xt79kd1qjr01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qjr01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1980 1980 1980-04-01 2020 true xt79kd1qjr01 section xt79kd1qjr01 KEN I UC‘ K Y
Vol. LXXII, No. '34 Ker e] l'niversity of Kentucky
Tuesday, April I. I980 an independent student newspaper ' Lexington. Kentucky
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By The Associated Press the eve of the important Wisconsin ‘ ° * _;> t" : Th5“,
Democratic primary where Carter is .- , ' Zr,
President Carter‘s press secretary challenged by Sen. Edward M. ‘ . "‘0
hinted yesterday that the Iranian Kennedy. . .
' . government may announce today that The White House spokesman cited l '
American hostages are being removed reports that Bani-Sadr will make a - if a . .
from the control of student militants. public announcement today. presuma— ‘ , ' _ .
Press Secretary Jody Powell said bly‘ relating to the Revolutionary . (4.22:?
Caner will "make an appropriate Council's decisions involving the t , i ,I/
1 statement to the American people“fol- captives. ,3 -' _ _
I lowing the anticipated word from In any event. the spokesman said. . i . . '4 I .g , .- ‘5
Tehran _ _ _ no new moves would be announced ”MW ream . . - ., .,.. . V . . i
Meanwhile-Vin Iran. President Abo" without the approval of revolutionary ' ".1 . ,fl W WV .. ' .2 , .
hassan Bdnl'bédf ”‘S‘W‘th representa- leader Ayatollah Ruhoilah Khomeni. " I“ IV ' H 32%;;
“V“ of ”l“ ("5‘ Embassy‘militants The developments. following two I a
yesterday m an apparent rm} to p,”- secret messages sent by (‘artcrto Bani- ‘ 333'
suade or pressure them ”“0 handing Sadr in recent days. were the strongest 2
their 50 American hostages o\er to signals in weeks of an impending new 5% a ., .
. Iranian government control. . turn in the confrontation. 4'
In fact. Powell “WW that Iran 5 Some reports. officially denied in ‘ '
Revolutionary Councilapparently ha” Tehran. said the council decided by a .553? ... ..
been m extended “won for the past 7-6 vote Sunday night to seek govern~ i .
two days and ha” addressed the ques- mcnt custody of the hostages. Bani~ ’ . , " 9;
iron 0f the hostages. . Sadr said the council did make a .1; , .. ..
(arter postponed a scheduled decision on the crisis Sunday. but he '
speech at a national conference of the gaye no details. ' I . . ‘ .
AFL-(‘IO Building and (‘onstruction B.‘ \VMNL Kl Bit/Kernel Stiff
Trades Department. and summoned The Moslem radicals. who have Dance prance ‘
key nationalsecurityadyiscrsandcon- occupied the embassy since Nov. 4. .
gressional leaders m discuss possrble balked earlier this month when the Pat Robertson and Beth Kouris. right foreground. and Kathy Mink and Jeff (’enter‘s‘ Great Hall. This routine was one ofseveral that the club put ondur- I
, retaliatory m‘asum “ga'ml Iran “the Revolutionary Council med i0 take Avres. left background. participate as part of the [K Dancers in the Student ing the performance.
Tehran g0\Crnan[ does not move control of their American captives. At ' ‘
toward resoliing the 5-month-old that time they sought a direct order
‘ crisis. from Khomeini for the transfer. but ' . ' .
Sen. Bob Packwood. one of those the ayatollah would not issue one. In, 6 ml _ rl
who met with Carter. used the word Bani-Sadr. who appears eager to .
“deadline" in talking about Carter's end the crisis. has made clearhisimpa-
" plans but would not say ifthcthe presi~ tience with the militants and their
dent had revealed exactly what be repeated defiance of Iranian authori- By DAVID COOPER tifier for the school." by the Wingcs Co. parking lot that will accompany the
intended to do. ties. He has dcnouncedthem as “dicta- Reporter The plaza will be located directly Marshall said other work such as StUdeht (‘enter expansion. t5 3“ area .
“Tomorrow is the deadline and tors" and a “government within 3 across from Memorial Coliseum and landscaping and electrical wiring will about the size of a football field.
. . tomorrow hewill announce What he is government." . . Although the Student Center intersected by the . broad walk that be done by UniverSity' employees Marshall produced plans showing .
- gorng to do. the Oregon Republican The Foreign MIhlStry Sp0kesman expamion appears to be bigproyecton extends IrOm Izuclld Arthur: t0 the Uhds‘t the Supfr‘iStOh 0f the Design the flag plaza occupying a corner of
said. “I think he has decided in hisown said the newsteps being considered by campus, two University officials say I‘unkhouser building. and Construction Division. Cost esti- one end zone. This open area will be ‘
mind that tomorrow is the deadline.“ Iranianauthorities would reduceL.S.- they hope that the flag plaza now Local architect James B. I‘titns mates Of these I’FOJet-‘tS were hht available for band practice as well as
Sen. ‘Jacob Javits. a New \ork Iran tensions but would not end the under construction will proyide a designed the plaza. and according to available. _ . recreational activities.
