xt79kd1qg78d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qg78d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1933-03-mar20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1933-03-mar20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1933-03-mar20-ec. 1933 1933-03-mar20-ec. 2011 true xt79kd1qg78d section xt79kd1qg78d 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Harch 20, 1933.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the TJni-
versity of Kentucky met in President YoVeyls office at the Universi-
ty of Kentucky, March 20, 1933, at 10:30 a.m.   The members of the
Committee present were Judge R. C. Stoll, James Park, Joe B. Andrews,
and Judge Robert G. Gordon.   President Frank L. McVey and Secretary
D. H. Peak were also present.

     1. Minutes Approved.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of Jan-
uary 18, 1933, were approved.

     2. Proceedings of Meeting of February 21, 1933, Ratified.

     A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky was scheduled for February 21, 1933.
The following members (not sufficient in number to make a quorum)
were present: James Park, Acting Chairman, and J. B. Andrews; Pres-
ident F. L. McVey and Secretary D. H. Peak.   It was decided to pro-
ceed with the usual order of business and the record of the proceed-
ings was prepared under the heading, ?Iinutes. of the Meeting of the
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, February 21, 1933;1" which record was submitted to this
meeting, and the following action was taken:

          The record of the proceedings of the meeting, Feb-
     ruary 21, 1933, of members of the Executive Committee of
     the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, is
     hereby approved and ratified as the action of the Execu-
     tive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
     of Kentucky, and it is ordered to be recorded in the per-
     manent records of the Minutes of the Executive Committee.

     3. Financial Report

     The financial report for December was received and ordered to
be recorded in the Minutes.   It reads as follows:


                            EUXMIBIT "B"

Statement of Income and Eryxpenditulres
      ionth of Februa~rv 1933


          Fi scal
cur ent   'Year
Month     To Date

General Fund Incom e
Federal Appropriation
Special Agri, Appro.
Vocational Ed. Board
Bureau of 'ineral and Toe,
   Survey -1 iscG jReceipts
 Bureau of lineral and Top,
   8%rvey - State Appro4
 State Tax                 3
 Int, on Endowment Bonds
 Int. on liberty toan Bonds
 Student Fees
 Student Fees - Sum=, Sch.
 Student Fees - U.H.S.
 Student Fees - El, Tr.Sch.
 Student Fees - Univ. Exten.
 Miscellaneous Receipts
 Hents Dormitories
           Total         _

42. 750.00
14, 11x5.63
11 , 890. 78

   696. 41

3, 138,92
93 , 960. 64
4, 32 2 . 25
04~ 251,25
14, 41. 54
6, 195.80
5, 661.25 5
1, 483. 36
6. 697 64
4 1 :395.90

3,731.24 17,846 8,87
2,909. 77 ILL, 800, 55

   140. 60
65, fi33. 69
4j 322 25

71,688. 79

1 n 080. 00
1,520, 00
2, 520,87
 3,522. 05

  3, 279. 52
49, 794. 33
175, 940.04
14,415, 54
  P   1, x -~t5
  7, 181. 25
  18 ,598, 34
  1 695, 26
_ 10,219 69
700" 403. OB

  Admin, Txp. & Maint.
  Add, & Betterments
  Excess of Income over

Patterson -1al1 Income
  :Miscellaneous Rece-pts
  Room. Rent - Sum.Sch.

157, 395.87
  3 6,688. 98
633. 888. 50

20, 295.36
   12.5. 24
1, 28l. 50
21 , 682, l o

711,437,84 541,241.49
17,5140, 63 174, 910, 50
1,026. 18  7,715 16
=t ~ 8t-97-- 72'3 867 .15

68 029.43  75 536B f3

8,22 , 90  28,520,26
    47, 40    172,64
            1,261, 50
     8,,27.2iS0Q, I  

