xt79kd1qg93k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qg93k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-12-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 16, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 16, 1930 1930 1930-12-16 2012 true xt79kd1qg93k section xt79kd1qg93k 1 Best Copy Available p






DR. FUNKHOUSERfPan -- Hellenic to
Be Broadcast
Member Reelected on

Satisfactorily Ex
plains Violation of




The athletic council of the South'
ern Conference on Saturday, DC'
cember 13, closed Its meeting at
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, with
the election of officers for next
year. Dr. W. D. Punkhouser, dean
of the University of Kentucky's
graduate school, was the only of
fleer of last year's group reelected
to office.
S. A. Boles, head of the athletic
department at the university, the
only other Kentucklan
was appointed to the tennis com
mlttee by the conference.
Doctor Funkhouser was reelected
secretary-treasurof the confer
ence. Other officers chosen were
as follows, C. L. Hare, Auburn pre
sident; C. P. Miles, V. P. I.,
J. A. Anderson, V. M. I.;
A. H. Armstrong, Georgia Tech,
J. J. Dostar, University of Alabama;
and A. W. Hobbs, University of
North Carolina, were elected mem'
bers of the executive committee.
According to Dean Funkhouser
many proposals were introduced but
rew were thought worthv or Dasslnsr,
Washington and Lee's proposal to
abolish spring football practice was
voted down by conference heads. The
University of Tennessee's apology for
conducting early practice for her
freshman team was accepted as
sufficient by the representatives.
Tennessee told the council that the
practice was held without her official sanction and that such an occurrence would not take place
One of the most important acts
of the council gives the University
of Alabama permission to "lick the
stuffings out of Washington State"
at the New Year's Day Tournament
of Roses game. Washington State
invited Alabama, as one of the best
teams in the east to be its opponent in the Pasadena classic. As
the Southern Conference prohibits
post season games, the conference's
permission was secured before the
acceptance was made by the Crimson Tide from Alabama.
Next year's council meeting will
be held, December 10 and 11, at
Tulane University, New Orleans.

of Agriculture Cooperates ' With "The Progressive Farmer" in Judging


The university with the


tion of "The Progressive Farmer,"
an agricultural magazine published
in Louisville, have selected the eight
farmers in Kentucky who have been
designated. "Master Farmers."
These selections are made by the
of Agriculture and the
award Is based on the methods used by the men in securing the most
from their farms.
The men who have been selected
are as follows: John C. Roblson,
Boyle county; George W. Davis,
Owen county; R. B. Huey, Boone,
county; Smith D. Broadbent. Trigg
county; O. C. Whitfield, Hopkins
county; Jacob A. Robinson, Garrard
county; W. F. Wilson. Pulaski
county; and O. L. Drysdale, Fulton
These men will be entertained at
a banquet to be given during Farmer's Week which will be held in
Lexington January
this banquet the master farmers
will be called upon to relate some
of their agricultural
that lead to the winning of their
awards. These men will also have
charge of an entire day's program
during the week devoted to the
farmers of the state.
Many farmers throughout
entire state had entered In the
competition but only the eight best
were selected by the College of

Christmas Play Is
Presented by Y. W.
At Vesper Program
"Why the Chimes Rang Out," a
Christmas play presented by members of the Y. W. O. A. assisted by
the Y. M. C. A., was the feature
of the regular Sunday vesper service In Memorial hall.
Members of the cast were: Holger,
Helen Glover; Steen, Frances True
Brown; Bertel, Joe Ruttencutter; an
old woman, Irma Pride; a priest,
Robert Rudolph; knights and ladles, Y. M. and Y. W. freshman
group. Assisting In the production
were Marlon Galloway, Eleanor
Wlard, Peggy Smith, Dr. Abner
Kelley, and a choral group.
At the conclusion of the play
the members of the faculty club
were at home to the students attending the production. Members
of the Y. W. 0. A. and Y. M. O. A.
committees assisted In receiving.


