xt79gh9b8f32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8f32/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1990 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1990 Vol.61 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, February 1990 Vol.61 No.2 1990 1990 2019 true xt79gh9b8f32 section xt79gh9b8f32 . .._.A . ,_ , I I ,' ‘5":
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 3.. ’.: ' w" . ‘ g .
' f . 1 Page 3 .
‘ " Third Place: Hank Bond, Carlisle clever writer. “ " ' j 53,.
1 WEEKLY CLASS I Mercury Third Place: Kim Saylor, Bourbon '
5.; ,3 . Good story! Times ,5,
A, . BEST EDITORIAL Good columns .
. I First Place: Russ Metz, Bath BEST FEATURE STORY “ g
‘1’. County Newmlflook First Place: Jackie Latimer, Bour- BEST SPORTS COLUMN
’7' . I i I .3 Well written with strong opinion '30“ Times N0 entries ' ijgf'q
. ' 5 buttressed by examples. Even Interesting, touching SW?- The .
, though long, there is something of personal quotes add depth. It's BEST SPORTS STORY
: interest in every graph. Excellent obvious great care was taken with First Place: Hank Bond, Carlisle 3
. in any division. the story. A fitting tribute. Mercury
Second Place: M. E. Thomason, Second Place: Hank Bond, Car- Good lead, story flows well, excit- '32;
; Carlisle County Courier “519 Mercury ing.
' « Good writing on local interest is- Effective angle on an important Second Place: Charlie Campbell, ‘
3 ‘, sue—easy to read. story. Works well to make poten— Bourbon Times _ ‘ fl
Third Place: Kim Saylor, Bourbon tially dry subject interesting. Another good lead, coaches com- ’ . i,
f Times Third Place: Becky Jackson, mentshelped make thisan"award ’ 17:21
' . Good job of localizing national Trimble Banner-Democrat winning" story. i a
. issue and advocating action. ' Nice Mother's Day feature. Gives Third Place: Pamela Steams,
Honorable Mention: staff, 30“,. a good look into the life of the Edmonton Herald-News 'j-gfigjj
' bon Times mother of six kids. Exciting story with good lead. -
1 Good explanation of opposition to Honorable Mention: GregNichols, :
. issue. However, gamblingisgam- Bourbon Times _ . BEST SPORTS FEATURE . 3‘3???”
‘ bling, including on horses. Anexcellentjoboflocalizlnglnter- First Place: Mark Stone, Tunes- ,
national event. Argus ’ - :1
BEST srorr NEWS srony Timely and well-written: exciting ' / .
. First Place: Kim Saylor, Bourbon BEST COLUMN-ONE SUBJECT and must have sold a bunch of I ‘ f
' _ ‘ Times First Place: M. E. Thomason, Car- papers! Super photos! i
Clean, informative writing, but lisle County Courier Second Place: Ken Metz, Bath . .4
sensifive_ The background infor. How do you spell happy? In over County News-Outlook ~41,
mation about lack of wage,- team 40 years of newspapering, this is Excellent layout and photo—good ‘
adds a lot. one of the best columns I've ever research.
Second Place: Kelley Wamick, read. I wish I could write like Third Place: Kim Saylor, Bourbon _
Gallatin County News Mary. Absolutely outstanding. Times 553';
Goodlead,strongquotes. Histori- ShouldbepublishedinPublishers Shows good research and inter-
cal reference good. Auadliary. view techniques. Makes you want
Third Place: Jackie unmet, Bour- Second Place: Rosemary Kilduff. to read more!
bon Times Beaflyville Enterprise
Well written, but you could ex- SlaytheDragon—awann,pelsonal BEST INVESTIGATIVE/ANA- J5.
plain more about why the water look at cancer. Excellent! LYTICAL STORY ~:
would be contaminated. Overall Third Place: BobSmith,Beattyville Fiut Place: Pamela Steams, Ed- <,.l
important story. Enterprise monton Herald-News - 1:.
’ A retum to nostalgia! I like billy Good presentation of a very dis- ' :‘w
BEST GENERAL NEWS STORY 8083: too! turbine Problem-teenage Pres- 2;.
