xt79kd1qjn82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qjn82/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1967 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1967 Vol.33 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1967 Vol.33 No.6 1967 1967 2019 true xt79kd1qjn82 section xt79kd1qjn82 V ' " ‘ 3.2.3:, V 7 ”HT.“ vwv1lV>QIIJ|I>1|lll)HI!!'I|¢ll|(lill||xll>l|' ~- ‘
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Pictured above are the recent winners in the 1967 found. The awards banquet, at Kentucky Darn Village, , 'uif .
Kentucky Press association Newspaper Production Con- drew a record number of people this year. In addition .-
test. In addition to the plaque winners, certificates were to the presentation of newspaper production awards, .
resented to second third and honorable mention lace was the awardin of twen -five dollars to Mr. Al J.
_ I a .
winners. The contest was highlighted this year by the Schansberg, of the Vo1ce-Jefferson1an, for being the .
fact that the judges were from ten states, and that each fifieth person to shake the hand of Don Towles, known ~‘_ ‘
had been a winner in his own state, in the same category to many friends as Mister X. Next year’s meeting is -'
which he judged for Kentucky. An interesting development scheduled to be held at Cumberland Falls, and another
occurredwhen the All Around Contest was misplaced by record attendence is expected. Jim Lee Crawford, of
REA Express between Lexington and Phillipsburg, Kansas. Corbin, promises that the folks in his neck of the woods
Because of this, the awarding of the Sweepstakes prize will be going all out to make out meetinga success.
had to be postponed until the missing contest can be ,

