xt79gh9b8q3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8q3g/data/mets.xml Meacham, Edgar James, compiler Disciples of Christ 1911 scores (documents for music) M2117 .H9885 1911 English Standard Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox Collection Hymns, English Funeral hymns Hymns of Hope: a Collection of Appropriate Hymns for Funeral and Other Occasions, 1911 text xvi [171-245] pages, 18 cm, pbk. Call Number: M2117 .H9885 1911 Provenance:  Wilcox, Glenn C Hymns of Hope: a Collection of Appropriate Hymns for Funeral and Other Occasions, 1911 1911 1911 2023 true xt79gh9b8q3g section xt79gh9b8q3g  




351%? '0’ f/vl/‘i 'yflx/wiffja


Hymns of Hope


Compiled by


Supplemental to



Published by
The Standard Publishing Company

Cincinnati. 0.









. C H A M


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\_\\r\\h \m\®\\mv R§R\ ,\nh \ Umpmxx $9 w?\.bffi
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Hymns of Hope



Compiled by


Supplemental to



The Standard Publishing Company
191 1













Index of First Lines and Titles

A song of heaven __________ 34
Abide with me! ____________ 1
Angel voices ________________ 12
Asleep in Jesus ______________ 3
As the sweet flower __________ 24
Beautiful valley of Eden--__ 6
Beyond ____ ._-_____ ___.._ 7
Bright glory land ___________ 2
Calling me over the tide ______ 29
Come unto me, when shadows 56
Come, ye disconsolate! ______ 13
Death is only a dream _______ 16
Does Jesus care ____________ ’ 1-31
Down life’ s dark vale we
wander _______ _ ____________ 49
Face to face with Christ-____ 10
Friends who have loved me__ 29
Gathering home _____________ 46
G0 bury thy sorrow _________ 14
God knows bestwun -__-_-_ 32
Going down the valley ______ 5
Golden harps _______________ 28
He s the one _________________ 18
He leadeth me! .- .7__-____-._- 41
Hold thou my hand _________ 8
Home of the soul ___________ 17
Home, sweet home-___---___ 40
Hursley ___' __________________ 39
I have heard of the joy ______ 44
I have heard of a land _______ 4


I may not know the reason
why ________ V ______________
I will sing you a song ________
In the Christian’ s home in
glory ________

In the land of fadeless day-
In wond’ rous ways God leads
me on ____________________
Is there any one can help us-

Jesus, lover of my soul _______
Jesus, lover of my soul -_-__, -
Jesus, Saviour, pilot me _____
Jewels w. ___________________
Just across the silent river-“

Lead me gently home, Father
Lead, kindly Light!-__

’Mid scenes of confusion_____
My Saviour, as thou wilt, __-_
My Saviour first of all ______

Nearer, my God, to Thee "a-
N0 night there _____________

0 er the dark and siknt stream
Oh, think of the home over

there in _
One sweetly solemn thought-
Out of the shadow land ______

Peaceful slumber _____________
Peaceful be thy slumber _____

Rest for the weary ____________
Rock of Ages, cleft for me---








Sadly we sing ______________ 16
Safe in the arms of Jesus ..... 47
Saved by grace - ____________ 45
Shall we gather at the river__ 33
Shall we meet _______________ 11

Shall we meet beyond the river 11

Some day the silver cord will

Sometimes I hear s t r a. n g 6

music _____________________ 34
Sun of my soul _____________ 39
Sun! flower of morn ......... 24
That beautiful land __________ 4
The home over there_-___..-_- 25
The soul’s sweet home _______ 44
The Lord knows why ________ 27
The sweet bye—and—bye ______ 31
There is a land ______________ 19


There is a land beyond the

stars ______________________
There is a world where sorrow
There will be no tearsinPara—

dise __-..;.-"___-_- _-_____
There’s a land that is fairer__
There’ll be no dark valley_-__
There’ll be no night there____
They never say good-by-___--_
Under His wings ____________
Up to the bountiful Giver of

life _______________________

We are going down the valley
What a. friend we have in

When He cometh ____________
When Jesus comes-.._____ __T_
When my life work is ended_









 No. l. Abide With Me.




Henry F. Lyte. Tune—EVENTIDE.
5+ IZ :I#_-j__—I~ L—I:—aI:I j:ijzu — _ :I~———J‘—- a 4
IE 4—: g::9::g: 3::7: _.+_-;:§_Ir/_~Ig:;5:;_3
1 A - bide with me! fast falls the e - ven— tide, The dark-ness

2. Swift to its close ebbs out life’s lit -tle day; Earth’s joys grow
3. I need Thy pres-ence ev- ’ry pass-ing hour; What but Thy
4. I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no

5. Hold Thou Thy cross be — fore my clos- ing eyes; Shinle thro’ the

n+2——¢—~ 4— d—o-b




2’; a H__’ a“ “ ‘— I—“E* A'T‘A H“ I"
!9%?é +~—»—EIQAfiIi—E—eeFIZ—Ietfirfij





bj H ' '
$5;b—'1_:Z:EQWTI_4—fi * ":I:3*#j—§_ (3::3:

deep - ens, Lord, with me a-bidel When oth-er help - ers
dim, its glo - ries pass a - way; Change and de - cay in
grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r? Who, like Thy-self, my
weight, and tears no hit — ter- ness; Where is death’s sting? where,
gloom and point me to the skies; Heav’n’s morn—ing breaks, and























’5" a PI, .' P I, [Jr‘l " 9 1 _£_l
ffiiassE"“ a’"}!”’3 r a If' I??”" t; s
v r9 | l * g r If L9 LL _IF ,9___I
‘6‘?) J] n J 41 j 1 111g [L 11
— —. I l #
fail, and comforts flee, Help of the help-less, 0, a-bide with me!
all a-round I see; 0 Thou, who changest not, a-bide with me!
guide and stay can be? Thro’ cloud and sunshine. Lord, a- bide with me!
grave, thy Vic - t0- ry? I tri-umph still, if Thou a — bide with me!
earth’s vain shadows flee; In life, in death,0 Lord, at —bide With me!
I I 1
4- + 4- , a .

