xt79kd1qjn6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qjn6w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1934 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1934 Vol.5 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, May 1934 Vol.5 No.12 1934 1934 2019 true xt79kd1qjn6w section xt79kd1qjn6w 1 1
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11 11 1 1 111 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1934 1
.1 .1‘ : 1 1 ———-———-—————_________————__— <
.1; . 11" 1 1 1 = 1.
1111‘ 1 1111 1 1 1' V V V ‘
11 111 1 1 11 Code Information For Your Dally Guldance
11 111 '1 1 1 1 The I'rice Determination Schedule— and “Statement,” write for more cop— will be more than 8 hours unless over- '
111. 1 11 1 11something that has been Wished for for ies. If you have not received a copy time be paid.
111111 1‘ 1 111 some time by commercial printers— of the Price Determination Schedule, Q. 7—Can an employee join a labor
111111 11 1 1 has been sent to every commercial also write your Regional Administra- union of his own choosing?
111111 -1 1 printing establishment in Kentucky tion Manager, J. Curtis Alcock, Dan— A.—Yes.
111 1.1 .1 11 by the Jomt Regional Code Authoriity Ville, Kentucky, for copy. Every es— Q. 8—I employ an editor who also
.111 11.1 1 1 of Kentucky. tablishment is entitled to one free acts as a news gatherer but does no
111; . . 1- . The Pr1ce Schedule has been ap- copy. Additional copies will be pro- mechanical work. Are his hours re~
111111_.:1111 1 1 proved by NRA Administrator John~ vided at 25c per copy. stricted?
,1111 1 . 1 1 1 1 son at the request of Industries No. If there are publishing or printing A.~—No.
11 1 1. I11 11 1 A—2 and A-5 and concurred in by In- plants in your county that have not Q. 9—Our handy man, who handles
1 11 1 11; 11 1 dustry No. A-1. It applies to each es— been reported to the Regional office. stock, washes up presses and tends to ‘
11 11. 1 1 1 1 1 tablishment that does any commercial please Send them in at Once. Also, Shipping, WOI‘kS short periOdS of Over- ~
111 111 111111 1 1 printing, regardless of the particular send in a list of “Shopping News” pa- time to complete his work. Must we ‘
.11 11 1 1 1111 ,1 National Code 1Authority having ad- pers, advertising papers, mimeograph pay him overtime?
11.11 1111 1 1 111 ministrative Jurisdiction over such es- 01‘ multigraph machines, doing 00m“ A-—A 10 per cent leeway WithOUt
11.11 1 1.1.1 1 tablshment. It is designed to help mercial work, and college and school overtime is allowed for this class of
11 .111 .1 ,1 11 bring about -fa1r competiton as con— papers or printing shops. All of these worker whose duties have no direct (
1.1: 111 1 11 templated by the Graphic Arts Indus— come under the administration of the connection with Graphic Arts p'rO- 1
1:1 1 111111 111 tries Code. code. cesses. 1
111. 111. .1 111 11 After May 4, 1934, no establishment J. CURTIS ALCOCK, Q. 10—What must the age of a per— 1
111 1111 1 11 1 11 shall1sell or offer to sell” any pro— Regional Manager. 5011 be who 59115 newspapers?
11.11111 1 1 1 1 1 duct listed in the Schedule at a price ——_——_ A.——Fourteen years or older, but it 1 '
11111 111 111 111 lersi: thfan ten (10) per cent below the Questions and Answers must not impair his health in so doing _
11.1 1111 111 .11 11111 111 p 1de 011‘ such product contained m on Code Regulations and his hours of employment shall be 1
11 11 1 1 1 1 1111 sai1 Price Determination Schedule. _.._ between 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. from Octo-
11 1111 .1 .1111 111 This Schedule is in effect.for 90 days, Q. 1—Must an employer comply with ber ISt to March 31“ inclusive, and
.11 111 ‘ 11 0111 urtitll further orders by the Admin- maximum hours of labor, minimum between 7 3' m. and 8 p. m. from April 1
11 111111 1 1 111 is re orS.1 rates of pay and other conditions of 1st to September 30th inclusive, where
111 11,111, 1. 11 .11 11 There is a provision for certain es- employment under the code? such work does not interfere with
1 1 :‘ 11,11 1 1.1 tablishments with a total press equip- A.—Yes. school hours.
