xt79kd1qjk7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qjk7c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-01-19 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 18, January 19, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 18, January 19, 1911 1911 1911-01-19 2015 true xt79kd1qjk7c section xt79kd1qjk7c  
  I Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., JANUARY 19, 1911 No.\l9
“     bearing on the result. FORMER KENTUCKY COACH Prof. Rhoades is, then, over and
7.... Captain Galser played a good game _.... above all, a most capable man. Cap-
ADDREssEs 3·rup5N1·3 |N at guard while both Beatty and Harri- Takes Up Dutiu at Wisconsin- ability lairly oozes from him; its pres-
CHAPEL- son had the jump on their man near- Sweetland Makes Good Im- PMGS —<‘8·¤¤0t be disguised and this
_ ly every time. Hart did most of the preaalon. very transparency is by no means a
Taka Active charge Tuesday- scoring for Stoll, making in all 21 _____. characteristic to be overlooked, He
1- pOiDtS. Ma(]iS()n’ \\·iS.' January   lS RH Pl'lt,llllSl3.SlQ he Call SGS and 8p·
9 On Tuesday, Janugy 17, President High School played by far a much mnsm Oarsmen were treated to éw€]_ prelciatel the great possibilities with
Barker actively took charge of affairs rougher game than State, there being (tome Surprise on their mmm from which his work is fraught and he has
‘ , as smear ima or the univmtty. For 21 f°“‘“ °°“°" °“ “‘°'“ ‘”"“"’ S‘“‘° the *¤¤¤*¤¤y ~‘¤<·¤¤<>¤ when M the first T“" .‘"“’°““"‘°"’ °"°'g’ ‘”“‘°*‘ ’““’*
________. i Several days past he was expected, was penaliaed only six times. meeting of the Squad Coach E_ R_ irewtably bring them closer to a
but the settlement of various business Hart |m°'Up "f Tum" Gu n Sweetland. the newly appointed r°’2;l'§t;;$£her there exiqt i th
matters detained him. H8 was p,.€S_ ······         ······· Y aquatic tutor, .who comes from Ken- H {ini _ · * — S n 9 man
em at the Chapel exercises and was g t orwar . tuck), Umv€rS"y_ put m an 8_pp8m._ ie A 1 ty to make himself one ot
g‘iV(¤]] 8, hearty wglcomg   the large Marx ‘ · ` ` OL   °°'   °°°Tayl0r ance and took the bllfdéll Of (]()aQh- HEPSQI “"it;?th“’:ll$In he has to d€8.lQ to
"“""’" °’ °*“*’**"*¤ °¤°€m°'€°· Act ¤em-Ham¤$.. °rW°B·‘N€tt.¤ibb0..S ‘““ ""°"‘ "‘° S"°“"‘°“‘ °' C°"“"“ Z`JSguZJ$t bv E£`n°SSE?SZZ?¤tSh$`u$K
— *"g ‘°*°S*"°“* Wm expimd his F ` `F t~g;L€;` ' “"‘“'”‘ “‘." “°“' "°*""` “‘“‘ “‘“"° er to the M5 mir than b md-
— pleasure in new turning ever the rs. C I · a fevvrable rmvression on the Qadser i d 1 Y
  ._ Sponsibmties of leadership to our new xaiser ......... . .......... ..Rodes Oarsmen and the Student body m gen ng aint ly to the side and shouting
Q President. Right Guard. €,m]_ Although Stories to the (,,m_ useless orders to the struggling throng.
President Barker made 8. few brief Campbell ........ . ......... Brooks wary had been gi`-en credence among \l'hile his duties will frequently call
_ remarks to the students, impressing C Left Guard. the Students, the new coach Seems him away to various parts of the State
l uponxhem the fact that he was going ,oals——Marx, 2; Hart, 6; Beatty, 1; to be on to the inside "vorkings of the and while the greater part of his time
t to be the personal friend of every one Harrison, 1; Guyn. 10; Taylor, 2: rowing gamer g.`.€,€tland learned an may be spent away from Lexington,
of them, and that they Should ba his O’l\eil, 1; Gibbons, l; Rodes, 1. his rowing under the Cornell Wizard, yet the I mversity may deem. itself
J friends. H6 Said that it was 3 great Foul goals thrown-Marx missed 4; and, according to his nrst Ompial my extremely fortunate oto call him its
; rounding up of a man,S me to be the Hart missed 16; Beatty missed 2: nouncamam this week, the Courtney OW'} imd S0 °°“”t mm as 8 m°mb°"
  head of a great institution like this Gnyn missed 3. methods of rowing will be introduced of its faculty. Man ofoactivity, en-
and that as long as he mum be Ot, use Referee—Dr. Elliott. at “qScOnSm_ S“ve€t]and Wm have thnsiasm. energy. and kindly humor,
to the Studenm to the UniVm_S“y’ Ilmpire—Rodes. fom. veterans or last yemes New as "he does look good to us."
