xt79gh9b8h2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8h2k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-01-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1977 1977 1977-01-20 2020 true xt79gh9b8h2k section xt79gh9b8h2k residents.


state ,

The city of Haurd. faced with an acute
natural gas shortage brought on by the severe
cold, has asked most businesses to close and has
made preparations to evacuate thousands of


The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10 to
3 yesterdav to recommend Griffin Bell to be
Jimmy Carter’s attorney general, making him
the last of Carter’s Cabinet nominees to win
approval from Senate committees.



A bill to legalize pari-mutuel betting on a
county option basis passed the Indiana House
56-42 yesterday. The bill now goes to the Senate,
which the last two years has approved pari~mu~
tuel betting and then refused to override Gov.
Otis R. Bowen’s vetoes.

President Ford yesterday ruled out blanket
amnesty for Vietnam military deserters and

. draft evaders but said wounded and decorated
‘veterans who received other than honorable

discharged have their status changed to

honorable discharges. In a letter to the widow of
Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Michigan), who had
supported a general amnesty, Ford said he had
“decided to maintain my position on earned
clemency and hope you will understand.”

Jimmy Carter, who emerged from the
obscurity of rural Georgia to become one of the
political phenomena of the United States’ first

., 200 years, will
be the first pres-
ident inaugura-

ted in the na-

tion‘s third cen-
tury. While Car-
ter journeyed to
cleaned out his
desk yesterday,
telephoned his
farewells to
world leaders
and pardoned
Tokyo Rose.

...first for the third


“It's like the world is ending." a Florida
woman joked as she watched snow swirling near
Fort Lauderdale. The nation's low was 29 below
at Houlton, Maine, and temperatures dipped into
the 30’s in southern Florida, with snow flurries
reported in Miami Beach.


Snow flurries are expected this morning and
should diminish by this afternoon. One to three
inches could accumulate by dusk. There is a 70
per cent chance of snow today and 20 per cent
tonight. The high should reach 20 above zero with
a low tonight of 10 to 15 above. Tomorrow may be
partly cloudy and warmer.

Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bureau dispatches.



Vol. LXVIH, Number 90

Thursday, January 20, I977




an independent student newspaper]


University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Housing study recommends construction of new units

Kernel Staff Writer

A University housing feasibility
study has recommended that the
University construct at least 200
units of twobedroom housing in the
Shawnteetown area, with at least 50
units reserved for married students.

The 35-page study was recently
completed at the request of Jack
Blanton, vice president for business

affairs. It was conducted by a five—
member panel of University of-
t'icia b. That panel consisted of: G.
J. Ruschell, assistant vice president
for business affairs, Robert
Blakeman, director of auxiliary
services, Larry Ivy, Jean Lindley,
acting director of housing. and
Jeanne Garvey, director of
management services for business

In doing the study, the panel

examined estimates of growth
potential for UK and the outlook for
the surrounding community.

Part of the function of the com-
mittee was to examine the
enrollment possibilities at UK in
determining whether it could afford
additional housing. They were also
to corsider the financial position of
the University, and its effect on
housing affordability.

In gathering information, the

panel consulted University per-
sonnel, administrative personnel,
officials of other universities and
employes of local and state planning

In assembling its report, the panel
examined predicted enrollment,
community growth, national trends
and expansioncosts.

The panel found that the
University had accommodations for
4,735 undergraduates, which ac-

Three major mayoral candidates
call for extensive traffic changes

While they’re waiting forever to

make a left turn, Lexington
motorists may find some solace in
knowing they’re experiencing
perhaps the number one political
issue in Fayette County: traffic.

Politicians and others have
frequently lamented poor planning
in Lexington while praising the
city’s prosperity and rapid growth
that have contributed to it.

This year, though, traffic
congestion and city planning will
have added importance because a
new mayor will be elected.

All three major candidates are
establishing positions calling for
extensive traffic alterations and a
comprehensive growth plan, which
is required by state law in 1978.

