xt79gh9b8q0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8q0q/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1976 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, June 1976 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, June 1976 1976 1976 2022 true xt79gh9b8q0q section xt79gh9b8q0q  





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. EDDYVILLE— A full time




. jsmith named Deputy Secretary
of Justice; Ken Brandenburgh

a’ full-time superintendent
Could be found. '

At the pemtenhary on June
'17 Smith told the 60 newsmen
”on the Eddyville-leg of the
1976 PriSon Press Tour that
the. management team; leading
the restructuring efforts in the


'mviewing applications for the
superintendent’ 3 job.
" '3‘! The management team is
also reviewing applications for.
corrections .- commissioner,
7 LWhom “Smith saidlheslbelieves
1' fink-ill, be hired within. four
months.» He said applicants
. included: .bbth.Kentucky and
out-of-state corrections people
The acting commissioner
' went On to say that the
management team members,
made up of, seven criminal
1 Justice professmnals, will retain,
j the1r Current status until a new


"hired “and maybe even


.‘bureau s plans to. open the first




, for the,
I‘Kentuck. .“State' Penitentiary,
‘w' be hired wrthm 60 days


. C
relieved Pen1tent1ary Super. "
Henry Cowan of his duties.

temporary supermtendent until .

Bureau of Corrections, is now 7

(c’orrccuons commissmner is?

' nummum security currectional.

, . Bdone' .
' the mstitutron will

criminally sophisticated
women’ "with a gradual
transfer of the women from

the Kentucky Correctional .
‘ Institution for
, . ‘PeWee Valley beginning by.
mid to- late summer. '

Women near

LLThewfacflrty will. ease

in his efforts to make


~‘Kentucky corrections a

progressive and innovative

system responsible for the

needs of those entrusted to our
care and responsive to society
at large.”

“Separating these first
offender, young and less
cri min ally sophisticated
women from the morecriminal

ml 11” said the op ning of ' j
the facility 1s an irnportant step

‘ I _; , Justice Secretary Announces New Womens Institution

Commissioner To Be Named By
Fall KSP Supermtendent Soon

wo’men will advance
rehabilitative efforts for them
to a very constructive and

‘ werkable level,” he said. “This
minority'of our total inmate . ‘
population has far too often

been forgotten in corrections

before. The establishment of
_ - this‘facility will go'a- longway ,
toward meeting 'l‘their' Special - -' »'

. 5am, , 1%
“fine p ysical shape, ’and only.
min-or renovations are
necessary before the women

begin moving in. '

Locking toward the future,

‘Smith said several more

innovations will be taking
shape in corrections soon, but
said the ,most- important

accomplishment so farvhas
been the implementation of a

philosophy of responsibility
and accountability inthe
Bureau of Corrections.






TELLING IT LIKE IT IS was what this penitentiary readent did
as 3 Lexington TV crew records the interview on film. (A full

Prison Press Tour story and photographs on pages 6 and 7.)

Regional Jail Program Being Considered


, temporary step to alleviate the

overcrowded conditions in
Kentucky correctional
institutions, the state Bureau

-of Corrections is currently

looking into the possibilities of
ho using some minimum

. securityinmates in several local

Joe L. Barbee, executive

assistant to the corrections

commissioner, .sai’d. seven

ficounties have beenapproached
. with the, temporary housing
but, so far, the: ’

bureau ‘has‘ received no
response. He said the counties

_ initially contacted were Barren,

Christian, Boyle, Henderson,
Bourbon, Bell and Kenton. f

He said those counties were
contacted because they have
adequate facilities which are
not totally filled. He said the

seven. jails he contacted would

have a combined potentialof
,housing up to 98 state inmates


The regional jail program
now under consideration
would help relieve the
overcrowded conditions at the
State Penitentiary near
E'ddyvill'e, the State
Reformatory near LaGrange,
the Blackburn Correctional

Complex near Lexington and -

the Frenchburg Correctional
Facility» in Menifee County.

