xt79gh9b6g5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b6g5r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-12-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  7, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  7, 1934 1934 1934-12-07 2013 true xt79gh9b6g5r section xt79gh9b6g5r Best Copy Available












News Flashes

CONVENTION OF Noted Contralto

Program Speaker


Vienna. Dec. 0 (INS) Two thousand Hungarian men and women,
young and old, nick and well, and
Rome of them blind and halt, have
been expelled from Yugoslavia during the last 24 hours. They have
been swept across the border. Joining some 10,000 others thrown out
of Yugoslavia during the last six
weeks, one of the most dramatic
aftermaths of the assassination of
King Alexander at Marseilles.




Play Will Open
Monday Evening



Morehead Will Re Host at "Lady Windermere's Fan' Is
Final Production
Annual Convention
This Semester


Delegates from Seven States Artist Will Be Accompanied All
by John S. Richardson
and Canada Arrive for
at Piano


Basketball Regulars
Good Shape Except



Guignol theater completes a suc
Miss Mary Hopple, contralto, of KITTENS WILL PLAY
cessful trio of plays for this semes
New York
AFTERNOON'S PROGRAM year to sing City returns again this
PRINCIPAL SPEAKER ter with the opening Monday night
at the Sunday afternoon
of "Lady Windermere's
Fan," by
musicale at 4 p. m. December 9, In
Day, Shannon, and Difford Oscar Wilde.
Harold K. Schellenger of Ohio Memorial auditorium. Miss Hopple's Lawrence, Ellington, Lewis.
appearance on the series last year
Edwards and Donahue
State, to Speak
to Represent The
The Initial play of the season,
was so successful that she was asked
Will Start
"The Watched Pot" by Sakl, preSaturday
V .,.
to return again this season. She
sented a comedy followed by George
will be assisted at the piano by John
Ringing up the cnrtftln on the
Delegates from eight Kentucky B. Boker's "Franslsca Da Rimini,"
ColumHarold K. Schellenger,
Palntsville, Ky., Dec. 6 (INS)
local basket ball season, Coach
a tragedy. Continuing the versabus, Ohio, director of the News Bu- Shelby Richardson of
Palntsvllle's three "conscientious ob- - colleges will meet at Morehead to- tility of production and acting, the
Born in Pennsylvania, and receiv- Adolph Rupp's varsity cagers will
reau, Ohio State university, will be
day and tomorrow, December 7 and new play is a straight drama.
one of the principal speakers on the ing her early musical education in make their debut against a strong
today were again puionea on me 8, for the annual fall convention
Monday night in
The casf of "Lady Windermere's
Saturday morning program of the that state, Mary Hopple owes her Alumni quintet Coach McBrayer's
town's busiest street Intersection, of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Fan" includes 26 members, as well
talented artist to the
fourth district conference of the discovery as a opera
chained with heavy log chains to
star, Ernestine freshman team will play at 7:30
as others who will guests at the
American College Publicity associaIron posts and to heavy iron balls. Press association. The Kernel will ball In the second act.
Schumann-Helnwhose frank com- o clock in the preliminary.
tion, which convenes this afterCrowds yestesday showed sympathy be represented by Bunny Day, Dave
With nine forwards, nine guards
noon at the University of Kentucky. mendation of her work Inspired her
The production staff, necessary to
with the three coatlcss men and Difford, and Ed Shannon. The complete
He will discuss "The Past and the to take her singing seriously and and three centers. Coach Rupp faces
the finesse of any successchairs were provided for them. To- Morehead Trail Blazer will be host ful production,
a difficult task in selecting a startmake It her career.
Coming National Convention."
has outdone itself
day, however, when the explanation
Miss Hopple's striking appearance ing combination. For the last three
Mr. Schellenger also will speak to
this year in quality and quantity of
re- - to the delegates.
had gone around that the men
the Ohio State university alumni at has won favor of the artists both days, the squad has been sent
The convention will open at 10:30 service. The stage manager, Malfused to work as the other prisoners
