xt79gh9b8j24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8j24/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 23, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 23, 1987 1987 1987-11-23 2020 true xt79gh9b8j24 section xt79gh9b8j24 ' ~\_ .. , ' _ , z; 3.... '
> 3W1) A . A m





Sports Monday


Columnist says students don’t deserve

seating. SEE PAGE 4.




The UK volleyball team wins the SEC
tournament. SEE PAGE 3.




Today: Evening showers likely
Tomorrow: More showers



Vol. XCI. No. 71

UK gets

nicua’no CLAYTON '

speaks on

jury process

Contributing Writer

Walter F. Abbott, a UK associate
professor of sociology, spoke Friday
about how lawyers can choose jury
members who will improve their
chances of winning their cases.

In the Peal Gallery of the UK
King Library North, Abbott de-
scribed the significance of his book,
The Analytic Juror Rater, published
last summer, and how it relates to
today‘s legal system.

In his book, Abbott has designed a
method attorneys can use to select
jury members that will improve
their chances of winning their cases.

According to Abbott. everyone is
biased to some degree.

“As soon as the jury goes into de-
liberation, the first decision will be
the same as the last,“ he said. “Ju-
ries tend to vote in the direction of
the majority. It is ideal for both
sides to have the best defense argu-
ment possible.“

Attorneys. Abbott said, need to
“come up with a jury that will at
least listen to both sides.“

By voir dire, the process of jury
selection, and the use of his book,
Abbott said it could be done.

Using “forensic sociology," Abbott
said it is possible to predict a per-
son's level of authoritarianism from
certain characteristics. He has
placed basic demographics, human
characteristics and values, on a
scale, with each receiving a rating
between zero and 100.

The categories include age, sex.
race. occupation and religious affil~
iation. When the scores from each
trait are added up. the sum is that
individual‘s nonauthoritarian rating.

The purpose of the rating, Abbott
said, is that jurors with higher lev-



Executive Editor

University officials announced
Friday that UK has received a five-
year $2.75 million grant to establish
a Drug Abuse Prevention Research

The grant from the National Insti-
tute on Drug Abuse will allow a
team of eight UK professors to study
drug abuse in four research pro-
jects. UK is the only research center
funded by NIDA this year.

The common thread of each re-
search project, according to UK

University of Kentucky. Lexhgton, Kentucky

large grant for

President David Roselle, “is the
goal of determining why people use
drugs and what can be used to make
them stop."

It is “gratifying that UK has been
chosen to take a leadership posi-
tion" in drug abuse research. Rose—
lle said. Drug abuse is not just a
problem of college students, but is
also a problem in the work place.

Richard Clayton, scientific direc-
tor of the center, said that research
will not only look at drug abuse
from one area — such as biology —
but will link several fields together
to understand the problem of drug

Specifically, the projects will ex-

0 The effect of drugs on animal
models in looking at the stimulation
of the brain. The goal of the study is
to determine whether there are safe
alternatives to drugs that would
have similar stimulating effects.

0 A study of drug prevention ef-
forts at elementary schools. The
project will will specifically study
the “Project DARE" program in
which Lexington police officers dis-
cuss drug abuse with sixth grade

- This project will examine the ef-
fectiveness of antidrug messages on

Independent since 1 971

Monday, November 23. 1987

drug research

TV. The project wrll study young
adults and look at ways to increase
the effectiveness of the antidrug

- A study of the prevalence of
drug abuse among minorities. This
project will examine models of pre—
dicting differences of drug use
among blacks. Hispanics and

Cynthia Robbins, who is the prin-
cipal researcher on the minorities
project, said that even before the
grant from NlDA. UK was a leader
in drug abuse research.

The grant. though, will enhance
UK‘s position because it will allow


Air attack



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Tennessee quarterback, Jeff Francis, scrambles away from UK
defensive lineman. Oliver Barnett, last Saturday at Common-

;22 via

a ' ’

he} . '

wealth Stadium. The Volunteers defeated the Cats 24-22. For
more about the game, SEE PAGE 3.



‘ a, 4. ‘
.er ». . ..




