xt79kd1qjr8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qjr8q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-03-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1987 1987 1987-03-24 2020 true xt79kd1qjr8q section xt79kd1qjr8q  


Kentucky Kernel


Vol. XCl, No. 119

Stall \Vl‘ilei‘

:\ greater awareness of the [K
Student Government Assomation is
what .Jason Williams of the SGA ex-
t‘t‘ulth' branch attributes to the high
number of students who have filed
for S( i;\ si nate race

The filing deadline for the spring
election to be held 011 April 8 and 9
was Friday. March Iii

However. in spite of the large
turnout. three colleges dentistry,
the licxnigton (‘onimunity (‘ollege

Established 1 894



and library science have yet to
receive any senatorial candidates.

SGA President Donna Greenwell
said the deadline in those three col-
leges will be extended until noon

()iie possible reason Williams gave
for the increase in senatorial candi-


University of mm "

dates is that SGA has received more
positive headlines this year than in
the past.

"There‘s been less controversial
things this year and we‘ve been able
to get our name out." Williams said.
"I don‘t know how many people care
about us. but at least they know
about us and that‘s a start."

A total of eight SGA senators have
filed for reelection either within
their college or as senators at large.
Six colleges have only one senatorial

The largest group of senatorial



lip. up and away

Darren Purcell.



a physrcs freshman leaps to
.i frisbee behind the KirwariBlarnding

C .



complex while taking advantage of the warm
temperatures yesterday afternoon.

” ~ g" . .




Students look ahead with career day

lh lll‘ll.l‘l.\ ll.\(i \\'
contributing Writer

'l‘oiiioi‘i'ou l'K business students
will be searching for their tomori

rows at the "ollege of Business and

l‘,i‘i>littllilt s first annual career day
l'ahles will he set up throughout

'iie lil'\i floor of the college from

'I to .i iii to .t p iii for students to
3mm st‘ and gather information

l'iiiiipames particiixiting

"Search for Your Tomorrow" activ-
ities lllt'lllll(" Arthur Andersen. Ash-
land (iii. (‘apital Holding Company.
(‘orning Glass Works. Doe-Anderson
Advertising. Ernst & Whinney. First
Kentucky National and First Securi»
ty Bank

iither companies participating in-
clude General Electric Company.
General Telephone. Goodyear Tire &
Rubber. IBM. Island Creek Coal
Company. .lerrico. Kentucky Asso-
ciation of Realtors. Kentucky Utili-

NeW draft

A military draft, if reinstated, would work differently from prior system

[his is the last in (I
‘Kt'I‘ll'i' \l"lt‘\ ii'l HIP Pnt'fl (If (1
«fruit in Niel nitcd States

liirtw \ fliiit‘

it} kffil'l'll \SIIIEY
staff \triter

l‘he military draft. if it were to be
reinstated. would work a little dif-
ferently from the prey-mus conscrip-
lilill system that ended in the early

It \\.is in addressing these changes
il‘. the Selective SerVice System that
liili (iiilHn of the (‘entral (‘ommittee
for ( unscientious lib‘iectors spoke at
l K in January

Galvin described the purpose be
hrnrl his lecture circuit as informing
the public of the new Selective Serv-

ice poliCies and counseling individu-
als on how to approach claims for
defernients and conscientious objec~

The C(‘(‘() suggests several ac-
tions that might improve the chance
of success for individuals filing con-
scientious objection claims. said Bob
Seeley. editor of (‘(‘CO News Notes

()iie action suggested by CCCO is
that interested individuals write
somewhere on their Selective Serv-
ice registration card that they would
like to (‘lalm status as a conscien-
tious objector Even though the Se-
lectivc Service isn‘t processing these
claims. this would be a record of the
individuals standonwar.

Those who have already regis-
tercd could send a letter to the Se-

ties. McAipin's. Procter & Gamble.
South Central Bell Telephone. Toyo-
ta. US. Department of Labor. US.
General Accounting Office. Union
Trust Bank and Xerox Corporation.

“We‘re very excited about the re-
sponse from companies wanting to
participate in our career day." said
Richard A. Ford. placement director
for the business college.

"Business students have express-

Scc (KARI-trill. Page}

lective Service informing them of
their desire to make a claim.

“We don‘t know what the effect of
these early claims could be. but
going by common seme. it absolute-
ly can't hurt -— and it could help.“
Selley said.