their annual dinner meeting at of the brush and the camera and through long scrimmage sessions in
was less feeling against a. m. today with registration of the colm Shotwell, is aided by ten unido, there
Wellington Arms at 6:15 o'clock to- she has often been asked to pose. A an effort to allow the men to prove
police action. A deadlock be- - i delegates. A luncheon will follow versity students. Wallace Difford,
live vibrant personality is back of their worth in competition. Coach
tween the youths, who laughingly ' at 12 in the college cafeteria. The who is in charge of lights, has two
Representatives from colleges and the beautiful contralto voice and the Rupp Is satisfiedexception the whole
they didn't plan to do "a lick first business session will begin at assistants.
team with the
of Jack
universities from Kentucky, Indiana. pleasure of seeing the young singer Tucker, Injured
Edna Brumagen, head of properof work," and Police Judge R. A. 1 p. m., at which time Dean Wil ties,
is in
always enhances the pleasure of
Illinois, Ohio. West Virginia, Wisis
students in
good shape.
Patrick appeared certain today when liam H. Vaughan, Morehead State making directing ten for
openconsin, and Michigan are expected hearing her concerts.
Five members of the Wildcat
the Judge mid that he would order Normal, will deliver the welcome ing play.the furniture help the
Her program Is as follows:
to attend the convention, which will
Six girls
address. At 3 p. m. the delegates
the punishment continued.
Aria dl Polissena (Radamleto) football team reported for practice
Schaffner in attending to costumes. Child Guidance Service to be held today and tomorrow.
on Tuesday, Including "Andy" Anwill attend a motion picture, "We
The meeting will be opened Friday 1720, Handel; Bacl Amorsie Carl, derson,
The new advertising head, Mrs.
Live Again," at the college theatre.
Jim Goforth, Sam Potter,
Receive Benefits in Initial
afternoon with an address of wel- Mozart; Alleluia, Mozart.
Carrol Ball, is supervising the work
Habanera, Card Scene and Gypsy Bert Johnson, and Jack Farris. Pot
J. T. Norris, associate editor of of eight students, while publicity is
Step of Drive for
come by Dean W. S. Taylor of the
ter has been slowed up a little by a
Geneva, Dec. 8 (INS) An armed the Ashland Daily Independent,
faculty of the University of Ken- Song from Carmen by Bizet.
by two.
force of from 4,500 to 5.000 troops will make the principal address at handled
Patron, Das macht der Wind, i bad leg, but Anderson and Goforth
tucky, after which a short business
The orchestra, directed by John
will keep peace in the Saar Basin the banquet to be held at 7 p. m. Lewis, is composed of
Bach; Die Malnacht. Brahms; Nur will likely see quite a bit of action
session will be held.
about ten
against the Alumni.
as the residents ballot for their fu- in the faculty dining room of the musicians, while the same number
The Friday afternoon session will elne klelne Oeige, Blech; Cacilie,
The probable starting lineup of
ture national allegiance in January. college cafeteria. Dr. John Howard of ushers are used during the week
- the Wildcats is the comomation
With a dance in the Alumni gym consist of short talks on subjects
To Stay at Home Is Best, Mednl"Knox's army," lt was authorita- Payne, president of the college, will of the play.
pertaining to college news bureaus.
tomorrow night, the Lexington JunNightingale and the Rose, that has been working as a "first"
tively predicted today, will exceed extend a welcome at this time, and
will ior league will launch its drive to Among the speakers are: A. A. koff; The
Next semester's production
Dave Lawf;
Hopak, Mous- - unit, with
by far the 1,200 that Geoffrey Knox, announcement of the
Daugherty, Georgetown, "What the
Include the prize play, chosen from raise a total sum of $1200, which
rence and Garland Lewis at the
head of the League of Nations' Saar articles will be made.
College Publicity Bureau Can Give sorgsky.
the annual manuscripts submitted is to be used in carrying on the
Governing Commission, felt would
Silent Strings, Bantock; Peace, forwards; Edwards, center; Donathe Country Weekly"; Len Tracy,
The final business meeting will to Guignol. This year's play
hue and Ellington, in the backcourt