, Republican. said that “this is the hostage crisis. He noted that Kho- much needed “local pornt“ for north Clifton Marshall head of [ms design After completion. the plaza will
. ' moment of truth for us and ourallies," meini says the new Iranian l’arlia- campus. and construction'division its com‘ple- hi“? a loading zone that Wt“ thCOTPO' HOWCVCE Blanton said construction .
. ‘ However. he declined to label the ment. not expected to convene until “It‘s an outgrowth of the Fine Arts tion date i3 set for mid-April The PTO‘ rate the day and night bus routes. will eventually take place in this area.
development as an “ultimatum." late May or June. must dCCIdC the building." said Jack Blanton. vice iect was scheduled {m completion by Iiour “385 “”1 surround the lands- hm hm for a number or years. .
“As we all know."he said.“thingsin Americans‘ fate. president for business affairs. when Tech I i but was held up due to bad caped plaza, The US. and KChtUCkY Blanton said thC plaza ShOUld “01
Iran don‘t moye particularly on But US. officials believe transfer— describing the plaza. "It will enhance weather ‘ flags “I” be amongthe four. Theother only increase campus beauty and Pro‘
schedule.“ ring the hostages to the government‘s the aesthetics ofthe Fine Arts building ' ”V0 are Stl“ under consideration. vide 3 “focal POtht" for UK‘ hUt 8150 ,
The Powell statementand a flurry of control would lessen thethrcat to their and provide a focal point for the Uni- The $l04.500 was appropriated for The recreational space. left after serve a practical purpose for commut-
activity' associated with Iran. came on safety and facilitate negotiations. versity. We hope it will beagood iden- the concrete work. which is being done COHStTUCtiOn fit the P1313 and thC new mg SIUants.
w oday—\\ -
- inflation is on the line in the revised l‘slttl budget G enerlc d ru 3
‘ natlon unveiled yesterday.
' loca' NEW YORK‘S HUNDREDS of thousands 0' > They know that nothing they"\c done so far has
.. , . .. , , , . . invited public confidence that they are serious about
POLICE ()H-K‘IIRS get their share of strange straphangers wondered what chaos the “mm? inflation. and the budget prmides one last chance Proponents Of them argue that IBSS COSTS
" requests. but the management of a local motel had "light bring as‘ncgotiationswentdowntot‘hewirelast before the November elections.
really ba—ah—ad news early Sunday. A full-grown night in an effort to had G“ the m“ s “N transrt ('arter‘s record on inflation may not be the donii- - -
female sheep was wandering about the Continental strike m M years. . _ nant consideration for voters in ciiher the primarv or dOES not necessarily mean /988 qua/NY
Inn. The people who Cl'mh. aboard ”may“ and buses general elections. but polls said it is a factor. '
“It had been in room l23."said Henrv [)aiis.direc- 55 million times ”Ch dd} were ”Wig to ligure out His advisers admit there is a credibility problem. , . .
‘0‘ hi lht‘ htlmitht‘ WWW “hh “usimhtdfit‘d h} howthey might get 1.0 work as the midnightdeadline One key adviser. who did not want to bcvldt’mllilt‘d. By TAMMY MORRIS route 0f adm‘mflmwn (taken by ‘ .
‘ ‘ police. approached for the 3m“ by 35'0“) transit wowrkcrs. said hc'frequcntly is asked by a distrustful public why “”0”“ mouth or injected). be expected m
Davis said the ewe was cornered in a bathroom. lhe long island Ra]! Road. “hmh boards 2'0'900 Carter should be believed now when past promises to release the same amount 0f dTUg ”"0
“but it got out of there and we picked it up around the 2:15;: 3:12:32}1::332elwgred m negotiations to curb inflation haye failed to produce results. Under Kentucky law. pharmacists the bOd." i“ the same rate and to effect
S)“T'nlitrrntii'iizrri‘aoltizilsrieriiigood health yesterday and Davis A Citywide transit shutdown M“ expected to cost world are "filmed ‘uj SUbStltUte ah HPPTQVCd 51:20:}: indifT:rsflnchoEiyytalgtzugtagllgf
. urged its owner to claim it ' ‘ ' ‘ the city $|4fl million a day in various business losses, generic Cquryalent for a prescribed h' ‘ y k . ‘ ' ‘
in the addition to the loss of the 5.5 million Sit-cent PRESIDENT LEONID [_ BREZHNEV. looking drug time-‘5 the PhYSIC'an Spam“ 5 ape and pac 33mg"
fares daily. fit in his first public appearance in four Mott. no substitution or the consumer does H‘OW mUCh canva consumer save by
State . ‘ ‘ . received his country‘s highest literary award yesterday "OI “itht the generic drug. buying a lower-priced generic product
' THE HOI'SI-Z yesterday concurred in the adminis- gofttll'titizgalgrfTflsl‘QTfteOtlTrhtiii‘rcicih :flihthzzgrd for his memoirs. In an acceptance speech in “high he Although proponents 9f the law that FDA has approved as bun-8 the-
tration‘s \eryion of a revised workmen‘s com ens: . Adolf Hitler‘s dreams of Ar an su erioritv died es- seemed to stumble slightly, the aging leader “Nd ”the claim that '1 ‘0“ch prescription drug rapcutically equtvalcnt to higher-
. P “ y g p —- y facts of recent times require us to keep our powder costs for consumers some harma- priced versions? One example is the
tron. sending one of the mayor bills of the session to lerday 0f lung cancer. He was 66. dry." . , ‘ p _ t ‘I' b .