As a reply to this suggestion. Se-
lective Service Public Information
Specialist Carolyn Boswell first said
she wouldn‘t comment. but then said
the Selective Service doesn‘t suggest

“We put these cards into a com-
puter and we don‘t classify anyone.“
she said.

Boswell said individuals wishing
to make claims “have enough time

“I don‘t know that it (sending in


. :

Filing for election marked by larger to

candidates is for the sonata- at
large position where a total of 40
students. including four incumbents,
have filed for the 15 positions.

Williams. a College of Commu-
nications senatorial candidate. said
the number of senator at large can-
didates is an increase of 13 in com-
parison to last year‘s election.

According to Williams. incum-
bents have an excellent chance of
winning because they have already
been successful at campaigning and
“they know how and what you have
to do to win."


Warm if” >

Another chance a senator at large
candidate has of being elected Wil-
liams said is by running on a ticket
with one to three other candidates
including an incumbent. if possible.

“That‘s the smart way." he said.
“because you can pool your re-
sources to be more effective.“

Under SGA rules. senatorial cani-
dates are allowed to spend up to $75
on their campaign. If they decide to
run on a ticket. the amount is regu-
lated according to the number of
candidates on the ticket.

Running on a ticket does not as-




went-mu 1937



sure all the candidates will be elect»
ed. but Williams said it helps draw
from factions a candidate might not
have polled as an independent.

As of yesterday. Williams said
there are four four-candidate tick-
ets. but he said he expects more to
be announced within the next two

Although independent candidates
have won in the past. Williams said
“it's hard to get elected if you run
by yourself unless you have really
good people.“ .

Kidnappers say that American
gravely ill; offer hostage trade

Arabs say Steen ‘may die within 10 days’; demand deal

Associated Press

BEIRUT. Lebanon — Moslem kid-
nappers said yesterday an American
hostage is so ill he may die soon and
offered to trade him for 100 Arab
prisoners held in Israel.

A handwritten statement in Arabic
delivered to the Beirut newspaper
An-Nahar said Alann Steen. 47. of
Boston “may die within 10 days”
and demanded that the United
States persuade Israel to make the

It was signed by Islamic Jihad for
the Liberation of Palestine. which
holds Steen. two other Americans
and an Indian. All were teachers at
Beirut University College when they
were abducted from the west Beirut
campus in January.

In Washington. White House
spokesman Roman Popadiuk said:
“We hold the captors responsible for
the safety of the hostages and we
will not pressure any third parties
into giving in to terrorists' de-

An-Nahar said the statement was
accompanied by a photograph of an-
other of the four hostages. 53—year-
old Robert Polhill of New York City.

The Revolutionary Justice Organi-
zation released a videotape of
French hostage Jean-Louis Norman-
din. 35. It said plans to kill him
'hiesday had been canceled because
of appeals from Sheik Mohammed
Hussein Fadlallah and Greek Catho-
lic Archbishop Hilarion Capudji.

Fadlallah is the most influential

Shiite Moslem cleric with Lebanon‘s
Iranian-backed militant factions.
Capudji was born in Syria and has
close ties to the Palestine Liberation
Organization of Yassir Arafat.

In its statement, the group holding
the four college teachers said: “We
announce that American spy Alarm
Steen has fallen sick. His physical
condition may deteriorate and he
may die within 10 days as doctors
who advised care for his condition
have said.

His brother Bruce said in Stock-
ton, Calif.: “I had no idea he was
sick. As far as I know he was in
good health.

“Last time I saw him he was fine.
The original picture I saw of him in
captivity looked like he was OK. but
then I saw one just a week ago. and
it did look like he had lost some

The statement said the group
would draw up the list of names of
prisoners it wants freed along with a
detailed plan for the swap. “if the
American administration asked us
todo this."

A previous offer to trade the four
teachers for 400 Arab prisoners was
withdrawn because the Israelis re-
fused to negotiate and the United
States did not pressure them to do
The other two kidnapped teachers
are Jesse Turner. 39. of Boise.
Idaho. and Mithileshwar Singh. 60.

an Indian who has resident alien sta-
tus in the United States.

Normandin said in the videotape
from Revolutionary Justice that his

kidnappers put him on trial and “I
was judged and accused. The
sentence is suspended for the time
being. thanks to Fadlallah and Ca-
pudji." The four~minute tape was
delivered to a Western news agency
in west Beirut.

A statement from the group last
week claimed Normandin confessed
to spying for the French and Israeli
secret services. He was kidnapped
March 8. I986.

