xt79gh9b8c1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b8c1s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-05-06 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 32,  May 6, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 32,  May 6, 1915 1915 1915-05-06 2015 true xt79gh9b8c1s section xt79gh9b8c1s O
Issue nllmhéf IIICOITQCT
May 6 should he Vol. 7, no. 32
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ll University of Kentucky
\ I l '
lllllllll Illl EXEIIIZISES llllllllllll PHIIVES lll “ll|llEE lll Jllllll BUYS illllllllllllllll IIEFEAIS °l1 S lllfllllll III PE
l I l   • •
. , I
All Hill] lll Sll|IllIlS· lll “lA$l I’|lIl|I||l"° IS llllll l|l[lII|S|l|llll’ llllll Elllll AlHlEllS” llllllllllll ll Sllll
. """"" l `i'*' F ""“`- —"_* -—--
6 · ·»»I i
_ "Tap Day" Ceremonies For} Cadets   9 f 8 3 t_ Vlsltmg   Clay Hall Men Unite For' R¤¤¤€t‘S Stack up 3 Pomt to Appygciative (gommdes pl.t_
Honor Soctettes Are Im- | Team m TWO Stmlght Mutual Comfort 111 Hour the Good on the sent Capt. Herbert Gra-
p!‘€SSlV€ and Béillllilflll Games, 7 to 4v 15 to 2 of Bereavement. Home Boys ham Field Glasses
A STRIKING PROGRAM TM K°“‘“°l"’ S‘““’ R°$“'“"”l A unique fraternity has been organ-; wht. the defeat of Kentucky stmt. QFFICERS ARE CHOSEN
,A _ ..—. remped 0V€¥` the T€¤¤€¤¤€€ V°l¤¤·.lzed among the boys of Clay Hall. lst the hands ot Georgetown College ———-
Q? Arbor phy exe;-elses were held by teers Friday and Saturday to the tunel n lg the Lodge of Jlltgd B0yB_ [lll ld tt trsek meet held leet Friday ed The enndel mepeeden of the unt
P the S€“l°r mus °f me unlversny F"` of seven t° tm and mwen m tW°'|°"d‘“" *0 be able l° 59*- imc thm f*`¤l·l the Georgetown track, athletic rela· versity battalion was held Tuesday
l d¤Y m°"¤l“8· Bccomlmnled by wrap Both games were featured by ¤· fellow must D0¤¤€¤8 ¤ lem"` frvml tions were resumed between the two morning on the parade grounds by
A Day" ceremonies tor the two Senior heavy hitting and fast tleldlng ot the all Old gltl ldlolmlng ltlm of the lstt A eedeeee leaemm AIA PA Robinson of the gene"!
  Ae honor Soctetles, stan and Crown and Blue Grass ladB· T€¤¤€¤¤€¤ was °°m‘l that site is to be wedded to anotherl nerore the last event, the relay staff U. S. A. The cadets made a hue
l Lamp md Cm"' lpletely Outcmssed ln both comesw Tllls °l`$““l"·u°“ was lnsmuledl save, the total points were: George- appearance and were commended for
  Holiday was granted to the studentsA Thomas wasA unhltable in the ilrst only ll law weeks ddd and hss tllt,At0wnA f0mA__eteht Amd 0neAhad pomted their good work
l alter 9;30 o’cl0ck, when an athletic game when hits were needed. Mc- large llldmberslllp dl l·0dl.A This ls, KeAmAAAAkyA fUrAyAeAeAAen Amd AAmAAAAAAAAAe Herbert GmhamA of Frmke0rtA •
l rally was held ln chapel. President Clure was the only Volunteer who llllll ll matter of lllllwl-y_ but within AAOAAAHAA and the dnal Score Stood AAAAA eepleln Ol Cempeny ,,BA,, wee preeene
l Barker, Doctor Tlgert and Doctor VN. was able to connect more than once. one week all of the lol". lecelvdd the decided ed a pete Os dem glu". by me men
l L. Anderson spoke on "'I`he Wright, Waters and C. Park were awful ddlctA wlllclt ls the rdddlrdmedt Aavman Hubbard Atkms Amdlm appreciation of me emctem NWA
l Funeral or the Resurrection of right there with the stick, while lol. membership. and lt caused Sdcll AAOWALAAA defeated Gmt;feAdeAAA LAndeAaAAA led
Y the Wildcats-Whlch?" to an enthus- Ashe‘s home run ln the seventh was profound sorrow and prolonged dd, VAAAAAQAA and Sullivan An the CAO Ang IA was arranged to have u epeclel
E t ’ s
l lastic crowd of students, amid cheers one ot the prettiest drlvesAseen 01: lcddtlnudd on pus TWOA) land decAdAAAg event Amer AAA AA9aAAAAbAAeake AA0mpAmy next yen for men who are
and music. lStoll l·leld this season. Turks;   Ang HAAAAAAAA AAA WAAACAA the Blue and employed wld] Oueelde work during
M to gclocla the hattalldn of ca-. Park came acres: dWAth AAth;AA EW       ll-ldts team assumed llle lead, but the arternoon. This company will drill
r "°‘“ °‘°°" “‘ "“’“"° '°“‘ °“ ""’l“"°“ “ ““ mi; ft “ ‘d°hl ’ ll"` were beaten out tt. the mm, bythe at me mum. hoo.