Barbee said Kentucky’s
correctional institutions have
been plagued by overcrowding
for many years.-
overcrowded conditions, he
said, have caused various
discipline problems, a
breakdown in the delivery of
treatment services for many
inmates and» inadequate

The '

rehabilitative services and
facilities in the institutions.

Barbee said the bureau is
stressing that this is a
temporary program until
permanent facilities can be

Justice Secretary John L.
Smith said the men who would
be considered for placement in
the regional jail program would
be men nearing the end of their
sentences, those who had been
paroled awaiting completion of
paper-work, and young, first
0 ffe—nder, less criminally
sophisticated inmates.

Barbee said the seven local
facilities have not turned_in
definite responses to the
bureau on their interest in the
program, and if they are not
interested, additional counties
will be contacted. He said that
depending on the responses

from the seven counties, the
implementation of the regional
jail program is at least six
months off.

He said new jail facilities in
Fayette and Jefferson counties
were not included inthe initial
inquiries because'studies show
they may soon be filled.

Barbee stressed, that the
bureau is dealing with local
officials in determining. the
acceptability of the regional
jail program in the
communities. He said if the
community does not want'to
participate in the program, no
effort will be made to move
any state prisoners into the

Barbee said he has heard-
preliminary favorable
comments on the program
from some of the counties, but'
emphasized implementation is
still a long way off.







Londiness can be one of the

most disturbing and exhausting

faucets Of any person’s life, but
it is doubtful that anyone
experiences this ugliness more
than those behind prison walls.

Daily, the men and women
in prison are forced to deal
with the menacing blight of
loneliness for it_is present

, during every moment of

relaxation, taking the form of
thoughts about home, friends
and thelgood times gone by. .

Loneliness is at the root of
many institutional problems as
it induces tenSion and makes a
person want to do something
to keep his mind occupied,
anything to make him forget
for a moment where he is.
[Often times this fight against
loneliness will lead a man to

the cell-block for disciplinary

Disputes between staff and
residents can often times be
traced back to this singular
source. The normal

' institutional pressures can be

compounded when a person
begins tO feel that those on the
outside have forgotten him.
When that contact is gone,
with it goes a great deal of

.hope and a person can begin to

believe that everyone is against

The probelm of loneliness is
one which can and should be
dealt With on a cooperative
basis between the


administration and the resident ‘


More scheduled activities

could go a long way toward

helpin‘g this problem. Or,
perhaps a .program could be
established to deal directly

' toward life.

. 'ALFRED JONES .......................... LAGRANGE
: LARRY LENSTON ........................ LAGRANGE
:WALTER HARRIS ......................... LAGRANGE
:RICHARD LAWSON ...... - ................. LAGRANGE
:JACK HENRY ............................ EDDYVILLE
:THOMAS BOND ......... . .............. - . . . .EDDYVILLE
; LAURA WATKINS ...................... PEWEE VALLEY
; LINDA BURTON .................... .. . .PEWEE VALLEY
- GLORIA NUNALLY .................... PEWEE VALLEY
. WAYNE MCBRIDE ...................... FRENCHBURG
: ROBERT BOSCO ........................ BELL COUNTY
3 MOSE PARKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... HARLAN COUNTY
: DONALD MOORE ........................ BLACKBURN
. TOM TURNER ........... » ................ BLACKBURN
. BOB OLIVER ............................ BLACKBURN
: The Kentucky INTER—PRISON PRESS is published monthly

reasons. ‘ With ,the issue. Certainly . the



the kentucky 'i @

‘INrrn-ms .