First Place: Wade Daffron, Russell nancy. i
COunty News BEST COLUMN-VARIETY OF Second Place: Hank Bond, Car- . "
A well-written, interesting and SUBJECTS “519 Mercury J»
complete story on a difficult sub- First Place: J.O. Brown, Cumber- Good work. .
lect. Easy to read. Sold lots of land County News Third Place: Becky Jackson, , é;
papers! I.O. Brown writes with humor and Trlmble Banner-Democrat 3
Second Place: Kim Saylor, 30“,. very well. Wish our government Well written and good research.
bon Times would heed his advice on reduc- Honorable Mention: M.E.Thoma-
Beautifully written Veterans Day ing the federal deficit. son, Carlisle County Courier y 555‘:
at Millersburg Military School. " A Second Place: Larry Stone, Times- Not too far behind the winners! 57311
Time forRemembering" caughtthe Argus ,' .
mood of the special day! LARRY (you wen so close to BEST STORY SERIES
winning first) STONE. You're a First Place: Kelley Warnick, Gal- 1.9-,

 ' “Emmi“ 1""
. Page 4 ~ ' '-
V latin County News other entries—need 1 pt. rule Louisville Defender 1’ "9 '
Clearly outstanding. Strong writ- around photo itself—repro isalittle Great expressive eyes! 9 E a: ; 99'; I
ing and reporting. Good use of flat. Honorable Mention: Bruce Hen-
photos. However, I felt the school Honorable Mention: M.E.Thoma- son, Cumberland County News 5; .
funding story should have been son, Carlisle County Courier Great photo. a. 3; 39' -
tied into the other accident related Even though I'm a Texas Demo- Honorable Mention: Heather 9 L 3 :99 '
entries. crat, I would have reversed these Mathes, Carlisle Mercury ~‘9 .953"? .
__ Second Place: George Lewis, Kim two photos. The Governor sign- Should've run page 1, even if it is II: 93““ ' ’2’:ng '
Saylor, Jackie Latimer, Bourbon ing the autograph Should've been just Santa! 9 9.5;; ”55%” ‘ '
Times 3 column photo. Need 1 pt. rule ‘ 9‘: ,
Well-written, good use of head- around pix. BESTFEATUREPICI‘UREESSAY ' , I
A lines. Covers issue with depth BourbonTimesunderstandsphoto ‘ ,
beyond routine court reporting. BEST SPOT NEWS PICTURE pages unlike anyone else in this 7" ‘ 1 .
Third Place: Staff, Trimble Ban- FirstPlace:DoreenDennis,Times- division. 2’ 1}} -
ner-Democrat Argus First Place: Kim Saylor, Bourbon ~ 9in 3'
Deserved recognition for present- Yes, it could've been cropped bet- Times * 1-335; 9."?
ing information about the various ter; yes, it needs 1 pt. rule; yes, it's Page 1 lead-in photo almost iden- ‘1 9-;- 9-:'9' ':
duties and responsibilities of a dark repro; BUT . . . it was the ticaltodorninantphoto—butitwas 9" 9 9,
elected officials. BEST 6: MOST dramatic PHOTO topical, good human interest 3,. . fr .-
with most HUMAN INVOLVE- making it a feature story itself 9,99. 9‘" 1
BESTBUSINESS/AGRIBUSINESS MENT! lst Place! whichiswhatfeaturephobo should ' 293339: 9‘ 9,
STORY Second Place: Jodie Watkins, do. i” 9.
First Place: Kim Saylor, Bourbon Bourbon Times Second Place: George Lewis, ":2 $9 f9
Times ‘ Excellent silhouette fireshot. Nice Bourbon Times I >1. - ”9'; " f
Good reporting on interesting clean repro. Wishlhad it. Excel- Needed one morephoto,non-per- = ”i 9:
subject. lent demonstration of quality of formance reaction shot and ' . 9.
Second Place: Becky Jackson, having hairline/1 pt. rules—good Should've been full page. 9395-
Trimble Banner-Democrat going. Third Place: Jackie Latimer,Bour- 9.; .3 I
- Good subject and well-written. Third Place: Jeff Wilder, Tri-City bon Times , 9;; j ' '-
Wouldlovetotasteoneof'Judge‘s News Badly need 1 pt./hair1ine rules. 9 i 99; fl’
Choice" jam cakes. A little tighter crop on this photo Needs more dominant photo but 5:.‘7 .9?
