xt79gh9b6g45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b6g45/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-10-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  8, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  8, 1943 1943 1943-10-08 2013 true xt79gh9b6g45 section xt79gh9b6g45 m


Ou The
War Fronts
After a period of several years I
again find myself writing another
col arm. The object of this Is to
try to give to those who havenl
time to read the events of the world
a summary of the world happenings of the last week.

The Kernel Sanctions
Abandoning- Of Tradition




By Don Lail

Kentucky KERN


Campus War Chest Drive
To Be Sponsored By SGA;
Units Named By Assembly



Hours Set Daily
Through Thursday;
Fee Is


Results Of Election
Of Members To Serve
On Faculty Announced

Tanks and British Advance
German troops, four to five divisions strong, have thrown much
resistance against advancing Brit$1.25
ish tnd Yank forces, ut they are
only slowing temporarily the Allied
pictures are being
advance. The great bombing of
taken between the hours of 10 a.m.
Italy by the Allied forces is the
and S p.m. daily through Thursfactor of this campaign.
day, October 14 in the basement
Mitchells from their
Libeiators and
rooms of Memorial hall. Virginia
bases attacked air fields of the
The War Chest drive on the Uni
Long, editor, has requested that
Registration figures at 5 p.m.
Axis in Greece. This is the first versity campus will be sponsored by
students have their pictures made
Wednesday had reached 1,467,
time Greece has been attacked the Student Government associaaccording to schedule and not wait
Dean Leo M. Chamberlain,
from this theatre.
Results of the recent election of
tion, according to plans made at
until the last two days.
University registrar, announced.
' Germans Abandon Corsica
staff members to serve on the Fac- Although pictures will be taken
Students were allowed to
the meeting Tuesday night.
ulty of the University have been
register through Thursday, the
Berlin acknowledges that German
until 5 p.m. each day, students
The following members of the as
announced by Dr. Herman L. Don- last day an organized class
must be at Memorial hall by 4:45
resistance in Corsica has ceased. sembly were appointed in charge of
ovan. president of the University
p.m. A fee of $1.25 will be charged
could be entered or dropped
Cors.ra is valuable in the fact that
Those elected are:
but figures were not available
for the first picture, with addition
it can be used as a springboard for various units: Marjorie Palmore.
Exceeding the Third War Loan
at press time.
a passible invasion of France. Margaret Ersklne, Helen Bradford.
al prints at 25 cents each. Stu
Literature, philosophy, and arts:
quota by more than 52 percent,
FToir Corsica the bombings of and Amelia Mason, women's resi
dents who wish to use a picture
elected for three years. E. F. Far-- !
France and the Reich will be aided dence halls; Eloise Bennett, sorority students and faculty raised over
from a previous year will be chargquhar, professor of literature; John
men's $160,000 between September 7 and
Berlin says, "A troop houses; Jimmy Saunders,
ed 50 cents.
Kuiper. head of the philosophy debeen concluded residence halls; Jay C. Doyle. Boyd 30. The quota for the campaign had
partment; elected for two years.
Following is the schedule for tak
masterpiece and Patt halls; Frances Jinkins,
which as an operative
ing pictures:
Good conduct medals will be Dr. A. E. Bigge, head of the Gerbeen set for $106,000.
is oUy paralleled by the German Student Union table. Also at the
man department: Dr. W. F. Calla
Friday, October 8 M through P
drive was under the
awarded to 38 ASTP members of way,
divisions crossing the Strait of Union table will be Bill Barton.
professor of English: Dr. D.
9 Q through S
Saturday, October
Company C at a military review to V. Hegeman, associate professor of
Meslna." But regardless of how Morrison Swift. Margaret Newell, direction of Ab Kirwan, football
Monday, October 11 T through Z
brilliant they claim this action to and Betty Tevis.
coach, Dr. W. S. Taylor, dean of
be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, on Stoll German; elected for one year. Dr.
be they are still running. So let's
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