JOHN L. SMITH—ActingCommissioner of Corrections
MIKE BRADLEY—Acting Public Information Services Manager


' by (he Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort, , Kentucky
:40601',produced by the residents of the correctional institutions
:of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and printed by Newspapers,
2 Inc. of Shelbyville, Kentucky. This publication is financed by the
:Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U. S. Department
:of Justice, and granted through the Kentucky Crime Commission
: Reprint permission is hereby granted, provided the proper credit
:is given.-All correspondence and Forms 3579 should be directed
:to the Public lnforrnation Officer, Bureau of Corrections,
: Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. Second class postage rates paid at
: Frankfort, Kentucky 40601


Wefimvexni’? ”ct-r» ' 4. “T ”a?“

. rehabilitation process.


tllmuulumllululmummmmumm :. . . . , . =- 1 . .


administration must realize
that the effectiveness of their
treatment/rehabilitation efforts
can only be lesSened when an
individual has to deal with the
problem of loneliness as well as

all the other problems he had_

before coming to prison.

TO The

In a somewhat cruel, vicious
world it is often unusual that
we produce some people with a
humanitarian, caring outlook
Fortunately, the
Kentucky State Reformatory,
Pre-Release Speaker’s Program
is full'of people who care.

In May, five-pre-release
speakers reCeived letters of




pre-release— service to

Those five'men,
agencies they represent, are;

Michael Conliffe, Jefferson ,
County Attomey’s Office;
Mike England, Alcoholics
Anonymous; Richard
Mahoney , Human Resources .
Development Institute; Gene
Montfort, Frankfort . Social
Security. Office; and Rev.
' Howard Teel, Long Run ,

Association of Baptists.

It should be noted that none
of these men receive
compensation, but come each

month because of their
motivation to help in the”
correctional process. If the
general Community shared
their concern the road to,
correctional progress would be
well paved.

Let us ‘ hope these

outstanding men can continue
their service and that society
will produce more people with
their charactistics.

Marvin Gibson
Pre-Release Department
Kentucky State Reformatory

and £581

A Request For True

Corrections Reform

The Governor’s Select Advisory Commission on Prisons, after
exhaustive hearings ranging over a period of thirteen months,
recently returned a report that is a scathing indictment of the
policies and procedures utilized by the Kentucky corrections

~ system. Characterizing the entire system as “dehumanizing and

archaic,” the report set forth specific recommendations which, if
implemented, would greatly alleviate the present deplorable and
overcrowded conditions.




Gov. Julian Carroll and Acting Commissioner John Smith held a I , I

joint press conference prior to the issuance of the commission’s
report and proclaimed that a new day is davvmngm the correctiom
system of this state.

Acting Commissioner Smith promised to “take the hog by the
ears’ ’and chart “a new direction” in efforts to correct the present

. It is unfortunate that there is reason to believe that these

statements made by Governor Carrolland Commissioner Smith are

made only to placate the news media and calm the storm, in which.

the present administration finds itself.
Why are these officials stating to the public, that sorely needed

changes are planned for the corrections system, while at the same ,

time the administration is vigorously and strenuously opposing
these very same reforms In the United State Supreme Court?

In January 1974 a class action lawsuit on behalf of the prisoners in, '

the state of Kentucky was filed in the federal court system. The
action is titled Ervell Scott v. Kentucky Parole Board and it

challenges the procedures presently relied upon by the parole board
' in reaching decisions affecting parole.
The prisOners Of this state are being represented by Mr. Dean Hill . , -
Rivkin, the attorney Who has prepared and‘file'd the 1aWSuit. Mr.
t1 , '

, 0‘ pr en ociate- th th n ersity'
Te ._' ‘l " o _ ‘ t'On
. , 2‘ sta _o 01“
this a en)! the Commonwealth has rustrated and delayed these .,

reforms that are so greatly needed.- ” '
The changes that are being sOught by Mr. Rivkin are in part
*The parole board is to be required to give a prisoner, prior to a

parole hearing, adeQUate notice of the matters which might result In
an adverse decision and. adequate opportunity to challenge this

*Prisoners should be assisted In presenting their arguments to the

board by either an attorney, alaw student, anOther inmate, afamily L
member or a member of the correctional staff chosen by the 7
, prisoner. '
*The right to a written statement immediately after the parole \
hearing specifying the reasons for parole denial and setting forth the ,_

conditions, which, if fulfilled, would likely result in a favOrable
parole decision at a future specified date. .
It IS ironic and incredible that these procedural Changes, advocated

by Mr. Rivkin, and opposed by the Commonwealth In the federal .
courts in excess of two and one half years, should prove identical -

with changes recommended by the Governor 3 commission.