be sufficient to maintain order. The be held at 9 a. m., Saturday, and deal with American Indian life.will University Child Guidance service, Lexington, "What the College Pub- Fogg; Into the Light, LaForge.
Donahue, Edwards, and Ellington
under the direction of Dr. G. B. licity Bureau Can Give the MetroIncrease, it was understood, was de- the site for
the spring meeting of
are the products of last year s unDimmlck
cided upon after the delegates to the the association will be decided The
politan Newspaper"; Joe Jordan,
defeated freshman team.
This dance, for which Johnny "The College and the Columnist";
League Council had conferred with meeting will
be officially closed
Among the other players who are
Vance's orchestra will furnish the Miss
their home governments and with with the luncheon at 12, but a
King, "Filing Systems."
sure to see action Monday night
music, is a regular University af- The Helen
their army general staffs. Britain swimming party will be given for
afternoon program will be feaare Ralph Carlisle, Hairy Buss,
fair and will be attended by stu- tured by a discussion of budgets by
and Italy, it was believed, would
delegates at 2 p. m., in Senff
Charlie Gates, Bob Taylor, Charlie
furnish 2,000 troops each, Belgium the
Frankfort U.K. Club Is Host dents as well as service is a Joint John P. DeCamp, University of
Helnrlch and Bruce Davis in the
The Guidance
500, and Holland would stand by
at Banquet Held at
forward berths, and Anderson,
project of the Junior League and I Cincinnati publicity bureau.
with a small contingent of sailors.
program manager of
Tierney, Potter, Jonnson,
the University. It is financed en- station Eaton,
Capital Hotel
WHAS, Louisville, will be Dave Kerr, New York Celt's Athinson,
tirely by the League, and some 25
to Be Principal may not beand Farris. Jack Tucker
the speaker at the banquet, which
able to
Coach Chet Wynne. Coach Adolph League workers assist Doctor Dim- will be held at the Patio at 5 p. m.
of of an Injured foot. perform because
Speaker at
mlck and Mrs. Ratcliff in carrying Friday, discussing "The Commercial
tiupp, captain joe ttuperi, ana
Chicago, Dec. 8 (INS) Dr. SamCoaches, Trainers
the work.
The starting lineup of the AlumTucker and Lawrence onThe purpose of the service is to Radio Station and the College." A
uel I. Krieger today announced to
ni team has not yet been announced
were honored at a dinner-danc- e
tea Friday afternoon will be given
the world that he had calculated
cases by the University library staff.
Dave Kerr, former court star and but several former 'Cat brilliants
given by the Frankfort Alumni as- correct socially
and proved the largest known prime
Following the banquet the group coach of the New Vork Celtics, will will be seen in action. Among those
number, one that Is divisible only Two Are Delegates to O.D.K. sociation at the University of Ken-tuc- among children, usually
last night at the Capital the ages of 10 and 18. The cases will adjourn to the Art Center, be the principal speaker at the held who will probably be on the Alumby Itself or one. It has 78 digits and
basketball clinic to be
and SuKy Meetings at In- Hotel in Frankfort. Dr W ry are reported from the Juvenile where a three-poibroadcast from annual m. Saturday, December 8, in ni roster are "Aggie" Baie, now
here It is: 231.548.178 474 632.390.847,-141.97- 0
1 p.
society, the
coach at Kavanaugh high school;
diana University in Session Funkhouser, chairman of the Unl- - j court. Family Welfare from parents
(Continued on Page Four)
017. 375. 815. 706. 539. 969.
the Men's gym. Other speakers on John "Frenchy" DeMoisey, Grayson
915,168,015.826.259,279, 871.
versity Athletic council, was the public schools, and
Today and Saturday
program include such former high school coach;
Carey bp.cer,
principal speaker.
Doctor Krieger is the originator of
given and every effort Is
stars as Gayle Mohney, "Turkey" "Little" McGinnls, Jake Bronston,
Louis Cox, president
several formulas for rapid calcuof the tions are
Henry McCown and Sam Warren
Hughes, "Tiger" Collier, "Aggie" Bill Klelser, Darrel Daroy, Bill
made to discover the basic cause of
will leave today to represent Oml-cro- n Frankfort club, made the welcoming the
Sale, Trainer Mann, "Frenchy" De- Trott, and Paul McBrayer, present
Then a plan
address and exp.ained the purpose
Delta Kappa and SuKy, reMoisey, and Rice Mountjoy.
