xt79kd1qjn7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qjn7g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1966 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1966 Vol.32 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, March 1966 Vol.32 No.6 1966 1966 2019 true xt79kd1qjn7g section xt79kd1qjn7g , 7-7 .
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Published In the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers
E The Kentucky Press Association recognizes .
the fundamental importance of the implied ,.
\ trust imposed on newspapers and dissemina- :
tion of public information. It stands for I
truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the ‘
presentation of news, as set forth in the 1
' Canons of Journalism. It advocates strict I
ethical standards in its advertising column. .
' It opposes the publication of propaganda .'
under the guise of news. It affirms the ob- ‘
' , ligation of a newspaper to frank, honest and V
‘\‘ fearless editorial expressions. It respects
; equality of opinion and the right of every
individual to participation in the Constitu—
tional guarantee of Freedom of the Press.
It believes in the newspaper as a vital med-
i ium for civic, economic, social and cultural ,
community development and progress. , 4 , , , ,1 , ,, , , ,
. , ' ’ , i , §~ '/ / K/
r— School of Jou rncllsm '3 anew "‘5? _;;~',,“‘ A ”swim... . '
University of Kentucky , . ., . "
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b " , a, L” W\ ,1”, £371. w
{ VOLUME 32, NUMBER 6 ' =
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: Kentucky’s Showcase: Popular Kenlake Park Reopens ?
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 .. 3‘3‘3‘3‘3‘3331meat.33u‘;giszi;gf§:E'Iicysij’_ ‘ ‘ . " " ' .3 " ”‘3 ‘
33 3 ‘3 3 ‘ ' 9* at“. $.33,-e',‘:~.a1.~a- var: A» - 3.- :1 ‘~ . . _ .3 3 . .. 3 '. - '5,
..3 3- -‘3 3 ‘33 l 33‘3 3‘ ”355ml: ,. 3 . . 343.. . ~ .. .‘. ' I -" '" ' '
. 3 33 3 3‘3333‘3. 333‘3‘3.‘3 l“ ‘- ' ‘ '3 ‘ V 3 .' 3‘ ’ ’ 3
33 3 33 "333333333 3333 3333 , *kh——~—~——~—————~WJ w
‘33:. ‘ 3 .‘ 33.33 ‘33 .;::f 3 . i
3 . . . 3.. 3 .
‘33 333 3 3 “3333‘ 13333“: 3
3 .3 .3333 3331433. .
'3 3‘ ‘. 3‘ 3‘.‘ ‘3‘33 3 3‘ .3 ‘3
313il‘3 |3 33 3 3 33‘33 3 3‘3 W 3 ‘ 3 ‘ charge of the Antitrust Division T
‘3," ~ 3 “ ‘3 3‘.I 3 33 ‘ 3 ‘ k - Diner
‘33 333 3 33 3333333323 3. 3 j The KentuCky Press + AS we see It + is a former Harvard professor appointed
. «‘3 33‘:333‘.33 3 3 -
33 3.3 3 33333333 33333.: 33 , 3 3 . to his present post last year. Bet-I
33 333 3 3‘3333333 “33 3‘3‘ 3 VOLUME 32, NUMBER 6 Newspirlnt Raise NOW Turner tolrd UPI that agreements be.
33 3 33 3 3333333333 33333333 . Establlshed Ai‘ $5 Ton tween competitors must not include pro. -
3‘ i ‘ 3 333333333333“ 33331: . Official Publicalim‘ visions for ooling of rofits 'fi ' C T
‘3 3 ‘. 3 ‘33333333333333 3 3 Kentucky Press Association, inc. TWO House members, one acting 0” advertisin p0]. Ci]' 1.? '3t01‘ Xlng30f 3 C
3 33 3 33333.3 33 3‘3 3 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. behalf of the New Jersey Press Associ- ‘1, lhgh on a 10” 1a 6.5' He "3'
3.3 33 33 3‘33‘33333 3 3 3 ‘ ‘ Victor R. Portmonn, Editor ation, have asked the Department of (icatec e as no a1 gument Wlth poollng The a;
3‘3 3‘ 3‘ 33 333 33 33‘ 33 3 3 3 ‘ Member Justice to investigate the increase in the plans llmlted to achievmg economies 3" science '1
_ 3‘3 33.3i3333333 ‘133 3 -- ‘. .L . ( l 1' c
333 33 33 3333333 3333 .3 Newspaper Managers A55°C'°“°" price of newsprint winch is in the pro— 0135mm“ extent or
333 33 ‘ 3. 3 ‘. 3 33‘lll‘ll ‘ 3 Lexington Chamber of Commerce . . . Why should we object to cost-savi r ‘ .