The annual Pan Hellenic formal
dance to be held in the Men's gym
nasium Friday night, from 9 to l
win be broadcast over the univer
sity of Kentucky extension radio
station. Zez Confrey and his eleven
picco orchestra will come from Chi
cago to furnish the music.
Zez Confrey, composer of "Kitten
on the Keys," Is well known to
Collegians throughout the nation.
In addition to "Kitten on the
Kejs," Confrey has composed
"Stumbling," "Dizzy Fingers," and
has written a book of lessons and
Instructions for pianists.
The clcctrlcally-llghte- d
shields of
the fraternities in the Pan Hellenic
Council will be used for decoration.
ana colored lights will be used dur
mg the
A melody of fraternity songs will
De piayea
during the
There will be six
two extra
The extra
will come after the third
and fifth
Admission to nonfraternlty men.
to members of the local fraternities
on the campus, will be $2.00. Tickets
may jje .procured from the Pan
Hellenic representatives.

Cosmopolites Meet
Miss Angelucci Presents

Italian Program


Potential Company
Military Department
Plan for Class


It was announced by Major o.
R. Meredith, head of the mili-

tary department that plans aro
under way for the organization
of at loast one more class of military science to be installed next
September. If one or more such
classes are formed that do no)
now meet, they will be held the
second hour on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. This new
company will bo called Company I.




Phi Psi Phi to Become Eighteenth Social Organization
of Men on University of
Kentucky Campus
The university council, meetlnir
Friday in the registrar's
granted their approval to a petition
providing lor the rounding of
local social fraternity, under the
name of Phi P'l Phi.
The petition m's were Dr. L. H.
carter, assistant professor in eco
nomics, Prof. J. H. Palmer, department of English, and H. W. Car-los- s,
J. M. Clarke, W. Hardyman,
w. it. Merecutn, H. J. Templin, W.
Wlgginton, E. M. Hays. J. F.
Hart. W. Fain. C. G. Hoffman and
F. J. Creusere, students in the
The fraternity alms as set forth
in the petition are: the mutual.
moral, mental, and physical im
provement of its members, instilling
in their hearts a love for our Alma
Mater and its ideals as will result
In actions worthy of the highest
precepts of true manhood, democ
racy and humanity."
Obligations of allegiance to the
fraternity Involves no racial, or
political bias. Membership is restricted to males of the Caucasian
race, of good moral tendencies, in
good health, and of intellectual
promise. The members must be
professing In the Christian religion.

The Cosmopolitan club held its
regular meeting last Friday night
In the social rooms of the Y. M. C.
A. The meeting was led by Miss
Rosalind Angelucci, who presented
an Italian program of music and
Nicholas Chepeleff opened the
meeting and presented the newly
elected members. They are as follows: Alice May Durllwr. Mildred
Hall, Joan Carigan, Halley Ben- como, Harold Brown, and Angelo
Tomasulo. Following the business
meeting Miss Angelucci took over
the program.
The musical program that follow
ed included several violin solos
played by Andrew Bailee.
Moretti sang in Italian, accompanied by Sallee, violin and Miss Anita
Sallee, piano. Mr. Moretti's songs
ranged from light Italian airs to a
selected from Rigoietto. An hour
of 'games followed during which
time Miss Angelucci served typical
On the
Italian refreshments.

University Clubs
Unite to Give
Christmas Gifts



V. W f!


To Law Students
New Circuit Judge Appears
on Phi Delta Phi Law
School Program
Kins: Swone. prominent

attorney- -

spoke to assembled students
and faculty members of the College
of Law last night at 7:30 o'clock,
taking as his subject "Problems
Confronting the Young Lawyer as
He Enters the Profession."
Mr. Swone recently was appoint
ed by Governor Flem D. Sampson,
to the bench In place of Circuit
Judge Richard C. Stoll, who recently announced his resignation, effec
tive January id. air. awopes ap- ointmenc ioiiowea recommenaa-lon- s
of attorneys that he be given
the Judgeship.
T.nst. nltrht's nroarram
was SDOn- sored by Breckinridge Inn of Phi
Delta Phi. international professional law fraternity on the campus,
as part of its law school program
of the year. King Fike, maglster
of the fraternity, presided at the
assembly of students and faculty.
Following the address, the audience
retired to the club room in the
basement of the law building, where
refreshments were served by members of the fraternity.