` and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, 'i·m€··S-Van Meter' Nu“S' a nucleus for the 1911 b°at·‘m“· ———-•——•-·--·—-
he would be with us. §:§;;T_I;?a};g)réq_ High School 36 (O-) Eml“i"€"· SHOULD A PERSON OBTAIN A
____.....,.......... ` ’ i' ‘ " ' ‘ —-———-•+*·····—· CLASSICAL EDUCATION BE-
t-new sci-toot. vicromous. STATE AND -I-RANSYLVAMA TO BEFGRE STUDENT 80¤V- why Essential to Lawyer, Physician,
——-~——— . or En ineer.
state, 29; High Sghcoh 36. PLAY 'N THE ARMORY° Takes Chair of Secondary Education. Q
_______ w-.- ····*·· State Vniversity is to be congratu-
On last Friday the basket ball Sea. K¢¤i¤¢k¥ Il P¥‘¤V¢d· Prof. McHenry Rhoades, ex-Super- lated for her splendid courses and
son at Kentucky was opened by a ————— intendent of the Owensboro City high ranking in engineering and law.
game with the team from the Lex- Toinorrow Kentucky will clash with Schools and recently chosen to tillthe \\'e believe, in these courses, she is
ington High School. Sad to relate we Transylvania in the Armory. This is newly-created chair of Secondary not surpassed by any school of the
carried off the small end of the score the first athletic contest between the Iitlucation at the l'niversity, made his South. They are thorough and pre-
It was not so much the poor team two schools this year. Transylvania initial appearance before the student pare men who are able to cope with
work of our men, as it was the supe- has a good team this year and State body at chapel exercises last Thurs- circumstances, and win. Yet the
rlority of the High School boys in will have her hands full if she can dur. \\`ith a few brief and well cnos— graduate of today and henceforth
their team work. Both teams had beat the "Crlmson." en remarks he gained the good will goes out from his college life better
men who were able to throw difficult State has been practicing very hard of the entire assemblage and secured equipped and a broader man than did
goals in practice, but when pitted during the past week and they will for himself quite an enviable posi- the alumnus of other times because
against a good guard, they were un- put a better article of ball than they tion in the heart of every student. he is now required to have a full
able to score. This error can be rem- did last Friday. To the educational circles of Ken- academic course embracing a modem
edied and it is hoped that by tomor- 'l`he line-up of Transylvania could tnckv, Professor Rhoades needs no in- high school curriculum before he is
; row night this fault will be lacking. not be determined, but State will pos- troduction. No man in the State, per- permitted to begin his technical work.
? The High School boys put up an sibly line-up as on last Friday. The https, has lent himself more earnest- Although the study of language and
— excellent game and they deserved to game will start promptly at 8 o’clock ly and whole-heartedly to the promo- kindred subjects may seem to be un-
win, although we hope that in our and barring accidents, will be over tion of the cause of education and essential to the welfare of the lawyer,
next game with them it will be with a by 9 o’clock. so as not to interfere few men have been more eminently engineer or physician, there is no one
different result. Marx and Gelsher with the dance at Merrick Lodge. fitted for the carrying out of such a who can justly condemn it as a detri-
were the only veterans on State’s Everybody come out and see Ken- task as that to which he is now ap- ment. We understand that the best
team and this may have had some tucky win. plying himself. Law, Dental, Medical and 'I‘echnical

 2 T II E I I) IJ A ' “
Ask Your Grocer for- schools of all kinds now require their course have at least their indirect ·
,` students to have a high school edu- and henehclal effects, lf they be not  
    vatoln, or its equivalent, before they absolutely essential.  