1119.111 111111 111111 merit consisting of not more than three Q. 2—Can a person under 16 years _Q' 11—Our janitor ’5 duties require
.1 1111 11111 11 1.11 platen presses to be permitted to sell or age be employed? hls working after the shop is closed;
1 11:1 1111 1 11.1 for 20 per cent less than the Schedule 1 A-—Yes, between 14 and 16, but not must he be paid overtime for this
1,: 11111.11 :11 11 1 11 prices, upon application to the Na‘ in mechanical or manufacturing duties, Work?
1 111 1 1 1111 1 1 tional Code Authority. Each establish- to work not to exceed 3 hours a day A' The 00d? reads; “A. merance °f
1.1.1111 . 1 1 1 ment is required to supply the Re- between 7a. m. and 7 p. m. in such 20 per cent 1w1thout overtime pay Shah
1111 1 1 1 ,1 1 gional Code Author1ty with foul» certi- work as Will not interfere with school be allowed m the cases 0f outside de- 1'
1111 11 11 11 fled (13013185 of the “request and proper hours. livery. men, porters, engineers, fire- 1
11 ‘ 13‘ f 1Sh0w1ng.” The “proper showing” to Q- 3—In a, tovvn 0f under 10,000, men, Janitors: 01” watChmen‘”
1 -.-. u : l‘ ‘11 A memde a complete inventory of the What must I pay non-mechanical Q- 12—we PUbHSh a weakly news‘
11 1 1. .11 11 press equipment, number and names help? paper and on press day We often work
1 T ‘ 11-1 1 0f 1113011111185, etc._: the volume of 1933 A.—Increase lChe Wages in effect July quite late in the evening; must I now 11
l.'_ i1 1 1 11 commerc1a1 Drlntlng; a detailed state- 1’_1933’ by not 1955 than 20 P6? Gem, pay overtime for these extra hours
1 1.11111 111 ‘ 11 merit of why1the establishment feels With a maximum wage of $11 per week. worked? 1
1.1111 1111 ‘1 11 1.1 it should be given this advantage, and Q. 4—1 publish a newspaper and un- A~—N0, 1 weekly newspaper under
1, 111. 111 11. 1111 1 names and addresses of the establish- derstand that I need not apply the your conditions may work more than 1
1, 11,1 11; 1,11 111 ments domg commercial printing in scale of minimum wages given in the 8. hours in anyone day without over-
1‘ 11.11 1 111 11 the same town. The matter will then Code, to my employees while engaged time pay. . 1
, 111111. 1 1.1 1111 be investigated and reported to the in the production of newspapers. Q' 13—H0W many apprentices can I ‘
111: , 11 1 1 11 1 1 National COde Authority, A.~You are correct in your assump- employ? .
1‘ 111 :‘ 1 11 11 11 1All those engaged in the commei._ tion. The published scale need not A‘—N0t more than one apprentice to 1
1 : 111 11 1 1 111 cial printing or publishing business apply for skilled mechanics while en- live or a major fraction were“. 0f 1
1 1 111 1 1 11111 1.11 are asked to give their full support to gaged in the production of newspapers; Journeymen Of the respective skilled 1
11 '1 1111 ~11, 1' 1‘ 111.111 the Graphic Arts Code. If all will co- provided that the minimum wage rate classification. However, any plant may 11.
11.11 1 11 1.1 operate and the code is administered for such mechanics shall be 40 cents have one apprentice f? r with 0123mm 11
[it 3. 1 ' 1 13.1111“ {t W111 be a great thing for the pub- per 1101113 and provided further that ation of1skilled labor in which a Jour— ,
. 1.1 11 11 11 1 11 1111111 lishing and printing industry. the differentials existing December 1, neyman ls employed.
11 1 11 111.1, 11111 Remember the code apples to all 1933, in the hourly Wage rates of such uanqll‘LEWhafi 15.“? rate 0f pay for
1 1.11 1 1 11 1111 1 establishments engaged in printing. employees shall be maintained. Z 11: tnliec ifllcs' h
1; 1111 1 :1 Mail order houses or others violating Q- 5—0” weekly newspapers Opel” unite; O Jels 15a11192490 tcenté pert our
:1 2' 11, ‘1 1 11.1 the code should be promptly reported ate 48 hours per week? for thong 11 Y 1, , he Late 0 peas:
1 1 1 .11-1 1; 1 11.:‘1‘, to the Joint Regional Code Authority. A.—Yes, this applies to all establish- than 4?) cznte C as; Of Wm hwliS case:
1. 1| i' » 1 11 Those who have not paid the initial ments under the jurisdiction of In— D 5 per 0m.“ 1“ W 1" ‘
1.1 1 1 11 ,1 111111 ._ dustr No _ . 1 pay not less than rate in effect on July 1
.1 1 .1 :1, 1 1». 1.1 , assessment Should do so at Once, as y ' A 2’ Graph“: ANS 00018: on 15 1929 and in no event less than 30 ‘
..._1.'1111 - .1 111‘, 11,1 the costs of administration will de- newspaper PTOdUCtiOD only. cents per hour
1 1111 11111 111 1 111.1111. pend 11130111 the promptness of the Q. 6—What are the standard work— Q. 15—How.shall I be governed as .