 , ‘ “f.:§;:fffl;"f"” “ """fffff" “ H ’ i ”it‘il‘
Y {17‘}? . 15;: ‘
THE KENTUCKY PRESS -' l i ) . ‘ W . i 11.2.51
a omen publication I ht, I itsldents (.ollll11l1 - ac {-1 otes .
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. BY S C VAN CU RON , 3 .,
Lexington,Ky. ' ' it”. .
. . . . B A. . V JR. .
, ,PrmtedPY, You have Just rece1vedacopy F. Royce spent many laborious y J IEHAM’ . _ ,
Madlfifngme Pfibhimniigl’ Inc' OI Kentucky Statutes — the hours doing this thorough job Well, another convent1on has i
a 150mm e y, _ , , . _ - '*
A J Viehman ’Jr Editor Newspaper and Legal Notice — of research and comp1lat10n. b1tten the dust. We hope that all _ g,‘ -
' ' ' ‘ - - - - had a good ~
Member pertaining to all legal pub11- The book also contams all Of you who attended, . lip,“
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce cation requirements. statutes pertaining to the re- t1me. ,Our only regret 1s that ,,
N13332::‘iqéfvifilagogsfggggfiegf This is fruition of an idea sponsibility of newspapers, the Weatherman d1dn t 0001361“ t '
' Natmnmews‘gaier Promotion born back in 1959 when a Ken- libel laws, and other regula- ate as well as we would have
Association tucky Press Association Com- tions affecting newspapers. Wlshed-Ifihe1th013ght00iurrtei£2 :2? '
K Better Business Bureau - ' .. . me W 1 e 00 1n ou a ' u}.
Kentucky Press Association Inc. mittee met WIth representa This book should become the d .’ 1 th t thege 'ust isn’t
. ’ t1ves of the Kentucky Mun101- u - n f . lez e, a l
s. c. Van Curon, President b1ble 0 every newspaper a h k of a lot to do in a State
FrankfortState Journal pal League to do a thorough man in a responsible position ec _ _ W'th th :11"
. Howard H.0gles,Vice President,Franklin redrafting Of legal publication on the newspaper Particularly Park when It rams. 1 e -‘
Favorite laws and submit them for as- ° . . exceptlon of the newspaper con-
A. J. Viehman,Jr. Secretary . P should newsmen, advertlslng test everything seemed to go ,
ManageroTreasurer, Lexington sage 1n the 1960 General AS- men and publishers study it s , th ful ,‘
Florida R. Garrison, Asst. Triastgelr sembly. thoroughly :mogfihiflN arid we re 3111]“: t .3 »7
Executive Committee: George . i- ' 01‘ a _ ex year, we p an 0
' . b nd _ ' 31c
51;: 03313233; llllairdlgiklrf $311)). They were passed and thAs1 a‘llmtg‘ t1me merrier 0: be at Cumberland Falls, End
~ , l . - O ' . ' ‘ :1}
Frank C. Bell, Vice Chairman, Bedford cleaned up in the 1962 sessmn K13 951% a 1V8 15011;}?1the: t program cha1rman, J'lmd ee
(Fifth) William T. DaviS,Eddyville (First); when we found in the two-year A 1 18 my 9.16 a 00 Crawford, has promise us % ‘
1E1 J-aSSChBE/llnsgfcgfingfi- “32:51:12an ((13332; interim certain basic flaws. many newspapers 1n the state some new , and exaltmg ac- _ _- '1
Wage” sigh... Jr’ carlislegevemht Kentucky has been cited by are lettlng branches of govern- t1V1t1eS. We re gomg to make , ,
. , ., , . . . . . 1“,,
5 Louis DeRosett, Columbia (Eighth); James other press groups across the ment get by w1thout l1V1ng up our plans well 1n advance, 1n 1
r, N£rgli§derhailghandaglitlltll);gigging- land as having the best in the to . the legal pfublrtpatlon latvlzs order fto prov1de {outmth thte -