Third Place: Hank Bond, Carlisle PLUS more info on cutline—cut- tellsa story. .19
Mercury line copy should stretch across Honorable Mention: Kelley War- . 9
Good insight on farm economy— width of photo, by 10 pt. in size nick, Gallatin County News 2 .
nicely done. (also, no kicker needed if part of Nice reproduction but more ac- ,9 ”99:
Honorable Mention: Russ Metz, story below). tion is needed here. {5'- .5” 9
Bath County News-Outlook Honorable Mention: Kelley War- ‘ 1;? ' 3; 5f}? 9
Lets readers know good job CPA is nick, Gallatin County News BEST SPORTS PICTURE 5'; ‘ _ ' ‘15.":
doing—very informative. Slip down to 1 pt. rule but at least First Place: Kelley Wamick, Gal— 9‘; 9:52? j '
you rulepixs. HMwinnerbecause latin County News ' ' 9:51 i‘ -" 4
BESTGENERALNEWSPICI'URE ofcrispnessofprintonpaper, good Aided by good cropping—go to k "x .. ‘1'25’99
First Place: Morris A. Grubbs, cropping. Angle needs to be re- hairline/l pt. 7'93: 9-" "
Cumberland County News versed, as in case of 3rd place Second Place: Kelley Wamick, 9191 1
This is a set-up photo, utilizing winner. Gallatin County News i. - ‘9
backdrop to good effectiveness. Third Place: Mark Stone, Times- L ' 1-9", .
Suggestion: Use 1 pt. rule around BEST FEATURE PICTURE Argus ,9 -. 9119' ' -
photo (even inside box). Reagan First Place: Bruce Henson, Cum— Humanplayisgoodhere. Player's 1; i? . 193} 9 9
needed tobespeaking rather than berland County News face vs. crowd enthusiasm. Needs .2: 9 . 919': Q ‘ 9
comtemplating. Excellent human interest—shows 1 pt. rule and better cropping. E}? ' ' "ix ‘5. .
Second Place: J.O. Brown, Cum- lots of humor. Honorable Mention: Tim Bailey, .9 ”1.95;“ j'. ,_ . 3
. berland County News Second Place: Kelley Wamick, Bath County News-Outlook 9 ‘9‘; 9'
Nice timed shotbut should'vebeen Gallatin County News Good action—a little dark though. 9 9;; -I.L':_. 9 4.;
page Levenasareview shot. Also Excellent. Honorable Mention: Charlie i; 9.9 5-95. ‘3'; ‘
need 1 pt. rules around photos. Third Place: Kelley Wamick, Gal- Campbell, Bourbon Times l'} v “.9 .9
Third Place: Doreen Dennis, latin County Newf Folks, here's a classic case of the 1; 9'; — r9
Times-Argus Give the layout people a bonus! WRONG photobeing entered! The 9 9 '
Like thehuman element more than Honorable Mention: Bud Dorsey, hurdles photo was ordinary BUT f 9 ,
. i
. . -.
I in???
I :i.
I .

 , 5' ' ,2 is;
m . a Page 5 _
LC :5 -' y; the baseball photo was excellent. Byron Brewer, 2 Georgetown the reader feel he/ she knows the .f 1.
@131: . - Had IT been marked, it would've Graphic person. ._
512‘ '- : . ‘ i won first place. Try a better entry (About severence pay.) The writ- Second Place: James Mulcahy, .75};
if 'v . f chair next time. If you ran it four ers take a careful, thoughtful Clay City Times ' ' .~
J3" ‘ ' 5 3 column, it should've been worthy approach to a clear breach of law. Pretty routine subject matter, but
x~;__ '. . of the entry. They say good motives cannot writer makes it interesting 733-1
«35;; - 2 -2 justify an illegal act of giving dis- through good use of details and
" . _ BEST SPORTS PICTURE ESSAY missed employees severence pay. quotes. ‘ .1235
' First Place: Bud Dorsey, louis- Third Place: Debra Jasper, Grant
V ‘ ville Defender BEST SPOT NEWS STORY County News 1
:7231- -. Best overall sports photo—repro First Place: James Mulcahy, Clay I liked the writer's willingness to
. . = awfully grey—but good mixture of City Times touch on the mixed emotions of a
’31:. : 2 action and crowd. Solid headline and lead with thor- reunion. Tighter writing and 1;)
1-25“. - Second Place: Mark Stone, Times ough reporting of complicated editing would have made this a «52;:
.‘ . .. Argus events. second or first place winner. ff...“
\ _ , ' .5 Needs 1 pt. rule—wish it wasn't on Second Place: Andy Ivers, Henry ' l
’31??- . ' a booster page; hurts dominance County local BEST COLUMN-ONE SUBJECT J
2f: 2" 2 ‘ of good, quality photos. Tie in with longtime store owner First Place: George Gabehart, ! Ti“?