Who’s Who nominees named

Staff Writer

Lances Junior Men's Honorary
has selected its nominees for Who‘s
Who Among American Colleges and

Lances chose 45 students from
UK's campus enrollment of 23,000.
The standards for being selected for
Who‘s Who are overall campus in-
volvement, a high grade point aver-
age and contributions to school/com—
munity, said Becky Gilbert, Iances
membership chairman.

“(Who‘s Who is a) nationally rec-
ognized honor for students. only
given to top upperclassmen and
graduate students," Gilbert said. All
students chosen will be listed in a

nationally published Who's Who vol-

On Oct. 28, Lances hosted a selec-
tion committee. The members con-
sisted of UK students and advisers.
The committee tried to be represen-
tative of the wide array of students
at UK. Gilbert said.

The committee members were
Lynne Hunt, Student Activities
Board president; Brad Dixon, Stu-
dent Government Association exec-
utive vice-president; Bob Clay, di~
rector of residence hall life; Bob
Bradley, a member of the athletic
department. and Mike Palm and
Becky Headly from the dean of stu-
dents office.

The committee nominated people
from their own representative field,

which they thought were outstand-
ing. Members of Lances also make
nominations through clubs and orga-
nizations they are involved with, Gil-
bert said.

Hunt. who is a nominee herself.
said “it‘s great being selected for
Who's Who. Who’s Who is looked at
by colleges and universities across
the country, it’s an honor.

“(Who‘s Who is) a select group of
people with diverse backgrounds
and interests. Your peers and fac-
ulty nominate you. it‘s an honor to
know you‘re respected"

Bill Swinford, CAE chairman and
a member of Farmhouse Fraternity
said. “(I'm) very flattered to be
nominated for Who's Who, it‘s a
high honor."

BILL swmroao

Cuomo rumors problem for candidates

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Persistent spec-
ulation that New York Gov. Mario
Cuomo will be a late entry into the
presidential race is making it diffi-
cult for the six declared Democratic
contenders to expand their own sup-
port, according to a variety of party

“It kind of muddies the water”
said Bonnie Campbell, chairwoman
of the Democratic party in Iowa,
where the first caucuses will be held
next Febmary.

“If it's his intention not to go
thromh the process but to be avail-
able for a draft. that’s fair game.
But I think it does cause problem

for the candidates who have been
campaigning in Iowa and New
Hampshire and the South and work-
ing very hard,“ she said.

"Yes. he is muddling the field,"
said Joseph Grandmaison, chairman
of the New Hampshire Democratic
party. who added quickly that he be-
lieves Cuomo is doing so inadver-
tently rather than as a strategy to

Grandmaison added that an un-
usually high percentage of party ac-
tivists remain uncommitted in the
state where the first presidential
primary will be held next winter. He
said that is partly became fa'mer
candidates Gary Hart of Colorado
and Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware
withdrew from the race earlier in

the year, and partly because of

Robert Beckel. who was campaign
manager for 1984 Democratic nom-
ninee Walter F. Mondale, agreed
that Cuomo's coyness is hampering
the candidates, but said there is
little they can doabout it.

Cuomo has said he is not a candi-
date and will not enter the primaries
or caucuses where delegates to the
1%8 nominating convention will be
picked. But he also said, ”Of coin'se
I'd do it" if the party told him he
had an “obligation” to accept a

Most of the candidates say they
are unconcerned by the frequent
speculation about Cuomo's inten-

tions; so far only Jesse Jackson has
expressed irritation.

“If I lose the nomination. I want
to be eliminated by someone who
has played in the same league,“ he
said recently. “There are no acci-
dental drafts."

Ann Lewis. an adviser to Jackson.
said she believes others share that

There‘s no denying the potential
impact that Cuomo has on the race.

Until recently, Cuomo had spoken
warmly of Dukakis‘ candidacy.
without endorsing him.

Then two weeks ago Cuomo made
flattering comments about Simon.
"I feel great, great empathy with
him," the New Yorker said of the II-
linois senator.

people from different disciplines to
do research together, Robbins said.

