xt79kd1qg313 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79kd1qg313/data/mets.xml Kentucky. 1916]  books b98-61-43711507 English s.n., : [Frankfort, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Election law Kentucky. Primaries. State primary election law, passed in 1912, as amended in 1914, 1916 . text State primary election law, passed in 1912, as amended in 1914, 1916 . 1916 1916] 2002 true xt79kd1qg313 section xt79kd1qg313 


        AMENDED IN 1914, 1916

   "1. Nominations-How Made -Hereafter all candi-
dates for elective offices to be voted for at any general
election shall be nominated:
  " 1. By a primary election held in accordance witQ, the
provisions of this act or
  "2. By certificates of nomination signad ard filed
as herein provided. The provisionj of t1his Act snpll uat
apply to candidates for trustees of commor schools or
members of school boards nor to trustees in towns of the
fifth and sixth classes nor to candidates for presidential
electors, but such candidates for such offices shall be
nominated and have their nominations certified as- now,
or may be hereafter provided by law. This Act shall not
be construed to repeal or affect in any way-an Act en-
titled, 'An Act to amend an Act entitled,' 'An Act for
the government of cities of the second class in the Com-
monwealth of Kentucky,' approved March 21, 1910, Chap-
ter 50, Acts 1910.
  (Section 2 is repealed by Act of 1914.)
   "3. Time and Place of Holding-On the first Satur-
day in August of each year between the hours of 6 o 'clock
a. m., and 4 o 'clock p. m., there shall be held at the
regular polling places in each election precinct in this
State a primary election for the nomination of candidates
by political parties as hereinafter defined, to be voted for
at the next November election. The provisions of this
act shall not apply to vacancies in offices to be filled at
special elections held at times other than the regular No-



vember elections. Nominations by political parties to
fill vacancies at special elections to be held on days other
than the regular November election shall be made in such
manner as may be determined by the governing authority
of such political party in the territory in which said elec-
tion is to be held.
    "4. Unexpired Terms-Candidates for unexpired
terms to be filled at the November election shall be
nominated at the primary next preceding such November
election: Provided, that such vacancy occurred not less
than seventy days before the day on which the next
primary is to be held But if such vacancy occurred less
than seventy days before the primary election, the nomin-
ation shall be made in such manner as may be determined
by the governing authority of the political parties. In
the preparation of ballots hereinafter provided for, candi-
dates for full terms shall be grouped together, and can-
didates for unexpired terms shall be grouped together
on the party ballots, under appropriate headings, so that
the voter may easily distinguish the candidates for full
terms from the candidates for unexpired terms.
   " 5. Parties Required to Nominate in the Primary-
A political party within the meaning of this Act is an
affiliation or organization of electors representing a
political policy and having a constituted authority for
its government and regulation, and which at the last
preceding election at which presidential electors were
voted for, cast at least twenty per cent of the total vote
cast at said election in this State. And such political
party shall nominate all of its candidates for elective
offices to be voted for at the next succeeding general
election at the primary election herein provided for, and
not otherwise; Provided, that whlen a vacancy occurs after
any nomination by death or otherwise, the governing
authority of such party may provide for filling such
vacancies and making such nominations; and when such




nominations have been so made the certificates of nomina-
tion shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the
governing authority of the party making same, and shall
be filed in the same manner as to certificates of nomina-
tion at a primary election.
    "6. Notification and Declaration-Affidavits, How
 Prepared and Filed-Any qualified elector who is a mem-
 ber of a party within the meaning of this Act, and who
 has affiliated with and supported the nominees of the
 party at whose hands he seeks the nomination, as defined,
 elsewhere in this Act, shall have his name printed on the
 official ballot of his party for any office to which he is
 eligible in any primary held under the provisions of this
 Act, upon filing with the proper officer at the proper
 time, a notification and declaration, which notification
 and declaration shall be in the following form, and shall
 be filled in as to all the requirements therein contained,
 and the declaration therein shall be subscribed and sworn
 to by the person making same, before any officer qualified
 to administer an oath.
 "Said notification and declaration shall be in the fol-
 lowing form:
            "Notification and Declaration."
  Of.                                  ...........................
             For Nomination to the Office
Of .
To         .           .(County
Court Clerk or Secretary of State, as the case may be.)
Commonwealth of Kentucky,
      .. County.
For the purpose of having my name placed on the official
primary election ballot as a candidate for nomination b)
the .(name of party)
party, I                      .... (name in full as desired
on the ballot) do solmenly swear (or affirm), that I reside
at No ...   , Street, in the City of ., County