{22' : Third Place: Kelley Warnick,Gal- was good hook for a fire story. Springfield Sun ‘
f : ‘ ._ : latin County News Simple reading. Piece on sex education strong and
«g5, Okay, who messed up this Walsh Third Place: George Gabehart, well-organized. Tests for police gg'li;
. ' I photo? It's BACKWARDS (shoot Springfield Sun officers wandered before got to 1
" , that photo editor!)—Otherwise As in first place entry, complete point of officer's departure. "I
i would've been second or first. story with no frills. Quality of remember" was pleasant to read. _,-’.f
' g Honorable Mention: Linda Smith, writing was good. Second Place: Michelle Howard, ,’ x
1 2 ' ' ‘ Beattyville Enterprise Honorable Mention: Phillip Campbell County Recorder - m
j} ; Terrible cropping but only other Powers, The Pioneer Writing style easy to read and ‘
. ,3 full page entry. Good local angleon national story entries stick to topics. {33;
35_. - . but writingand structureisloose. ThirdPlace: H. B. 51km, Citizen . , :ng
2 5 WEEKLY CLASS II - Voiceccrunes
? BEST GENERAL NEWS STORY "Don't go near the water" shows ‘ r
f; . ‘ ‘: First Place: Gina Hancock, originality of writer's style. I
. 3 :fifflmfifiimew, Citizen McLean County News "Lunchtimediscussion"wandered 1.53;":
‘ . . . Voice 8: Times :ightlg written)e story t1tlhat com- among several points.
651'“ V « :3 As lendid edi rial. I ha 11 “‘99 ’Y “um ’3 Wi News" .3329:
. . . of flipre and brirrtgatone halasrfctta‘d 1:; ing quotes. Gives good, fair pic- BEST COLUMN-VARIETY OF 5 4;
_ l ; logic and sound well-supported ture'of 59“”! district‘s and par— SPBIECIS , _'
:3, - : thought. (About official who stole ents posmons. First Place: Gina Hancock, if.)
3 - 5 a police car.) Second Place: George Gabehart, McLean County News 3
T Second Place: Celia McDonald, Springfield Sun A warm, witty style with talent. *‘
i LaRue County Herald-News A thorough story with a lot of Shemovesfrom humor to serious
. (About rankings of school curricu- community interest, reads easily. with ease. A good writer. . '95}:
.K. . , mm values.) This editorial leads Third Place: James Mulcahy, Clay Second Place: Ron Daley, Troub- ‘11.“?
«3 3 us step by step through an exami- City Times . lesome Creek “m.“ 1.45.33};
. nation of severe problemsin Ken. Good straight news With most A good writer'wrth generally a *
, , , tucky education. It says the 3 R's important elements at the top— good subject rmx. Column 18 dlS-
5; . are spumed-with dire conse-' how higher water rateswill affect played well. Very close to first _
j; . 3 - community. p ace.
j‘ ; ficegliancethe (32;; Gabehart, Honorable Mention: Andy Ivers, Third Place: Walt Gorin, 9:“
" . Springfield Sun Henry County Local Greensburg Record-Herald ' :K
5' ; (About political games and the The style is basxc "down-home." ‘V
5 ) budget.) This editorial gets its facts BEST FEATURE STORY _ Readers love it, but a bit lengthy.
.- . and figures lined upand uses them 1F?“ Place: JerleneRose,ClayC1ty Shorter pieces would be better.
l t ' - - “m5 .‘5‘35:
. izfggcgeggmpffifgafié‘goggffi“g A definite standout in this cate- BEST SPORTS COLUMN _ jg.