~ campus ln front ot the Admlnlstra-Ascored Tuttle, rgtt an mse on t Amnge and Black AAAAUDBAABA Georgdl The end, Omceee eppoteted for next
, • tion Building, whlle the ten actlveAa threebaggerd to le;. puAttlrt$AA:tatel AAWAA won ddydheee and 0AAeAhad wAyeel, ere; RA FA Albesd major; Cep_
members of Lamp and (ll-OSS tapped m me leudll gmt t Sl: el Caml forty-seven and one-half points, tain W. B. Williams, adjutant; Cap-
‘°“ ’“°" "°‘“ “‘° °‘“'°‘ "‘· '·‘°"°l “°f° “°Y"' “ “"‘°' ° °”""‘ U . .t G. I R . The mm was ..mmd by an mt. on t. J. neymu, qwmmsmr.
crowd gathered to watch the interest-I Fridays Score WM- P A A|lV€¥:Sl Y AAA Hips A€(;€lV€ dent td Sprsgens who bloke llls leg Company   Captain B, Mahoney,
. jng ceremony, and I‘O\1IlaB of B·ppl¤uB€LStat·9_   R H 40 0 g       while running lll Illé ll8.lf·H1ll€ €‘V€ll[· Flrsl Lieutenant     Hatter; Sec.
greeted each Junior as the older menASchrader. ss .. 1 l I 11 0 0 all Oull y g`€I1Cl€S de loss wld be Severely felt by me ddd Lledtedent EA EA Duke; Sen
tgppgd htm with the historic bone. lluttle. lb.   AA 2 2 A 0 0 The AAAAAAAAaA meetmg of the KQAAA llrdllse and Blnttk tesltt geand, W. F. Barnes, J .M. Gibson;
TM °'° L‘"“p ""° C"°" "‘°" "°‘ l“"gm* cf   _ sm cow-ies was the star of the G- L- Dean. D. R. Ellis: coroorsls. H.
J mes Park L nn Evans William J Park 3b 3 3 1 0 1 0 mcky county agents ln cannlng club
° ' y ` I ` '   and home demonstration work was ¤·¤<*·=*¤· w*¤··i¤g mtv stem is which "°*"*"· J· ”· CP"- ”· T- *"°‘°· E· *’·
Tuttle, Herschal Scott, Roy Wallace,A Reed, c ..... 3 0 0 6 1 0l AAAA entered and breakin the Aocal tdelde JA TA Cueldtd JA WA Coopee
held ln the Home Economics De art· g
S. J. Lowry, George Arnold, Francis Waters, 2b   3 0 2 1 1 0 P AA _ , __ ,,
I A lmem Ol, de dntvereie A rtl 2-_tle .;u·k record tor one hundred yards (t0mD8¤Y B. C¤·Dt¤·l¤. C\¤’|‘Y Mil'-
Haynes, Clark Rogers and Gibson Gumber, lt   2 0 0 1 0 0, l 5 P ·¢· Y _ A ` _ A
A ll the H B Wolcott State Agent oe (Continued on page Flv€_) tin, l·lrst Lieutenant, M. (J. Ambergy,
Downing. t F Am C Eelleydtltf .... 2 3 2 3) 3 Eiéome ‘DeAm0tAsAraAA0n·`v0AkA OA BAA _`..*; -.W..?*~——-— Segond Llgutgnts s_ J, Johnson; First
q The new men are. ran ¤ om.; ». BP . l`   lA`AaAAtAAA OAA WAAASAAAAAEAOH D (AA MASS Sergeant, E. L. Frazier; Sergeants, J.