(ioy. John Y. Brown Jr for his signature “Perhaps no athlete better symbolized the human To 9 » tl d , d d h l , l‘ crsts 5““ preferthe brand name drugs. common ranqur IICI‘ mcpro amate m
By 57-38 afcr a two-hour debate. the House struggle against tyranny. pmcrty and usual bigotry" p" one ca ers attcn c ‘ cg lmnvngilculwd Some argue that the higher prices ZOO-milligram tablets. ,
. . ‘ , ‘ . ' Kremlin ceremony marking the formal awarding of , -_ ‘ Under brand names the tran ur-
apprmed Amendment .No. 4passcd by the Senate last than Owens. President Carter said In a statement me [mm Pm: In literature. paid for brand namedrugsisdue tothe . - _ ‘I
, Saturday in a similar marathon session. » issued in Washington. Both Brunet. 73 and Smm Pram“ Mum \ need for the manufacturer to recmcr liler sells wholesale ’for 5.1.50. per
The Brown measure. embodied in the amendment. After the I936 (iames. Owens became the measure Kosygin. 76. whoals‘oappearcd at ”K, ccrcmom had hcaiy rcscarcli and deyclopment costs, hundred. but a generic versron is 94
puts an eight-year cap on permanent partial disability to which other athletes were compared As an ama- prompted renewed speculation “mu! mm health 1W Iiowcscr. Bob Hushtntin. extension cents PCT hUthCd- The most often
t. aaada .. t...
the highest premiums ”-1 {h‘e "amm- . p 3 8 ‘ ‘ ‘ * Parliament of the Russian Federation. largest ofthe I‘K College of Agriculture. pornts out “hé’lesa: :YCIdft’r ”ICC ”I; P“?
' La'ndcrthe currentlaw.anumberoliniured workers ROGER STAl'BA(‘H. barring a last-minute ISBPTOVInC? making up the Sim“ l nion . that consumers actually pay more for un er. I e ran name as un er I e
. . . relhncv 5 speech dealt primarily with the t ommti- ad\ertisin than research. generic name
. in that category can receive benefits for lifc‘ change of heart. was expected to retiretomorrowafter nist Party‘s mission tocducate and thSP'rt‘ the ,n I“ 1 “Y 8| b a\c ‘ordin to I‘lashman consumers
H years “f"h the Dallas ("“0" '" "hie" h“ became mission he said had motivated his \Vrliltlgy I I ' br- , pupa» J {ICTWT fihyfn .W” Ur} atiii ftiriher inc drug expenses by iisk-
THE STATE SENATE refused yesterday to go the highest-rated passer in National Football League The Lenin literary prize ls awarded by the ( 0mm, I‘hl“ "“_“ :1 lf’ll‘ ' {ifs mwbhf“ ‘ in their doctor to rescribc a drug in
along with a House suggestion that Kentucky's regu- history. . nist Party Central (‘ommrtteeandthc (‘ouncilof NINJA L_ “Tami“ rug d“ O ers su Sid"- g - .- p ' '
- , Staubachs announcement was ex cted between - . - tial 88H“ s to consumers es eiall ' quantity ifth€y1lh€t3klhgtt f0”"°"8
lations on hazardous wastes be no more stringentthan , , pe . isters. Traditionally awarded to professional WHICH g ‘ pe ) - . a . -
federal requirements " pm, and I2 30 pm EST 3' Texas Stadium. and poets the prin never before had been given ion the elderly who pay 25 percent or the “me But. h? said that It Is important
The l9-I8 vote come on a motion not toconcurin a The 38-year-old Staubach. who Has guided Dallas Soviet president It Is highly coveted by Soviet “mm nation's annual drug bill.” to ChCCk expiration dates 0" the drugs
House amendment to Senate Bill 268. to two Super Bowl victories. won his fourth league ‘ ’ Hashman explained that an before buying in quantity.
