xt79gh9b6343 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt79gh9b6343/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1976 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 46, 1976 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 46, 1976 1976 1976 2012 true xt79gh9b6343 section xt79gh9b6343 University Archivti · S
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JOIN IN this fun contest open to all members "'
of the University of Kentucky Alumni Associo- PI
tion . . . Win voluoble prizes and be of service ht pmzg; 2 geusun Tickets
to your University. Here's all you do . . . Fol- TO UK Buskefbcll *76-*77
lowing the information below, sign up alumni
ond JOIN IN our 'Worldwide' contest. _ _ PI
OR Big 3 Day—2 Night Football
  Tickets, lodging, meals for two T,
1 point for each annual membership you Included
2nd PRIZE: Garment Bag
_ Val ed at 40.00 3
2 points for each joint (husband and wife) U $ E
3rd PRIZE: Morehead Print
10 points for each life membership Vclued GI $2000 A
Include your name with each membership submitted. * Equivalent value in merchandise
Make checks payable to: may be substituted
Here are the classifications of membership fees: ,
< > Individual ANNLJAI. MEMBERSHIIM dues, one year ($10.00l C°“I`°sI` ends r
( ) Joint ANNUAL MEMBERSI-l|P* dues, one year ($I2.00) August-    
( ) Individual LIFE MEMBERSHIP:  
( ) In full ($l75.00)  
( ) Partial payment ($45.00 annually for 5 years)** I
( ) Joint LIFE MEMBERSHIP (husband and wife): *
( I In full ($200.00
( ) Partial payment ($50.00 annually for 5 years)**
' Annual membership effective for I2 months from date check is received.
** If an Installment Life Membership Contract is paid in full prior to the end of the 5-year period,
the amount due will be reduced by $l0.00 per year for each year of prepayment.
Pleose give the following information on each new member:
NAME, CLASS, ADDRESS, OCCUPATION (Maiden name of alumna or wife}.
For membership forms and/or information on how to obtain names of prospec-
tive members in your area write or telephone Ado Refbord (606-258-8700) at
the UK Alumni Association.

 University Af¤l'•iV¢$
Margaret l. l'¥.i¤8 i-il>f¤¥*I · N°'*l‘
University of K¢¤W¢l¤Y
Lcxlnlwnr K¤¤*¤¤l·

Bri iof ly i
  i I
Room, Board opportunities for continuing professional r     " i
Holds the Line and managerial education, according to      
  Levis   lVlCCUllefs, director of the center i   ii V i
_ _ and assistant dean of the college. ,    : ‘ i
tion that will allow room and board rates ‘      i g   i .
to remain the same during the 1976-77 .   J     · J   1
school year. Jack Blanton, vice president   is  ''‘'   if  Ai   i
for business affairs, attributes the savings TWO Research Projects i_ W     ii  `  
to several factors. For one thing students Translated to Market  sis   i T E
have cooperated in reducing the amount Commodities     i  
of uneaten food that must be tossed out. A new concept for drug delivery and a   G , s  r  } r :
UK's energy conservation program has . . . . .   ';;$.¥"   i i- i
helped crit com considerably, moi Addr unique, practical television picture tube rrr     »»,.V   , V, V rr '_¢  i i
rionaiiy a new computerized program have found their way from the UK re- V . - . is  gi y  qlg    } I
that esrimarrs food prices by porrioris search scene to the public market.   I ir   y r , r
_ _ _ Dr, Anwar Hussain is co-developer of a  ,.   --__i r     i    i·. { ‘ 1
and maintains better menu and inventory ii€Wiy_pai€m8d birth control System   I    i   i
;;cri;9|' gionstructlon Of a new freezer called, Progestasert, which releases slowly   ri r   ty V   E
V at Enables _ the purchase of and continuously small amounts of pro- .  ·  s h i'? ~ `
frgzgn fggdg at Cgngidgrabig sayings, a d rates throu h a   'f" r K ~ I
`rtual me per sem occupancy of resi. g°$Y€'°“"’ at ‘°Y°g'a'“"`° . 9. iii. Rem., l
(incr haiis and a si nific rit incr _ device placed in the uterus. It is the first 9 i
the sales of board   to s§i§’§Z..l'L   autr   **0*m* °¤"* *as¤i*"€· i r
_ _ _ _ Dr. Lee Todd Jr. has designed a pic- . »
not living in the residence halls have been . . . UK Student Designs i
_ _ ture tube capable of displaying detailed _ i
contributing factors. information Written in Even the finest Local Airport Logo  
print. The tubs is cheap tp make (parts This hugier who will greet visitors to Q
  C0ST ¤b0¤T $50), can bp m6SS Dl'0dU0€d, the new Blue Grass Airport terminal was  
New Unit To Provide Can display photographs. USGS i€$S D0VV€l‘ designed by UK student Jill Reiling, a {
Educational programs and is m0F€ dUF¤b|€iih6¤ DF€Vi0uS tubes, sophomore art major. The design will be  
For Business, Government and rh¤S Thi? €€*P¤blll'iY Ofi 9F6Sl¤Q 0l”ilV the official logo of the airport and will S
  pOl'tlOflS ofthe SCl'€€l‘l lf desired. POtentl8l appear on stationery, publications and i r
A new agency, the Center for C0ntinu— uses include the display of flight informa- visual displays. i E
ing Professional and Executive Develop- tion, electronic mail services, signature The red, white and blue logo empha- l t
ment, has been established in the College verification, and numerous medical and sizes the Blue Grass thoroughbred indus- i i
of Business and Economics. Within a information retrieval systems applica- try by using a bugler, or starter, as the 2
week of its formation, the center held its tions. The system also can be transmitted focal point. His blue jacket is composed   3
first seminar entitled "Effective Selection over telephone and radio, opening up the of a pattern of white stars while the rest i E
lnterviewing". The center's objective is to possibility of placing monitors in homes, of the figure is red and white_ Nine stu- i S
provide public and private organizations offices and motor vehicles, and it is very dents participated in this graphic arts i S
and individuals throughout the state with adaptable to photocopying. class project. i r
2 i