, I ' r9 9 — fl— 3 e— —a
{A—y—b— #‘i v. —- —— ——+— r#'*. —b 9—0— —

I’ v r F I i i t t—



 , .

res. .


'. xnnxxxm , Ia:-

m Au:.71""-‘

z- 25—41 :LA‘l—Lu‘u A ‘



No. 2. Bright Glory Land.

Ida G. Tremaine

Hubert P. Main.
1 h N





1. There is aland
2. The cit - y of

égz::gj::7§—j_ 25%;: R— $5153. f—‘l—l— l—a— ”ET—j
,:::E;-1 {gea—

— $:L5:r:3—y—H— dwgfipfig; —::
5 I

be-yond the stars, Glo - ry Land! bright Glo-ry Land!
our God is there, Glo - ry Land! bright Glo-ry Land!


3. We lift our eyes by faith and see, Glo- ry Land! bright Glo-ry Land!





























a . _ ' F ,9: p: '_-:- «I- +' -0_-+_
{mg—I —'~ «lo—iv ' :,: vé—nfio— L—p—D rl‘ !_ 1

l a; :7: 7r 2—. 53—4.: :wr—rrtg- :i
: __ ,_ fif—

w H N J t m
‘ :::_:‘S:J’*:!::j’*7 3:31:74: :Fii“. « i n 'Q—j:1
—:l 7 1:}: L:". L {"5‘d—L—i . —d —5—1":t:_ __,__ —]

4- +. + 7 ' l

Be yond the sun - set’s crimson bars,—Gl0—ry Land! bright Glo-ry Land!
Its jas- per walls with beau-ty fair, Glo—ry Land! bright Glo-ry Land!
Where Christ Himself the light shall be, Glo-ry Land! bright Glo—ry Land!









o . : 42—‘12—flu ft~*—a~g:—t!t—*— 4~*—o—
_ :4: 9'1"!" vai-PR—e—b—afl—F—E limp—3
—9—t~:‘d’r vt'b'rl letE'fi'rl
[ V V w











h .- Rx~—i———h —l _%——l
, --~::E:—::j:::i.g_ 1: E1“)? 2g .:R-__._ 1g
:Q: :’:d::f__l: ,:: ::1;-1:‘ _,T~,_ i- 1:;
i- '0' -0-

Its gates of pearl like sil- ver gleam,lts skies with fadeless sunlight beam,

l A land of peace without al— 10y; Of joy be-yond all earth-1y joy;
F There songs of praise glad hearts shall sing; The ra-diant air with mu- sic ring;










. ’— 4 ; 4- L__ ——l
9712:: 5+?“E‘fif:§*“-: 39:: " ’:::E a]
fi— ?#§P;:‘:E Sr 7‘1 7—ll‘ b 2, if‘l‘”
' D l 7 7 D P V '

Copyright 1894 by The Blglow & Main Co. 17‘)





‘ gALU N.“ :


Bright Glory Land.

h N m






n l L :l . I n
1 s—s—l —4Q 493 L4.— .9 :5, s: :11
_ ___A H- __:_:_ __ _. _:l_- _‘ _ __.
Etij: in. —',—§:—-. L3' 9 r; i a. a §——,a— 99-3—1
‘ l . l

+4.4- U

And naught its calm can e’er de-stroy,—Glo — ry Land, bright Glo-ry Land!
And thro’ it rolls life’s crystal stream, G10 - ry Land, bright Glo-ry Land!
Each voice proclaim our Saviour, King, G10 - ry Land, bright Glo-ry Land!























. : ,9: "z“!l—fl'ital If?" "- .0-"‘,/--
e a J. = n 9 r i I— [3—p—
J-i, : LL: 2 E L. : i H 5 EF— 9—1]
V l— [‘1' / d_l:‘v%v r l L 1;:t:
V w
No. 3. Asleep in Jesus.
W. B. Bradbury.
##ug 4 4. 4.}, A
#22,:sz z
.j a a a


1. Asleep in Je - sus! blessed sleep, From which none ev - er wakes to weep;
2. Asleep in Je - susl 0, how sweet To be for such a slumber meetl
3. Asleep in Je - sus! peaceful rest, Whose waking is su—preme—ly blest;





9 = a L
4%? Wig—r {Ea-6’


r .r a ——r———n :4
L’a - _¢_i:§:E——§—“”b“ E1
l l l i l


,—p»=—o—p—o— 9—9—9~|0_—F '

_l I“!
‘7'“ T“

















a a‘ a d axia— d— ,5—6’; 9-


H- . i J .
l 4:: ‘l . “‘l E‘MJ‘ i J Li. j 5. j I J : 3' i i ii
41—! 1. E2—g~~—q- M 3:; ::H w: Evil]
.1 l __

A calm and un - disturbed re- pose, Unbrok—en by the last of fees.
With ho-ly con — fi - dence to sing That death has lost its venom’d sting.
No fear, no 'woe shall dim that hour That man—i- fests the Saviour’s pow’r.