Clayton said that from the re—
search in the four projects. profes-
sors will take "what we learn
and apply it in the laboratory of

The research projects team will
not be starting from scratch though.
Work on the projects is already un-
derway because money from the
NIDA grant was made available at
the beginning of October. Robbins

In order to get the grant from
NIDA. Clayton said a written appli-

Scc DRl (i. Pagcfi

UK center
for cancer
gets money

Contributing Writer

The Lucille Parker Markey Can-
cer Center received an $18.164 dona-
tion on Friday from the Kentucky‘s
Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars.

For the last 14 years. the Ladies
Auxiliary has been raising money
for cancer research. Alternating its
donations between UK and the L'm-
versity of Louisville. the group this
year presented its biggest donation
to UK and next year will raise
money for L‘ of LS cancer research

With federal money for medical
research getting harder to receive.
many cancer research idClllilOS
have to look increasingly toward pri-
vate money to fund their programs

UK‘s Markey Cancer Center is no
exception and as federal dollars be-
come scarce, private donations be»
come more precious.

Dr. Thomas Vanaman. chairman
of the biochemistry department.
said that "over the next it) years, in
all probability, we're going to see
substantial losses of federal funding
for all aspects of basic research.

”And in order for us to be able to
keep programs going. we have to be
concerned about finding other
sources. particularly private dona-
tions,"he said

Dr. Gilbert Friedell. director of
the Markey Cancer Center, esti-
mated that in the future. at least 30
percent of the center‘s research
funding will have to come from pri-
vate donations

“In the future funding will have to
come from industry. it'll come from
the public in the form of donations
and we'll have to he inventive ..

\‘cc ('ANCI-ZR. Pagc 5

U.S.-Soviet treaty

nearly set,

Associated Press

GENEVA. Switzerland _ Secre-
tary of State George P. Shultz said
yesterday the United States and the
Soviet Union had agreed to station
inspectors at each other's nuclear
missile sites for 10 years after
banned weapons are scrapped.

Shultz arrived yesterday in Gene-
va to try to wrap up a missile trea~
ty. Speaking with reporters on the
plane before it made a refueling
stop in Shannon, Ireland, en route to
Switzerland. Shultz said “some oper-
ational details“ remained to be
worked out.

“The treaty is virtually com-
plete,“ Shultz said. ”All of the main
things have been agreed to.“

The treaty to ban US. and Soviet
intermediate and shorter-range nu-
clear missiles is the designated cen-
terpiece for President Reagan‘s
summit beginning Dec. 7 with Gen
eral Secretary Mikhail S. Gorba~

The Soviet diplomat arrived in Ge-
neva yesterday. saying in a brief
airport statement he was confident
the treaty will be completed "de-
spite the fact that certain difficult
questions continue to exist. "

Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard A.
Shevardnadze said preparations for
the Reagan-Gorbachev summit also
were in their “most crucial stage.“

Victor Karpov, head of the For-
eign Ministry‘s arms control depart-


ment and former chief arms nego-
tiator in Geneva. was among the
aides accompanying Shevardnadze,

In Moscow, commentator Tomas
Kolesnichenko wrote in Pravda. the
Communist Party daily: “As always
happens in these cases, 'technical‘
problems at the last stage take on
more importance. For that reason.
obviously, there arose the necessity
of a new meeting between Shultz
and Shevardnadze."

Faced with that deadline. Shultz
scheduled meetings today and to-
morrow in Geneva with Shevard-

Talking to reporters aboard his
US. Air Force jet before a refueling
stop in Shannon. Shultz said he
planned to seek Soviet support for
an arms embargo agaimt Iran and
a timetable for withdrawal of Soviet
troops from Afghanistan.

The United States has delayed try-
ing to push a weapons cutoff through
the United Nations Security Council
because of concern that the Soviets
might block the move with a veto.

The council approved a ceasefire
in the Iran-Iraq war July 20 with So-
viet support. "It is time to move for-
ward,“ Shultz said.

An arms embargo would be de-
signed to deprive Iran of many of its
weapons and force it to negotiate an
end to the conflict with Iraq, now in
its eighth year.