er 0 1 l i - - - me ns 0 i orm1n e ' ainmen
Crawford, ,Corbin (At-large); Donald B. nat10¥1° 3's 3' a f t. f gbl' klnd 0 ’Summer En er, ’ 45-3:
Towles, Louisville, (At-large); Tommy This 81/2 x 11 book covers axpayers 0 ac lons 0 1311 10 that you re sure 0 enloy.
Preston, Cynthiana (At large); Larry every legal publication ref. bodles. One interesting development ;_
Stone, Central City Post PreSld‘ent. erence to be found in Kentucky All throu h the reViSion r0- took pla?e during thlS last meet. .
. I - . h ." Revised Statutes. It takes 151 , g P mg. whlch some of you good
CIrCU ahng w" Bl pages for this job and an 81/2 cess during 1959 and 1,960’ the country people should get akick' , I ,
BY BILL GIBSON ’ . ' page index. KPA Comnuttee ma1nta13eizlthe out of. As most of you know, ,
postmaster (ienel'iil Lawrence- ()1 Brien s purpose behind requ1re ega I am not exactly what you would
t. 3‘ . " . . ' , .1 t - . . . — n - -
ii'iiiiiii.‘2:13;:i: 1,3:1': Tl... book was punished by gubhcgtwnm to, hgge din .33, can a farm boy. Havmg grown
U C ' i (5 i ( ' ' o . ' ' g, .
.. ~ ‘ .~ . ”mm Tot- the Leg1slatlve Research Com— orme pu 1 y . . up 1n a c1ty 01' some 700,000 ,3,;_
tinment function to A 11011 E. _ . fOHOW thlS concept and 11181813 1 13 th 13 I h d W. ..
ernmcnt corporation, similar to T\A. 1111881011, The Kentucky Press th t]. 1 by t. b In de people, the COSBS a .a , ; }
has been receiving serious consideration. especially thanks LRC DiI‘GC' a ega pu 10a IOpS eh 3- 9 been to the country was a drive (iii
President Johnson has suggested the idea tOI‘ James Fleming and his you are not supportmg t e con- through it onasunday afternoon. ,
is “worthy of intensive study.u . . Mind 011 I said a drive be- A
The dl'iistic suggestion comes nbout Staff for thls superb JOb' JaCk (Please turn *0 P099 Eight) cause {Ne ,never got out 0;. the ,-
beciiuse of difficult problems of both . . . d t . t - V p
finance and modernization ill the raipid— ”£533: , car In 01: er 0 acquam 0111‘ ~ 4:: .,
h' expanding demands HDOH the POSt , «14::55 selves inth all Of the farm : l
office. O'Brien suggested these L'llill- A ‘86 .ri Not ,. “@2935, A ‘ animals ~jWhiCh one-sees 'graz- . . '\\~
i; lenges demanded the very best ol Amer- _ gr , .‘ . Veg??? 7. ing on the hillsides. 3&1‘
iciin management talents. . . . . . 3 _ to ' ———————,——~ — ' , 3‘: {f
i As O'Brien outlined the plain in ii ‘ I 83 What I Think GUEST ED'TOBIAL ‘ . j ;
speech before the Magazine Publishers ~ y p . ' FLAGS DON’T
Association here, the Post Ollice De- ‘ " 7;,
. piii'tment would be converted into ii by S. C./VAN CURON , , j '
government corporation operated b_\’ ii V ' 55‘ WAVE MUCH ,,
l' board of directors appointed by lhc ,__,_ ' - ~ ~ ‘
“PM” 9”“ “~"3firmi‘l 1’." (I‘mglfis‘ 7 While people of the world are worried behavior and disobedience of the laws. ANYMORE * ,
The “bum 9“”? ol whtmmté' 'i'l' about war in Vietnam and the Middle The implication left is that they are Th S merset
cl‘iil \\'()llll(l‘ be] ii l[)l‘l1tel=.s"slrnfifl): and the entire police fume were unable fl‘here Everes‘lpl‘edlfitm‘ns backnm the and $tr1pes represent,.what .en-