Two Saudi Arabian hostages were
freed in west Beirut last week. a
month after Syria sent 7.500 troops
there to stop a war between rival

There has been speculation that
Syria obtained the releases of the
Saudis in return for King Fahd
urging Britain to resume relations
with President Hafez Assad‘s gov-
ernment. The king is to visit London

Britain broke relations last Octo-
ber after saying it had proof that
Syrian intelligence masterminded
an unsuccessful attempt to smuggle
a bomb onto an Israeli airliner at
London's Heathrow airport last

Twenty-four foreigners are miss
ing in Lebanon after being kidnap-
ped and are believed held by Mos-
lem extremists. They are eight
Americans. six Frenchmen. two Bri-
tons. two West Germans. an Irish-
man. a South Korean. an Italian. an
Indian and two men who have not
been identified.

Beshear says Brown hurt education

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — Lt. Gov. Steve
Beshear yesterday blamed former
Gov. John Y. Brown Jr. for foment-
ing a crisis in Kentucky classrooms
by cutting nearly $100 million from
the budget for elementary and sec-
ondary education.

A spokesman for Brown dismissed
the charge. saying “old desperate
Steve is at it again" in his race
against Brown for the Democratic
gubernatorial nomination.

The spokesman, Brown campaign
chairman W. Patrick Mulloy II. said
spending on education under Brown
increased at a greater rate than dur~
ing the current administration of
Gov. Martha Layne Collim.

In a news conference at the Capi-
tol. Beshear said he was challenging
Brown to “tell us why you failed ed-
ucation during the four years you
were governor. "

He said Brown slashed funds for
kindergarten. textbooks. special ed-
ucation and vocational education.
He also said Brown reduced the
number of classroom teachers and
vetoed a 1% bill that would have
required class-size reductions.

an early claim) would make any dif-
ference.“ she said. It would be “up

In filirg claims. CCCO points out
individuals may object to war “on

”You must object to all wars. but
force. nor must you know what you
would do in every situation." reads
one of the group's pamphlets.

The claims filed by draftees will
be comidered either by an area of-
fice or by a local board. An appeal:
system gives rejected (tattoos seve-

In a pamphlet publhhed by the
National Inter-religion Service
Board for Oomciontiou Objectors
(NISBCO), it is atimated time will


“When (Brown) left office. Kentucky faced an
educational crisis of enormous magnitude that
will take years to correct. "

Steve Beshear,
gubernatorial candidate

Finally. Beshear said Kentucky
was 23th nationally in teacher sala-
ries when Brown took office in De-
cember 1979 and 32nd when he left.
and that. in the same period. Ken-
tucky dropped from 36th to 42nd in
the amount of money spent per

The budget information came
from the Legislative Research Com-
mission. Most of the rest came from
statistical reports published annual-
ly by the Kentucky Education Asso-
ciation. which has endorsed Be-

Brown “failed Kentucky educa—
tion." Beshear said. “And when he
left office. Kentucky faced an educa-
tional crisis of enormous magnitude
that will take years to correct."

Asked if he was chargiig that
Brown caused that crisis. Beshear

be “a 60 percent rejection rate" of
those filing for comcientiom objec-
tor status.

NISBCO said this estimation
comes from calculations of figures
given to them by Paul J. Knapp. as-
sistant general counsel of the Selec-
tive Service System.

The pamphlet quotes Knapp as
having written “three to seven per-
cent of registrants called for induc-
tion are expected to file comcien-
tious objector claims. "

The local hearth that will review
claim can have already been cho-

The area office penon in charge
of Central Kentucky. includii'
Fayette Coility. in Place Hamblin.

Ste "A". Page 3


said: “He is responsible. yes. for
that crisis and for making education
— putting it in a much worse situa-
tion than it was when he began.”

He said Brown could have made
education the top priority of his ad‘
ministration. “He chose instead the
Madison Avenue approach of eco.
nomic development. not recognizing.
or ignoring the fact, that the only
true way to build economic devel-
opment and jobs in this state is to
improve education in this state.“
Beshear said.

Mulloy retorted that Beshear has
“been a ribboncutter for four

years” and never had to wrestle
with a recession-level budget.

Brown‘s first priority as governor
was to hold the line on jobs. then to
attempt education initiatives. Mul-
loy said.



 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday. March 24. 1987


o Ol‘tS


Starting over

Bumper crop of recruits has Cats optimistic about next year

Senior Staff Writer

The Kentuck) baskettxili stulsul.
ended ll days ago

Next year lus already begun.

