xt79gh9b8c9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8c9g/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2002 text GLSO News, March 2002 2002 2002-03 2019 true xt79gh9b8c9g section xt79gh9b8c9g We; GAY l
WGLSQ news .
. ,. ma: 4 ,

“5? WflON -
Mnewnmenwckv MarCh 2002
A publication OFthe Lexington Gay Lesbian Service organization .'
. Volume 17 Number 3 :

game 0“ pm Knowing the World as Story

On Tuesday March 5th, The Imperial

Court presents “Come 0” Down”, an Laura Simms tells stories to carry the
evening 0f exciting game shows, prizes listener across boundaries of culture, reli- :1
,and a fabulous celebrity auction. The fun gion, race, age, and ethnicity- awakening
starts at 8:30 pm at the State Theater, compassion and enabling understanding of ‘ "
located in the Kentucky Theater. Auction the world as story. She will be entertaining ~

items include an autographed photo 0f willing listeners at the Unitarian Universalist
Elizabeth Taylor, a jacket signed by Bette Church on Saturday, March 16th at 7 pm as ;
Midler, and an autographed UK basketball. part of the Republican Meeting House “
Tickets are $8. Hosts for the evening are Resurrection Project. _ :1
Bernie Lubbers and Chelsea Pearl. Laura has been a preeminent story- I;
This promises to be a banner year for teller in the world-wide storytelling revivalt
the Court; to date the calendar sales alone for more than three decades. Using move- . 3"]: 3
' have grossed more than $10,500. the ment, chant, gesture, rhythm, and visuali- 31;} ”l
largest fundraising project in the Court's zation, Laura tells original and well-known l
twenty year history. Limited numbers 0f stories in ways that are tailor made for the j
calendars remain, contact Michael audience at hand. ' ' .~ .33
Thompson at Moveable Feast. (252'2867) There is no charge for this event, a free I . l
' will donation will be asked in support of the l
Republican Meeting House Project. This l
Moveable Pea“ name comes from the work of Richard Allen '
Moveable Feast Lexington is participat— who established a meeting house for peo- 7
ing in Lazarus' Shop for a Cause, a semi- ple of all beliefs to gather and express ,V
annual shopping event for charity. A $5 themselves. I
donation ticket gets you an all-day shop- 9'
ping pass and $5 off any purchase on W ,
Saturday, March 23rd. Moveable Feast K Creatalve Realty

keeps 100% of money raised from the $5 The Leader m Real EState if" ‘

tickets they sell before the event. , . -

There are also other specials you can The Creatlve Team

take advantage of on that day including (859) 494-1832 1
20% off regular, sale and clearance prices, P (859) 494-1831 1.
doorbusters specials, and a chance to win film“ 1
a $500 shopping spree. Donation tickets ‘Q ,
are available from Moveable Feast (252- '3 M]! l
2867) and at the Pride Center(253-3233). 39° 3“ °" page 5 Jl

