rules of debate, order and
privileged questions, as laid down in Roberts'
Rules, shall be observed by the State Central Com-
mittee when not in conflict with these rules.





              RULU THIRTY-ONE.
   There shall be selected a State Advisory Com-
mittee, to serve during each State, Congressional
or National Campaign; same to consist of one mem-
ber from each Congressional District, who shall be
nominated just prior to each such campaign by the
chairman of each Congressional District, and whose
term of office shall expire immediately following
the close of the campaign. It shall be the duty of
each Advisory Committeeman to assist his Con-
gressional District Committeeman in organizing his
Congressional District, and to attend to such busi-
ness as his Congressional Chairman may direct, and
to such duties as the State Central Committee may
assign him.

              STATE CONVENTIONS.

              RULE THIRTY-TWO.
    The State Central Committee shall fix the time
and place for holding each State Convention, and
shall issue a call therefor at least thirty days prior
to the date fixed for said convention. If the con-
vention is to nominate State officers the following
shall be the order in which nominations shall be
made in the convention:
    Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney Gen-
eral, Auditor of Public Accounts, Treasurer, Secre-
tary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction,
and Commissioner of Agriculture, Labor and Sta-
    All county conventions which elect delegates
shall be held on the same day and at the same hour,
and each shall be held at the county seat, except in




the counties of Boyd, Campbell and Kenton, in
which they shall be held in Ashland, Newport and
Covington respectively. The said day and hour
shall he sp