of treatment is evolved, after which
freshman coach.
spectively, at the convention of the of the banquet which was styled a the cases are closely
A program tias been prepared for
contacted and Andrews, Bennett, Kesterson
American College Union, which is celebration of Coach Wynne's first followed up.
the purpose of presenting to coaches
Named Instructors; 75
Moscow, Dec. 6 (INS) More exe- to be in session today and tomorrow year as head football coach at the
and players material and informaGirls May Report
cutions within the next few days at the University of Indiana at University and to assure him of
tion of practical value and interest.
appeared certain today as police, Bloomlngton. They will apply for support of the alumni of the UniIn addition to the program there
Approximately 75 girls are exfollowing the shooting of 65 men membership to the union on behalf versity and of the citizens of the
will be a movie reel of action views
pected to report for the girls' rifle of the New York Celtics and a disand one woman "counter revolu- of the University of Kentucky, ac- - Commonwealth.
By-Violmarksmanship squad at the Wom- cussion led by Dave Kerr.
Gov. Ruby Laffoon, who was also
tionaries," pressed their campaign cording to James Shropshire, man-- !
to wine out every enemv of the Bol- ager of student publications
and one of the guests of honor, made a
an's gymnasium at 7 o'clock. TuesThe program follows:
day, December 11, according to
shevik regime. All their property secretary of Omicron Delta Kappa. short talk hi which he viphasized
1 :00 p. m
Taping and Training
was ordered confiscated bv the state.
Miss Rebecca Averill, Instructor in
While attending the convention, the points for which the banquet
for Basketball, Frank Mann,
largest the representatives will confer with was given and coaches Wynne and
All women
This was believed to be the
trainer, University of KenToscha Seidel, recognized as one
number executed at one time in representatives from colleges and Rupp also said a few words.
students of the University are elitucky
Revolution in 1918. universities of other states, to dis- - ' A continuous floor show was giv- of the world's leading violinists, in- gible for the squad.
Russia since the
1:30 p. m. Ball Handling, B'an- To F. E. R. A. students, attenaugurated the Central Kentucky
Major B. E. Brewer
cuss the management and the means en for the entertainment of the Community
ton Collier, coach, Paris
tion is called by Dean Jones that
association's Douglas Andrews as has Instruchead
High school
of support of student union build- several hundred guests and music winter musical season with his re
since Christmas holidays will beteam, and Charles' Ben1 :55 p. m.
ings on other campuses. They will for dancing was furnished by the
The Pivot Play, John
gin December 20, every effort should
cital at Memorial hail last night. tor of theJames Kesterson as asso
DeMoisey, coach, Grayson
obtain ideas of financing a stu- Blue and White orchestra.
be made to get in full time before
Studying under the master Leo- nett and
They have planned
High school
dent union building on the Univer
that date. December salaries will
pold Auer, Seidel is one of the most ciate program
Incampus, and will make a study Pan-Politikp. m. Shooting Demon2:10
of several weeks'
A- - J. Lawrence
be paid on the day. that school reEdits Initial sitysimilar buildings.
brilliant violinists of that distin- the
University squad In
on the sighting bar bestration,
opens in January. This applies to
guished line of musicians. Critics struction
Issue of "Modern Busitarget practice Is becharge of Forrest Sale
Next week they plan to submit a
both men and women students.
declare that the encomoums called gun. actual
ness Education"
Calloway has been
2:30 p. m. The Man to Man
report of the information obtained,
forth by his playing are flattering chosenCatherine
Defense, Charles Hughes,
as the manager of the team.
and a method of supporting the
Chi Delta Phi meeting at the
in the last degree, and yet, they Practice hours will be held every
Membership on the
The first Issue of "Modern Busi- building by the cooperation of the
coach. Eastern State TeachWoman's building at 3 p. m. today.
student organ- are not
ers college
Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