S“ 3:52:12 f:~e—.=—r-—‘ # r= -" 7:3 * i
1 ”#1 C—quw‘F—HP—u: b~y E EE:ii::52::a l:
l l l





 v :ll!.ll.1l x1!- I '



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No. 4. That Beautiful Land.

F. A. F. White. Mark M. Jones. Arr.
I‘I'LiiM) k .‘NIJ'___,i darn k FK‘l-o - =I 1
we: "::':p9:;asflat-ek—i—s—L—g '-:—;:—t§—I

1. I have heard of a land On a far - a-waystrand,

2. There are «N — er - green trees That bend 10W in the breeze,
3. There’sa home in that land, At the Fa -ther’s righthand;

























r I 4 J I I r ax _ , I
L—&: ‘:‘:r :' _': :9:‘:"— n_;,_"_ fl
I: a >— p [Frwr r r a a - I: IL:I:_1
n n 1 . n J . ' f L
mi? A h'% J. JITIFJ‘ 3. a“'J 'J.%+~,‘I“
A. 7 ‘_ _‘~___._. __‘4_. _ . V .‘ ._ _ — ~—
fi:i:i:i§;a:gz = L = = L-y+ :iE: gfl—g:"‘:i
In the Bi - ble the sto - ry is told, Where
And their fruit - age is bright - er than gold; There are
There are man -si0ns whose joys are un - told, And per-
’\ i i I I J; I J 4% AK
I i .‘flf‘ ‘3 ‘4' 1 I o ?_ p I_:‘- I 5 -ET‘_
Irv—w—‘x—H *‘I- I' L r F 31L F H *vwxbj
r r r f v p . p
l r ,I
i. .. n I I n - n
I I .4 I | n n J‘ I a I = r I a
##9## Hawk ‘—Q*—al—5‘— :v—9:v—t-v-—§*
W 4: v I a a i i '71 L—



cares nev - er come, Nev — er dark - ness nor gloom, And
harps for our hands, In that fair - est of lands, And
en - ni — al spring, Where the birds ev — er sing, And








J. I J, I ~ A 4,
(arr—:— r'Eerrvrtr—fiz—r—t ”-—rfi
t lSli D I 7

Arrangement Copyrighted 1901 byW. E M. Hackieman.






That Beautiful Land.



If“ , I l 45 'fM—lfii—4 ———o—-
fl::::f::# :3: 3;: :t—vjfi EZFE E:E: t:;;:I!—


noth-ing shall ev -er grow old.

























l noth-ing shall ev — er grow old. In that beau - ti - ful
l noth-ing can ev-er grow old.
l I I _I I_I N J'\
3 . :. IA — —va p—-o———o~o——
9%. s I: Fifi—74"?“ lu—a—l:-—::::
'7' r 'F V I I d . 0' i V l
J. #1 . L IL
Ifi5—z:——s:5“E—z‘z“‘z—*fifl I54: :54
, a [,1 L L gig—I
r I *
land, On the far — a - way strand, No storms mth theIr
II, N I _J 4 ‘C,' ,L;_
I % 9 a. =' a' —/'—— —J— ‘F—*
Fame l? I I l 5C i‘L‘I'7“—"—
F x / '0 ° 9 r a l‘
Al 1/ l |




blasts ev - er hygfi The streets,I am told, Are paved with pure







l I
q’ifrfll—‘fi d'j"‘{“"’ t—zmr‘fizgfi fi:~:::
J I9 . 'lP ’5 _E:EE:E_ LEL— :E:—;_9:
Fv r



gold, And





the sun it shall nev-er go down.
shall nev-er go down.






‘22.“ ,


‘.. \ <‘—-;y‘___—_ ——;«<————.—— ‘i

2'1: ‘- ,1.

J _.J_,

:v- Al.‘:fl::-'I‘ -:

':£rr —



- v 1 rwptc‘


{—x-..‘ H “N’s...“

Wash: ,. - 1

No. 5. Going Down the Valley.

Jessie Brown Pounds.


Jg Dolomso.

1. We are go — ing down the
2. we are go - ing down the
3. We are go - ing down the





With our_
When the
Hu - man



3g—‘7$_’:’ tit :
V3334 3: ,5 r: ; r






fa. — oes toward the set — ting of



val - ley















1a - bore of the wee - ry day the
com-rade you or I will there have none, But ten- der
. -#—P—“"”P*"—P-—'—P’-—_F —.'_“’i—I‘.'_—.'i
1/3“?“ ! r i ! «ran—HM?—
.__:_;b_¢_ib_ _F:b:lE_-_5_ L—V_.V__L,¢__.fi__
v u D d v
19-h L
(IL "n. s m : L1: _; l—EEL
@fi—ka—a—f—Hv e -——9':z— —.——
. where the mourn-ful cy - press grows, Where the stream of death in
cares of earth for- ev We shellstand up - on the

hand will guide us lest

*‘fi j—P—“9—PV!‘ —
i i

"3 —b—D—~1A¥n—~u
————V—D-——F— P 2




Copyright 1890 by Fillmore Bros.





go - ing down the

HLE——v—9— UL—








Going Down the Valley.