11:1- 1.11 1 .11 11.11 members in complying with the de-- ing hours per week? to the age of our news d 1‘ 1
111 1 1 11 111 _ _ _ paper eivery
11:31 111111. 1 1 1111 1.11 mands of the administration. If you A.—F0rty h0u‘rs, divided into not boys? I
1:31. 1.31.11 11 1.11 111-111 have misplaced your “Work Sheet" more than six shifts, no one of which A.—You may employ persons under 1
11; :1 1.1 11 1
.11 3.1. 1 - 11 ‘
:11' ‘3 111: ' '
11:: 1:1 ,1 ~ 311'- 1111- '
. 1:;_““1.‘1 g: 1.111»
~ “‘ “ ' 11 11:11, ' . '
11111.1, 1_. .

 ‘ 111:1 1"}: 11
‘ 13:11? 1
. 3 ‘1 g
i 1 r3 .
.31 :3?
‘1 “2,19.
1 ‘ May, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 13.33 3 ',
— —————————————____————————————— «.31
the age 0f 16 years, who are able, With- for pressman, four years if over 21 ness meet a bona fide known competi— 5153‘ “1 i
‘ out impairment of health to deliver years of age at start oradvanced from tive bid of any other establishment 1%“
ver- papers (nOt sell).Where such work does feeder or rotary assistant, otherwise provided that the facts of a bid so i g 3
not interfere Wlth the hours 0f day six years. made shall be immediately reported “' 111 3: 3
Lbor school. . Q. 27—Are the wage rates establish— to its National Code Authority con- ‘13-} g
Q. 16—Are COPY holders conSidered ed by the code the fixed maximum corned; and provided, further, that 4 i1, ‘ ,
non-mechanical help? wages to be paid? any issue of any newspaper or peri— :3"; 51 ‘
also A.—-Yes. ' A.,—No, .they are only established odical may be 501d or delivered by the .gg 1 '
no Q. 17—Can an employee be Pald on minimum rates. _ publishers at less than the cost there- f1? ,
re- piece work b81515? Q. 28—There is no help available of as defined in paragraph (c) of Sec_ 4 g. ,
A.—Yes, but you eannOt pay 1955 here to enable me to get out my news— tion 26, Code of Fair Competition for .7411 1
than the minimum wages applying 130 paper on a 40 hour week basis. I don’t the Graphic Arts Industries, and any 3,1113 71 g
dles that particular class 0f work. know what to do. , advertising newspaper may be deliver— ;.7: ", ii. i,
s to . Q. '18—Can I employ a inan part- A.—WheTe there are no available ed by the publishers without cost to g
ver- , time who is also working in another competent journeymen newspaper me- the reader. '33 4" 1
we 1 plant? chanics to permit the operation of a Any National Code Authority may 1 w.5; }
A_——Yes, but he shall not work in the p1ant on a 40 hour week basis the work establish departmental economic hour- 152’; iii 1
iout several plants for a greater number 0f Week may be extended to 43 hours With 1y cost rates and production standards ‘ f: 1‘: g
5 of hours in any day or week than is spe- out paying overtime. This applies to or cost determination schedules, and 13-3. 11‘
rect ,1 cified in the code for a single estab- plants other than dailies. when such costs have been so estab- E .1 i1 1
my , lishment. ———-———-—-—-—-—‘ lished they may be declared by the 3 E31.
- Q. Iii—What must I pay a crippled cos'r SYSTEM MAINTENANCE National Code Authority or a National ..