Y.W.,Y.M., Pitkin

Club to Provide Gifts

This year the university
C. A., together with


Y. W.
Y. M. O. A.

and the Pitkin Club, will provide
toys for the children of the Lincoln
school. Each child will receive a toy,
an orange, and a sack of candy attractively wrapped, with his name
The toys
written on the package.
will be distributed several days before Christmas vacation begins, although the exact date has not yet
been decided.

afternoon of Friday,
the Y. M. C. A., the





Plans for Lexington's charity bas
ketball game December 27 got under
with a bang yesterday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock when commit
teemen In charge of arrangements
met In "Daddy" Boles office In the
Euclid avenue gymnasium and com
pleted arrangements for ticket 6alcs
throughout the city.
The game, which will be piayea
on a Saturday night, will bring together Coach Adolph Rupp's Wildcat basketeers and a quintet from
Marshall College, In Huntington, W.
va., one 01 ine strongest teams in
that state.
An attendance of annroxlmately
3,000 fans is expected, every one of
which will be a paid admission, it
was decided yesterday. Ticket books
held by university students will not
lie honored at the gymnasium doors
mat nignt, since tne contest is not
one of tne regular games carciej lor
the year.
Tickets for the game aro to be
sold by members of Lexington's
luncheon clubs in a personal cam
and Com
paign, by Graves-Co- x

"!!.. U

their "annual Christmas
party for the children of Lincoln
School. Members of' the kindergar-

ten, and the first, second, and third
grades will be the guests of these
associations, and, as this will be
the only bit of Christmas that most
of the tots will have, a special effort Is being made to make this
year's celebration as memorable an
occasion as possible.
The custom of a Christmas party
originated six years ago, when the
children of Lincoln School were invited to a Christmas tree on the
campus, but since then, it has become Increasingly difficult to transport them to the university, and
the celebration this year will be held
in the school building.
The entire student body will be
given an opportunity to help make
this day an event in the lives of
these handicapped children. Boxes
will be placed In various locations
on the campus, and at the convocation on Friday, contributions may
be made at the door. This fund
will be used to obtain individual
gifts of toys, fruit, candy, and nuts,
for a list of the special desire of
each of the pupils has been obtained
and three organizations are endeavoring to make Santa come so true
that all the privations of the year
will be forgotten during the Christmas season, it was announced
A program of music will be con-

ducted by Mr. and Mrs. Foster
Krake and Dr. Abner Kelley, at
engineer's assembly In Memorial
hall, Wednesday, December 17, 1930.
It has been requested that this hour
be made an expression of Christmas happiness and good cheer. Dr.
Krake will lead In chorus singing.
The public is cordially Invited to
attend this convention.

University Officials Complete Plans
For Charity Basketball Game Dec.




University Professor Is Only



pany, the R. 8. Thorpe Company,
the Consolidated Drug store at the
corner of Limestone and Main
streets, and the Lexington Drug
company. Posters will be printed
Company. Posters will be placed in
the show windows of business
houses in the city, and printed
curds will be mailed to Lexington's
12.000 homes, In order that charity
may "Bring a Happy New Year to
Lexington" through a full house the
night the game Is played. The
cards will be addressed on the
addressograph machine of the Kentucky Utilities Company.
University students who live In
tho city or who will be in Lexington the night the game will be played, are urged to contribute to the
relief of the poor and unfortunate
In the city by purchasing tickets to
the game, and by Influencing their
friends to do likewise.
All admissions to the gymnasium will be on
either reserve or box seat tickets, as
no general admission tickets will be
sold. Reserved seat tickets will be
sold for $1,00, and box seats for







16, 1930

Potential Basketeer


President Frame L. McVey wih
conduct nis reguiar "Between Us
convocation muraday uunne tne
nura nuur in taeinuuul hail. These
iiuiik discussions nave ueun hcta oj
ur. Mcvey twice a year lor tne
past lew years. Thlra hour classes will be dismissed as usual.
At this last student meeting be
fore tne holidays, President ivicVey
will set tortn nis plans and aspira
tions tor tne progress and growtn
or tno university, dpeaking iranx-l- y
or wnat has been accompuanea
und the ailhcuitles that have been
oui mounted in tno worK of the uni
versity, ur. McVey will consider tne
tno various promems of tho stu
dents tnemseives and oifcr suggestions for tneir solution.
President McVey knows his stu
dent group its scholars, its profes
sional students, ana its loafers
and has had experience In meeting
all their dWlcumes. The fact thai
tne students
always appreciate
xrankness has been demonstrated
oy the fact that these convocations
nave always been exceedingly