Mayor Foster Pettit, who is not
ninning for reelection, and Vice
Mayu‘ Scotty Baesler have proposed
the creation of a citizens’ task force
to assist the Urban County Council in

Under their proposal, the two
groups would work with one of the
nation’s leading urban planners
hired by the city. Professor Robert
Freilich, of the University of
Missouri law school, was
specifically mentioned by Pettit and
Baesler, who is a candidate for

The other principal candidates,
James Amato and Joe Graves, have
emphasized traffic problems in their
early campaigning. Graves has

Press partly to blame

Nugent cites African problems

Kernel Staff Writer

John Peer Nugent, former African
correspondent for Newsweek
magazine, told a crowd of about 150
in Memorial Coliseum Tuesday
night that the American press is
partly to blame for the current
political tension in Southern Africa.

“The American press has tried to
create the image that what the
blacks in Africa want is to have
independence without the
whites...that is not what they want,”
he said.

Calling the black leaders
“pragmatists,” Nugent said, “they
know they can’t do it on their wn
now; they know that they are going
to need assistance at first.”

Nugent also said he feels sure if
white Rhodesiam could “see their
way to a compromise," the black
leaders would recognize that “they

do need to keep the Europeans

Nugent traced the origins of the
current antipathies on the dark
continent to the start of the colonial
period. The whites, he said, first
settled in Rhodesia and South Africa
in the 1600‘s, and they see them-
selves as settlers in that land.

“They have no homeland to go to,"

, he said, “and they have developed

the attitude that they will remain
even unto death. They feel that they
are under the guns: the guns of

Nugent does not defend the “white
Africans" categorically, however.
Ile recounted several incidents
which he felt illustrated “the kinds
of things the white mentality can do

In the early 1960's, he said, the
African territory of Guinea told its
French colon'nts that it no longer
wanted colonial leadership. In

criticized the present administration
for ignoring practical concerns and
has pledged to replace traffic
engineer Joe Heidenreich.

Amato promises extensive
changes such as re-aligning lanes
and adjustinglights, and claims that
he was interested in traffic concerns
before his opponents, during his
unsuccessful mayoral bid in 1973.

In their proposal, Pettit and
Baesler identified major outgoing
roads——such as Versailles and
NicholasvilleH—as being so clut-
tered with driveways and minor
roads that they are hazardous.

New Circle Road, they said,
frequently causes traffic jams
because it is overdeveloped and
connected with other clogged streets

retaliation, French officials
destroyed the scholastic records of
the nation‘s top students, thereby
depleting the Guinea’s reserve of
accredited academicians and

Nugent attributed the current
problems in black-led nations to
“black leaders trying to emulate
their former white leaders. The
gentlemen running these countries,"
he said, “now presume that the way
to do things is to start moving their
money to a bank account in Swit-
zerland and to buy a Mercedes-

The name Mercedes-Benz has lent
itself to a new word in the African
vemauilar. The lower classes of
African society have created a name
for the ruling white “tribe." They
call them “Wa-BENZ-i."

There has been a reduction of
tension in Africa in recent years,
according to Nugent.

Continued on page 3

Baesler said in an interview
yesterday that the selection of the
citizens’ committee is nearly
complete. The group is to represent
diverse interests from all areas of
Lexington-Fa yette County, interests
often at odds in court and in

According to Dr. William Lyons,
8th district councilman, Freilich is
one of the most competent urban
planners in the nation, and hiring
him or “someone like him” to
coordinate Lexington’s growth, is a
step that should be taken.

A UK political science professor,
Lyons said Freilich could especially
assist Lexington in legal areas and
long-range planning.

counted for 85 per cent of the total
student population. According to the
report, there are 15,000 students in
need of off-campus housing.