The table in McVey hall will be the education college, and Adolph
Elections to determine the two field, it has been announced. These Niel Plummer. head of the
luy managed by Nancy Shropshire, Merl
keep them on the run and
day, October
department; Dr. Alberta
new members of the Student Union
Rupp, basketball coach.
are awarded upon re- - '
more bonds and stamps.
Baker. Marybelle Calvert, Brew
son Server, assistant professor of
Tryouts will be held Sunday af
board will be held in the Great hall
who took part in the war
commendation of the
'A stamp will help stamp out ster Phelps, and Bill Newell. The
romance languages.
ternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. at Guignol
of the Union from 9 ajn. until 4
one-yeand lick the Axis."
table in the Administration build- loan campaign are Lawrence Brad- theater for roles in "Dark Eyes,"
p.m. today, Edith Weisenberger, officer at the end of a
social studies: elected for three
ing will be under the direction of ford and Lawrence Brewer, college Frank Fowler, Guignol director,
years. Dr. Charles E. Snow, asso- president of the board announced. enlistment.
Japs I'se Barbarians' Methods
Anita Roos, Winston Hendrickson, of agriculture; Perry West, college announced today.
anthropology and
Because of the uncertainty of en- The military parade, which wU1 date professor of
Fr.im the diary of a captured Jap Betty Lee Fleishman, and Bill Em-br- of engineering; Jesse Adams, colEvery student interested is urged
n:naeoigy. eiecteo. lur
rollment during the spring quarter, on,s, of the six
story of how a young
suldto is the
Jimmy Hurt and Buddy White lege of education; Mrs. Stella Glib, to come, he said.
Q Lunde
only seven of the original nine
American flyer was executed ac- are in charge of all other student University school; A. J. Lawrence,
campus, is an- of UsUjry. elected for one year.
"Dark Eyes," a comedy
The re- - ttoned on the
members were elected.
cording to the Samurai Code" of residences; and Alice Watkins will college of commerce; E. B. Farris,
Russian refugees, by Elena Ml- maining two members will be elect- other in a series of reviews ar- - Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood, profes-ranee- d
tht Japs. From the diary are these handle publicity for the drive.
department of buildings and ramova, is the first in a series of
bv the military department. or of political science.
ed today.
excerpts: The Jap Lieutenant Ko-Physical sciences: elected for three
Ray Garrison reported on plans to grounds; Frank Peterson, Univerthree plays to be presented by Gulg
Nominations will be made by the The public Is invited to attend, acAll University students with any
mai faces the prisoner and says, sponsor
years. Dr. O. T. Kopplus, profesyear.
the publication of the Uni- sity administration; Mrs. Sarah B.
are going to die. I am going versity directory each quarter. Alice Holmes, University housemothers nol this 15. The opening date is experience whatsoever in high other members of the board. To be cording to CoL B. E. Brewer.
sor of physics: elected for two
school or any sort of musical or- eligible for nomination a student
to fall you with this Japanese Watkins reported that complete in- and hall directors; Mrs. Lysle Croft,
Scheduled for the second quarter
The following men will receive years. Dr. H. H. Downing, professor
comganization are asked to join the must have served on a Union
sf ord according to the Samurai formation for a
broadcast University library; T. D. Clark, de Is "Angel Street," a mystery thrill
of mathematics; Dr. L. L. Quill,
mittee previously and must be at awards: M. Sgts. Robert P. Rich head of the chemistry department:
University band now being organCode." The Tai Commander draws
about the University's war activities partments of history, philosophy, er by Patrick Hamilton, and for ized,
according to Dr. Alexander least a sophomore with a standing and Edward D. Williams: S. Sgts.
his favorite sword, the famous has been prepared and will be sent and University
Niel the third quarter "Blythe Spirit,
Harry M. KUey, Joe McMillan. Wil- elected for one year. Dr. Charles
Capurso, executive director of the of 1.0.
First he touches the to
professor of organic
the University of California this Plummer, departments of journal by Noel Coward.
Drl&rner's neck lightly with the