3. 3 3 33 .33 3333, 33.3 3 cess of being imposed. Justice has not . ‘ “3‘ 3 billi" tl
‘ 33 . ‘3 3.33‘ 33 3i33 . Kentucky Chamber of Commerce -- ” T . ~ .' “ 3‘1 y
3 3 3333 33333333 _ 3 3 1 3 3 3 operations, inner said. We km)“
3; ‘:3 33 3 3.3 ‘33 3‘ ‘3 3333 .3 . ‘ Better Business Bureau, Lexington iesponc CC to t 18 lequeStS' . .- . . . . prove pr!
33; 3‘. 33‘33333‘3‘33333‘3 3‘ 3 Sustainin Member The news rint rice sit ‘ItiO " fl 'd newsprint com me up and newspaper the prod!
'3 3'3 . '3 333 33 3333 333‘ N . | 9 A . . 3 3 .p. p u‘ n ‘5 1” mortality is high. It is one thing to save
33 33 3 33333333333 33 33 atlonu Newspaper SSOCIOM" and still subJect to change. But as of n , It -. , th ‘t . , amount (
33 3 33 33 333333 333 33 Associate Member now it appears that the $10-per-ton in- 1 one}. is ano er 0 enter into Price- and energ
3 333 33 3 333333333 ‘33 '_ National Newspaper Promotion Association crease Will 'lppr to West Coast “6 VS fixmg arrangements to end all competi- Even i
3 33 ‘3 333 .3 3 . . . ‘ ‘ . c \ - ’ 3”
3- 3 33 1. ‘r ‘ PUbl'cahon OHIFe papers only and that publishers else- “on miracle d
3 3 . 33 33. 3 School of Journallsm . 3 3 . While UPI (lid not say so its ues- I f
33 3 333 ~ 3 University of Kentucky, Lexington where W111 be saddled Wlth a use Of $5 tions to Turner were .03 hi - q-.3d 0 acom}
3 33 ‘ 3‘3 ‘3 3 ‘ —__________ to $7, eitective at various dates in the b the (1 pl )a ty ,mSane “3 does 3
3 . 33.3 333 3 3 y rumore arrangemen in 1 en ~ t
. . _ 3 3 3 3 . - - next 60 da 5. . . greater
33 : 3 33 3 33 3 KeanCkY Press Assocmtlon, Inc. Intel‘l’l'lti: '1 P 3 C 13 3 't \l ~t1 York, involvmg the Journal-American. 330311-93
3 3 33 Larry Stone, President A 3. ‘ I‘m] £13361} 3 3:” (Eiges 1 01 1 \Vorld-Telegram and Herald Tribune. If 3
33. 3 3 3 33 '3 Messenger, Central City meiican pioc “Ice“ )10 ‘33 he $10 pat- the reported deal comes oft, there willhe An 1m
3 33 . 33 3 3 I“ 3 Edwards M. Templin, Vice-President tern by announcmg a $7 Increase. Then one less daily and one less Sunday paper research
3 3 3 3 3. 3 3. 3 33 Herald—Leader, Lexington Kimberly-Clark and Great Northern in New York States as
3‘ r 3 ‘ 3 l. -. ,. i ' l l ' l l . I I
.3 :3 . . 33: » V‘th” R. Portmann, Secretary-Manager posted 3’5 bOOStS' These moves by U'S' InCidentallv, partners in existing joint “5mg COS
3 ‘3 3 3. :3 Florldfl R. Gé1n'ls0n, Asmstant Ireasurer companies caused some second thoughts rintin 0 erati ns , -t 31 . to re-exa
3 3 3 3 3' D' th‘WGESltU 0f. Kenctucky,3Lexingt011 in Canada, and rollbacks were announced E c e Dgp‘il‘lm‘en: 30113::kCZE/Z: 3h: it: duction t
3‘. ‘ ‘. 3 3‘ 3‘ '5 "d xecutwe ommlttee by Domtar, Great Lakes, Bowter, Abi— . , , 3 . . - are on
. 3 3 3 3 3 j 33 Chairman, Howard Ogies, Favorite, Frank— tibi All came down fro n 310 t <35 tiacts establishing the dual operation. D1" 33 3
‘3 ‘ 3 33 i3, lin ( Fourth); First, William T. Davis, Lyon. ' ‘ I ' O ‘ ' ' Turner said Justice will check the agree- onermg
3 3 33 ‘ 3 Edmml’ll'lHGMhli Eggszgle; SBCHonda’ Giorge lGreat Northern, 31] U'S- producer IONS ments in 24 cities, to make sure the pacts mifpgdl‘
3‘33 " 3 --’ ~ 150m, 6M - 6106‘, HI IDS urg; sient on its rice ans, came out with . . - - - - .- - _ e