Part of the study was devoted to a
comparison of UK’s housing
situation with that of other
univerities. It was found that the
problems facing UK were also
facing other institutions around the

Itwas found that the major area of
housing shortage was that of
married or graduate students. All of
the schools contacted agreed that
this shortage represented a trend;
they were unanimous in predicting
continued increase in this area.

The panel concluded that; a)
dormitory life was a constructive
aspect of the ‘collegiate learning
experience’ b) the current trend
toward increased need for student
housing would hold up through the

next decade, c) the increased need
for student off-campus housing
would put a strain on the already-
weakened city housing market, d)
this strain will result in increased
pressure on the administration, and
that e) the University will have to
borrow money to meet construction

In deference to these conclusions,
the panel recommended that the
Shawneetown-area housing project
be undertaken; and that funds for
the exparsion be raised by the sale
of bonds.

The committee also concluded
that the best type of housing would
be apartment-type housing. The
reason for this, they said, was to
insure easy dispensation in case of
their becoming unneccessary, and
reduced stress on the Lexington
housing market.


The deadline for fee payments
in the Student (‘cntcr ballroom
has been extended through
today btcause of a delay in the
arrival of student linancial aid

Vice President for Business
Affairs Jack (I. lllanton, noting
an unusually large number of
students attempting to pay fees
late yesterday afternoon, ex-
tended the deadline and waived
the late fee.


Payment date extended

lllanton said he was com
ccrncd about the large number
of students paying at the
ballroom rather than through
the n ail in advance. He said the
current number of students
paying l'ccs at the ballroom has
caused “a tremednous
pmccssing burden" and added
that he is considering ending
ballroom payments, requiring
payment to be mailed in ad-



—-Iroco 0min

'F r rom the madding crowd'

Carolyn Conner.

crowd in the Stw


Arts I: Sciences fresh-
man. gets far from the maddening. late fee
t Center Ballroom.

Registration and fee payments are winding
up for this semester.



mm L




Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University








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orensen vrc imize


' fall

by poor reasoning



Politicians are sure to be on solid ground in Opponents of Sorensen’s appointmentcited his UK
attackiig Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) use of the Kennedy administration documents as 1
activities over the past few years. After all, what reason for denying him the position. In fact, his 5‘5'
public figure can go wrong in condeming CIA removal of the materials. actually a minor :8;
murder attempts? consideration, was only a convenient excuse. dra.

But the CIA whipping-boy syndrome has gone What many 0f Sorensen 5 opponents really St
100 far in the case of Theodore Sorensen, Jimmy feared was that the CIA would be headed by a and
Carter’s nominee for CIA director. Sorensen newcomer; a man who. had. declared himself a tea‘
withdrew his name from consideration after a ““°‘.‘°°ml,’a‘3“"' m registering for the military. °f
united group of congressmen organized to Registration as a nomcombatant isn't a refusal rug
.hrcatcn his nomination. Lonsgrve, but is a personal expressron against gt:

i i .

Sorensen‘s chances were doomed from the Apgammly, the congressmen won’t be new
start— for two reasons. He was a CIA outsider satisfied with a CIA director who isn’t from the i still
and he had removed a number 0f government ranks and in support of such democratic prin- 0
documents when his service as an aide in the ciples as subverting the Chilean government or 3 St“
Kennedy admmifiir'd‘iim ended. attempting to assassinate op-posing political :2;

lnremovingtbc documents, which hehoped to leaders. MW of
use as background {in a book on the Kennedy The recent revelations of CIA activity make it ‘ ""’ m, sen
years. Sorensen was i'ncrely conforming with an Clearlhal the agency has not followed the proper the basic values and principles thatpeople like to Theodore Sorersen may not have been the best iryi
established practice. In those pre-Nixon years, course in ensuring US. security and monitoring believe characterize their government. appointee, but if his nomination was to be nee
misuse of government doucuments hadn’t yet the actions 0f enemys. Instead, the CIAhas been Whatthe CIA needs is indeed an “outsider,” a refused, it should have been done for logical “
become a recognized crinn guilty of mindless abuses of its power, ignoring fresh face to guide a stale and molded agency. reasons glettl