Every voter must present some liam J. Roberts, and Harold W. chemistry.
ism, English, and mathematics;
Additional students are urgently Music department.
Shlffer; Sgt. John D. Martin; T.
overhead. week.
swo:i. Then he raises it
year is based on Identification before he is allowed
Biological sciences: elected for
Other appointees for committees Prentiss Douglas, department W. needed at the theater, particularly anThe band this
Sgts. Thomas F. Brady and Ray
HI arm muscles bulge. The prisonentirely different idea than pre to vote.
chemistry and college of law;
those interested in working back'
are as follows: Board of publicaW. Davis: Cpls. Donald E. three years. Dr. William Brooks
er closes his eyes for a second and
viously, he said. No professional
tions, Jimmy Hurt; Judiciary com S. Webb, department of physics; stage. Fowler stated.
Frank and Forest D. Pitsenberger; Hamilton, associate professor of
at once the sword sweeps down.
R. S. Allen, biological sciences de
years. Dr.
University students will be ad standing is anticipated; no set
mittee, Scott Reed. Pat Patterson,
T. Cpls. Claro V. Collins, Wilbur hygiene: elected for two
art; nutted to the theater this year for standards are to be met. The band
psycholArmy, Navy Announce Losses
Don Lail, and Martha Cockrell; Vic partment and department of
F. DuBois, Jr., Graham S. Higgins, M. M. White, head of the
will meet once a week to give all
Bernie Sliively, departments of
and Sidney G. Taylor: Pfcs. Jack ogy department; elected foranatThe losses of our armed forces tory committee. Norma Weather-spoo- health and hygiene and physical 50 cents. Each student must, how- men and women students interestever, prove his status by presenting
Mary Searcy. Bette McClan-ahaapproximately 115,000.
W. Dzierz, William K. Eagle. Ben- year, R. S. Allen, head of the
have reached
ed an opportunity to play together.
his registration receipt. Non-st- u
June Baker; Finance com education.
jamin Easterling, John L. Eddy, Jr.. omy and physiology department;
Kot including Salerno our casual
If a sufficient number and variety
dents will be charged 85 cents.
Fifteen additional ROTC-AST- P
mittee. Betty Lee Birk, Helen HatchDelmer L. Goff, Dr. H. P. Riley, head of the botany
ties include:
of instruments are collected the men, former junior ROTC students Murray Finston,
Martin L. Goldberg, Allen L. Gor- department.
10,682; wounded, 26,666; er, and Frances Jinkins.
group may appear at basketball at
TO- Athletics: elected for three years.
the University, have been re1.
Thane absent from Tarsdar'f
nilvung. 23.743; taken prison ex.
games. No marching
has been turned to the campus from basic don, Robert E. HuWon, Milton C. Bernie A. Shlvely, head of the athKenyon. Estis D. Lander. Alfred
meeting were Ansborne Judd. Walplanned, Capurso added.
training with the Army Signal Mecklenburg, Jr.. Lawrence W. letics department.
At Salerno losses were listed ton Wright, BiU Nickell. Peggy
The organizational meeting will corps at Camp Crowder, Mo.
Military science: elected for three
Hendrickson, Bill
Mucci. William J. Murray, Milton
l,45f killed, 5,213 wounded- ,- and Howard, Winston
be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday, at
F.mbry, Mary Brewster Phelps and
Stationed here for continued Schwartz, Lawrence M. Shaffer, years. Col. B. E. Brewer, head of
Students wishing to serve on
1.336 missing. Of the 26,666 woundcenter.
the Art
training while awaiting ODenlngs in narleton H. Suinney. Leonard F. the department of military science
Union Board committees
ed 1375 have either been returned Buddy White.
Officers will be elected at this
ranHiriat vhnnk thpv harp ctntou inH IuiL Treiber:
or discharged.
is scheduled for 7 apply at the Information desk in
Next meeting
to duty
elected for tliree
time and a rehearsal period will be been assigned to Company G of the pvts. David R. Bolle. Jack Fleck, ' Agriculture:
6 p.m. Monday,
the Union before
TT.e news of Russia has been p. m. Tuesday.
years, L. J. Horlacher.
chosen which will, as nearly as pos- - 154flt.h
Sprvirp unit under the anH .famp TY O'Brien.
Newman (Catholic) Club . . .
anEdith Weisenberger, president,
mostly mud" but they are giving
dean of the agriculture and home
sioie. nt mu everyone s scneauie. commad 0f Lieut. Arthur A. Erick- . . will meet at 9:30 a.m. Sunday
nounced today.