;d— !_~.3:1__§‘7.:Ai
iri— a




I si - lence on - ward flows.

J riv - er -hrink at last. We are g0 - ing down the val — ley,





[H FFFr—m 13:2:-




val-Iey with us all.


_:_#g :::'__ ““7 .,_ *'— r'— !—*—.'—L*’—'—£T“,—
”#3:; [—E tP—'—F—L—'.—'.—“9—"*‘





1* r

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i%§&—+‘—ffi$—’R_i~_f‘ H—;-~—«— ¢~3L~AL

igflfiawa W. W .7. —‘—-X-Eg;g:g ‘



a—~r~ a r—afld—‘d ~—~ - *5 ~1—

{ G0 - ing down the val - ley, G0 - ing toward the set - ting



‘gfi, ~;_p*fl;_~iflv D:§:‘ ‘ - : ‘

t m
o 4 I t1 \;|_ .4 I- r_ r
l 3 a v—u 3 5 , Mg .— ' .- 3 F—










53:;~-:~+4 5 u ,7, 4.,“ x a
:Q“ :L’fi . d E I: 1 o - v d*z-%———:l
a ”a. a -
of the sun, We are g0 - ing down the val-Iey,
. 50— 49—- :— 4 pm
I 7 _P_._:_r Cit—EA t" t:[::::








3&4243“ :’ f . v
1 3—5 E—ti— —.'—'A' '—':P _j::—**—

. h i— e r ‘
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:3; .~. ~. 5 R k, s, a a B7:
%:E§r—:§:§E‘::”§E§E§L§§‘E—':3E§E:£e 3:33
I I y gW‘AV‘ I__.+_. ’fi:


G0 - ing down the val—19y, Go- ing down the val -1ey one by one.








iv. ~ —' , l r P ‘r 'r 1%:—
'a" L 1 3 ‘2 31 If {ii-g i; i;— y' ! ! 3 , 19 '
t — 4A¢—u»—V—uru——-—+ »—~~~ ——»——a—,TT#_—,—tp_





' -. v u: mum.- mlar l



No. 6. Beautiful Valley of Eden.
“A rest to the people of G0d.”-—HEB. 4: 9.

Rev. W O. Cushing 1 Wm. F. Sherwin. By per.
\ 1

1 1r . : .~ AL.) . q
..___ .. .‘.__ ._1_.. 9...] _
_ -Z ;_ “Z Z —A:::‘
1.59:1‘_2:_. : g 2 _: _:_— ifir— t~§—5‘——— 5: Va: “3
l 1. Beau - ti - fui V211 - ley of E - den! Sweet is thy noon— tide calm;

2. 0 — ver the heart of the mourn-er Shin- eth thy gold— en day y,
3. There is the home of my Sav- i0ur;There,with the blood- wash’ dtluong,

1" 1 a - - JAJ-
3:; 12- {‘r‘ j if: E:p:‘i:f1E"fi “Ei— 13:5:iii htit:1

£98 7 ,v‘,_,*_.1;_g:v,_ep-- F 1 v L

:_:; :j:;:fi::\tp:1_1

O — ver the hearts of the wee — ry, Breath- -1ng thy waves of balm.
Waft- mg the songs of the an— gels Down from the far a - way.
0 - ver the high- lands of gio - ry Roll - eth the great new song.
’— 1‘; +
4.1— #- +—

ZeZ4Z p:eZa—, raw:

















1 —r 9







“9+7—24Ze—17Ae—e— - T—tw ~D—Dw—l—Ikl t::% Z





















:gig: :EEE:::EE -j:1: _..::—_“E:’Lp 17%;:1]
. m: t— 513:5:F:5- EL



e w— ZZZ—Z ._-_ ——1—-—
"119—1! ' .p_p_p-_.'i 121— —1~ fi—ie—ek— ‘Zi ~ Z21:
_ ,_ . . 31‘ ‘1 e . l1_ _ __ _
ZKngZ . A ' Z ZZ: ..;-_:_
u v v a v ' ’ '1 /
Beau - ti - ful val - ley of E - den, Home of the pure and hiest,
the pqre and biest,
+' + o— +_1;, #- t' _l . p a a
- :t:t:p:i:p::: "“ “ :':E:': ‘if:"3: :
9-512.ZbZ——ii—iv1-— ~D—~g— Eh ' —p ' 1— !_._ 1L ,p_h_ —]
1___: if #117: —V: _:’1“—:1‘:1:::'ZPZ'—‘"h1‘—9’:1‘—‘
V 1/ 1/ V v v a
A B”.
9—4 1 ,ZpZE Z _:__
15E £K:‘E:F:.:P_: :::;EE:::;:$:1:‘ 13:1
1 u ‘5‘ r 2‘ 9:21-1:—
1 How 0ft — en a mid the wild hi1 laws I dream of thy rest—sweet rest 1
1 t:++—+—titt'm+—4—-









Copyright by Biglow dz Main Co, 1-48













No. 7. Beyond.
W. H. Gardner. J. D. Patton.
I)UET'L; Soprano and Tenor.
1 a =1 g r T a -+_A_1_1»3_1<;_ 1L
1 52: id- #3::1-1- ———aa~a—a‘—' . 1731—4 ' +'- "’:3:3—



1. There is a world where sor- row nev- -er comes, Where weep- ing ne er is
2. There is a world where 1101111 8 can never break, Where bit- ter— —ness ne’er
3. There is a gold— en shore, where- on some day Our shatter’d barks shall
4. The way is rough, life’s hill is hard to climb, But, dear ones, list to