On Afghanistan, after years of
slow-movirg negotiations thrown

See TREATY. Page 5










2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. November 23,1901

lntormation on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through


the Student Center ActivitiesIOffice. 203/204 Student Center, University 9! Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceedin; the

publication date.



OOther PARTV" Alt medical nedth motors welcome $1 00 donation
Breedings El ‘ a m Calla 6698

'Concerts Student Cello Recital Free Memorial Hall 8 n in Call 7~

cMc»:es Moire Prermere Planes Trains A Automobiles (Steve Martin
John Candy: Free Worsha‘rr Theatre 8p m call 7-8887

Osborts UK Cross Country NCAA Nations Chunpionshlp Charlottsvrle
'vA Call ‘ 3838

OSuorrs Ar-ioc Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gr“ LC'I 8 30 p in Call 266-0102

~Other Cornerstone — Drama Practice no Auditions lust bring enthu-
5.35m Wes-e, Foundationi Free 508 Columbia Ave 6308 pm Call

:‘4 3‘14
oRenqrous Free Meditation G'Oup Free Newman Ctr 6 p m . Call 266-
49 ‘ 'c

ol-leiigiou-s Breali'ast Prayer Group B'eak’ast is served lollowed by
cum: \Nesley Foundationi Free 508 Columbia Ave 7-8 am Call 254-
3 ‘ ‘ 4

«Religious Worship service warm 8 casual gathering time 01 singing
prayers a messages Free 508 Columbia Ave 8-9 30 pm, Call 254-

'PeHQiCuS Monday Evening Fellowship ~ Friendship group discusSlort
parties 5 meals Free K House 412 Rose St 6 p m Call 254-1881

'Soorts Judo Club Beginners welcome Wrestling experience yduable
Sn ,ear Alumn GtmLotl Calla 4156

-Le<.tures The German Greens Local Politics in a World Context‘
Frei- Gaines Humanities Ctr 4 30 o m Call 7 1537

-Sports Baske'bali 'icxet Distribution tor Hawaii Free with UKlD Me-

rmrldi Couseuni 9 it ~1 4 L‘ "‘



~Heittiiuus Bible Discusmcc Grout Free 231 Student Center 730
I” CJi‘LE-l 339’

'5emmar Blochern Phenol-t Glycuiipid l at Myobactenum leprae the
:ausrtue agentntleurOSy Free MN 463 4p m

OSJ>i."s Ark dc Japanese Mar‘al Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gym Lo" 8 300 m Call 266 0132

~5ports UK Ping Dong Club Free Seaton Ctr Squash Ct 7~10 pm .

Call 8 8 ' 61

'SQMYS 4qu Club Beginners Welcorrlie — Wrestling experience valu-
inle ‘55 year Alumni Gym 5 6 303 m Calla-4156

-Religious We Are the Reason A Come tom the Singers, dancers a
stage crew doing this MuSlcal Free 508 Columbia 68 pm Call 254-

'Meetinqs Cosmopolitan Club Meeting Free 228 Student Ctr 7 p in
Call 7 2755

'Other Dinner Casual Dinner 5 Good Company — Wesley Foundation.
53 00 508 Columbia Ave 56 p m Call 2543714

.SPmillaIS Interdisciplinary Geriatrics Colloquium OVARGEC Free.
Mr-c Ctr MN 136 Noon Call 233 5166


'Meetinga LCCAS. Free 215 Oswald Bldg 1 l a m CHI 7-6071

'W Tuesday Night Together — T N T — A Time tor Woratiip A
Fellowship. Free Enlist Student Center, 7 30 p m Call 7-3989

DReligioue Campus Crusade lor Christ —— WEEKLY MEETING'. Free.
StudentCtr 245. 7 30p m

¢Sports Joan Karate Club — Shotokan. Free. Buell Armory 7 30-8 30
p m

'Religloua Pilgrim Race Group Meet At the UK Track to Jog or Run at
Your own Pace (Wesley Foundation) Free UK Track 5 p m Call 254~

~Rellgious Lunch A Last Lecture guest speakers share about topics
train their careers and lives 51 50. 508 Columbus Ave Noon-1 p m . Call