DOIN Forget Hoc cake Med will permit them to matrirulate in the Then we might say that a person
Made BV collegiate work. This is done with should obtam a classical education
_ ' the view of preparing men in such a before securing a technical one. Mean-
Lemnnm ¤°u" Mills c°• way that they may be able to do the lng by the word should. that. It would . ,
—-· --—-——-——-- best that nature will allow them. be to his best advantage, enabrmg § __
While these requirements are the him *0 sive m the worm the utmost ` {Y
NI A C direvt result of an awakening along Of his ¥’°“’€"s· However- we repeat gygunmgu 2 |¤.hl|h `
educational lines, yet we believe it that no school should make a classl- Thcmfcw   W
GQQD FURNITURE, would be better still could each grad- ral d"g"`° an Entrance "°q“h`€m€m· I  
um an technical work have been also fm we have merely d*¤¤¤¤¤¢¤ the Notch COLLARS ll
0 ts Wall Pa and Stoves. previously an alumnus or some thor- "*'l°¤l" thing wd ¤¤<*h 8*6 ¥>0¤¤lbl° u•..n¤=s•. clues Pw><><¤v·¤¢¤-.M•¤¤¤ z  
’ mm. in the imagination or in an  
ough classical school. However, we - '  
do not think that any Such ,_,m mm,P "ideal state' of affairs and those who —
A- K- ADCGGK mquirementg should eve,. be adopted do not obtain a classical degree today '
CIGARS and TQBAQQQ by technical schools for it is obvious. beforettlkizg lgtiggggeizoxj s‘;;;`;· '. ,
_ _ _ as time’s examples have proven that me “° 0 " v · ' * »
Lexington, - · · - Kentucky plassical degree in Order to be 3 Emu now lain down for graduation in all A  
______ pessful lamryetn engineer` Btcn yet tPOhHiCal schools are such as   Gu' }  
BI       Sparcely vyould One deny   Such a ab]? any energetic and Wid€'8.Wak€ Q C0. I {
course is beneflclal to its possession Sm""“t lo make good among the   r
·»The Tailor That satisguu in any of llfe’s positions. The lawyer “'°"k$ 0f °“' time- THE LEADING ’
° ,   ·
sum and mw cuummc. §’§‘,`T ,L$,,f§§?,§I§,“L’,”,ZZ,"l,,Z’§§?§§,'$,';,€“`,f',fI,"§L HE NEEDED THE Jos. 8’E°m·"Y H°°“” Y i
159 smh L*m°°*°¤° “,t,`},°"§,“’“"‘,,S‘“"°“‘ f' ,“‘° "§°,‘§°*“’f M a meeting of the Sm Medical Exclusive `  
0 me ay asavas soreo now- e
-   edge from which he may draw and Society the secretary read a letter   1 ,
T V from the consul of one of our far-away  
UNI E thus lea e his less favored competitor _ _
First (Ylass Lunch and at an almost unsurmountable disad P0SS€SS*°“S urging the need °f 9* resi' _
Hot Bleak vantage- In like mime,. the study of dent physician in his district. In the IN HIGH CLASS
AT ALL HOURS the sciences, English and Latin, are m°m_€m· Of Silence thflt followed uw ' OUTER GARMENT8 AND `
A. B. BARRETT of almost immeasurableadvantage to ;i;d;;§;1amy0Odu€I;$l;Ta?I1:,i;};1€;0£:l;;;T: 1Vm.L1’NERY.  
Cor. S. Lime anl Colfa. Sts. · ‘ ·
( Y the phygicnan. While t0 thé €¤8i¤€€¥`· put me down for that place, sir. It FOR l
—` the Stu Y Of the languages and €V€*`Y‘ sounds good to me. My practice here `
EVER•YTéIg¥)ig0R THE thing connected with the classical died last night."—Success.   d   ,
Developing and Printing.