edited by A. J. student body, to the Board of Trusness Education,"
Seidel has been acclaimed not
ization for the promotion of InterChallenges have been sent to the
2:50 p. m. The Zone Defense,
Compulsory meeting for all those
Lawrence of the College of Com- tees of the University. They will national relations, was announced only in the United States and
Rice Mountjoy, coach, DanUniversities of Maine, Michigan,
also ask the board to apply for P. yesterday by
women students interestde in rifle-r- y
merce, has Just been published.
Europe, but also in Australia, New California,
Elvis Stahr,
ville High school
W. A. funds.
will be held at 7 o'clock Tuesday
of the group. Members Zealand, Honolulu, France, Eng- Nebraska, S o ut h e r n California,
This quarterly is sponsored by the
3:15 p. m. The Relationship of
night In the Women's gym.
who land, and the Scandinavian coun- Pennsylvania,
of the executive committee,
Southern Commercial Teachers asCoach and Official from the
and Kansas. MatchVolley ball practice will be conwere recently selected from the tries. Born in Russia, Seidel came es
sociation for the advancement of
Official's Point of View,
with other schools already have
tinued through next week, but not
student body at large by President to America immedately after the been scheduled for February 23,
business education in the high
Gayle Mohney
through the following one. It will
McVey, helped compile the list.
war, taking his place in the foreschools and colleges of the South.
p. m. The Relationship of
2, and March 9.
be taken up again after the ChristThose selected are: College of most ranks of contemporary violin- March
The magazine has its editorial
Coach and Official from the
mas holidays and tournaments will
Commerce Jack Crain, Jeff Bayn-haists. His Immediate success has
and publication office in Lexington.
of View
Coach's Point
be held then.
Erwin Faber and Harlowe been attributed to his personality,
Other issues will appear in January,
4:00 p. m. Action movie, the
College of Engineering-Char- les artistry, and affability.
March, and May. The prime purDr. Abner W. Kelley, organist, Dean;
New York Celtics.
Sigma Pi Sigma will meet at 3
Reeves, Harry Shedd, James
pose of this magazine is to discuss assistant professor in the depart"His soul Is a prism through
p. m. Friday, in their chapter room
commercial teaching problems and ment of English, presented an all- - Barton and Harry Davis; College of which shines the genius of a race."
In the Physics building.
to present news of interest to bus- request program of organ selections, j Agriculture Harold Miller, Winfrey is what Redfern Mason wrote of
Students who are interested in
iness teachers in the South.
assisted by David Salyers, vocal- -; Bunton, Windsor Cravens, Eleanor him. There probably have been the oratorical contests sponsored
There will be a meeting- - of the
The first issue contains an article 1st, student of the University, at the Snedecker, and Isabel Nadelstein; more poetic utterances written In by the Interstate Oratorical assoKentuckian staff in Room 54, Mc
on salesmanship by R. D. Mclntyre Engineer's convocation at 10 a. m. College of Law George Skinner, praise of Toscha Seidel by music ciation and Kentucky Women's InVey hall, at 3 p. m. today. It is Imof the College of Commerce. Oiher Wednesday, December 5, In Memo- Harry Porter Dies, and William critics than of most other artists tercollegiate Oratorical association,
The Catholic club of the UniverMellor; College of Arts and Sciences appearing before the public today.
are asked to meet with Professor sity and Transylvania college will perative that all members be pre
articles are by Dean James B. rial hall.
sent, accorduig to Cameron Coff-ma- n.
Carolyn Stewart, Charles Ryan,
Tram, Louisiana Slate university;
Among the outstanding numbers Sutherland some time before the be the guests of the Knights of
The program was announced by Richard Boyd, Elizabeth Baute,
Walter J. Watherly, of the Univer- H. F. Dade, chairman of
played before the large audience Christmas holidays, to make plans Columbus and the Catholic WoDicker Richard Butler, Elizabeth Ann Krie
sity of Florida, and Miss Anna Gill, Engineering society, being introman's league at its annual banquet
were: Romance in F Major; Opus for the participation.
There will be a meeting of the