. (,éhl%11e_( .t‘i‘nt “t tquippet post o lU.‘ to bring the situation under control. Wiggé'fign films [giggle gt summglrthe'l'ms thu51asm and patr10t1c Splrlt _ 1;};
. “““‘t“"’~‘~__.____.____ The logical question is to ask why so lawns-Me New legdsegms em ‘Fdsg the sight of Old Glory used to
. ‘ ‘ . . .1 ~ . - _ —. — 3 p591: . . . .
WATCH PO HEARINGS §°egmm1§fipirfz§dcggfigt am at“ leaders. _ ‘ create down deep 1ns1de.
i, Circulation Managers will want to g ’ ,‘ __ _ ' It you want an maght into whatmayg Times have changed. The
~ , , , The reason given in Tampa after three be m the bapkgmund as to some of this , .
, , ‘feep. ”Mk rt “1”“)le{it"pillgnémlr‘ie night of rioting, burning and. lootfllg of behavior read Holmes Alexander’s col~ American Flag doesn’t en- -
....., i' .i'. .' "' .‘ . ‘ ‘- " ."" .“ . “it
- 31:11: "52].: it;tiioi-eioionovcii3 veilsrslsrig" stipies fitment: p‘lvoigtllgg ga]. Willlte uuin lust below this one and try to and gender the respect or the as-
‘ "‘ , ,' . ‘ U P0 cem‘ ~ 3 e. 0 ‘11“ ~31'W10 reason. in the hiloso h n '
gested in last months article “’1” pl‘e- broke away and refused to halt on com: United States Agtomey!) gengfmfm ew .Surancé Of fre.edom and .hberty :
will for second class [1111”. First class mand. If I’m any sort of average judge of in fore1gn nat1ons that It once ,,
‘ will likely go to Go and air mail to 9c. Regardless of rare, there must he citizenship. I would say that our top did. In fact, It doesn’t even do jo-
Thel‘c is continuin 7 discussion on the some respect for law and order. The legal official in this nation. is trying to ' ' ' ‘
mm] dues mtg \ifi-ith “Homes {mm color of a man’s skin gives him no es: establish. a special behavioral ttern thls m Its. own country" of“
' 1 . - ~ . - pa Somethm somewhere has -
some affected by that rate to get more cuse‘ to disobey the ‘35“ .Of. ”19.1316" for cert-am groups: . g, I
oi“ the deficit l‘ccoupcd l)\' 'l(lfllfitlll(‘litfi .Af‘er bhe first nights ”01mg m cm" To me» every Cline-n i5 eXPeCted to gone awry: Are we tOO busy ; ’
- - tl . ‘l- 1* ' ,.]' S‘l ‘1 I" “I fmnaiti, a group of Negro leaders pl'eo abide by the laws of the land, and all to even think of patriotism? ,l .
1” " ‘9‘ f ““5” 0 9“” - f1) “” ' sented City officials with a, list of 11 are in be treated alike. . 3;.“
“Well [(‘MA DOSE 0”“? Chil'l'mum fll-W ' gievances, ranging from the conduct. of There‘s no room in this country for Are we tOO concerned about ;'
serves 0“ the AM’A WW] “WWW“ police Monday night in trying to quell a philospphy where someone or some our ownwpetty Personal pr 0b' is 4'
. us well as on the (Iitizens Advisory (Iom- the rioting to demands for more {it}? jObS group can export to be rewarded. for lems‘r'uto”pause to give thanks -
mittec to the Postmiistci' (lcnci'ul. so for Negro youths. breaking the law, We cannot operate ,
' hc is intimiilcl)‘ lll\'()l\'('(l iii thcsc I'utcs. . The Condusion‘itfl he I'PM'hOl'l is that, "Wt?! a system 0f Permisswe mad“ that 013] Glory Stlil waves over
W iin tho \‘iil'ioiis intcrsts (‘()ll('(‘l‘ll(‘(l. they are exmd—mg 3- '59“"11'51 for bad- mall: ' ( ease "’m to age Five)
/ ‘ W . ’ ,T',f,,‘f,,‘"..,.. ‘ , iii/Q:

 ' H:£.~;;F'.JI“€Z :" . .. . 1 . «v.22: . * ’ ' ' " ' , - I" ‘ I"? 'r‘"? " ‘. y
1" 7- ' l , 4 TH‘E=KENJUGKY4~PR;ESS ‘PAGE'T’HRE‘E ‘ t“
* KPA N ‘ c t tW'  
Awards "(Vere Presented on CLASS IV, The GlasgowDaily FEATURE PHOTOS— CLASS chester Sun-Don Edwards, The
Frlda? evemng’ June 2’ 4'90 out‘ Middlesboro Daily News I— , The Woodford Sun-Jim Cur- Middlesboro Daily News-Peggy
:4 , . standing Kentucky newspapers. EDITORIAL EXCELLENCE tis, The EdmontonHerald-News Myers.

44 _ The occasmn was the 98th an- — CALSS I, The Jefferson Re- -Ed Waggoner, The Bath County SPORTS PHOTO— CLASS I,
4“ _ nual summer convention 0f the porter, The Shelby News, The News-Outlook-Russ Metz, The The Russellville News-Demo-
44: Kentucky Press Association, Paintsville Herald, The Voice» Sturgis 'News-E. C. Calman, crat-Glenn Sullivan, The Cyn-

, « which was held at Kentucky J effersonian. Jr. thiana Democrat- Bob Watson, 4
-.;44 . Dam Village. Several hundred CLASS 11, The Corbin Daily CLASS 114 The Glasgow Daily The Greenville Leader-News-

4 of Kentucky S newspaper pub- Tribune, The Frankfort State Times-Bill Luster, The Corbin Don Coursey. 44
. llshers and thelr famllles at- Journal, The Park City Dally Times- Jack Thurston, The Win- muse "mm, Page Seven) "
4f." - tended the convention, which News, The Commonwealth-