'Sports Basketball Ticket Distribution tor Cincmnati

Osborts UK Fencmg Club Free Alumni Gym 7 30-9 30 pm. Call

OConcerts UK Percussion Ensemble. James Campbell. Director Free,
CFAROCIIU Hall 80 m Call 7 3145

ICorlcerts (‘xaduate Students Trumpet Recital. Free CFA ReCltal Hall.
12 30pm .Call 74900

UOthor Prerrliere Showtng‘ Appalshop's Film Harriette Simpson Arnow'
$5 $3 stu Student Ctr Theatre 7 300 m Call 74035

OSports Wildcat Basketball vs Sovret National — Home. Free with tull-
time UKID, Rupp Arena 7 30 p in Call 7 1818

-Religious RClA - Weekly Prograrl tor all interested in learning more
about Catholrcrsm Free Newman Center 7 30 9 159 m Call 255-8587

'Other Aerobics Free Newman Center. 5 507 p m Call 255-8567



IReliglous Pilgrlm Race Group Meet Al the UK Track to Jog or Run at
Your own Pace (Wesley Found). Free. UK Track 5 p m Call 2543714

-Rell9lou.s Baptist Student Union — D 5 L Grill' 51 Baptist Student
Center, 12 15p m Call 73989

IReltqrous Cornerstone music practice — bring enthusiasm" (Wesley
Foundation) Free. 508 Columbia Ave 6 308 p m Call 254 3714

'Religious DeCISlon Pounl — Bible studies locusmg on Human Sexuality
(Wesley Foundation) Free 508 Columbia Aye 8-9 30 p rn 2543714

'Spcrts UK Fencmg Club Free Alumni Gym 7 30-9 30 pm Call

‘Sports Japan Karate Club — Shotokan Free Alumni Gym Balcony
5 30-7 30 p m

ORellgious Thursday Evening Bible Study — Christian Student
Fellowship Free. 502 Columbia 7 p m Call 233-0313

OAcademics Thanksgiving Holiday — Academic Holiday (Through l t 281

'Other Thanksgivmg Day

'RellglOUS. Inter VarSity Christian Fellowship Large Group Gathering
Free. Student Ctr 1 15 8 p m Call 266-1546

OReliglous Thanksgiving Day Celebration 0' the Mass Free Newman
Center, 10 a m Call 255-8567

0Movies - 11/23: Movie Premiere: Planes. Trains. &
Automobiles (Steve Martin. John Candy); Free; Worsham
Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

°Movies — 11’30: Rebel Without a Cause; $1.95:
Center Theatre; 8 pm; Call 8-8867




'Meetings — 11/24: LCCAS: Free: 215 Oswald
Bldg; 11 am; Call 7-6071

OMeetings — 11/25: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting:
Free; 228 Student Ctr: 7 pm; Call 7-2755

0Seminar — 1 1/25: Biochem: ‘Phenolic Glycolipid I of
Myobacterium leprae the causitive agent of leprosy';
Free; MN 463; 4 pm.

OSeminars - 1 1/25: Interdisciplinary Geriatrics Collo-
quium; OVAFl-GEC; Free; Med Ctr MN 136: Noon: Call

OSeminar — 11/30: Essay Test Taking Seminar;
$10.00; 103 Barker Hall; 11-1 1:50 pm: Call 7-8673





uSnrlrr< may Kat Invitational tournament ’Thlough 11 28l Free With

U“ ‘D Ml." ma; Col-sem' Call ’ ‘ 8‘ 8


'Fletlglous The Hub Colleehcuse Christian Bands drama groups
(ellowshipdlun Free K House 412 Rose St 7 30 p m Call 277 5190

'Sports Wildcat Basketball vs Hawaii - Home Free WIII’l UKID Rupp
Arena 80 m Call 7~1818


0Concerts — 11 ‘23: Student Cello Recital; Free; Me-
morial Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 1 124: UK Percussion Ensemble,
James Campbell. Director: Free; CFA Recital Hall; 8
pm; Call 7-3145

0Concerts — 11 24* Graduate Students Trumpet Fle-
cital; Free; CFA Recital Hall: 12:30 pm ;Call 7-4900