 Gill Grant
“is? GAY GLSO is excited to announce we have received
:‘fif‘jizf-‘Zrzf LESBW another Gill Foundation Grant. This one is to support a
3‘33 9-" . . . . . .
3 SEWICE part time paid office manager, Ilablllty Insurance for vol-
1." WfiON unteers, and training for board members. We do not
Lexington. Kentucky have the money in hand; we have to raise matching P
funds and submit income statements to them before h‘
76 L s 0 NEWS they write us a check. 9
Gill specifies what income we can use for matching 3;
Volume 17 Issue 3 funds. For example, people who have donated before
_ will only have their donation counted toward matching te
publlshed. monthly by funds in the amount they increase their previous dona- W
The Lexmgton Gay tion. It may seem complicated, but they set these 0
. Lesblan' _ requirements in order to improve our fundraising capa- 8
Servrce Organization . bility. a
389 Waller Ave' We have established a fundraising committee and E
_ are looking for interested people to join us. You do not N
Editors _ have to be a member of GLSO to serve on one of our 0
Mary Crone JOhn Rldener committees. call Ginger at the Pride Center 253-3233. re
B°a’d_Membe’_s Volunteer lluuml: Banquet G
Terry Mgfllins, Tag“ The yearly Awards Banquet sponsored by
Jenny Ne (5 Vice E331? ent GLSO has been moved to October, Coming Out :
ary rone, nor Month. - It is the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the
Charlie Slusher, Treasurer G 80 d h b h . f l n
J h R'd S t L ,agoo yearto avea as In the al to n
o n I ener, ecre ary
Th . honor volunteers and to celebrate how far we
omas COIIII‘IS . . D
Kelly O’Ferrell have come as a community. We Will also plan an t<
Cary Sudduth open'house in April on the actual day the incor— 9
Tom Collins poratlon papers were Signed (see below.) u
‘ Bill Chandler . b
‘ Dan Rogers ‘ E
GLSO Annual Dues &
Newsletter. g‘ESO
Individual - $15
°°"P'e $25 .25tfi Anniversary E
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News
are those of the aUthors and don't nec- Qpen me p
essan'ly represent those of the GLSO 1
Board. Submissions are welcome and It. a
staff reserves the right to edit submis-
sions and advertisements as well as W 28’ 2002 f‘
the right to reject submissions or _ E
GLSO Page 2 -


Miss Majestic USA I

The First Miss Majestic USofA WHOM _
Pageant for female impersonators will be ,. The Pride Month Committee Will have
held this year on March 14th starting at rtslnext meeting on March 218’“ 7 pm at the
9.30 pm at Lexington's CLUB 141. Over P"de Penter- 't )3, ope" ‘0 anyone Wh° ,
$3,400 in cash and prizes will be awarded. would like to partrcrpate. Some dates have

Applications for entry may be submit- been .set but there IS still room for more
ted electronically over the pageant website, actrvrtres. If your group wants to schedule
www.usofa.org/majestic or may be an actrvrty, call Terry at Moveable Feast.
obtained by calling the Majestic office at The deadline for-being Included In the Pnde I
859-948-1952. The cost of entry is $100 Month brochure rs Friday, April 26._ . I
and must be submitted before March 3rd. Some events being planned 'nCIUde: I

Special guests appearing include: The Pride Prcnrc— Sunday, June 16' I
Erika Norell, Miss Gay USofA 2001 from Mens Ch°ms ‘3th came" ' Sat June 8 I
Miami Florida; from Louisville, The Mistress Coronation Sun. June 9 I
of Mayheim, Hurricane Summers; the cur- ACtOUt Play Last two weekends I
rent reigning Miss Deleware National,
Dakotah Lawrence; and Florida's Latin Wislttug (Mair 1
Goddess, Jessica Nolan. Wishing Chair will release their fourth ‘ .’

The Pageant Wt" be a night 0f pure CD, Crow with two benefit performances
excitement, as we crown the first MISS on Saturday and Sunday evening, March . f
Majestic USOfA. The Winner and first alter- 2nd and 3rd, at the Carnegie Center. Both I I
nate Wt" be sent to represent KY at the concerts are benefits for the Carnegie “ .1
nationals May19—24 in Dallas, Texas. All Center for Literacy and Learning, which I
proceeds from the pageant will be donated supports and promotes literacy through ‘
t0 the American Cancer Society. Please adult education, school programs and com- I
come out and support the art of female munity work. Tickets are $10 and are
impersonation. Questions can be answered avaj|ab|e at The Carnegie Center, 359-254- = I
by E-mailing the office at 4175, and through Terrakin Records, 859- I
majesticusofa@aol.com 0" by calling —: 608-5393, www.terrakin.com. Wishing I
Dakotah Dr Phoenix at 859-948-1952 Chair CD'S may be purchased at ama- I

zon.com, cdbaby.com, goldenrod.com, ter- »
PFI A G rakin.com, Joseph-Beth Booksellers and
. Poor Richard's Books, Frankfort.