per— ,1 person 73 years 01151 who does some ECONOMIC COSTS AND Product Group shall be binding only i 31:1
type-setting for me? ESTIMATING SCHEDULES after it has been communicated to the ‘; g 5,313;
t it ' A.—Work him on easy taSkS he can ——-— Consumer Advisory Board of the Na- ‘ [31
Ding perform, his salary may be 101310W the Cost DeterminatiOn tional Recovery Administration and Ti 1 {‘3
1 be 1 minimum. File a 1‘epol't on him as ’60 After the principles and methods Of approved by the NatiOnail Graphic Arts 1
cto- the hours worked and wages paid with accounting and cost finding and, or Coordinating Committee and by the ,1; 13 393‘
and your Regional Code Authority. . the departmental economic hourly cost Administrator after such notice and 131-33 3 ,1
ipril , Q. 20—In a town of 8,000 population rates and production standards and, hearing as he may prescribe. After 7; .11 g‘
Jere What is the pay for a compOSj-tor? 01‘ cost determination schedules for the the approval of any such declaration 33 3‘31
with A'CFOYtY'eight cents Per hour- (For Industry have been declared and pre- no establishment shall sell or offer to 2 13 1t;
exception see answer to question NO- scribed each establishment therein sell any such product at less than such ;_j§ 1,1 if.
me 4.) shall determine the costs of its pro- costs. .53: 1'11 3i“
sed; . Q. 21—Do employees have the right ducts: Guides of Fair Value 13; 3351‘
this to organize and bargain collectively? 1. In conformity with the principles Based on such accurate records and 3‘31 {,3
A-—YeS. through representatives 0f and methods of accounting and cost statistics as it may compile and /or {5:3 1 3.3
e of their Own ChOOSing~ finding as approved. other acceptable data and information ii 3.; 1:33; 3
hall Q 22‘When an employee works in 2. Upon departmental economic hour- and subject to the review or approval 33.1.23 31'
de- r several different departments Of a ly cost rates and production standards thereof 0f the National Graphic Arts 1‘3
fire- '1 Plant, how is his wage computed? as provided, including the cost of all Coordinating Committee, a National ~33 5'."
A.—By averaging the minimum rates materials used; or Code Authority may publish or approve 2'
awse for such various classifications. 3. Upon cost determination sched- f0): its Industry or Ifor any qefix'led- 1 151
Wm - Q' 23—130 employees or those seek— ules as recommended it being under- geographical area price determination 1 ‘37"
now 3 gallgwerlrlirpilgggnent have to join a com- stood that an establishment may use schedules for as many kinds and g! :31
ours ‘ A—No ' the method, herein provided, resulting classes 0f products 9f Its establish- j; ,1 i1
' ' , in the lowest costs of its products. “Ems as many he des1rable and prac- _g ,1 3:,
rider . Q. 24—Does a daily newspaper have Until the methods for determining tlcable and a National Product Group :2 :11?
hall 1 , topay overtime when spec1al work _1‘e‘ costs as above set forth are prescribed, may publish or approve price determ— . '1‘ 1?.“ ‘1:
ver- quires certain employees in mechanical it is intended that each establishment inatlon schedules .for any product or .3 ,1 11
g degartgients t9 work overtime? will use such a method as has been products “nth Wthh 11" 15 identified. g. 3'31
an 1 g .— es. Daily newspapeis in towns defined; except that until the cost Such schedules when approved shall 5; :1)
where no surplus mechanical help. is finding method has been prescribed by serve as guides of fair value. 1 1‘
‘9 to 1 available must pay time and one-third its National Code Authority, an estab- ——‘———__ ‘1 1 , 11‘
f of 1 for work in excess of 8 hours per day. lishment having an adequate cost find- .The Western Kentucky Press Asso- 1' ,3
illed 1' Q: 25—What do I pay an apprentice? ing system may use such system, sub- olation W1“ meet at Dawson SPrmé’ 1
may 1 A-—The minimum rate of pay for an ject! to the review of its National Code on May 25 an? 26-, one day W111 be :71 11‘ ‘31:
isifi- 11 apprentice is based on the following Authority. devoted to a discussmn of the code. , f. 1‘» - {3
our— ‘1 percentages of the minimum wage of a selling Below Cost * “ * f ‘ 11;;
Journeyman of the skilled classification Prohibited The Press knowns of a young man. 12‘3 ‘f‘g‘
‘ for under which such apprenticeship is After the costs of its products can capable, intelligent, and a good jour— 1 113 2'11’1,
bemg served. First year 30 per cent: be determined no establishment shall nalist who has some money to invest 2‘ 33‘ if:
hour second year 40 per cent; third year 50 sell or offer t2) sell any product at a and wants to buy a substantial Ken- ' v 11! 1,
pay per cent; fourth year 60 per cent; fifth price or upon any terms of conditions tucky community paper, or to buyan ‘ . .33 1J3.