Starting today. we begin pro-pa."
trip, for the 1987-88 season t’h’
roach Eddie Sutton said yesteriin,
.it his season ending press t‘tllllt‘l

The Wildcats lit-ll roller eoa~tei
~\ear finally came screeching to
halt in Atlanta (lhio State applied
the brakes

But Just as qumkly as one trip
ended. Sutton is read) to crank up
another. After all. he. thinks the ne\'.
ride “ill be a little smoother

“I'm very optimistic about ne\‘
season." Sutton said.

So are a lot of people

line "expert" who has already
gazed into his crystal ball and seen
future glory for the t‘ats is l~ISl’.\
anal} st l)l(‘k \‘itale

tine .‘Jt‘AA Tournament isnt one:

yet. and Vitale is naming (K as one

Did you look good for Spring Break?


"There's going to be a lot of competition. The
incoming freshmen will create a lot of
competition for our veteran players."

Eddie Sutton,
UK coach


'iat- Hip eight teams for next \t‘il’

\ii'mv appreciates the compli
nieni llut lll‘ isn't buying it

I :z; riot .is optimistic as Vitalef
'lle's too optimistic "
a little more reserved
~. '9‘ li.‘~ opt.iiiisni But he can‘t help
enthusiastic The reason l>
til-\I tear s roster

\ >1l>lwllbitlll and iniiiries wracked
'tie v (its hard this past winter Sutr
'ill. watched helplessly as his squad
.‘u‘t'dlllt’ so depleted only seven
a iiolurship players remained

\ul'ot. \lltl

\lliliil? l>

fill: {\r

in uielx' -it troops \Mb so had. two


All you can eat
with this coupon
thru 4-5-87

walkons were added to the team.
liven coaches suued up for practice.

Sutton vowed never to be caught
in such a situation again. Thanks to
a banner recruiting crop, he
shouldn‘t be

The UK coaching staff sent the
bait out and reeled in six top high
school recruits Eric Manuel. LeRon
Ellis. Jonathan Davis, Deron Feld—
haus. Johnny Pittman and Sean Sut~
ton all inked their names on the Big
Blue dotted line.

Those six would make any coach
smile. But coupled with the return of
All-Alllt’l‘lcan candidate Winston
Bennett and academic casualty Reg-

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gie Hanson, Sutton is almost beam-

Only two seniors graduate from
this year‘s UK team. Seven players
are being added. A quick check of
the calculator shows that Sutton will
be stockpiled with more bodies than
the NCAA allows. Practice should be
very interesting.

“There's going to be a lot of com-
petition," Sutton said. “The incom-
ing freshmen will create a lot of
competition for our veteran play-

Sutton said nobody will be assured
of a starting position. There's just
too many capable players eagerly
awaiting to fill a spot. This makes
the off season extremely important.

“We had a meeting last evening,“
Sutton said. “I told (the players)
what they do now will determine if
they‘re going to be in the starting
lineup next season."

Sutton knows he has a fine group
of freshmen coming in. But just as
the veterans aren't assured of any-
thing, the rookies have a lot to



Cats play Ohio Dominican
after taking two from Tide

Staff reports

The Kentucky Wildcats return
to action today at 3 pm. against
Ohio Dominican at Shively Field.

Kentucky. after winnirg two of
three games against Alabama in
Tuscaloosa this past weekend.
standsat 13-40nthcyoarand3-3
in the Southeastern Conference.

The Wildcats took two W
from the Tide Saturday, 7-4 and

In the first game of the twin
bill. sophomore Matt Coleman
went 6 and 2/3 innings to earn the
victory for Kentucky. He now
stands at 5-0 on the season with a
1.76 ERA.

Senior Mitch Knox hit his

the first game and followed with
another in the night cap.

Sophomore center fielder Chris
Estep hit a solo shot in the first
game and a two-run home run in
game for the winning Kentucky

Kentucky's Bobby Olinick had
home runs in each of the three
games, to bring his season total
to five.

Steve Culkar earned his second
win of the season, when he came
on in relief in the seventh.

The score was tied at nine
when Culkar came in and retired
the side. He then pitched a flaw-
less eighth innig for the win.


Cont. All
Georgia ................ 15
Florida .................... 13 1
LSU................... 17
Auburn . .. 14
Alabama .............. 11

Cont. All

Kentucky ................ 1 3

Vanderbilt ............. 1 4

Ole Miss. .............

Miss. St. ....... . .....

Tennessee ............