+.' #- + 1, + +4- 4- :— l2:—
___,4_ _:1p_._r# 11—0—1! -— - 4—4! , _
assess—'w—v—a—fa—E—[Frv—e1 1:3 E 1'
v4 L 1 L T
[1 L l
‘U L _J A lJ \ J l 4" J J l _l
1_—..T1‘1'1.-1.--=='3J. 1.1T;
5359—“ “Jr" ' ' Tr Er # id J 'T TFgw



heard, And 0 I long,r to hast- en there Like some home-fly - ing bird.
comes, And 0 there in that realm of light Are our de - part-ed ones.
land, And dear ones then will meet us there And clasp us by the hand.
me i There’s peace and rest for you be—yond For all e - ter - ni - ty.













t: _:l:—_1_T1'—TT: t—' .:f0:TT'
it EE 1LfiTTTVTtt—l
n CHORUS. a _l __4 4— H, A 4 t
nix—fl T'T' :':: 79:: — al-TT _ :vsT _ ::
é; ‘ “:54 T 4—H” 4" 14—15:}

Be yond— the shadows and the dark— ness There is a home of light,
+. .1"; fl _'_.




























4-0-‘30-0-‘0-1— 4—34-19-4—4-4-9-«9'
qe—J— 1 F TV 1 1 {27:3 3: FTAS:E:E:£“_

L1;4£_1¢_-_—hihé_it_r- ib 1’1 C TT’i U T :iEI-i

_ _ V L

‘ V 1/ V V
n1§:1: :j:j’:$::’:j . §+&# :ZZF: it; j]
:3: “T1- _T-T::1d.:‘3p:d::L:_ i_TT dTT‘ T' T'TTE T 6T:

' '0' 'C'

And 0 my wea-ry heart is long—111g To hast—en there to- night.


—t~Ev:§_=~é:::—E‘1f—§:fi¢~45' 5:93:13







/ 2—11 V; _ — —— Dani—1;. i. __
5—1! 19 1’ Li 'r VT

Copyright. 1804, by A. J. Show-alter. By per. 179



xv-mexz. :Illr- 2-:

.A .TE. “V .

AnurmL-unmenz n"




-~r— .— Em



No. 8.
Mary M. McCleland.

Hold Thou My Hand.

Mrs. H. W. Elliott.




' _,,-fi Afifiir L__'7 mi m
lg” ”‘TP‘di "*5—f—Q“Ed?”4:1:l.-*-;;:

__ ___L_; V .«__'__
3—; I 0— —V yd—l 0 cg; l

1 Hold Thou my hand dark is my way; Temp-
I hear the rush of

2. Hold Thou my hand, for at my side





ta- tions meet me







a . .'- f t .I‘ *3 .~ ‘
Ai-‘_'s-k —‘ —l—F. _—'| —. —' . . i
9; #56:! 6;! w L1 E 9 LF L L1 u— is
t—iavDLr—rr—fw—t L i Ir u


day by day; I] - to for-bid - den paths I

stray, Thrice tomprl

Jor-dan’s tide, Its flow -ing wa - ters dark and wide; 0, Saviour












l Christ, hold Thou my hand. Hold Thou my hand, for sor-rows
l dear, hold Thou my hand. Hold Thou my hand and walk with







‘ ;_t,_ _.",_°_f__.1 1 i? ' . LA‘L: l
P, ; t__ ,p#- p p 19 If M 2 Lu , ya so 1
lag-hirAfl2—yw—v-Ep . , o t jjj * l










l'] ‘ ‘


' lT‘ __j l l h. J. , , .4 , ~—
5% l)— . Li“ dfifl L fE—S . . L31, Afl_fi'_ .:
gal? a—m ‘:: Lfifi zgvpifiéfifir-a—F

' fall, And fails my faint - ing heart and all, My cup is

me, The wa-ters change to crys- tal sea,

As once Thou










l , 4'3. . 1" p , a“ J‘ -

9:??? 4! 177% t? 3; 7 3%“, ,ltj:fl:hj'j_g~!2—_:l
d l' I i 1' :


Copyright. 1902. by Leonard Daugherty. 180





Hold Thou My Hand.







. .K
lETlréP'é hill he. { ,JK'?“ {1
{9—hwb—T—i—5_fll*tq' . 0' d )1 j fl j— i
1—-———————a—'—o—7—c—l—9—L_:_—»~—a——;—u ~



worm - wood and is gall, Sweet Com-fort — er, hold Thou my hand.
walked 011 Gal - i - lee, Oh, Cru — Ci - fied, hold Thou my hand.











t.§-—&t:t#--.- ,.
' 1 1' .' ' l' ,' r L' r 7 ____
l ° w .h l L! 71 a Le L1 'a ' lifi' Ew’g—g—l lfi—11
l E 1;] i r) p tr 1/ bah/“Hi . j]

No. 9. Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me.