  Expen se
  Additions anrd Bettler
             TIot al
 Excess of Income over


19, 21G 9.2

3, 332. G4

3. 332. I  

20,472. 44
2, 080. 12

S, 21o .849 3. 66  701  ____
,,~~      ~..- _e                 84 __ *. _   

7, 3-07,40



General Fund Income          663,07
General Fund Expenditures    653,10
Excess of General Fund In-
   come over Expenditures      9,9,6
 Accounts Payable lioui-
   dated                      (3,9E
   ?excess of Receipts over EY-
   penditures for General
   Ledger accounts 80.6
   Excess of Receipts over Ex-
   penditures fiscal year to
   date - General Fund    _   16,6
   Excess of Receipts over Ex-
   penditures for the fiscal
   year to date - General
   Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 -
   General Fund
   Cash in Bank February 28, 1933 -
   Ge-leral Fund


166, 280.38
93. 311.29


D9.58   72,969.09    82,938.67

c.09)      (19.00)   (3,999.09)

68.49   (4,475.25)    6,193.24

57,98   68,474.84    85,132.82




Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.
  Hilk and Butter - Cash Reck
  Dairv Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales
  Swine Sales
  Poultry Sales
  Farm Produce Sales
  Horticultural Sales
  Seed Test
  Seed Inspection
  Fertilizer - Fees
  Public Service - State Ap,
  Public Service - Hisc. Rec.
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees
  Adams - Federal Appro.
  Serum - Sales
  Serum - Virus Sales
  Serum - Supply Sales
  Serumn - Miscellaneous Rec.
  State Appropriation
  Creamery - License Fees
  Creemery - Testerst Lie.
  Creamery - Glassware Tested

   299; 32
 2, 987; 69
 4, 52? 50
 10,242. 69
29,332. 52
4,445. 00



1 , 786. 00


   33, 75

3,132, 36
 6, 313. 50
4 490.00



Robinson - State Appro.    5,863.0,42.
Robinson - Misc. Receipts  3,3636.62
West Ky. - State Apnxo.    6,846.04
West Ky. - Misc. Receipts  2,626.89
Purnell - Federal Appro.  45,000.00
Nursery Inspection - Fees  1,140.30
Blood Test                   681.75
             Total       176,9-.1591

    77. 92
1, 015.97
   926. 99

   46. 50
21, 142.59

7,917. 00
3, Z . - e 5 4
7, 862.01
  1, 270. 30
    728  25
198,088. 50

  Expense                  159,9]
  Additions and Better.        82
               Total       160,7

  Excess of Income over Ex-
  penditures              16, 2C
  Exoess of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for General
  Ledger accounts           6, S
  Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures             23,1
  Excess of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - Experiment
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 -
  Expe7-iment Station
  Cash in Bank February 28, 1933
  - Experiment Station


20, 160.89

'9, 26  20, 172. 31

)0. 65     970.28

L7,61   (5, 240.86)

24, 26  ( 4, 270.58)

180,075. 55
    836 02
180,911. 57


  1,676. 75


18,853. 68

13, 470. 25

Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Add. Co-op.
  Federal Supplementary
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
  State Smith-Lever
  State Capper-Ketcham
  County and Other


  excess of Incoime over

148, 308.76
31, 000, 00
53, 091, 04
36, 800. 98
67, 285.77
  1, 760.80
338. 550.18

13 080 41
  t 302883)
  120 76
12.898, 34

148, 308. 76
53, 091. 04
80, 366.18


213,998.80    31,717.41   245,716.21

- _124, 5;;1.L 38 ( 18, 819. 07-) 105, 732.31.