Parents, Friends, and Family of *'
Lesbians and Gays, will be meeting regu— D .
Iarly on the second Tuesday of each month. Wm“ Mon 8 mm '
In March, we will meet on Tuesday 12th, 7 The Lexrngton Men’s Chorus '5 starting 5.
pm. at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church. rehearsals on March 10th for the Pride con- I
The church is on the comer of Tates Creek cert "LMC 0“ Broadway." New members
and Armstrong Mill Rd. Contact Dotti Berry are welcome and. encouraged to attend, "
for info at 489-4791 or there are no auditions. Rehearsals are
Dotti@EmpoweringDiversity.com. 5:30—7:45 every Sunday at St Michael's ;

Episcopal Church, 2025 Bellefonte. I

‘ Continued on page 4

GLSO page 3 I


 , much more eye catching, well worth the
MM cost. If you agree, give us a call.

SisterSound is a non-auditionf , I
woman's chorus that is currently open to.» ART FOR LIFE E
new members. They rehearse every The second annual ART FOR LIFE art g
Sunday evening from 6 to 8315 at the auction is being held on Sunday, March E‘
Landsdown Cumberland Presbyter'a-n 10th from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM at Sheraton :
Church, 333 Redding Rd- SisterSound Suites Lexington, 2601 Richmond Rd., E
tried OUt and was choosen to sung the Lexington. This is an auction of art donat— <1
National Anthem at a Legends ball game ed by local and national artists to benefit 0
this summer. .JO'" ”5 now and be a part Of AIDS Volunteers, Inc. Admission is free. °
”“3 fun expenence. This is a unique auction in that pieces '

Ads In COLOR are first available for bidding at asilent auc— 5

GLSO has taken the jump we have tIon. At the end of the sulent auction, pieces 4:

. ’ will either be sold at the silent auction rice 1
bought color Ink for the newsletter. If yell: or carried over to the live auction bases! on ‘1
are a sponsoring organization, you wi -_' , , _ , , _ .
receive color in your sponsorship ad in the :lfdctjgt‘agcfetnfevilIthEeSIilr?n;|::cn3;t:o:;or2 i
month you sponsor. Other months will cost . , » g . . g . ‘
you an additional fee. Any advertisers can " d oeuvres, a cash b?“ Viewmg of all pieces I
add color to their ad by contacting Dian. " :2: Risgjctfgnewtifi$352222ngst T22} I
l Rogers at 494-1832 or Ginger at the Pnde;, mre information lease contact AIDS
Center at 253-3233. It will cost between $53 V l t l 'tp 859 225 3000 b ,
and $10 depending on the amount of ink" :1”? ebeSnC' ljntfaers)@aol 220m or y =
you want to use. We think this makes ads}, .6 a' a o ' ' ‘
*Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ,
l - *Licensed Massage Therapist .. ' l
' *Associate Member American Massage Therapy Association
John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Techniques
Treat the causes, not just the symptoms,
for lasting and effective pain relief!
*Set up your appointment today, Mention this ad for $10 off your first visit!
GLSO page 4 ' ' '

 3 Call The Creative Team 2 Call The Creative Team 2 Call The Creative Team 2 Call The Creative Team i

i- E; / n

g I
E « 2 2 Creative Realty
2. g “(at 2808 Palumbo Drive - Lexington KY 40509 5
g E. w 2350 Regency Road - Lexington KY 40503 §
g E Q MI (859) 422-2000 ° (800) 860-7468 :5
= '5 _'
8 m“ g

E 0
v9 2
g , g
% - . 2 Not sure about the details of 5.
° _ ' -- . E buying a home? What will my a
t- 3 EE . * ‘i payment be? Would i qualify for ..
°' 32%”3' ';,.,.E . , {E a loan? Want to sell, but per— .. .-
E E " ”Vi“ E plexed with transition obstacles? 9 :4
§ k 4 EW E The Creative Team and Re/Max 3.,
g E t" S Creative Realty will work for you, g E,
E g; E, "/ '3 3 ‘ representing your best interests i ,
5 't 5: E with a professional, conscien- §

i- .g m! E "E . ‘E tious, and thorough approach to n

at E. 'fig” ’5‘ g your real estate need. I.