OConcerts —— 1 180: Walter Hicks Senior Tuba Reci-
tal; Free; CFA Recital Hall: 8 pm: Call 7-4900


SPORTS, . .,

OSports — 11/23: UK Cross Country NCAA National
Championship; Charlottsvile, VA; Call 73838

OSports - 11’23: Basketde Ticket Distribution for
Hawaii. Free with UKID: Memorial Coliseum; 9 a.m.-4

OSports — 1124' Basketball Ticket Distribution for

OSports — 1124 UK Fencmg Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 272-1013

OSports - 11,24» Wildcat Basketball vs Soviet Na-
tional — Home; Free with full-time UKID: Rupp Arena;

OSports — 11/25: UK Ping Pong Club; Free; Seaton
Ctr. Squash Ct; 7-10p.m ;Call 8-8161

OSports — 11/26. UK Fencing Club: Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p m.; Call 272-1013

~Sports — 11/27: Lady Kat Invitational Tournament
(Through 11/28); Free with UKID: Memorial Coliseum;

ISports — 11’28. Wildcat Basketball vs. Hawaii -
Home; Free with UKID: Flupp Arena: 8 pm; Call 7-






reiliiwship Free 502 Columbia 7 p 'r‘ 0311233 0313



tin Lott to rr Call 256 O'CI





C"8 ‘0 11 30am 59300” Call25585t’i7


.oim C(ilpriralron qr Worsrip Free CSF Center 7 pm Call 233
- Religious Sunday Evenrnu Celebration Hour — Christian Student
OSports Alluori Japenese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
sSports Japan Karate Club » snotrllian Fri» Alumrti Gym Balcony 3

oReliuiriiis Cd’WTM Criletmtwr‘ n1 in» Mass Free Newman



OConcerts Waller Hicks Senior Tuba Rental Free CFA Recital Hall 8
p in Call 7 4900

.MOVTQS Rebel Without a Cause $1 95 Center Theatre 8 p m Cdl 8-

CW Cornerstone — Drama Practice no auditions |usl bring enthu-
sieem' (Wesley Foundation) Free 506 Columbia Ave 6 30-8 pm Call
254 3714

OFleligious Free Meditation Group Free Newman Ctr 6 p m Call 266-

“tenuous Ueaktaat Prayer Group Breaktaat is served tollowed by
prayeeresley Foundation) Free 508 Columbia 7 8 a rn (31812543714

0W Worship service warm a casual gathering time or singing
prayers A message: tree 508 Columbus Ave 8-9 30 pm Call 254-

'W Monday Evening Fellowship - Friendship group discussion
W.lM.Frn K-House412RoseSt 6pm ,Cdl254-1881

05-eran Essay Test Taking 59mm! 510 00 103 Baker Hall 11-

Oborta Aikldo moss Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumn-
Gym Lott a 300 m Call 266-0102

Osbortl Judo Cm Beginners Welcome Wrestling experience vduabte
Sis/yea. AlumniGyrrr Lott 5-6 309 m Calls use

0m Back to Workshop tor Adults thinking about coming beckto
school Free Student Ctr 230 7 9p m Cell 7 3383






OAcademics — 11(26: Thanksgiving Holiday — Aca-
demic Holiday (Through 1 1/28)

'Other — 11(23 PARTY". All medical health majors
welcome; $1 00 donation; Breedings; 8-1 am: Call 8-

OOther - 1 1 '23. 'Cornerstone‘ — Drum Practice: no
Auditions. just bring enthusiasm! (Wesley Foundation);
Free. 508 Columbia Ave: 6230-8 p m ; Call 254-3714

OOther - 1 124, Premiere Showing! Appalshop's
Film ‘Harriette Simpson Amow'; $5. $3 stu; Student Ctr
Theatre; 7:30p m . Call 7-4035

OOther — 11/24: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
550-? pm : Call 255-8567

'Other — 11-’25: Dinner Casual Dinner a Good Com-
pany — Wesley Foundation. $3.00. 508 Columbia Ave;
56 p m Call 254-3714