‘i ‘. 3 3 3'3 3 Third, Al J. Schansberg, Voice—Iefiersom’a'n; p p . . ale llmlted to ]01nt printing. NNA '3 ]
3 3 3 3 . , , a $5 announcement. Several other com- ypograp
. 3 33 . 33 33 3 Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trtmhle Democrat, . . . . 3
. 3 3 33 Bedford; Sim/thy S. C. Van Caron, State Io-ur‘ panies maintained Silence, apparently a: * * ,3: ,3: .Iowa new
‘31 3 3 3 , nal, Frankfort; Seventh, \Varren R. Fisher, waiting to see how the lOCkeying VVOUkl 3“ newspz
3‘3 3 333 .3 3 Mercury, Carlisle; Eighth, Louis DeRosett, end. One apparent conclusion is that Deputy POStm'JStel' General Fred B619“ 3 THE
3“ 3 3 .3. 3 Add" C_0U3”tU News, COlumbla; Nmth, James paper is going to be more costly this has written Ted Serrill in response to change 0
3 3 3 33- 3‘ T. Norris, Jr., Independent, Ashland; Tenth, 3. ‘ the NNA in uh. b t th . ision 3'33 . d h
‘33 3 3 3 R. Springer Hoskins, Enterprise, Harlan; spling. q ya on . e plov an t e
‘3 ‘ ‘ ‘3 g 3 State-at-Large, Ben E. Boone III, Todd The protests from Capital Hill were by the Parcel POSt blll affecting second class 3W1der CO]
3. 3 3 33 ‘33 ' County Standard, Elkton; State-at-Large, Reps James l Howard (D NJ) and zoned mail. Pending legislation would maybe 6
. . 3 3 . ‘. 3 . . ' ‘ ‘ . ' ‘ ‘3 '. ' . . I
3 3 3 3 3 James Lee Crawford, Tribune-Tunes, Cor— Michael A Feigh'ln (D 0) Re substitute sectional centers for present Ora sign
3 . 33 3 ‘ 33 3 bin; State—at—Large, VVairen Abrams, Coar— ' ‘ " ' ’ p. 701 g ,3 d NNA - -. 3 b tthe im- lJt'
3- 33 ‘. 3 ‘3. ‘ ier—Iournal, Louisville; Immediate Past Pres— Howard approached bOth the State and J re. 7 (n . inquiiec a on Shng O
3‘. ‘3 3 ‘3 3 idont, Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Mid- Justice Departments. Rep. Feighan pact on pubhshers 1f the b1“ becomes At the
3 ‘ 3 333 3 (11951301'0- coupled his appeal to Justice with pro— law. “ , .. 0n resea
3 .3 3 3.3 3 —3_._ test, against bee, m3 cigm pm, Belen acknowledged that pubhshe‘s 3column a
‘ . X . 3 3': 3 Kentucky Press SerVIce, Inc. creases. Southern Newspaper Publishers “/0de have to make a one—time 1130316033.- World V
‘ 3 .4 T .. 3 c 3 3 ' ‘ ~' -
3 3 33 George M. Wilson, President Assocmtion held an emergency meeting mg of then zoned mail subsciibei lists, Were r15:
3 3 ‘ ‘ 3 Breckz'nridge Herald-News, Hardinsburg on newsprint prices and predicted that but he gave assurance that we are de- Widely a
.3 3 ‘ 3 Landon Wills, First Vice—President contract cancellations VVOUld be \Vlde- Veloping 21 ngmm to 'dSSiSt then] SO that HEWSpI'lI'l‘
3 3 3 3 ‘3 3 _ MOLE“ County IN 31053 Galhoun spread unless announced increases were the I'echecking Will be easy 311d 3353-- ‘Out corre
. 33 3 .. 3 3 William T. Davrs, Second Vwe—Preszdent rescinded. Belen also said ample time Wlll be 33‘ ing rever
3 3 3 3 Lyon County Herald, Eddyville lowed” to conform, if the bill passeS, and ‘he widtl
3 3 3 \F/‘ictocri R. Pgtmann, Secretary—Treasurer "‘ * * * that Postmasters will assist publishers in ,oiincrea;
3 ‘3 0“ a R- amson’ ASS-”tam Treasure" Central Plants Legal making the change. He gave assurance decision‘
. 3 3 3 Board Of Directors that compliance “will not entail any 561'1‘ findings 3
3 ‘ 3 ‘3 Chairman, Tommy L. Preston, Democrat, Joint publishing plants shared by com- Ous problem.” Jeader.
