xt79gh9b8m75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8m75/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 2008 2008 2008-10-23 2020 true xt79gh9b8m75 section xt79gh9b8m75 By Jill Lost"
jlasto kykerneltom

More than a year ago. 33 people
died in a massacre at Virginia Tech.
The same day. UK‘s director of emer-
gency management said UK was
looking into the best way to handle a
lockdown or evacuation. but “there‘s
just nothing solid in place."

Yesterday. after Western Ken-
tucky University issued a lockdown
following a 911 call reporting shots
fired on campus. UK officials said the
plan still is not complete.

Emergency Management Director
Christy Giles said UK lacks a build-
ing emergency action plan for 90 per-
cent of the buildings on campus. Such
a plan would be used during an on—
campus emergency such as a shoot-

Getotoet 33,9008

UK lacks safety plan ;

90 percent of campus unprepared

ing. dangerous weather or other

Anthany Beatty. assistant vice
president for campus services, said
the university will have a plan in
place for all of campus by this time
next year. He said he is confident the
university can handle a threat on cam-
pus by police locking down buildings
and using the UK Alert system.

UK Alert sends text messages. e-
mails. voicemails and other electronic
messages to those signed up whenev-
er an emergency occurs on campus.
The system will be the best way for
people to receive notice and act ap-
propriately. Beatty said.

However. he said. the system de-
pends on the people in it. and UK
needs help recruiting more users.

“It‘s only as functional and only

as good as getting as many people in
the system as we can." he said.

UK Alert has about I l .600 people
signed up for the system. about 5.300
of who are registered as students.
Giles said. About 26.650 students are
currently enrolled at UK.

The system has been used four
times since it began accepting sign-
ups in January — three times for
weather and once when shots were
fired at the Greg Page Apartments in

UK was unable to test the system
before it was first used during a toma—
do wamrng at the beginning of Febru-
ary. which came just as her office was
getting people to sign up. Giles said.

Other than those four incidents.

See UK Alert on page 5


Western responds
to shooting scare

By Kenny Colman

l2230 pm. Central Standard Time,
Western Kentucky University police
sent a text message to students with
a simple. but serious message: gun-
men were reportedly on pzuts of the
southern edge of campus and shots
had been fired.

Four hours later. everything had
changed. What was originally
thought to be gunmen entering
Pearce~Ford Tower. a residence hall.
turned out to be a fight outside the

See WKU on page 5



' 12:!) pm. Text messages
. warned of potenttat gunshots
at PearceAFc-ra Tower


South Campus j
Bul'dlng was evatuated I
attet text warmnqs

.- ,JWJ

. v ,,\ X
(f 0‘6





\\" KYKFRNI l. .( ()M

Above the call of duty

UK Hospital flight crew looks past the dangers
of helicopters to save the lives of their patients

Story by Katie Saltz | Photos by Britney McIntosh


ksaltz@kvkernel.com l bmcintosh@kykernel.com

_. but (crashes) still happen.”

Above the hum of helicopter blades.
two neonatal nurses from UK Hospital
listen as a voice tells them about the
status of a patient. A two—week-old
baby lies in an emergency room in Lon-
don. Ky.. suffering from hypothermia
and respiratory failure.

in just over 20 minutes. the nurses
are there. As they treat the baby boy.
they move quickly and calmly. It is al-
most impossible to notice by the nurs-
es” reactions that the child codes and is
technically dead. The neonatal nurses
bring him back. and soon he is in the
helicopter making his way to the pedi-
atric intensive care unit at UK Hospital.

The call is just one part of the day
for the flight paramedics and nurses at


UK. Working 24—hour shifts. they wait
for the next call. which will send the
team back to the helicopter. into the air
and to the next victim that needs med—
ical help faster than an ambulance can

But working in medical flights is a
job that raises questions about the risks
of transporting patients by air. There
have been 11 crashes involving medical
helicopters this year. nine of which
have been fatal. according to the Na»
tional Transportation Safety Board. The
most recent occurred on Oct. [6 in llli-
nois; all passengers on board. including
a 1-year-old girl. were killed.