I ....1....;...
Mining Degrees
Graduate and undergraduate degrees in a degree in civil engineering. About 100
mining engineering are expected to be students who have currently expressed
i revived shortly with the first degrees interest in the field will make UK's pro-
being granted as early as 1977. Since gram comparable to some of the larger
1967 when interest in mining engineering mining schools in the country.
seemed to die out, UK students have been
i specializing in this program but receiving
i Learning How to Abbott to pay an actress for appearing in UK Researchers Testify
  channei spontaneity videotaped interviews with anthropology At Space Hearings
f You are at home working on a project stu:/Tgsgltvpicai was the $40 that Went to The upcoming space shuttle program
  for class. A friend calls and asks for a ride Russian professor Boris Sorckiri for rental and priorities for using it to conduct
i across town.What will you say? Of a Russian movie; Or the $150 given biomedical experiments was the main
l lf you are aSsEmV€' you Wm refuse' forestry professor Stanley Carpenter to theme at hearings held On Campus by the
, 8CCO|'Cilf`lQ to iHST|'UC'[Ol’S of 8SS€l"[lV9f`l€SS buy a portable calculator for Students to   Sgnatg & Sub-gOmmi[t€g on Agro-
I training groups sp0nS0red by the Counsel- make Omsim determinations Of UBB space Technology and National Needs, A
r ing and Testing Center. `li-ihe six weeks growth and other ecoiogicai proiecrionsl space laboratory to conduct experiments
i Ion free class teaches onest direct , . . ,, . in a zero , or w i htless, environment is
i coniimunication which helps passive J hl-ng.; Ozject Of gms prigralg Sa;} D; one of thegexpectizg payloads of the space 7
i people to become more assertive and siidrges Biiisenigm rgjqdg ;;€;;?;;s uic; shuttle.
A agg'€“lY€ p€°*"‘? TO tame thm agg'°”i"€ improving me meaning-learning pmcess, D'· ~""“°S F· '·"*T°"’"V "“d D'· C'“"‘”
tendencies. Participants learn how to get which is, after ai', the UnivErSitv,S pri_ Knapp have been doing research at UK on
i their money’s worth when paying for mary purpose], Continued on page4
S services and how to say no to solicitors,
. parents, boyfriends and girlfriends. Readers Theatre, under the direction of Dr. Karen Valentine, performs a Bicentennial
Expressing anger and dealing adequately year tribute based on Kentucky folklore. The original script written by Dr. Valentine
with criticism are other skills taught in incorporated several frontier instruments which students learned to play.
3 the course. . wr w
, Approve Requests . "     t   . ‘ ·
_? With Minimum ‘ .'_»  ` ~--~»      __   ~‘
i Fuss and Red Tape         is me       · ·
i Small grants from $18.75 to _ . _  i = _ l  
$200-but amounting in the past three  ;\ _   __    
i years to more than $50,000——have been  ·   ii;   `__·`_,?:.i  i I I V ~  J,
i awarded University of Kentucky teachers ‘  ,,,4;      _;   i   _        
{ to finance innovative ideas in classroom i  _ * :’Y’/ '_ }     ._`’ I   .  {lr _ in A i  l` 
i instruction. I ` <         i ii e?2    { if;. it  
i , . . . · _4 r~ A 1 ;_·\·f~.‘:',{i‘·—.··y ,   .. E ity r.  iufline '” · .·· ·
i Quickly and quietly these mum-grants ,   t fit`: ii:   ·_     I    `iii I i ' _.,/;,,l { r  
I are given to pay for such diverse teaching _  `W  ff?  _'_` » Tik i   ‘~£€"’%,‘*{'ii¢’i‘¥ i `  '
I aids as movies, tapes, books and supplies, { ’   ~i;·`·i ` ` ` _    ri   L ·‘  
i student field trips and guest speakers. The   `i I ` ji:     _   sir   I
Q Smallest grant, $18.75, went to anthro- ,5  ·  ‘ »_   ~     V _‘ *$;?§, :`
  pology professors Jean Wiese and Susan   J A :   a   Pi! ”'é"` *·":*"‘   -~ 
I 3

 . l
— l
Around Campus Briefly l
the effects of gravity on the bone, muscle - 1
and cardiovascular systems of rats. ‘ E
"We know that bone formation and ..   » l t
fracture healing respond strongly to l t
applied force and that this primary force  r ». ger, _, , i l
is gravity. Knowledge of just how and       ;
why bone reacts to force would help   ;__ 1 _V_y_     i ls A " _ .  
physicians deal more skillfully with Sl