If Governor Carroll and Commissioner Smith are sincere in their

quest to constructively alter the corrections system, their public

statements should conform to the known facts and leave no room for - L

doubt as to the direction reforms are to take.

If these officials are actingin good faith, opposition to the pending C ,

class action suit should be abandoned and the reforms urged by Mr. *
Rivkin allowed to become a reality. _
Such a course of action would show that the goal set by

Commissioner Smith to make the corrections system of Kentucky a "

model for the nation is not unattainable It would also enhance the
process of reform by creating an atmosphere of honesty and
openess in the Bureau of Cerrections. . .

Charles R. MO’rse

Parole Board Results For June ,_

Paroles Recommended
Percentage Recommended
Cases Deferred

Average Length of Deferment (in months)

Serve Out Sentence
Total Crises Considered


,4 3 13 '20 , 3f 1' 57 T17.”

100% 60% 81% 87% 50% “
o .1 l -. 3 '2” , '31
o 26 '4 420.6 219.2 _211.8
0 1 . 2 ‘ ,o - »
4 5_ 16 23



43% 33% ,








'1 _Q_ And question not the how or why.

(Platinum. Moods



Seemingly circles sifting abound

translucent in thought and always around. .

Hovering always like visions beyond
Gapping and gopptng and trying to go on.

- Illusions I’ve seen, then disspelled into beyongi

Circling and spinning and trying to go on.

_- Why must they impure me, and then drift aWay
Seemingly solid, yet quite ready to sway.

Thing I have wonderd, question 1 will ask
Must] continue to remember by fading into the past

Wondering and hoping is this really true.

Phil Rouse

’- Speak soothing, gentle words over the dead, ' '
' And 'rnentionr'toit the devious life they lead;

And question notwhy they havedied,
Be it, from natural causes or suicide.

But where your'life has touched another,
, ; Fate has drawn you to your brother;

I ' And When it comes his time to die,

Question not the how or why.

' Why bear the burden of grief and sorrow?
Because someone that was, is not tomorrow, \
‘ Rather enjoy that he oncecame by;
‘And queStion-not the how or'why;

[ ’ For‘yoa'm‘wn' life goes onzofl'e" “We“

‘ LTo spend'a portion With you; why here?
Too complexed to understand, don’ t even try,

Mike Hurley


90 Much (Deceit/ed

I didn ’t think the day would come
When I’d find myself as a bum

A life of displeasure that’s slipped up on me

With no hope of help as far as I can see
No chance of parole on any day

I’ll have to get used to the prisoner’s way
It’s a weary life I’ m- sure you know

Watching the time slowly and surely go.

- Before I came, I drank oh so much

Easy living, with the devil’s touch
A heaven similar to fool’s gold. '.

A story over and over again told '
Dreaming only of getting rich so fast
Thinking the'booze would make it last


A wife and a little blond hatred lad
I had to go my own foolish Way

I let drinking lose everything and now I must pay

Looking for it all and receiving none
Was the answer to my drinking fitn

Thinking the fun would always last
Now in prisoh, I am cast. , - ‘

I deserve everything I have received
For being so' much deceived ‘
At least I know where I went wrong

And I hope you listen to my song
Take heed to what] say
Before youend up here someday

Once you start, you ’re here before you know it

. To think, wonder, pray and sit.

James, C Dugon

9 glad (you



Elittle Children thldn't 91166911

Sometimes we make mistakes, for which we have to pay, '
‘ but little children should suffer not because of our careless ways.
A child without a father and a mother very young,
striving hard for her family, just to keep her little ones.

A mother cries bitter tears, her food stamps never came,

her check is late again this month, tell me who is to blame?
Little children suffer because of some law society made,

so don’t you think it’s time, they give up the game they play.