44 . was highlighted by the appear- Journal. 4,4 4
ance of Henry Ward, the De- NEWS STORY— CLASS I, The . ' , " at » '
nor._ 4 4 . The Cynthiana Democrat, The . ' % rat”) -4 L
if Winners in the newspaper Greenville Leader-News, The ' 4. 7.5214,, 44435:; a
4:. lows; CLASS II, The State Journal, "Tier T t,

. ty NeWS‘OutIOOk: The Edmonton FEATURE STCRY— CLASSI . , f 1 7 refit, ‘f’ 5". as ‘

4 Herald News. The Voice-Jeffersonian, The a .» W???" ’ 4"44 ’4 \‘4
CLASS 11, The WOOdford Sun, Cynthiana Democrat. The Ken- : ‘3' Z ‘ ' .'~' r
The Anderson News, The Breck- CLASS 114 The Winchester N 4 - ”44 - ‘ ‘ ' . ‘ .
inridge County Herald-NeWS- Sun, The Corbin Daily Tribune, ,4; ”M44 i '
' '. CLASS III. The Voice J ef- The State Journal. ”‘ ,. ~ .
fersonian. The Shelby News. COMMUNITY SERVICE — a. : .
4'; The Kentucky Standard, The CLASS I, The Russellville News ' weak 44:4 44 ,4 "

44445- 4 Palntsvllle Herald. ~Democrat, The Bath County ‘ Ea: " 44 ' $44wa :4 ,_ ' 44,3?“

CLASS 1V, The Common- News-Outlook, The Fulton Coun- ,33“ ~ “i: ,4,
wealth-Journal, The Winchester ty News, The Georgetown 44,; oh??? 4%)- ' ' 6‘5 1244‘ he“?

., . The State Journal. CLASS 11, The State Journal, - i ‘ ”W ' ‘ " ° ’
. 4 ThElthingL PA§E~44CDL§SSKI The Commonwealth 4' Journal, A1 T. Schausberg of the Voice-Jeffersonian not only won the ' _'
e a ounty ews u 00 ' The Glasgow Dally Times, The $25 from Mister X, but his paper walked away with three firsts. 1*

The Fulton County News. The Mayfield Messenger. W l

McLean County News. NEWS PICTURE- CLASS I, 5t_————'——_———_% - l

' 4 CLASS 411, The Russell The Woodford Sun, The Voice- :
.44 4 4 Springs Tlmes Journal, The Jeffersonian, The Bath County 4 ' - .t.

.:~ 4» v, BI‘BCkinrid-gie‘ V‘County ,, Herald- N3W$f01LtIOOk 4:44 The Sturgis .4 14444 . 3:74.“. 4 . 44

U ‘ News, The Meade County Mes" News, The Jefferson Reporter.~ ‘ ‘ "KN.~1AW 2 BIG REASONS .
. . senger. ' CLASS II, The Glasgow Daily , ,4 , ,_ i

4 . crass 111, he Hazard her- Tnnes. The sate Journal, The WHYTRADING STAMPS i
ald. The Vome Jeffersoman. Middlesboro Daily News, The . =
3 The Kentucky Standard. Winchester Sun. _ WORK 9 i
,. —_—_—_—————EW . ‘
Trading stamps are more effective
5—; than any other promotion because they have "

—_—-———- T‘ " two rare distinctionS: ».
__ ‘ i 1 They P“t right back in the customer’s Pocket the J

4. ' , I fl.” /4 money the retailer paid for the stamp promotion in 3
; » 1. .~ “k :4”: the first place-