3 3‘ 3 .3‘ Cynthiana; Martin DyChe, Sentinel-EChO, peting newspapers to reduCe costs are The House Post Office Committee has
3 3 ‘ 3 London; Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, 1 1 1 ,- - - - . 8 the
3 3 3 3 Mi (1 dlesboro; Niles O. Dillingham, Progress, ega so orig. as no price-fixmg is in- approved for reporting H.R. 1344 7 3 3 As lon
3 3 : Dawson Springs; James M. Willis, Messen— volved. This is the opinion of Assistant bill to airlift newspapers and certain 3
3 3 ger, Brandenburg; Officers ex-of-ficio. Attorney General Donald F. Turner, in other mail to servicemen overseas. ' ‘
l3 ‘3 ‘
3 3 3
3. ‘ 3

 :t Division. Turner 1 1
’I‘Ofessor appointed . . ous. In addition, the evidence is over- ‘11 '
it year. B 11' 9 Odd F I whelming that the present narrow col— 5. 1
hat agreements be. e In S avor ncreaSI ng umn is unnecessarily hard to read. 1 '1
M not include pro. THE UNJUSTIFIED COLUMN. Re- ‘1
profits, or fixing of Cha nges In News pa per Formal-S search findings on the unjustified right f
tion rates. He in. ‘ margin are not so conclusive. John ‘
ill-lent WIth pooling ‘ The application of research findings in (Editor’s Note: This thought-provok- Davenport and. Stewart Smith, research- ‘ .
avmg economies in science and industry is based to a large ing article, written by J. K. Hvistendahl, 01‘s for the Scripps-Howard newspapers, 1
. , extent on the “betting odds”—the prob- professor of journalism at South Dakota reported In the summér 1965 Journalism If
eject to.‘COSt_Savmg -ability that the new methods will im- State University, is reppublished from Quarterly that unjustified columns. had S
said. We km“ Iprove production or improve quality of the Iowa Publisher for your reflection no effect on HOW much, how quickly; ' ‘
JP and newspaper i the Pl‘OdUCt With the same or a smaller and comments. At least we can conclude or how accurately newspapers are read: I:
5 one thlilg to save amount of investment in time, capital, that printing and publishing is not static Stanley fowérs’ 1“ a “laStelis them I
to enter into price. and energy. today.) at the University of Florida in 1962, 1 1
3 end all competi- Even the most dramatically effective found that unjustified type could be read 1:;
x miracle drug does not offer the certainty Sity of Minnesota psychologists, Miles A. Shghtllh fag}? thfin sta‘pdard, lusgfiid I "
t say so, its ques- ‘013 complete cure for every person. BUt Tinker and Donald G. Paterson, demon- typfep .Utg :1" t1 e iea V2711? seeme .0 131 '
probably inspired 111 does offer the pi‘ObflbiliW at a rate strated in repeated experiments that the prelei 1:53 cf CO (1111:1111: th lggms. (prevti- . l1 I'v
ingement II) New greater than Chance that it Will provide then—prevalent lg-pica column slowed 0118 y (1:16 ) houn af e_rea.filndg 1.3.3111
Journal-American, acure. reading rate considerably. The optimum was a out t e same or justi e an 1-‘1 ;
. ,' hfied t e. 3’ 3
Heiald T11bune.li . . . . column widths for the 7- and 8-point “mus yp 1 '1
es off’ there will be An increased interest in typographic t es of that da the found ere _ Reader Preference 1 .11 .
less Sunday paper research has occurred in the United {11) f 15 y, 18y _ irw filln A third graduate student of the au- 1 1 .13
States as newspaper publishers, beset by t'e range 0 t? picas. rom e thor’s, Karl Ruthenbeck, found that 74 1 ‘,
. - - - - - rising costs and competition, have begun Viewpomtof reading eHiCIency, the cur- per cent of the subjects he tested in and 5 i 5 ' I.