As originally passed hyihe Senatc.thc siiirepcaicd pass'f‘"”'°'“ "mm" h‘a'mmlpflsomnyan'cd weather "Dermot .t'a‘n'a‘ria‘ Commie"! is one Hmma" “"0 “Wm“ “mm“
a Kentucky lawthat mandates the state's regulations the ("Whom m an ”'5 record and the “5m." n". 'I ' - a' i . ' .ii..i ltziiy \ti'Wlltlailillrxtii “”1 \ht‘PP'hb‘ 9”th by PhOhC or in
be no more strict than those written by the federal :12: championship Ohm National hm‘ham‘mm‘ THERE IS HOP}. inr oiir \bt‘d'llt.‘ :iat» i . ...1 :.'.;.t iih being“therapeutically person. ”W generic drug law only
govcmmcni. ' Partly cloudytoday with highs nearbOs. lake advan— equnalcnt." requires pharmacists to fill the pres-
_Thc House amendment negated the repealand pro- tag: of it because it is going to get cloudier tonight To be regarded as therapeutically cription with the least expensive
Vldcld Lorfthc adoption of interim state regulations PRESIDENT CARTER and hiseconomicadvisers with I chance of rain or thunderstorms tomorrow. equivalent drug products must' con- generic they have in stock.
um I e edcral regulations are wntten. know the credibility of their commitment to control The highs wrll again reach into the 60s tain the same active ingredient. be “You‘d be surprised to find out how
’ ._____.._.. 'rlcntit‘al in strength. dosage form. and Continued on put 5

 Mm...“ ‘
KENTUCKY 0...... an”...
[it/Ila! In (’hie/ Malt Green Kim Aubrey Thorns ('hrlt John (by ' Guy Lenders
. Jay l-‘ossetl Bob ('ochnne Euler/ammem Editor Spam [5‘] U, Drier/m o] Phtllugraphy .
(I!) “HHS 4vst‘r lult’ 1}]!!er Paul Mum V
"unlit-mg Ialiior ('indy McGee s. '1‘. Robinson Brim Rlelterd David Maynrd
Jacki Rudd 4r.vr.vtunl dun/uni Spam Edunr Photo Manager -
Steve Massey Lisa Dousnrd ( o/ii IL/IIUH Ifnlerlumnten/ [it/1111i
cditorialsfitcomments '
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I r \ - l/ ,l/ '. .
. lhe orisagam.oft—again arneiidriierit to place a sena' their uncontested seats with proposals of legitimate. l: _ ‘ - . ’ 1/7 r
tor on Student Government from I estrigton lechni~ realistic legislation'.’ 3 -i h/ . .m' 3 ‘/, 9/77}? 1 ‘
. . l. . .34 7 . . ./
ea] Institute lllllst ass the senate soon ll the riiaiorttv ls eeiallv because it was defeated by only one vote \ ' _7 ‘ ‘ - t/ / . ' ,
- p - , - - l‘ r, , |
of SG sL'lldtols agree that their eoiistrtiienev is made at the March 25 meeting. the amendment warrants lily ‘ « 3 0 3l {3/
‘ - . . - - . ~ 7 l . ,
up ot l l\ students. at] arguments against adding an swift reconsideration at the senates meeting tonight. .1.“ ' _ . ,3 l)l , t _
I ll seat are inconsequential "leehnical problems“and “ambiguities“w'erea major .. ’ 33;”... . 3 . ,“ 7 I
.. , , - , ._ ~,, . 7 . L‘?‘-'/ v, '/a-/ i
l llstrrderits nav activitv lees.aresribiei.t iol k on cause ot the amendment s defeat at the last meetrn s \ \ , /' // /, I .
l . . g \‘ . 3 3 // / 7 I
' tron hikes. lt’sltlc‘ in l k‘s residence hallsand eat ml K surely those minor problems can be overcome to \m’ //ft 3
.. . . . . . 3 . i ,
7 . cafeterias W liv the senators decide at one meeting give an important group of UK studentsa seat in Stu~ }\\\ ‘0 . ,‘th O O r;
. . . ‘ r l .—
that I ll students are l l\ students and at another dent Government. :\ e \ 7‘ 7 .- 7/ l _; a --l_-
3 3 _ 33 \ _ \\\ - ‘r:.“1:‘\‘;"‘l // i I. , .—
tleeide I ll sttldctilsatctt breed apart simpiv terntor~ l he time has come to recognile a group otstudents “4- §§\__\$\ /// ’7 3 r ',
* ees student opinion or \'(i as .nellieient. incapable and left out in the cold inthe past. Extendinga seat on Stu- .9. " ‘ 3E3; 72%“? fik’ .3“ 3. l ‘ FFTT“
unresponsive to student needs dent Government to community college studentsdoes it Willi (l; r 7 ‘
, . . - t - -
lhe amendment is vllttt to the needs of those stu— not mean all community colleges wrll even want to . i i v 1i ”if 3/- - h. l
. . . ' . ‘TE \ i
. dents atlendmgl ll and those considering attending participate. . I 3 2-5;; I ‘ ' l__ 3 U _ v 7‘
- . . . . . . ‘. I r i It-
the Institute llie argurrient voiced b}. some people. However. denv‘rngthemtherr right to partrcrpatern 7- ‘. 3;: :3” '}l ‘ ‘C- l l -: l l‘l; ...z '
. . , ‘ . .' . . _ .‘f 'v I
- that students who attend a l l\ eorrirnunrtv eollegeare l l\ s Student Government is denying them a funda— J______.__l i ‘71 ,0 l w .