See Pilots on page 6


Jason Buck, a flight paramedic secures a stroke patient during the flight to UK Hospital

N. You can’t point to any one thing. \Ve say the same things over and ovcr and over again

—— Bill Grimley, PHI pilot for UK Hospital

Imam: 257-1915; W 257-28737


 PAGE HilllJlSdaY- gate 23.29.02 ._ __
























lllT intro‘oitmm'



By linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating: It] is the easiest
day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19) —~
Today is an 8 —— Get back to
work. You've let a few impor-
tant jobs wait long enough. Do
them now, while you're in the

Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is a 7 —— Put away provr-
sions for the future so you’ll
have more time to relax, It's
good to work hard when you
can, so there'll be days when
you can goof off.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) ~
Today is a 7 —— You're entering
a four-week phase when your
emphasis will be on work, work
and work. It will require every
ounce of your energy, physical
and mental.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) ~—

Today is a 7 _. Gather up as
much as you can, while it's
available. This refers to some—
thing you can always use and is
easy to store

Leo (July 23~Aug. 22) —
Today is an 8 w Turn some of
that energy into folding green.
There's plenty of work to be

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —»
Today is a 6 v. It'll be easier for
you to concentrate for the next
several weeks. You won’t fall
for fanciful stories; you'll dig to
get at the facts.

lihra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) _
Today IS a 7 — An older friend
IS your best tutor for a delicate
operation Learn from a master
how to bone a trout or fix a
grandfather clock.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) .—
Today is an 8 * Go ahead and
confront authority; it looks like
you'll win Just after you stand
up for your posrtion, more
money comes into your pocket.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
— Today is an 8 — Use the
experience you've just acquired,



in a practical manner. This is an
ongoing asmgnment. If you can
figure out how to do it, you’ll
become fabulously wealthy.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
»« Today is a 7 A4 Stash away
your surplus In a safe place, so
you have provrsrons to get
through the wrnter. This chore
may take longer than anticipat-
ed, but at least you can get

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ~—
Today is a 7 -— For the next sev~
eral weeks, you'll face tough
career decisions. You'll be able
to advance if you pass challeng-
ing tests. Luckily, you're good at
taking challenging tests it’s one
of your specialties.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) ~—
Today IS an 8 —' The sun’s going
into Scorpio, in your solar Ninth»
House of travel. You may not.
get the whole next four weeks!
to travel the world, but get in as
much as you can Or start what—
ever else you want.

(cl 2008 Tribune Media Servrces, Inc.



Today’ 5
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Campus Calendar Correction

Non-Traditional Student
Organization Meeting is at
7:30 pm on October 23.
The meeting will be at Pazzo’s Pizza



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your dailtLdose of entertainment, pop culture and fun ”p

‘I was out
of control -
flte DiSH 0“ drugS’

Alcohol. Cocaine. Ecstasy. Idol's Nikki McKibbin details her
struggle with substance abuse and how she's recovering

Six years ago. on the first
season of Fox‘s American
Idol. Nikki McKibbin wowed
It) million viewers a week
with her take on hits like la—
nis loplm‘s "Piece of My
Heart." And though the
flame—haired rocker. now 30,
raised eyebroWs when her
history as a stripper came to
light. it didn‘t stop the single
mom to sort Tristen. now 10.
from finishing third behind
Justin Guarini and Kelly
Clarkson or landing an RCA
contract. But McKibbin was
hiding a more shocking se-
cret: the Arlington. Texas. na-
tive. who was abused as a
child by a relative and mo-
lested by two different family
acquaintances. had been an
alcoholic since age 16. Fol»
lowing her return to Texas
post-Idol and the breakup of
her deal with RCA. the sing-
er began a downward spiral
of booze and cocaine use.
culminating in her stay in a
psychiatric ward following
the 2007 death of her mother.
Teresa. with whom McKibbin
had been doing cocaine hours
earlier. McKibbin is at last
sober after being treated on
the second season of VHl‘s
Celebrity Rehab with Dr
Drew. McKibbin opens up to

I think I must have been
Inu‘dwired for addiction from
the beginning. My mom and
dad divorced when I was 13.
My dad was a drug addict
and alcoholic. but I never saw
him use. He's been cleart and
sober for 18 years now. I
don‘t know when my mom
picked up her habit. I was 16

when I had my first drink at a
party. My boyfriend brought
a 32-ounce screwdriver. but I
ended up drinking the whole
damn thing. By the end of the
night. I was sitting in the
street singing a song from
kindergarten. I don‘t remem-
ber a time when I didn‘t drink
after that — except when I
was expecting Tristen. I did-
n’t even smoke when I was
pregnant! By the time I was
21. I started stripping. It was
fun for a while. I am an enter-
tainer; that is what I do. And
if I was working. I was drink~
ing. Back in high school. I
had tried pot and acid. but
soon I tried Ecstasy and
quickly became addicted. I
was stripping to support my
habit. Between myself and
two others. we were spending
almost a thousand dollars a
day. Everything that didn't
have to pay bills was going
toward Ecstasy.