of      - ., State of Kentucky, and that I am a
registered.-                  (party) voter in .
Precinct, City of-- ............. ...... ... that I believe in the prin-
ciples of said   --             (.............n........ (ame of party) party,
and intend to support its principles and policies, and
vote for its nominees at the coming general election, and
that I have affiliated with such party and that I supported
its nominees at the last general election, or was prevented
from  doing  so  by  reason  of ................................-.. (state  reason
here); that if nominated as a candidate of said.................
party at the said ensuing election, I will accept such
nomination and not withdraw; that I will not knowingly
violate any election law or any law defining or relating to
corrupt and fraudulent practice in campaigns or elections
in this State, and if finally elected, I will qualify for said
              .. ..    -... (Signature of Candidate)
Subscribed and sworn to before me by  ...... ......
this . .... . . ...........day of .  ............. ....., 19.......
                           _ .-.. - (Signature of Officer)
                                      (Title of Officer)"
  The said candidate shall at the time of filing his notifi-
cation and declaration file therewith an affidavit of two
reputable electors, members of the same party to which
the applicant belongs, which affidavit shall be in the
following form, and filled out so as to meet all the re-
quirements indicated therein:
Commonwealth of Kentucky,
     .- _......- .- .    C o u n ty .
  We, ..       ...              and .
do solemnly swear (or affirm), that we are qualified
electors and  members of the .....................-... .......... .. (name of
party) party, and have affiliated with said party, and
supported its nominees at the last general election; that
we are residents and legal voters of the    City of
_.-----.-----..__- County of .............., State of




Kentucky; that we are personally acquainted with
........................................ , who  files  the  hereto  attached  notifica-
tion and declaration, and we know him to be a discreet.
citizen, and a member of the ................... ............ party, and
that to the best of our knowledge and belief, he has affili-
ated with and supported said party as defined in the
primary election law; that he is a resident of the City,
County and State set out in his notification and declara-
tion, and we believe him to be qualified to fill the office
of  ...............................................

                          ................................... ..................... . ... ............... .....

                               (Signature of affiants).
  Subscribed and sworn to before me by      .     ...
and ... this .                      day of .
        ........................................................................ (Signatu re of  Officer)
        ...................................................................... (Title  of  Officer).
  "Said application and declaration, and the accompany-
ing affidavits may be on the same or separate sheets, but
shall be filed together and at the same time, and when
so filed with the proper officer, it shall be the duty of said
officer, upon the candidate's compliance with the require-
ments of this Act as to payment of fees as elsewhere
provided, to have printed the applicant's name on the
ballot according to the primary election law, under the
penalties provided therein.
   "7.  Time and Place of Filing-For all offices to be
voted for by the electors of one county or of a city, dis-
trict or subdivision therein, except members of Congress,
said nomination papers shall be filed with the County
Clerk of such county, at least thirty days prior to the
holding  of the primary     election.  For State officers,
members of Congress, and for all officers to be voted for
by the electors of more than one county, said nomination