Professor Emeritus of Phy
sics Is Third Honorary

Dr. Kniper, Professor Webb,
W. L. Kast and W. A.
Bruce Speak
Prof. M. L. Pence, instructor In
the department of physics at the
University of Kentucky for 53
years, former head of the de
partmcnt and professor emeritus,
was made an honorary member of
Sigma Pi Sigma, national honorary
physics fraternity, at the annual
initiation of Lambda chapter Fri
day night at the Lafayette hotel.
Professor Pence has contributed
much to the study of
pecially in the development of X-rpictures, being the first man to
actually take such pictures.
The fraternity, which now lias 19
chapters, recognizes only outstand
ing merit in physics. Professor
Pence Is the third man in the
United States to be so recognized
by the national executive council of
the fraternity. The chapter at the
University of Kentucky was installed
last May.
H. H. Sullivan, a senior, and a
major In the physics department, Is
president of the local chapter and
presided at the initiation and ban
quet which followed. Students who
were Initiated into the fraternity
were W. A. Bruce. K. D. Little. F.
F. Cleveland, Van Allen Barnett,
Sam McClure, and R. C. Layson.
The principal address of the even
ing was given by Dr. John Kuiper,
of the department of philosophy,
whose subject was "Philosophy and
Science." A short talk was made
by Prof. W. S. Webb, telline of the
connections Professor Pence has had
with the university. W. L. Rast
gave the charge to the initiates, and
response was l Riven by W. A.

Christmas Spirit
Enhances Drama
Or Last Vespers

and Sincerity of
IJerformers Holds

We ODened the door and went in

to hear the last unlversltv vesner
service of the year. Memorial hall
was warm, and the soft tones of the
organ filtered into our ears. The
place was wrapped in a glowing Incandescence. We bowed in adoration, but someone stirred us and
said that God was not there.
A Dlay began and drew us from
our reverie into a childish enthusi
asm, ine story was simple, like
little children, and pushed us back
to a time when we sane about
"Peace on Earth" because we wanted full stockings on Christmas
The presentation stumbled and
staggered In the first act. It clutch- ea us more nrmiy in tne spirit or
the prevading simplicity, we liked
It because it made us something we
were not.
The first act withered, and the
second act bloomed with radiance
and splendor. Still we looked as
children looked. We saw the people
go to the altar and make their offerings. We saw the king of the
people come and give his crown to
the Christ child.
Then Holger came. In his torn
clothes, bashful and afraid.
came to hear the chimes ring out.
but they had not rung. Sincerity
alone could make them ring. Holger fingered the money he had intended to sDend for cookies. Perhaps his offering would please the
Holeer walked to the altar and
gave the priest his gift. The priest
turned ana niiea noigers oner-in- e.
The mvthlcal bells rang and
clanged In Thanksgiving. The peo-o- le
fell upon their knees. Holger
had made the chimes ring out.
The play was over. The organist
drifted Into the same soft music,
which became softer and softer until It was no more. Even after the
organist left the console the audience did not move. Then, all at
once they bustled about looking for
Thev weren't children anv loneer.
Thev didn't care about Holger and
Christ now. They went their ways,
and when the cold, sharp, evenlnt?
air stung their nostrils they 6aid.

N. B. Allison Talks
To Mathematics Club
The White Mnthematlcs Society
met at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon In room 109 McVey hall.
About 50 persons were present.
short business session opened
tho meeting and was followed by a
talk on "Summation of Infinite
Series" by N. B. Allison, of the
discussion by members of tho society was held afterwards.
The society is the departmental
club of tho mathematics department and Is open to all who are
Interested in mathematics.
It is
sponsored by Pi Mu' Epsllon, honorary mathematics fraternity, of
which Dr. H. H, Downing is president. Meetings are held the second
Thursday In each month unless
otherwise announced.