Letters——— on

I ' P

us to k quiet until after the attt

A m 6 rl ca I m a n a n a Thank you, $6 clectionsfluch advice may save ref
Who would have ever thought their seats, but it lost the referenda hell

there would be a way to outwit ,the for state ERA’s in New York and wit

. . . . three campus bodtstores? I didn’t New Jersey. ignoring it won ERA _ reg

A IOOk at pressure, lhlelduall‘ty, Vietnam and Kiss think it was possible. But, victories in Colorado and (Pi

Last week I said I wanted to talk
about the spirit of inanana
«pronounced mahn-yah-nah) and
how it‘s so prevalent in Mexico and
scarce in the United States.

Mariana literally means
"ton‘orrow." and the spirit of
n anana genera lly entails a relaxed,
cnsygoing way of life, as in “I‘ll do
it ‘n :nmna,‘ not today.”

The {7.8. wouldn't be in the
t‘L'OlllHl‘lt'. position it's in today if its
n ainstrt-an' life philosophy were the
spirit of nznnana. In simplistic
terms. this country‘s growth has
been based on the rock of hand work
and efficiency and the theory that if
you build a better mousetrap, the
world will beat a path to your door.





Not so ill Mexico. lts growth,
hampered by the presence of
European colonialism until the final
cxpulsion of France in 1867, has been
built on the shifting sands of manana
ans exemplified by the afternoon
ritual of siesta, which is still prac-

ticed). if and when a better
.: ousctrap is built there, it's usually
dmic “ anana. inanana“ and not
today. if ever.
Missing spirit

The upshot of this state of affairs
is that while the US. has gained in
affluence, it has missed out on the
spirit of n'nnana. Conversely, while
the Mexicans seem more relaxed
and happy than us in their way of
life, they‘ve sacrificed the
satisfaction find easiness of the
:: ntcrial comforts to which we‘ve
becontc accustomed in this country.

I could ramble on and on about the
nature of life here compared to that
of the slower-paced Mexico, but I
don‘t really feel qualified. A lot of
n y beliefs are already ingrained to
the point that my own interpretation
of them would be self-corruptive.

My tlilt-n'na was solved with the
help of. bclicvc it or not, Sue Wylie of
Wit-1X television. Ms. Wylie was on
the tube earlier this week asking
some kick in their early teens the

question, “What do you think it will
be like when you‘re grown up?"

One of the youngsters replied,
“Wcll, it‘ll be really crowded with
people, and uh, pricesjll be really
bigh...and we‘ll be running out of

To which Ills. Wylie purred, “You
i: akc it all sound so bad, so
depressing. Does that make you feel

The kid answered matter-0f-
iactly. “Nope."

Tools of life'

Which brings me to the issue of
this article. Is the environment in
which we bring up today's
youngsters one in which any of
several possible future disasters
have become a fact of life to them?
Will these new “facts of life”
produce a spirit of manana that
really amounts to giving up on the
light. to correct the mistakes of those
who have preceded us? Conversely.
will the pressures of such a society
it akc it possible for them to ever
cnjoy a life that is relatively
ca 11‘ frcc'.’

In order to explore the question, I
asked Chas Main, a recent graduate
of Henry Clay High School and a
Kcrncl reporter, to convene several
seniors from Henry Clay so that I
could talk to them about these

(has assembled for me seven
bright and articulate seniors from
the school—Bill Bastin, Matt
liclioor, John McDonald, Cady
llanks, Jane Germond, Lisa Ernst
and Tom Clark.

We covered the gamut of topics,
from their on trance into adolescence
in the ll‘ldSt of the Vietnam war to
the advcntof the energy crisis; from
high government corruption to
hyper-vandalism like dumping five
gallon buckets of tar on cars (as
happened here in Lexington a couple
of years ago); from the selfishness
and excesses of Americans to the
brashncs and excesses of the rock
group Kiss.