A mother hangs her head in sorrow, her son needs a pair of shoes.
her daughter Wants to join a club, but she can ’t afford the dues.
The baby needs pampers, and the three year old has the flu,
' where will the money come from, tell me what can she do?

Living from month to month with very little hope,
so she gives up on everything and turns her life to dope.

The welfare takes her children, and before you know it she’s in jail,
wondering what went wrong and why she had to fail

In this lonely prison, her children come to her mind,
she cries many tears for the comfort she wants to find.
Yes little children suffer and mothers loose their way,

,. let’s lift them up to Jesus when We hang our head to pray. .

Dusty Moman


From a tender baby, not yet weaned from {his mother’s breast, - ‘
To a senile old man being laid to rest;

The sands of time sift swiftly by,
T - . h '.

To‘ the days 'of your youth so fa‘ _ ,
And in awesome wonder see life rush past, '
Like sifting ‘sand .fi'Om the" hourglass.

For death begets life, and the cycle, begins, . ‘
And no martal really knows where it all ends;
~So fear notdeath, for it too will pass,
Like sifting sand from the hourglass.

M. S. Hurley



Amang the thorns of the'brush, I found a rose,
with bright hues of colors that set it aglow

While picking the rose my blood never spilled,
with a steady hand my wish was fulfilled.

_ And- three years passed, three years of bliss, ~

when nothing I lacked and nothing I missed.
All my times were gay, never feeling blue
thought I had it all just by having you;

But then the day came, when my world just crumbled, '

I lost my keen ways, was left to my fitmbles.

f For the rose I cherished, withered away,

crushing my heart that very same day.

. Neglected ambitions fill my short time now,

the rose, unforgotten, has withered my brow;
And my life in shambles, departs with the rose,
- because I lost my gambel, after being so close.

Robert Bosco



 {AW ‘ '1 ..air.1;';msmiix",s.""{l£§1




Study Release
Now A Reality

At PeWee Valley

illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllfllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilIlllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllll ‘ f ' I . %


By Terry Crews


The following article, entitled “Thoughts, ”originally appeared
in the Ft. Grant Bugle and has since been run in many other
inmate publications across the country.

No doubt its intrigue stamfiom the author’ s ability to vividly
portray the fears, doubts and frustrations which are a part of
everyday prison life.

How do you say it? How do you spit it out on paper what you
want to have known to a special someone beyong the wall? Never
can simple words, funny little marks on a piece of paper tell of
the loneliness, doubt, bitterness, and frustration that are the
constant companions-of everyone in this gray world away from the
free world. No one can ever know; no one who hasn’t been a
brown clad, faceless, numbered nothing. I Can’t tell them, but I

back into the world, I’m going to be different than the all
American square John who has never been in hell. All I want is
someone to understand . .

Understand that if 1 seem hostile and defensive, it is because
every facet of my gray world is a threat to the soft mellow secret
things I keep inside me. I cannot trot out gentleness because
nothing in prison is gentle. I cannot show kindness because in my
world kindness is weakness, and to be weak is to invite more hurt.
I dare not exhibit love because _the wolves of my world; bars, and

.emockirigwlocked doors would rip mé to bloody shreds. I cannot
bring forth and demonstrate my loneliness or\\ hunger because

soothe. She has to know.

To know that while other young men my age grew up watching

healthy youngsters having their guts and minds twisted and
ripped; and being turned into emotional cripples; While the young
men she knew were learning their trades, I was listening to the
belches of 1000 miserable men in a human zoo. Don’t pity me,
understand me . .

Understand me and the way I change; inside‘ when they
stripped away my identity and self-respect. Changed day after
day by being freated like an idiot child and being forced to live
with every type of human derelect; from filthy old men to pink-
cheeked girl boys. Changed' by the indignity of being forced to
scurry about like a mindless fool everytime a voice barked or a
bell rang. Never being able to escape the uncaring or hostile eyes,
living in a fish bowl where you can’t even squat on a toilet
without an audience. Can she begin to see the shell forming, the
first of many calloused layers of rigid resistance that serves as a

sanity. Can she begin to see . . .