Full Line Now on Display
Lexington Photo Supply Go. `
Over Ki1·by’s Ten Cent Store {         &' 
 ,’j,A ·*~   , Mhin street Eat-  
ICE CREAM PARLOR ______________ l
Miss Edith Stivers has resumed her wear two long hatpins over each eye- ’
      W'OY`k at th€ Univgrsity after 8.   bY`0W' ill l`[9t8,phygicg'7  
South Lime and \Vinslow Streets iU¤€8$- M¥‘8· Bruce Adair, formerly Miss   `
Misses Mary Brown and Hattie No- Elizabeth Bayless, came up from ’ Q
land spent Sunday with NUBS F8»I‘l`l$ PKTIB MOIld8Y to See Madame Sherry     S   5
J- J- FITZGERALD Feumd, at Campbell-Hagerman. While in Lexington, she was the guest B
PLUMBING Miss Lillian Ferguson has rétuflléd of Miss Heibler at Patterson Hall, FALL LINES ‘
B and Water Heat, to Patterson Hall, after Spéildillg the Miss Cornelia Denver entertained OF
holidays at her home. on Friday eveni ith **500** U-RNISHIN X '
269 W. Short, · · Lexington, Ky. Dean Hamilton and Mrs. Henry S. in the Apla Ximl);lta ;at. roornxngt gym and G GOO  
  Barker spent the week-end with Mrs. Patterson H3l]_
KINKEAD COAL COMPANY A, L. Scoville. Dean Hamilton and Mrs. Henry 8H0§gw IN
Misses Marion Johnson and Bess S. Barker left Monda ft ·
p Y a ernoon for _ .
U? ICE and YARD- Hayden spent Saturday 8.Ild SUDGBY L0\1lBVlll6, where they expect to re-   &   and    
N0. 157 N. Broadway. with Mass Ruby Fleming at Midway. mam until Thursday, S*’°t”°“ Hams-
RAILROAD YARD-—C. S. Freight De- Mrs. Alfféd C- Z6mb¥‘0d €¤*i9¥`t¤i¤€d The Cadet Hop on Saturday, Jan.  
pot, S_ Broadway and Christy Su. with a tea Tuesday afternoon in h0¤· uary the fourteenth, was a huge suc- 140 W t In . 8
or of the Alpha Gamma D€lt¤’S. cess. It was the largest one this ..._L ,, , , t'
  Mr, Walter Fox, ’10, has acceptéd 8 year,and everybody had a "pertectly
s splendid position at Dayton, Ohio. grand umey
IU.,   Mp Fox's friends here will b6 gllld On Friday evening, January the JUST RECEIVED!
|°HANGE’8 CANDY KITQHEN to b°9·¥` OY NB ¤¤€¢€¤¤· h h b thirteenth, the Kappa Kappa Gammyg a shipment of
Miss Louise Haynes. W 0 8B Gen entertained informally at their house.
119 South Upp°r SL visiting her sister, Miss Grace Haynes In MO k Mm · WH[TuAN’S
Lexington _ _ _ Kentucky n ey ers Zoology class
’ gt P8i;6¥'$I?:x;;¤·“» h¤·¤ ¥`6t¤¥'¤9d to h€¥` recently, the question was asked why The Best (ghocolates and
  ome n . V
’ there were so many oldlmalds. Quick- Confecmms Made.
J M   Mr, Robert Acker, 07, has returned ly came the answer: Because there
' ° home atter a visit with friends and are so many old bachelors? C 
relatives ln Lexington. Preparations and plans are under   CO.
 t On Saturday evening the Henderson discussion for the Sophomore dance, Pharmacists
C I tbl t- hl h I t h . . .
..I;"‘.,,"‘21.".,‘,§Z,{§,‘Z“§“.T1’p’*i{’ZZ,r..$'.. “£Z.‘l. Z"w°¤..,“m‘L..t§.’.,.‘EI.`L‘Zl‘I. """"" '“°"’“ N- W· Cer- Mm md ¤¤¤·=·
$06 \¢•¤i¢¤ !·¤d8• Buildlnc- Why does Mm Minerva Colllns B°t‘h Ph‘m°`123· 1

 . l
—————»-—»»——~~-—»-—~-      —-~ SHOULD A PERSON PREPARE FOR
l I: a Penny Made I ———
lt is true t‘1=•· :ym’l xsork is dom- A ·
Wr run .•a·v¢ you many pennin lll lh" A('8    "     • P
A we must look before we nan give ;     \Y _;•E!   [@7//
€‘ —-—- l':*r and reasonable answer do this ` lv   "   {@2  j
_ question. ` `   "V L "`a_  l ‘ I'
Th! Qest Hot Chocolate H1 The Academy ist only for i;:o=<= who
the Czty ;‘{““°’ ““°“" ·"° C°"“" “‘g" nanlumns or mrow Ann u1:A¤.Y 1>1A1~10
I . (bool. This statement comes direct-
I -—- ly from the Principal or the Academy. ______.;..... _____
_ There we see that he helieves that :1
° D C student should marze his pv·ep:•,ration ¥`9l*¤'€S€¤l 8 l>\1bli€8li0H of any sort.  