. . Honorable Mention: Jim Rector, gory. The writer conveys the First Place: Mike Lay, Ciuzen .- ‘
;_' , 2 sub)ect With a warmth that makes Vorce 6: Times 2,
. ;:"‘"'---—-—~.. WWW; » -- “a
. ‘ 6
iii: ' ‘ ~

 r 4' .1
Page 6 f; ff}; . ,1»;
.‘ Far and away the best in this class. out from under the heading). have been better. Quotes would . E; 5"
’ Mike Lay has a clever, humorous have helped. E .' . fl * 3,
style than can be sharp, biting at BEST SPORTS STORY Third Place: Tom Bystrek,Spring- : ,3} _ -
times, although the length is too mstPlace: Mikelay,CitizenVoice field Sun :5 cg -
long in 2 of 3 entries. He handles & Times 'I‘hisarticleona69-year-old widow E 4'35 g .‘
well such divergent topics as ex- Excellent sportsmory of a disap- who can do sports "pick 'em" con- " E: . .
. plaining galf to your mother and pointing loss-good reporting. tests with great success is an inter- .‘ E f' if
describing a squirrel hunt while Second Place: David Blackburn, esting personality piece. A photo ,g: -1 ,
~ also tackling tough topics like the Cadiz Record might have helped the feature and ; E :3”: , ' f’gi-"i;
departures of 2 college coaches No minor sports story-a fine one- the lead angle is a bit of a stretch. ; E; W“
with concern. -hard to pick between first and The second paragraph (19lines) is E g; 7’ {If
Second Place: Tom Bystrek, second. much toolong,and theuseof"well" 5E {‘25,
Springfield Sun Third Place: Jim Rector, Geor- and"now"inthesecondandfourth 5 "
The author has an easy-to—read getown Graphic paragraphsisrathertrite. Still,the in :5 ‘
style and is interesting although Well written. writer has chosen some good ; ‘2 ' __
it's questionable that this column Honorable Mention: Ron Daley, quotesand maybemadethereader 1% ' {2E2 ‘- ?
should run across the top of the Troublesome Creek Times want to know this lady. E ."l ‘5 4 1,
first page of each sports section. Good job! Honorable Mention: Tom Smith, E 3 ‘
Some might get the idea that the Henry County Local 5:1»: . g1
. Sports editor considers the words BEST SPORTS FEATURE Anothergood insightpiecebyTom if? E? _ _‘3-_ :41
of the columnist more important First Place: Carl Riggs, LaRue Smith, with this one on cost of :a' ‘51: f2"; :3
, than the sportsnews itself. Atany County Herald-News football programs. Gets a little 5;, ‘ «L
‘ ' rate, Bystrek's column on the ap- This piece on a winning coon bogged down in prices and bland i: , , 55-1355
parent inequity between empha- hound in an interesting topic and facts-some quotes would have Ei‘ " . "2325;,
sizing basketball and education is provides a good insight on what livened it up. Graphically well- - E
well stated. Theoneonnicknames types of people enjoy this sport displayed articleand thephotode- / f 1.; _"-j
of schools is an attention—holder, and what it involves without be- scription for the cost of a football . I ; 5," €33}
. whilethecolumnonfavoritesports coming weighed down with too player's uniform isa real grabber. :5? E ‘4 ' 1.115
. movies is moderately interesting. many details. You've used good E 27:75}, "‘ .
Third Place: Jim Stepp, Trouble- quotes and the feature is not too BEST INVESTIGATIVE/ANA- ;, , 1. '1}
some Creek Times long. Your "a lot to smile about" LY'I'ICAL S'DORY ‘7' 3 ‘, _. 13,1,
Stepp's three columns are well approach in the lead is over-used, First Place: Ron Daley, Trouble- E: ' 1" ‘ 1‘ ’
written. Hehasasolid, interesting and a more creative approach some Creek Times E 7:55: ' . , "sf-1%
style and writes with conviction . might have done a better job of Good story about school superin- F 7 gig, ‘ ' (if,
. although 2 of the 3 columns are too drawing the reader into the piece. tendent and voting records of i‘ _' if ‘4 ;
, long (armchair athletes and de- Your choice of photos could have board members. Easy to read and if: , “3:5 - i "1.:-
cline of middle school football). been better, also. Still, this is the understand. E . .5711};
On the latter column, the style is best in your class. Second Place: Catherine Prather, E r . - if: I;
more of a news feature in that Second Place: Tom W. Smith, Georgetown Graphic {5 ”SE .7 33-.- ,
plenty of opinions from coaches Henry CountyLocal Abusedchildrenseries—welldone ;, 5:33:13, ' . .