OOther - 1126. Thanksgiving Day

OOther — 1 1/30: 'Cornerstone' — Drama Practice: no
auditions; just bring enthusiaem' (Wesley Foundation);
Free; 508 Columbia Ave; 6230-8 p m . Cal1254-3714

OLectures - 1 1 (23' The German Greens: Local Poli-
tics in a World Context'; Free; Gaines Humanities Ctr;
4309 m ;Call 7-1537

'Workshops — 1130: Back to Workshop tor Adults
thinking about coming beckto school; Free; Student Ctr
230; 7-9p.m.; Call 7-3383






'12/01 — Seminar: Coping with Test Anxiety;
310.00.103 Barker Hall: 11-1 1 :50 am: Cdl 7-8673

012/01 — Seminar: Objective Test Taking; $10.00.
103 Baker Hall; 1-1:50 pm: Call 8-8673

I12/01 - Sports: Lady Kat Basketh vs, Eastern
Kentucky University; Free with UKlD; Memorial 00!
lseum; 7;30p.m.; Call 7-1818

012/01 — Mldcat Basketball vs Cmcannati; Free with
UKID: Rupp Arena. 8 pm.

012/02 — Other, KY Symposium on Women in Den-
tristry; Free; CFA Recital Hall: 8 a.m.-4.30 pm ; Call 7-

012/03-12/04 — Theatre A Winnie The Pooh
Christmas Tall; 35. $4; Guignol Theatre; 7.30 pm; CHI







 Kentucky Kernel, Monday. November 23. 1987 — 3



UK losses

Only Stephen King could have
written a script as devilish as the
one the UK football team enacted
this fall.

A Wildcat team with high hopes
in September saw them twisted
into a 5-6 record that drips with

“We‘ve been short so many
times,“ UK coach Jerry Clai-
borne said. “It’s a disappointing
season to us, our players and our

The disappointment stems from
the record itself. This team was
too good to suffer a losing season.
But frustration also tears at the
Cats because of how the defeats
came about.

First it was Rutgers. UK head-
ed to New Jersey determined to
make up for last year‘s tie. They
didn’t. The Cats were upset. 19-

UK brushed that aside and
roared back with two more im-
pressive victories. After five
weeks, the Wildcats had four
wins and bowl bids sounded good.

Lousiana State put a damper
on those with a 34-9 victory. But
that wasn‘t so bad. UK wasn’t ex-
pected to win in the bayous any-


What killed the Cats came
seven days later. Once again, UK
was the underdog. But this time
it appeared an upset was brew-

For 58 minutes, the Wildcats
led the Bulldogs at Georgia. That
was just an evil tease. The Dogs
snatched victory away from UK
with less than two minutes to

UK fell to Georgia, 17-14. The
Cats never got off the floor the
rest of the season.

A lifeless win over Virginia
Tech followed. But then bowl
hopes were shot out of the sky
when Vanderbilt pulled an 38-29
upset. Florida smoked the Cats
with their fifth defeat the next

The LSU game was the only
loss UK could handle. Even that
wasn‘t decided until the second
half. The other four could have
gone either way.

“We had an opportunity to win
everyone one of them," Claiborne

The same wicked act took
place Saturday.

UK led the favored Volunteers
from Tennessee until the fourth
quarter. Trailing 24.20. the Wild-
cats launched one final attack at
a winning season. They took the
ball to the Volunteers’ six-yard
line with the clock ticking down.
First and goal.

“When we got the ball down
there, I didn‘t think they'd stop
us at all,“ UK offensive tackle
Greg Kunkel said. “I just thought
this was going to be great, com-
ing up with a score and a victory
like this."

It never happened.

Four jack-hammer attempts
left UK 12 inches short of a win-
ning season. Mark Higgs hit an
orange wall on fourth down and
was left with his face buried in
the brown grass of Common-
wealth Stadium.

“That sums up the whole sea-
son," Kunkel said.

“it hurts worse‘ UK guard
Dermontti Dawson said. “I‘d
rather be beaten by three or four
touchdowns instead of three or
four points."

The margin of defeat doesn‘t
matter to the fans. lt‘s still a de-
feat. And lately their tolerance
has not been high. Some have
called for Claiborne‘s head. The
players say that is unjustified.