1655 and SlXth Years 75 per cent. Boys un- that will result in a sale of such pro— active partnership. Let the editor 1 33 ‘, ‘
case 3 der eighteen, not high school grad- duct for less than the cost thereof as know if you have such an opening. . .1 ;
3‘23; 1 $553,313? :fizrgegj aipggeggcgzngrfi so determined; provided, however, that "‘ "‘ * ,i 13,1 11,31
the wage of unskilled labor for a period of twelve months after the rIg‘he editor of The Press will give a g , 3:,"
:1 as , Q 26—Wh t _ th ‘ _ effective date of this Code and there— series of talks on early Kentucky ' , 3 3.1,:
very 1 of an a renat' 15h. 2 length in years after until revoked by- the National Journalism over WHAS for six suc- 3 3' 4,11;
' ,5 A—Mlagri icest 113- _ Code Authority concerned With the ap- cess1ve Thursdays starting at 1:15 pm. ‘ 3 , 11, ,
rider i‘ sh‘ - , mum erms 0f apprentice- proval of the Administrator, an estab- on May 24. “You are cordially invit- ' 3: ‘ jili
1 1p are. for COmpOSltOI', fiVe years; lishment may in defense of its busi- ed to attend.” ' . ,1 . ‘-’.1
3 . , it E
» - i; 11"
. ‘ 5‘ I‘; I 3“
1 v 1 3 = «31
" “ 4 ...« '2 1. -- , -

 m: :. .-._ ‘ 1. ’ 1; 1 1
:i‘ 7.11 11111 11 “ ‘
11: ‘ :' 1
1111' 1 ‘ 1 ‘3‘ k
11 1‘ l 1 ‘1
.111 1 . 1 _. 11‘ 1
11 1 ‘11 1 .311 Page Four - THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1934 1
1% 1 2 ________——————————————————— 1
:1 1 1 1 . . -
11 ,1 and practical for a community news- Make Your Plans NOW
11 1 11 11. KentUCk'q Press paper? D0 the read?“ wanP a new? For Mid-Summer Meeting
11?. .1 .‘-1 1‘1 __,______.___.—.————.— paper of this abbrev1ated Size? This __
3-1111- .1 1 1.‘ Official Publlcatlon 0f THE KENTUCKY question was definitely answered by The time—Thursday, Friday, and
121111 111 1111 PRESS ASSOCIATION the readers of the Pike County News, Saturday, June 211 221 231
111: f: 1 111 ' —-—-——-————‘—‘.—‘ who, after “samphng” a few issues of The lace—Owensboro, Kentu k
111:1!E - 11 W the smaller size, voted 98 per cent “on the pOhio river but never 1111211111
111 111 Printed on THE KERNEL PRESS, Depart- strong for the larger and more practi— 112 miles west of Louisville. '
15111.11 1 . ‘1 1-1 1 11 ment of Journalism, University of cal edition. Have any other Kentucky The girl—that’s up to you.
‘11; 111.11 11 Kentucky, Lexington newspapers tried the tabloid as yet? The event—the mid—summer meet-
";1‘1 - '1'1 111————-——-————-——‘ Let The PI‘BSS know your 00110 usions. ing of the Kentucky Press association.
12111.. 1’ ‘1 1‘1 PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS * * * The hosts—Editor and Mrs. Law-
111 . ‘2 11 1 11 George A. Joplifi . . . President WHAS Programs 2:238 Hager, and the rest or Owens-
- . ". 1 . —— -
- 12.1 1 1 ‘1 11 1 “-' A R figmmonwealth, Sghngi’itesi dent Elmer Sulzer, director of the Uni— Although the program committee
11 .11 1 11 ‘ o mzourier. Hickman versity station, WHAS, has requested does not meet until May 25, Lawrence
‘_.-"1 1 1 11 . J Curtis Alcock , Sec -Treasurer The Press to thank the many editors Hager, et a1., has already announced
1 1 11 111 ' Messengér 'D'anvflie of the state who have cooperated Wlth tentative plans in a letter to the Press.
11“: 11211; 11 ’ him in publishing the programs for As the Code is the paramount ques- 1
121111 1 ‘TE 11 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE one week in advance. As these prO- tion of today, much of the time on
1: ‘1 1 "15" 1 —— grams, running for one 130111” and one~ the program will be devoted to this 1
2‘ 1‘1 1 -11. 1111 J. L. Crawford, Chairman, Times—Trib- halr‘ at noon, are of distinct interest topic. Efforts are being made to have I
1111 1 111 1111 une, Corbin. and value to every Kentuckian, es- Art Baumg‘art, national manager, as 1T
1.1 ‘111 1 11.1 ’ 1 G. M. Pedley, Herald, Eddyville; J. L. pecially the rural population, The the top-liner. Whatever the result, 1
1.1 11 11; Bradley, Enterprise, Providence; Vance Press suggests that every editor in the questions of vital interest to every I
'1 111 -1 .1111 1 Armentrout, Courier -Journal, Louis- state run a little feature every week Kentucky publisher and printer will
1 1‘ ;1 1.. ville; J. P. Gozder, News-Journal, about the coming programs. If you be thoroughly discussed and YOU 1
.11 1111 11 ‘1111 1.1 Campbellsville; Keith H. Hood, DemO- do not have the printed bulletin of should be there.