I would drive home drunk
too; I don't know how I never
got pulled over. One day my
cousin looked at me and said.
“You have to stop." I loved
her and trusted what she was
saying. so I never touched
Ecstasy again. (The drinking
continued.) I stopped strip-
ping and started working for
a karaoke company. which
was just as bad because I was
still in bars.

I heard about American
Idol on a Friday (in 2002).
auditioned on Saturday and
made it to Hollywood. I was
so ecstatic to be given the op-
portunity to live out my
dreams. We were heavily
chaperoned. but I would buy

vodka and sneak it into the
refrigerator on the bottom
floor. If I wasn’t too exhaust-
ed. I would have one or two

I came out of Idol with a
lack of self-confidence. I
think I had my first solo in
school when I was 5. and I
got more as I got older:
That‘s the biggest compli-
ment in choir. I had never
been told I wasn‘t good
enough. Having to hear it for
so many weeks from Simon
Cowell killed me inside. I
couldn‘t get the s —- t he had
said to the out of my head. It
drove me deeper into depres-
sion. I wouldn't say that this
was Simon's fault. It just
added to the addict that I al»
ready was.

After Idol. I went back to
Texas and the karaoke busi-
ness. When I was 25. I was
buying pot for somebody. and
the dealer gave me a bag of
cocaine. I wanted to try a lit-
tle. so I went to my mom
She‘s my best friend ~- I
don‘t keep anything from her.
My mom always said. "If you
want to try it. try it with me.
Just don’t make a habit out of
it." I liked the way cocaine
made my mind race so fast
that I didn‘t have to think. It
went out of control from
there. I was doing it every
day. In less than a year and a
half. I went through $250000
»— my residuals from Idol
and the tour and my settle-
ment wrth RCA.

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly




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October 23,

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Whitney Water:
Features Editor
Phone: 257-1915



3 .

C‘M‘Think what a better world it would

if we all, the whole world, had cook-
ies and milk about three o'clock every
afternoon and then lay down on our
blankets for a nap.”

— J. Robert Oppenheimer, founding father of the
American school of theoretical physics


31 end!
Chocolate Chunk
Double Chocolate Chunk
Oatriiiel Raisin
White Chocolate Macadamia


Peanut Butter

$2.25 each
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
Triple Chocolate Chunk


$1.25 each/ 25 cents per topping . *
- . Snickers
3’ White Chocolate Chip
- ' Peanut Butter Chip
Chocolate Mint


Insomnia Cookies offers various fresh baked cookies and brownies With different toppings seven days a week, from i p in ‘llllt' 2' 30 a ill

Insomnia Cookies bakes up sweet solution to late-night cravings

By Whitney Waters


campus. By the end of his sophotttore tear.
he ltad developed the recipe arid concept lor
lnsomnia Cookies. at business that provides

stores at litdtaita l'noerstt).
l'itiversit} aitd Michigan State l'nttcrstt}.

The Ohio State again tor ttttals neck.
Ptatkou'skt said l K \t as chosen as a lo-

.\'o\\. l'ls' has its own insomnia (‘ookies cation alter rcpreseutalnes trout tlte company

During his college years at the University
of Pennsylvania. Seth Berkowitz came tip

With a sweet idea.

People. for the most part. crave sugar. and
Berkowitl. baked tip a way to provide people
with their much-needed sugar fix.

Berkowitl. started baking cookies arid
brownies in his dorm room and delivered
them to friends and people around Penn‘s

students with fresh baked cookies and brow tr
ies to satisfy their late~night sweet tooth.

“i don‘t think he slept very much.” said
Elise l’iatkowski. the director of ittarkeltitg
for Insomnia Cookies.