William Clark, Gracean Pedley, Karll'l`homas, p   4 0 0 0 2 2   AA· A AA d Am Ad · E··C , HA dlvemh JA Cl Fuel WA MA JUNBA
Z·—r¢¤¤¤· Henry ¤*¤¤¤w¢"- J- "· —····· '“ °“" ““ ‘ ““ “" ‘ ”“` tt. i. to..m· corporal G. 1.. Jacous
Thompson, Jerrerson Hams, osm- Total ....... as 7 iu 27 s 4 w•¤ll· demonstrators from the “¤¤h·       LA HA Fuque HA CA seeemw H RA
brel McCarty, Herbert Graham and <(7ontlnued on Page Five.) llngwn department- and M"- Lewis B- , _ ,
Ll d M Kee ———••*———- intein-, or the United states Depart- ('r°S°m“"' L S' L°"°°‘ R‘ N‘ 181*
ll midi sel latter the ta plug ex·l Iment of Agriculture, were prominent _ _ hart'
mm a y v Aw [     Iepeeters Ptoceeds of Annual Event Company   Captain, 1.. a. Pey-
erelse, the Senior class marched lo RA ; s A TWAAAAAAQAABAX county ageAAAAs HAOAAA AAAI to be Devoted to it ton; First Lieutenant, H. B. Coinbest;
body l° me l’l““° “°l€°t°d wr plamd QANAANS of the State Amended the meet “ Noble CELISG Second Lieutenant, O. C. walker;
lng the class tree. The Senior girls, t t . I · __   __ L; , _ . . l·‘lrst Sergeants, A. A. Pulllam; Ser-
_ lng, and mgdg brief reports of their lhe lrllls lall-Hellelllc Assoclatlon
wore whlte_ with ribbons in their col l t d d goants T A Powell T T Richards
. lwork. The programs included ad- of State `¤ll\'t*l`Sit>' ai site at ance ` ` ` ’ ` ' ’
org, green and white, and their class Takes Gold Medal lll Sharp AA A ~ _ _ , . __ _ . K. P. Nesblt, H. Parks; Corporals. E.
_ A resseg on bt-egd.mnklng_ ponltry_ tor the benefit ot their Stll0l8lSlll[)
ll0W€l‘,   of the valley. C t tt W    l R· “Ar D `i.D G _
O l bah lf Ol llls Class presldent On QS 1 8 lyeasts, tireless cookers, fruit-raislngltund in Buell Armory, Saturday after-   me' ‘ " ° °ugl°’ M' ‘ Mm-
H a ' Y0l1I`lg' Speakers l l .... tin, O. K. McAdams, M. G. Muller.