their all, too, so let's back the ateconomics college; Dr. H. B. Price.
Dr. Capurso said he has planned son, Jr.
Academy, North
Applications should be made on at St. Catherine's
tack. The mud can't stop them long
head of the department of mar- type of music to suit every muThey are Dee A. Akers. Carroll- today's Limestone street, for Mass, break a
of the
the special blanks printed in
and soon we hope to hear
kcts and rural finance; elected for
fast, and the regular meeting.
ton; Frank J. Blankenshlp, Lex- -. v',w,
Kernel indicating choice of
last German being driven out of
two years. Dr. E. N. Fergus, pro--1
and current war songs in?ton; Elbert A. Cheek, Lexing- - i eeQis lUeniUCrS
Mortar Board . . .
fessor of farm crops; Dr. D. G
. . . will hold a very important written with band arrangements.
Lou- ton; John J. David, Louisville:
This week has been an Allied
Committees and their chairmen meeting at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the
Steele, associate professor of genet
Plans to continue with the Caris Duslna. Lynch; John L. Hicks,
wse'c We are pushing toward the
for 1943-4- 4 include art, Eloise Ben- Union for advisors and members.
ics: elected for one year, L. A.
Hustonville; George E. Kelly, Leb- The music department has thus
finish but there is plenty ahead. negie Listening Hour programs of nett, Williamstown; activities and AAUW . . .
- r.
locating ,
anuii; nairy j. mtu-n-Jipanese names recorded music during the school sports, Jimmy Hurt, Hardburly;
!ar been unsuccessim in
Left not forget the
. . . will meet at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday
1943-4- 4
have been announced.
Everett S. Penlck. Elkton; Allen P. musicians lor mi ouuumcu.
of Komai and Tsukioka for they year
Jay C. Doyle, Lexington;
aiS0ciate professor of agricultural
and dance. Helen Harrison, Lexington; at Maxwell Place. President Emeri
Rogers, Vine Grove; Ratllff C. Rogu u 1 1 economics; Dr. W. P. Garrlgus.
lie 5ympiion , ur. n 1
beheaded the American flyer. Let's Students, soldiers, faculty,
tus Frank L. McVey will address
Plans to improve and beautify ers, Cerulean; Theodore C.
townspeople are invited to attend
Capurso. executive director of the head of the animal husbandry
give the German and the Jap all
house, Roberta Parker, Lexington; the club.
the campus are under way, Clyde
Staten Island, N. Y.; James music department, announced tothey asked for including the inter- the scheduled hours.
and war effort, Robert McNeil, Bir- Faculty Club Reception . . .
Lilly, chief clerk of the University H. Satterfield, Henderson; William day.
In addition to the requested se mingham, Ala.
est which lias been collecting.
Home economics:
. . . The Faculty
club will enter maintenance
and operations, has W. Schick, Stearns; and Arthur C.
lections, short planned programs
particularly those three years. Dr. Statle E. Erlkson.
All students,
The art committee is in charge tain with a reception at 8 p.m. Fri announced.
Zoellers, Hazard.
during which time
will be arranged
who perform well on stringed in head of the home economics de- of art exhibitions; the sports and
Lilly said that in the spring, blue
a complete concert of symphonic activities sponsors ping pong tour- day evening at the clubhouse hon
struments are requested to com parlment.
oring the new faculty members.
grass would be sown to cover the
or operatic music will be given to naments, bridge lessons and pool
municate with Dr. Capurso. The
elected for three
Inter-Fait- h
Council . . .
All servicemen on the campus
bare spots on the campus. He regether with a biographical sketch tourneys. The forum committee
Sinfonletta meets at 4 p.m.
years. Charles S. Crouse, head of
open quested that students who wish to
. . . will hold an
contributing to The
interested in
of the composer and his works.
day at the Art center.
SuKy will hold an
the department of mining and
holds discussion groups on current house Sunday at the Union.
Kernel are asked to bring their
take short cuts across the lawn to meeting at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the
may hear recorded events, round-tabListeners
Equally important, he said, is the metallurgical
discussions and
Sing . . .
get to classes should be careful not Union building. All members are
material to the newsroom in the