areprovided.Whatarethewriter's Following a coach around for a and makes reader look for next '3, § :5‘ 2
observations or suggestions? The day is a creative idea for a feature issue. E '7 " *if‘i‘; -“
readerwantsto knowmoreofwhat that should appeal to sports buffs Third Place: Andy Ivers, Henry E" W; ' 7.3:,
the columnist thinks than "only and thoseless—interested in athlet- County local E .1 r‘ 353' '
time will tell." ics. Useof "l" and "You" in features A good story about a "foul" prob- : '3 { _?' 5H;
- Honorable Mention: Carl Riggs, is not ordinarly favored and could lem—pileupofwasteat thelandfill. 3,- “
LaRue County Herald-News have been avoided here-but, “2 ' ' r
This column has a nice short, to- somehow they're not as distract- BEST STORY SERIES j ~’
the-point style. His handling of ing in this piece. In general, one First Place: Debra Jasper, Grant 3 ,
dove hunting, fishing and com- mark of a good feature writer is County NeWS . ' j
parisons of Olympic games and not to draw attention to himself, Strongest entry because of consis- ; r f? g :
' presidential debates iseasy toread , rather, let the story speak for itself tent coverage. Would like to have ' . ' 1:5
and should appeal to sport lovers and allow the reader to become seen more about impact of deci- ' E ":3 ; ff:
and non-lovers. The column, more "involved" with the story sion, perhaps a student's view- ' 5 r
however, could be presented bet- itself and never become aware of point? . ”'7’": j-‘l ‘ ‘ g
ter graphically (rather thandutch- the writer's role in presenting the Second Place: Jamie Baker-Nantz, E :.' _ zfi~
wrapping the end of the column story. Photo reproduction could Grant County News E .- . E > .‘3'
" 53515‘ : ' “9'? "_ :1:
' sag: 4 ‘51:" :?25 ‘21;
, ' If:
. , '23."

 g; Page 7 , .f
. . Strong first story. More in-depth BEST spo'r NEWS PICTURE Second Place: Mike Lay, Citizen .
{3.3; ‘ ' ' follow-up would have pushed this First Place: James Mulcahy, Clay Voice 5: Times
I; into first place. City Times Again a story told by pictures.
5‘ r Third Place: James Mulcahy, Clay It's the reaction element—making Needed more people pictures. 11:
:3}? _‘ . E; . City Times it the most hum relating pix in Third Place: David Hill, Carroll- 1:52;?
:11 :_'_ ‘ Good use of graphs and photos. group. I'd crop out'VicTanny" on ton News-Democrat .
r: :1 2» Would have liked to have seen right. Lively pictures but no flow to lay- r.
' ' 3 more in-depth coverage. Second Place: George Gabehart, out.
”F'- ' ' . f . . Springfield sun Honorable Mention: Mike lay, ‘ .
J11 , , ' 1 STORY would've won on page 1. Place- GOOd PhOtO 1““ the tWO small ;
’ .- ' 5 First Place: James Mulcahy, Clay ment [5 important. photos (right) should have been '
.' 3E; : , ‘ i City Times Third Place: Seth Lockard, Geor- reversed (as shown on page) bot- ,.
:' " ' ' 1 ' Good, comprehensive. Photos are getown Graphic .tom photo (gowns in line) is weak. ' if
1 -' nice, ‘00- The story WOUId have Excellentplacement/finepicture/ . ,1 _':1f-',
3; been enhanced by comments from my dose category to judge, BEST SPORTS PICTURE . - E 33;;
.t - ‘ _ i farmers, though. Honorable Mention: George Ga- First Place: James Mulcahy, Clay . . :5"
_. Second Place: Celia McDonald, behart,SPl-ingfield sun City Times . i if?
> . LaRue County Herald-News Best fire picture in the field..go()d Combines good action (tag out
. ~ . . 1 Good business feature; however, billowing smoke—missing a little with ball in clear view along with . .