E. Hopper. J. E. Gould.
g ' o i5 N 1_l 1‘ Jl‘ . 1 gh- .E..._ L :INg‘L
.fiz ' e 55—: . it: : 3:3:'+3E%:
.1 a . dT‘d—"3"— d —‘—"— d—
J e - sus, Sav- iour, pi - lot me O - ver life’s tem-pest-uous sea;

2. As a moth- er stills her child, Thou canst hush the o-cean wild;
3. When at last I near the shore, And the fear- ful break— ers roar,










1117 vlv

'_ __ _;_ _ . H 1' fl—PH—f—I—‘FfiarLlfl' :L'
i&5§:;:—E:FT§: :TXEEEEiL _ 7}:E:5:P:E§_:j







C.- Chart and compass came fiom thee; Je-sus, Sav-z‘ow, p73 - lot me.
C.— W ondmus Sovereiqnof t/u sea, Ie- -sus, Sav—iow, pi—lot me.
C. —1l[ay I hear Thee say to me, “Fem not, I will pi-lot thee.’
‘ h N l D-n.
big—“fig . 1 J 1 T“ L 1 . 1 ‘1 ll
iii-“ft! ~. I p.161 9- - 101- .~. J.“ aka—H
—::T:_ o— a——a—a—iT—L}:H—dT—d—Li—.——'t——3—'o—L _~


1 1 I 1 Pl.—
v/ u 12 | w v A l'
Un- known waves be- fore me roll, Hid - i119; rock and treach’ rous shoal;
Boisterous waves 0- bey Thy will, When Thou say ’51; to them “Be still. l”

’Twixt me and the peace- -ful rest, Then, while lean mg on Thy breast,










1111' r; J
=' : a' e .0 = P—fio—L—om 04—: ——a——0—— —1—
, : ~— ';—-——.v—.v~1—r—'.»~—v—Ep - —.-—.v~—v~F— «111
! §E_&:Et ‘9 E P—t 1? 5 LP—V—P—Jfi— La—fl






. ‘

fl: No. 10. ' Face to Face.
it‘ Mrs. Frank A. Breck. Grant Colfax Tullar.
i Moderate.


2. On - 1y faint—1y now, I see Him, With the dark-ling veil be-tween,
3. What 1e joic- ing in His pres- ence, When are ban ished grief and pain;

r 1. Face to face with Christ, my Saviour, Face to face‘what will it be?
I 4. Face to face! 0b bl ISS- ful mo- mentl Face to *face—to see and know;







, , .v - ,- .- ,- J"J

1-, i- 4::::-r—:::—g-H—"—0 E—-r~,v— ~ — fl—Er? %

L ,«4¢~2—pAFb:c— :~L€—L —v:y—u—:—‘D le—s:
l 9 a a ' I 1


J u h.
_ j! I J 1 L L l l
l V r ' H:“ a“: -4—~—'—%3F2P?v3l

~— :1
”—1: — a—a’ J , ‘fi ,
:9:3—0—;~_;—V :1: 3:'*~‘—* jig—L9: — y—r—J











When with rap— ture I be— hold Him, Je- sus Christ, who died for me. :7

But a bl less- ed day is com- ing, When His glo- -ry shall be seen. i
W hen the crook— ed ways are straightened, And the dark things shall be plain.

Face to face with my Re- deem— er, Je— sus Christ, who loves me so.









a o

19 % n—— Lfij‘w—Ha’ee—é — r' 7 EF —
Lé—f):b—'—~p —b—b—v—b—b——~—'L——i§:— —H——i——~l—-V—b3—'—
1 P—f , [—





Face to face in all His glo - ry, I shall see Him by and by! ,



V w
Copyright, 1899, by Tullar—Mcredith Co. Usedgy per.





No. 1 1. Shall We Meet?









H. L. Hastings. Elisha S. Rice.

L4: r _1 _ 1\ L ,

g — "IA—w" 9,7 l P. L ." 7‘, {LQSZT
%'#~§:‘dr“jihgl_j‘—f*“j§l:k‘a 9; g. l . =, 1 astrj—i
Ef‘ LI ATHrL'T_‘_:: ‘_L‘_._1 4‘ l . '1 G . '1 L g I

-o- 4- ~0- v 1-. v-



1. Shall we meet be- yond the riv— er, Where the surg—es cease to roll?
2. Shall we meet in that blest har- bor, When our stormy voyage is 0’ e1. 7
8. Shall we meet in yon— der cit y, Where the tow rs of crystal shine”?
4. Where the mu— sic of the ran- som ’d Rolls its liar - mo- ny a- rcund
5. Shall we meet there many a lov’ d one, W he were torn from our em- brace?
(5. Shall we meet with Christ our Saviour, When He comes to claim His ow 11?
*94—0 To ——0 a‘ja—











-_ aria













7% “L5 it'll—Fi— —FH:5———F—— —w— fl
L l k L F IKE
Xfit—rASNEa-L—s—e «Fat—fit? a’jfitj E2:
eifl—e—J— a———;vs—:-—§— ,, a . . ..

Where, 1n al ll the bright for—eV— er, Sor—row no er shall press the soul?
Shall we meet and cast the an-Chor, By the bright ce- les - tial shore?
Where the walls are all of jas-per, Built by work—man-ship di — vine?
And are — a~ tion swells the cho-rus With its sweet, me — lo-dious sound?
Shall we list - on to their voic-es, And be - hold them face to face?
Shall we know His blesssed fa-vor, And sit down up - on His throne?















' - ~ ~ 4—
~—. - — n:—r s a —9———9— 9- . ———+ -m— -
7:15 _ :15? M—‘—{—" Wll; ‘iq ” e—fi; - 1*!31: v—
"k; _'¢___ . :71» . D . hb [ . VJ: "WE—l; a: U:
—“ 75 .5 y . t w—





D. S. Shall we ”we! beyond the riv-er, Vl’hcrc the surg-es cease to roll?






Shall we meet, shall we meet, Shall we meet be—yond the riv - er?