gel. Mary Edith Bach, Ross Chepe- - 50, by Beerhoven; Allegretto-Bo- u
The state contests will be held in honor of the club at 10:30 a. m.
of Eastern Kentucky btate Teach- duced by J. S. Horlne of
the College leff, and Jack Evans.
on the first Saturday night in Sunday In the Gold room of the James Keimedy Patterson literary
ers college.
heinl, by Kreissler; and Concerto
society at f .iO o'clock Monday night
will Lafayette hotel.
Appointments for the College of
Mr. Lawrence attended the an- of
March. 1935. The University
in E Minor by Mendelsohn.
be represented by one man and one
nual convention of the Southern byThe selections numbers.Interspersed Education will be announced at
All Catholic students of the Uni- on me tnird floor of the Universiaccom-panleHubbard Jaffe, Seidell
three vocal
The au- later date.
compete versity and Transylvania college are ty library, in the staff room.
Commercial Teachers association in
also ,presented a short re- woman student, who will
dience Joined in on the chorus of
from Asbury automatically made members of the
Nashville during the Thanksgiving
with representatives
Rhapsody-Opu- s
"The Man on the Flying Trapeze."
The WSGA council will meet at
Centre, Georgetown, club and are Invited to attend. The
2, by Brahms; Claire de lune, by college. Berea,
The organ numbers are as follows: VAKSITY, ROTC RIFLE
and Morehead State club efficers ak all Catholic stu- 7 oclock Monday night, December
TEAMS ARE SELECTED DeBussy; Two Spanish dances, and Teachers college.
dents to attend the breakfast re- 10, in the reading room at Boyd
several other numbers.
Venetian Love Song
Students who are preparing ora gardless of whether they received hull.
Forty-tw- o
men were selected at
Entry of the Toreadors. .. .Bizet
tions for either of these contests invitations.
Beautiful Blue Danube. .Straus
Each organization having a picthe recent varsity and ROTO rifle HOME EC GROUP TO
are free to choose their subject.
M'nnihan, prominent
team tryouts, which were held NoPrelude in C Sharp Minor
SPONSOR BANQUET Speeches must b llmi'ed to 2 0"0 Iiexincton lawyer, will be the prin- ture in the 1S35 Kentuckian is revember 5 and 6 at the Armory.
quested to have a repiesentative
Victor R. Portmann and Nlel
words, not more than 200 of which cipal sneaker, choosing as his
Moonlight Sonata . . . Beethoven
These men have been undergoing
Plummer, of the department of
The Home Economics club met are to be quoted.
"Contributions of the Fd'ieated call ut Ruom 54 of McVey hall toInstruction
In the Hull of Mountain King
in preliminary rifle Monday nlnht, December 3. at
journalism, will appear on the proCatholic Young Men and Women to day and put your final approval oa
your chap er s picture. It is very immarksmanship with further
gram of the Kentucky Inierscho as-tGreig
which time Mary Elizabeth Collins
to cume prior to the ChristVocal Numbers... David Sulyers
Pies association convention In
Robert Malnrev. president of the portant that euch group be checked
and Sarah Brown gave reports of
La Paloma. Juanita, Man
Danville today and tomorrow. Probefore going to the engraver.
Club, will be tnastmnster.
The cadet Imp, .scheduled fur Sat
the Country Life association conon the Flying Trapeze
fessor Portmann, executive secretary
John L. Carter, senior In the col- vention, which they attended in urday afternoon. December 8. has
The brpnfcfast win consttute the
lege of Arts and Sciences, was elect- Washington two weeks aio
Bong of India
of the association, will be in charge
There will be a meeting of Sterna
of th club for the
been postponed until December 14. srond
of the program Friday. Mr. Pluined captain of the varsity team and
The Ellen H Richardson banquet ucc.irding l an announcement from year Pev Fa'her Oeori O Rrvnn Delta Chi at 7:30 o'clock Monday
mer will speak on news writing and
night in Room M of McVey hall.
Landon G. Cux. Junior. Commerce which was to be held Monday night the military department The other canla'n of the club and Miss Mar
on feature and human Interest
Co.lege. was appointed manager by has been postponed
until alter hops will be held January 5, and garet MrFanehlln faculty artvlsT All members are urged to be
stories on Saturday.
March (Aida)
the Athletic association.
February 18.
are also on the morning's program.