"Between Us" to 'CATS TO ENGAGE
Be Subject of TIGERS IN 1931

Historians to Meet

"Bill" Trott has been working out Bolivar Centennial Program
to lie Featured
unacr ioacn itupp irom tne nrsi
of the season, and is a probable
starter against Georgetown as a
History club will meet in
guard, 'irott has been on the commemoration of the centennial
squad for three years and has of the death of Simon Bolivar, at
snown steady improvements. This 11 o'clock Wednesday
morning In
year is his last.
room 302 of the old Education
Dr. Charles M. Knapp. of the
history department, will address the
club on "The Life and Work of
dimon Bolivar." The lecture will be
illustrated with slides furnished by
Union at Wash
Schell, Ardery, Reeves, and ington, D. C.
Stewart to Represent the This meeting, was requested by
Union as a part
University in
of the celebration being held
throughout Latin America and the
United States as a tribute to BoliThree debates were held by the var's work. A Bolivar centennial
University of Kentucky and West- program, featuring addresses by
ern Kentucky State Normal College the secretary of state and officials
In western Kentucky towns yester- of the Union, will he radiocast
hook-u- p
at 3 o'
day. The men debating were Sid- by a nationwide
clock Wednesday afternoon.
ney T. Schell, Kentucky, and John
All students and faculty members
M. King of Western on the affirmaof the university have been Invited
tive and William Ardery, Kentucky to attend the meeting on Wednes
and J. D. Palmer, Western on the day morning.
negative. The subject of the .debate
centered on chain stores' and
their present activities.' The towns
In which the debates took 'place
were Madisonvllle, Providence, and
Y. W., and Y. M. C. A., SponToday at 7 p. m. the following
sor National Studen.
debaters will speak at Maysllck,
Faculty Assembly
Ky., Eric M. Lefresh and M. Huden
will take the negative side of the
The National Student - Faculty
question while Clyde Reeves and
Robert Stewart will support the af- Conference, the furtherance
which has been the chief work of
firmative of the question.
According to Coach Sutherland its promoters since the inception of
the last of the International de- the idea in 1926, will convene at
hotel in Detroit,
bates took place last Friday when the
the German debaters took issue Michigan, 1. from December 27 to
theme of the con
with the' University of Kentucky
debaters on the question of wheth- ference will be a consideration of
er American culture is beneath the the place of religion in higher educulture of that of the European cation.
The student council of the Y. W.
countries. There was no decision
C. A. and the student division of
made in the debate.
the Y. M. C. A. are sponsoring the
conference, to which delegates have
been invited from every accredited
Club and every men's or In the country,
women's college
equal ranking. The number of
Le Cercle Francals held its an- of
delegates permitted each university
nual Christmas party on Monday will be governed by the number in
afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock In the their student body. The delegates
recreation room of Patterson hall. from Kentucky have not as yet
Misses Eleanor Dawson, Mary Eliza- been chosen, but will be one stu
beth Fisher, and Dorothy Teegar-de- n dent representative and one faculty
were in charge of the program. representative.
Horace Miner, student in the uniAmong the prominent educators
versity who has spent a year in who will address the conference
France, gave a short talk on France. will be James L. McConaughy, of
French games were played, French Connecticut; Richard H. Edwards,
songs were sung, and a Christmas dean of men at Cornell; Miss Amos,
poem was read In French. Re- dean of women at Pittsburgh; and
freshments were served during the Dean C. W. Gllkey, of the Universocial hour which followed the
sity of Chicago.
Besides the addresses, open for
A large number of students In the ums of discussion will be held, and
classes of the department of ro smaller round table talks will be
mance languages of the university given, so that individual problems
enn be considered.
were present.



University to Send
to Conference

Christmas Party Is
by French

Ferocious Kitty

of Sigma Delta Chi

To Be Released on Campus Thursday
Again the cry is "Beware the
Thursday Is tho eventfu
day set for the release of the fero
kitty. students wno navo
guilty consciences have already
sought ye editor or tne koi wun
beseeching attitudes only to bo
turned away. " Our paper prints
ALL the news that's FIT to print,"
was the laconic reply
Have you heard that proverbial
Well, this Issue of
the Kat releases several contributions to that worthy gentleman's
downfall. The "Kampus" Kat has
selected the most outstanding students on the campus and takes
pride In tossing thorns In their bed
of roses.
Thursday's Kat contains the
"Kampus Kat's"
Football' Game In which tho paper's
sports editor contributes his selections for an omnipotent aggregation
of grldsters. The game "started at
4 o'clock, Bullallover time
Another sports feature of this
story about the
edition is an Inside
HOW and WHY of the University
of Kentucky feetball team this year
and why we didn't win at Knoxvllle.
We have the real dope on this story
cause we got It from the very per