Ti; 7.. . ‘: COUId have used more informa- morehumanelementwhichiswhy {3095) plus KIDS! First ”308! it
g?” . . ' tion/quotes from customers. it's not higher up. Second Place: Mike Lay, Citizen #52:
r;- ' _ Third Place: Byron Brewer, Geor- Voice 6: Times Pf”;-
L21; , ‘ ' getown Graphic BEST FEATURE PICTURE Too bad helmets obscure reactions . ,-
1‘15, . ' f Goodcomprehensive story,butthe If you run 4-color, don't waste it! like these! Drop to 1 pt./ hairline ' .
_‘:4 , ' a lead is just not interesting—doesn't First Place: James Mulcahy, Clay rules. - - t»
- . . ' i grab reader. Overall, though, the City Times Third Place: Tom Smith, Henry
i=1" 3 body flows well and Y°“'Ve util- You did! You did! You did enter County Local 2' .
.. 3 ized resources well. this picture. Saw it on page with Best football shot (or game action ' "
. ‘ Honorable Mention: Andy Ivers, general news picture may, One of pix) in category—needs 1 pt. rule.
t5 ” ' Henry County Local the best Pix in KPA contest-pe- Honorable Mention: George Ga-
f}: J " ; Good story, but quotes could've fiod! behart, Springfield Sun - J
,5; -' ~- ' _ ‘ been closer to lead. Also, are there Second Place: Debra Jasper, Grant More of a feature but good expres- I
- ‘ any negative aspects? Like pollu- County News sions and you know what's hap- ‘ 4/
girl; .j fion or noise? ‘ A better print/PMT/halftone pening- . ‘ . -
’5’ 1 . 3 might have made this a first place 2 “
1‘ . . ' First Place: Jayme Burden, LaRue photos. FirstI’lace: Mikelay,CitizenVoice . {1:533-
;i x ; County Herald-News Third Place: James Mulcahy, Clay 6: Times ‘ 1 ‘
: Under rules,this should bewinner City Times Thisis going tobelong; so settlein. ;
i: - ' g as feature—it's still a winner here. Should have been page 1_ Excel- The only award presented was . {ii-ff?
1.- . . : Needs 1 pt. rule. k lent eye contact—besides, 1 love because it was the ONLY entry ' 1117i?
. Second Place: George Gabehart, babies (got three of my own, not whichmatched therules,aslinter- ,
_' ' . : Springfield Sun including the wife), preted them. A photo essay = . .
L _' ' Like the size and composition and Honorable Mention: Jim Rector, picture pages with some sort of
3:4 . the 1 pt. rules (papers take note)! Georgetown Graphic thought, purpose and reason to - 2
2f { Third Place: Debra Jasper, Grant It'snotthebestpictureinthebunch; them. Thewinnermorethanmeets
. ' County News butitwascleverandmadeapoint- that criteria. The others simply 1
~__.:' ‘ ' Excellent pix but layout should -a little tighter on crop. did not. Pictures grouped around - 115
~‘ have been TOTALLY reversed to a news/ sports story don't qualify, , . ‘
j have subjects looking into center BESTFEATURE PICTURE ESSAY in myopinion. Awritten essayhas ' '
. without falsely flopping negative. First Place: Kenny Faulkner, Clay purpose and each statement has a . .3}:
Honorable Mention: Ron Daley, City Times common thread tyingit to themain
" 5 Troublesome Creek Times Tells a story-dominating with subject. A potpourri of items do f
;‘ How come all beautyqueensseem excellent photos. Loved it! First notconstitute"essay."Justbecause
’ g I to be blonde? Nice dental work. all the way. p_s_1 pt. rule the color you run more than one photo from
, g Needs 1 pt. rule on pix. photo, too! the same game doesn't make it a ‘ ’
. A t

 E ' EE'E”.”"""”'“W
. . .1}! ' 7:51...”
"picture essay." Only Mike Lay's story"—all three excellent. Voice . j ghffii .~?“.'}'E .