E 1\ It" ',_ ' E . O

E; Dan Rog 859) 494-1832 -, Th. - °

:2 darogers.com _ , E

" Teresa Wagoner (859) 494-1831 a

: teresawagonemom '°

2: thecreativeteamworks4u.com a

8 i=3

E, Call for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss gt

° your needs. [E 3

°' Ii

2 Call The Creative Team 2 Call The Creative Team 3 Call The Creative Team 3 Call The Creative Team 3
— V . WI GLSO Page 5

Former GLSO Board Family Movies
Members Men’s Night Out will feature Hedwig

We are currently seeking the names and the Angry Inch, one of the best films of
and addresses of former GLSO Board 2001. It received several nominations for
Members so we can invite them to the cel-' Golden Globe Awards including Best Actor
ebration of our Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, and Best script It is a story Of a transsex-
Please call Ginger at the Pride Center ual mUSiCiah. betrayed by a lover WhO
(253-3233) and give heryour name and the,__. steals his music and becomes famous.
names of anyone you know that we might; The music is great, the script is original and
contact. We are hoping that even out oft?" very funny, and the acting is deserving 0t
state people will attend the party in April ori'j more nominations. Several critics have
the banquet in October. . mentioned that this film should not have

Writing Practice for Everyone been passed over for Academy Award

Everyone is welcome to attend the, Nominations. Join us on Tuesday, March

. . . 19 at 7 at the Pride Center.
writing practice group on the second and Lesbian Movie Ni ht will be Fri da
fourth Saturday of each month, 10 am at.,{: March 8 7 m at the Pgde Center We an];
the Pride Center, This month that will be} Iookin ' for" a video co of 'Chutne
March 9th and 23rd. Taking exercises fromf- Po cogn If we cannot 11% that we witi
‘ Natalie Goldberg’s work, we will experi—j hp L. . Ch St . H | M'
ment with writing and share our work with S ow, osmg _ase, “The een irren
each other. No experience necessary, reg- and KY!“ SedWIck. In ”"5 film, Chase '8
ular attendance not required, just bring a 3., recovering from a breakdown and '8 spend- 3
pen and some paper and we will h av ef" ing the_.summer on Marthastfineyard with 3
some fun. her children. Her husband hires a young
, woman, Elizabeth, to help run the house-
LOW COSt copying ~ hold as Chase is not willing or able to return

There is a copier in the' Pride Center to all that is expected of a mother of two
which can be used by community groups active children. Chase and Elizabeth strug—
that want a good price for doing their own gle to find a bond, and the plot thickens.

‘ copying. You will be given an ID number g.’ Classm ,Mowe Matinee W'" b? on

::Sunday, March 17 at 2 pm. We Will be

and cgaéged .3013 ptage, or $06 for d0u-_; ”showing Gone with the Wind. Winner of a

CzllSlGi‘: 33:):Sdetgitlls 2:353:32an paper. large number of-Academy Awards, this film

9 ' deserves several viewings. Come see
DISCUSSIOII Group ' " Clark Gable at his best.

Every Wednesday at 7 Pm people gath- Self Esteem-Low esteem? No esteem?
er at the Pride Center for 900d conversa»; Orjust curious what self esteem means in
tion and some. laughs. 'It is a place to come? your life? If so we have a group for you,
to just be yourself fora couple of hours. If Every Thursday in March a self esteem
YOU are jUSt coming OUt. new to the area, i’: group will meet from seven until nine at the
want to meet some new people, or just.) Pride Center. This free group will explore
enjoy talking this is the place to be. For the effects of self esteem, internalized
more information, call Ginger during the homophobia, and how to obtain and main-
day at the Center 253-3233- in the tain healthy self esteem. Questions-call
evening, contact Jane for information at JarMarilee at 323-7118.

