xt79gh9b707q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b707q/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1976 journals 224 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.224 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.224 1976 1976 2014 true xt79gh9b707q section xt79gh9b707q U Kentucky Small Gram
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_ By W. E. Vian, V. C. Finkner and C. R. Tutt
Agricultural Experiment Station • Department of Agronomy
l Lexington • Progress Report 224
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Introduction ................... 3
Experimental Methods ............... 4
Data Collected .................. 5 ·
Results and Discussion ................ 6
1976 Test Conditions .............. 7
1975 Test Conditions .............. 7
1974 Test Conditions .............. 8
Recommendations for 1977 ............. 8
Winter Barley Varieties ............. 9
Soft Red Winter Wheat Varieties .......... 9
Winter Oat Varieties .............. 9 _
Spring Oats for Kentucky ............ 10
Certified Seed ................... 10
List of Tables `
1. Small Grain Harvested Acreage and Yields in Kentucky-
1974-76 .................. 3
2. Planting Dates and Location of Kentucky Small Grain
Evaluation Trials-1974-76 ............ 5
3. Barley Performance Trials at Lexington, Ky., 1974-76 . . . 11
4. Barley Performance Trials at Princeton, Ky., 1974-76 . . . 12
5. Barley Performance Trials at Bowling Green, Ky., 1974-76 . 13
6. Barley Performance Trials at Murray, Ky., 1974-76 .... 14 `
7. Wheat Performance Trials at Lexington, Ky., 1974-76 . . . 15
8. Wheat Performance Trials at Princeton, Ky., 1974-76 . . . 16
9. Wheat Perform ance Trials at Bowling Green, Ky.,
1974 and 1976 ................ 17
10. Wheat Performance Trials at Murray, Ky., 1974-76 .... 18
1 1. Winter Oat Performance Trials at Lexington, Ky., 1974-76 . 19 ·
12. Winter Oat Performance Trials at Princeton, Ky., 1974-76 . 20
13. Winter Oat Performance Trials at Bowling Green, Ky.,
1974-76 .................. 21
14. Winter Oat Performance Trials at Murray, Ky., 1974-76 . . 22
15. Spring Oat Performance Trials at Lexington, Ky., 1975-76 . 23
16. Characteristics of Recommended and Certified Small
Grain Varieties ................ 24 I

 Kentucky Small Grain Variety Trials
By W.E. Vian, V.C. Finkner and C.R. Tutt
ln 1976, Kentucky farmers harvested fewer acres of small
grains, continuing the decline from the 1974 high of 4-78,000 acres
harvested. The unusual growing season of 1975-76 with its warm
February, cool March, freezing temperatures of April and May,
and the drought conditions, were probably the biggest factor in
the reduced small grain acres harvested (Table 1).
Table 1.—Small Grain Harvested Acreage and Yields in Kentucky/-1974-76.
1976;/ 1975;/ 19742/
1,000 A Yield 1,000 A Yield 1,000 A Yield
Harvest Bu/A Harvest Bu/A Harvest Bu/A
Wheat 340 29 352 34 390 32
Oats 10 37 10 41 10 37
Barley 32 37 34 37 48 38
Rye _; 24 _4 25 13 21
385 400 478
l/ Indicated July 12, 1976. From Crop Production, USDA,
Washington, D.C.
2/ From Kentucky Crop and Livestock Reporting Service,
Louisville, Ky.
The objective of the Kentucky small grain variety trials is to
evaluate varieties of barley, wheat and oats that are commercially
available or may soon be available to Kentucky farmers. New
varieties are continually being developed by agricultural experi-
ment stations and commercial firms. Annual evaluation of small
_ grain varieties and selections provides seedsmen, farmers, and
other agricultural workers with current information to help them
V select the varieties best adapted to their locality and individual
Since weather, soil and other environmental factors will alter
varietal performance from one location to another, tests are grown
in four locations (Fig. 1) in the state (Lexington, Bowling Green,
Princeton, and Murray). Recommendations are revised each year

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Fig. 1.—Testing locations of Kentucky small grain variety trials.
Location Cooperator
1. Murray- Murray State University Agriculture Department
2. Princeton- West Kentucky Substation
3. Bowling Green- Western Kentucky University Agriculture Department
4. Lexington- Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
because of the availability of new varieties, improvements in
production practices, and continually changing disease and insect
The plots were planted with a specially built four-row seeder.
Each plot consisted of four rows spaced one foot apart and
trimmed to l0 feet in length. Each variety was grown in four (
replications, and the data presented are the average response from
the two harvested center rows of the four plots. Planting dates of
all trials for the past 3 years are listed in Table 2.
ln some instances, uncontrollable factors such as excessive
rainfall, high winds, hail, etc., adversely affected an experiment so ‘
that the results were judged unreliable. When this occurred, results
are not given for that location and year. Data averaged over a
period of years give a more accurate picture of varietal perform- `
ance than do annual data.

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