“it's never been Coach's fault
since we‘ve been here," UK cen-
ter Brad Myers said. “if people
knew Coach a little better they
would understand that. It upsets
me that people say thirus about

Claiborne is taking the heat
with his head held high. it‘s just
part of his business.

“if you‘re not a very thick-
skinned person, you shouldn‘t be
a coach," Claiborne said.

The tough defeats UK suffered
this fall should have made Clai-
borne's skin than ever.
He'll need it. it's going to be a

Sports Editor Todd Jones is a
journalism senior.

' .1 fl







Assistant Sports Editor

Although Saturday‘s 24-22 loss to
Tennessee is still fresh on his mind,
UK football coach Jerry Claiborne
has already begun thinking about
next year.

Twenty seniors will be vacating
the football dormitory this spring
and it‘s time to start rebuilding the

But Claiborne said he may not be
relying totally on a group of wide-
eyed freshmen to fill the holes.

“We‘re going after some junior
college players," Claiborne said. “A
junior college player is older. he‘s
already played a couple of seasons
and he’s more mature."

Claiborne has good reason to trust
junior college players. The two he
recruited this year. ended up as key
members of the offense.

At the beginning of the football
season, UK quarterback Glenn
Fohr, who transfered from Hudson
Valley Junior College in New Jer-
sey, was playing second fiddle to se-
nior starter Kevin Dooley.

Saturday, however, Dooley never
saw the field. Fohr had taken over.

The 6-foot-2, 205-pound junior
passed for 240 yards and led a 68-
yard charge in the game‘s last min.
ute that came one foot short from
taking the win away from the Vols.

“Fohr did a really good job for
us," Claiborne said. “He came in
and moved the ball well and came
awfully close."

At Hudson Valley. Fohr was an
All-Conference player. He led the
Coastal Conference in passing in
1986, accumulating 1.512 yards and
seven touchdowns.

This season, Fohr got the call
when Dooley was injured against
Ohio University.

He completed 74 of 163 passes for
973 total yards. Fohr also passed for
six touchdowns, including two
against Tennessee.

“it was a good learning experi-
ence." Fohr said of the Tennessee
game. “We moved the ball really
well. That‘s kind of a confidence
booster for next year. “

Junior Charlie Darrington, from
Northeastern Oklahoma Junior Col-
lege, bailed Claiborne out at the

tight end position.

With the graduation of mainstay
ends Mark Wheeler and Matt Lucas,
the position was wide open at the
outset of the season.

Darrington stepped in and wound
up leading UK in pass receptions
until the last game.

(Wide receiver Dee Smith’s 170-
yard performance against the Vols
gave him the No. 1 spot. 1

For the season. 6-3. 225-pound Dar-
rington had 26 receptions for 365
yards and two touchdowns.

Despite making three catches
against the Vols, the pass Darring-
ton remembers the most was the
one he didn‘tcatch.

Late in the third quarter, Darring-
ton dropped a very catchable pass in
the end zone that could have given
UK a 24-14 lead over Tennesse late
in the third quarter.

“1 just didn‘t look it in. l was cele-
brating before I caught it," Darring-

UK assistant coach Jimmy Dykes works with freshman forward
Johnathon Davis during practice at Memorial Coliseum.

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Above, UK senior running back
Mark Higgs avoids Tennessee
linebacker Kelly Ziegler Saturday
at Commonwealth Stadium. At
right, Wildcat quarterback Glenn
Fohr scrambles for yardage.


ton said. “Sometimes the easy ones
are the hardest to catch."

Claiborne said he won't be scan-
ning the junior colleges for tight
ends or quarterbacks this year. but
he is trying to find players as tal-
ented as Fohr and Darrington.

“The players we‘re going to miss
the most are (Brad) Myers, (Butch)
Wilburn. (Dermontti) Dawson and
(Greg) Kunkel," Claiborne said.
“We‘re going to have to work hard
to recruit some offensive linemen
out of junior college. But we‘re not
going to bring them in unless we can
sign good ones.“


Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

Fohr has UK hungry for J uCo talent


New assistant