Excess of Inco-me over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to da.te - Extension
Cash in Bank July 1, 1932 -
Extension Division
Cash in Bank February 28, 1933 -
Extension Division

105, 732.31

  7. 737.68

113,469. 99




Trust Fund Income
Student Loan Fund
  dtudent 1Notes Paeid
            Total Receipts

  Student NTotes

Excess of Receipts over

16357 62
1,678. 11

1,549 75
1,843. 05

100.33     620.82
375.76   1,733.38
476.09   2,354.20

50.00     343.30
433.00   1,982. 75
483.00  22,326.05  

3;. 06       (6.91 )    28.15

Excess of Receipts over
Expenditures for the
fiscal year to date -
Trust Fund

Cash in Bank July 1 1932-
Tiust Fund

Cash in Bank February 28,
1933 - Trust Fund


1 i 308.58

1 336 73

  General Fund Income
  Experiment Station Inc.
  Extension Div, Income
  Trust Fund Incorle

Genere.l Fund Expend.
Experiment Station Exp.
Ex9engion Div. Expend.
Trust Fund -Mxpenditures

663, 078. 00
338, 550.18
     520, 4945
,.179, 094. 58-

160, 739. 26
      293, 30
1.028. 139.-78

166,280.38  829,338.38
21, 142.59  198, 088. 50
12,898.34  351,448.52
    100.330     620.82
200.421.64 1379.516.22

93,311..29 746,419.71
20,172.31 180,911.57
31,717.41  245, 716.21
     50.00      343.30
145,251.01 1.73,390.79

Excess of Income over
Expenditures             150,954.80

Accounts Payable liqui-
deted                     (3,980.09)

Excess of Receints over Ex-
penditures for General
Ledger Accounts           17,586.10

Student Loan Fund - Notes_

Excess of Receipts over
:xpend. for fiscal year to
date - Combined Fund


55, 170. 63  2D6, 125, 3

   (19.00) (3,999.09)

(9, 716.11)


7, 8b9.99


45, 378 28   209,Q74.9




E:xcess of Receipts over V!xpendi-
tures for the fiscal year to
date - Corabined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,
1932 - Combined Fhund
Cash in Bank and on hand February
28, 1933 - Comitbined Fund

              Abstract of iteem shown on statement
              of Income and Expenditures as "Excess
              of Receipts and Expenditures for
              General Ledger accounts $7,869.99"


Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts


209, 7416. 96

(6. 611.53)

203, 135.43




16, 398.87

16, 398.87
7, 869.099

I 2 413 00

4. Audit of Athletic Council Income and Expenditures,

     The audit of income and expenditures of the Athletic Council
for the year ending December 31, 1932, was received, examined and
ordered filed in the President's office.



    5. Southeastern Athletic Conference.

    President McVey made report of the proceedings of t-he last
meeting of the Southeastern Athletic Conference, stating that a
constitution of the organization had been adopted: "Under the
rules of the organization, grants of scholarships and aid to stu-
dents must be handled at each institution by a committee selected
from the faculty thereof.   Action of the University of Kentucky
under the rules of the Conference was referred to President McVey
for determination.

     6. April Meeting of the Board of Trustees.

     President McVey presented tentative budget estimates of in-
come and expenditures for the year 1933-1934 for discussion and
study before the final presentation of the budget at the April
meeting of the Board of Trustees.   He stated that the amount of
Federal appropriations is now uncertain due to changes in laws re-
cently enacted by Congress, and that changes in such appropriations
may materially affect the amount of income of the Universityj    In
view of this state of facte a motion was made and passed by unant-
moizs vote that the April meeting of the Board of Trustees be con-
tinued or postponed from April 4, lf'33, to a later date to be fixed
by President MoVey.

     7. Authority to Fix Salaries.

     Attention was called to section 4636 c 16 relative to the au-
thority of the Board of Trustees to fix salaries of the University,
staff.   It was unanimoinosly agreed that the salaries of summer
school staff are fixed and budgeted in accordance with the provisions
of the statutes.   President 1cVey was authorized to make the prop-
er budget adjustments in order to bring the allowance for Universi-
ty Extension instruction within the letter of the provisions of the

     8. Purchase of Piano

     Motion was made and passed authorizing President McVey to pur-
chase a piano for the Music Department, out of funds collected by
that department for instruction in applied music.    Selection of in-
strument, amount and terms of payment are to be arranged by him.

     9. Audit of University Business Office.

     The annual audit of the accounts of the University Business Of-
fice was ordered, and renewal of contract with the auditing firm
of Mawickp Mitchell, Peat and Company, of Chicago, was ordered.
It was suggested that the Council on Athletics employ the same audit-
ing firm as that employed by the University to make its annual au-



    10, Sun Life Assurance Companyls Proposal.

    Mr. Mack J. Morgan, representative of the Sun Life Assurance
Company, of Canadai presented a form of insurance, designated as
Salary Savings Plan.   Under this plan the assured requests the
employer to deduct from monthly salary the monthly payment of prem-
ium and remit the amount to the Sun Life Assurance Company.    It
was suggested by the members of the Committee that the Business Of-
fice may accept from staff members orders to pay such premiums when
properly executed

     11, Waddy Beduest,

     The Business Agent reported that he has received from R, J,
Colbert, Commissioner of the Fayette Circuit Court, a check for
k$2161.76, final distribution in the Caddy Estate on account of be-
quest in the will of Robert B. Waddy to create a scholarship known
as the Ann Elizabeth Waddy Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Scholarship.
This makes a total of ($2432.21, all of which is on deposit in sav-
ings account in the First National Bank and Trust Company of Lexing-
ton, kentucky, in the name of the Treasurer of the University of
Kentucky, Robert B. Waddy Fund.

     The Treasurer and Business Agent were directed to invest the
funds inJU. S. Government Bonds, same to be held subject to the or-
ders of the Board of Trustees in administration of the Trust for
which the fund was created.

     12. Patterson Bequest,

     On motion duly seconded and passed the Treasurer and Business
Agent were authorized to pay to the Security Trust Company, Execu-
tor, the sum of five thousand dollars due the Walter Patterson es-
tate in settlement of covenants assumed in the deed of the Security
Trust Company to the University of Kentucky, dated June 30, 1926,
recorded in Deed Book No. 237, page 548, Fayette C6unty Clerk's Of-
fice, said covenants being set out in a contract between the Secu-
rity Trust Company and WValt1er Kt. Patterson, dated March 16, 1925,
recorded in Deed Book No. 232, page 356, aforesaid clerkts office,
In said covenant the Security Trust Company agrees to pay the sum
of k35000,00 to the executor and administrator of Walter K. Patter-
son at the tiome of his death.  This obligation was assumed by the
Univ.ersity of Kentucky in the deed referred to above.

     At the time of such payment the Treasurer and Business Agent
were authorized to receive from the Security Trust, executor of
said estate, the sum of $5000,00, bequeathed to the University of
Kentucky in the'l6th clause of the will of said Walter K. Patterson,
to be held in trust and the incomee to be administered by the Student
Loan Committee of the said University for the use and benefit of
needy and worthy students matriculated therein, on the terms anid
conditions specified in said clause 16 of the will of Walter K,



Patterson, deceased; the said bequest to be held intact and only
the accrued interest or income therefrom to be loaned, and the in-
terest or income that accrues from loans of the fund to students
shall be added to and augment the endowment fund; said bequest
shall forever be known and styled as "The Janet Kennedy Patterson
Memorial Student Loan 'und1, founded and endowed by Walter Kennedy
Patterson in remembrance of his mother."

     ' hen such amount of the bequest has been received the Pres-
ident is authorized to ente-r into agreement with the Student Loan
Fund Committee, drafted by Dean A. E, Evans of the College of Law,
such agreement to be subject to the approval of the Board of Trus-

     13. Carnegie Library Building Fund.

     The Business Agent reported that the Security Trust Company,
executor of estate of James Kennedy Patterson, reported that there
is a balance of $39.24 on deposit in the Second National Bank,
Lexington, Kentucky, to the account of Jarmes K. Patterson, Trustee,
Carnegie Building Fund.

     It appearing that the balance referred to belongs to the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, the Business Agent was authorized to withdraw
it from the Second National Bank and put it in the General Fund
account of the University of Kentucky, to be used for the purpose
of defraying expense in part for repairs and renewals to the Car-
negie Library Building.

     14. Gross Sales Tax -- CamPus Book Store,

     The Campus Book Store manager was asked to make report under
the gross sales tax law of the State of Kentucky.    There being
doubt as to whether or not the Campus Book Store is subject to such
tax, it was suggested that the Business Agent take up the question
with the Chairman of the State Tax Commission.

     15. Smith Hall.

     The question of sale or rental of Smith Hall was left to the
President for investigation, action and report.

     16, 'Unpaid Salaries, 1931-1932.

     The Business Agent presented a letter from the Superintendent
of Public Instruction, James H. Richmond, and Auditor, J. Dan Tal-
bott, containing inquiry as to unpaid salaries of 1931-32.   He was
authorized to communibate with Mr. Richmond and Mr. Talbott and make
answer to the inquiry,   The Business Agent called at the office of
each on the afternoon of the date of this meeting, but they were
absent from their offices.    Later he drafted and mailed a letter
to each of them, with the consent and approval of President XcVey.
The letter is in words and figures as follows:



1 9 3 3

Hon. James H. Richmond
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Frankfort, Kentucky

Dear Mr. Richmondl

I presented to President McVey your recent letter and
that of Auditor J. Dan Talbott in which inouiry is inade
concerning unpaid salaries of University o-L Kentucky em-
ployees for the year 1931-1932 and the letters were pre-
sented by him to the Executive dommittee.   IVe were au-
thorized to presents the facts to you and the Auditor.

Ithat such a condition exists is due to the fact that the
funds received by the University last year were not suf-
ficient to meet expenditures proposed in the budget,   The
difference in contemplated income and actual receipts is
shown in one item alone' that of inheritance tax.    For
the year 1930-1931 the University received inheritance
taxes amounting to $534,610.23, while for the year 1931-
1932 only n337,065.01 was received, a difference of
,l97,5455.22.  The unpaid salary account now stands at
.195,230,51, the reduction being due to adjustment made
after July 1, 1932, from funds received applicable to the
budget of 1931-1932,

YTo funds for the operation of the University for the year
1932-1933 have been applied to the payment of the 1931-
1932 Mnpaid salaries, because no authority has been given
to the business management to make such payment.    Full
information of tbe state of financial affairs has been
presented to the Board of Trustees fromn -the time it be-
came apparent that a shortage in receipts would exist, and
the business management has been guided in its actions
wholly by the advice and orders of that body.    The regular
financial reports have shown the shortage, including the
monthly report made to the Auditor and State Inspector and
Examiner,   The falling off of inheritance tax receipts,
due to the Federal Court decision as to tax on stock trans-
fers, and to the rapid decline in stock values, came so late
that the Board of Trustees could only make minor adjustments
in expenditures,



      I am mailing a copy of this letter to Mr. Talbott.   Pres-
      ident MoVey or myself will call on you and Mr. Talbott at
      an early date. . I called at your of-Lice and the Auditorts
      office M114onda-y.

      Very truly yours,

      D. H. Pea k
      Business Agent

      17. Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey Stateine-nts L-
pro yepd.

     Statement of salaraies for the omonth of February, 1933, of em-
ployees in the Bureau of Mineral and Tcpographic Survey, and state-
ment of expense in same Bureau were approved.    Statements are as

     Salaries Payable from Appropriation

           Louise Barton         .........            30.Q0

           D. MX You.ng             ..4 ... i  ,,   100,00

                                (Signed)     A. d, McFarlan
                                             Head of Bureau

     Expense, Payable from Cash Collections

           Allen-Harper E1. Eng. Corp      .          2.06
           KcAdams & Morford .      ................. 11.00
           Petty Cash Acct.  ......*............       .99
           J. S. Poer Co. ............1..........    1915
           Petty Cash Acct*.,.     ..........,       25,00

     18. Fire I           x   iertment Station.

     The renewal of fire insurance policies on Experiment Station
buildings was approved as set out in the following recommendation
made by Dealn Cooper:



           The fire insurance policy on the Experirmlent Sta-
    tion buildings expires 4March 14 of this year.  The
    premium. for one year is 8336C-. 96; for three years $7654:.28.

           I wish to recommend that we be pernqitted to arrange
    for the 3-year premriu;., payment to be made as follows:
    ';b3400 during the present month; (340 at the beginning of
    the next fiscal year; and the balance of 4854 .29 some time
    during the second half of the next fiscal year.
                                   Signed ;hoqas ogerctor

     194 Soil Field at Lone Oak, Discontinued.

     Thee recomrnendation of Dean Cooper to discontinue the soil field
at Lone Oak and deed the land to HIcCracken Countyi was approved and
Dean Cooper was authorized to have the necessary papers preparedr
Copy of the letter of recommniendation follows:

           Since 1913, the Experiment Station has operat-
     ed a soil field at Lone Oak.  '.ith the limited funds that
     are now available, we find it desirable to discontinue the
     work and consequently the expense at that point,   The deed
     given by McCracken County for this property contains a para-
     graph to the effect that at such time as we fail to operate
     and maintain the field for two consecutive years, the land
     conveyed shall revert to McCracken County.

     20, Roadway Over Robinson Experiment Sub-Station Lands.

     Easement granted Breathitt County over Robinson Experim~ent Sub-
Station land was set out in the record of the proceedings of the Ex-
ecutive Committee of February 21, 1933, and approved herein.   Rich-
ard C. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Committee, having executed.
the instrument on February 11, 1933, the following resolution was

          Be it resolved that the action of Richard C. Stoll,
     Chairman of the Executive Co-mmittee of the University of
     Kentucky, in. executing the easement to Breathitt County
     on February 11, 1933, set out in the record of the proceed-
     ings of the Executive Comunittee of February 21, 1933, is
     hereby ratified and approved.


     '2l* Appointments and Other Sta.ff Changes.

     a. Appointments

             H. Phillip Orem-, appointed as graduate assistant in
Chemistry to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Effie
Hughes, effective February 1, 1933, allowance $250.00 for second

     b. Contirnations

     . Mrs. Roxie C. Perkins, Home Denonstration Agent, Harlan County,
February 1, 1933 to June 30, 1933, salary 131.)66 2/3 per month,
decrease in salary of $120.00 per year on account of decrease in
county appropriation.

     H. J. Hayes, County Agent, Wayne County, February 6, 1933, to
June 30, 1933, salary ,l~l,6;, 2/3 per month, decrease in salary of
*.;p400.0C.) per year on account of decrease in county appropriation.

     R. H. King, County Agent, Carter County, February 1, 1933, to
June 30, 1933, salary ;1l58.33 1/3 per month, decrease in salary of
$500.00 per year on account of decrease in county appropriation.

     R. H. Lickert, County Agent, Fleming County, February 11, 1933
to June 30, 1933, salary $191.66 2/3 per month, decrease in salary
o f %400 per year on account of decrease in county appropriation.

     G. C, Routt County Agent, Graves County, effective March 1
1933, salary $185.41 2/3 per month, decrease in salary of '3O0.00
per year on account of decrease in county appropriation.

     C. E. Gabbard, County Agent, Morgan County, March 1, 1933, to
June 30, 1933, salary $133.33 1/3 per month, decrease in salary of
*.J200.00 per year on account of discontinuance of county appropria-

     Harry B. Lane, assistant County Agent, Jefferson County, ef-
fective Ilarch 1, 1933, salary ;?200.00 per month, increase in salary
of $j27.75 per month on account of increase in county appropriation.

     cG Leave of Absence

     Paul H. Clyde, granted leave of absence without pay for the
year 1933-1934,   He expects to accept an invitation fron the gov-
ernment of Japan to spend a year in the Far East for the purpose of
studying conditions.



     d. Resignations

     Effie Hughes, graduate assistant in Chemistry, effective Janu-
ary 31, 1933.

     e. Terminations

     James A. McDonald, field agent in Marketing, February 28, 1933.

     On motion the maeeting was adjourned.

                                          D. H. Peak
                                          Secretary, Board of Trus-