xt79kd1qg920 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qg920/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1925-02-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1925 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 20, 1925 1925 1925-02-20 2012 true xt79kd1qg920 section xt79kd1qg920 The Kentucky Kernel




20, 1925



To Organize Circles in Other
High Schcools
"The Messiah" is Subject of Great Composition

Phi Mu Alpha, Musical
Fraternity, to Sponsor Production
"The Messiah," Hnndcls immortal
oratorio, will bo given the latter part
of April under the direction of Professor Lampcrt. In celebration of
the one hundredth anniversary of the
rendition of "The Messiah," in New
York, the New York Choral Society
recently presented the oratorio. "The
Messiah" is considered one of the
greatest works' from a religious and
musical standpoint, giving the scheme
of Salvation as presented in the Bible,
the prophecy of the coming of the Sa
vior, His suffering, and our redemp
tion through His blood.
The university presentation of this
work will be unique in that we will
use our own orchestra and chorus,
supplemented by singers from Lex
ington and surrounding towns. Phi
Mu Alpha, musical fraternity of the
university, is sponsor for the presen
tation, and is organizing the forces
outside of Lexington, and the sue
cess of the presentation will be large
ly due to its efforts. The presenta
tion will not only be a civic cxpres
sion of the university and of Lex
ington, but will be an expression of
Kentucky in such an endeavor.
For an adequate presentation of
this work, a chorus of three hundred
voices will be needed.

The Music de

nartment desires that every student
who is interested in proving his or
her ability as a singer will come out
for practice. The showing of ability
in this production will be in a meas
ure a stepping stone for entrance in
to the Glee Clubs.
All students who are interested in
taking part in the chorus are invited
to 'come to White Hall, room 301, to
day at 3:30 for tryouts.

The SuKy Circle, in response to a
request from the Paris high school,
established a pep organization at that
institution last Monday. The name
of the group is "Parisians," and their
purposes nre similar to that of the
circle at the university, the fostering of athletics.
At the regular meeting of the Su
Ky Circle yesterday, plans were discussed concerning the establishment
of similnr organizations in other high
schools throughout the state.
plan outlined at present is for the
pep club to foster the high
school group and in this way to bring
them in closer touch with the uni
If such a plan can bo worked out,
it is thought that it will tend to create
a keener interest among the prepara
tory students in the state university
and will bring a large number of high
school graduates here.

One of America's Fore
most Men of Let-



Says Many Heroic Deeds Were Done By Res
cuers of Which the World Will
Never Know
Nature, who had for two weeks held
Floyd Collins in Sand Cave, relinher close vigilance for n
short while, Monday, only to claim
him again, after the physicians had
examined the victim.
According to Dr. Funkhouser, who
has just returned from the cave after a stay of ten days, every possible effort was made and lives were
risked in futile attempts to rescue
He said that there were
many heroic deeds performed by the
workers which will never bo known.
The early efforts of friends of Col
lins before the state took the matter
in charge, deserve great praise. Dr.
Funkhouser also said that the report
that the imprisonment was a "put-up- "
affair was absolutely unfounded,
and was a discredit to those who had
worked so faithfully.
Ho said that the ones to whom
much credit should be given are Lieu
tenant Governor H. H. Denhardt, who
was in charge of the military control;
H. T. Carmichacl, supervisor of the
work; Roy Anderson, N. F. Ford, Ben
Wells, and John Gerald, who risked
their lives to survey the underground
passage in order to locate the shaft.
Dr. Funkhouser said, "Sand Cave
is not really a cave at all, but merely
a passage through a 'fall,' which Col
lins thought might lead to a cave.
Probably Collins lost his way while


Graduated From Iran
sylvania with Highest Honors

The annual Military Ball will be
given in the New Gymnasium tonight
from 9 to 1 o clock.
This affair has grown in tho past
few years until now it is one of tho
principal social events of the year.
This year more elaborate prepara
tions have been made than ever before, and it promises to be of such
brilliance as to make it live in the
memory as tho outstanding feature of
school life here, approaching in importance tho hops at West Point and
at V. M. I.
A program of eight
dances has been made, the Grand
March coming at the end of the fifth

going through this 'fall' and dropped
into the dangerous place where he
was trnppcd."
Attempts were first made to rescue
Collins by means of the original tunnel, but after this caved in, efforts
were made to timber the tunnel and
remove the rock that had fallen in.
The miners reported a "mud squeeze,"
which could not be timbered. The
last attempt was by sinking the shaft
which was tho surest way, but was
very slow.
A coroner's jury, composed of per
sonal friends of Collins, declared that
With the Regiment acting as host
he came to his death from exposure to the entire university and resident
received while in Sand Cave. Each members of the Regular Army and
member of the jury made an inspec- the Reserve in attendance, the affair
tion of Collins' body and identified should be brilliant.
To have continued efforts to
remove the body from the trap would
have meant probable death to one or C.
more of the rescuers.
The family preferred to leave their
son and brother in his natural grave
rather than to risk losing another life,
Funeral services were held above
Sand Cnve Tuesday afternoon by the
Rev. Roy Biscr, of Glasgow, and the







K. Dickey,

of Horse


They said that the spot would be
forever hallowed and remembered for
the heroic deeds performed there.
The shaft will be filled with rock
and earth and the cave entrance will
be boarded with heavy timber.

Says that Women Can Speaks on Increase in
Marry and Have
Number of Ky. High

James Lane Allen, 75 years of age,
noted Kentucky author, who occupies
high rank among American men of
letters, a former resident of Lexing
ton, died Wednesday afternoon at the
Roosevelt Hospital in New York.
Dr. Iva L. Peters, head of the VoMr. Allen, author of "The Kentucky cational Guidance
department of
Cardinal," "Flute and Violin," and Goucher College, spoke to the women
many other short stories and ro students of the university on "Advanmances, had been in ill health for tages of Vocational Guidance,"
several months. His death resulted Thursday, February 13, at the fifth
caused hour in Dicker Hall.
fro'm a general break-dow- n
by insomnia.
In giving statistics, Dr. Peters
Tho funeral services will be held mentioned that women occupied pocemetery Saturday morning at sitions in all but thirty-fiv- e
at the
of the
10 o'clock.
In accordance with the do more than five hundred major fields
srrc of the author, there will be no of endeavor. She suggested the adThe burial service will be visability of investigating tho growth
read by Dean Robert K. Massie, of of the field before entering it in orthe Christ Church Cathedral, the der to determine tho opening. In
church made famous by. Mr. Allen in the past few years, some fields have
his book "Flute and Violin."
increased from 150 to 204 per cent.
Mr. Allen was graduated from
An interesting remark make by Dr.
Miss Frances Lee, a junior in the
college of Arts and Sciences of thq Transylvania College, then known as Peters was that women may marry
university, left last night to attend Kentucky University, with highest and have a career as well.
a meeting of the Southern Confer honors in the spring of 1872. He re
ence Committee of the Y. W. C. A., turned to Transylvania after teach
at Gainesville, Ga. The committee ing several years, ofand received the
Arts in 1877.
is being entertained during its three degree of Master
Well known books by the Kentucky
day session from Friday afternoon,
February 20, to Monday, February author are, "The Blue Grass Region
and Other Sketches of Kentucky" Addresses Class in Educational
21, by Brenau College, at Gaines
"John Gray"; "The Kentucky Cardi
Miss Lee was appointed as the Ken- nal": "Aftermath"; "Tho Choir In
tucky member of this committee by visible"; "Tho Reign of Law"; "The
the chairman and she will serve for Mettle of the Pasture"; "The Bride
Defining a college as "specialized
a term of one year. This committee of tho Mistletoe"; "The Heroine in groups brought together around a
consists of eleven girls, one from each Bronze"; "The Cathedral Singer"; curriculum, and a university as
southern state. As the Kentucky "Kentucky Warbler", and "Emblems group of these colleges under the
member, Miss Lee represents the Y. of Fidelity."
supervision of n board of trustees,"
In thes Lexington public library
W. associations of all the colleges ot
President McVey addressed
the state.
there is a James Lane Allen corner. in educational administrationtheatclass
porThe nurnose of this meeting is to On tho wall there is a life-siz- o
university Friday, February 13.
plan the program for the Bluo Ridge trait. Beneath the picture a glass
Ono of tho greatest difficulties of
Conference to bo held by tlio faoutn case contains numerous letters and
ern Y. W. C. A. Association some articles of interest, duo to James tho college system today as pointed
out by President McVey, is the large
time in June. The Blue Ridge Con Lane Allen.
student groups with a small teaching
ferenco is one of the big annual
TO force. Ho suggested that tho organiORGANIZATIONS
events of tho Y. W., and nil colleges MUSICAL
zation of public education was pointand universities of tho south are rep
ing to a timo when a new system of
resented by delegates.
Tho Philharmonic Society and tho organization might take the place of
university our eight years of elementary school,
ONE ISSUE OF THE KERNEL will present a concert at the Maxwell four years of high school and four
Theta Siirma Phi. women's honor street Presbyterian Church Sunday years of college.
ary journalistic fraternity, will edit afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tho program
President McVey will address tho
tho Kentucky Kernel lor the issue is under tho direction of Professor class again on February 21, on "Tho
of March 0. Thertoforo, this orgam Carl Lamport, and will consist of the College Budget."
zution has published what was hu following numbers:
morouslv known as "Tho Yellow Overture
Streak," a "scandal" sheet. Tho in- 1. Barber of Sovillo
Do Capua
There will bo a meeting of tho Unitentions of tho publication were 2. a Mnri Mari
versity Masonic Club in Dicker Hall,
b. I Passed by Your Window
in tho ariso of
spoiled, however,
Brahlo Lucas Tuesday night, February 21, at 7:00
scandal sheets of a more malicious
o'clock. Tho meeting is for tho pur(Men's Gleo Club)
Tschaikowski pose of petitioning Square and ComTho March 0 edition of tho Kernel 3. Marcho Slavp
(Mr. Beam and Men's Gleo Club)
pass. All Master Masons of tho uniwill bo known as the Thetu Sigma
Gounod versity aro urged to bo present.
Selections from Faust
Phi edition.

Southern Conference to
Meet at Gainesville,



'Scabbard and Blade" Will Hold
Annual Pledge Service

Seeks the Nomination

to Legislature From
12th Dist.




HEAR DR. KAPPA DELTA PI Will be Graduated from
the College of Law
In June



ary ball to BLUE

Hr. Mark Godman, of Frankfort,
state high school supervisor, in an
address delivered Tuesday night be
fore the members of Kappa Delta Pi,
honorary educational fraternity of
the university, pointed out the increase in the number of high schools
in the state in the past seventeen
years. He said "In 1908 there were
perhaps not more than fifty public
white high schools in the state, but
today there are approximately 500."
Mr. Godman emphasized the great
need of health education and moral
instruction, pointing out the need of
trained teachers for the work. "We'l
trained, sympathetic and socially- minded teachers will in time creat
a public opinion that is in favor of
increased expenditures for school
plants and for the enrichment of tho
program of studies," the speaker de


C. M. C. Porter, member of the
senior clnss, and student in the Law
college, has formally announced him
self as candidate for senator from the
12th Senatorial District for the next
Legislature, according to news dispatches sent to the various papers in
his district.
At present the 12th Senatorial Dis
trict is composed of Bullitt, Hardin,
LaRue and Meade counties, and is
represented in the Legislature by Dr.
A. Muster, of Lyons,


Porter is tho son of Otis Porter,
a farmer of Bardstown Junction, Bullitt county. He came to the university from Berea College, where ho
was graduated from the Academy of
that institution in 1920, coming to
the university in the fall of that year.

During his collegiate career he has
made an enviable record in the class
room and in campus activities. He
earned mpmberships in Phi Alpha
honorary professional law
fraternity; Tau Kappa Alpha, hon
orary oratorical; the debating team,
of which he was a member for four
years; and tho Speakers' Bureau,
of which ho has been president for

on Pago Five

Game Marks Close of
Season on Home



'Cats Rate Well as Contenders for Southern Title
Saturday night the Wildcats sing
their 1925 swan song to the basketball fans of Lexington.
On that
night the final game of the regular
season will be played at the University of Kentucky gymnasium with
the ancient foe, Centre, as opponents
to the Blue and White.
Tho Kentucky basketeers are at the
top of their form, as was demonstrated in their latter games on the home
floor, and expect to make a winning
finish to a season that has been marked by many ups and downs.
Wednesday following tho Centre tilt,
the Kentucky five leaves for Atlanta
to take part in the hectic struggle
for the southern championship held
every year in the Georgia metropolis.
With one win over tho Colonels,
registered earlier in the season at
and with victories over
teams that have decisively defeated

the Centre quintet, the Wildcats anticipate little trouble in bunding out
a defeat to the Danville aggregation.
But the Centre teams are known for
their fighting proclivities and will
give the 'cats a run for their money.
It would be particularly gratifying
to the Colonels to win from Kentucky
this season, as it has been two years
since she has achieved a victory over
the Wildcats on the basketball floor.
Friends of the locals feel that they
have a stronge chance to win the
southern title this year. When the
Tulane quintet went down to defeat
before the fierce onslaught of Captain McFarland and his teammates,
one of the best teams in the south
had succumbed to defeat. The other
strong teams in the tourney will probably be limited to the fives from the
Universities ot worm
Alabama and
bama and Georgia.
Georgia both have wins to their
credit over the 'cats. If Applegran's
men flash the game they are capable
of playing, the cheering sections
might as well begin to limber up their
vocal chords to welcome homo tho
conquering heroes.

Western and Eastern
Tours Being Considered


Animals are Profitable Class of
Tho winnings of the Experiment
Station of the university with sheep
at the last International Livestock
Exposition at Chicago, speaks highly
of tho possibilities of Kentucky in the



A smnll


of common lambs at the Experiment
Station returned a gross profit of
27 percent. The Station exhibited
tho grand champion wether nt tho
last show.
Sheep havo been found to bo a
class of livestock that can bo produced at a profit in Kentucky, and at the
same time, tho animals produced are
as good as any produced in North
During the past year, over eight
thousand second and cull lambs wore
bred in tho stato of Kentucky and it
is thought that with more cooperation
among tho breeders, Kentucky will
become famous as the homo of tho
best sheep in America.
LOST A small gold Wahl
tain pen, without cap. Reward.
phone 5111.



The publicity staff of the Stroller
organization met Tuesday afternoon
and outlined a tentative program for
mester at tho university, it was an- the spring tour.
The lirst production will bo given
nounced monday by the Registrar's
othec. lho student body of the uni- in Lexington, with, a matinee and an
evening performance. The eastern
versity now numbers about 2,100.
trip will include Lynch,
LOST Pi Kappa Alpha pin, witli MIddlesboro, and Harlan, and tho
"Z. Lnyson" on back. If found, plenso western itinerary is being formulated, with three western towns ,in
return to Kernel office.
An extensive publicity campaign
is being planned, and the Kentucky
alumni in towns to bo played are coThe Kernel regrets that an error occurred in the announcement operating with the Stroller stair in
tho sale of tickets and in advertising.
concerning the senior invitations
The Stroller oligibles have been
made last week.
The annuiijice-meiarranged into casts, and these groups
should havo read: "The
havo been practicing all week,
from Harcourt Ento tho final tryouts which
graving Company will be on the
will bo held early next week. These
campus March
to take orders for senior invitations. The casts will give tho first act of tho
before Director
leather invitations are 38 cents play,
Bayless, who will choose tho characeach; the plain white ones are 20
ters for the spring production.
cents each;
of the price
of the order is due when the order
is given."
All those wishing to try
Students are urged to make up tho position of Drum Major out for
their lists and be prepared to Band will seo Sergeant Kennedy tho
place their order on the dates
Applicants must havo a
specified so as to prevent delay.
knowledge of military drill as well
as a knowledge of music and time.

Two hundred and

students registered for the second se
thirty-tw- o




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IPs' WWW--





Alumni Secretary

Thf annual University of Kentucky banquet held during tlte meeting of
ho bwrne a well cthltnhcd custom
the Kentucky Educational
jthd ran be made one of the moot potential fratherinjrs of the alumni of the
university. The first of those banquet wore attended by jrraduate ami
student who were In educational work, Inter the alumni living in Louisville Joined in with thorn, and last yonr alumni and friends from nil over
tho suite nd in many vocations were present, about throe hundred and fifty
In number. Short addresses mere made by Governor William J. Fields, Superintendent McHcnry Khonds and President Frank L. MeVey, all of whom
dofllt with possible development of Kentucky's oilucational system. Other
numbers on the projrrnm consisted of a practical demonstration of work
boinjr done at the university in the way of music and art, which was presented in a verv clever manner and was enjoyed very much by all present.
held at the Hrown Hotel on Thursday
The banquet this yonr will
ovanlnic, April 23, at fi o'clock, and promise to be one well worth traveling
from the remotest corners of the state to attend. Governor Fields, an alumnus of the university, has expressed his intention to be present, as hnvo
many other prominent alumni who now reside in tho state. The heads of
the teachers colleges and normal schools, other colleges, including nil junior
colloges, and many county and city superintendents have boon invited and
will be guests at this banquet.
Those In charge of the banquet are planning one that will be short
and of especial interest to all. After it hns been completed, there will be
time left to mingle with old friends and to mnke now ones. Just a real
Meeting," representing to the University of Kentucky what
Jackson Day Dinner and Lincoln Day Dinner do to the two great political
Attendance at this banquet is unrestricted and it is expected tlmt alumni
and former students will bring other members of their families and any
frlindt whom they can induce to join them.
Amm-iaMon- ,



through taken care of by enclosing your check
to the amount of TWO DOLLARS
"Also out of this fund I agreed to ($8.00), covering alumni duos, which
loan to thew children $800 per year include subscription to the 'Kernel.'
on their plain note, wttlwut mdorso-men- t If your dues of THREE DOLLARS
pay($.00) for the year to tho local
or security, these noto
able at the rate of $S00 per yer, Philadelphia Club has not been paid,
starting one yenr after they fmlshwl tho rocoipt of these dues will also bo
"This money, whldi is returned, together with the Interest tho notes
bear, kwi bek into the fund and is
Tho following prospective studont
used again to help other children. I
afterwards Included qulto n number lve arrived:
of high schools In my program and
Mary Jane to Mr. and Mrs. J.
also took in several worthy childron Frank Grlmos '10, of GDI Wost Main
who did not win the original S0O. I stroet, Lexington, January 10.
also ral?od the amount loaned to $300
Betty, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs, Craw
por year.
"I am glad to state that I have ford C. Anderson '21, of Chattanooga,
young Tonn., January 21.
been able to help seventy-fivRoy, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Roy S.
persons up to the present date and
many of thorn hnvo grown to bo lead- Clarke ox- 210 Burrwood avenue,
N. J., January 21J.
ing citittons throughout the country.
One young lady who won tho first
Mnry MInnetto to Mr. and Mrs.
$200 is now filling very capably a II. W. Whnley '22, formerly Miss
prominent position in Washington, D. Adalinc C. Mann, IDS) Highway, LudC.
Another, the son of a
low, February G.
today is an important cog in
Bettic John to Mr. and Mrs. J.
the machinery of tho Western Electric Company of Now York. The Cnspor Aorco '28, of Knoxvillc, Tcnn.,
February lo.
brother of this young man, also ono
of those whom I assisted, is a promJohn, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lyltlo,
inent teacher in Covington, Ky. An- formerly Mies Blanche Illhnrdt '21,
other young woman obtained a law Wilmoro,
degree with monoy from tho fund and
is today practicing in Tennessee.
There are ninny others.




Best Copy



the child fn goln






Every One Repays Him
"Of all those who received


it is my bolicf that only two would
have beon able to go through college without this assistance.
All forms of solicitations for funds among tho alumni of tho university one of those to whom I have loaned
William C. Prcwitt, who rcccivtfl
its annual mooting or money on notes has repaid me or is his M. A. in 81), is an attorney with
should first have the approval of the Association it
in such matters, repaying this amount with interest, oflices in
tho oxeeutive committee. There should be no
the Bushong building, Fort
as is evidenced by a letter recently mailed out under tho direction of the and I do not bolicve, that there is a Worth, Texas.
Committee without the knowledge or approval of either single one who does' not appreciate
Pattorson Memorial
tho Association or the executive committee. The mcmbors of the Association the help received.
"The greatest pleasure that I have
arc in sympathy with the movement to erect a statue to the memory of Dr.
Charles Hoeing, who received his
K. Patterson, but the members of the executive committee believe is the satisfaction of knowing that I
M. A. in '02 and his Ph.D. from Johns
that no further campaign should be prosecuted for this purpose until the have assisted someone to get an edu- Hopkins University in '08, is dean of
All will remember that
cation, of which he cannot be robbed.
Greater Kentucky Campaign is completed.
men and profossor of Latin at the
tJoff..or. TVTn,vm.;nl Rtntiin fund is to receive five ncrccnt from the net re I hope that many others will adopt University of Rochester, Rochester,
about $70,000 to this some plan similar to mine and I am
ceipts of this campaign. At present there is over-du- e
sure that they, too, will soon see that N. Y.
fund, and it is believed by those in close toucn wuu me conecuuns un im-uto the Greater Kentucky Fund that all other solicitations should be suspended this adventure will give them more
Aiumni, ociore hihkihk
ui., returns than any investment they Miss
until this work is completed.
Charlotte M. Bliss is teaching
whether it has the approval of the proper authorities. can make.
should first ascertain
"Personally, I hope to live long English in the Girls High School at
Miss Bliss received her
enough and to be successful enough Louisville.
are paying every cent they borrowed, to assist 1,000 young persons through M. A. from the University of Louis
and are holding jobs of importance, college."
whereas, without help they would
Detroit. Feb. 27. (Last Friday-Reg- ular) probably have remained in poverty,
I am a willing witness to the fact
dinner at Dixieland
The following letter was received
is not human."
that to be ungrateful
a few days ago from Miss Nancy
Somerset, March fi. (First Friday
B. Buford, assistant principal of the
Send "it Through College
p. in. at Dr.
Regular) 7:30
New Castle high school, New Castle,
Norfleet's office.
Pressed for his story, the man re
"This is' to thank you most heartily
Philadelphia, Mar. 7. (First Satvealed that he was Sidney L. Dodds,
at of Clarksdale, Miss., cotton planter
for the invitation to meet the Alumni
urday RcRuIar)
Association in Louisville at the
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce and broker, who as a poor boy was
Brown Hotel, April 23. I hope to at
denied the advantage of an education,
tend the K. E. A. again this year. I
but who nevertheless has risen to
Lexington, Mar. I I. (Second Sattrust I shall be able to attend the
at position of wealth and prominence
urday Regular) luncheon
university meeting. I cannot say
and whose hobby of late years has
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.
The following letter was received emphatically,
however, at this time.
been the helping of ambitious boys
(Second SaturLieutenant-ColonHuITalo, Mar. 11.
John Scott
and girls to receive a college educa from
1 :15
"I ame enclosing two dollars for
day Regular) luncheon,
'J7, of the Organized Reserves, with
He has already been instru
p. m.. Chamber of Commerce,
headquarters in the Graham Building, dues to the Alumni Association.
such 14th and
mental in sending seventy-fiv- e
Washing- There have been so many necessary
corner Main and Seneca streets.
youths through college and he says ton, D. E streets, N. W.,
calls upon me, and to a teacher with
Chicago, Mar. 10. (Third Monday
he will not be satisfied until that
"I am very glad to enclose check no surplus in salary when sickness
Regular) luncheon at Field's number has reached 1,000.
