xt79gh9b8p05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8p05/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1951-04-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 9, 1951 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 9, 1951 1951 1951-04-09 2020 true xt79gh9b8p05 section xt79gh9b8p05  
























{inutes of the Univegsitf'Fa Q£-;i .~L;L£ g, 9E1.



The University Faculty met in the Assemblv Room of L‘"
Monday, April 9, at 4:00 p.m. In the absence of Presiden
President Chamberlain presided. Members absent were: A.
P, Cooper, Herman L. Donovan 1, L. J. Horiecher‘, P. E.
G. T. Mackenzie‘, L. E. Meece, Samuel A, Mary, Jr., Fr
Alex Romanovitz‘, Irwin Sanders*, A. E. Slesser, Elv'
Sullivan, M. M. White’, J. T. Ballantine, and L. J. To

a 31' 057).}. ' g


The minutes of March 12 were read and coproved.

Dean Carpenter presented for the College of Commerce the i
recommendations for new graduate courses in Econo omics and Commer;



procedures role ted to the effective utilization of human resources
in business concerns, consideration being given to mutual relation~ :
ships. [

Economics 200 Business Economics 3 credits {
Th e interrelations of economic laws with the social, political {
and legal framework of business, especially from the point of ‘
view of the industry and of the firm. “fiz‘
Economigg 322 Advanced Personnel IManagement 3 credits (
A critical exa:nination of the principles, methods ,policies and \

Commerce 217 Coroorate Financial Poli_y 3 credits \
A study of financial management from the viewpoint of the corporate (
financial officer, Problems 0: planning the capital structure [
issuing securities, the management of working capital and policies “
with reference to reserves, surglus and dividends. [


Commerce 237 Advanced Business Management 3 credits
A functional study of business management. Control devices and ‘
procedures for carrying out and testing policies.

Commerce 250 Advanced Marketing Management 3 credits “h


A critical study of significant trends, controversial issues and
advanced techniques in the fields of marketing.

These were approved by the University Faculty.




Dean Spivey presented recommendations from the Graduate Faculty that L

the following persons be given honorary degrees as indicated: Mr. Mark ‘
Ethridge, LL.D.: Dr, Emmet F. Horine, D.Sé,; Professor Albert Kooourek, LL-DJ

5Mr. Murray Haney, D.Sc,; and’Mr. Fred B. Wachs, LL,D. The University Faculty L

voted to recommend the above named persons to the Board of Trustees for i

honorary degrees as presented by the Graduate Faculty. (

Dean Kirwan presented a petition from the Interfraternity Council
and the fraternity advisory groups asking that the temporary rule in regard
to delayed pledging be set aside. After some discussion the Faculty
approved the petition.


‘ explained







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Minutes 3: the University Faculty, April 3, 1951

In the absence of Dean White, Dr. A. E. Bigge presented a request
from the Department of Geography that the class in Geography 101 be
authorized to take a field trip May 4-7; that Physical Education majors
be permitted to visit the Detroit Public Schools April 15-18; and that
Military Science students be excused from classes the sixth to the tenth
hours May 9 for Military Field Day. The Faculty approved these requests.

The Faculty adjourned.



C::E§;f:- n/EszA,drnd“éig/

Lee Sprowles
Secretary to the Faculty



Minutes 2; the University Faculty, May lg, 1951.

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall.
Monday, May 14, at 4 p,m, In the absence of President Donovan, Vice
President Chamberlain presided.. Members absent were: C. A. Anderson,
Lyle R. Dawson, Herman L. Donovan, J. P. Hammond, Ellis M. Hartford,

P. E. Karraker, G. T. Mackenzie, Frank D. Peterson, Ralph R. Pickett,
D. M. Seath, A. E. Slesser, Elvis J. Stahr,Jr., D. V. Terrell and H. E.






The minutes of April 9 were read and approved. Dean White presented
recommendations from the College of Arts and Sciences covering new courses
and changes in courses. which were approved as follows:




Ancient Languages 81a Beginning Hebrew (3)
Emphasis on learning to read simple Biblical Hebrew prose.
with attention to the basic elements of Hebrew grammar.

Ancient Languages 81b Elementary Hebrew Reading (3)
Selections from the prose portions of the Hebrew 91d Test~
ament. Emphasis on learning to read Hebrew. (Prerequisite
A.L.l81a or equivalent.)



Romance Languages 45 Cizilization 2£.§2212.EEQ §panish
America (2) {‘1
Spanish traditions and their influence on the cultural ‘iffi fig
development of Spanish America. Indigenous civilizations ‘1fil
and their folklore. “



Music 123 Survey oi Contemporary Music (2)

Music 124a,b,c Opera Workshop (1 each)