Winds of change

There are winds of change flowing
among these kids. Some of them are
disturbing, some are not. One of the
i: ost disturbing was that they seem
to feel that Americans are too
individualism that has always been
a part of this country. They abo
agnccd that the same quest for in-

dividuality spurs the acts of super-
vandalism and teenage crime that
are becoming more prevale ttoday.

The scary part isithat on the flip
side of this coin of individualism is
the desire of young Americans to
cscapc being caught up in the same
old things that everyone else is
caught up in—~ to not be just another
face in the crowd. This is a fate to be
avoided [lost of all. Thus we get the
Kiss armyw a n ass of kids who live
out their individualistic dreams by
identifying with Paul Stanley
spitting blood.

But the truth is, my young friends
report. that the army is nothing but
a bunch of kids who are ultimately
caught up in the same old things that
everyone else is caught up in, after
all. The same used to be seen among
those of us who wore jeans to be
different and wound tip looking just


like cvcrvone clse our age in the
According to them, there is much

i ore pressure to achieve, to strive, .

to SUCCEEI) than there seemed to
be wrong the people of “my
generation" They seemed to want
to resist such pressure, but reported
that this condition had become a
“fact of life" just like the energy
sca rc, corruption in high places, the
threat of war in faraway places, and
the advent of Quaaludes into the
high schools. A fact of life is one that
is accepted without much question, I

The n ost singular note that l
pcrccivcd among these high school
seniors was that the end of the age of
innocence occurs much sooner now
than it ever has before. They
con-plaincd that there is too much
competition (in high school!), ob-
served that people try too hard to
have a good time. and seemed
resigned to the dangers of life. in the
twentieth century. When I was in
high school n.y biggest worry was
that we wouldn’t win the. big game
against Bowling Green. Things have
indeed changed in the past few

This ca rly end of innocence could
be a doublccdged sword. On one
hand, it could mean that such carly
awareness tray lead to an American
public that just won‘t be taken in by
official ii ish-iiiash in the handling of
the pctplc's affairs.

(in the other hand, it could mean a
premature resignation on the part of
the “next generation” to a state of
affairs (domestic, foreign and
pcrsmia I) that is too large to control.
to tomplex to understand, and too
ingrained in our way of life to try to
do nudi of anything about.

There‘s one more thing to add to
this. Most of the students seemed to
feel that they would be able to cope
a Iright with the world as adults since
they had been raised in this on-
vironmcnt all along. True, perhaps.
But being a worricr about these
things, I have to wonder how far we
An-cricais will have to go before we
can satisfy our need for in-
dividualism and achievement, given
the currciit emphasis on it.

Dick Downey bi III second year as n
Kernel collmnlot is foot on-
proechlig graduation from the UK
Law School. llh column appears
every My.

miraculously, our own Student
Government discovered a way.
This impossible dream is called a
“Book Exchange.” Students selling
their books through the book ex-

.strangestantirsMono. mantis; . ;;.:..;.

wits 'm rm:

stingy sums allotted by the”
"bookstOre‘s'f" . . ..

Those students buying books
through the exchange pay less for
booksin the same condition as those
inthe bookstores. How can we lose?
Thank You, Student Government!

Amy Fischer
Allied Health sophomore

A big one

Today (Jan. 18) saw the
ratification of the Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA) by the In'diana
legislature. Three states to go!
Rumor has led it for several months
that Jimmy Carter has promised to
get the ERA ratified in three states
this year if women can win the
fourth, although no one is quite sure
why he can’t support it in all four.

At any rate, there can be no
question but that this victory is due
to the action of women who fought
very hard for it. The Indiana
Coalition worked very hard to elect
representatives and senators
sympathetic to the ERA, and as a
result wu'e successful in winning at
least the passive support of a slender
majority in both houses.