To see how being stripped naked and having degrading fingers
searching, probing can leave wounds on pride and dignity, that
are a long time healing, and find that they leave ugly scars. Can
she understand the ugly chill of walking by a nice guy’s cell and
seeing clots of blood from slashed wrists and throat, slashed
because he. couldn’t take it anymore. Can she understand the
mark it leaves to see some friends mind snap under the strain;
watch him become a walking vegetable from shock treatment and
dope. And seeing these things, the you that is really you, driven
deeper inside seeking refuge. Can she understand .




July 11



can try. I can try because when this human meat grinder spits me'

they have become a bone deep ache that even I cannot reach and '
-wall. The defenses relax; the shell opens up; and out comes the=

fat babies grow into healthy youngsters, I grew up watching,

protection for the human'warmth and sensitivity necessary for .



.............. . . Free Spirit A.C. -

The schedule for the remainder of the KSR Tiger's 1976
baseball season is listed above. The Tigers have a 4-2 record to
date. All games are played on Sundays starting at 1: 30 p. m.


Understand. . '

that ii 1 sun hostile and defensive. it is because every facet of my my Imld' Is a lineat to
the soft mellow things I keep inside me. "




Understand that in the face of constant assault upon
personality you are forced to turn off your emotional faucet, dryE
up the feelings of pity, compassion, indignation, or lose yourE
mind, you survive by playing a role; acting out a part for the= _=_
benefit of indifferent eyes, hiding what you really are away from: -
the contamination of your soul sick world. You become a stiff E
legged individual ready to snap and snarl at the other individuals, 5
prepared to dodge the cold toe of authonty s be t Y 'u;;be *


’ ardened cold‘;iih'tiln1ght comes ' ‘
Night comes all too quickly after another gray day, and with it
the gut twisting loneliness. Laying in dark, cold friendless 9’ x 6’
cell hating the World," and fer that special someone beyond the

real needing, hurting, wanting for you. You look out at the nightE
sky and know that beyond the wall, the same moon you see is:
leoking down on the world of the living. On a married couple:__-_
enjoying each other’ s company after the kids are in bed; on 1;on -

young lovers walking hand in hand wrapped 1n the magic stillness E _
of first love, and on the outside there is that special someone who-= E ' " ,1

loves you, and is lonely too. But bars don’t form a lattice work.to- E
distort the beauty of their moon. You lay there and think, with
your emotions boiling inside, always inside, where no one can see.
You ride an emotional roller coaster. Soaring up with the dream=
of that special someone by your Side in a beautiful future;
plunging down when your dream is ripped apart by frustration
bitterness, and doubt. Does she love me, will she wait, have I any—
right to have her? Can she understand.

Understand when we sit together in the visiting room with
other desparate souls, that my eyes are silently pleading forE
understanding, comfort, something I can cling to during thoseE

damned lonely nights. Can she know that I need and want herE’

more than she’ll every guess We can’t say the things that needE

. saying, not in the throat choking atmosphere of this pit of humanE —


hungry and frustration increases and the bitternies’s, and the
uncertainity and the wondering.

The wondering if any woman can understand a man that has
gone through the meat grinder. If such a woman has the heart,=
patience and soul to accept such a man the way he is, and waitE
for time and love to work a magic healing. When he comes outE
can she accept the restlessness of a newly released bird from it’s


cage, accept a certain remoteness when he is haunted by some—"

ugliness from the past; accept blunt honesty from a man unusedE
to the streets.

program for several reaSOns.

. requirements may apply for

. appliCation is submitted to

.the commissioner and other

1 the. afternoon and returned to _

currently has two women
attending classes at Jefferson-
community college, J CC, as the
first female participants in the
Kentucky Bureau of

Corrections Study Release


Study release is a new
program offered to inmates in ;
Kentucky correctional-5
institutions enabling them to.‘
attend colleges on campus
during the day and return to
the institution in the evening.