No. 12. Angel Voices.









Eliza Sherman. J. H. Fillmore.
gtbfi—fi J \ . J! 5i . J'
- :— —“.-— +fi—JTIN —“ 1“":4 jTij
it;:;:§:_fi::1 .. ;:y 45:..3_g: —i; 9--


1. Just a-cross the silent riv- er, Is a house not made with hands,
2. Just a-cross the si—lent riv- er, There’saharp of shin-ing gold,
3. Just a-cross the si- lent riv— er, In the nu - dis - cov- ered land,

























i 3- : WL—WiI—b—é—y—g—bu—g——FJ—b —ll_——l—— 2-: ——j
1: FQ‘V 1"; . Ll g r IELIE— —E:F:li: _—%§
‘ l
L: n l .l
‘i —5 ——-:l— gt: —+———A «' l .1
, i§g3:::g:a 4" :fl—_ 21—1....[53—v’rj
,> )u 0—: ——' —-E-;,—; #:y—dT 3,
'J ' And the peace which God hath spoken Soft—1y rests o’er all its lands;
.j Wait-ing till my ransomed spir - it Shall its me] - o - dy un - fold;
i! There are liv - ing wa-ters flow- ing Soft- 1y o’er the gold - en sand; 1
hi; - ‘ o A o A A ,1 A ' A A + ' IE 19-' l’
:1 DEM-7 r‘ E :9}; a E-fih .6 EiIZL.
1 l_i9_-fz_p:— ;,._p.,1L;: E £2 51E t i— l up. 1
I 'v if 'v fl l ,
‘ I s . h s . _ s N N. K <.>_
51149—3— "4'7‘1 '81 a: 42—: 3:3:3735- * -'—~:
.: :.:.:j:j:.-“ -._.gi" .:-_::::L.1 $1,
u—a—cT—a—a.—a ‘—;i.— d—dAdT-l— [mi—[—



And I hear sweet an-gel voic- es Chim-ing o’er the crystal sea,. . . .
Still I hear the an-gel voic - es Chim-ing o’er the crystal sea,. . . . i
And I hear the an-gel voic — es Ring- ing o’er the crystal sea,

2 H—a i

-_ _._ ‘:,':5_ —\-:_
2E? 15:: 5E: :EE—W :E WEE—W 2

By permission.




184 i



Angel Voices.

n LJ K x ._l l
:1: ' n u . I "I: a 4 l
lgfibb—j—g—ifi 4.31% J] :5 f I}; trig



—._._. g—fi;_—:



d—v—rid +

“In that land of light and beauty, There’s a mansion bright for thee.”
“In those pearl—y mansions yonder, There’s a harp laid up for thee.”
“There’s a robe of wondrous whiteness In those mansions bright, for thee.”

Jlbhh'Q 44-4- -P-—€=









1 l2 W:J:K:'“3§ 3' 5'5- _‘:__'E_-';_1_.\ k:E:EE
:35 W 9+; =—:—;— i——— b r i







' F -r-—--——


fihpfip— fl—Rn—L '6J_'__'_'_L": ';;7T—:;:::Er_t_g rad
‘ l l l l l l l l \ ,
Chim - ing, chim - ing, Far a - cross the cry-tal sea,. . . .

Soft - ly chiming, sweet ly chiming, Come those voic—es yet to me,. . . .
Still those voices come to me,

















-fl- #- -o- a- " § Jail-J
int? 1’ F ‘ :: __:‘:‘“'“~‘ v
,S-JI h E L “ , F%— g,“ 13“?“"2E— __—
l/ {1‘ EV“ F ti. f—b“ “Eh—t~h—v—7 ——


l Lg ‘QL “1' .i [ _l
@5—{2— d““’*_"3“‘ Li:4:5::: W_i:d:‘l: SEE

'0' _' + _‘ j“— I.” U“—‘“'—'—

“In that land of light and beauty There’s a man— —sion bright for thee.”
“In those pearl‘y mansions yonder There’s a harp laid up for thee.”
“There’s a robe of wondrous whiteness, In those mansions bright, for thee.”

,\ N N N L
. a——o'—o—.—a -—o——a—fo—o~— 0—4— t—t—fl—f— '19

iznlzr ’9- l-—i~-i§—-5—v~%— t :v—iv:v: —E‘b: i: L32 ’













No. 1 3.
“Come unto me and I \.i

Thos. Moore & Thos. Hastings

Come, Ye Disconsolate.

111give you rest. «MATT. 11: 28.
Samuel Webbe.




yEEj— ::a_ —=1EaJ ;_':d_ 4i::% 3:1:L'






—LiT—i:Z—“ p “———"‘—U‘— dfiy: 9:

1. Come, ye dis- con — so-late! wher-e’er ye lan-guish

2. Joy of the des - o-late! light

3. Here see the bread of life: see

Come to the
of the stray-111g, Hope of the
wa-ters flow- ing, Forth from the










p. 1\J\

1L ' —» —p—— — a— —9—_9—

Lé‘...‘ __ _ -'__ w. , r _- .v HnAn_ r’_ _,_.._
9- #2133— _..5_ $4-3“ 1:: 1' E;L:::§:E .
1 if“? 2~r- —* —r :—r* t—t-i