11 1 11111 1.111 crat, Bedford; Thos. R. Underwood, future programs, a post card to Mr. Here are some of the good things
‘11 11 ‘11 .‘21‘ Herald: Le’fmgton; J09 C°§191101Dem°' Sulzer will bring a copy post-haste that Lawrence is promising: An old
. 1111 11- 11111 crit’AillirlltmsnlaR; iglgorrgég?dip§:g' * * * Kentucky barbecue on Thursday eve-
1‘1 .111, 12’. 111 ‘ 1111 en 1 an ; ' ‘ _1h’ ra 1 " hing at his home (come early); a lun-
1': 11 ‘ 11111 1 “‘1“ 31%:ng ncaster; Joe Rlchardson, Times, ERRORS W__ORTH MONEY cheon by the citizens of Owensboro on
11 111 .1 '1 1111 1121:2111 Chgaihman Legislative Committee' Editors of the Talisman, Western $1139? 2:012}: chfay can???“ g°1f2
1 :1 a - , . , , a v u; i -
1 111- 1-‘1-1 1112 B. B. Cozine, Shelby News, Shelbyville. State Teachers College yearbook, haxe ningg dinner and eegtertalgmggtev;
1 111 . 15- 111,: , 111-1 so much confidence in thelr own ac-
. 11.1 1 21 ' _—_——‘—‘— curacy and that of their printers that guests 0f the Owensboro Messenger-
1111 1- 11 - 1 VETERAN EDITOR DIES they offered 25 cents for each mistake Inquirer, followed by a dance at the
1111111 1.1111 “111 1 ”— 1 found. Students looked in Vain for Country. club; all these bes1des the
1. 111 11. 11 John D. Babbage, 89 years old, edi- a page of pied type. good things on the busmess program. 1'
11 1; 111; ,1 .11: tor and publisher of the Breckinridge T0 allow you to make your reserva— .
11:11 ‘11. 11111.1 News for 59 years, died Monday, May 4: a: * tlon early, write to Hotel Owensboro 1
11- 1- 1111 111 21, at his home in Cloverport. He is OLDEST SUBSCRIBER LOST (session headquarters). Room and 1
1 ‘ . g :11 survived by his wife, one son, John —' . bath. single, $2.00 and $2.50; double.
.1: g 1 . 1‘ Jr., of Washington, D. c., and two Albeft Ruse 93- one Of Hardm $3.00 and $3.50; with twin beds, $4.00: 1
1 1111 l- 1.21 112.. daughters, Mrs. W. G. Polk, Knoxville, county 5 oldest and most respected suites for four persons, $6.00, $6.50 and
11.11 ‘ 111 1 311.1 and Miss Mildred, Cloverport. Citizens, dleh at. hls home 11} Upton $7.00.
11 111 1 l ‘.“‘1 111‘ Mr. Babbage has had a long and recently. H15 Wlfe’ Mrs. M011181Ru5h1 The Hagers are expecting you and 1
'1- 111‘. ,1 1 1'11 ~2111 honored career as a journalist and he dled April 27- They hadno children- you and you. DOH’t disappoint them. 1
1.31 112: 1 11 1'1 1‘1 made the News one of the most out- Mr. RUSh was the 13513 h‘hhg subscrib— ——-—————-——
11 1 121 1 1111 standing papers in the state. The :rkof thle Elizabethtown News who had Wade W. McCoy, former news edi- 1
1 11-; 11 1 11'111'Press conveys the sympathy 0f the ad on t e paper lsince 1" was establish- tor of Walter Crim’s, Salem (Ind) Re- ‘-
11 11 11 1 11111.1 entire Fourth Estate in Kentucky to e in August, 869: nearly 65 years publican-Leader, is the new manag- 1
11 1 1 1,11 11.1 the family. ago. ing editor of the Shelby News, Shel- 11
- :11 '2 1 '1'}, 1 1 * * _* _ —-———— byville. Welcome to Kentucky, Wade! 1
1 1 1 111, .1111 Cooperate With Curtis George A. Joplin, chairman of the * * * ‘
11 11:1 ‘ 11 1111111 1 _ —-- 1 Joint Regional Code Authority and The Somerset Commonwealth, Mr. 1
I “21 1 ‘1 1 1111.11 Are you givmg every cooperation to president of the Kentucky Press Asso— George A. Joplin, editor, issued ' a s
‘ ‘ ‘1 11 '..1 ‘ 111-111 the Kentucky Code Authority? If not. ciation, and Mrs. Joplin attended splendid commencement edition on ‘
, 11a 1 1‘ . i1 1 111 you are hurting your own business and the annual convention of the National May 16. We congratulate the editor
. 1 1 1.1- '11 11111151 that Of your “110W. publisher. The Editorial Association in Missouri. The and his staff on their enterprise.