Before receiving ltis Economics degree tn
3003. Berkowitl. had already opened his first
insomnia Cookies store itt Philadelphia. and
he has since opened 14 locations including

on South Limestone.

truck parked outside M Kennedy 's Bookstore
l’taikotvskt said tlte
is leasing parking spaces ll‘ttlll
Kennedy 's attd platis to stat on caittpus tor
the rest of the school tear.
the cookie truck \\ as outside of the \‘v i
Young Ltbrar} last “Cc‘ls to help students
\\ tth sugar crattngs during ntidtcrttts.
said the truck Will be outside or the libt'ai')

l‘iatkott ski said

ptis ()ct ".
aitd shc

\tsitcd the campus earlier this tear. She said
l'lx' had the dctttographic and the \tbe the
cotttpint \\ as se it lllllt! tor
“lK ptst lt id igte it etttig}
\tent \\ ttlt out gut instinct
liisotttnia (‘ooktes starttd baktttg on caiti
and local tttanaget .‘tltkc Btckcrs

iii l \\c tusl
l’t; ilkottskt s iid

w Cookies at :we 4




/‘”"Cookies and
milk replace
\pizza and beer%

()ter the past 35 years. the
music scene has changed quite
a bit. but -\(‘ l)(' hasn‘t
changed at all.

inert band reaches a point.
as the) grott old. tit decidtitg
whether to ltattg it tip belore
the} becoitte a paiodt ot them—
selves. or to risk it all and hope


. MA" that the} can release ottc more

By Kelly W'ley MURRAY great album. lit man} \\'il_\s
kwiley@kykern'ETcom Kernel. "Black lce” was the crossroads
columnist lot :\(‘ l)(‘. attd risking it could

Since their inception tit
l‘ri. the core ol ‘\(. DC has
ltccit btitlt around basic loui
chord. classicrrock t'ills. \thilc
tttilittg aitlltettts abotil
lighting and rock 'n‘ roll ttscll
l‘llk'll itcucst ctlorl. "Black
Ice.” ttta} as \\cll hate come
out iii the ‘70s because the
band is dotttg \\ ltat tlte_v do best
once again.

Then grit. crunch} pifi‘kct‘
chords arid in _\our lace solos


AC/DC risks it all with 'Black Ice’

l l’ in eight _\ears in tact. til _\oti
Here to hear one oi these songs
on the radio. out oi tltc context
ol the alhuttt. _\ou ma} \cr}
\\cll assume it‘s rust
knots it track liout ant ot their
past albums

The oitl) changes that do
need 10 be addressed .ll’clt‘l e\-
actl} surprises l‘ll'ldll .lohnsort‘s
mice is beginning to shun his
age. as can be expected alter

:1 lc‘s’sCl‘








. 5.00 p.m.- 830 [3651.

es and an ice—cold

ttot have been a better choice.

\ :‘ Murray on

hate all ieturned in their lust


1% are equivalent

my first cookie
a 'lla Cookies
. were awak—

"a even thou h

,no milk, te
I 'ter gave my

Zach Deputy


Ash Wednesday, The Moxy

b treats a kd. lang w/ Dustin O'Halloran .
.. “lacy gifgvepw U'llltt” rim“. rust S3 8 t1 m. Rvnvtn itiiilitoiiitni, Jennifer O'Connor, Karly DaWn
l W ’ (I I I I H I 1 NdSll‘i/llle lilllll llt‘kt‘ls t‘its‘t Higgins
Opeth w/ High on Fire 333 50-865 50 10 ll m Azs Ba: Tickets cost $5.
Baroness .
8 pm Boaarts Cincinnati Ohio SATURDAY’ ”(1' ' SUNDAY! 0‘ l' 3"
Tli‘kt‘l9 mp} 314350 , Sugarland W/ Kellie Pickler, Luke Asher, Norsycrane
“ ” ’ ”l ' ‘ Ashton Shepherd 9pm Cris Bat ticketsaretiee
7 30 n W Riipn Arena lli”kt‘.i‘- cost
$5”; $813.5;ng W 35 535 5.348 50 WEDNESDAY, (to. 39
: V V i ' I l , l The Try Tones, Jomt Venture
FRIDAY ()(1 )4 Nathan Morris, Marcus McFly 9 p in The Dante lll‘kt’atg mtg;
, . 2