, . . . . , . 9. ' l'
7 not l ls students. does not hold vvater mental right to parttcrpate in government. ; a 3 o 3-”- --—“v I," ’5 ll" g-‘ar (DI O‘f“
. . . . o o ‘l i . -
3 ' \re solttc 8G senator‘s plavaig elitist garries.’ l)o lhe l nited States has a democratic government ‘59:": ”/5"- fi ; I .° a bi .
. . . . . . ' "1' . ' ' i
they consider lllclllscivcs better than students at corn and all Americans are represented in Congress. Does . l '-" i » j ‘ ‘3 03 l ‘
7 , , . . V6 1 w l t
3 menu; etiileges’ ()r. are they worried that there may l ls have a democratic government? LTl students 4: E3 \ o l s - 0‘.‘ 7‘
7 ‘ ‘l‘lt‘ill‘ s ‘ul rt“ ...3“ l"‘ ‘ - J!« 3. l l
. be slldLll s lllLllt i_r_l llv hoeo d litils heriroutot dcscflc rseat on _. K s Student Government. _7_ \ . 7/ 33 h 3 ‘ Vi\ 3 33 \ A .
. t ' ' [I 3 .
77v. . .., . l \ .7 My» . . 7
a r ay 8 S U en governmen y 7+ rfi ./ ~ ‘ 7
. 33 ‘l”f h.‘ /l. 3 A ' 3 .'
. . \ . f ' } mod- I 0 ON 1,
3 . . t a. . o . . ’ - ‘ f . -. " I
. . i‘i .. vat «at 'm .. ~
' ~ - ,. .Ui ll. 5? ' 3 s» '
v‘» t e‘r7 —« r’ - “’
.t t‘» is. ...,-A‘ ‘ “~- «a..- N -
l 3‘ .H \ng (;RlH|\ t k sllltlL‘llls have become sodrsinter- He said he wasn‘t totally opposed to \s .“ 1’ 1" \"/ —————-—-—- ”fi‘.‘ 2
._ - ' «ted in government that the vast the idea of a lottery for basketball b I "K;
3 . l'. .s trine vv». s!all;'il tho-tutti «it :iiaiorttv have chosen not tochoose at tickets. lhis issue was mighty impor-
' s!.ltl'e'lll go'.ertiitv."':i hi .ot’L‘ix \ .-'t- r}. and 'l‘ice‘allrflrltlle‘se‘llll‘ihllll:lttrlhc 12ml to everyone only weeks ago. but W
3 'UI'» "1-H W Vrir‘r' \tw “Nicki-15471!“ i‘ to," at neither the best not the the leading candidate does not care, I
f i mm "“9 ‘“ “IMCM‘T‘: "7 "“t‘lllN Student organi/atrons come and go.
. mom'l‘d-‘i 'Ms'b “-11 1'- wdtll'l l‘rtil‘ W heritlie people are nolotigeririter— but their interests need to be reprcs- e I
' 1” L"\l‘i‘li'l‘rl’lll W'” 3??? H’s-1 ‘7 “’1' ester; lli e'irros.t.g. eliotet should be entcd Whether they are an effective
_ 7 rlomlv halt-1g out siti leiil rail-lets urtndravrri Seleeting students from lobby or not. We are students. above
' t t y t y 3, y .r ,,. . y l 3 3 . _—_—-——————————
- . \“lll-né “lb-1W l‘si'l‘rs MU» ”Ht-t trie registrar s lists would probably all else. amd we cannot be expected to . 3 3
' ' ' s‘lwlls‘t- \l’i ”Him-m lbw-1L" Phil-“J l“ produce a better student government spend all our time fighting for or Intelllgent ChOIce ble student government. . he heed hls own advice. “A Judge
\i‘Ull?‘ MW."- <7“ 4 ”RN Ullllilt ”3 than vveeuirentlv have We‘d get more against specific causes. l'hconlv reallv lom Liram. In a word. dedication. should seek out the {UH story from
. aduit l.r."itlllcs tv‘neii 'hc'r‘ s llsls “Imp.- “my”... vvrth “mum mm influential groups are the well'organ- 3 ”‘0" 3” “om“ PWPIC who “091d Let metellvoua story. Last year l'om both sides before renderingarighteous
3 involved \lonev does not have to he ...g-nt and stllld, praerreal ideas lhose i/ed fraternities and sororities. hardly “kc tochangc studentgovernmcnt. LO ran onaticketalongwith |0 otherpeo- Judgment." and simply refrain from
. included. the idea 'hat the oriteoriie is “for run to: tittiee novv represent nar~ representative of the universitv as 3.; improve as credibility and communi- ple. h “'35 hi5 duty ‘0 print the signs. judgment until he '5 better informed.