Is 1“ ex1st1ng 10““ , . . . rent ll—pica lme (often With larger 9- ., . . . i: 1 ",1 .,
ay expect the hit 1 to 1e-examme traditional ways of pro- 0th t e) could be ex ecte d to be even around V11 gmia, an., expressed prefer- ; _1 .3
00k over the con- duction to see what the “betting odds” f) ffiy p t p ence for a front page with justified col- ‘ 1 1
dual operation. Dr. .are on increasing production without 65:: recdziitl as last ear Richard Wi umns over an otherwise identical page 1‘ 11
11 check the agree lowering the quality or acceptability of gins in a dohtoral thdlsis at The UniveE: with ragged right margins. :1 1
mike sure the pacts the produ‘ct. . ” sity ’0 f Iowa confirmed the Tinker-Pater- But Ruthenbeck pointed out that most 1
rinting.—NN A 1 If the bettmg odds, based on recent {i d' ’ W' , f (1 th th of the readers in this area were accus- 1 1 :11
‘typographic research, were accepted by son. 11 mgs. lggms oun _ at e tomed to justified columns. It is possible ‘ {351
* ,1: flowa newspaper publishers, what changes Optlmllr; column Wldtg fzor 8:pomt Regal that if given a choice the readers of the . 1 1 7
1in newspaper typography might result? type .15 Ietween 14 an “ 4 picas. , Denver Post, one of the few dailies with ;; 1 1
General Fred Belen , THE SIX-COLUMN PAGE. The nggms C‘mdUded’ . The reduction 0f unjustified columns, might favor a news- 1 j; 3'
.. . 3 , _ , 3 newspaper columns smce the time of d h , 1 _:
111 111 1681301156 10 change of the LOUISVllle Courier-Journal World War II has decreased reading Paper ma e uP t at way. 1 1 31
ut the provision in and the Christian Science Monitor to s ee d si nificantl ,, At the moment, the betting odds seem 511 g:
ecting second class 1wider columns with the six-column page p g y. to favor the use of justified columns. ‘ 1 1 :
legislation would ,may be either a passing typographic fad Findings on Width But if significant production gains can 11 1 .1
enters for present lot a sign of the future. What are the Jack Nuchols, Jr., a graduate student be made by using unjustified 00111111115 111 1 -7
ired about the im- 1betting odds? working under the direction of the (001d tYPe in an oEset newspaper, for 111 111 '
the bill becomes At the moment, the probabilities based author, found that readers could read instance), the gain in production might 11 ‘11 _ 1
on research strongly favor the Wider 9-point Imperial type (supplied by the be worth the “Sk 0f some unfavorable 11 11
d that “publishers 1 column and the six-column page. After Minneapolis Tribune) 4_1 per cent faster reader reaction. Perhaps more research 11 1
. one—time recheck— 1World War II, when newsprint costs in a lS-pica width than in the Tribune’s should be done with unjustified columns 11 :11
.il subscriber lists,” were rising, the narrow column was present ll-pica Width. begin? too many blue ChlPs go on the 11 11 :1
3 that “we are (19‘ ,widel ado ted as a means of savin The same characteristics that slow the ta e. '1 '1’1 4'
assist them 50 that newsgrint b]; reducing page width withg— reader of the ll—pica column apparently HYPHENATIQN' As anyone who has 11 11 f1
easy and faSt-v lout corresponding reduction in advertis- have an even greater effect on the speed ever operated a'lmotype knows, frequent 11 i
PIG time W111 be 31' 111% revenue. But the decision to reduce of line casting machine operators. word hyphenation can heal vexmg task, 11 ~,1 1
the 13111 1335565, and ”the width of columns ignored the factor Another graduate student of the au- and costly 19.1.08} production time. _ 11. 1.1 1
assist PUbliShel'S 1“ 101 increased composition costs. Also, the thor, Alben Leicht, found that machine The pOSSlbllltleS in word hyphenation 11 1 :
He gave assurance decision was contrary to the best research operators could set 15-pica lines 35 per are: 1 11 > . 1.-
not entail any seri- findings on optimum line widths for the cent faster than equivalent copy in 11- 1) hyphenate words WlthOUt regard to 1 f: 1
1reader. pica lines, syllables; 1 1 i ,
ice Committee has Column Widths The balance sheet implications of such 2.) hyphenate no words at all, leaving 1 15:
g H-R- 113448: the 1 As long as 30 years ago, two Univer- a great increase in production are obvi— a ragged and unjustified right margin; 1.11
. , certain : :31 .