paper shall be filed with the Secretary of State, at least
forty days before the holding of the primary election.
  (Section 8 is repealed in law of 1914).
   "9. Certificate Where Only One Candidate Files
Papers-Immediately after the expiration of the time for
filing applications and declarations for places on the
ballot, if it should appear that there is only one candidate
who has filed the necessary papers for the place on the
ballot of any party on whose ballot he is entitled to have
his name printed, the officer with whom such papers are
filed shall issue to such candidate a certificate of nomina-
tion, which shall have the same force and effect as the
certificate of nomination provided herein to be issued by
the canvassing officers.
   "10. Nomination Papers, When Destroyed-All
nomination papers in the custody of the County Clerk
and the Secrtary of State under the provisions of this
Act shall be destroyed six months after the primary elec-
tion for which said papers were filed. But such papers
as are material to any investigation or litigation then
pending shall not be destroyed until the final determina-
tion of such investigation or litigation.
   "11. Inspection of Papers-All nomination papers
filed under the provisions of this act shall at all times be
subject to inspection by candidates and by the County
Attorney, the Commonwealth Attorney and the Attorney
   "12. Register of Candidates-The Secretary of
State and the County Court Clerks shall each keep a book
therein on different pages of said book for the different
political parties subject to the provisions of this law the
title of office sought and name and residence of each can-
didate for nomination in the primary election, the name
of his political party, and the date of 'receiving his peti-




tions. Said book shall be so kept that the names of all
candidates of the same political parties shall be on
the same or successive pages and the names of candidates
of no two political parties shall appear on the same page.
Said books are hereby declared to be public records.
   " 13. Certification of Candidates by Secretary of
State-Not less than thirty days before the primary elec-
tion is to be held, the Secretary of State shall certify to
the County Clerks of the respective counties entitled un-
der the law to participate in the nomination of the
respective candidates, the name, place of resident, and
party of each candidate for each office, as specified in the
nominating petitions filed with him, and shall designate,
subject to the provisions of this act, the device under
which the groups or lists of candidates, or candidate, of
each party shall be printed, in the order in which they
shall appear on the ballot.
   " 14. Order of Names Certified by Secretary of State
-How Determined-For the purpose of determining the
order in which the names of candidates to be voted for
by the electors of the entire State shall be certified and
printed on the ballots under the designation of the re-
spective offices, the Secretary of State shall prepare lists
of the counties of each Congressional district of the State.
He shall then arrange the surname of all candidates for
each office in alphabetical order for the first Congressi6nal
district, and the names shall be certified in this order to
the County Clerks of all the counties comprising said
Congressional district. Thereafter for each succeeding
Congressional district, taken in the order of their num-
bers, the name appearing first for each office in the last
preceding district shall be placed last, and the name ap-
pearing second in the last preceding district shall be
placed first, and each other name be moved up one place.
The list shall be certified accordingly.
  "For all other offices for which nominating papers are




filed with the Secretary of State, the order of names of
candidates for each office shall be determined by lot at
a public drawing to be held in the office of the Secretary
of State thirty-eight (38) days before the primary elec-
tion at two o'clock p. m., standard time.
   " 15. Publication of Names by County Clerk-Order
of Printing-Not less than twenty days before the pri-
mary election the County Clerk of each county shall pub-
lish under the proper party designation and title of each
office the names of all persons certified to him by the Sec-
retary of State, in the same order in which they were
certified, and of all persons for whom nomination papers
have been filed with such County Clerk. Only the names
of persons who have substantially complied with the
provisions of this Act shall be published or printed on the
ballot, and such names shall be published or printed in
the order in which they are to be printed on the ballots.
Said publication shall be done by posting a notice at the
door of the court house and causing said list to be printed
once in a newspaper of general circulation in such county,
if there be such a newspaper.
  "The order in which the names of candidates for each
office for whom nomination papers have been filed in the
office of the County Clerk, shall be printed on the primary
election ballot, shall be determined at a public drawing
in the office of the County Clerk twenty-five days before
such primary election at 2 o 'clock p. m., standard time.
   "16. Order in Which Different Offices Shall Appear
on Ballot-The order in which the different offices are
printed on the primary election ballot shall be the same
as in the case of regular elections. The office of Unitet
States Senator shall come first when candidates for said
office are to be nominated.
   "17. Ballots and Ballot Boxes-There shall be a
separate ballot for each political party subject to this Act,
at the primary election provided for herein. Such ballots