35- 4 / \‘r‘ "€253.3512?35232522323311233???i52§§i¥§§§1§§' i
I?//?TT '4’ i “J 2 They reward the customers fairly—in proportion to ~4
1_ _ , a)”; 4/\J .I' 4 how much each one spends.
1?? [T {1/ ~.44 4\ _ ; ”f4 S&H is able to pass on more total value than the cost of "‘3
h“ j? 4 4 ‘ 44 4 the promotion—more than the retailer paid for the stamp 2
as. _ 4 4e service—because it buys merchandise in. great quantities ;:
2 . 4 ‘ ‘l ‘_ i for more than 70 million S&H Green Stamp savers.
. . ‘ ,4 «in 4 ‘ .. Buying wholesale, and using modern methods to keep .-
4 - 1’i\4,4 - [Up/(1’4 ‘ distribution costs low,S&H is able to provide brand-name ,
. _ 33‘ 7 43/4, /' merchandise that represents a 21/2 per cent discount on ‘5,
I I . = .l .,T every purchase! )

T 7 .4 ‘ ‘-;—’ Vfi The S&H retailer gives each customer one stamp on '3.
- ~51“ («K '1 4_ every 10 cent purchase. The more the customer buys, the '
4 more stamps he or she gets. This is quite unlike other ,;
— Our man With the Armed Forces forms of promotion where only one person—the lucky 4,
Eecauselbleer isdsuclll1 a favorite 1with service meg, we . winner—takes something home. For instance. an average
rewers i eto oa we can to ee 'tss rro 'n s - - . - . - . '-
right. So USB A representatives gérveuas "$144145; food retailer domg a $ l .24mllllon busmess per year, could -

: members of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control ' give away 5” autos ayear tor the same Go“ as stamps.That "
‘ , Boards throughout the country. , way six, out of thousands of customers. are rewarded. -;
S - These men from the USBA operate hand in hand , l > ’ _ , , ’f

4 with service and civilian police, with malt beverage v Bl” everyone takes home extra value every Single time '

.4 - licensees, public boards and committees: military, they shop where S&H Green Stamps are oivcn. ‘
. , civil, professional.40bject: to protect those who are D ,a
' 4 , underage, and to insure strict observance of the law. 4 4 3
34‘ ' were pmud of the We”, they d404 An American way of thrift since 1896 J?! .
UNITED STATES BREWERS? ASSOCIATION, mc. 24 4.: i ‘ 3 3557,: - f»

. - P. 0. Box 221487, Louisville, Kentucky 40222 ~ E ' - ‘-

4 4,4. '- 4, . "‘5‘; '1) - . 4.
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Is trusty, too. . ;‘ 121?.“ 0
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.5? 5.5]; “git; ' :1“ ~61. \ 3““"2 .. ”fig “:5.“ 5 I . 335"."- T,;,__;.x§.‘ .1. ‘5‘ 5 :3 33:“:“4. Trust ' 4343"
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3f“ 3.333451 ‘4 f. ~1§EJ ’; 4." 5- “$35 erasable bond ' .. 34;:-
:4; 4:. . 5 : . s 1 «:94 431g: paper. Which will , - . r.
it: .55 ; ? 5 2“... L3. _ . ._ ,3, 3 ““553“ be suitably , 4.54:: , _ -
ii “ "‘3 53:, : a - 5 . , 3‘ , Tyfifwfi; .54 4‘ inscribed with ' ":jr“‘ 1
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. As you know, a trusty typewriter is one which absolutely my; ”‘9 - 3
. will not, under any circumstances, make mistakes with the Typewriter's d ’ if: 3
. trade-marks “Coca-Cola” and “Coke”. It always remembers §4°234,';b2hd°y‘3'5_ , . .3355 ' 1
.' to capitalize both words and never, never to use them in - :‘j ;
T ’3 the plural or possessive. ----------------- E53253: - 1
' ' And smce we’re sure ourt ewriter is trul trust MAILTO: .
5 . , ..M 4
: at heart' we’d like to reward you, With (what else?) our I Bill Pruett, Manager, Public Relations Dept, The Coca-Cola Company I . ' ’ 3
' - , P.0. Drawer 1734, Atlanta. Georgia 5 332'»?
. , Trusty Typewriter Award. There re also 25 Honorable . I .. 534.2%:
Mentions which are almost as nice. I Ivn bet [m as qualified as anybody to wm yourTrusty Typewriter Award. . _ . .5
‘ first, though. you have to enter a little contest of sorts. I Look: I have failed to capitalize "Coca-Cola" or "Coke"____times. I < A
3: Which will prove undeniably how hard you’ve tried. (Good I I have used “Coca-Cola" or "Coke" as a Plural—“mi I 4 .
: ., intentions count, too.) A select committee of your journalistic I lhave used "Coca-Cola" or "Coke" asapossessive___times. I ' ' , :
- I: - eers will be the reasonabl unbiased 'ud es. (Notecfivery number entered above will be used against you.) ‘
Th5: . . , . . I I , . . 94;: .
3v ' So fill out and mail the entry blank. We ll be waItIng. . NAME- 5
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: . . . 45.31:, I
5.45 .
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2 _ 4 5
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l . .. ' 1
r .. ' {555 . .
" 5 ”-3 - : fill -: 33W : » 2 . TI..ZIQ:I::L31.113312211131211?13111.L.:., ‘ ..';9;;‘;I:;jj;jf;j;;jjj5j;'1;;j‘3';‘_I;H;j{,:,2.:“>m
“ \ . ..-.::.. - 5 55-5." x “"“‘:“"““"”'“ ‘ ‘ ‘ : : :5: - 55-‘3:1341I4_1_Ll'4.,l,".‘l.""3""’ :; : 3 '1,_ . ., .:.......,,..-.....7;.~;.:,,.::g;_,‘ ‘

