xt79kd1qjk8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qjk8z/data/mets.xml Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1940 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Tennessee State Library, Sponsor; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration, Division of Professional and Service Projects; 21 leaves, 28 cm; Reproduced from type-written copy; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:T 256/no.5 books English Nashville, Tennessee: Tennessee Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Checklist of Acts and Codes of the State of Tennessee, 1792-1939, Special Publications Series, Number 5 text Checklist of Acts and Codes of the State of Tennessee, 1792-1939, Special Publications Series, Number 5 1940 1940 2015 true xt79kd1qjk8z section xt79kd1qjk8z I   /    5   IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII    
I I 3 was uuasab A I U
I ""‘T BRs¤v
I · ‘*‘VERSITY uI`nI<{EI‘ITIJCTi°’_·‘
T » ·   N C, 5
I/I OIR I- bly; of the State of Tennessee, Began and Held at Knoxville,
on Monday the Sixteenth Day of Septonher, Ono Thousand Light
Hundred and Five, John D, Hood and Company, Knoxville,
Tenn., 1805,
91, [5] p, 17,5 on,
Acts 1806, [Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Sixth General As—
EQ§`sEE]" semhly oi the State of Tennessee, Begun and Hold at hnox~
O ville, on Monday the Twenty Eight Day of July, One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Six, J. B. Hood, Knoxville, Tenn., 1306,]
A 115 p, 21 em,
`Aets 1807 Aots Passed at the First Session of the Seventh General
_Mh»'u`-lu Assembly of the State of Tennessee, Began at Kingston, on
Monday the Twenty-First Day of September, and Continued by
Adjournment to hnoxville, on Wednesday the Twenty~Third

 § Ono Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven, `Wi1liam Moore, Knox—
j ville, Tenn., 1808,
Q 180, [5] p, 21,5 cm,
T £gQ§i_l§Q2, [No printed copy located]
Q April ses,
Q hgts_1§02, Acts Passed at the First Session of the Eighth General As~
§ Sept. ses, Sembly of the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knox-
§ ville, on Monday, the Eighteenth Day of September, One
E Thousand Eight Hundred and Nine, To Which is Prefixed a
Q Copy of the State Constitution, George Wilson, Knoxville,
{ Tenn., 1809,
 l_p T 155, v p, 21,5 cm,
* §gts_l§ll_ Acts Passed at the First Session of the Ninth General Assem-
* bly of the State of Tennessee, begun and Held at Knoxville,
; on Monday, the Sixteenth Day of September, One Thousand
_ Eight Hundred and Eleven, G, Wilson, Knoxville, Tenn., 1811,
T 145, viii p, 22 cm,
g §gt§_l§12, Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Ninth General Assem—
‘, ox. SGS, bly, of the State of Tennessee, begun and Held at Nashville,
s on Monday the Seventh Day of September, One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Twelve, Together with One not Passed at the
Q First Session of the Said Ninth General Assembly,
Z T, G, Bradford, Nashville, Tenn., 1812,
; se, [rz] p. 21 em,
` {xiii 1512 Acts Passed at the First Session of the Tenth General Lssem~
» bly, of the State of Tennessee, Begun and Hold at Nashville,
1 on Monday the Twenty—First Day of September, 0ne Thousand
T Eight Hundred and Thirteen. T. G, Bradford, Tmshville, Tonn,,
g 1813,
1 190, 15 p, 22 cm,
lj nets lSl5 Acts Passed at the First Session of the Eleventh leneral
Q ~`““_m**“ Assembly, of the State of Tennessee, Jegnn and Held at Hash-
_ ville, on Monday the Eijhteenth Day oi September, Ono
* Thousand Bight Hundred and Fifteen, T. G, Bradford, Nash-
‘ ville, Tenn,, 1815,
  5-28/1,   p, 22 em,
Q _ Acts 1817 Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twelfth General Ls-
E `“**“¤*“J' sembly of the State of Tennessee, Begun and held at Knoxville,
Q on Monday the Fifteenth Day of September, 0ne Thousand iight
2 Hundred and Seventeen, George'Wi1son, Knoxville, Tenn., 1817,
I 250, xiii p. fold, table, 22 cm.