UK MBA Information Meeting

Tuesday, March 24, 1987

3:30 or 6 pm.

Room 206 Old Student Center

This meeting will provide information about program requirements, financial aid,
prerequisite course work and career opportunities.




Thn Kentucky Kernel



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(‘oiiiinucd from Page I

a reserve officer assigned to the
Selective Service Unit.

Hamblin explained he was in
charge of “interviewing people
for possible membership on the
local board."

After interviewing “150 to 200
people in Lexington alone,“ Ham-
blin sent his recommendations to
the governor. The governor then
made his choice from the recom-
mendations and sent them to
President Reagan for approval
and appointment.

“Each board is representative
of the population mix of the area
it serves,“ Hamblin said. This
applies to the balance of ethnic.
racial and occupational groups in
the area. he said.

Hamblin added because there
is cu. i‘ently no draft, the group
chosei. is not called a "draft
board" but rather a “local

llamblin described this local
board as existing “in deep stand-
by status . . . ready to be imme-
diately called into duty."

Two members of the Fayette
local board are the vice president
of First Security National Bank,
Ron Collins, and Judy Dunn, de-
scribed by Hamblin as a "house-

The board meets once a year
for a training session conducted
by regional Selective Service offi
cials out of Marietta. Ga,

Dunn explained these training
sessions present the board mem»
bers with mock situations. allow"
ing the board as a unit to deter
mine if the claim meets Selective
Service requirements.

"Our job is to decide if they
ithe claim filerst are telling the
truth and sincere. Some cases
are just cut and dried. and in
some cases you have to make a

judgment call," said Collins, a
local board member.

A Selective Service handbook is
used as a guideline in this proce-

The Selective Service System is
in the process of making further
changes in its exemption policy
regulations. according to Selec<
tive Service Spokesman Lew

Some changes which the Selec-
tive Service attempted to make
last year were nullified by Con-
gress, the Washington Post re-
ported last fall.

Those new regulations would
“compromise fundamental rights
of conscience and impose unjusti-
fiable hardship on men seeking
exemptions. deferments, and al-
ternative service . . . , ” Rep. Ed-
ward P. Boland, chairman of the
House Appropriations subcom—
mittee that oversees the Selective
Service, was reported as saying.

Brodsky said the problem with
the nullified regulations “was
mostly lack of understanding."

He said changes in both word-
ing and content had been made
since the nullification.

These changes were posted in
the Federal Register and avail—
able for public comment until
Feb. 9, and will be voted on by
Congress in the near future,
according to Brodsky.

Speculating on the possibility of
a reinstatement of the draft in
the near future. Brodsky said
that “given the mood of Congress
and the mood of the nation today.
there would have to be a dire

However, he added the size of
the population correct for mili-
tary enrollment is shrinking and
will continue to do so into the

“Estimations are that there
will be 25 percent less volunteer-
age youths."said Brodsky.

This means more competition.
The military may have a tough
time keeping up its forces, he

“There has been some talk of
peace-time conscription to keep
the force up. The 100th Congress
will talk about these things," he

Both liamblin and Seeley also
mentioned this expected decline
in the 18-year—old population and
the possibility of peace-time cons-

“It‘s political dynamite.“ said
Hamblin. “I expect we‘ll hear a
lot more about it. with the up-
coming elections."

Hamblin said he had mixed
feelings about peace-time cons-
cription. but that he didn't fore-
see reinstatement of the draft

In the case of a national emer-
gency. he said the process of the
president and Congress fully ap-
proving the draft “could happen
very quickly — overnight."

Information from the Selective
Service can be requested from
Henry N. Williams, General
Counsel. Selective Service Sys-
tem. Washington DC. 20435.

The Central Committee for
Conscientious ()bjectors can be
written to at CCCO. 2208 South
St. Philadelphia. PA 19146.





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Campus location only Rose and Euclid

Associated Press

NEW YORK » Alexander M. Haig
Jr., declaring his intention to run for
president, said yesterday that he of
fered leadership to carry the United
States into the 1990s with prosperity
and in peace.

The former secretary of state and
NATO commander said in remarks
prepared for delivery to supporters
that he would formally declare his
candidacy today for the Republican
presidential nomination,

The retired general. who once de-
clared. "I am in control here in the
White House." made leadership the
theme of his speech to Committee
for America. the political action
committee he heads

"A president leads when be under

0 . areer

(oiiiiniici Ili‘ll. l’.i«.'t*1

ed a desire to speak with different
industries first hand," he said.