23,625,623, ‘. Page 1 — The Kentucky Press — MARCH, 1966 :1 11
.1 1 1 I '3‘
‘ 11
i 1
1‘ . ,

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hyphenating, ° - - - . Libel Law Affected wfl .
.e more skill than Prize Winning Editorial By TWO Court Rulings ’
::rwci:hlo:ltu;a:lslitna 1 The United States Supreme Court has '11:
1 or hyphenatiog 1 We reprint a. recent and already I am a tired American—weary of the issued two important rulings affecting 1'11 1
21. these function? famous prlZng-Wlnnlng editorial by Al— bearded bums who tramp the picket lines libel law. One decided that Federal ':
manager of 1111; Ian McIntosh of the Roch County Herald, and the sit-ins—who prefer Chinese com- labor laws do not bar state courts from _ ,.
g division of IBM Luverne, Minnesota. This ts, and we feel munism to capitalism—who see no evil in awarding libel judgments for statements -1
FOductionincreaSe; rightly 30: being reprinted m1much 0f the Castro, but sneer at President Johnson made during union organizing cam- 11 1
1 through use of a Minnesota rural press. See if you agree. as a threat to peace. paigns. The other indicated a broaden- 'j 1
1 Iam a tired American. I am a tired American—who has lost ing of the “public official” designation ‘5; 1
Erator can set 100 ‘ I’m. tired 0t being called the ugly all patience with that civil rights group under the New York Times case: 1:
ype an hour. 1 Amfl‘lcatt 1 which is showing propaganda movies on 1 The first case involved a nagging oues— 1
1g TTS paper tape Im tired of havmg the world Pan- college campuses from coast to coast. tron. that. had resulted in conflicheg '
ut 2100 to 300 lines handlers use my country as a WhlPng Movies denouncing the United States. opinions in lower courts—whether Int-15‘ 1 -
boy 355 days a year. Movies made in Communist China. diction of state courts to award libel ‘
)pei‘ator with the 1 I am a1tired American—weary of hav- 1 am a tired American—who is angered damages during labor disputes had been 1’ f
uuter can produce ’ mg American embaSSIes and information by the self-righteous breast-beater critics preempted by the National Labor 38- 1 .1‘
of type per hour 1cente1~s stoned, burned and sacked by of America, at home and abroad, who set lations Act. 1h other words, If an 1n- 1 r1 1
d increase in pro: mobs operating under orders fi'Oltl dIC- impossible yardsticks for the United dividual was libeled while an organiza- 1 1 1 '-
ipositor it would tators whopreach and breed conflict. States but never apply the same stand- tional campaign was in Progressi was 1115 9.191
,5 cost ,reductions Iam a tired American—weary 0f being ards to the French, the British, the 3115— OPIY remedy to file an unfair labor prac- 1 1 ,
‘om uter com 051. lectured by General DeGaulle (who sions, the Chinese. tice charge with the NLRB rather than 1 " 1 1
int (t: n a min HIT: um never won a battle) who poses as a I am a tired American—sickened by proceeding with a civil action for dam- 1
1t $50,000 a year Second Jehovah in righteousness and Wis- the slack-jawed bigots who wrap them- hglits? ghethmajoiity of lower tlooutts hag 11 1
the IBM 16201 0? .1 d A . f selves in bed-sheets in the dead of night 0 owe 1e pie-emption e°1y1 1 a] 1111 1'1
tra equipment. _ am a tire merican—weary 0 Nas- and roam the country-side looking for down by poor-Supreme Court dealsmns, 111 .1:
l d sei' and all the other blood-sucking leeches innocent victims. while a minority had inSisted that the 1 *5 .111
no 06 who bleed Uncle Sam White and who I am a tired American who dislikes states reta