that caused our

downfall-Virg- inia

One especially good feature of the
forthcoming Kat is that it will not
contain any allusions to the Kappa
Marriage bureau or to the Alpha
Gam training school for firemen.
Of course you will want to hear
the latest joke about the Preacher's
daughter and what a whale of a
difference this issue will make in
Lexington religious circles. And
for the benefit of all the little
freshmen girls that haven't heard
the story of the farmers' daughter
and the travelling salesman since
coming to Kentucky, it will be repeated In the next issue of the Kat.
Last but not least to all those
young dears who have been holding
various illusions in regard to the
Identity of Santa Claus, the Kat
has discovered numerous Santa
Clauses on the campus of the university as well as ever so many little
co-ethat have been being "awfully good."
Eds and ettes, "a hint to the wise
is sufficient," so make reservations
with your favorite Sigma Delta
Chler for a copy of the best issue
of tho Kat yet to be published
which will make its appearance
Thursday at 10 a. m.

Fast Breaking System to Be
Inaugurated Here


on Work of Georgetown College Team Is
Not Obtainable

The 1930 basketball season will
next Thursday
night at 8 o'clock in the university
gymnasium, when ,the Tigers of
Georgetown College meet tho Ken
tucky Wildcats.
Much Interest has been manifest
ed by students and local fans because the Big Blue will have a
new coach this season and a new
Coach Adolph Rupp, proponent of the fast breaking offense,
will initiate this svstem at tho uni
versity this year.
There are about six or seven
veterans from last year's squad
and from last year's freshman
team, Ellis Johnson. .Tnhn Wnrih.
jington, and Forest Sale are out- amnaing candidates.
Coach Rupd has had cnnslrforaMn
difficulty teaching his bovs thn T1PU7
system, and attempting to discard
ine siow Dreaning offense which
former coach Johnnv Mauer ad
Mllward. Combs. Cant.
and "Big" McGlnnis were lost by
graduation and their places will be
hard to fill. Coach Rupp stated
that competition was so strong that
he would not know until same
time, what his starting lineup would

Coach Rupp released the names
of his first eight men who will
6ee action next Thursday
They include, Sale, Capt. Splcer,
McGlnnis, Yates. Worthington,
irau, jonnson, aronston.
or these candidates the probable
starting nneup will he: forwards,
Sale and Spicer; center, Yates;
guards, Worthington
and Trott.
Sale played center on last year's
team and may be transferred to
forward according to Rupp.
Ellis Johnson, former nil. Ampr- ican scholastic star from Ashland
will be a strong candidate for floor
guard and will see .action against
Yates, who nlnved
sensationally during the last of the
t929 season will nrobablv bo th
starting center.
Not much Is known of the
strength of the Georgetown team.
as It is the openlnsr eame for both
squads. However, it is known, that
the Tigers always put up a great
battle against the Wildcats and a
large crowd Is anticipated to see
the opening game of the 1930 varsity basketball season.