276-0673. ‘ ]
GLSO Page 6 3

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 Bluegrass Fairness' stationery, cards and mailings, which
Annual Membership heightened Fairness' professional image to
Meeting -, those receiving communications. Each
. was given a star-shaped trophy and the
Bluegrass Fairness reported on 2001 ' Opportunity to address the meeting.
activities, recognized volunteers and Annual award recipients are people who
planned for the upcoming year at the“ have done volunteer work above and
Annual Membership Meeting held January. beyond usual work and are not members of
30th at the Public Library. About 50 people 3 the Steering Committee.
from around the region gathered to hear The entire gathering was polled on what
about and give input to the local affiliate of they saw as short and long-term goals for
the Kentucky Fairness Alliance, working to Bluegrass Fairness. Two goals were des-
educate the public about and advocate for ignated as priorities for the coming year.
the rights of GLBT people. The first was the passing of HB 125, which
Significant activities were the advocacy will give protection to GLBT people in
for local LGBT rights, a survey of local employment, housing and public accom-
companies on their policies on Domestic modations. This is similar to Lexington's
Partner benefits, and responding to the dis- 1999 Fairness Ordinance making the pro-
criminatory volunteer policy at Central tection available to all Kentuckians. The
, . Baptist Hospital. Dottie Berry reported on Kentucky Legislature is currently consider-
the upcoming visit by Mel White to the ing the‘ legislation.
Lexington area, April 5 - 7, which is being The group identified a second priority
co-sponsored by Bluegrass Fairness and as a need for greater diversity in Bluegrass
Soulforce. Fairness. The Steering Committee will
The Steering Committee gave awards make a greater effort in the coming year to
to three people for their extraordinary vol- reach out to groups across various ethnic,
unteer work in 2001. Scott Perry, a local I religious, sexual and social lines, especial-
resident who has held the title of Mr. Iy those parts of the LGBT community
International Bear, was recognized for his which may not currently be heard. For
' outstanding fundraising work. Elizabeth more information about the work of
Miller was recognized for organizing a: Bluegrass Fairness, contact co-chairs Jim
Fairness' volunteers to participate in local'ngDickinson or Theresa McGrann or any
charity bingo games. Joe Paul was recoQ-' “member of the local Steering Committee,
nized for his donation of design work for or visit bluegrassfaimess.org.

Add 0 . a ' -~~. _; cHERs
GLSO will at; 2;;- to . ~»‘ 19 ”Ex‘réiflfief Transpcflation
Your ad for $5 to $10 per mefxmm‘
month depending on the g; "m“ min "W J

amount of color. g gab “j, WSth-mwm '

Call Dan—4944832 or W. 2}” ” '63""859;)273‘72°2' .7 '

Ginger-253—3233 . Toll Free1-(877)332-8958


 :h E
to ,

3 clubs
Ie i .
l0 .

0* I place


or _

in E . E
n- . .
5 ID _
rill , E
to o 1‘:
.°.: Joln us on
0f ' .2 E
m . '.
2, St. Datrlcks Day l
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I ” l b ' ' b ' .
2;; 5:”;QO k~ E E
" 224 east main street . lexington, kentucky . 859-255-1551 E
‘ must be 21 with valid id E
— Wm E

On Saturday, March 2nd at 2 pm at the :1 On SLunday M:;6ht10th'at2 par: Inhthe i
Central Library Theater, One World Films Central Ibrary ea er, W? W Sf)?” !
will show Three Seasons the first RAGE AND GLORY, an lsraeII film. ThIs Is .
American feature to be pio duce d in historical fiction that tells the story of the 3
Vietnam since the war. This exquisitely - “39“" a group 0f people ”93ml.“ In .