and other phases of l1ome demonstra- hooll. April M from J to tr
James Park opened the C6l‘€¤10¤l€¤ -—-—-— L _ . Company "D" Captaln H F Crom-
\\'. E. Draffen of Lawrenceburg a'tion work combined with practical l·la<·h man will be charged no cents · ’ ‘ ‘
with a short speech ot introduction. · · l · ltted Fleet Lleutedem C S Ste
Then Belen ll0elldgA elsss 0l.stdl.A d€_ student in the College of Law, won the experiments ln canning and cooking. mlhlissioh with or Without a partner'.   _ A ' ' '
.\' C T U declamatory contest int \llss \lary E Sweeny Miss Aubyn aud tivkets may be obtained from phen°' bewnd Lleuwnuuh M` M'
llvored his oratlon on Arbor Day ln ···· I ` ‘ ' ' s _ ‘Montgoinery· First Sergeant W P
en lmpresslss msddslt ldd dwelt tlp_ the State University chapel Wednes- Chinn, Mr. 'l‘. ll .Bry·ant, ot State Unl-Aany member ot the Alpha Gamma AAAAA A S AA' t T WAA ' J‘ E'
en the bedellts dt the dst, sud lts day night, April 28, and was award·lverslty, and Dr. Fred Mutchler, of Delta. Alpha Xi Delta. Kappa Kappa \Acf;A'reA ageguseoneer HBO: dor";
eymbdllem tds ltls clsssA llslltddlds llls ed a handsome gold medal. Hls sub-°the Experiment Station, were alsoAGam¤ua. Kappa Uvltu. or Chi Ullltégli tAAAAAAeeArA’ tA0AAp0tAaAs C   Morden L
theme wltll clever slldsldds and lasts ject was "A Prlsoner’s Solll0quy."‘among the speakers on the program.ASororitieH. ,A AA AA` D S T' ' `A S T' d`
_ _, ` ,     . _,..oo,..urner,..rea—
ttertslnlds td the dddssldd lblarlon tonditt, of Marlon, L. U.A The Home lsconomlcs Club or StateA lhis work ot raising a tund eatltAAAAA)AA AAA AAA T0mAAns0nA
mee Chrlstlne Hdpldds resd tlls Woods, ot Pinckard, and J. W. ltudy,lUnlversity served luncheon to thelwar for h<·1ph¤s some slr! through, AA   A A A
eleee prdplldch wlllch wss d dlstldctlot Sturgis, were also contestants. lagents during the entire week. lsvhool was bettull last year by tlleAAAAAAA?A"ll;:::t A;;AAAA;§::::“‘G`l'    
deddrtdre tmm edstdmsry prddld Mrs. 'l‘. J. Shannon, medal contestl On Saturday Mrs. Wolcott an-ltiit‘lS` l’al¤-l|el|¢*lli<‘ Association aud` 'ALA ' AL Att ` ' '
. S·· ‘. . . 1 .
tlddsA owltll tddlldd toward lldtleslsuperintendent of the \V. C. 'l‘. U., had,nouuced the followlng nppolntmentsAltns received thc approval and co-op-A   Smdeigglzr Sud
ddd elldrlty td', sllA·» ltllss lldllltldslcltarge of the contest. Ur. A. S. Mac-lot State University girls to be asslst-leraliou of the faculty and stllllrllts. AAAeAtAAAAe AA AA` AAAUAAAAAAOAA S te Beagle
employed the tdlllles sud tdllldgs dl Kenzlo presided, and made one of hlslant county agents during the lll0ll(lll'l`ll*‘ l|\t‘llllJt‘l`5 of the votthvil arvi A ' `A   ’ ' " A`
AA , A A d UA t A tk l f A] A tu L l B rd tt t Muh l YMAAIM “.AlAAd dud ldd ldelee Addie Hand ——t aptuin and drum major, t.
her t-lassntstes to good advantage ln “ '“‘“"* "" "“ a S' l° mm ‘ H os u' 8 0 ` ll ` l I A I vl·: ltubv· First Lieutenant ’l` C Mc-
compoglng their epltuphs, Marcus U- R€¢lWllW» SUH9 llUlV€l`·llvllbul‘g County; Miss Mnry Burrler Xl llelta. lvdwu " ' ' '
A Ksrl zertdsd reprdsdlttdd tlld t.ldssAslty representative at the KentuckyAto Rot-kcastle County; Miss Katherine l\llllt'llt* Martin und Elsie Speck; ‘
el .ld edd reeelsed tllt, spells lwm tlldl Intercollegiate Prohibition <‘ontest,AMltchell to Logan County; Miss ldliz- liatma llelta. l   +•·•-—; ~
dlAAAAUA_ CAAAAAAA AAA AAA forwsut Amd AAA_AAdteAl.dllsl,lltl,tl tl, sly, lll, lllllll·t,,,l,_ ··wll,, lll,,,lll l.·,,,-lll lo \\'hl[l6y tlounty; Mlm, Lillian Gaines nntl lqttith lieanl \vt·tlnt·stnty, April 2s, Alt-. w, xl,
etleeelt whleh rend wltll sldddrlty sud} Pays the lllll?" llmlah (lault to Lawrence County; Kappa Kappa Gnullnu. Hanna, of lleurral Electrlr Companyg
A nlnslonl lrn rntn was lvou bylxllss Knthloon Snlllvnn to Madison .\uual l.t·\\ls \\'ltitnortli und Murtha spoke to Seniors on "lellectrleal ll·
inspiration. l l K K l A
ld lleltslt dt Sttllt sud llrdwls tlld` Miss Frances tlelsel, Leo J. Sandmanu,lCounty; Mlss Johnnie Cramer to Jet- \'urhoh. Alpha Gatuutu Delta. Aluutinallon," a talk treating on street
slrle. hdddr edl.drltyA lldetdt. AA SAland the quuwtte from the MlngesAferson County; Mlss Linda Purnell to_ l"l`i\l|\'t'$ lielsvl and Nancy |nncs,Alit;ltting in particular, illustrated with
(Continued on Fudd Two) ll,lydllltt,lltlllc gl_lllllllslly_ 1 llpll (’0uuty_ Chi omega. lnutern slides.
` C

 { 1
1 n
• •
2 T H E I D E A
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go’s Go. 5
“°°° H E OR H EU M H EA RE °"""°" °°
Me At Admission 10c
FIH8T·CLA!0 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. ITAMPER, Jr., Owmr and M•ns •r. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. {
» 1 1
y A
isneon osv exsnclszs <»rr1e¢·r¤e 1·r»¤laen¢, Robert Mitchell, FRANK CRUM WINS N|CHOLS ·rAt.•¤¢€¤t¤¤**’ 'md me Kentucky Rum} Credit Associa-
·rh(· at-uw members or Stan and '°w" (that is it °’" get im' in the both made catchy extemporwreous A
*,aduc“h_mchm0nd mom in Clay tion, gave s short talk on rural cred-
T     Crown are: Annabel Gminsef. NM- speeches on the European War. Mr. its
    I alle Wood, Minnie Cramer, Florence H°“‘ Hatter spoke on "The Probable Map • •
      Nushes. l·2lizul><·th Moore. Helen The m°mb°"m° `° °°"n"°d m H°y_¤»t‘ Europe After the \Vnr," and Mr. ————-;——-—;—
\l)eghea, llvssie White and Elsie Han (mh" and °m‘°ugh it is as yet{(`F\llTl on "'l`he Causes of the War."
`Speck very small the officers report tl1at!,l.m_ mm", won by a vom of two to
”*•°•' ‘"*"•'* ""' """•°"‘°"‘ 1 The M members are: Elsie Hel- Mm the *¤°*¤ 0* ******88 me 0* me 0..6. *0** PENS AND PENCU-$»
llpr, Lila Estes, Katherine Mitchell, they are Qxpmung uw number °f1 Professor Noe played some delight- TABLETS AND FINE
•M_— - |Anna Lewis \\'hltw0rth, Margaret ln· brothers to mc!-Bass at s very rapid tul mush- on the grafonola which he STATIONERY
ll ’g(_ls’ Nam me wpodmm Euubem rate within a very short time. arecmtly purchased for me depawx
( I e Farra, hm Darnall and Rebecca ment. JOHN$TON°$ CANDY
I ‘ IS A GROWING BODY; —————••————
L°°°E °F ‘"LTE° °°Y° I N G1rls’ Orgamzatmn Takes   :°?;m§.m§$ggg
'S LATEST *°°U °'T'° gn New Life With the i ·r•-oa ol.¤ ··¤onM·· smosoa O ·
en ······— Class of 1916 l
(Continued from Page One.) ‘"" J
guish that the one who was lust to The only "c°'9d" utemry society in A "near flre," originating ln a
receive his letter, Robert MitCh€l|.]*h° university ls taking hm? and wastebasket under the tlrst floor stair-   &   1
, · ,.1r,, conceived the idea of establish- mighty Smdea this Ymr and is makjway of the Main Building Tuesday suqcgggqp go gggmg g g°_ 51
Arc       ing this great and noble society as sling 8 repuumon that will €° down in night at 7:30 0'clock, caused much   W. Main St. Q
rnonument to his Erie; the annals of college history as one of Xexcnemem on me campul .E·.I. SOUA FOUNTAIN IN TH. ·,
_ The ritual is beautiful and so in- the ¤¤‘€‘¤¤€¤¢ °l'8`¤¤*¤¤U°¤¤ in K€¤·| Evepralmrul George wvaghmgmn CITY. FINE CAN¤Il| ‘
  'F.» _ Isviring and conscling that st once ****'kY $****6 U¤“'°l’¤**Y~ discovered me blaze and mma my -.— ..—;..