music in the Carnegie Music room book reviews; the war effort comcall for musicians for the Philhar- for two years, D. V. Terrell, head
of McVey hall.
. . . will be held at 6 p.m. every to follow old paths or encourage
urged to be present, according to
of the Union building during the mittee takes charge of writing letwhich of the civil engineering departThursday night in the ballroom of new ones, but to walk on a differ- the announcement made yesterday. monic Symphony orchestra,
following hours:
meets at 7:30 Tuesday evening in ment; Perry West, head of the meters to soldiers overseas, stamp the Union building. Miss Mildred ent plot each time.
sales, bond sales and war effort Lewis will be director.
. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
The official pep organization of the Art center. Interested students chanical engineering department:
During the summer, a new en12:30-4:0- 0
drives. The house committee holds
the University, SuKy sponsors band should contact Professor Carl Lam-per- t, elected for one year. E. A. Bureau,
Movies . .
to the side of the trips and backs all student activitrance was added
head of the electrical engineering
head of the music
informal dances and open houses
Tuesday and Thursday,
every Union building to eliminate condepartment: J. S. Horine, associate
while the dance committee takes . . . will be held at 5:45 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Monday night in the Union. The gestion at soldiers' "mess."
professor of engineering.
care of all Union dances.
Monday and Friday,
price will be 10 cents.
Law: elected for three years, Dr
Pitkin Club . . .
Frank H. Randall, professor of law
. . . Any University student interEducation: elected for three years.
ested in becoming a member of the
Dr. M. E. Ligon, head of the sec- II
Pitkin club should leave his name
education department;
By Shirley MeUler
men have been on the waiting list at the YMCA
" elected for two years; Dr. Carsie
Burton D. Levi, Chicago, 111., has
placed under the same regulations room. The members will be selected
Hammonds, head of the agricultural
Question: Would you support a
been transferred to the Army Air
V 1 II V 1
as the ASTP men, according to within two weeks.
"big name" dance riven at the
to secure better hospitals, roads, education department; elected for
College Training
Forces Thirtieth
The girls' glee club, under the Lieut. Arthur Erickson, command- Westminster Fellowship . . .
schools, sanitation, and public one year. Dr. Maurice F. Seay, head
detachment at Xavier university,
G. This
Barbara Winters, AfcS, junior: direction of Miss Mildred Lewis, ing officer of Companymust be in . . . group of the Maxwell Street Cincinnati, Ohio, from Sheppard
health. Conditions are still very of the educational administration
has begun rehearsal on a program means that these men
Presbyterian church will meet at Field, Texas. There he will take a
Yes, I'd be glad to support it.
poor, however, he emphasized, with department.
ex- for the Sunday afternoon music at 7:30 o'clock each evening
U- -i
Commerce : elected lor three
nm fftr Knnnar C nm fivn. five months preparatory
Gene Mathless, Klnkead hall:
"Tho ruinnlu r f a, ,1, K Amur,.. a 75 percent of the population
This activity may be taken cept Saturday unless attending the
and 7 p m Sunay for g r)rum course of military and acaaemic
and with prevalence 0( years. Dr. Rodman Sullivan. ao- Yes, I think UK could swing a series.
must be received by us on a
11LFI Oil
as a redit or
C13te proiessor oi economics; eieti-Dr- .
of which thi subject will be "Is
tuberculosis, syphilis, and malaria.
Uance if the soldiers and students
, . :.
-- ua tin,,,
of equality," stated Dr. Frank L.
huvillt at - ropmaruy ,., .. oeeKingr
two years. Dr. L. H. Carter.
University choristers, composed of
presented to the ed
McVev was
While a student at the University, McVey, president emeritus of the
men, women, and soldier students. p.m. Saturday ana enas at cju Dancing Lessons . . .
.J, h,. r,, Hr,rw
t. professor of economics;
Levi participated on the boxing and University, at the first convocation
Pit Mike KUosa, ASTP, Breckin- will present their annual Christ- p.m. Sunday.
year, W. E. Beats, asuistant
. . . are
held every Wednesday wrestling teams and received sev- of the fall quarter Wednesday.
Donovan, president of the Univer- - I one