beautiful film was made in Ho Chi Minh City reSIstance to the BrItIsh occupatIon of

by'Tony Bui a 26-year-old American born Palestine during the 1940’s. It invites the
in \ertnam. It focuses on the daily lives of quest-on, Vchat fstva fgeedczm 29mg" and
working class people, each living with lone- ' wla '3 a errorIs ' Irec or ,V' es er

liness Most of the acting is done by non- skIllfully portrays a balanced VIew of the
professional \ertnamese people Harvey complex emotional and political realities of .
Keitel portrays a former soldier looking for t2h531t'": "lihedsclrflenlnlg Offth'f film lat the f
a daughter he fathered during the war. The ort an. 'm es ,N? In am i
characters' paths cross in small ways marked the lIftIng ofa restnctIon on show- ,
accompanied by flowers and kindnesses. Ing t3: film °‘t‘,t"5'_de 0f lsgail‘ t h th Q

Three Seasons won three major awards at e are s I In nego la Ion 0 3 CW e
, , Sun dance in '999 Audience and ‘ film Kandahar. If we are unsuccessful, we ‘

Cinematography Awards and the Grand will be supporting the screening of the film
July Prize ' at the Ky Theater in April. :

_ : Navigable FaaSt'
gkn lm‘njr.‘ Ir
Moveable Feast Lexmgton 1s a non-profit
organlzatlon devoted to prov1d1ng free,
nutrltlous meals to those WIth H l V/AIDS
l1v1ng 1n Fayette County. ‘
Volunteers are always needed. _
Call 252-2867 for more detalls.
GLSO page 10

 y; GLSO News Sponsors 2002
we Richardson Vision Center...................................278-4201
in - 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside 7
1: ScottAckerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-205
1d (mobile) 338-8483
er , For all your real estate needs
1; SisterSound..............................243-0243
,e Diverse music for all women
‘9 TheCreativeTeam ........................494-1832
”' Dan Rogers & Teresa Wagoner
le Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014
(6 A Charity Organization
m TheBarCompIex.........................255-1551 -
224 East Main Street - '
Seeking a Diverse Congragation
TurnerCounseIing ........................269-6497
2216 Young Drive, Lexington
Debra Hensley Insurance . ,3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
WindyKnolIFarm ......‘.:-:-':Z'................299-741o
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding ,
Lexington Men's Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231-0090
_ Rehearsal every Sunday
Prudential Securities, Davidbupps . . . . . . . . . . .243-5033
Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families
PegasusTraveI ...........................253-1644
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO
— I ' GLSO page 11

 Call number In March 2002
Directory for Location.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Frrday Saturday
6:30 Women’s Spirituality Private WorkshopPride
UU Church Center Closed
8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 2 pm Film ”Three Seasons"
Central Library
7:30 Wishing Chair
Camegie Center
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10:30am Faith MCC 7 pm GSA 8:30 pm “Come on Down” 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Self-Esteem 7 pm Lesbian Movie Night Pride Center Open 10-3
10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study Court Game Show 7 pm Charismatic Church Chutney Popcorn 10 am Lex. Men's Chorus
5:30 pm Lex. Men's Chorus State Theater 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 10 am Writing Workshop
6 pm SisterSound 9 pm Rainbow Bowling
7 pm Pride Center Dignity
' Potluck
7 pm HUGS .
7:30 Wishing Chair
Camegie Center
1 O 11 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 1 6
10:30am Faith MCC 7 pm Faimess Steering 7 pm GSA 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 6:30 Women’s Spirituality Pride Center Open 10-3
10:45 am UU Church Committee 7 pm PFLAG 7 pm Charismatic Church 7 pm Self-Esteem9:30 Miss 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 Laura Simms
12:15 Interweave Potluck 7 pm C.O.L.T.s 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Majestic USA Storyteller, UU Church
4 pm Integrity 8 pm AA Step Study Club 141
4:30 AVOL Art Auction - News Deadline
5:30 pm Lex. Men's Chorus
6 pm Imperial Court of KY
6 pm SisterSound
, 7 pm HUGS
; 17 1 8 ' 1 9 2O 21 22 23
10:30am Faith MCC 7 pm GSA s-J'x» - ' 7 pm Men’s Night Out 7 pm Charismatic Church 7 pm Pride Month 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study “Hedgewig & Angry Inch" 7 pm Discussion Group Committee Pride Center “*5 10 am Writing Practice
2 pm Classic Movie Night 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 pm Self-Esteem 1 pm GirIs Kick Ass
5:30 pm Lex. Men's Chorus
6 pm SisterSound AD Deadline
7 pm Dignity Mass .
7 pm HUGS
24 25 26 27 28 I 29 30
10:30am Faith MCC 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm GSA 7 pm Charismatic Church 7 pm Self-Esteem '
10:45 am UU Church 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Discussion Group I
1 pm Bluegrass KFA 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA '
5:30 pm Lex. Men's Chorus I
6 pm Imperial Court of KY
6 pm SisterSound
.__._.___._____________________________ __________________.__________________
GLSO Pare12 GLSO Page 13