{ P.n· 1810 Acts of a Public or General Nature, Passed at the First Ses-
j "`nm “`——- sion of the Thirteenth General nssenbly of the St to of Tenne-
`¤ msec, Begun and held at Murfreesborough, on londay, the

 x . — 4 —
I Twentieth Day of September, One Thousand Eight Hundred and
5 Nineteen. Printed for G, A, & A, C, Sublett by George
[ `Wilson, Nashville, Tenn,, [1819], [Bound with: _Private
Ei s“;9jE§_ lil?] tl A
Q 140, x p, 21 cm,
§ Exyfy 1glQ Acts of a Local or Private Nature, Passed at the First Ses-
Q sion of the Thirteenth General Assembly of the State of
S Tennessee, Begun and Held at Murfreesborough, on Monday, the
{ Twentieth Day of September, One Thousand Eight Hundred and
Q Nineteen, Printed for G, A, & A, C, Sublott by George Jilson,
§ Nashville, Tenn,, [1819], [Bound with; Public Acts l3lO]
Q 208, xii p, 21 cm, `—_`-h"“`“" [Plum
it Eféf AQEQ, Acts of a Public or General Nature, Passed at the Second See- T
Q GX. SGS. sion of the Thirteenth General Assembly of the State of
Q Tennessee, Begun and Held at Kurfreesborough, on Monday, the
Q Twenty—Sixth Day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and
Q Twenty, Printed for G, A, and A, C, Sublett by G, Wilson,
2 Nashville, Tenn,, 1820, [Bound with; Private Acts 1820,
 i—, ex, ses,] I —Mh~_m-““** m—“N
{ 46, v p, fold, table, 21 cm,
Q, Pr,A, 1820, Acts of a Local or Private Nature, Passed at the Second Ses—
i e§,—sesi__' sion of the Thirteenth General Assembly of tho State of
Q Tennessee, Begun and Held at Murfreesborough, on Monday, tho
? Twenty—Sixth Day of Juno, One Thousand Eight Hundred and
T Twenty, Printed for G, A, and A, C, Sublett, by G, Wilson,
Q Printer, Nashville, Tenn., 1820, [Bound with: Public Acts
Q 1820, ex, ses,] —“—_“*"“]»~M
  117, [1], viii p. 21 cm.
fg P,A, 1821 ,Acts Passed at the First Session of the Fourteenth General
Q PrTA, 1821 Asscnhly of the State of Tennessee, Heiskell & Brown,
e§ ——m`N -_—' Knoxville, Tenn., 1821,
Q SA,] 226, xxix, [1] p, 21 cm,
it P,A, 1822, Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Fourteenth General
2 es; sesx_` Assembly of the State of Tennessee, G, Nilsen, & Hciskell
,{ Pr,A, 1822, & Brown, Knoxville, Tenn., 1822.
Q e§L—tosT- 176, xxvi p, 19,5 cm,
F ,]V_ P,A. 1825 Acts Passed at the First Session of the Fifteenth General
“ . PrTA,_1828 Assembly of the State of Tennessee, J, Horvoll and G, A,
{ —*l—- -”m` and A, C, Sublett, Murfrcesborough, Tenn., 1825,
5 286, xxvi p, 22 cm,
[3 ,P.A, 1824 Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Fifteenth General
{ ck:lsEsT_` Assembly of the State of Tennessee, J. Norvcll and G, A,
i" Pr.A, 1824 and A, C, Sublett, Murfreesboro, Tcnn,, 1824.
[ e§1_sesi——· 175, xxii p, 22 cm,

_   - 5 ..