Publicity Bureau Is
Subject of Article
Picture of Elmer G. Sulzer,
Director, Accompanies
The university news bureau bul
letin, in a recent issue, contained a
picture and an article written by
Elmer G. Sulzer, publicity director
at the university, on the eve of the
second birthday of the publicity
Mr. Sulzer gives an Interesting
resume of the work of the Publicity
Bureau since its organization January 1, 1929. It gives the advan
tage of keeping the university, an
institution supported by the public,
constantly before the readers of 148
weeklies In Kentucky by insertion
of pictures of outstanding men on
the campus, campus buildings, and
girls in their col
umns week after week.
Although the system pays par
to tho weekly
ticular attention
upon as the
which is looked
oracle and staff of the commu
nity," it gives the same service to
the 30 dallies and 12
In the state.
The publicity service is carried
on by a system of a weekly mat
distribution of which 120 county
weeklies have taken advantage. The
publicity bureau attempts to familiarize the people of the state
with their own university.
No. 6 Jubilee singers
University of Kentucky will pre
sent a special Yuletlde radio fea
ture during their regular period
over WHAS. Sunday, December 21,
The Lex
from 6 to 8:30 p. m.
ington- - Jubilee Singers under the
direction of William Alexander, negro vocalist, will present a program
of spirituals.
The complete program Is: Angels
Watching Over Me. You Got to
Reap Just What You Sow, Steal
Away, Silent Night. What Shall I
Do. Get On Board Little Children,
When I Lay My Burden Down,
Swing Low Sweet Chariot. He
Away, Behold the Bride
groom, Nobody Knows.
A regular meeting
f the Y. M.
C. A. will be held Thursday night
In the men's dormitory. Earl Rob-biwill be in charge. Dean W.
8. Taylor will be the principal

Several vocal selections
will be given by Messrs. u Yost,
L. M. Ambrose, and R. W. Rose.

� Best Cop)


pnyoics, cnemiairy, geology, et nitera), (fl) bio
lOKiuui bcieiice
lootuiiy, zooiogy, pnysioiogy,
Every stuocnt ana every faculty member at
uacwirioiogy, patnoiugy, et aiuuu)', (jj tne pio
leooioimi bcnuoia, to wcn tnu btuuent wno nas the University of Kentucicy snouid attend tho
general convocation to be held at 10 ociocx
paasca tnrougn tno cunege "witn aiatmcuon
Official Newspaper of the 8(udenU of the Univerilty or wno
inursday morning in the Memorial building.
ftd received a aegiee, may go.
01 Kcniucty. Islington
In tne college, tne student will not be re President Frame L. McVey will be tno spenKer,
will havo as his subject "Between Us." Tno
quired w uuena classed uniojis so moved (unless and
Bubtcrlptlon 12.00 a rear. Inttrtd at Lexlmton, Ky,
no wants to una out nov no is piogrcaoingj president will devoto his time to stating and
at ttona cim mail miwr
solving problems confronting students and facuiitu ne is rcduy to tane a comprenemive ca
ulty. His mcsscges will be worthwhile to ail.
ttiuiuttuon. u no lans m tnia ne muy stay in
me couegc or leave It; n ne passed ne may leave Students at tho university are not ailorded
man opportunities to bear the president speak
rHAiixJua HOLLluAY
Mauttfluf Editor uie uinvertjty nonoraoiy, ttucing no degree, or
itlty minutes. The Kernel feels that he should
AuUUnt Managing Kditor
4 iiumao
Dramatic gaitor go into a division wnuro lie will tatce nardcr be greeted by a large
l. KiLisr
and entnusiosttc auaienco
uour&es in small seminar groupj in prepai ation
Thursday morning.
Virginia Dougherty
E. Kruftr xor a degree. The divisions win oiler an degrees
Morion waiter
uiiut ouuiieii
except Uicuc oneied oy tne proicssionul ccnoois
under tne old system.
Virginia Nevln
JulUt OaUawaj
To those wno understand the new system at
Virginia ttatcaar
One oi tne important and sigmncant changes
ua.nei uwaman
Lou 1m xnompaoa
Horace Miner
Chicago, the out&tanaing features of the plan In Southern Conference rules made at the anJOHN MURrilY
tUwi S41tor are the reward or industry and the placing oi nual meeting of that body last week was the
stress on knowledge ratner than on attendance, one making the length of the football season in
wuliani Boalar
Sua Dlekerasn
attitude toward tne prolessor, et altera. And the South clastic so as to permit a conference
SockHjr MlUr
institution to play ten weeks after its opening
those who understand it are rejoicing Lnat Unit
Eleanor Smitii
tolly Hardin ed States Institutions of hlgner education are game. In the southernmost part of the conferDecerning educated within tnemsclves. Harvard, ence, climatic conditions make It almost imMartha Falconer
possible to play football early in tho season,
gacrw Bailer Dartmouth and Princeton have adopted modi
ubtn hwiuwu
iuauiani tygru feajuii rtcatlons of the Hutcnins' plan at Chicago, an