 . Reeigious News ;
. One neat idea for Lent is planting seeds 5
gal—th- MCC indoors. Even now, those seeds will sprout. l
Everyone at Metropolitan Community But what they will be cannot yet be seen.
Church is looking fonNard to celebrating 9 So, don't forget to write down a little note as l
years of MCC in Lexington. Sunday, March ‘ to what will grow where. These plants are t
10th, is Anniversary Sunday. There will be fragile yet strong enough to move the dirt C
the annual potluck and celebration follow; aside so they can reach the sun. In no t
ing worship. Sunday, March 17th is the time, they will have two or three leaves. E
annual St. Patrick's Day worship service. Soon, they will take on their own identity, r
It's a time to sing traditional Irish hymns, their own role in the garden and they will /
recite Irish liturgies, and ask St. Patrick to eventually produce fruit. I
challenge us in our walks of faith. Did you In our spirits, God has sown many
know St. Patrick once used the three-leafed seeds. In Lent, in this time of reflection, we
clover to teach about God, Christ, and the are able to see some of those seeds begin
Holy Spirit? Sunday, March 23rd, is Palm to sprout. We may not readily know what 5
Sunday as we remember the triumphant " they shall become. What effects our acts [
celebration as Jesus entered the city of of charity or kindness may have, we may 5
Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. It's a' not yet know. But what we do know is that V
time to stop and ponder the other events of God is doing a new thing. Something is V
Holy Week, including theLlast Supper and growing in our lives. Some new spring time f'
GOOd Friday. Easter Sunday is March 30th. possibility is about to come into leaf. 5
Faith MCC plans its annual worship serv- Resurrection and new life is just around the J
ice. - comer. Lent need not be a dull, negative,
Faith MCC joins much of the Christian " depressing, give up season. Lent is the
world in observing the Lenten season. It is beginning... a time of sprouting... _a time of l
a time of preparation, a time of reflection, or ‘ inner growth. C
a time of repentance. While many have“ Faith MCC, located at 145 Burt Road, C
‘ chosen, and still choose, to give something ‘1' in Zandale, holds Sunday morning worship 1
up for Lent, Lent has another side. Sure, -"' services at 10:30 am. MCC is also your 5
we are to reflect, to know who we are, to IOCal outlet to support AVOL with a $15 V
pause to know who God is, to share hon- donation for a Christmas ornament. For E
estly with ourselves and God, to do our own more MCC information, call (859) LEX- t‘
moral inventory. But it's NOT so we can " FMCC. The church e-mail address is LMC-
feel bad but so we can grow. Lent is a time CREVMEL@AOL.com.
when “some may give up a mealtime to D. . ‘
have additional time for prayer and medita- W
tion. But it is notjust about giving up some- - Dignity Lexington is meeting at the Pride
thing bad for something good. For others it Center on the first and third Sundays of the
is the deliberate act of taking up something month at 7:00 pm. Dignity is active in our
’ that is good. What can we take on that is community in a variety of ways. We partici-
good for us or for someone else? What act pate with others in the AIDS ministry, .
of mercy, kindness or charity can we stretch Moveable Feast, sponsored by the
to do that might benefit another? Episcopal Church. On the third Sunday, we
Wm -