 ;é; P.A, 1825 Acts Passed at the Regular Session of the Sixteenth Gene;·s.1
Q Pr,A, 1825 Assembly of the State of Tennessee, Heiskell & Brown and
g A, P, Maury, Knoxville, Tenn., 1626,
{ viii, {2], BSC, xlviii p, fold, chart, 21.5 one
1 P.A. 182C, Acts Passed at the Extra Session of the Sixteenth lonersl
E OX. Sss, Assembly of the State of Tennessee, 1326, Heiskell &
Q Pr,A, l§2§, Brown, 1827,
E ex, ses, Pub, aets, 1826, xiv, 59, xii p, 20,5 Gm,
; Priv, acts, 1820, 216, xlviii p, 20,5 cm,
is P,A, 1327 Acts Passed at the Stated Session of the Seventeenth Zenorel
? PP.A, 15E? Assenbly of the State of Tennessee, 1827, Hall & Fitzgerald
[ and Heiskell & Brown, Nashville, Tenn., 1827.
g Pub, acts, 1327, xxvi, S3 p, 21,5 em,
§ Priv, acts, 1827, EA5, xxx p, 21,5 om,
l·x,‘, P.A. Acts Passed at the Stated Session of the Eighteenth General
= l82U—5O Assembly of the State of Tennessee, lS2T, Allen A. Hall &
q Pr,h, Frederick S, Ieiskell, Nashville, Tenn,, 1829.
*» 1829-50 lub, sets, 1329, viii, lQ7, xxxix p, 21.5 Gm.
? ` Priv, sets, 182J, xv, 502, 1, [1] p. 2l.O Gm.
_ P,A, 1851 Public Acts Passed at the Stctel Session of the Nineteenth
1 * General Assembly of the Statr of Tennessee, 1831, Allen A,
_ · Hall S F. S, Hoiskell, Nashville, Tenn., lG52.
Q vi, 170 p, 21,5 cn,
Q Pr,A, 1831 Frivnto Acts Passed at the States Session of the Nineteenth
l General Assemblj of the State of fonnessee. 1SS1.
A Allen A, Sell snQ F, S, Ibiskell, Nashville, Tenn., 1oo2,
{ ix, 263 p, 21,5 cm,
E P.A. lU52, Public Acts Passed st the Called Session of the Nineteenth
=; called ses, Central Assembly of the State of Tennessee, lid?. Allen
Q A, Isll Q F, S, Helskell, hsshville, Tenn., 1852,
E, iv, 72 p, 21,5 cm,
1 Pr.A. lS52, Private nots Fassel at the Called Svssien of the Jinoteonth
?, balle&`sEbl General hssenbly of the State ox Tennessee, held ot §ash—
Q ville, 1652, Allen A. Hall L F, S, Huiskell, Nashville,
* l§.:.6.Q.l
xxiv, 145-708 p, 22 cm,
_, P,A, 1861, Public [and Private] Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed
‘ lst-e§:S§B. at the Extra Session of the Thirty—Third General Asse;m1y,
, Pr,A,18G1, for the Year 1861, E, G, Eastman & Co,, Nashville, Tenn,,
1 lT?ui~6E,E—,Es. isei.
` . viii, 127 p, fold, chart, 21,5 cm,
P,A, 1261, Public [and Private] Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed
2nd`e§;•ses, at the Extra Session of the Thirty-Third General Asscmlly,
,Pr,A,18Cl, April, 1851, J, D, Griffith & Co., Nashville, Tenn., 1061,
c   viii, {sj--los p, :2i,s en.
P,A, Public Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First
lU8l»G2 Session of the Thirty-Fourth General Assembly, for the Years
· __~~M__- 1861-'G2, Griffith, Camp & Co., Naslwille, Tenn., 18C2,
. vii, 82, {1] p, 22,5 cm,

 - 3 -
P,A, 1665, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First Session
lst ses. of the Thirty—Fourth General Assembly, for the Ycar 1665,
Prng. 18jg, S. G. Mercer, iesnviine, Tenn., ieee,
lst ses, l2, xiii, 178 p, 22,5 cm,
P,A, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the Second Session
~ l3Qgi§§, of the Thirty—Fourth General Assembly, for thc Years lB65—6C. A
2nd ses. S, C. Mercer, Nashville, Tenn., 1866,
_ PF.A. 476 p, 22 cm.
