xt79kd1qh07g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qh07g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-06-18 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 18, 1976, no. 133 text The Green Bean, June 18, 1976, no. 133 1976 1976-06-18 2014 true xt79kd1qh07g section xt79kd1qh07g r2;T»’C&
21 June - The U.K. Summer ... G R E E N
SC]2'_j.I'lQ` O1‘Ch€$tI`B B E A N
concert - Noon, King_ . ‘ '
Library Plaza (between
King North and King _ ` ‘ _
Qggggyoglggjgigy  Q umvsnsmr OF Kemucxv LIBRARIES
note) ' NEWSLETTER NO.l33 6/18/76
= David Farrell,Editor4 Ext.886ll
23 June - Public Services area meeting - Cancelled.
Tech Services Coordination;
As mentioned in an earlier Green Bean, the technical services
unit heads are meeting on a regular basis to discuss ways of
improving the work flow on the second floor. To facilitate
the planning and implementation of any suggested changes, all
units in technical services will report directly to John Bryant.
It is hoped that this arrangement will make it possible for
technical services to provide better service to the library
Travel requests:
It was announced at a recent faculty meeting that, according to g
a new interpretation of state regulations, requests for travel
funds must be justified in cases where more than one person is
attending a single out—of-state meeting. The Director’s Office
requests that justification for such travel be given on the
reverse of the travel request form and be accompanied by a copy
of the meeting's agenda and other supportive material, if possible
In cases where a travel request has already been submitted, the
justification and supportive documents can be sent to Faith
Book Orders 1976/77: A
The Library Faculty Meeting Minutes for June 4, 1976, contained a
report from Ed O'Hara on the 1976-77 book budget. He said until
the new budget is finalized only rush, reserve, journal replace-
ment, and other essential requests should be submitted.
We would like to revise that statement to this effect. Orders for
the new year should be submitted to Acquisitions as they are
received by liaison persons. However, only urgently needed orders
will be sent out until the new budget is finalized. Acquisitions
will have orders searched and ready to go out as soon as the
budget allocations have been approved.
Gail Kennedy

 . y
Education Exhibit: g
The Education Library would like to announce that the 1976 Book
Exhibit is now ready. The Exhibit will run through July 2, 1976
and offers many beautiful books ranging from the preschool level
through the secondary grades. Thereareadso a few professional
If you enjoy browsing and looking at books, come on over--I‘m
sure you'll consider the time well spent.
Ernie Ping
Concert program:
The UK Summer String Orchestra will perform the following program
at King Library Plaza, 21 June, at noon:
Johann Stamitz (1717-1757) . . . Mannheimer Sinfonien Nr. 3
G.S. Handel . . . Concerto Grosso Opus 6, Nr. 10
( Allegro
Allegro moderato
Giovanni B. Gabrieli (1757-1612) . . . Canzona for String A
Karel Husa . . . Four works for String Orchestra (1955) (
Variazioni .
alla marcia
a'1a gavotth
a'1a elegia
a'la siciliana
a'la danza
_ finale
· Notturno
· Furiant (Czech danza)
Coda u
Student Assistant Training Tape:
A videotape entitled Keep the Customer Satisfied, a Student
Assistant Orientation Tape is available or use y 1 rary staff.
The tape, prepared by the University of Maryland undergraduate
library, compares good and bad service at library public service
desks. The tape runs approximately 15 minutes and is in black
and white. Anyone wishing to see it should contact Instructional

The Special Libraries Association meeting in Denver, June 6-l0 was attended
by Jessie Adams, Ellen Baxter, Rhoda Channing and Mary Evelyn Minter.
The program offered much in valuable division sessions, state-of-the-
art papers, "poster" sessions, a new concept in presentation of ideas
exhibits, and opportunities to meet and pick the brains of others in
the same positions throughout the U.S. and Canada. Two of the high
spots were the awards banquet, at which Ellen Baxter received thun-
derous applause as she went up to get the Golden Gavel award, given
to the Chapter with the greatest growth in membership, and a trip
with some 800 other special librarians to Estes Park for a chuckwagon
supper and western show. Many of the papers given are available in
microfiche and will probably appear in Library Literature in the near
Non-faculty employees at UK have access to special counseling service;
according to a circular received from the Employee Counseling Office.
The ECO has been operating since October 1974 and assists employees
in resolving employment related concerns. Any non-faculty employee
with a question or complaint relative to his/her employment is inviumi
to contact the ECO without delay. ECO is located in 202 Admin. Bldg; I
Tel. 258-5726.
A first aid training course is being offered to UK employees free of i
charge three times during the summer. The course takes one day, from ; »
9 to 5, and meets under the auspices of the Employee Development “
Center at Memorial Hall. Dates of the courses are: July l6, August ~
ll and 18. Employees interested should check with their supervisors, 2
and register by calling 7-1851. ;
A workshop entitled "Production of non-print materials for libraries/ I
learning resource centers" is being offered 12-23 July at the School
for Library Science at George Peabody College for Teachers. Regis-
tration is either $100 (non-credit) or $240 (credit). Further Q
information from George Peabody's School of Library Science, ·
Nashville, TN 37204.
Mary Filiatreau in Bindery
Pat Watson in Reference j
Job Openings: i
LT II (Temporary) SOLINET
Lexington Technical Institute:
LT II and LT III .
If interested, please see Faith Harders.

 V ..4..
. Business/Economics Reference Bibliographer. Univ. of North Carolina
at Charlotte. Salary: $11,000-$13,000.
y Slavic Bibliographer. 'Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
· Carolina. Available August 1, 1976. Application deadline July 18,
1976. Salary: Minimum·$13,000.
j Head, Acquisitions Department. University of North Carolina, Chapel.
; Hill, North Carolina. Available July 15, 1976. APP1ication deadline
* July 8, 1976. Salary: $15,000 minimum. A
Reference Librarian. Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Jl;. _-
Pennsylvania. Application deadline 9 July 1976. Salary: $12,000-