shall be printed in substantially the same manner as now
provided by law in case of regular elections, except that
on the back thereof shall be printed the words 'Official
Primary Ballot,' and at the head thereof shall be printed
the words 'Official Primary Ballot,' together with proper
party name and the party emblem. The party emblem in
each case shall be the same as that used at the last pre-
ceding regular election, unless sixty days before the
primary election the proper party authority certify a
different emblem to the Secretary of State, in which event
he shall certify the new emblem to the County Clerks as
herein provided.
   "All the official ballots designed to be voted in the
primary nominating elections shall be printed in black
ink upon a good quality of white ballot paper. The ar-
rangement of each ballot shall be exactly the sam for
each political party, and the size and the printing shall
be the same for each political party. Duplicate impres-
sions of the ballots for each political party voted for at
every primary election shall be printed upon cheaper
colored paper. These colored ballots shall be used solely
as sample ballots for the information and convenience of
voters, and they shall not be voted or counted.
  "The ballots shall be printed so as to give each elector
a clear opportunity to designate his choice of candidates
for nomination by making with a stencil cross in the
square after the name of each candidate for whom he
wishes to vote for nomination; and on the ballot may be
printed such words as will aid the elector to do this, such
as, 'Vote for one,' 'Vote for two,' and the like, to inform
the elector of the number of candidates for whom he is
entitled to vote for each office, and at the bottom or outer
end of each ballot shall be prepared a secondary stub,
separated from the body by a perforated line. Said sec-
ondary stub shalt be in all respects as the like stub on the




ballot used at the general elections, and shall be used in
like manner and for the same purpose.
  "Separate ballot boxes shall be supplied for each party
and the ballots cast shall be placed in the appropriate
party boxes, but a ballot shall not be disqualified by rea-
son of having been in the wrong ballot box.
   " (17a.) Registration of Women Voters-In any year
in which any General Election is held, where school offi-
cers are to be voted for, or school questions are to be
voted upon, in which women are entitled to vote as pro-
vided in Chapter Forty-seven of the Acts of the General
Assembly of nineteen hundred and twelve, such women
voters as are qualified to vote under said law, may be
specially registered as provided in Section twenty of the
Primary Election Act, and it shall be the duty of the
County Clerk to permit all women qualified under said act
to so specially register.
   "18. Number of Ballots-There shall be provided
and furnished at each primary nominating election and
at each election precinct seventy-five per cent more official
ballots for each political party than the number of votes
cast by such political party at the last preceding presi-
dential election, and if a precinct was created since the
last presidential election, the County Court Clerk shall
furnish such number of ballots in such precinct as may be
requested by the Chairman of the County Executive Com-
mittee or authority of each political party, not exceeding,
however, three hundred ballots for each party for each
such precinct.
  "In any and all elections in which women are qualified
to vote, the clerk shall furnish for such women voters,
for each precinct in which the election is to be held, a
number equal to fifty per cent of the entire number of
ballots furnished for the male voters in each precinct, and
the ballots cast by such women shall be treated in all
respects like the ballots cast by male voters, and deposited




in the boxes hereinbefore provided for the respective
   "19. Qualifications of Electors-Before   a  person
shall be qualified to vote in the primary election herein
provided for, he shall possess all the qualifications now
prescribed by the constitution and as are now required of
voters in regular elections. Except that in the case of
women electors the qualifications shall be as prescribed
in Chapter 47 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
1912. He shall, in addition to said qualifications, be a
member of the party for whose nominees he intends to
cast his vote, and shall have affiliated with said party and
supported its nominees, and no person shall be deemed to
have affiliated with the party in whose primary he seems
(seeks) to cast his vote, if he voted against the nominee or
nominees of such party at the last general election. Said
qualifications shall be determined as of the date of the
primary, without regard to the qualifications or disquali-
fications as they may exist at the succeeding regular elec-
tion. In precincts where registration is required, no elec-
tor, except those entitled to be specially registered as
herein provided, shall be entitled to vote in any primary,
unless he is registered in the registration book of said
precinct for the preceding year, as affiliating with the
party whose ballot he offers to vote. If so registered,
he shall be entitled to vote the ballot of the party with
which he is registered and no other. In other precincts,
qualified electors shall be allowed to vote only the ballot
of the party of which they are members, and with which
they have affiliated and supported as defined herein. Pro-
vided that all minors who will become twenty-one years
of age before the November election shall be entitled to
vote in said primary by declaring the party of their
choice. The qualifications above described shall apply to
candidates and voters alike.
  "In order to determine in case of doubt, any of the,