.’    <¢_·-·; kg all of the four braced up, dried their The 8°°I€tY has kept wide ¤w¤k¤ help. Two companies of the Lexlng- l
  ¢; C;E§.. "   wars and are now ~‘<~r>‘ ¤tr<>¤z >‘¤¤¤s|**" Y°°' *****1 at the Same *****6 *6* me mn flre department responded quickly
,       ` men. l··¤m¤>¤¤ k¤<>w¤¤W¤¤ ¤¤ €¤¤¤¢<>¤¤¤· MM to Georges mu, and conquered me HAVE YOUR
  1 ()f(;()urge.'l`HE1UEA can’tpubli¤h1“"’€k ¤ '°“¤ °"° *‘°“‘°d ‘““"""““ bl¤¤·>- 1 pl]OtOS
__   · -  `u11¤rmemualmutitcangivetnepre debm WM held ¤¤ the ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤J The firemen rushed qulcmy mw FOR THE KEN
V V { inmble: {Should Amencan women p*m`°mz° ' the smoky building, fetched the burn· MADE :,;,1CKI AN • O
I » "\\'<·, the members of this organiza- \“""`k`““ Styles or Paris modest"' ling wastebasket out on the driveway,
"-` " " ltion, ln order to form and establish The PhU0$°Phi¤¤ snnusl DIGY 18 8l· and subdued the c0¤¤g,gmu0n_ \     ’S  
‘ €· in more constant and affectionate sym-|“'8YS l¤¤k¤¤ f°""*"`d *0 with Zmati The "water brigade" of ()ld Dorml p y '
_ lpathy for the male sperles, and to so- 1 \’l"“’*“"*’· The Phnosophs are also here present, but their aim was qotl   W. ln. st. P.°“1635_x A
’ icure a more constant and abiding love {considered ¤¢rl<>¤¤ contestants mr the ¤o effective as usual. E
2 · [than van be offered and received from **‘*”*“*" ¤>'*’*‘*» and Mich Year hsve —»— -»——;--—»—-;.T....Y..;—- 
. {the fairer sex do Ordain and €Bmb,`held declamatory and essay c0ntests\
` U- ilish this consmuuon-· lm which both histrionic and literary       :
  " l Tm: mma has also obtained pos— t·b*¤¤>’ ¤S di¤¤1¤y<>d- .;_ |
o».=»·,¤ ~   ot me pledge tm.   1 rm- Svviety has been quite named   AND  
--] hereby pledge my word and hon. and honored this spring by being in- .;__
To mspecc the new Sprmg}.,r that l wm aside by me constitution ~‘*¤·=¤ to ¤¤¤<>¢ with bmh the U¤¤¤¤ sunday, May Qth, 1915
Styles in and by-laws of this lodge so long as lland Horsw Munn S°c1€u°S· The ,._.,.___. • •
remain 8. member mmm, never dl-,*'hi¤¤¤<>vM¤¤¤ Mve Mw Med uv ¤¤
Hats H..g...g its   or mg M     at ·»··¤·»·~···»·· mu HUUND TRIP $1. 5 O FHUII LEXIIIBTUII
Q comforts to its enemy; that I shall “'mch is used as an ¤¤¤¢¤¤¥>lv mom- ————-——
  "ever be 8 kind and affectionate The society has been in exlstence SPECIAL TRAINS LEAVE LEXINGTON 7:20 A. M. and 7:25 A.M.