has made so much expense, contribupaying next installment for the
This is Dodd's story, modestly reI
Am very tions are almost impossible.
of 'Kentucky.'
lated by him to McTeague, who upon proud of the great advance made of cherish dear 'Old State University'
his return to St. Louis, made known my
years just and the most I do for this school is
its details in the hope that it might passed. I Mater feel the is a privi- to prepare students that, if they dereally
provide inspiration for persons here
lege to contribute towards what may sire to enter 'State,' they make good.
who might help in the movement inI am assistant principle here in New
augurated by the Washington Univer- benefit the young men of Kentucky. Castle High and I have sent to you-a- ll
I feel especially interested in the
sity Students' Loan and Scholarship "Loan Fund""
about half a dozen young men
for those who are someAssociation.
what handicapped financially, but far lately that seem to be honoring their
Dodds was born in Hickman, Ky.,
I desii-that my Alma
and ability. teachers.
fifty-eigyears ago and was named As advance in ambition can well re- Mater keep her record clean in thot
for the Stadium I
Benefiin honor of two Confederate Genmember the bare fields of the Nine- and deed, that we create in this in
erals, Albert Sidney Johnston and
stitution such an atmosphere that the
Robert E. Lee. His parents were ties.
"The statement attributed to the best in the state will feel safe in givpoor farmers and as the roads were
Duke of Wellington that 'Waterloo ing their best over to State UniverThe story of Sydney L. Dodds', ex-'8- impassable during the greater part was won on the athletic fields of sity. I keep in touch with the work
helping deserving of the school year, he was 17 years Great Britain,' has been disputed. there and I see a better Kentucky
assistance in
students to get a higher education is old before he had little more than a Whether so or not the supremacy for the near future if we can pertold in a signed article by Louis La primary education. At 18 he deter- of the Anglo-Saxo- n
race is due to suade the law makers that wo are a
mined that he would go to school, and
Cross, in the St. Louis
a large extent to the sense of disci- motive power for great achievements.
he hauled wood on Saturdays to pay pline
"We must expect great things and
and fair play good sportsmanwe must work to accomplish great
"In a hunting lodge on Reelfoot his tuition and expenses during a ship of the athletic contests.
school term in Hickman.
Lake in Tennessee, a party of busi"I hnve heard the expression 'The ends if we would 'get the black from
A year later he entered the A. and
ness men met recently and as the
American people are a most warlike our map educationally.' "
each M. College at Lexington, Ky., and
evening wore away, regaled
and least militaristic nation.' This
other with stories of their early am- by working on the experimental farm is true. When the chip is knocked DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION TO
One in the afternoons and on Saturdays, off our shoulder the nation is overbitions and their realization.
of the party was James II. McTeague, receiving 10 cents an hour for his whelmed with the human unwillingpresident of the Maryland Hotel Com- labor, he paid his way through a ness to submit to the overbearing ag'07
pany of St. Louis, and during the term at this school. He recalls now gression of outsiders, and will fight.
Samuel B. Coleman is manager of
course of his intimate narrative he that several of his classmates who But it is most unwilling to prepare
were likewise working their way
the Enterprise Machine and Garage
the movement that has
in advance for what is inevitable. Company,
college were Owsley E. StanFranklin, Ky. Mr. Colebeen started to provide funds for through
We are like a college who wants to
ley, present United States Senator
man received his C. E. in 1912.
pur-Hu- e
worthy students who desire to
win football victories, but expects to
their studies through Washington from Kentucky; Greene E. Dowis of win on the gridiron without the train'10
University, but who, on account of f- Blackwell, Okla., now president of the ing and practice which insures vicCaleb W. Marshall is foreman in
State Banking Association of Okla- tory.
inances arc unable to do so. He told
the Operating Department of the
of the Loan Fund Committee that is homa, and Captain C. C. Calhoun, at
"Boat wishes for success."
American Bridge Company at Gary,
ongaged in raising sums sufficient to present a cor