Coaches, Captains


Honored by Alumni


Go-for- th,








Girls' Rifle Squad
To Begin Practice

Musicale Season




First Edition Of

Magazine Issued


Committee Members

Kelly Presents
Musical Program
At UK Assembly

Student Orators
Asked to Report

Minnihan to Speak

At Club Breakfast



Portmann to Be On
Convention Program









Fajre Two

The Kentucky Kernel

Lfitnitoa or of Oommrre
Prtm Aumtlitlan
tf.tionai Oollr
Pmt Aasoclttlon
Intrntlflnal Hurt Htnu

mtmbrr of

nd 8.,
1S B.


Mulot Oollr
by A. J. Worru Hill Co..
York City; 1J W.

M.lttttn St., ChlrMo; 1004 nd Art., Battle; 1031 S. Brodwi, Lei Antrim Cll
Bids , 8n rnncMoe.



ubMrlptloa II 00
Lfllnfton. tLj., FoftnSie




Aj Second

i. 8UKKT" DAT.



Htnalrtni editor

The staff of tlie Kernel welcomes the members of the American College Publicity association
with the knowledge that they are
men and women performing vital
service for their respective Insti
tutions. The old "mousetrap" axiom can certainly not be applied
to the modern college as far as publicity Is concerned. The paths today are "beaten" to those Institutions that make themselves known.
College publicity directors are not
"space - grabbers" In the usual
sense of the term. Good college
newspaper publicity Is Informative
and Is welcomed by all enlightened
newspaper editors. Few colleges op
erate for profits. Instead, their sole
purpose is one of service. Informa
tion regarding such an ideal should
not be confused with publicity put
out for the purpose of enriching an
individual or corporation.
Student promotional activities are
often carried on through the college
publicity offices. Letters from prospective students requesting literature, pennants. University songs,
are usually referred to such offices.
Appearances of speakers and musical groups before high school assemblies and other groups must be
arranged. Display advertisements
are prepared in the publicity offices. This, however, is only one
phase of the work of the college
publicity bureau.

al. After a rain, the walks present
an unpleaslng sight to the visitor's
eye with their
ance and soft, watery surfaces. We
earnestly hope that some day our
constant pleadings may be heard
By A 8UB
and something done about the
matter at which time we will reBy "A HX B"
Three months of school have taliate with such a celebration as
Nothing new in this column extwo months of was never accorded any other hero. cept
slipped by; less than
the writer, who is Just relievthis semester remain. Is It too early
ing the real dirt sllnger, Coffman,
while he looks through different
for graduating seniors to begin lookkeyholes.
ing for Jobs? No, the wise student
Is the one who early takes steps to
Would you bear arms for the
That lertnan Again ! t
Nowadays, one United
find employment.
Slates In the Invasion of the
Sometimes progress doesn't py.
has to work harder to get a job borders of another country?
If the Kappas had had an electric
than to hold It.
Immediately following the war of icebox, then Esther Bennet, Ida
Conner Dawson, and
1914, a wave of pacificism swept
Ocorgla Turnlpseed would not have
As Is evidenced by complaints and the world. It hit continental Eugotten to ride to their nine o'clock
complaints, opinions of students, rope but affected the citizens of the Monday In the Ice truck.
alumni, and faculty, which directUnited States more than any other
What's Wrong, Glen?
ly or Indirectly have reached the country.
K. A. Olen Burch was looking for
Kernel office, and the new Interest
governFailure of diplomats and
Sunday night to fit a Chevy
that Is being manifested In local, mental officials to justify the par- a date a radio, and 95 cents. He
national, and interna: Ion affairs, ticipation of this country In the turned down several suggestions and
we are convinced that the "thinkwar which they had so strongly waited until Monday night to court
ing" people actually are beginning urged was the essential reason. To Chio Elizabeth Shockensy.
to think. It Is our sincere hope the question, "What had been
that they continue expressing their gained?" they could answer only These Grudge Fight, Hah? matwrestling
views, and we shall welcome any "Nothing." And what was the loss? ches mayIntramural
prove other things than
communication, on any topic, that In human lives It was hundreds of mat champs.
may come to our attention.
thousands. In dollars and cents, It Warren Is said to be of the InterestPhidelt
ed In the outcome
cannot be figured.
Oene Bryant
Labe Jackson-Slgalp- h
"MUD-WUMPThe position of this rising power bout.
this power which espoused the
years Monroe Doctrine was
For the last "umpteen"
thrown Don't you common garden varieditorial
after editorial, feature backward In world affairs Just as ety of students be surprised if Chio
Marie Vernon and ATO Phil
story after feature story, and letter
the social, political, and economic
speak as cordially as of
after letter have been run In vari life of any offensive country has old. won't
It seems that this couple had
ous Issues of the Kernel complain
tea and cakes with Mrs. Laffoon at
been r