1 11‘; 11 .11 11 11111-111 sooner that all questions of code oper- tour through Missouri ended May 14’ s: i. a:
‘11 1.‘ 1111-1111 ation are settled, the better Off every and business session of the NEA held Warren P. Boulton, former editor 0f 1
‘1 1 . 1. 11 111111 publisher "1 the state, and the union, at St. Louis May 15, 16 and 17. the Carrolton News, has purchased
1 111211 i-1 1111 Whl be financ1ally and 1h peace Of editors were in attendance. the Gallatin County News, WarsaW, 11
1 1 11 7 11-11111 llemd. Aniwer all. commliimcatiortls Regional Code Administration Man- and has installed a modern mechani-
E 1: j 111 1‘1 1 rom Secre ary Curtis Alcoc promp ‘ ager J. Curtis Alcock, Danville; Keen cal plant. We welcome Mr. Boulton
11 1 11' E1 111‘ 1." ly and fully'_ A1501 attend the hhd‘ Johnson, a member of the National to the KPA. 1
. 1. 111.- 111 111.1 1111- summer meeting at Owensboro. Code Authority, Richmond; Lawrence a a :1:
1 .1111} 11:1 111.1:1 11111 * * " W. Hager, Owensboro Messenger and The Greensburg Record—Herald, EV‘ 1’
1; 111 ‘1",1 111 Pilkeville Tabloid Expires Inquirer; Joe T. Lovett, Murray Ledg- erett Taylor, editor, is now comfort?- 1
1, f1 1. 111111 111 — er and Times, and other Kentucky bly and commodiously established in
:71 1:11 1111 .211. 1211 1111-1 Is a tabloid—sized newspaper feasible editors will be in attendance. its new modern home.
1‘2" '61: “.1 11111 I 1
1411 .112.- :3. 11 11.21 -
151 .1111 - - 1
.. 12.1.1. E. 1 ~
‘: 111 ‘1
..1.11.- AM__ 1 1 w

 I: :2 I I I "
. “I I I}: I
i :‘i’ i E3 ‘
1 May, 1934 . THE KENTUCKY PRESS page Five I s
— I _——————————————————___.___————————-——— i
1‘ ' E- -; I
v "i ~‘ .
Prize Contest Rules For l934 YOU“ NEWSPAPER .s;
. *: IEI :1 .
and You have until June 1,1 to get your issue to be judged. Prizes to be awarded cuigfarfgifytggretgf ézrfgafiiogl 2' I' IIZI
entries In 1501‘ the 1934 prize contests 0f include: first, silver set; second and _ n y 'r‘ij I it". I
k the KPA. Some entries are already third, certificates. large WhOIESale house. The value 0f I Es- .
IICitIII arriving at his office. Select yOur Best Editorial Contest ;:::11)?i:?rlie::“é:€i?;grb:oot\::2151;23:1er :i 1,: {II I
’ . issues today and send them “1- The In order to stimulate the editors in It . th 11 th 't ' :5; j g,,; .
more the merrier—and the silver CUPS expressing individuality, initiative, and 0 (31:32:): o: 0 he fur”)? 22d 5:“; I I,
flee’fi- are-pretty and serviceable. Read thIS leadership in this department WhICh IS ngwspaper yis a :nirfoIre reflecting the I.-
Ltion. again! - the Edltngs OW“! attractive prizes are life of the community in which you V: I”.
Law- Five contests Will be open to Keri— offered in this contest. The factors and your store have an important part. I} I; I
Veh5~ tucky papers m the annual 1934 .news— WhICh will be considered in the judg- Your advertisement is the reflection of I 3i I
paper prize contest and eac heditor 15 ing are subject matter, thought 56— . . gi‘ I; I; i
. rvile ed and urged to send his entry 0 it a e 1 rhet ri your store in the .mirror. Everybody ,5: ,y ,
httee p g t t" quence, c mmun y pp a, o c sees it there. If it is not there, the “w :, aw
renee in for each contest. These con es s (diction, unity, figure of speech, punc— mirror is dark where your store should if} I; y; ',
inced include [best all-around Inewspapei‘. tuation), and vocabulary. Prizes of- be You are there but you cannot be . I}.