    0a at the High School, but nf ihat be in- but €h€Y M6 Y¤¥`·Sighl€d enough t0
convenient the Academy is user] as a know that Wh€‘¤ lhéy KO Out in the  
Phan:154 Your Nearest 'Drug Stor: lagf p€Sm·t_ world they will have no such thing wuts your picture sinca you len
· We believe with nlm rhar if nr be as USQIGBS k¤0“'l€dg€- h0me_S0 does
  _ _ your
poslble, a. young man or w0m;m All knowledge IS good and useful
P E E R L E S S should spend their early mm or ed- and there is not a member of the SWEETHEART
~ ueational advantages at name. For <‘l8SS. “‘h0. 3fT9¥‘ attending all the r···* a   r·
L A `U N D R Y the young student while preparing Y€8!‘. feels that ht? has not been CALL AT
for college should be at home where Hbufldahfly ¥‘°D&id f0t‘ his time and 7 °
his mother and father can bring him efforts ill l*1<1¥`¤l¤€ to 8¥‘¥‘8¤g€ his   S  
      up in (hg way hg Should gg, before [hOl.1§.!l1fS, and GVQH t0 think, 0I‘€ ill- dl _ h 1 ‘_ th
w_ (j_ WILSON AGT_ they send him to Lexington or any l€lllE€‘¤tlY- BPCMISP this Drgtive is an at mm ep you mmf mo Er
4..;..4-·-  0(hgr pgllggg t0W]]_ not lll 3.Il)' of lh? (‘Ol1I‘S€’S is the I`€*3.S0l1 Fappy and also help YOJ to "`nl
BIG LINE OF BOOKS and OTHER ln fact no Academy student is so that Some hesitate to enter the class, W"'
USEFUL GIFTS for HOLIDAYS intensely academic that he would ad- but to those “‘h0 hal'? S0 hesitated    
l use his bpofhgr to makg his pmpa. we may say that the members and with some of those
‘ A Souvenier Booklet with ration here. Very few students now lll? (`h¥‘lSl¤l8S edition of tht? ldt?8    
t Each Purchase in our preparatory clepartlrnini will b¢‘f•.t‘ testimony of its value, Special rates to Stuqentsl
‘ frankly admit that if they a nown .;.......•...--——
l PRINTING what llncertaintiés wwe awaiting     }34l WEST MAIN ST. Faye Ph¤n¢l635x
them, they would have gone to school ——·—
    & c0• any place before coming here. This SENATOR TAYLOR HERE ON THE  
Inccorpomted is the most worthy solution that can TWENTY-SIXTH.
he given this question. lf the Prin- ——-———— GVER 66 YEAR?
y~y"_¤¤d "'Fhe Haney 3.l‘..‘ll‘$1°J‘2°.l5}‘l2f.§52l·‘?3@3*2}% l-’$l‘E.?§P•'?i;
L       VaIl9),·•. ills Strlklng personulityx )¢!|Ll’, tour IIIOIIUII, .1. sodbflu DOWIGBBIBI1.
322 West Main _.... and wonderful power to change one  
    p,·°f_ Mackenzie |nSt'·uc[0y·_ lll all lIlSl8.IlY {TOY!} l&l1{.{hf€*I‘ I0 lPl1I`S
AND PHOTOS. _._ or from sadness into joy has long  
· No one is obligated to take this work lllB.<‘t‘d him among the foremost lec-
B_n,__n'__y0ux,__K,_°d__ak__tr°u_b1°____.t° ma. in journalism; it is entirely voluntary. l\\Y`P¥`S OH lh? A¤\Pl‘i<‘Hll Dl8lf0¥'m· Ingcmous Optical Device
SARRIS & CO_ Those students that take the W0rk ‘l°"<"`“°*` Manshlp will l’*‘ °"¤“g°d Au l[lgt‘lllUll>¥ o;·tit·ttm ln Xluraellles,
are not certain, and probably do not ft"` at 8 lat"` dale- l"l`Zllll‘t*. haw invented ll eww fitted
HOME·MADE CANDY believe, that they will ever need to .._,_,.,.a_._.-a with lenses und mirrors in suph a
know anything about proof-reading in NOTICE. ¤¤**l“*"` WM il UF"` *`=·¤¤ SW over the
FRE*Sll EVERY DAY the ordinary course of life. They may Mandolin (`lub rehearsal in Gym. h€ad* M " ""`“"l in """"l *"° Ulm-
107 East Mlain St, not expect to become writers or t0 Friday at 5 0’clock. ·a—·~·—·r ———

4 T Il E I D E A
    position upon their respective teams. Y W =
' The only conclusion that can be    
Publishmi eve.-; Thursday by the student body ot State Iinlwrslty of K·—ntuc1 *“‘   S
8UBSC?§t;;{s1,1·;Y ,............ . ....................... . .......... Assistant lcdnol- lll? A¤S¤<*i¤ti¤¤ ls ln 8 gerlous una"'
_ ,_ ,}`_\`i_'v L., ........ . ....... ;......··..·.·. ·. .....·..   .... .—\th](*Ut! ]~2(]lt<)r (wig] (··On(~]iHO“_ But hogv Often do
sq 1,, 1-.l·,¤.l\1,l. ........ . .....   ...... Assnsmnt Athlotlc lsalolr they plead with one to join the map Colne to
u I .
. . . ties buv tickets to the Ly- .
S. C. I·ZBB}·lR'l`, Busmess Manager qry qome ' `
F, l,. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. SA.ND1£R¤, Asst. Adv, Mgr, <‘€‘l¤m (`0¤¥`S€ ·0l` to attend the Various
'l'lll·l0, SLAIJIQ, Advertising Manager. W. A. LURl'l·.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr, "°m€‘SlS “'l‘€"° no admlsslml is cha'? 8 '
V, l,. Dt)\\’NlXts, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOIIN, Asst. Sub. Mgr, ml ami “'h‘?"€ the only request is ghat 1
—_:;—:;;;;-;-:—,·-—...  (Continued on Page 5, Column .)
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be
pared by the following members of prepared by the fO]]0Wi¤g members of     O D E I
The Idea Staff: The Idea Staff: • •
S. W. Jackson R. ll. Shapinsky   &     c0•
MI`. Miller R. 'I`. 'I`8.yl0r Incorporated  
W, C. Shultz H. F. McKenney Q R I   N] G And gee \\'hat we can  
J" A‘ Wnmom MI" San") nuen-• wonx A s•=r=c•A¤.·rv g}
Miss 1\la.rla¢m Taylor Miss Alice Carl! Williams Bow-H m-eowzs show you  
  |g4_]gg N_ [_|M|-j5T()N[ . . LEXINGTON, KY  
"WE ARE NOT DEAD. BUT MERE- l<*¤i3\0 Athletics. Time after time our   l
LY SL,EEPETH," teams have journeyed into other Always the Best `
In The l.mlm_9· me Student states and there upon foreign fields,  
publication ol' Oklahoma l'niver- Hlrounded by h°sm° Sp°°ta“”`S· Wllh The Placu tllB Styles COIIIB FI'0III
Say, we mm me following statement: "° On" *° smut ‘“‘°°““}g°m°“t» *h°Y U • •t
"'l"wenty-seven men have handed their haw “(m lmnmi and v’lct°rY· Often   y `
names to the Oratorical Council in HIP lhhampmnshlp Of F—¢¤¤¤¤k>* has I l   B   '  
response to the announcement that all léjid _m Oulr lX’SS°Si“;“_¤“d y€t’“‘   l
who expected to try for a place on mg} Umes UG mma ntemoueglate 7HE COL
one Of the debating teams Should €n_ Oratorncal Contest has been held, the K t   T <
ter before Wednesday night." Ifmpignlzzilgegtoogrom til; dvarmus 8 y Chu. L. Sm¤•, ‘9s - - - Manager i
. ‘ .. ` , ll - F
|his_ tyxlrapi   at       1 I l _   8.   . ' ' •  
MHS and has 3 deeper Significance et platiorm. mus1c soft and inspiring Oilers free iuzhon 111 all (l8p81‘l· " 
I ‘ _ _ has nlled the hall, the voices of the ments except Law to g1‘&Clll8TBS of ‘
o us that appeals upon the surface. _ _, Q _ . , .
___ _ _ 1 V (U.lf°.l8.l`1lh, tremblmg with earnest- kentucky Hwh Schools who are ,
bust, 1t shops the wonderful develop- h _ b - **  
ment and progress of the \Vestern l’n- ness me Ben h8ard` and the deci- prepared to enter the Freshman
sioxs f th- ' d -—
iversities, and that in the vast coun- Hm; (:1 Q fmlu gas rendered eight Class' . .
is b9VOIl(l me Mississippi which only r "‘· S °°°““"“ S‘“°" Km Each ¤¤¤¤tr In the Sm IS ¢¤· ‘ ~
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ tuckv State was declared the winner ' ] l - { FRF f ‘ ' l
a few vears ago was wilderness or rml hl ` Ut M to wm “E O tultlom »·
Q ` . . _ .. . ‘° “` ° 9 *"°“bl€ HBS in lhs fail- matricnl·1tion laborator and oth- *
desolate prame in here the yuld fox me to realize that the grmimn or dia_ f ° ’ Y .     '
P ' ‘ ’ °
dug lus hol undnstulbed" institutions Gr 98* Om) sr more appolutees l
c ’ mond need not conflict in an w v
. . _ . Y 8. N
ot learmng haxe sprung up as 1f by with me platform Many Students CCCSSHYY expenses moderate- l
jfff}*’;{" af"‘__§‘:f _“‘;"§"";’ by “`“’°‘ wm to think that should they enter Fe f“ll ‘“f°"‘“at‘°“ regarding  
"` a 0* (HUM N S u Gu S‘ an Oratorical contest their athletic a¥liO1nt(§C°’ tgoursesl Of Studyt cost
Second, it causes us to pause for aphigvemgnts qvould ale a Y i t O loan • 6 -•• {HWY to
a moment and view the existing con- jy,;igm{1canCe_ and that butts; 0;,; JARIES G. VVHITE,   for tl'l€ G€HlllII€ |
ditions within Our 0“'¤ \1¤lV€1‘SifY- worn the conventional garb of the con- A¤¢¢`~’ uml faculty fail to at- this manner, benefit is obtained from   8 R0 h d C  
tend? both. E IC HT SOII 0
Is it posihle that the voices of Ken- According to the same ppimelp]9 the • E"°"Ytl{’”€ fn`st'c18·SS to €8·t··
tut-ky’s sons will no longer be heard standard in athletics need not decline   French Drip Coffee; Oyslers any
in the councils of the Natlons?" simply because the participants also Style in a momemys notice` The
Upon casting about to find an an- are interested in literary work. Why only flrsvclass Lunch Counter in
swer to our questions, we are con- can not the football, baseball, basket- Do Only Tllill Kllld the South. and of the clty‘ Open
fronted with the f0ll0Wi¤¤ facts? ball, and track men take part in ora- day and mght·
For years we have occupied a prom- torical and debating contests and at W
mem place in the arena of lntercol- the same time continue to occupy a     • S.  
Corner Mxll and Bolnvar ,

 I II E II) I5 .»1 5
  Yflll <‘0m¢‘ and illS|)il`9 the speakers by 11¢·<·cssary, but there are certain of  —-—
your 11t‘+·S<·11<*e. the finer things which even the spec-  
'l`hereforc, if we are to derive the ialist cannot afford tu overlook. The 4
Q, l'ull benefit from our brief sojourn lll mind that is not symmetrically de-  
— college, we must take advantage of veloped will be as Sl|l`Pi}' abnormal as  
\e» ever activity offered. This makes the the dwarfed and stllnted one. Yet
\ Q 6 l well-developed man. Let. us give ollr continually tllat fact is being ne-
r, L ' support to those men on our team who glected.
are working for the welfare of the in- Any institution will be wllat the
y _ `Q stitutlon which they represent. Let body of students makes it. What- c B
» us support atllletics with all our ever standard the majority sets up, Q Q
might, but, at the same time, remem- that it is which will prevail and give `
.1 .\ 1,1 ber that this is not the only pathway tone to the whole, whether it be m
iivii to honor and success in college life. good or bad. Let us take care that
' 1 Let us feel just as much elated upon ollr influence be for the better, that I  
winning a contest. by intellectual we so train ourselves as to give the
  power as in winning one by physical proper stimulus to others. Let IIS i
` force. so develop our artistic nature that we
Give the Literary Societies the nec- may be able to find & c0·
esary attention, participate in the con- "Tongues in trees, books ln running
        tests and debates, seek to raise higher brooks, (SIICCGSSOFS
I and higher the literary standard of Sermons in stones and good in every to T. B. Dcwhilrst.)
' our school. Then will the conflicting thing."
    spirits become as one, then will our I HEADQUARTERS
f°““f “"§“;,S"°§‘g Q", "“"*"““f·,,f§`“,‘§i ··-sums things as bl lub. .uu..».. us I ros Am.
Sen Regularly far $3o Being ·ut9 n m n y tm ne n Cowen n l to make one’s fanc chuckle, while
lng and accurate expression go forth Y _
Sold NOW for imo tho outer “,o,.ld__thoro to oarvo his heart doth ache." We read lh the  
out a name for himself and tho iw jocular columns of the Daily North-
$2   stitutlon from whence he came. Wogmrnt a pat;€m`_mr;_l: rigem uémn •
a recen news- em ln e ea. er-
. lf there is one thing that is more gzgqglsmljggtthwesrern is 3 sidgsput- \  
important than all else in college life, · '
Not   and Ends Or Job it is that air of culture and refine- ._._..•...—-— i For College MBR.
        YHQHY and of llIl(i(‘l`S[8Il(iiIlg 3.Ild 3,])-   BALL I
Scasonls Stock preciation of the aesthetic that should i .—...
i pervade everywhere. No one can _ [
really live, in the true sense of the our Flrst Game FOOT BALL GOODS,
word, who has not an eye for the _On next Friday €v€“rl‘g_a“t‘ eight
    beautiful and an ear attuned to the Ofllockx [hr? ¤rSt_ gurmi OI tip 'srasfm GYNTNASIUNI SUITS,
harmonlous. He exists, merely, who gm Ihr _r’l‘?°'r hrhQ };`rg“°ril_·h wrth
· . .· · zlle 49Xlll.§’,`t)Il lg Sc oo. e rc-
In Tau• BrOWn• Grey and iifoinilooossggogrggt Oinliigjjs rgilyéngilii lliilillillg part of the schedule is as fol- SHOES, • 1
Black self up to contemplation of things r““'“ BASKET BALL .
noble and beautiful and ldbul; ubb ·l==¤¤¤¤»¤‘>‘ 2·l-Tr¤¤S>’l~’¤¤le l’¤iv€r- |
  i does not sometimes participate in Sri? at Armor? SUPPLIES,
great events of the past and see vi- ·ram‘arY 27_K‘—°“‘i~“c·kY w"Sl9Y3·“· at i
In       i Signs Of wonderful grandeur and mag, \ViHCi']("Si€I`.      
Young Men’s Styles IHHCGIICQ yet to trallsplle. There is Fcl>ru¤r>· 4——Beth=mr College (W. '
much more in life than the pursu- V0-l- at- —·\¥'lll0l°>`· and
—-v-·· ance of stern realities. There is much P*‘bl`u3-l`Y i'—*)hl0 W*°Sr°Yr*“ U“j"‘°r° COLLEGE
lnore to be gotten in college than a Sill'. M D€’lflWl1l‘€¤ O.
SEE WINDOW DISPLAY knowledge of the certain studies dwelt February 10——Otterbein. Yniversity, PENNANTS
upon. Here the student is to develop at Westervlle O.
*-1-** qualities that will ever help him to a February l1—Men’s Club. Christ. FLA-GS,
more perfect understanding of the Christ, at (`incinnalti, O.
500 Fillé   Four-in·Hands higher things. February 17-—Georgetow’n College. PILLOW COVERS
Rggular 50c Quality, Ngw Every teacher, to deserve that at Georgetown.
Selling at name, should seek to inspire his fol- Felpl·llary 2fl——Butler College (Ind.l, POSTERS» ETC-
lowers with an insatiate thirst for at _·\]‘f]]()l'y,
such understanding. Every higher in- We may schedule a second game L-‘
35   stitution of learning, to be worthy of with Tpgmsyjvymtd and 1; is pl-Otmbte __
QR 3 FOR $1_00 any consideration, should be surround- that we wm plan anothqr “ IU iliWil·}