3‘ ‘ 3. . unkiiovvri .llllitels .r eirivrtl bv user: 1..“ crimson and have pipe drearnslor whole It is not their fault thevfdeter- calltmh “ith the students and to work at the polls and to put up the _. 3 3 .
.‘ ll 33” h. p h .. .. l . .. ... ‘ ’ — _ _ . . . 7 . . , h' d h' hnallv‘. from Mr. Wohls descrip-
-“ .r d -- H N from s ".L tuL-M- ideas mine the election year after year. It I. represent more effectively the student signs. NO one worked df Ct t an t' f th S . t L' . lb 1' 33 h
.' ,. ' ' mm” ””d “‘ 7PM”! ‘“ -—____'— the rest m on”. ' body are their goals. ‘I hese are the Tom. However. of the ten. he was the ion}: “3‘30": 393'_°"'3h e ”He e
' i l H W “N “I”! “‘i‘ will“ I” 'ff' :‘t lottery may not seem to be the same people “h" PUhllSth an infor~ only one “0‘ elected. Disappointed? “0P muc pre er “mg ere. ere.
on .r 'l‘” . ti yv'l rs - l- V'll rl In . ' ' I I) d-)\' . h d 'd d! Unllhc [he Slluallon faced by Mr.
3 3 _ at, pt l in r a ria 3.i3r.a ,rtsit tho... ideal way to choose a student govern- mati\e brochure enabling students to 3 iscourage . ; otsO. 6 em 6 oget Wohl's comrades there are noemigra-
. . primaries. ire \viitiltl nor pa; iriritii merit. but for now it I. the best path for make an intelligent decision in choos- involved in the PR committee. where tion restrictions lhenafterafew 'ears
- , attention toilieii: lrerv sooltett a i.-l- ———————————— the l ”hem“ of Kentucky - th" , , _ l'lIl‘C H , e .s a he worked harder than ever. Eventu- . . . . '. . . y
. .. . i. .5 . . .. i H... ,. 1 . .. r . , ’ - . -' mg “l r‘f’m‘n‘ ' 5- ” ‘~ . ,, - rnthe SovietLintonenloytngthebless-
-, irvr llll. tirivv.. Ullcllecs or.iptr;.. ti. ots o. tlttairs would have to be In the future. after we‘ve all gradu- closer look ally lom was appotnted lldson com- _ 3 h 3 3 d S 3. t
3 ' pllbitc eve and riiarhe the l}t‘~ll‘.r'2.t'r'.“li vvorked oirt. oi course We could hare ated. a crop 01 stttdents will come rnrttee chairman to increase mg; “estowc h ”p93 ‘o‘ffnh CI [1.6:
‘ . “NHL-ll “it“! ll‘k‘t'tltift‘ “riveti‘s'll ills “AH-WU slt‘P-HIIHL‘HI chow \IU- .1 ; h ~' . ; ' . Mark Rock asaso homoreisserv- communication. His dedication and an seeing t e ‘7" ence.3 e mtg t
a ong w 0 will want the right to vote ~ P _ . . . return to pass “righteous Judgment u
3 7 ~ _ lirnniv (arter l'lil tron lotii'l \ritler. dents .l'. random to compose the new for student government. lhev tnav tng his second year in S(i. l'his expe- concern for improved communication .2. h . ll L . d ' T 3. '
‘ ‘ . sol‘i.tllisct\c as l"ll iritlr~i~rl..it .r.".\ritle t1t\.t‘llllllc‘lll lhe students could have [0 demonstrate in tront'ol the rience rs two-fold: knowledge of the willaid in making SGmore viable. ltis ' ‘35 a owe d" exrt visa.
4 ‘ . can win on .tll\ g.t"’r weekend the iletlrnt. brit rneerrtrves eorild beoltered administration building to get it and system and knowledge of the prob- often heard. “A good leader is first a W P n
‘ . . satne eorrter‘t t.ritletpir.r1irig rt!l.’.tll:/t'tl 'or partrerpation. stich as financialaid .. ,. ' ' .. .' i ~ . . . , , , good follower.“ ayne “"30 3
, ‘ ' sports or class credit lhe members would on“ {ht} “m IL ”19),” UK IL- “ kmsi ( (”um-l". Mdrlv hds bce-ri pu-Sh- Agronomy Junior
. 3 3- ‘ But tomorrow will be a different mg to obtain expanded visitation 4 -
‘ |\entuekv students lnovv 'iierz sl’rl' their eleet their own leader's.thosewho story This campus will concede the hoursat dorms lne'ed notremlnd you Alexandra Dallas is an Accounting 86 real ower (
‘ .' rlerrt t1ri\::.'tlltlt‘!‘7 vtji no! elia'ige lead them best. and get down to “‘l . , .i . . . W . . . ' major on the Dean‘s List. Desplte the p
~ - . e cctron to a new student government what a long road universitv bureau- b d h' SGl -
. much lets take .réteiesr :li ttie \tllll’ hiAlllL'ss that may not represent us We deserve b '3‘ h -_ _ 3 a tastCI at . eavestn most peo- Student Government has long
3 3 .- ' ‘ paigns. support a taridrdate or turn ()rrr prt‘sclll student government it ' H i ML" canl LI eve: clcss. :6 :wtlltnlg ples3mouths. and despite this being seemed ‘0 be 3 private joke‘around
out to vote \ltre inrportarrt. the eiet relies on orgarii/ed interest grorrps to J (3 .fl. . . . . . 1,81 ”:36 {Tim m to reackth atdgoali her {”5‘ plunge ""0 POImC5~ Alexan» campus: nobody knows much about it
. - 3, tron period \ inn oxi't. and .s :nier \oite strident concerns lt tsunrealistic almes 'n m I? 8 Speech junior. H“ .' d‘dr s :1] ingncdss .mb‘l‘pg- M “d" drd '5 stilldetermmed t0 becomeastu- and even fewer seem to care.
_ .1 '3 tripled bv spring break illls st.lies to expect all student interests to be well to umn appears every Tuesday. d muc towar “Id [5 tngacre l- dent senator. You must ask yourself. There are those who claim that the
' . . u r , ' . r n V
. 3 riteanrngttir‘ dialogue and presents a orgarii/ed on a year—round basis. lhe . What motivates her.’ She knows the u 0min elections are little more
3' . great obstaele lt‘ iievveoniers seeking result .s 't hat many problems remain Letters pallcy problems facrng freshmen. She knows 33326“ a degcadent tribute to them th of ,
- 3 - rtatnc recognition. giving inetrniberitsa utiaddressed at election time the problems women face. She knows student mm in a ma.“ ystate
‘ . . ' . (
. . massive advantage lt stough tothrovv l-or e\ample. earlier this year. stu- lhe Kenna/rt It't-rne/ welcomes all contributions from the l‘K the problems dorm life presents. l’cr- university'p J
3 the lil\Ld|s out vvher‘. vou bated» have dents rallied to oppose the new basket- communitv for publication on the editorial and opinion pages. haps What motivates her “3]“St a little ‘ "
. 3 ‘ enough time to trgtire out vv ho you‘re ball 'ieket distribution platt A group letters. opinions and commentaries must betypedandtriple-spaced. b" more than one line on a resume. Well Virginia. those who claim stu-
: ‘ . ”Hmmg m" W m" \vrrmer m" 3“" ““‘ "”"Wd ”1‘” WWW“ Plenty of and must includethewriter's signatureaddress and phone number. l‘K Maybe. Just maybe, she cares. maybe dent government elections to be deca-
- . - \\lll reflect the same narrow interests media and LR tan attention When students should inCludethcir yearand major and [Inlyersltycmployccs she feels some Changes can be made dent are wrong: decadence is a term
. ' 33 ~ - that elected the winner last year election time rolls around. however. should “st their position and department, and that Sh€3 can help make them" like masturbation .. itsalways handy.
. 3 (‘hanee is obviously the life blood of no one is organized enough to make Contributions should he delivered [0 Room ”4 Journalism. lhe”? 1533a saying that goes Success IS Student Government is a real power
3 .- demoeraey and eapitalisrn \nvone basketball tiekets an issue in the l'niversity of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506. simply “”d'”3 a need and f‘“”‘3 "r on campus andthe upcomingelections
. 3 ' - can rise to the top. but not e\cr_vone campaign For legal reasons. contributors must present a [K II) before the (Robert H' Schuller) are more than ajoke. They‘reachoice
3 -. . 3. l3r3rt besthsraLtelrmbryigiind hope trilm I talked with Brad Sturgeon. the Acme/will be able to accept the material. Make an intelligent choice. but between dealing Nth student prob-
; .. . .. ‘ i - - - ~ a“ .3- - _ - . ; .. . . . . 3 ‘ ‘
.3 33 3. 3 3 e rsen y e ptop e n ortrrr it v. trorit lllllntt in the rate tor president. more importantly make a chorce. lems or ignoring them.
. . ' . I. — 77 7 .- 7.-.“, re“ >3 3 3 fm— - _ There are changes to be made- LCL‘S‘ As the moderator ofthe recent Stu-
.— 7:- .— :2-2. ~L' r';*.'n::reHi . .
. 3.3 3 to": K‘- . 3 l ,. i .3 3. 33 r \. s . ..s 7 a4 AS»: . 3E“, Wu 33w . 3 . make them now. Be heard. Vote. dent Government TV show (on
. r ': .7- ‘ ““"~'- ' f ’; -_.‘ that. “-g (.7 r’. IN ' .
- . . '. . , . . , .‘K‘E. '5’. MILK / Twine-THU SUR- WLEX-TV). I discovered that not
3 3 3 3 «LN 4“: l s "' A; «s 'ufj‘. «reESS '575HV\€\ ’ is... r t K thC W'lk' '
.. . l. a w, ' ‘—7« .—77. - \. .77 - ' (6) M 3") W. p?— - enne ' ' "‘5 only do some people tn student
i . ‘ ‘ - ' . 3 , f ‘ ‘ \‘\\ - (M1 ‘ ‘5’” “)2 '- , ‘ .3 _ C ’ B 8‘ E sophomore government care about what‘s going to
.' i ' . V ‘ '~ - 7 7 - e ‘b . 6.. ~- \ A ““7” » “TM" . ’§F3\ ‘ . a ‘ students. but some even give a damn '
a ;‘ '.- ’ ’ \n ‘ AM: “if wt ‘ . ' ' about dealin with those roblems
- i ' ...,. .3”... . 7‘7. -7_ _ —. 00,3 _ V » . ...,. - Ion 833_ P3 3-
. . '. glib“: T8“ 3: C ‘5‘ ’ ’ ' .- \ ( 7‘ . (‘5) s _ v08" whirl. {a . £359 6 NO 'nvas ’1.astSaturdavs lV show dealing wrth
’. .. r ; j a?! p. - . -7 -~ - "- . , . . . ' .
. ' ' r 3323‘“ 3 r ”Hi 9T ’ .. Y." ‘1 lm Q T a. ‘ l 3 61!" 9 rs K Stephen Wohl,in his artrcleappear- landlord-tenant problems (espccrally
. L _. - a - r \. a ‘»‘;' . . .. ‘
. . f . QM 8 ” ~ d “K.¢ ‘3 ‘ acre 3; Q? g :51.“ mg on March 27. states. In . . . Gua- where students are the tenants) is an
.3 3 f .' . M ‘- _ ' t f ‘ ‘3 M\ ‘ favor; r‘ .IO ‘ . . temala . . . massive physical battle by example of what can be done.
. - . ;_ k l 3 . . . . \
- . . \ I; - , , . n' «7 ‘ 5 - -
" . “ ' - . .- ’ It. p - .y stzz - -. .,.. 52.213. t ' . . - “M tlheglocallgittzenry aghainstbtlheepterrng Student Government presrdenttal
' .73 . . l - ‘.-:"..:3i‘v ;‘ 3; ' 3 3 7 I 3 ‘ . ‘; * A3,; “3373.. ‘ 5"... g 5 ’ 3 If‘ - fl; :0 rer(s33 was (lmlA) pain “i contender Brad Sturgeon not only
' , ' H" ’ Q” ~..; s- Him-z” ». .na' .- ‘7 n ‘ 1“ " see. . 5 a uatema an- mm“ proposes significant and salient alter-
‘ 3. ~ " , m I“ ..."uyg'. . . ,, .-,7 ._ . , a r- » - 1’ 0 o o o O .’ . . ‘ feel it necessary to clarify. if only for . ~
' -' M‘ , ’ ’ - " ? . \ .~ . ‘ s nativesto student problemswrthland-
‘ ; .1 rl“ \ra~~5+—-—/— i m ‘3 U a the record. that there has never been . - - - .
. , 7—7\___.___,-~7fi . . . . . . ~. .~ \ - . ~ , . omen—our . . . lords. but in addition. he is the only .
‘ . flack “r. 9% p. 5, t. _ ~ «(Hagar ,.. .. f‘ ‘~‘- ' ’* "E ;.:~‘:rt s‘ rfss mist} DHMER- its E “tr nest-Mm rrts€ Kl‘ an mvasron of Guatemala by US. candidate to even deal with the rental .
" ' « h ‘ i X .- amp: '1; .. , '7 ' "’ ‘ 'nr‘ it sir-tens wt 5-- Jr': ‘1ch f“ ”WE-“3 L "t“fn'w" @- soldiers and much less “massive -
., , * .._. ~ H ~" ._ - .7» 7 ,. Ai' Owe-1m WW. 3 . , . if“... m (30W ih , lb ttl b th I ‘3 .3. .. housrng problem. He has proposed
" '1’ ‘ ..rv ‘ y... )v- ' “ » ’ o "V" ' . t ,
'. ‘ ‘ \\ ” 9' ' ‘“ ”VT-use ; :H'tr mic. . t cars; . - ' 3 ’4‘ 3 H'f’" ‘ . 1 - \ p ysrca a e y e oca Cl ”em)‘ evaluations be made of landlords and
“m .. \33’ 3 .,.; s , ... ' m I: I’ev l f . 3 2:)5 'fl‘w/l - HOWCVCI'. ‘heCIAdid help organize rental properties In the UK student
; ‘ .’ ' ' r 9 . , ‘ . . . ,
' " 39' v r Y” “ ' A 77 'K’ . ” w P4); .\ local citizens in the coup detat that ghetto and furthermore. that those
7 . . a g; h. cum-er. 3.31 W ‘ d?» g . d overthrewthe first Communist regime evaluations be made available to
. 3. , 7",»A ,' 3 ’ _ 4 r , . -