Career Day ‘87 provides them the
opportunity to do so.

"Search for YOur Tomorrow” is
designed to give business students
the chance to ask questions regard-
ing what companies look for in ap-
plicants. what responsibilities come
with various positions within their
firms and how students can enhance
their chances of getting a job

Career Day will "show me what
my career options are with the do
gree I‘m going to get." said Ron
Gardner. a graduate business stu~

KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. March 24.1987 - 3

Former secretary of state Haig
announces ’88 presidential bid

stands that the presideiii'y lll‘pt‘l'll\
on three pillars of trust

"Trust that he acts iii Illl‘ fillilirl..ii

"Trust that he speaks Ilil 'Illlt. .
he knows it

“Trust that he otters iiii‘i-i'lioii illll
hope to overcome the cliuiit'ngtw ii:
the day that he has it \ isioi

In an apparent l't'tt’l't-tni '. an.
lraiH'ontra controwry. ',
President Reagan. ”MIL“ uni, i~
presMent leads when in i. chainin-
that openly Cllllllilllliitnfi‘ii puma-s
even if secretly ai'rtv : 1' ‘
only policies tliii' ;.,..
support "

"”l‘omorrow. l \i. '1'
candidacy for llii' ‘: ;'..-
nation to run Iiil
I'nitedStates.‘ Ilt‘ .1 i

"What I offer m

.itV' " ..

.’.".lltll.l’l‘ i
1.. ,i .p ,~
I i\ .i ll .

ii'iiilr'i~lz.ii w-

"Ii(‘kl(lt‘:s!.i;: m g1,“ .m

“I hope to poi ,
\Vhill kllltl> ill llili~ .il"
said Diane Hi-irilwzmi:
administration >i‘ltti .i

Additionally pane: ’I‘\t' l\.\
scheduled in the .ilit‘l’h'N'I. \r
dergradunte paiii-i‘ l\ if ohm:
p m in toil Business .lY.il litwvw
litiilding. lllt'llltliilt .lir.i llos‘
Host ('oiiiiiiiinimiions iimiim \
from \Velih (‘oinpniiiw i..;:i:..
(,‘Lll‘t’k from First \(".‘.I”‘~ .i‘ ..;
Bank. LilltI 'I‘erl ltt‘liiiril'i mm in 1'
.\I£il‘\\‘i('l\' and \liti'l‘ii-li


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ii'Hh'l'f- \ttIt‘l} into the next decade.
in Illlllrl a lliiil't‘ prosperous America.
-l'.ill|'l\llip to dedicate America to
i’\tt‘lll‘ll\’t‘ Ill all fields. and lead-
"I\llili .iboii- .ill of an America will
no iiw‘..mlrliiket-plhi-ix‘ui‘e '

l.lli\'t‘ other Republican hopefuls.
ll.iiii has i‘iiiiipgiigiied in Iowa and
\i': lliillllisliil‘i‘ Illt‘ slates IllLtl ll‘ft'
i'onnllj. lead oil the primary and
In his rariy appear
if.tt" he has eiiiplinsI/erl his serv
m 3w sucn piesideids daiing back

' - ; l'.-.1L{Il' I) I‘lisi‘i‘li'iwr‘i‘

Ir '.\ \t‘iihlili

'.' t‘ \t’l'tllfll declared can

i: \ Hi It} .:i'ii 'tii- ixiii‘
"it," iI.i!L'
:vtn'x for the In il’ iiniiiiiizi'ion For
l'i-‘r vii: l’oi:l or Ill'lLl‘iHil't’
riivim‘. " .. xiii last \i-pleiiitier
twp twin.» of \i-w York is
gi'i-piiiwt“ .i’ll‘lillllt't‘ ins i‘iilltll’liii \

.aii' 1..

i Iytl\

.l.ii r

.i‘ l..:'it‘l is sr'tii-diiied .il 1 I i1
1'. ii! '3: tilllllllllt':
\iwiikmx .tlt‘lllllt' Ilt'llt-l'w
’i’pi‘vsuiiliiig 'lie snail! tili.\'
Inn \t-irldiiiiiton iron.
f I’mllk Milli Trust In”: Lexi. \
\?"l:lll' ,Xndr-rwx.

' i'-.:\ tron; I’i‘ix'tei‘


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Engineering graduates who plan to have cuests ittenc
the 1987 Engineering Commencement m Memorial Hall
at 1:30 pm. Saturday May 9. must request ._1iie‘xstt2cl