Newspaper In Classroom At U of K
the Land of the Free and the
The Newspaper in the Class- 4- Films were Chosen to help be a “what-how-why” presen- Home of the Brave?
. room program is takingplace at teachers to understand news- tation dealing with children of Perhaps we would be better
the University of Kentucky, June papers, except for two Whloh the level and subjects you teach. off with fewer writers of some
12-30. As this paper goes to deal With communications in 3. On Friday, June 23, each of the filth literature on the
press, the workshop appears to general. (A catalog offilms Wei] group will present a written market today and more poets
be a very successful one. Dr. able from UK.’5 £11m servme IS report on its discussions; think writing in the vein of Oliver
Robert Thorp is serving as the on the reading room shelf.) of this as a “sharing” of your Wendell Holmes who once
. Director, and Mrs. LaNelle 0- Groups and Pro;|ects ideas with other groups. wrote:
’ Woods of the Fayette County 1- Each teacher will partici- 4- On Friday, June 23, each Behold, its streaming rays
2 school system is his assistant. pate in a workshop group, ac- group will present a bulletin unite.
Several months ago, represen- cording to subject he teaches, board .display, one aimed at One mingling flood of braided
tatives of the Kentucky Press 01' grade level. During the 131:0“de information and light;
Association met with Dr. Rob— first two Weeks. these groups Snmulatlon ‘30 PuPflSo , 2 The red that fires the
' ert Murphy, who is Dean of W111 meet for discussion almost 'fl. Each workshop partlclpant southern rose,
the School of Mass Communica- every day. Some guidance for W" , prepare (and- turn 1n) En With spotless white from nor-
’ tions, and other faculty memo yegrd d1scuss1ons W111 be pro- figgggzpegr i :1 tfigltcllazlsnfoofine thern snows,
1 ' ‘ s 's V1 e - ' And, s led o’er its azure,
' giggsnnegsigipgg 13118151228le322- 2. On Monday, June 1.9, each This should be a unit for one see, pang
room program, worksh0p partwlpant wfll turn 0f the Classes, Y°u tea-eh» - The sister stars of liberty
Teachers this year have sug- in a brief paper telling how to 6' The thlrd week .WIH be Then hail the Banner of the
gested that they would be very use newspapers to help the devoted to demonstrations by Free,
receptive to programs in 00- slow learner. This paper should workshop part101pants. The starry flower ofLiberty!
operation with newspapers, es- 2 ___. ._. : _ 3- _ , . , x
' pecially using papers in their ‘31“! ,5 ,
. classrooms. A demonstration _ f— 3. _ E _:-__ 255:; ._ 2 » :-__ 5 '___'
2 by Mrs. Comic Craft, of the. _—;" ‘ g __ f=__‘-—. 222551—93"- __; . :— ~£
, Jessie Clark Junior Highl 3-32-: it; e 3% go gjaie'e—gg‘: é: i ef‘g—gé
School, showed clearly how! -= :53 _= E: =go, nagaes
’ newspapers could be used inl ff, ggg; eefafég=ij _:§§—E§§l3_;=e§= —‘;§125§=T—2—?: 2.25;
- - - cc )9 . k 3: 2':‘ ~"“ 2' _3: - 22:34: 21—‘52" ‘.—“ §§ i-EQQ'IE: g2 {95 g? 2-2-‘23'; '3 ._ ggfit
1. Junior high core classes ! .: —-:. :gjis—2—gii gage? . _
% (English and social studies).l L" 2% %§ == 25531:? $22; I 22 2
1 These students combined lit-l § E2 :51; Egg-'1’? 34 £5? __ _;
i erature and newspaper writing; 2% ___.—_—.=" E g;.;_ 33:3 ‘ ___ii *2 g";- it ii:—
2 (news, features, editorials), an- 1 .E g {a g? f—f‘ iETEé=§_ -‘ ’ ' ' fig—321;:
‘ alysis of editorials (analysis of l "—__ " 1‘,- gig-2 '='=== E " . . ,, ye run in fa;
‘ car cons and pho os, e c, an 2% _ i an exa RBE ‘ ‘ .w nd -; “We
3 they had fun while they did it. E E:- fyr: “er-8 53‘ magazines such as Fonote your commune, a g;
' Al Dix of the Frankfort State ; g “am“ oR-r to help Pr° as Gas. get—E: .
s . E g ORLD REP rVed by Tex __:
Journal, pomted out that news- E E W d eds of others se 2 g _ . :_ ,_ —_ :
: papers don’t promote there : g the “U“ 2 -2..- ----=-::-_ gr—
T selves very well. The teachers g: E . _. . 2:25 igéggig :_ ___s :e —_'-. '. ,
; felt that they weren’t too well E __=_ g: gggi _ é ._:— Lei; egg: "f.- 2; eg- ,-:. 253—2
2 informed about newspapers and %‘——; _:__~E;_'=:‘_ eggs :2 FEE EE: 1:- 1 - "fie. ;_:: .- --__
their roles in the community.» :2— 3g g =2: 2 —= *2 §: :_--._§_ ——.
n is hoped that every peach- ~g —? ge- a— ‘ 2g e. — g:-
er who participates in a pro— E—E—g‘i— '—"_: — —':E g: 325:2. ‘ _ 2:2; 2 2-:-_:5_ - 1; i—i
‘ gram of this nature becomes a -.-:.§Z:Z § i2— ‘2:- :§'2_ __ é\’ gig—é: _~E 25'2gg"?
missionary, when he or she re- :2" "Fa fig £9; 5—- _ :2, '?==§e;== =23 —=_=_=:: 1.:— =:_='
turns to school. These teach- Eg— _, V:—_—___——E§_ 2 '_g—‘ " afifq‘é; 3. E’s: $2314:-
ers learn how to make classes m ' » "-»-_-~eg- i 2 2:2:- 2% " g-Eg E . Egg-:5:
more interesting, how to use 1; —__-_M=§ ; 155:" ' p252:- eE=T§ E:— at; ‘ ié}; ‘
fresh material to update text _7 gigg: L2"? E 1:7»: :5 ~ §_ ‘z":-.___ -f=__§:————‘:.-—_%£§
books, to make text books prac- ' :21? §§'— . E Eli-:23 5::22 :==: §;g;j§§;—;: