xt79kd1qhh8b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qhh8b/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1921 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 9, March 1, 1921 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. IV No. 9, March 1, 1921 1921 1921 2015 true xt79kd1qhh8b section xt79kd1qhh8b "   ..’   r; 
To Editors: The  
news in this bulletin         Entered as second ~
iS` prepared for the — class matter at the ir
epi-css and is released pest office at Lex·  
for publication on i¤9t¤¤» KY- "i
receipt. K
March 1, 1921 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. IV. No. 9
Doctor Holmes Corrects Fraternity Pledges for Expert Estimates Cost R. O. T. C. Applicants Wildcat Basketeers Battle _ ¤
Plain Misinterpretation the Second Semester of Burley at 76 Cents Must File by April 15 For New Honors
In an interview with this bulletin The following fraternities announce Last year an estimate of the cost of Twelve members of the R. O. T. C. The Wildcat basketball team, pioabo --
Dr, P. K. Holmes, head of the De- those second semester pledges: tobacco ·production in Kentucky was at the University of Kentucky have ably the best that ever carried the
partment of Hygiene and Public Kappa Sig1na~Sneed Yeager, La- made under the supervision of W. D. made application to attend the sum- colors of Kentucky into battle, went
Health, University of Kentucky, has Grange; Alfred Keating, Winchester. Nichols, head of the farm manage- mer camp at Camp Knox. Colonel to Atlanta for the tournament to cle-
this to say concerning a recent pub- Phi Delta Theta-Edward Fitch, ment division of the University of George D. Freeman considers this cide southern championship honors,
lication authorized by him Zuid dis- Lexington. Kentucky, College of Agriculture, and 11l11Tl'lJ91` for too Small and urges all with all the strong teams of the
cussing the effects of the use of to- Sigma Alpha Epsilon—.T. Basil F. W. Peck of the United States De- who wish to igo to make known their South represented, ‘
b8»CCOZ Preston, Glasgow. xpartment of Agriculture with the fol- inteiitirons at once. The canrp will The YVlld'€&t$' WGH lime of the tell
HI would hho to mokc tho stntcnicni Alpha Tau Omega——Andrew Quarles, lowing result: open Julio 16 and will Cohtihllo six eemes they Played tue current Season-
, i ,. . . · .· . ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘ Those who made the trip are: Basil
that I do not believe that the use of Hopkinsville. On 81 farms of the Burley district weeks, during which time embryonic
tobacco is non-injurious. Some time Alpha Sigma Phi-—James Bedford, the cost per acre varied from $163.06 officers of the United States Army Hayden, Celitum, Brll King. Robert ’
ago I sent an article on ‘Tobacco’ to Lexington. to $403.18 with an average cost per will get a taste of actual duty in the Levin, Paul Adkins, Sem Ridgeway. P
a Lexington paper for publication. In Delta Chi—-Allen Cammack, Owen- acre of $289.10. The yield varied Held. Gilbert Smith J- W· Here-tz, Ja-mes
order to make it eligible for publica- ton; James Cammack, Owenton; from 278 pounds to 2,224 with an Comp KHOX is situated 30 milos Wilhelm Creech Bueirheitr and DL F-
tion it seemed that certain parts and John Saunders, Nicholasville; Louis average of 1,141 pounds per acre. south of Louisville on the Illinois ·D· Filllkhouser, UHIVGTSILY of Ken-