’ress. best front page, best editorial, best fered_are: first, silver set; second and seen Your store is open for business 5.3 III-2 2 III
ques- news. story, and best advertismg com- third, certificates. as usual but ‘out of sight out of mind.’ ‘_;;; III -._
e on r pOSIt-lon.. . . 1 it Each contestant is required to select To keep in step with the progress of I3 ;'
this I According to the i'ulesamended as“ one editorial published in his paper the community to get your share of ~ III i!
have I year, no newspaper is eligible to ente. between the dates of May 1, 1933, and business you qust advertise regularly. ,3;- I:
r, as I any contest in which it has won first May 1, 1934. The editorial should be Take your newspaper publisher into ‘I
esult, place for the succeeding two years. pasted on a sheet of paper with the your confidence' he can give you valu— II
BVBW I AISOI no editor IS 611g} ble unless he has notation 0f name 0f newspaper, date able assistance: Establish an adver— I". . I731
Will attended the last mid—Winter meeting of issue, and writer’s name. No “can_ tising budget Plan a, regular schedule I :7: I
YOU 0f the K135; . . ned” or clipped editorials will be con— f0 our advertisement It’s a policy I2.” I ff. I
The exhibit this Year promises to be sidered in this contest. thr ty' f 11 w d b the most successful '; ~.’
hings one of the largest and best Since the Best News Story Contest Stéiresis “gs oane ide: that will be profit- I; I .5 I
1 01 (1 contest began. The committee is lb- At the request of a number of edi- able for you ”—So. St. Paul Reporter. j. . .I .v,
eve- suing thls call for the newspapers to tors. this contest is continued for com— ’ 1.3" I
lun- be entered, and, as in the past, valu— petition this year on the best com- FOR. S ALE—1 Recessed Universal Ad- it i ‘
m on able prizes .Wlll be offered. The rules munity news story. The factors to be ' t bl Linot e mold Produces ‘II III
and regulations for each contest follow. considered are content sentence and Jus a e , YD - 3-4 II :' I
g01f- . - t ' . skeleton slugs 14 to 18 pt. Also 6 and 1; . ,
eve- The papers Will be put on display a« paragraph structure, thought, unity, 1,7 em 14 pt liners and 31/2 5, 6, 8, 10’ _, III , I; i
t as the mid—summer meeting. coherence. vocabulary. the lead, and 12 14 1,7 and 30 em 18 pt. liners, all 1- III f; ,
nger- . .All-Around Contest . community service value. The prizes in goo d con dtion. Will take $75.00 1; III
t the For guidance of the competitors the include, first. silver set; second and ' cash If not satisfactory return in 10 fi‘: II: I:
the following W111 00nst_1tute the table 0; third- certificates. Contestants are days. and money will be refunded. It I
rram. .- percentages bl! Wthh the newspaper remiired to select the best news story THE OHIO COUNTY NEWS, Hart— LI: 5‘
:erva— I W111 be scored. . published between May 1, 1933, and ford Ky 1;: I.” ‘rgi
shore . General appearance, 30 per cent- 10- May 1. 1934. Each story is to be pasted ’ ' .. .. .. :, Ig’ ; ;
and I cal news, 25 per cent‘; country corre- on a sheet of paper with the notation Jake Kirkpatrick has leased the 3; ;'I III
)uble. spendence, 5 per cent, personal items, Of name Of newspaper, date 0f issue, Burlington Record from Bob Berk— I‘ I I I;;
$400; t 'p‘er Gist, farm 'news or nfews 13?“ name of editor, and name of the writer shire = 5; > , I
)and ‘ ihgrggpublighlefif gnggitrg'en: 5:32;; of the. story. Open to weekly. semi- ' .k .. ,t II 2:},
z. . _’ ‘ weekly, *and country dailies in the The Ashland Daily Independent re— 1; I '2‘
i and I 21:32; 51323055622; :nioendsiitggitli, :3 131:; state, . , . , cently installed a new Linotype model 3! II ,
them I "I e ' Be“ Advemsmq C°m""s‘t‘°“ 72—90 model 14 the first machine of , t
scoring 0f general appearance include Three prizes will be awarded to Ken- its kind on a daily newspaper in Ken- .i II.
iedi- I gititilgn of figmt anddinSide pages, tucky