2nd ses,
Acts_lQ66, Acts and Resolutions of the State of Tennessee, Passed at
cs, ses. the Extra Session of the Thirty-Fourth General Assembly, A
July,`l366, C, Mercer, Nashville, Tenn., 1666,
40 p, 22,5 cm,
— P.A, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the Second Adjourned
` 1666-67, Session of the Thirty—Fourth General Assembly, for the Years
2nd ad, sos, l866—67, S, C, Mercer, Nashville, Tenn,, 1866,
Pr,A, 92, 529 p, 22 cm,
d 1666-67,
EiiE"§GK“ ses,
P P,A. Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed at the First Session
____ _____ .7
lee7—b6 of the Thirty-Fifth General Assermly, for the Years l867—6U,
l Prjév S, C. Mercer, Nashville, Tenn., 1663,
{ l§67:66_ 142, 596 p, 22,5 cm,
_ Acts 1866, Acts and Resolutions of the State of Tennessee, Passed at
cx. ses, - the Extra Session of the Thirty—Fifth General Assembly, Con-
vened at Nashville, July 27, 1866, S. C, Mercer, Nashville,
Tenn., l86d,
55 p, 22 cm,
P.A, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the Second Session
l666—6Q, of the Thirty·Pifth General Assenmly, for the Years 1666-69,
End ses, S, C, Mercer, Nashville, Tenn., 166Q,
Pr,A, 457 p, 22 cm,
P.A, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the First Session
, l269—70, of the Thirty-Sixth General Assembly for the Years 1660-70.
_ lst ses, Jones, Purvis & Co., Nashville, Tenn., l670,
Pr,A, 746 p, 22 cm,
T ,.,;;lls
lss ses,
Acts Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Second Session
A l86J—70, of the Thirty—Sixth General Assembly. For the Years lU6Q—70.
End sesl Jones, Purvis & Co., Nashville, Tenn., 1670,
253 p, 21,5 cm,
2 J?

 - 9 -
2 Acts Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Third Session
_ A _lg70—7l, of the Thirty-Sixth General Assembly, 1870-71, Jones,
2nd ex, ses, Purvis & Co,, Nashville, Tenn., 1871,
200, [1] p, 22 cm,
; Acts 1871 Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the First Session
of the Thirty-Seventh General Assembly for the Year 1871, V
A Jones, Purvis & Co., Nashville, Tenn., 1871, “
,» 257 p, 21,5 cm,
A Agti_l872, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Called Session
@2, SGS, of the Thirty—Seventh General Assenmly, 1872, Jones, Purvis
l & Cc,, Nashville, Tenn,, 1872,
T 75, [1] p, 21,5 cm,
飧E_l§Z§ Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Thirty~Eighth
[ General Assembly, 1875, Jones, Purvis & Co,, Nashville,
» Tenn., 1875,
Q 245, [2], x p, 21 cm,
L Agt§_l§Z5 Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Thirty-Ninth ‘
General Assembly, 1875, Tavcl, Eastman & Howell, Nashville,
Tenn,, 1875,
561, xvii p, 21 cm,
Acts 1877 Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Fortieth
_ General Assembly, 1877, Tavel, Eastman & Howell, Nashville,
Tenn,, 1877,
505, [1] p, 21,5 cm,
Acts 1877, Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fortieth Gen—
lst ex, ses, eral Assembly in Extra Session, 1877, The American,
[ Acts 1877J Nashville, Tenn., 1878,
And cx, ses, 52 p, 21,5 ma,
Acts 1879 Acts of the State ef Tennessee, Passed by the Porty—Pirst
. General Assembly, 1879, The American Book and Job Print~
ing Office, Nashville, Tenn,, 1879,
· 588, [1], xiii p, 21 cm,
Acts 1879, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Called Ses~
ex, ses, sion of the Forty-First General Assembly, 1870, Tavel,
Eastman & Howell, Nashville, Tenn., 1880,
· 59, [5] p, 21 cm,
Acts 1881 Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Forty—Second
General Assembly, 1881, Tavel & Howell, Nashville, Tenn.,
. 1351,
570 p, 21 cm,
Acts 1881, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the First Extra- _
lst bx, ses, ordinary Session of the Forty—Socond General Assembly,
1881, Albert B. Tavel, Nashville, Tenn., 1882,
58, [1] p, 21 cm,

 - 1Q -
Acts 1882, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Second Extra-
2nd ex, ses, ordinary Session of the Forty—Second General Assembly,
1882, Albert B. Tavel, Nashville, Tenn., 1882, [Bound
with: Acts 1882, 5rd ex, ses,]
80 p. 21 cm,
[ AgjE_1882, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Third Extra-
1 5rd ex, SGS, ordinary Session of the Forty—Second General Assembly,
A 1882, Albert B, Tavel, Nashville, Tenn., 1882, [Bound
· with: Acts 1882, 2nd ex, ses,]
40 p, 21 cm, ~
_ AEE§_l§§§_ Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Forty-Third
General Assembly, 1885. Albeet [sic] B. Tavel, Nashville,
— Tenn., 1885,
[ 471, [1] p, 21 em,
A Acts 1885. Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Forty—Fourth
Q General Assembly, 1885, Albert B, Tavel, Nashville, Tenn.,
j 1885,
571 p. 21,5 cm,
A£ts_1§§§, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Extraordinary
GK. ses, Session of the Forty—Fourth General Assembly, 1885,
Marshall & Bruce, Nashville, Tenn,, 1885,
A 154 p, 21 cm,
G Acts 1887 Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Forty—Fifth
General Assembly, 1887, Marshall & Bruce, Nashville, Tenn.,
525 p, 21,5 cm,
A£tE_1889 Acts oi the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Forty—Sixth
General Assembly, 1889, Marshall & Bruce, Nashville, Tonn,,
_ 1889.
· 505 p, 21 cm,
[ Acts 1890, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the Second Session
lst ox, ses, of the Forty—Sixth General Assembly, 1890, Albert B, Tavel,
Nashville, Tenn., 1890, [Bound with: A£ts,1890, 2nd ox,
105 p, 21,5 cm,
A . Acts 1890 Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the Second Session
End ex, ses, of the Forty-Sixth General Assembly, 1890, Albert B, Tavel,
Nashville, Tenn., 1890, [Bound with; Acts 1890, lst ex,
_ 105-125 p, 21,5 cm,
Acts 1891 Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Forty—Seventh
*_~q General Assembly 1891, Albert B. Tavel, Nashville, Tonya,
811 p, 21,5 cm,

 - 11 -
Acts 1891, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed by the Extraordinary
GX. SGS. Session of the Forty-Seventh General Assembly, 1891,
Marshall & Bruce, Nashville, Tcnn,, 1891,
152 p, 21 om,
AGti_1§Q§ Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Forty~EiQhth
General Assembly, 1895, marshall & Bruce, Nashville, Tenn.,
1895, [
576 p, 21 mn,
A£tE_18Q§_ Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Forty-Ninth
General Assembly, 1895, Franc, M, Paul, Nashville, Tenn.,
1895, [Bound with: Acts 1895, ox, ses,]
555 p, 21,5 cm,
Acts 1995, Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed at the Second Session
ex. ses, of th [sic] Forty-Ninth General Assembly, 1895,
Franc, M, Paul, Nashville, Tenn., 1895, [Bound with:
. Acts ieee]
557-604 p, 21,5 em,
Acts 1896, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the Second Extra
End cx, ses, Session of the Forty—Ninth General Assembly, 1895,
Franc, M, Paul, Nashville, Tenn., 1898,
F f` r
a 5o, [G] p, 22,5 cm,
Acts 1897 Public and Private Acts and Pesolutiens Passed by the
Piftieth eeneral Assembly of the Stat¤ of Tennesswe, 13P7,
Franc, M. Paul, Nashville, Tenn., 1897, [Public and Pri-
vate Acts separate, chapter numbering consecutive]
, xxx, 878 p, 21,5 cm,
Acts 1898, Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the Second Ses-
ex. ses. sion of the Piftieth General Assembly. 1898, Marshall &
bruce Co., Nashville, Tenn., l§98.