qualifications above mentioned, the judge of the election
shall have power to and he shall swear any person offering
himself to vote as to any of said qualifications, and when
so sworn the judge shall direct the clerk to, and the clerk
shall write upon the primary stub bearing the voter's
name, the words, 'sworn as to qualifications.' And any
voter making a false statement as to any of his qualifica-
tions shall be liable to indictment and conviction for false
  "Any judge of election knowingly receiving a vote of
any elector who is not qualified as provided in this Act
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction,
shall be fined one hundred dollars for each offense, ana
any person so voting knowing that lie is not qualified as
provided in this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction, shall be fined one hundred dollars
for each offense, the fine in each case to be recovered upon
information or indictment in any court having jurisdic-
   "20. Special Registration-Fourteen days before
the primary provided for in this act there shall be a spe-
cial registration at the office of the County Clerk, for per-
sons entitled to be specially registered for the purpose of
voting in said primary. The following persons and no
others shall be entitled to special registration:
  "'1. Any persons who were absent from the city or
town of their residence during the entire time of the reg-
istration for the preceding year.
  "2. Persons who were prevented from registering by
reason of their own sickness or by death in their imme-
diate families.
  "3. Persons who moved into the city or town of their
present residence after the latest date that would enable
them to register for the purpose of voting in the last reg-
ular election, and who have the qualifications of voters in
the precincts in which they reside.




  "4. Persons who have become of age since the last
election and have the qualifications of electors.
  "Before registering any person under this section the
County Clerk shall require him to make written oath as
to the cause of his failure to attend last regular registra-
tion. In all cases where illness is given as a cause for
failure so to register, the affidavit of a physician setting
forth the fact shall also be required. All affidavits pro-
vided for under this section shall be kept in a bound book
made for that purpose. When the proper affidavits have
been made, the clerk or his deputy shall write the name of
the person applying in the proper registration book of the
preceding year on the last page containing the names be-
ginning with the same letter, and, if necessary, on pages
immediately following; and in the column headed 'Re-
marks,' shall be written the words 'Specially Registered,'
with the signature of the clerk and the date.
  "Any elector present in the office of the County Clerk
may challenge the right of any person to register specially
under this section, and thereupon the County Clerk shall
examine such person and any witnesses who may be of-
fered, under oath, and shall determine the right of said
person to register. The registration books in the posses-
sion of the County Clerks shall be sent to the polls and
shall be used by the election officers to determine the. right
of any person to vote in the primary election; and there
shall be no special registration at the polls.
   "21. Transfer Certificates-There shall be no trans-
fer certificates for enabling electors to vote in the primary
election, but any voter who has removed from one pre-
cinct to another, in which registration is required,
after having been registered for the last Novem-
ber election may apply to the County Clerk upon the day
for special registration provided for in the last preceding
section and have his name cancelled off by writing op-
posite it in the column headed 'Remarks' the word 're-




moved,' and upon making oath that he is a qualified voter
or will be a qualified voter, on the day of the primary in
the precinct of his present residence he shall be entitled
to be specially registered as provided in the last preceding
section. Persons removing from one city or town to an-
other city or town in a different county shall not be re-
quired to have their registration cancelled, but may be
specially registered upon making the affidavit as herein
   "22. Officers of Election-Officers of election for the
primary shall be appointed by the County Board of Elec-
tion Commissioners as provided by the law in the case ot
the November elections: Provided, That the list of names
selected by the several party committees shall be sub-
mitted to said Board not less than fifteen (15) days be-
fore the holding of the primary and shall be open to
inspection thereafter; and provided, that candidates be-
fore the primary shall be entitled, if they so desire,
to unite regardless of party, in designating the names
of persons to be appointed officers of election, un-
der the rules hereinafter laid down. All designations of
persons selected by candidates for appointment shall be
made by written notice to said Board, delivered to any
member thereof, not later than ten days before said pri-
mary. Any group of 25 per cent. of all candidates before.
the primary shall be entitled to have appointed as an
election officer one person in each precinct for which a
name is so submitted. In cases where names are so des-
ignated for several precincts, the persons so designated
shall be appointed in equal proportions to the offices of
Clerk, Sheriff and Judge in the different precincts. In
like manner 50 per cent. of all candidates before the
primary shall be entitled to designate two persons to be
appointed officers of election in each precinct. In such
cases one of the persons so designated shall be appointed
(.erk of Vllection iin one-half of the precincts for which