ridge hall: Sure, because the music
professor of accounting.
mas program.
arc eating in the night at the Union ballroom, 4 for
These men
sity. Anita Roos, senior music stuts more nationally popular than
trophies for wrestling. He was
In explaining the relationships
members of the FacTime of rehearsal is to be an Union building with the other mili$1. Girls will be admitted free. a
writer before entering between our country and those of dent, sang two selections accom- ulty are Dr. Herman L. Donovan,
that of sectional bands.
tary students.
Howard Hall will instruct.
nounced at a later date.
panied by Robert Kuhlman, music
the army.
BllUe Fischer, A&S, freshman:
president of the University; Dr.
South America, the former presiMiis Rosalie Oakes.
WAA Party . . .
Yes, because back home in New
dent emphasized the fact that we instructor.
secretary, pronounced the Leo M. Chamberlain, dean and regYWCA
. . . from 3 to
p.m. Tuesday in
York we're able to see a name band
Paul Randall Marsh, who receiv- must accept these peoples with invocation and the benediction, and istrar; Frank D. Peterson, compAPPLICATION BLANK
the gym. All persons who belong ed
whenever we feel like it, and I miss
troller; Dr. Paul P. Boyd, dean of
his B.S. degree in bacteriology their differences and without conDr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean and the
to WAA are Invited. This party
arts and sciences college; Dr.
from the University in 1941, has descension If we hope to be good registrar, presided.
(for work on Starient I'nion ommitteesl
beginning of WAA memmarks the
Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the ag- been promoted to the nink of first neighbors.
Lraa Savage, Eng., sophomore:
drive which
The next convocation is schedlast lieutenant.
rirulture and home economics colDefinitely yes, because they know
Dr. McVey has formulated his
through next week.
uled for 11 a.m., Thursday. Oc- lege; James H. Graham, dean of
Please inriirate the committee on which you would like to serv
something besides "Stardust."
in college, Lieutenant opinions from his experiences dur21.
YM-VCabinet . . .
the engineering college; Dr. Alvin
stay In tober. October
PH, gam Feingersk, Breckinridge
Marsh, Rust burg, Va., was a mem- ing his recent three-mon. . . will meet at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday
E. Evans, dean of the law college;
i4 Foriun..
Bacteriology club, Gersoldier likes to write
ber of the
ball: Sure, a
in the Union building.
Dr. W. S. Taylor, dean of the edu- man club, and the University band a representative of the United
noire about the things he does and
V Meetings . . .
cation college; Dr. Edward Wlest.
States to aid the Venezuelan gov
and orchestra.
it sounds good. Also, they just ap
2) Activities.
ibt House..
. . will
dean of the commerce college; Dr.
be held at 6:15 Tuesday
peal to mc.
After graduation he was a re- ernment in planning a national
W. D. Funkhouser,
in the Union building.
dean of the
Pvt. Stewart Sommers,
search bacteriologist with the TenMartha Koppius, arts and sci- graduate school; Louis Clifton, diH
War Effort.
l3 Dance
Phalanx . . .
nessee Eastman company, Kings-por- t,
bull: I certainly would because
Stating thai the people of the ences senior from Lexington, has rector of University extension; Miss
. . . will meet at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday
Tenn., until he entered the United States must first lenrn to been elected
tfcink it would be a lot of fun.
of Mor- Margaret I. King,
librarian; Mrs
at the Colonial Bowling lanes.
armed service. He was graduated understand the peoples and prob- - tar Board, senior women's leader- - Sarah B. Holmes,
Fred Hill, A&S, sophomore: No,
dean of women;
All Fraternity . . .
from officer candidate school. Camp lems of South America, he briefly ship fraternity
btefcuse our last opportunity
Dr. T. T. Jones, dean of men; Vin. . . men on the campus will meet
Berkeley, Texas, in 1942, and is described the conditions there as
Miss Koppius succeeds Virginia.
down the river in March.
6:45 p.m. Tuesday in room 204, now personnel
adjustant at the '.ie observed them. A new program. Smith, who did nut return to the cent Spagnuolo, president of the
Carolyn Hill, A&S, Junior: Den
Union buiMiuK
N!iui'r FiWrt hospital.
ag. TT-- p
nltely, 'inst what the campus needs