Activists who have abandoned this
strategy in favor of an independent
women’s movement built support
for the ERA with a letter and
telegram campaign, a door-to-door
caravan, and a rally, all called by
Indiana or Indianapolis N.O.W.
t National ()rganinition for Women).

Despite the weather-—the con-
tirgent sent by the Campus ERA
Alliance was forced to turn back—
the Jan. 9 rally drew 600 supporters
who came from as far away as
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to
march through sub-zero tem-
peratures and eight inches of snow.
(The local press, radio and TV
stations gave prominent coverageto
the rally.) Supptrt for the ERA was
also demonstrated by the 800 people
who packed the subcommittee
hearings and those who testified for
the ERA (hiring the week before
Jan. 9. '

Now that we face the hardest part
of the struggle we seem to be finding
the right combination of tactics.
Women are learning, for one thing,
not to listen to politicians who advise


Massachusettes in November—and
now this big one!

Carol Dussere

(‘ampus ERA Alliance

Graduate student in: German

I would like to complain about Joe
Kemp‘s Jan. 18 article about the
Kentucky-Florida basketball game.
In his article, Kemp attempted to
describe what happened in the last
seven seconds.

In dcscribin g the last second steal
by Jay Shidler, Kemp leaves the
impression that there was some
qutstion whether or not Shidler was
fouled before he shot. This was not
the case. The official called the foul
when Shidler was at midcourt, but
bcca use of the crowd's noise, Shidler
did not hear the whistle and drove to
the basket for a lay-up.

Kemp‘s writing was very
n islcading. calling Shidler‘s shot
“the apparent winning goal," and
saying that “the officials ruled that
Shidler was fouled before the sho .”
This left the impression that the
officials node a bad call. They did

Kemp went on to tell of Kentucky’s
losing an eight point lead in the first
half and going to the locker room
when “thc Gators led 35-34 at the
half, inducing broadcaster Cawood
Ltdford to say, ‘Oh, my God.”
l.cdford did say “Oh, my God" butit
had nothing to do with Kentucky
being bchind.

What really happened was that on
a Florida iii-bounds play with about
two seconds left in the half, a Florida
ballplaycr bowled over Shidler, but
no foul was called. That was what
(‘awood was upset about, not
Kentucky being behind by a point.

Come on Joe, let's see some ac-
curate, collcgelcvcl reporting for a

lloug Ballantinc
Arts at Sciences freshman


The Kernel recognizes an
obligation to present opposing
viewpoints. We welcome sub-
n- issions in the form of letters to the
editor. restricted to approximately
all) words in length.

longer comments will be ac-
ccptcd but may be shortened.





ByBETSY PEARCE off my shoulders,” Schenck “It's no worse than flag home team to have a party to Florida spring break is Feb. 18
KernelStelfWriter said. football." for the vrsrtmg team. "I“. . “fl" ,
Since University funding is Honebrink stressed that Spring training begins next ayment may be made 1“ Rm- 204 Of S-C~
__ Any member of the UK not available, and probably rather than strong~arm week, and hopes are high for h 'h 9“"-


Ladies’ "1ng overcomes novelty,
inexperience to be viable team

ladia’ may team will say
It‘s not easy to be a novice on
a fledgling team. Despite its
inexperience, however, the
team is optimistic about its

won’t be for at least another
two years, the women are
required to pay for their
uniforms, equipment and
travel expenses.

techniques the women play
“with a lot of finesse and
There size
requirements and practice is

are no

a winning season. About
eight games are scheduled,
including the Mardi Gras
tournament in New Orleans
Feb. 20. Some say this






11 I E KI‘I N'l‘l '( ‘K Y I\' kill N I‘II.. 'l‘Ilursdu) . January 20. l!l77——:t




Final payment deadline for SCB trip



second season, soon to begin. Although last season was not unreasonbly demanding. tournament and the W" ”A” 0‘ "‘5 NUCLEAR ’ I

The team ortgmated last capped wrth a 1-4 record, it The team practices usually Southeastern Conference ONNED AND OPEWED BY ME ATTENTION 0

graduate student on the UK
men’s rugby team, thought a
women’s team would add “a
new dimension to rugby at

“My primary reason for
starting the team was to draw
attention to the sport," he
said. “The girls are a big
drawing card.”

was a successful season,
according to Arlene Ruby,
Rugby Club president.