112 p, 21 cm,
Acts 1399 Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Pifty~First
General ..l“ lssenbly, 1899, Marshall E Jruce Co., Nashville,
Tenn., 1399,
1545, [2] p, 21 cm,
Acts 1901 Acts of the State of Tennessee Passel by the Fifty—Secend
· General Asserbly, 1901, Brandon Qrintinj Coxpany, Nash—
ville, Tenn,, 190l,
1527 p, 21 cm,
Acts 1905 Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Tifty-Third
General Assexmly, 1902, Foster & Webb, Nashville, Tenn.,
l7©7 p, 21,5 cn,

 - 12 -
A£t§_1905 Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty—F0urth
z General Assembly, 1905, Brandon Printing Company, Nash-
ii ville, Tenn., 1905,
1406, [1] p, 21,5 cm,
A AgfE_1QQZ_ Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty-Fifth
General Assembly, 1907, McQuiddy Printing Company, 7
Nashville, Tenn., 1907, .
2552 p, 21,5 cm,
AEt§_1QQ9 Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty-Sixth
General Assembly, 1909, MeQuiddy Printing Company,
Nashville, Tenn., 1909,
2555 p, 21,5 om,
P.A. 1911 Public Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty-
5-“* Seventh General Assembly, 1911, MeQuiddy Printing Company,
Nashville, Tenn., 1911,
590 p, 21 cm,
Pr,A. 1911 Private Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty-
——-—- __~" Seventh General Assembly, 1911, McQuiddy Printing Company, ·
Nashville, Tenn., 1911,
2127 p, 21 cm,
P,A, 1915 Public Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty-
PQA. 1915, Eighth General Assembly [Regular, First and Second Extra
1st'e§:PEes, Sessions], 1915, McQuiddy Printing Company, Nashville,
P.A, 1915, Tenn., 1915,
EEE eET—ses, [12], 745 p. 21 cm,
Pr,A, 1915 Private Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty-
PYZAQ 1915, Eighth General Assembly [Regular and First Extra Sessions],
1Et"ex, ses, 1915, MeQuiddy Printing Company, Nashville, Tenn., 1915.
[12], was p, 21 an,
P,A, 1915 Public Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty-
_`"“ Ninth General Assembly, 1915, McCowat-Mercer, Jackson,
Tenn., 1915,
[12], me p, 21 an,
Pr,A, 1915 Private Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Fifty-
mm·—- —_**“ Ninth General Assembly, 1915, McCowat-Mercer, Jackson, Tenn.,
_ 1915.
[12], 227a p, 21 cm,
P.A, 1915, ,.,Pub1ic and Private Acts Passed by the Regular Session and
Pisb,_aEts the Act of the Extra Session of the Fifty—Ninth General
Pr,A, 1915, Assembly of the State of Tennessee 1915 [-191C], McCowat-
Pisgl acts Mercer, Jackson, Tenn., [191G],
P,A, 1916, C5 p, 21 cm,
Eki`seEiw" At head of title: Vol, 11

 - 13 -
]y§y }QgZ_ Public Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Sixticth `
General Assembly, 1917, McCowat—Mercer, Jackson, Tenn,, 1917,
[12], 6C8 p, 21 em,
Ylhéy }EQZ_ Private Acts of the State cf_Tennessee Passed by the Sixticth
General Assembly, 1917, McCowat-Mercer, Jackson, Tenn.,
[12], 2636 p, 21 cm,
Qqg._}9lQ Public Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Si:*v~
First General Assembly, 1519, McCowst-Mercer, Jackson, 1exr,,
[12], 971 p, 21 cm,
PF.}? }Q}Q_ Private Acts ef the State of`Tennessee Passed by the Sixty-
First General Assembly, 1919, McUowat—Mercer, Jackson,
Tenn., 1019.
[12], 2620 n, 21 cm,
Esjy ggggj Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed by the Extraordinary
GK. SGS. Session ef the Sixty-First General Assembly, 1920, McCowet—