PAGE qualified. In fact, his other Honorable Mention: Steve Bragg, Retirement stories canbe routine, . ‘g‘ 3 4g - *
page had too much story to be Georgetown News &Times but this one wins out over other ; {j Egg; .
picturepage.Sorry,butyou'llhave Excellent photo and well written more sensational stories of violent l :E :1 Egg ,
to re-examine the meaning of this news story. crime or illness. It's a good ex- i‘ it]? 5:;ng
““9805" ' ample of doing something nice “ 15% .E*'i‘E.'E-v'»f:.-
BEST GENERAL NEWS STORY with could be a “ho-hum" topic. E5 E “E:
. WEEKLY CLASS 111 First Place: Anne Chaney, Floyd The openinglsgoodand the story Eli? . a; 13‘ .
County Times flows mcely from paragraph to };E'E"- _ Egg; , lg,“
Great balance between pros and paragraph. Gooduseofquotesand «ii ~{ .4213 '
BEST EZHEORIAL f . 'al I cons of issue—you've addressed research on the man. fé; E. f’ r.
9‘15““ "‘8 group? editon 5' both economic as well as commu- Honorable Mention: Rosalind is? 35:" ' ""55;
22:31am: DonWhrte, Anderson nity-oriented issues, which is ex- Turner, Harrodsburg Herald $2 3% E E
‘ . ' tremel neces . An interestin sto well told. ”its; ’ip , 'jjiiv
E f: aigl'iit,harg-ohitt1nr g,shortand.to SeoongPlaceszadElErEnBramelJeba- Opening con]?! beztronger but rift-Q ‘ «ESE-Egg: .
.e p0 nt. . ng comm” non Enterprise once the reader is into the story, i fig '5‘_ gig.
sroners word “’1‘“ photos-EX- Wonderful headline! Good bal- he's there to stay. Good use of i§ 2
geEEchhfiEY’Eface- Ken Shrnidheiser ance—you've madeanewsconfer— quotes. Better organization and 4% i '.
. McCreary County Record ’ as: ingrmsfing, which is often Editing might have put this story 3.3% ._ ‘1 -
to o. 'g er. T .
Sad, almost made mec ,showed . , . 3....3393. . 2.7.; ..
how tragic the deathoflzbaby can 3:“ Place. Jeff Spradllng, ME' :31"! :5.
. , _ rllng Advocate BEST COLUMN-ONE SUBJECT '. , 5:5,!"- . 23.4,: :_
b°"'8°°‘.1’9“"‘ahs‘f“we1“w“" Well—writtenstory,withgoodlead. FirstPlace:NinieGlasscock,l.eba- gt. ,_ '
ten on a dlfficu“ subject. Good background information. non Enterprise 5'11 gig, j ., 3.
Third Place: Terry OConnor, Honorable Mention: Ken Hands down winner in this divi- " Hi: . i
giggEJZ-Efifgggu .. cable Shmidheiser, McCreary County sion. Her column of 2-15-89 was 5‘ ‘ iii; . . ’ 3}";
tv is well writteg and brieg 14 Pt., Rem“ me be? °f he: beSE' ““3 “"Efing %' I 1‘3 .
. wide column draws attention. Some of the phrases are unusual style moves and touches the ) , .1”
Thought rovokin and off-thetwall, but you ve cap— readeratthesametlme. Outstand- .5: 1': : g 35.31.;
Honorablli: Mentioi: Wade D af- tpred the bizarreness of the trial. ing! :13? 3 .EE '
fron Times-Journ a1 Articlecapturedalotofhumorous Second Place (TIE): John Nelson, #3
U ’ al 1 00d 1 t d aspectsaswell. llaughed. Pulaski Week f; gig, ‘ 533-315;} ‘
inrttusufintop c—g ayou an Excellent styleand good "folksey" $3. a
H “‘35 blg'M . . B BEST FEATURE STORY subjectmatter. Obviouslytalented i; .
onora e. entron. Becky ar- First Place: Ken Shmidheiser, and in tune with readers. ~. E: 3
WikEythmusfiza 25:03: Board McCreary County Record Second Place (TIE): Nancy I". “A: ‘1
GOOD e p ' A good story hurt by poor head- Weidman, Oldham Era {. '51.? 3. .1 .
' , line, photo support and graphic Great style...one of thebest. Her 5 “We 32,31”. -
lay. Nice tie-in with opening and writing is "alive" and her frank— if; ‘33? E:E,E._