 ~ conduct a worship service, which is open to call Beverly or Corina at 264-7006 or email
all. There is a shared discussion of the 'Cwbm121893@aol.com, We look fonrvard
:3: scripture readings followed by a Fellowship to hearing from you.
i; hour.
2,, Dignity is not officially accepted by the Interweave .
r; hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, Intenlveave, the GLBT and friends sup-
but its membership does reflect the views port group at the Unitarian Universalist
ii. 1 of much of the Catholic community that Church, meets the second Sunday for a
i5 - there should be ministry to and for the gay potluck lunch after the service (12:15 or
and lesbian communities. Local bishops do so). You do not have to be a church mem-
not play a supervisory role in this ministry. her to attend. Call Mary Crone for informa-
ll ‘ Additional information is available at 859- tion 266-5904. She can also give you infor-
268-1351. mation about the Woman’s Spirituality
g . Group that meets every other Friday night.
n Integrity continues to meet at St. HUGS of file Bible
:7 Michael’s Episcopal Church on Bellefonte HUGS is an acronym which stands for
07- We welcome everyone to join US 0" the Hearings, Understanding, and Growth
second Sunday 0f each month at 4 0m through studying the Bible. We are a spir-
Ii. We have increased our membership and itually diverse group intent on welcoming
i; would love to included other interested all people of faith_ HUGS will be meeting
r; folks. Call Rev. David Boyd or Rev. Sandy each Sunday at 7 pm. If you are interested
Stone for info at 277-7511 or in joining us, please contact Dr. Sherry
i JBlntegrity@aol.com Rotosky who is facilitating our group.
. Sharon can be reached at. (859)257-7880
5 f 01W Chum E-mail rostosk@pop.uky.edu
-i‘ Looking for a Christ-centered charismatic Our current study for HUGS is based
‘ church where people of all genders, sexual on Rembert Truluck's website (WWW.tru-
orientations and color are welcomed? luck.com) and book (Steps to Recovery
Then you'll want to join US for WOFShiP and ; from Bible Abuse), incorporating a diverse
r , study every Wednesday evening at 7 pm. ._ look at faith from a scriptural standpoint.
We are from a variety of backgrounds and ,:
r are creating an upbeat form of worship: Mel White _ .
.- together. For information and directions, Mel White, author of Stranger at the
~ Gate: To Be Gay & Christian in America
, and Executive Director of Soulforce
'f‘Keep the love you fmd’ (www soulforce org) will be in Lexington
.7; Get the love you want!” _ ‘ ' , ’ , ,
’- making presentatrons, meetrng wrth local
Ministers and speaking during the first
'5. _ JESSICA BOLUNGER’ LCSW weekend of April. He will be addressing the
i Certified lmago Relationship Therapist issue of “Spiritual \fiolence” and its impact
~ COUpIeS‘ fam'ly' '"d'v'duals on gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgen-
iessica@cwevent.com 859—552—6533 ders within our religious institutions.
GLSO Page 15

 Kewtmle Queer History: ”Stay bookS- !

AW atYOdMOtwl/b The historiography of queer America i

by Jeff Jones incorporates several beliefs and assump- i

Lexington has a rich and fascinating tions. Some historians even go so far as «

'secret' queer history. Like all histories, it is . calling these assumptions myths. One ‘

only secret because it has largely gone such belief is thatqueer identities somehow .
undocumented and has relied on people as came into being around 1969 at New York's
an oral history. Considering that black Stonewall Inn and then diffused out around
Kentucky history did not make it into the the country. Queer people With queer iden-
history books until the 19605, it is no sur- tities, however, existed in Lexington at least
prise that no current history of Kentucky as far back as the 19305 and probably
mentions queer Kentuckians. The sodomy before then. Although what it means to be
law repeal, lesbian feminists, colorful queer queer may have Changed over the years,

‘ individuals, lurid lesbian murderers, gay people held distinctive identities around
men and AlDS...all missing from standard their sexual orientation here by the very
depictions of Kentucky life. early 20th century if not before. Another

i Queer history, however, . ._ _ myth is that until recently, beyond

Z abounds in central Kentucky. In d'leg‘ the big coastal urb