For the week of
OCT. 23 — OCT. 29

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Tickets are free




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«battens suohfi.

tone 4





 PAGE4 | Thursday, October 23, 2008


Band deserves a listen for
lacking pop-punk prototype

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I
am extremely excited about the release
of Tom (label's “Heart Burns" EP on
Nov. 28. In honor of
his new record. I
have decided to
share my love for
his band. Tom is the
lead vocalist for
Against Mel. an
awesome punk rock
band from Florida.
Their punk sound is
definitely not of the
pop—punk persua-
sion. which many
hands now use as a
prototype. Their
vibe is closer to that of the hardcore
punk bands of the 1980s ala Black Flag
or the Dead Kennedys with the lyrical
prowess of a folk singer.

The band was started by Gabel in
1996 and consisted only of him singing
and playing acoustic guitar. During this
time, he would normally perform alone



bassist and/or drummer. These early
songs were much closer to the folk side
of music than the punk. Songs from
this period were recorded on a self-
made demo simply titled "Against
Mel." though it is more commonly
known as "Tom's First Demo."

By 2002. Tom had solidified the
band's lineup adding bassist Dustin
Fridkin. drummer Warren Oakes. and
guitarist James Bowman. Also that year
the group released their first full—length
studio album. "Reinventing Axel Rose."
At this point. Against Mel‘s sound was
starting to shape into what we hear to-
day. While there were still some appear-
ances of their acoustic past. the album
is filled heavily with electric guitars.

After the release of "Reinventing
Axel Rose." Fridkin left the band and
was replaced with bassist Andrew Se-
ward. The band‘s lineup has not
changed since. With their next two
records. “As the Eternal Cowboy" in
2003 and “Search for a Former Clarity"
in 2005. Against Me! found their rock-
ing sound and have stuck with it since.

Though beginning with these albums
some fans complained the band had be-
come too polished and had lost their do«
it-yourself ethics. -

Last year the band released their
major label debut. "New Wave." which
received great critical review. The band
chose to work with producer Butch
Vig, who also produced Nirvana‘s
"Nevermind." He was able to capture
their sound in a way that can only be
described as magical. When listening
to the album. you may notice there is
basically no low points; the songs are
consistently good through the entire

If you dig punk rock but have never
experienced Against Me!. you should
probably give the band a listen because
you will not be disappointed. Even if
you‘re not a fan of punk. you should
still check them out because their songs
translate well to any one.

Essential Downloads: “Don‘t Lose
Touch." “Thrash Unreal"

Nick Walters is an English senior.

E —mail nwalrers@kykernel.c0m.



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but occasionally played with a random


are available for $18.

The different brownie toppings
include: Snickers. Walnut. Reese‘s ”mm
Peanut Butter Cups. Peanut Butter
Chip. Chocolate Mint. M&M and

[Sm Pl ‘
said students have rushed out to Cookie Dough. Brownies are " .- .-j ,. :

get their latemigm sugar fix. He $1.25 each and 25 cents Per toP' rw avia

said students have responded so ping. Students #50 93“ order “'3‘
well because all the different kinds ter. soda 01' milk With each pur—
The Billboard 200
Top 10 albums of the week

of cookies reminds them of when chase. .
they were younger and had to tell Brckers “ml students should
the ice cream man what flavor of order the COOkleS “0‘ only .be-
ice cream they wanted. cause it satisfies a late night
“They come up to the cookie hunger. but also because it’s dif— .. _"
truck and order all kinds of sweets ferent from the other options that 1- T.|., Paper Trall
jug! like they use to." Bickers said. are available. _ 2. Metallica, "Death Magnetic"
Students have a large variety You can always get a pizza or 3. Rise Against, "Appeal To Reason"
0f Cg’Ol‘leSf and glownie lOPPinis :ldtdkje?i:|(s:ri:1eihigg Sittiatlgsmng 4. Jennifer Hudson,"Jenniter Hudson"
toc oose rom. e various coo — - ~ - - - .. . ..
ies include: Sugar. Chocolate Insomnia Cookies’s truck is 5' OaSIs, 0'9 But Your son] .
Chunk. Double Chocolate Chunk. open every day from 7 pm. until 6* Bob Dylan, ‘The Bootleg Series VOL 83
Tell Tale Signs: Flare And Unreleased 1989-
7. Kid Rock, "Rock N Roll Jesus"
8. Ne-Yo, "Year Of The Gentleman"
9. Tim McGraw, ”Greatest Hits 3"
10. James Taylor, "Cover"


Continued from page 3



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iJJ53CVS 13 Uh - Open atSpm Daily!

55.5 '25 mammalian

Oatmeal Raisin. White Chocolate 3330 am. and deliveries are avail-
Macadamia. M&M. Peanut Butter able‘from 8 Pm; “mil 2330 am.
and Snickerdoodle. all for $1 each. Within a three-mile radius of cam-
The deluxe cookies are: Triple 13“S by calling (877). 63-COOKIE-
Chocolate Deluxe. Peanut Butter For more information about In—
Chocolate Deluxe and S‘mores somnia Cookies or deliveries, visit
Deluxe. all of which are $2.25 per its WCb Site at www.insomnia-
cookie. and 14-inch cookie cakes C001(165-COI’T1-



Long SlecVe $10


H'oodcs $20

Crew Sweats $1 8 /
lPolka hot Pajama Eotto‘riis $20
The. Cutest: UK Stuff In Town

11::qu Refinish


859455—7030 545 South Limestone
Across from B&E Behind PIZZA HUT

Series continues vvith Buddhism ~
l-‘lll Sl-IO'I'S

$10 for all UK & BCTC students


The last treat of my four-
cookie taste-testing venture was
not actually a cookie at all. In-
somnia Cookies has a great
cookie thing going for them.
but the brownies are by far the

Brownie lovers can adorn
their tasty chocolate treat with a
wrde array of toppings includ-
ing M&Ms and mint. Being a
huge fan of raw cookie dough. I
ordered a brownie covered in
cookie dough. Hands down.
this was the best.

Overall. my Insomnia
Cookies experience was far bet—
ter than any oven—baked cookie
you can buy or make. Fresh.
wami cookies delivered to your
doorstep can now replace any
late-night cravings for beer and


Continued from page 3


Continued from page 3



singing his harsh style for the band for nearly three
decades. That isn't to suggest his voice has gotten
worse. but instead that it has simply changed. It is
reminiscent of Creedence Clearwater Revival‘s John
Fogeny. simply a deeper toned growl than in the past.
But the change of voice is only occasional throughout
the course of the album. and most likely it will go rel-
atively unnoticed.

Blues has clearly become a more prevalent influ-
ence on guitarist Angus Young‘s writing. Perhaps it is
to help mould more smoothly with Johnson‘s deepen-
ing voice. Whatever the cause. it certainly comple-
ments the album much more than it hinders it.

If you've liked any album AC/DC has released in
the past. particularly in the Brian Johnson era. this is
an album you certainly don't want to pass up. Don‘t
fix what isn‘t broken. It's a motto AC/DC has shown
they live by. time and time again. And AC/DC certain—
ly is not broken.

get use to. But any chocolate
lover would be pleased with the
chocolate batter and the quar-
ter-sized chocolate chunks.

Now for number two. the
Snickerdoodle. These cookies
have always been at the top of
my list since I was a kid. How-
ever. after tasting the Insomnia
version. the store—bought cook~
ies that use to please me are no
longer an altemative.

The Peanut Butter Choco—
late Deluxe was my third
cookie. but. after the second
bite. I never finished it.
Peanut butter and chocolate
together has never done much
for me. and this one was no






American Buddhists describe
his or her race as non-Asian.
and three out of four are con»

Farkas said he did not
know how Bud-
dhism has
grown in Ken—
tucky. but. from
personal experi-
ence. he is see-
ing the prac-
tice‘s popularity
is within increase.

, n One of the
the mind. advantages to
Buddhism is it

‘ RICHfifiDTFhRKAS is something
to oundero . e iboran Bud people do as in—

(lhiSl Community in . .
{emqmn drvrduals. he


By Jill Letter

and if you want to investigate

it further. that's great. If not.
there's a lot of other tradi—
tions out there."