1-1 , J .
:17- n 1“ 1 1 . _i l n 1 fi 1 1

i1 £7449; 1§._ Hf 121—1:__2_s 1: __;-§_E_1
1 d 9 - 0‘ I —#U' 51 ' 5'



mer - cy-seat, fer - vent - 1y kneel:
pen - i- tent, fade - less and pure!
throne of God, pure froin a - bove:

Here bring your wound - ed hearts,
Here speaks the Com -fort-er,
Come to the feast of love;
49-” #- Q— ~19-




$591311;an .= .= A ..
——1——— 7* 724:1:E3 E r —:~ — — ——1—~

—e~.[»— 51'1zTg—g—i1a‘j: : . 1:15;; 1gi1ni-1:_fl
here tell your an — guish; Earth has no sor-row that heav’ 11 cannot heal
ten - der- ly say — ing,

Earth has no sor—row that heav’n cannot cure.
come, ev - er know — ing,

Earth has no s’or—row, but heav’n can re-move.





2:5:1: digit—r41 “ —rs 12 z 9'1"”
1119—1—40—33—11: [ff §_L:E1::g: . a Lg: —fl











No. 14-. Go Bury Thy Sorrow.

“They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee
























Anon. a,\Va-y.”——ISAIAH 35: 10. P. P. Bliss, by per.
l y L
‘ ‘ +7234 “ h a J 3 l . _ 3* l
l 55;_8_—!,:7:_,: :a*‘—7“j“7i:4 d —; JAJ 3
‘ ————a—:~a~ —~0—a—:— —: —_g—.—_i—-t—— —a' .
I 1. G0 bur - y thy sor — row, The world hath its share;
2. G0 tell it to Je - sus, He know - eth thy grief;
3. Hearts grow-ing a - wea - ry With heav - i - er woe
p . o P o 3‘ . p . J QIN J b A
{Qi—lzi“. ———#fC—l'—l——l“ r——:E“—P '—g—,'—.'—-g-L—g ' :l
1:9—fi’w' ”—"—.'“_'—.'*'—‘l'”i F 9 L1 V .=_'“P":_l
V 7 P l l l Vi
i112- —;“—i’* 'jN—‘j J i . . 5 JA_l_ 3}
’ —————+—:———g—-g~:— met - -
7 . r v ' . 91.5. : I 4- -a'- 1.4.
Go bur- y it deep - 1y, G0 hide it with cFe’,
G0 tell it to Je - sus, He’ll send thee re - lief,
New droop ’mid the dark - ness— G0, com - fort them, go! ‘
, , .0 ,0 Q .' ‘ ,' ' = . a t :2
9%12: l_ l 'E i ! '4! i e—— —~—v





' 9
5__|,_;_,n_,__,_in;__',_- l' - _'t_ ET: :: 7* .::t:—>::
‘r v v 7 i I F v V





L 4. e.
. L_—g:. ———, ,_


ell—J , §—-§P—qj:':aj .

4 . _;_—-a——-o——d—7~-—o.
Go think of it calm - 1y, When cur - tained by night,
G0 gath - er the sun - shine He sheds 0n the way;
Go bur - y thy sor - rows, Let 0th - ers be blest;








- fl"?



































~—_t’_t_p a = - r .- - .- ,__. - -
t—nbfiv‘i—r-H; -—v‘ .= ' .= . L L - l
'5 #L—P———9-—Ll F 7 [L ' '= ' ‘ %
' P I J
{9— , N A le.
5b ' iw :f’EJ 4' It 4 5. h e. %XE—'El
: ;—:— —i* — ;__‘:1: : :Zi: :: :2: I
# *T‘VD ‘ o - _'_ pg y; a
G0 tell it to Je - sus, And all will be right.
He’ll light-en thy bur - den, Go, wea — ry one, pray.
Go give them the sun - shine; Tell Je - sus the rest.
A 0 A '9' _v o ' A 2.- é. o
; . .' . z E “— 7* _' _;_".'._-i__ '
Q-EV—r—t—P—v—r—L L F 5 i; u . E. ‘1]!
V L 1 '4 :7; Ir w r r VF J]





unlnzgua ‘IlI-A v' ,1. .

, zurunur-I. r ‘v'—z'.-


No. 15. Out of the Shadow-Land.
I. D. S. Ira D. Sankey.

1. Out of the shad-ow-land in- t0 the sun-shine,Cloud-less, e-
2. Out of the shad- ow-land, wea - ry and changeful, Out of the
3. Out of the shad-ow-land, o - ver life’s 0- cean, In - to the





ter - nal, that fades not a - way; Soft - ly and ten - der - ly






val - ley of sor- row and night, In - to the rest of the
rap- ture and joy of the Lord Safe in the Fa-ther’s house,

, -P- o— 4- h R
Q:::-L:F:F:Efi:§f—W* '—;fid,::::;:;:;:q
1:99:59“ Eli bgu57%







a‘—%———+ —


%. x
@H *‘ 5—4‘_§;ty':: —~-—+— ~—z—Li;—a














Je — sus hath called g £1911? g Home, where the ran- som’d are

life ev — er — last - ing, Ini - the sum - mer of

wel - com’d by an - .gels, gm her: the bright crown and e-

1,- 1’- . 1'-
.—9 .9 a n‘ a 2 j
-. f f .' ll .- r J
i ,- L— _E_H._- a fin J . J,

V V D u u



Copyright. 1900. by Ira D. Sankey.



 Out of the Shadow—Land.



gath - 'ring to - day.
end - less de - light. Si - lent - ly, pea