Routine Business
Is Transacted
At First Meeting




By Wednesday

38 Men Of Company C
To Get Condnet Medals
At Review On Saturday


Students, Faculty
In Campaign

Military Parade
Set For p.m.
On Stoll Field



Polls To Be Open
At A.

"Dark Eyes" To
First In Series


Set For Tuesday
In Lafferty Hall






12-1- 4,



Meeting To Take
Place Wednesday


First Meeting

















Carnegie Listening
Hours Announced
For School Year

Music Department


L. MntOnieiW

Improvement Plans
For Campus Made





Rut-may- er,


Soldiers, Give Out!

Suky To Meet










Girls Glee Club
Begins Rehearsal

US's UKs

Given Regulations

Equality Musi Be Basis For






1fT CV



Talks At First
Convo Of Year

pre-fllg- ht











Mortar Board

Flects Koppius


� The Kernel Editorial Page












the Port Offlr

rltas matter under the


at Lexington. KenturtT,

"fHV F.(ll


Art ol Mareh I, 1R79.


Intercollegiate Pre
Board of Commerce
Kenturkv Press Association
National Editorial Association


MeMM.r.. eo.



I . tO. N, T.
IMUf Pmtluken



III Ksl'l







0 Gossip


All iemed rfirte mri ealummi mre to he coniiiferrtf thr
ul the trrtfert tJiemtelrei, and in not aecenrtft
Ttfleit the opinio o The Kernel.

Winn students

teisii ;n ion

prrsrmrd uiiiion


ing that something had been subtracted. This
sentiment niatei ialied into several inquiries to
1 he Kernel this week to the effect: no athletic
book, why no reduction in fees?
Many students hae regarded the ticket Ixxik
as something due them, a commercial pajK'r bv
sale of which they recoujted a substantial part
of their tuition. And with such a thought in
mind the monetary conscious feel that a cm in
fees is in order.
Most of the student lodv have vaguelv seen
"ihe fees" as made up of various sums definitelv
allocated for The Kernel, the Union, the Student Government association, athletics, arid
other University activities.
But suth is not the ease. The Board of
1 rustees decides upon the amount necessary for
each student to pay and then divides the sum
equally among the four quarters of the vear.
If aihlelic contests are scheduled, the Board
allots part of the fees for admission titkets to
the games. If no games are to Ik1 plaved. as in
the summer quarter, the fee remain the same.
In t tearing up the situation as regards litket
Ixtoks. President Herman L. Donovan told The
Kernel: "The lees lor anv quarter of the vear
are sVi. and if we have athletits we give the
students tickets. We will have basketball and
the students will le given admission titkets to

ol the old traditions have gone from
University. Today's freshman knows not
what a frosh tap looks like. The Thanksgiving
battle with Tennessee over the battered keg
has been ost toned indefinitely. No longer does
Clifton Pond
with the struggles of the
frosh and sophs in the annual muddv

resi-tifii- ce

ould Be
LSU now has another lake. So
says "The Reville."
This little brand new lake started life modestly as a .small ditch
over which sweating not perspirphysical education
ing, sweating
students had to jump in the obstacle course.
But aspiring for
greater things the little ditch begun to grow.
Aided by shoes which pushed in
its sides and by rains which flooded
it. the little ditch grew, and grew,
and grew. Not only did it grow
wider but it cut deeper into the
earth "poor earth . When the students missed, and they generally
did. they left with feet covered with
ihe gooiest mud ever created by
human labor and sweat "not perspiration".
Thus the little ditch
achieved its ambition.
noadmits that it is a full fledged
lake, and the physical education
instructors are thinking of taking
a water safety course.


Quick Work and How!
'"The Plainsman" of Auburn reports that a young soldier was noticed wearing ribbons for service
m most of the theaters of operation as well as the Purple Heart
and several other decorations. An
M P. was a bit leery as the soldier
appeared rather young and quite
resembled a rookie. The M P. stopped the young soldier and asked
him where he won certain of his
decorations. The young hero proudly said: "Why. I won them all in
a crap game."
P. S. He was relieved of his newly
won honors.










"Will you leave nie alone a minute

I'm trying to think
of something to gripe about !"



made. J.
wasn't far behind . . . wonder who
told him to go fly a kite?
BWOC Edith Weisenberger
seemed uninterested in her SUB
meeting last Tuesday . . . what was
it. something about "too bad so
and so wasn't a junior."
Back in the old town last week
was none other than "Slop" Guthrie to collect some SAE jewelry.
Kappa Marg Freeman made some
remark about her present flame
being in the Air Corps as a cavalry
pilot. . . . you know, pile it here,
pile it there.
Now that Bill Wichman was made
perhaps Honorary Cadet Colonel
But. let's go on to more intelligent subjects. Do you think Daisy Adalin Stern will be allowed to
Mae will catch L'il Abner on Sadie date her Pfc. Says Bill, "Everybody
Hawkins Day? If William please returns to the campus with a comcall me Bill) Cay wood doesn't mission, all we do is return."
learn how to run faster. Alpha Gam
Ester Nevitt will catch him long beFLASH::! Who said football was
fore then. By the way. why Isn't
dead at Kentucky? Jut before (he
that good Kentuckian named
press deadline came the informain the Army.
he ought to
tion that the ASTP boys have chalbe at least in the ASTP.
lenged the former Big Blue boys to
Sigma Chi Bob Whitley and Chi a tussle on the gridir