Shirts ,¤mult-r of the members or mes 1¤¤ge,{S*¤·<·<~ 1892- but ¤<>¤k ¤¤ r¤¤<>w¤¤ sc- ——····
Q Ialways exhibiting the love that should I UVHY “'m* the class vf 1916- Ask 'I`ick•t Ag•nt for Partlculan
Neckwear be characteristic or our Hlmnes, the The ¤>r¤gr¤¤¤ iw W¢¤¤•=Sd¤y was   -————
l .. A
’ • i gentle,. sex, l one of infirestcto rllé MtssRTlamp:o:   E H. C. KING. Puff nd Ticket Au"'
Q Order of conducting meetings (ol-lgavea ta On BYB °““g c€· wt .
  t     “ lows; Ia reading from his writings. wl Ent Mun st" L•xln"°n’ Ky'
      I Meeting Called to Orden Ilvilsses Acker and Hodges consumed
l °` <>,,onmg ()dt_».··1~h&; Qld um Oy, the remainder of the evening with 2 " ` " `‘**  "°` ‘ `’’` `* ll " 1- “"`— ' •
· ·· `T. lk I I C bb d ’1 ld
nun umn sum 7 0 g»“"“°· [“ “ °" ’Y “ ° ““ ‘" wmans AM 1 como?
Mad. to Um"` .5 ·•   Reading of minuml descriptions ot his work, some being
  mworts of hogrtfsick brmhers_ given ln Cobb's own language. To
1 Uderred busmesl The el‘fl<·lent officers for this term ,
G·yaVgS’ ( bx ' Reports of Poultry mmm.     *·~¤¤¤·»>·¤- ¤¤¤ M· Mr- LCXll1gtOI1 Dfllg Company
` reports of om Mum commmee. ,··¤*¤= We *’r¤¤*¤<=·¤· *<¤¤¤¤¤¤ W-
I Neyx business. |Smlth; Secretary, Marguerlte|....-.. _________ 
O. Election of new mBmbers_ iS('}lW(·3€I‘i·l§ TDGBBUTBI`, JOSlB Lacerl ¥
h,,,.,,,,,,‘ I Good of the Order-Reading ot let·i H“Y“· F 1
ters from the girls notlfylng us that: '°° ' , A I
The College Fellows Shop they are going to marry. Same let-l [
—-  b d l . ‘
**,:71 tj   i·=*é~1} mj b U The Hom., E .... mm., mu., me to PRINTING   1
I . t C. C mésitezi xsgjjsge (Tzu hm; ui; short business meetlng Monday after- A ° • ·
Xing On igar ° i dl __ ’ ' Inoou at 3:30 ln the Educational Build- { l|\¢0X`l0|'\1·dI· 1
M f Q ' Allis'] th t [ ling. A committee was appointed toe  
snusc ur•r•o "ls s e oss: l
, lttl dldt f th ll-
    llere's to the fellow who has s glrl,\ H_mu nu 8 10 cul aes or B GPC { • • ;
tum of the new offlvers at their next I     t     1
  And has her all alone; 1 "wemlg , g   G
la. WEIT MAIN   For Illally 8 fellow goes Wlth ||ll()[ht*l‘ l _ `  
~_._ wwtwm _ t""°“"" gm Judge Barker-——Mlss Marlo, I hear {
DR, J, D. KISER When he thinks h¤'s zoihs with his you are going to a "Nu¤nery."
uz, nn, nos: me runosv ` <>w¤- Miss M1ch0t—I uaum num any· COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY
·'lc'M-NT I 'l‘he charter members are: (J. F, jlug gbgut QL ¤ · U
0I••••s Ground to Ord•r. I H D S I _ 1 .
u¤¤».u.n¤ sallam,. I ""“°“· ‘ · “'"“· ‘· Ts ““"" "“"| ·’“"¤° B*'*•*"' “• ¤°*°¤ *° ·*°¤· 124-128 North Limestone Lexington, Ky.  
om. vm. mx n••••m• mx ‘***”°" M“°"°"· ·"· ¤¤··~* ·*·¤¤ M ¤¤ to · "¤¤·¤·rv—" , • L
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• · • · • • • • • • • • • • H _ _ lndwartl L. Quarles, secretary of the
O '• Tho Dena Cm fnmmn, wm mw d   course, now classroom work Stat; UHIVOTIIIY Man Takes Soeond Board of Commerce of Loxmgmnl and
Senlorn propose a plcnlc for May a dance at their home, 355 Mmmm ontamount to much. You can come lace In Prohlbltlon Contest mgm G. Holton secretary of the In-
?·"°“hg'¤ i° Ling: lg::$:·;; ::3; Place-, tomorrow evening, with a¢¢¤ll· ;umud;n