“I- feel like this is my
opportunity, to a new life, a
step in the right direction,” says
Linda Burton, one. of the
residents currently attending

The other participant, Linda
Records, agreeded with her
fellow student by saying, “I,
feel study release is a beneficial

“*ij *‘r 5:: #171791- -. m


First, it has giv n the a goal ,. I


cemmunity enables me to
rebuild my self4confidence and

L Prepares me for release -.
':M°St1Y, Study release hits giyen " '

me a new sense of‘ direction 1 _
and hope for a successful life.” ’j

' Linda went .on to Shy that; a

f ,She plans to continue 1n cellege ,1 ,

upon her release. . ‘
Only those inmates who ,
meet specific eligibility ‘

the program. The resident’must " ,I i
be approved at the institutiOnal
level a fter which their ,- " " "

Frankfort for final approval by '


The tuition and books are: :
provided through a grant orby
the Bureau of Corrections. ’

Residents are transported to,
the college in the morning
dropped off, then picked up in

the institution.‘








PopUlatiorI Figures .
......... I759 ‘.

.... .-.‘ . .'...1-_15~._


July 18 ..... . . . . . . . No. 692 Piayboys' Kentucky State Reformatory -------
Ju|y 25 ____________ . . Chemetron-Votator Kentucky State Penitentiary ._ . . . . . . . . .x. . . . . .1179
AugUst 1 _ St Helen's A C: Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women ..... . .l‘39,~
""" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. _' ' FrenchburgCorrectionalFacility . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .122

AUQUStB - ------ ~ ------- Rams Fum't_ur9'. ' Blackburn Correctional Complex . . . . . . . .‘ . . .177,"
August 15 ......... Sylvania Community Center Bell County Forestry Camp ....... t. . '. . 52' ,
August22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vermont A. C. Harlan County Forestry Camp . . . . . . . .‘ . . ..... 39 3 .»

' Farm Dormitory .............







_ DISPLAYING O—J—T CERTIFICATES are Margaret Wright, Ann Johnson, Glenda Mobley and
Johnnie Duffy. The four women were the first at KClW to complete a newly created 320-hour
on-the-job training program in food services. Others are now enrolled' 1n the program which has been
estabbshed as a permanent training feature at the women’s institution.





stage an inspiring revival of last
years spiritual perfOnnance.
The program
today’s generation, was
presented with a few Candid

but brief testimonials
intermixed with the.

,v a performance.

That provocative mixture of -

testrmomals, gospel songs, and.

‘con temporary RB/Disco 1,
rhythms intensified the group ’s;
appeal and ma c it easier for .
many of the residents to relate. .

to the message coiled about the ‘ ta
“Ifiygu W‘eré: :to dig? '-





' " ' VV " y" chorr oth'heV‘
First Baptist Church of};
Duncanville, Texas, returned to
the re‘forrnatory on June 15 to' "

“music for .

1 REVIEW, a 65 member youth choir from
file Texas, performed at the LaGranp Reformatory on,

srxty ~f-ive youths and nine

sponsors, didn’t come here to

I lecture, but rather to Share that
elusive peace of mind and'spir-rt

that comes with acceptance of

. _ Christ.

As a fitting conclusion to an

V hour. or sovof refreshing and _
stimulating entertainment by" '
ernest, articulate, » and‘ talented
young people, Superintendent.
(Harold BlaCk— —on behalf of
J u l i a n-

C o v e r n o r
Carroll—presented iDon

' , Jackson, Messiah’ s director,

with an Honorary Kentucky
colonel award for the group as

’ ‘ a“‘tok_en of appreciation from
. all concerned.”



Tennessee Missouri

and Oklahoma. ‘

x”; _‘

_ The tour, which was put on
-._iat a cost of 31,4 000, was made

possrble through various fund
raising projects organized by
the choir members. The sound

system which , they used Was

donated by George Cason, an

' owner of a sound equipment
_ store in the choir’s home town '

of Dunca