deductions would have to *be omitted. M‘uS0ueI`· Le>¤- This gave a cost per pound running Control Railroad, on the Dixie High- tuCkY» Te`PTeS€¤t3·i·lV€ et tho mootiilg-
This madjustmént gave an Bmiwiy Sigma Nu—James Malloy, Lexing- from 15 coms to gi hohis, with an way, and not tar rn-om Mammoth Cave Following is the season's schedule
A different impression from that which ten: G- Deweii, Marion? Heofy Che average of 25.8 cents, and the lbirtlrplace of Aibraham Lin- of games and results:
Ihad intended to c0nvBy· This article Dault, RlCi1111011d§ EH,I‘l Nichols, DEW-   qO]u__ Agtcgrdjng tg »Cg]()n9]_ Freeiiian, JHHUHTY 12_K€HtuCkY 38, Wesleyan
was copied from the Lexington paper Sim SPTMSS- Home “Ec” Course Aims camp life will not he all drilling as lu
by the ·Torhccoo· magazine and rpre- Piiedees to tue girls ‘u`uuu`uuiuS` At Better Instruction there Wm be entertainment f€&mT€S’ ioggrgiary 15—K€ntucky 37, Cumber-
seuted as an autiloritative argumoiii; rare: , ·—-—·- · {such as dancing, baseball, tennis, and J ' _ _ -
for the use Of tobacco. I appreciate Alpha Gamma D€im..LO,uis€ Mihor, The purchasing and us;->ho—£ imtpgre an sorts of cOm.p8mi0nS_ The Wm_ t-Olwilnlgry 18 Kentucky 38, George
the fact that we are living in a to- Hendeisoni Celera B0Wm&¤» Helene {iii; yggugewiliigugwgg ar; 2:101;; hers in marksmanship will be eligiible January 21_K€muCky 42, Chatta-
bacco section and that anythinlg said ·`Cl13·iiW10k» V&¤'C€l3l1I`g· · · to places on the teams sent to Camp Doogal 10. V
notrinrsncn to his tobacco industry Chi 0¤ieee—Fre¤<>eS Re¤i¤l<» we m uw u°m€ 9°°“°““°S °uSs uf uw Perry for ¤¤ti‘°¤¤l me mw- » January 26—Kentucky 29 Cincin-
would not meet with D0Dl1l¤1‘ ¤DDY0V&l· iugtou University of Kentucky and who ad` All expenses, including transporba- nati 19,
. _ · . here to the dictates of these instruc- · - t
‘*rSo much has 'been said about the Kappa- Kappa Gemma Elizabeth t1on, are paid lby the Governmeh. January 29—Ken·tucky 40, Anhnrn
hannirtulness ot tobacco by fanatics Cromwell, Cynthiana. ` ti°¤S· These Young Women me l¤· Amh 15 is the iclosiug date for ming 25_
. and Enthusiasts that is fanciful and i Kamm D81ta_Ei€aHO1. Smith, BOw_ structed caretfully in nutrition and app1icaM0H_S_ February 8—Kentucky 27, Centre 29.
whsoiuteiy untI•`uB that I attgmipitgd to ning Groton, home m3~¤&gem€¤t· ———————— it Feblggory 15-—Ke¤tu·oky 38, George- _
present the subject in a fair and ¤¤· l —·L‘;""— Under MISS E1°helib€I`€€I`· whe Jaynes Server and Owu ‘ _
biased manner. Evidently} I have Strollers to   in teaches food nutrition, students are Miss Wilson Arc wedded 13F9l>I`l1B1`Y 1S—KB11tucky 20, Centre. _ K
been misinterpreted. There was atime · · taught which foods am most mlt,.i__ __ _ ____ _ _
, , , Two Bell County Clues . _ _ . . . ""—~ s , t f the aria Of February 22—Kentu·cky 37, Vander-
when tolbacco was supposed te be of --- tions, how to observe conditions in Anne ·2emen o mai ge kbit 18
· » . 1 .
considerable medicinal Voililo 3-Hd its “The A€lmi1`ob·l€ ‘C1`l<>h@0¤»" the Play ·the various shops and markets, to Alberta Wilson, Somerset, and" James
use was encouraged by doctors and to be given Gay the Strollers, the dw- avoid iplaces whcrc sainiitation is bad, Server, Henderson, both stivdents in Field Botan Coufsc
others] With more kholwlodge. it be motlo Club et U19 U¤iVel`$ltY ef Ken' iand to make rproper selection with the University of Kentucky, was made   Y _ _
, caime suspected of Dl‘0;¤I