“That first season was a
learning experience, and I’m
glad we survived it,” she
said. “Hopefully‘ the last
game (which they won) will
give us momentum for this

Getting people to take them

two or three times a week for
about an hour each time,
during which skills and
strategy are emphasized, as
well as conditioning to build

The team agrees that a
fraternal spirit exists among
its members, and that the
difference between the social
and sport aspects of the game

tournament in March are the
highlights of the season.

Schenck said this should be
a good year for the ladies'
team. “Last year they
wouldn’t beat teams, they‘d
just stay with them."

Confidence is the key to the
game, he said. “It‘s (playing)
a big mental thing; it takes

$101“) To $12,500 AND INCREASE


Any person interested


Schenck organized sign-Ups seriously isaproblem for the is small. “It’s an attitude Eoncent’ratlon and con- g‘LJSRI‘tf'TEODVIIAlfS’l-IF,‘CE:ST:0“R'LFLINiE in working with Free School
alfl began working with the ladies team, several mem- ldence' INTERVIEW. FOR FURTHER IN- -

team, which consisted mostly
of “rugger buggers” (UK
rugby fans). “It was a real
challenge to instruct people
about something they’ve
never been exposed' to; we
started with basics,” he said.

Organizing the rugby club’s
structure, scheduling games
and compiling plays and
notes for the team took much
of Schenck’s time last
semester. “It was difficult

bers said. “A lot of guys
kidded us at first, but once
they watched us play, they
took us more seriously,” said
Jan Honebrink, club vice

“We really had to earn
respect,” Ruby interjected.

The men’s rugby team has
been instrumental in the
women’s morale. “The guys
team has really been in-
terested in helping us,” Ruby

toward life,” said one player.

“It’s unlike any other
sport," said player Carolyn
Merwin. “If the opposing
team is short of players, one
of us will go and play with

Ruby said although they
compete to win, “as soon as
that whistle blows and the
game is over, all conception
of ‘me against you’ is lost." It
is customary, she said, for the

The ladies’ team will have -

an orientation party Satur-
day, and anyone interested in
playing should contact Seaton
Center‘s campus recreation

Honebrink added that
“nobody knew how to play or
what the sport was about
when we started, so that
shouldn’t stop anyone from
coming out.”






PIIONE 253 - 2003





PIIONE 250-12“























lie best trying to organize what they said. “We do a lot together." Posters Bulletins Flyers Newsletters Resumes
to be needed to know. Ruby saidthewomen try to Reporter names Announcements
logical “The biggest job was work out their schedule with African prOble S
getting recognition for the the men’s team, since most of I I I
club in order to interest their games are away. “We SGI'Vlflg The UK Community
people in rugby. It took a lot support them and they Continued from pagel relating an anecdote popular
of thought,” Schenck said. support us,” she said. “When I first went into among African iournalists.
Pat Prosser. a Lexington One of the myths the team Africa,” Nugent said, “the A black man kngcked on a
fter the attorney who helps coach and would like to dispel is that tension was evident in daily white man’s door. The white
ay save referee the men’s team, women's rugby is an overly conversation. Now it‘s not man called out, “are you
eferenda helpedfamiliarize thewomen rough sport. “A lot of girls thatway; there is a free and friend or foe?" The black
'ork and with the yrules and worry abwt it being rough, easy flow of communication man responded, “You’ll
ton ERA ' _ regulations of rugby. “He but I can’t remember _a between the races.” never know unless you open .
o and (Prosser) tookalot of weight serious injury,” Ruby said. Nugentended his lecture by the door.” Introd ptlon
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