Buddhism is based on the
Siddhartha (lau-
tama. who lived
around 400 B.('.
in Indra. Gauta»
ma. commonly
known as Brid—
dha. taught that
by understand—
ing the true na—
ture of the
world. humans
could escape the
pain of the
world. Buddha
praised medita-
tion. ethics and

focus on the “internal jour-

Harmin learned to medi-
tate at the Shambhala Center.
a Buddhist meditation center
based on West Maxwell
Street. Meditation is one of
the key components of Bud-
dhism. Harmin said. although
the practice is more difficult
than simply sitting down.

“You realize very quickly
how lacking you are about
trying to control your
thoughts." he said.

Harmin said he plans on
attending the lecture and
hopes to hear more about a
practice that interests him.

"I never get tired of lis-
tening to the story of Sid—
dhartha Gautama. Everybody

An actress in “Steel Mag-
nolias" and “Terms of En-
dearment" helped bring
Richard Farkas to faith.

In the I980s. Farkas bc-
gan reading books by actress
and author Shirley MacLaine.
which discussed self-discov-
ery and Buddhism. Intrigued
in part by the books. Farkas
began what has become 20
years of research on Tibetan

At 7 pm. Thursday in the
auditorium of the WT. Young
Library. Farkas will discuss
Tibetan Buddhism as part of
the Student Activities Board‘s
“Faithbusters” series. Farkas.

of __-——v-

"A large part of $20 for employees & all others

Buddhist practice,
the way people
approach it,

Students must have their
NEW school ID

WechQt. 29

W.T. Young Library
South Wing Entrance
5:30 to 8 pm


White Hall
Outside Room 102
9 am to 3:30 pm

mars, got. 30
Hall of Fame, KY Clinic

3rd floor UHS Bldg

design and production man-
ager of the University Press
of Kentucky. said he hopes
attendees will leave with a
better understanding of the
practice and not necessarily a
change in faith.

“That’s the nice thing -~
Buddhists aren't out to con-
vert le." said Farkas. co
founder of the Tibetan Bud-
dhist Community of Lexing-
ton. “We‘ll put it out there.


Tibetan Buddhism. cen-
tered in Tibet and surround-
ing regions. is based in the
area‘s tradition and rituals in

About 0.7 percent of
Americans. or about 2.1 mil-
lion people. are Buddhists.
according to a survey by the
Pew Forum on Religion and
Public Life released in Febm-
ary. Of those. two in three

prayer and chanting. but it‘s
more personal." he said.
“You‘re working within your-
self. A large part of Buddhist
practice. the way people ap-
proach it. is within the mind."

Calvm Harmin. co—presi-
dent of UK's Buddhist Stud—
ies Club. said one of the rea-
sons he was drawn to Bud-
dhism when he first started
meditating with his stepmoth-
er in his early teens was the

kind of tells it differently." he

lfyou go

m “I m ‘


7:30 to 10 am 10 am to3pm

l'\l\'l.ll\l'l‘\' ()I Kli.\'l‘l (KY
1 lll\‘(‘f\ll\ llt'Jllll Sun ii't'

ken. Oct. .28
White Hall
Outside Room 102
9 am to 3:30 pm

** Flu shots are not recommended for people with ,
hypersensitivity to eggs or egg products or anyone who
ban a lever. For information please call the UHS Phone
Information Nurse at 323-4636.






 Thursday. October 23, 2008 | PAGES




Continued from page i


she said. the system has never been used for a
campus-wide test. It has only been tested in
small groups of fewer than 30 people.

UK has not tested the alert system be-
tween the last use during the spring semester
and now because the system‘s response dur-
ing the four incidents helped ensure it was do-
ing what it was supposed to do and helped
identify things that needed to be improved.
Giles said.

Also. the university leaves most of the up-
dates to the contracting firm responsible for
maintaining UK Alert. she said.

In the second use of the spring semester,
during the Greg Page incident. students expe-
rienced delays as long as five hours before re-
ceiving the message. Giles said some delay is
possible. through no fault of the university.

“l can't control how fast it gets to anybody
once I hit ‘send.’ “ Giles said. “How fast it gets
there through individual carriers is out of our

During an emergency. such as someone
entering campus with a gun. the police dis-
patcher would issue the UK Alert. said Maj.
Joe Monroe. UK‘s interim police chief.

The system is used only for emergencies
considered an imminent threat —- for instance.
UK did not issue an alert for a reported victim
of sexual assault near Waller Avenue on Eliza—
beth Street who was abducted and t