names are so designated. If 75 per cent. of all candidates
so unite they shall be entitled to designate three persons
to be appointed officers of election in each precinct, and
one of the persons so designated shall be appointed Clerk
of Election in each of three-fourths of all the precincts
for which names are so designated; and all the candidates
by so uniting shall be entitled to the appointment of four
officers of election in each precinct for which names are
thus designated.
  "In cases where candidates unite in the selection of
persons to be appointed officers of election, as herein pro-
vided, the lists of names submitted by the party commit-
tees shall be treated by the Board of Election Commis-
sioners as follows: If only one group of 25 per cent. of
the candidates unite in selecting one person to be ap-
pointed an officer of election in each precinct so desig-
nated, said Board shall appoint only one officer of election
for such precinct or precincts from the list submitted by
the committee of that party whose candidates form a
majority of the signers of such written designation. If
the signers of such lists are divided equally between the
parties, then the list of names submitted by each party
committee shall have chosen from it only one name for
an officer of election in every other precinct among those
for which names are thus designated. If two groups of
25 per cent. or one group of 50 per cent. of all candidates
so unite in designating persons to be appointed officers
of election in one or more precincts, the remaining officers
in such precincts shall be selected equally from the lists
of the several party committees. In the event that 75
per cent. -of all candidates unite to procure the appoint-
ment of election officers in one or more precincts, or if
three groups of 25 per cent. of the candidates, or one
group of 50 per cent. and another of 25 per cent. of the
candidates submit names under the provisions of this
section, the remaining officer of election in each of such




precincts shall be chosen alternately from the lists of the
different party committees.
   "All persons who are to act as election officers shall
 be appointed by said Board in accordance with the fore-
 going provisions, and the list of officers of election with
 the office to which each person is appointed shall be made
 up and open to inspection by any candidate, not later
 than the noon on the Saturday preceding the day of the
   "The duties herein provided shall be enforceable
against said County Board of Election Commissioners,
on the petition of any candidate, by the writ of man-
damus. Proceedings in such cases shall be instituted in
the Circuit Court. The proceedings shall be summary and
without delay, and the orders of the Court shall be final
and not appealable.
   "23. Challengers and Inspectors-Each political
party shall be entitled to have not exceeding two chal-
lengers and two inspectors at each precinct during the
holding of said primary election, same to be appointed
and to serve under the following conditions:
  "Any group of candidates of the same political party
equal to twenty-five per cent. of all the candidates for
such party to be voted for in a county (including State,
district and all other candidates) in any primary may
recommend to the Countv Committee or governing au-
thority of such party for the county a list of persons
whom they desire to have appointed as challengers and
inspectors in each precinct in such county. If more than
two such lists are furnished said Committee or governing
authority as herein provided, said Committee or govern-
ing authoritv shall in making appointments of challengers
and inspectors so alternate between the several lists so
furnished as to give to each list an equal amount or pro-
portion of the appointments, but in no event shall there be
appointed more than one challenger and one inspector




for any precinct from any one list. The lists of chal-
lengers and inspectors herein provided shall be presented
to the Chairman or Secretary of the Party Committee of
the county not less than ten days before the date on
which the primary is to be held; and said Committee or
the Chairman thereof shall make the appointments and
certify to same at least five days before the date on
which said primary is held. Said appointment of chal-
lengers and inspectors shall be certified in all respects as
challengers and inspectors at regular elections, except
as otherwise herein provided, and said challengers and
inspectors shall be subject to the same penalties and
possess the same rights and privileges as challengers and
inspectors at general elections: Provided, That the chal-
lengers of one